ÚÄ  The window with your message text  ³ ÚÄ  The window with your quoted text  Ä ÂÄÂÄÂÄ> Cursor-Up  ³ û ³ û ³  Move the cursor up, down. left or right in de current text Cursor-Down  ³ û ³ û ³  window. If you're moving up or down and reach the top/bottom Cursor-Down  ³ û ³ ³  window, your screen will scroll some lines up/down. Cursor-Down  ³ û ³ ³ Ä ÅÄÅÄÅÄ> Ctrl-Left  ³ û ³ ³  Jump betweens words in the current window. The space char is Ctrl-Right  ³ û ³ ³  treated as a word separator.  Ä ÅÄÅÄÅÄ> Ctrl-Q ³ û ³ û ³  Toggle between the Quote and Message window. The quote window  ³ ³ ³  is only available when you replay to a message. Use the ENTER Enter ³ ³ û ³  key in the quote window to copy a line to the message window.  Ä ÅÄÅÄÅÄ> Ctrl-R ³ û ³ û ³  Redraw the complete screen. Ctrl-U ³ û ³ ³  Insert line from the scrap buffer. Ctrl-Y ³ û ³ ³  Delete line to the scrap buffer. Cltr-Z ³ û ³ û ³  Save the current message  Ä ÅÄÅÄÅÄ> Esc ³ û ³ û ³  Popup the menubar.  Ä ÁÄÁÄÁÄ> Press [ENTER] to continue