File Wizard ͸ Area: Fichiers de Base (FREE !) Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 1 13495 KBytes in 58 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ACMEGUID.EXE 94k 22.05.96 [36] Le Guide d'ACME Il Manque encore pas mal de choses mais l'essentiel est l. Guide Hypertexte de l'utilisateur. Et donnez votre avis! ACMEPNT.EXE 1416k 16.05.96 [12] La config Point idale pour ACME Mets a dans ton C:\, tape ACMEPNT et en route! Finie la galre du QWK ;-) (FT-Link/2 Complete Point Package Very easy installation, many automatic functions without complicated configuration.) SOSBBS10.ZIP 41k 31.01.96 [44] SOSBBS version 1.0 Pour tout savoir sur les BBS... (en francais) MSGAREA.ASC 10k 31.12.93 [30] Liste des Confrences du Serveur ^C8,0;^C7,0;^C15,0; Tout pour manipuler les archives ^C7,0;^C8,0; ARJ.EXE 148k 31.10.95 [250] ARJ v2.50 pour les archives .ARJ AVIEW41.ZIP 120k 20.10.96 [27] Permet de lire les fichiers compactes en tous genres, Look ala Norton Commander Uploader: Yannick Veschambes PKPAK.ZIP 54k 21.04.93 [52] (D)Compresseur pour les archives ARC PKUNZIP.EXE 29k 03.08.93 [94] Dcompresseur pour les archives ZIP PKZ204G.EXE 198k 08.03.93 [125] PkZip 2.04g - La totale. RAR200.EXE 261k 08.05.96 [12] RAR Release 2.00 RAR200P.EXE 234k 08.05.96 [06] RAR for OS/2 Release 2.00 UARJ.EXE 31k 14.05.92 [184] Dcompresseur pour archives ARJ UC2R2.EXE 262k 17.11.94 [23] Ultra Compressor II. On dit que c'est bien... Des fois c'est indispensable, surtout si vous downloadez un .UC2 :-)) UNRAR.EXE 22k 01.08.94 [76] Dcompresseur pour archives RAR ^C8,0;^C7,0;^C15,0; Tout pour lire votre courrier ^C7,0;^C8,0; BWAVE212.ARJ 314k 17.12.92 [30] Readder Off Line BlueWave CATQWK22.ARJ 17k 29.04.93 [25] Concatnateur de QWK LHL_V2.ZIP 248k 15.05.93 [42] Lecteur Hors Ligne, un "Reader Off Line" en FRANCAIS qui nous vient de chez nos frangins du Qubec! OLX21.ZIP 218k 18.05.92 [67] Reader Off Line, succsseur de SLMR. PREAD22.ZIP 382k 02.10.93 [35] PREADER v 2.2 Reader off line (QWK) crit avec VB 3.0 (ben oui c'est sous Windows, feedback apprci) Uploader: Pascal Deville PREAD2B.ZIP 392k 04.08.93 [19] Petit reader off line Windows crit en VB3, oui mais il cause franais. [Feedback apprci] Uploader: Pascal Deville PROL_40.ZIP 195k 10.01.94 [33] Un Reader OffLine J'attends vos remarques adresses Franck Pouilly. Uploader: Franck Pouilly QPRN103.ARJ 112k 15.11.93 [09] Permet de faire le nettoyage dans ses fichiers QWK. S'interface avec QWKMerge Uploader: Jean-yves Morvan QWKM023B.ARJ 153k 29.01.92 [22] Merger de QWK ROBOM13A.ZIP 466k 30.05.94 [07] ROBOMAIL QWK Reader ver. 1.3 -- (1 of 2) New database oriented offline mail reader from Parsons Consulting. Breaks new ground with sophisticated database access to your messages, internal editor, spell checker & modern interface. Extensive support Internet E-Mail and Newsgroups. OS/2, Windows and DESQview aware. This protected mode version requires a 286 "AT" or better processor and 1 megabyte memory. New database oriented offline mail reader from Parsons Consulting. ROBOM13B.ZIP 359k 30.05.94 [009] ROBOMAIL QWK Reader ver. 1.3 -- (2 of 2) Download RoboMail 1.3 today and experience the next generation offline mail reader! SLMR21.ARJ 158k 29.01.92 [041] Reader Off Line SPEED140.ZIP 272k 04.04.94 [018] SPEED READ 1.40 QWK reader/message database. Features include: 25/28/43/50 line support, cross-posting, run multiple sessions, quote from any message, mouse support, more memory efficient, folders, bulk marking, long/wide messages, address book, mailing lists, auto signature, BBS/area specific settings, file attaches, macros, cc:, forward msgs, + more! SXR400.ZIP 353k 17.11.93 [016] Silver Xpress QWK/OPX Mail Reader 4.00 from Santronics Software. Now in 6th year! Fido, Internet, Fax, Forms Processing, Speech Friendly Interface, much more! Toll Free Technical Support. Fully featured Shareware Version. SXR400PU.ZIP 260k 17.11.93 [007] Silver Express Update TB19710P.ARJ 175k 13.11.93 [004] The-Box Mailer 1.97.10 PC * Public Beta Release * Too many features to list them here. So just dive in and see for yourself ;-) Some: (I)EMSI, 5D (domains), Hydra, generic Class 2 FAX receive, TimeSync. WR70.ZIP 481k 22.08.95 [21] Winread Version 7.0, Best QWK Mail Reader for Windows Support Win95/WinNT long names. Message Database Manager, (read several BBS packets at once). Internal Zip/Unzip, Off Line Mail Door Configuration, Support for Fido/Email messages, accented characters, external editor, UUencode/UUdecode. Character filter table for email messages. Internal Font for Best display. Powerfull Find text in databases function. ^C8,0;^C7,0;^C15,0; Tout pour communiquer ^C7,0;^C8,0; 400TER.ZIP 1397k 12.05.96 [009] TERMINATE Version 4 Un des meilleurs programmes d'emulation de terminal ! BBTH131.ZIP 132k 25.09.92 [129] BbtH Version 1.31. Petit soft de comm Francais,emul.term. Tty,Ansi,vt100,Qnx,Videotex, include protocoles J/X/Y/Zmodem,BBT (minitel 7 bits), gere modems Hayes ou kx-Tel ou pire modem d'un minitel... etc... BBTHDIA.ZIP 34k 25.09.92 [039] Extension du Rpertoire de BBTH BCOM.ZIP 104k 22.11.94 [038] BananaCom is a VERY simple com program. Excellent for the first time modem user and perfect for people who help people use modems. Provides auto ZModem, ANSI terminal emulation, dialing directory stored as a text file, auto port/speed detect and much more. CSORT100.ARJ 11k 03.07.93 [006] Communiqu, v2.00 dialling directory sorter. CU-222.ZIP 792k 09.09.95 [010] COMMUNIQUE for DOS - version 2.22 THE AWARD WINNING TERMINAL PROGRAM, with a very powerful built-in fully-featured HOST MODE - no more scripts! Why not have a look by downloading it, it's a FREE DOWNLOAD on all the CU Support BBSs. Communique is an extremely easy to use, learn and look at, TERMINAL PACKAGE. It has a GIF VIEWER and supports SOUNDBLASTER and the HYDRA BI- DIRECTIONAL file xfer protocol! Communique also boasts IEMSI, AVATAR, ANSI,File Manager & Tagging, ZIP/LZH/ARJ support, GIF support, infinite dialling directories, dialling dir. import from other software,FrontDoor Support IEMSI File Request, Multi-tasker support for all systems, and much, much - too much more! Try it and you will not be disappointed! CU-DISC.ARJ 11k 03.07.93 [005] Communiqu, v2.00 bulk discount schedule. CU-FEAT.ARJ 7k 03.07.93 [010] Communiqu v2.00 features list ... CU-PROTO.ARJ 7k 03.07.93 [010] Communiqu v2.00 example external protocol setup. CU-REGO.ARJ 14k 03.07.93 [006] Communiqu v2.00 worldwide registration/support sites and prices. CU-STRUC.ARJ 5k 03.07.93 [009] Communiqu v2.00 dialling directory structures (C and Pascal). CU-SYSOP.ARJ 13k 03.07.93 [012] Communiqu v2.00 BBS Sysop kit. LC-21.ARJ 114k 02.03.93 [003] Light Comm IEMSI, Great! Need a Fossil Driver LYNC30.ZIP 71k 08.07.92 [140] Superbe Petit logiciel de comms Zmodem IntSgr... MHC_100.EXE 785k 07.11.94 [006] Terminal Client Megahost pour se connecter sur ces satans BBS "propritaires" NUTCOM.ZIP 85k 22.08.95 [09] Simple and FREE dos comm program which features auto Zmodem downloading. QCOM320.ZIP 435k 05.09.95 [16] QCOM v3.20. A DOS communications pgm. Easy to use, features auto-script maker, scroll-back with quoter, mini-BBS host, music support, file tagging for batch uploads and easy modem setup. Supports ANSI, TTY VT100 emulations. X/Y/ZModem built in and can use other external protocols. Includes QMP v0.15 offline mail reader. Apr/95. Last revision date in archive: 05-31-95. TLX2CU02.ARJ 18k 03.07.93 [006] Telix to Communiqu dialling directory convertor. TMAIL110.ARJ 86k 11.11.93 [009] Mise jour de TMAIL100 livr ds TER110 Uploader: Pascal Guillard ZTERM09.CPT 186k 30.06.93 [006] Le meilleur soft de Com sur Mac en shareware. Permet l'emulation ANSI Uploader: Thomas Potez ^C8,0;^C7,0;^C15,0; Les Protocoles ^C7,0;^C8,0; HS-INST.ARJ 23k 19.05.92 [049] Instructions d'installation de HS/Link Contains instructions and setup files to help install the HS/Link protocol in a variety of COMM and BBS programs. HS121.ZIP 144k 14.06.93 [049] HS/Link External Protocol RELEASE v1.21 As of 4:07 pm, Thursday, May 6, 1993 HS/Link is a new high speed, single and bi- directional file transfer protocol with many advanced features. It is EASY to set up and runs very fast with all kinds of modems. Now includes ONLINE CHAT mode. FHSLINK.EXE now supports FOSSIL drivers. See HS-INST##.ZIP for install instructions. SZMOD200.ZIP 167k 12.06.92 [036] SuperZModem un clone qui permet de jouer, de travailler sur les disques, ou de causer avec le Sysop pendant le transfert! ^C8,0;^C7,0;^C15,0; Autres programmes utiles ^C7,0;^C8,0; HYPDK451.ARJ 273k 26.12.92 [62] Le CacheDisk Top Niveau LIST91C.ZIP 132k 22.08.95 [37] LIST.COM v9.1c Incontestablement le meilleur viewer de texte, permettant de selectionner, imprimer, lancer des commandes. Contient galement un composeur de numros de tlphone, des fentres droulantes... SEA12C.ZIP 615k 14.08.96 [00] SEA 1.2c Pour regarder tranquillement ses images en un clic de souris et dans toutes les rsolutions disponibles. SPKT465S.ZIP 391k 07.10.93 [37] SpeedKit from HyperWare v4.65 Contains the shareware versions of the world famous HyperDisk, HyperKey and HyperScreen Utilities. New version has updates for XtraDrive, DoubleSpace, new features in HyperKey and HyeprScreen. Documentation and orderform included. File Wizard ͸ Area: Uploads - Du Sysop en cours de classement Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 2 10276 KBytes in 259 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * NEONDEMO.ZIP OFFLINE [00] LIFEPM.ZIP 53k 19.02.98 * [00] PRO400G.ZIP 765k 15.02.98 * [00] PLUGINPK.EXE 3358k 15.02.98 * [00] (OS/2 The world-famous Inf) NETS202.EXE 4882k 15.02.98 * [00] (OS/2 The world-famous Inf) 21UP.EXE 282k 15.04.97 [00] (PM2L VisPro/REXX Runtime) ALLFILES.ZIP 260k 15.09.97 [00] ANS199D.ZIP 412k 17.06.97 [00] AWACS210.ZIP 191k 02.09.96 [00] BLT2RX_O.ZIP 287k 17.10.96 [00] BM3DEMOI.EXE 1375k 12.05.97 [00] (OS2L sfx.EXE) BNR120.ZIP 279k 21.01.97 [00] BNR125.ZIP 302k 23.09.97 [00] BOOTSET1.ZIP 37k 24.05.97 [00] BSET120.ZIP 38k 26.06.97 [00] BTSSCSI.ZIP 4k 22.07.96 [00] BVDOOR.DOC 718k 29.12.96 [00] BZIP021.TXT 1k 23.09.97 [00] (PTXT) BZIP021.ZIP 299k 23.09.97 [00] CASE15.ZIP 62k 14.03.97 [00] CBZONE.ZIP 33k 25.10.97 [00] CEDIT11.ZIP 67k 29.06.97 [00] CFMTWAIN.ZIP 1297k 30.12.97 [00] CFM Twain for OS/2 Demo version CGINB110.TXT 1k 20.09.97 [00] (PTXT) CGINB110.ZIP 19k 20.09.97 [00] CHKDSK.ZIP 177k 27.09.97 [00] CLWM171.ZIP 1695k 28.11.96 [00] COJOS2.TXT 1k 21.03.97 [00] (PTXT) COJOS2.ZIP 2726k 21.03.97 [00] COMPPAK1.ZIP 22k 20.09.97 [00] CPUMT11B.ZIP 278k 12.10.96 [00] CRONRGF4.ZIP 133k 26.06.97 [00] DCD.ZIP 16k 24.08.97 [00] DMOS219S.ZIP 2381k 19.07.97 [00] DMOS2_19.ZIP 656k 08.05.97 [00] DRAWIT.ZIP 306k 01.01.97 [00] DSKIO114.ZIP 49k 08.01.98 [00] E2_V321.ZIP 155k 29.06.97 [00] ELM23-2.ZIP 928k 14.02.97 [00] EMB_OS2.ZIP 1205k 11.05.97 [00] ENG30316.ZIP 1505k 26.06.97 [00] ENH_E101.ZIP 358k 25.10.97 [00] EZIRC121.ZIP 101k 17.06.97 [00] EZIRC12J.ZIP 101k 15.06.97 [00] FIGSHELL.ZIP 430k 11.05.97 [00] FILECHEQ.ZIP 87k 26.06.97 [00] FILEFR18.ZIP 125k 25.10.97 [00] FORTH040.ZIP 82k 29.10.97 [00] FP4K.ZIP 508k 24.09.97 [00] FROTHSRC.ZIP 311k 16.03.97 [00] FS030B.ZIP 834k 26.06.97 [00] FTE45OS2.ZIP 604k 29.06.97 [00] GENMB108.ZIP 636k 24.08.97 [00] GOODIDE7.ZIP 88k 27.09.97 [00] GSCR.ZIP 74k 26.06.97 [00] GSM120R.TXT 2k 26.06.97 [00] (PTXT) GSM120R.ZIP 44k 26.06.97 [00] GTAK258.ZIP 801k 24.09.97 [00] GTAR258.ZIP 593k 24.09.97 [00] HAL235R2.TXT 1k 23.09.97 [00] (PTXT) HAL235R2.ZIP 250k 23.09.97 [00] HOME2.TXT 1k 26.06.97 [00] (PTXT) HOME2.ZIP 55k 26.06.97 [00] HOTS052.ZIP 34k 15.01.98 [00] HP850.TXT 1k 30.08.97 [00] (PTXT) HP850.ZIP 24k 30.08.97 [00] HP850OS2.TXT 1k 30.08.97 [00] (PTXT) HP850OS2.ZIP 742k 30.08.97 [00] IBMPCC.LST 636k 10.05.97 [00] (PTXT) ICS2115.ZIP 27k 17.05.97 [00] IHPFS124.ZIP 55k 17.09.97 [00] IJ1_12B.ZIP 229k 18.09.97 [00] IJB14B1.ZIP 136k 24.08.97 [00] IJB20OS2.TXT 1k 27.09.97 [00] (PTXT) IJB20OS2.ZIP 209k 27.09.97 [00] IMAGEN.ZIP 335k 17.08.97 [00] INFWORLD.ZIP 801k 29.06.97 [00] IRC2_080.ZIP 1630k 25.10.97 [00] IRCD_OS2.TXT 1k 25.10.97 [00] (PTXT) IRCD_OS2.ZIP 489k 25.10.97 [00] IRCU21B4.ZIP 315k 26.06.97 [00] JAMWARP.ZIP 349k 26.06.97 [00] JED098-4.ZIP 992k 29.06.97 [00] KBM35011.TXT 1k 25.10.97 [00] (PTXT) KBM35011.ZIP 81k 25.10.97 [00] KILLC104.ZIP 26k 21.12.96 [00] KIN-EBT.DOC 311k 21.06.97 [00] KMPL0597.ZIP 71k 08.05.97 [00] KON109.TXT 1k 20.09.97 [00] (PTXT) KON109.ZIP 136k 20.09.97 [00] KZR0697.TXT 4k 26.06.97 [00] (PTXT) KZR0697.ZIP 238k 26.06.97 [00] LA_KVEC.ZIP 300k 02.01.97 [00] LXLIST.ZIP 18k 14.08.96 [00] LXLT121.ZIP 385k 24.08.97 [00] LXOPT122.ZIP 456k 17.09.97 [00] LZO100.TXT 2k 14.07.97 [00] (PTXT) LZO100.ZIP 368k 14.07.97 [00] MACTR150.ZIP 23k 24.10.97 [00] MBASE102.ZIP 729k 08.05.97 [00] MBMAN105.ZIP 314k 24.05.97 [00] MBUPD108.ZIP 225k 24.08.97 [00] MDEPSRC.TXT 1k 11.12.96 [00] (PTXT) MDEPSRC.ZIP 37k 11.12.96 [00] MH683J05.ZIP 100k 20.10.96 [00] MH683U05.ZIP 113k 20.10.96 [00] MIKMOS2.ZIP 198k 31.12.96 [00] MIXO101A.TXT 1k 25.10.97 [00] (PTXT) MIXO101A.ZIP 164k 25.10.97 [00] MLUP151.ZIP 7k 24.08.97 [00] MMCDDB10.TXT 1k 25.10.97 [00] (PTXT) MMCDDB10.ZIP 5k 25.10.97 [00] MOST423.TXT 1k 09.03.97 [00] (PTXT) MOST423.ZIP 78k 09.03.97 [00] MPAGE.TXT 1k 27.09.97 [00] (PTXT) MPAGE.ZIP 112k 27.09.97 [00] MRSR115.ZIP 42k 26.06.97 [00] MSQL1016.ZIP 69k 03.01.98 [00] MTEK001.TXT 1k 20.09.97 [00] (PTXT) MTEK001.ZIP 14k 20.09.97 [00] MTEK002.TXT 1k 20.09.97 [00] (PTXT) MTEK002.ZIP 167k 20.09.97 [00] NCRSCSI7.EXE 499k 12.10.95 [00] (DOS ) NETIO.ZIP 66k 04.01.98 [00] NEWKICKR.ZIP 1455k 20.10.96 [00] NEWOBJ10.ZIP 18k 20.10.97 [00] NEWS46E.TXT 6k 30.08.97 [00] (PTXT) NEWS46E.ZIP 185k 30.08.97 [00] NOIDLE11.TXT 1k 25.10.97 [00] (PTXT) NOIDLE11.ZIP 7k 25.10.97 [00] NPDSMI.ZIP 196k 24.12.96 [00] NUTSOS2.TXT 1k 25.10.97 [00] (PTXT) NUTSOS2.ZIP 197k 25.10.97 [00] NVI179.ZIP 1778k 26.06.97 [00] NYTS205.TXT 1k 18.12.96 [00] (PTXT) NYTS205.ZIP 69k 18.12.96 [00] OBJRXX30.ZIP 2037k 09.10.97 [00] OCHAT105.ZIP 497k 14.02.97 [00] OLEFILES.ZIP 780k 25.08.96 [00] OPEN11.TXT 1k 27.09.97 [00] (PTXT) OPEN11.ZIP 5k 27.09.97 [00] OS2ET6.ZIP 626k 17.09.97 [00] OS2FORTH.ZIP 539k 24.10.97 [00] OS2KRNLR.ZIP 508k 20.09.97 [00] OS2MB108.ZIP 735k 24.08.97 [00] OS2TRACE.ZIP 901k 24.08.97 [00] OS2_403.ZIP 66k 09.09.97 [00] OSC-302E.ZIP 698k 19.07.97 [00] OSCI302E.ZIP 935k 19.07.97 [00] PC2V200.ZIP OFFLINE [00] PGPREX12.ZIP 31k 24.09.96 [00] PHENX135.TXT 1k 30.08.97 [00] (PTXT) PHENX135.ZIP 92k 30.08.97 [00] PHOME102.ZIP 987k 24.08.97 [00] PHOME103.TXT 1k 25.10.97 [00] (PTXT) PHOME103.ZIP 987k 25.10.97 [00] PLNCH01S.TXT 1k 09.11.97 [00] (PTXT) PLNCH01S.ZIP 578k 09.11.97 [00] PMFLP301.ZIP 133k 08.01.97 [00] PMIDEMO.ZIP 2119k 15.09.97 [00] PMLPP140.ZIP 78k 24.08.97 [00] PMM195A.ZIP 1638k 18.10.97 [00] PMMEAL10.ZIP 327k 24.08.97 [00] PMMERGE.ZIP 964k 18.10.97 [00] PMMRXTOO.TXT 1k 09.11.97 [00] (PTXT) PMMRXTOO.ZIP 11k 09.11.97 [00] PMPN260A.ZIP 627k 08.03.97 [00] PMVKPR22.ZIP 975k 02.03.97 [00] PN210B4.ZIP 1025k 25.10.97 [00] PN2_100.ZIP 1383k 03.01.98 [00] PREP.ACS 2k 30.08.97 [00] PRO400F.ZIP 764k 21.06.97 [00] PROS1197.TXT 3k 25.10.97 [00] (PTXT) PROS1197.ZIP 123k 25.10.97 [00] PWWS112.TXT 1k 18.09.97 [00] (PTXT) PWWS112.ZIP 313k 18.09.97 [00] RC56401O.ZIP 68k 23.10.97 [00] RDB084.TXT 1k 17.03.97 [00] (PTXT) RDB084.ZIP 297k 17.03.97 [00] RDOS2A21.EXE 434k 22.09.96 [00] (OS2L The world-famous Inf) REXXGDB2.ZIP 132k 24.08.97 [00] RUNFOR18.TXT 2k 09.11.97 [00] (PTXT) RUNFOR18.ZIP 137k 09.11.97 [00] RXTT24.ZIP 208k 01.01.97 [00] SFB030.ZIP 2481k 14.03.97 [00] SHACKOS2.ZIP 101k 29.06.97 [00] SHFTRN.ZIP 21k 17.06.97 [00] SHM.ZIP 7k 30.08.97 [00] SIBDEMO.ZIP 3693k 03.01.98 [00] SIBYLB3A.TXT 1k 16.12.96 [00] (PTXT) SIBYLB3A.ZIP 2963k 16.12.96 [00] SIBYLFT1.ZIP 3303k 19.04.97 [00] SIMPFIX.TXT 1k 17.08.97 [00] (PTXT) SIMPFIX.ZIP 100k 17.08.97 [00] SLASH8B3.ZIP 796k 25.10.97 [00] SM2ADDON.ZIP 69k 14.03.97 [00] SPKRDD22.ZIP 70k 19.04.97 [00] SREFV12J.TXT 2k 23.09.97 [00] (PTXT) SREFV12J.ZIP 1029k 23.09.97 [00] SYSB091C.TXT 1k 23.12.96 [00] (PTXT) SYSB091D.ZIP 311k 03.05.97 [00] SYSB093B.ZIP 420k 15.01.98 [00] SYSBFLOP.TXT 1k 25.10.97 [00] (PTXT) SYSBFLOP.ZIP 27k 25.10.97 [00] SYSINFO4.ZIP 930k 20.07.97 [00] T2SPM.ZIP 888k 14.03.97 [00] TCPDUMPA.ZIP 387k 02.03.97 [00] TFILE10.ZIP 291k 14.03.97 [00] THCDASD.TXT 1k 14.07.97 [00] (PTXT) THCDASD.ZIP 39k 14.07.97 [00] TMB0997.TXT 1k 18.09.97 [00] (PTXT) TOLOWER1.TXT 1k 27.09.97 [00] (PTXT) TOLOWER1.ZIP 6k 27.09.97 [00] TOTO.BAT 1k 19.04.97 [00] (PTXT) TPOP102.ZIP 23k 17.06.97 [00] TSRCH100.TXT 1k 20.09.97 [00] (PTXT) TSRCH100.ZIP 45k 20.09.97 [00] TTON2200.TXT 1k 09.11.97 [00] (PTXT) TTON2200.ZIP 335k 09.11.97 [00] TURBOF.ZIP 327k 16.03.97 [00] TVFS210.ZIP 451k 26.06.97 [00] TVFS211.ZIP 449k 15.01.98 [00] TYPE2B1.ZIP 23k 27.08.96 [00] TYPE2B2.ZIP 25k 18.10.96 [00] UNZ531X1.EXE 212k 26.06.97 [00] (OS/2 The world-famous Inf) UNZ531X2.EXE 230k 26.06.97 [00] (OS/2 The world-famous Inf) VC2V1B1.ZIP 262k 01.03.97 [00] VDMUTILS.ZIP 49k 25.10.97 [00] VIL70OS2.ZIP 226k 14.03.97 [00] VJSCDKB1.ZIP 301k 10.05.97 [00] VNL0897I.ZIP 72k 24.08.97 [00] VP-BETA.ZIP 661k 08.05.97 [00] VXRX20C.TXT 1k 08.12.96 [00] (PTXT) VXRX20C.ZIP 271k 08.12.96 [00] VXTECH01.ZIP 23k 14.03.97 [00] VXTECH02.ZIP 4k 14.03.97 [00] VXTECH03.ZIP 3k 14.03.97 [00] VXTECH04.ZIP 4k 14.03.97 [00] VXTECH05.ZIP 61k 14.03.97 [00] W3GRAB15.ZIP 127k 15.01.98 [00] W4-PAPER.RTF 394k 24.09.97 [00] WALL220R.ZIP 203k 03.01.97 [00] WARPZIP.ZIP 595k 15.01.98 [00] WB30DMU1.DSK 657k 08.11.97 [00] WB30DMU2.DSK 1160k 08.11.97 [00] WE023.ZIP 122k 20.07.97 [00] WEBN20B1.ZIP 175k 25.10.97 [00] WGET_145.ZIP 116k 24.08.97 [00] WKICKR.ZIP 2009k 15.03.97 [00] WORDPRO.TXT 5k 28.11.96 [00] (PTXT) WUFTPD24.ZIP 346k 10.09.96 [00] XDEL105.TXT 1k 24.08.97 [00] (PTXT) XDEL105.ZIP 66k 24.08.97 [00] XPP303S.TXT 2k 27.09.97 [00] (PTXT) XPP303S.ZIP 1956k 27.09.97 [00] XQUOT11.TXT 1k 09.11.97 [00] (PTXT) XQUOT11.ZIP 59k 09.11.97 [00] ZIP21X1.ZIP 109k 08.05.97 [00] ZIP21X2.ZIP 156k 08.05.97 [00] ZIP22X.TXT 1k 09.11.97 [00] (PTXT) ZIP22X.ZIP 230k 09.11.97 [00] File Wizard ͸ Area: Uploads - Des utilisateurs en cours de classement Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 3 0 KBytes in 0 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * File Wizard ͸ Area: BBSF - French Connection Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 4 12845 KBytes in 219 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * BBSH9803.ZIP 377k 01.03.98 * [02] BBSF - Version HTML (C) A.C.M.E. BBS La liste des BBS francais! Version du 01/03/98 BBSF9803.ZIP 23k 01.03.98 * [00] BBSF - Version Texte (C) A.C.M.E. BBS La liste des BBS francais! Version du 01/03/98 ^C8,0;^C7,0;^C15,0; La French PointList ^C7,0;^C8,0; CVLIST11.ARJ 36k 20.01.95 [00] ConvList 1.1 Convertit la liste des points du format 4D au format FrontDoor. PLISTR32.Z58 12k 27.02.98 * [00] PLISTR32.Z51 12k 20.02.98 * [00] PLISTR32.Z37 11k 06.02.98 [00] PLISTR32.Z30 12k 30.01.98 [00] PLISTR32.Z23 12k 23.01.98 [00] PLISTR32.Z16 12k 16.01.98 [00] PLISTR32.Z32 12k 28.11.97 [01] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #132 PLISTR32.Z25 11k 21.11.97 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #125 PLISTR32.Z18 11k 14.11.97 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #118 PLISTR32.Z11 13k 08.11.97 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #111 PLISTR32.Z04 13k 31.10.97 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #104 PLISTR32.Z97 13k 24.10.97 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #097 PLISTR32.Z90 13k 17.10.97 [01] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #090 PLISTR32.Z83 13k 10.10.97 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #083 PLISTR32.Z76 13k 03.10.97 [01] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #076 PLISTR32.Z69 13k 26.09.97 [02] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #069 PLISTR32.Z62 13k 20.09.97 [00] - French PointList for Day #262 PLISTR32.Z59 16k 28.02.97 [01] - French PointList for Day #59 PLISTR32.Z52 16k 21.02.97 [00] - French PointList for Day #52 PLISTR32.Z45 16k 14.02.97 [00] - French PointList for Day #45 PLISTR32.Z38 16k 07.02.97 [00] - French PointList for Day #38 PLISTR32.Z31 16k 01.02.97 [00] - French PointList for Day #31 PLISTR32.Z24 16k 24.01.97 [00] - French PointList for Day #24 PLISTR32.Z17 16k 17.01.97 [01] - French PointList for Day #17 PLISTR32.Z10 16k 10.01.97 [00] - French PointList for Day #10 PLISTR32.Z03 16k 03.01.97 [00] - French PointList for Day #3 PLISTR32.Z55 16k 20.12.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #355 PLISTR32.Z48 16k 13.12.96 [01] - French PointList for Day #348 PLISTR32.Z41 16k 07.12.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #341 PLISTR32.Z34 16k 29.11.96 [01] - French PointList for Day #334 PLISTR32.Z27 16k 22.11.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #327 PLISTR32.Z20 16k 15.11.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #320 PLISTR32.Z13 16k 08.11.96 [01] - French PointList for Day #313 PLISTR32.Z06 16k 01.11.96 [01] - French PointList for Day #306 PLISTR32.Z99 16k 25.10.96 [01] - French PointList for Day #299 PLISTR32.Z92 17k 18.10.96 [01] - French PointList for Day #292 PLISTR32.Z85 17k 11.10.96 [01] - French PointList for Day #285 PLISTR32.Z78 17k 04.10.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #278 PLISTR32.Z71 17k 27.09.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #271 PLISTR32.Z64 17k 20.09.96 [01] - French PointList for Day #264 PLISTR32.Z57 17k 13.09.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #257 PLISTR32.Z50 17k 06.09.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #250 PLISTR32.Z43 17k 30.08.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #243 PLISTR32.Z36 17k 23.08.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #236 PLISTR32.Z29 17k 16.08.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #229 PLISTR32.Z22 17k 11.08.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #222 PLISTR32.Z15 17k 04.08.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #215 PLISTR32.Z08 17k 26.07.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #208 PLISTR32.Z01 17k 20.07.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #201 PLISTR32.Z94 17k 12.07.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #194 PLISTR32.Z87 17k 05.07.96 [01] - French PointList for Day #187 PLISTR32.Z80 17k 28.06.96 [00] - French PointList for Day #180 PLISTR32.Z73 17k 21.06.96 [01] - French PointList for Day #173 PLISTR32.Z66 17k 15.06.96 [00] - PointList032 for day #166 PLISTR32.Z96 17k 06.04.96 [01] - PointList032 for day #096 PLISTR32.Z89 16k 30.03.96 [02] - PointList032 for day #089 PLISTR32.Z75 16k 24.03.96 [00] - PointList032 for day #075 PLISTR32.Z61 16k 24.03.96 [00] - PointList032 for day #061 PLISTR32.Z82 16k 24.03.96 [00] - PointList032 for day #082 PLISTR32.Z68 16k 24.03.96 [00] - PointList032 for day #068 PLISTR32.Z54 16k 01.03.96 [00] - PointList032 for day #054 PLISTR32.Z47 16k 19.02.96 [00] - PointList032 for day #047 PLISTR32.Z40 16k 15.02.96 [01] - French Fido PointList for day #040 PLISTR32.Z33 16k 04.02.96 [03] - French PointList for day #033 PLISTR32.Z26 15k 28.01.96 [02] - PointList032 for day #026 PLISTR32.Z12 15k 20.01.96 [00] - 4D French Pointlist for day 012 PLISTR32.Z19 15k 20.01.96 [00] - plistr32 for day #019 PLISTR32.Z14 15k 11.11.95 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #314 PLISTR32.Z79 5k 07.10.95 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #279 PLISTR32.Z44 11k 13.02.98 * [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #244 PLISTR32.Z09 12k 09.01.98 [02] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #209 PLISTR32.Z02 12k 02.01.98 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #102 PLISTR32.Z88 15k 10.07.95 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #188 PLISTR32.Z81 15k 04.07.95 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #181 PLISTR32.Z74 15k 24.06.95 [02] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #174 PLISTR32.Z67 15k 24.06.95 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #167 PLISTR32.Z60 12k 27.12.97 [01] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #160 PLISTR32.Z53 12k 19.12.97 [01] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #153 PLISTR32.Z46 12k 12.12.97 [01] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #146 PLISTR32.Z39 12k 05.12.97 [00] - 4D French FidoNet PointList for day #139 PLISTR32.140 19k 21.05.94 [00] RPT_9212.ARJ 12k 09.02.93 [00] - Rapport du traffic messages pour dcembre 1992 RPT_9301.ARJ 5k 09.02.93 [01] - Rapport du traffic messages pour janvier 1993 RPT_9302.ARJ 4k 02.03.93 [01] - Rapport du traffic messages pour fvrier 1993 ECHOS032.Z27 4k 15.09.93 [01] - Liste des EchoMails disponibles (15/08/93) ECHOS032.Z58 4k 21.09.93 [03] - Liste des EchoMails disponibles (15/09/93) ECHOS032.Z88 4k 17.10.93 [01] - Liste des EchoMails disponibles (15/10/93) ECHOS032.ZIP 6k 23.06.93 [05] - Liste des EchoMails disponibles (15/06/93) ECHOS032.Z19 4k 17.11.93 [03] - Liste des EchoMails disponibles ECHOS032.Z15 4k 19.01.94 [04] - Liste des EchoMails disponibles ECHOS032.Z49 4k 16.12.93 [01] - Liste des EchoMails disponibles FC_9307.ZIP 203k 01.07.93 [67] - French Connection N0 Juillet 93 Journal des BBS Francais FC_9310.ZIP 167k 30.09.93 [170] - French Connection N1 Octobre 93 Journal des BBS Francais FC_9312.ZIP 230k 06.12.93 [209] - French Connection N2 Decembre 93 Journal des BBS Francais FCH-9312.ZIP 237k 28.11.94 [01] - French Connection 93/12 en HTML! Uploader: Hubert Tournier MC!.ZIP 97k 12.10.95 [01] - je crois que c'est le midnight commander !!! ^C8,0;^C7,0;^C15,0; Conf : la rfrence des confrences ! ^C7,0;^C8,0; CONF9304.LZH 53k 26.03.93 [17] - Annuaire des Confrences Franaises +500 - (C) T'n'T BBS CONF9305.LZH 57k 03.05.93 [13] - Rfrence des Confrences Reues en France Mai 93 (c) T-N-T BBS ^C8,0;^C7,0;^C15,0; Le Muse. Pour connatre l'volution du Parc des BBS ^C7,0;^C8,0; BBSFISH!.ARJ 19k 21.01.95 [06] BBSF - Rpertoire des BBS Franais Version Spciale 1er Avril 1993 BBS9601A.ARJ 57k 08.01.96 [01] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9010.ZIP 3k 03.11.91 [15] Une des toutes premires BBSF BBSF9109.ZIP 11k 02.09.91 [09] Liste des BBS Franais (c) Exetone BBSF9201.EXE 27k 24.01.92 [30] Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9202.ARJ 16k 25.02.92 [03] Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9202.LZG 15k 25.02.92 [02] Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9204.ARJ 19k 23.03.92 [03] Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. Version pour les PC&Compatibles BBSF9204.LZG 14k 23.03.92 [02] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. Version pour Mac et ST BBSF9205.ARJ 21k 24.04.92 [05] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9205.LZG 16k 24.04.92 [03] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9206.ARJ 21k 30.05.92 [10] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E BBSF9206.LZG 16k 30.05.92 [04] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9207.ARJ 20k 25.06.92 [14] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9207.LZH 16k 27.06.92 [08] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9208.ARJ 21k 25.07.92 [04] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9208.LZH 17k 25.07.92 [04] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9209.ARJ 22k 26.08.92 [18] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9209.LZH 18k 26.08.92 [06] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9210.ARJ 22k 25.09.92 [09] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9210.LZH 18k 25.09.92 [03] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9211.ARJ 27k 25.10.92 [16] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9211.LZH 23k 25.10.92 [06] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9212.ARJ 33k 25.11.92 [12] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9212.LZH 29k 25.11.92 [04] - Liste des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9301.ARJ 33k 25.12.92 [07] - Liste des BBS Francais Jan-93 BBSF9301.LZH 32k 25.12.92 [05] - Liste des BBS Francais Jan-93 BBSF9302.ARJ 36k 25.01.93 [21] - Liste des BBS Francais Fv-93 BBSF9302.LZH 37k 25.01.93 [03] - Liste des BBS Francais Fv-93 BBSF9303.ARJ 40k 25.02.93 [27] - BBSF Rfrence des BBS Franais (c) A.C.M.E. BBS BBSF9303.LZH 43k 26.02.93 [13] - BBSF Rfrence des BBS Francais (c) A.C.M.E. BBSF9304.ARJ 40k 25.03.93 [17] - Liste et Rfrence des BBS Franais Avr 93 BBSF9304.LZH 45k 25.03.93 [03] - Liste et Rfrence des BBS Franais Avr 93 BBSF9305.ARJ 41k 26.04.93 [13] - Liste et Rfrence des BBS Franais Mai 93 BBSF9305.LZH 50k 16.07.95 [02] - Liste et Rfrence des BBS Franais Mai 93 BBSF9306.ARJ 44k 25.05.93 [07] - Liste et Rfrence des BBS Franais Juin 93 BBSF9306.LZH 54k 25.05.93 [04] - Liste et Rfrence des BBS Franais Juin 93 BBSF9307.ARJ 44k 27.06.93 [19] - Liste et Rfrence des BBS Franais Juil 93 BBSF9307.LZH 57k 27.06.93 [02] - Liste et Rfrence des BBS Franais Juil 93 BBSF9310.ARJ 46k 30.09.93 [22] - Liste et Rfrence des BBS Franais Oct 93 BBSF9310.LZH 44k 30.09.93 [05] - Liste et Rfrence des BBS Franais Oct 93 BBSF9312.ARJ 48k 06.12.93 [158] - Liste et Rfrence des BBS Franais Dc 93 BBSF9312.LZH 49k 06.12.93 [17] - Liste et Rfrence des BBS Franais Dc 93 BBSF9405.ARJ 44k 16.04.94 [84] - BBSF - Liste des BBS Francais Mai 94 BBSF9405.LZH 43k 16.04.94 [15] - BBSF - Liste des BBS Francais Mai 94 BBSF9406.ARJ 42k 26.05.94 [121] - Repertoire des BBS Francais Juin 94 BBSF9406.LZH 40k 30.05.94 [19] - Liste des BBS Francais Juin 94 BBSF9408.ARJ 43k 28.07.94 [89] - Repertoire des BBS Francais Aout 94 BBSF9408.LZH 42k 28.07.94 [15] - Repertoire des BBS Francais Aout 94 BBSF9410.ARJ 43k 25.09.94 [97] - Repertoire des BBS Francais - Octobre 94 BBSF9410.LZH 42k 25.09.94 [07] - Repertoire des BBS Francais - Octobre 94 BBSF9411.ARJ 46k 31.10.94 [101] - Repertoire des BBS Francais Nov 94 BBSF9411.LZH 45k 31.10.94 [10] - Repertoire des BBS Francais Nov 94 BBSF9412.ARJ 48k 30.11.94 [181] - Liste et Reference des BBS Francais - Dec 94 BBSF9412.LZH 48k 30.11.94 [25] - Liste et Reference des BBS Francais - Dec 94 BBSF9502.ARJ 50k 21.01.95 [153] - BBSF Fev 95 - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9502.LZH 50k 21.01.95 [18] - BBSF Fev 95 - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9503.ARJ 50k 28.02.95 [106] - Repertoire des BBS Francais - Mars 95 BBSF9503.LZH 45k 28.02.95 [16] - Repertoire des BBS Francais - Mars 95 BBSF9504.ARJ 50k 30.03.95 [160] - BBSF - Reference des BBS Francais - Avril 95 BBSF9504.LZH 50k 30.03.95 [26] BBSF - Reference des BBS Francais - Avril 95 BBSF9507.ARJ 51k 25.06.95 [23] BBSF - Reference des BBS Francais (Juillet 95) BBSF9507.LZH 52k 25.06.95 [04] BBSF - Reference des BBS Francais (Juillet 95) BBSF9508.ARJ 52k 02.08.95 [11] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9508.LZH 47k 02.08.95 [08] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9509.ARJ 53k 28.08.95 [12] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9509.LZH 48k 28.08.95 [05] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9510.ARJ 55k 06.10.95 [12] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9510.LZH 50k 06.10.95 [04] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9511.ARJ 55k 03.11.95 [05] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9511.LZH 50k 03.11.95 [02] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9512.ARJ 57k 27.11.95 [10] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9512.LZH 53k 27.11.95 [08] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9601.ARJ 58k 03.01.96 [15] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9601.LZH 54k 03.01.96 [10] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9603.ARJ 60k 01.03.96 [38] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais (Mars 1996) BBSF9701.ZIP 37k 09.02.97 [08] Liste des BBS Francais (c) A.C.M.E. BBS BBSF9702.ZIP 33k 16.02.97 [09] BBSF - Repertoire des BBS Francais BBSF9704.ZIP 23k 04.04.97 [05] BBSF - Version Texte (ASCII) BBSF9705.ZIP 23k 03.05.97 [05] BBSF - Version Texte (ASCII) BBSF9706.ZIP 24k 06.06.97 [04] BBSF - Version Texte (ASCII) BBSF9709.ZIP 25k 02.09.97 [01] BBSF - Version Texte (ASCII) BBSF9710.ZIP 25k 03.10.97 [04] BBSF - Version Texte (ASCII) BBSF9711.ZIP 25k 04.11.97 [02] BBSF - Version Texte (ASCII) BBSF9712.ZIP 28k 13.12.97 [03] BBSF - Version Texte BBSF9801.ZIP 23k 24.01.98 [01] BBSF - Version Texte BBSF9802.ZIP 23k 15.02.98 * [00] BBSF - Version Texte BBSH9406.ZIP 121k 26.05.94 [77] BBSH - Version Hypertexte/DOS BBSH9408.ZIP 123k 28.07.94 [73] BBSH - Version Hypertexte/DOS BBSH9411.ZIP 143k 01.11.94 [212] BBSH - Hypertexte/DOS BBSH9507.ZIP 139k 25.06.95 [13] BBSH - Hypertexte/DOS BBSH9508.ZIP 158k 02.08.95 [06] BBSH - Hypertexte/DOS (Aout 1995) BBSH9509.ZIP 174k 28.08.95 [14] BBSH - Hypertexte/DOS (Septembre 1995) BBSH9510.ZIP 148k 06.10.95 [05] BBSH - HyperTexte/DOS (Octobre 1995) BBSH9511.ZIP 168k 03.11.95 [05] BBSH - HyperTexte/DOS (Novembre 1995) BBSH9512.ZIP 153k 27.11.95 [01] BBSH - HyperTexte/DOS (Dcembre 1995) BBSH9601.ZIP 179k 03.01.96 [07] BBSH - HyperTexte/DOS (Janvier 1996) BBSH9603.ZIP 182k 01.03.96 [25] BBSH - Hypertexte/DOS (Mars 1996) BBSH9702.ZIP 370k 03.03.97 [02] BBSF - Version HTML (fvrier 1997) BBSH9704.ZIP 276k 09.04.97 [05] BBSF - Version HTML (avril 1997) BBSH9705.ZIP 317k 03.05.97 [04] BBSF - Version HTML (mai 1997) BBSH9706.ZIP 367k 09.06.97 [01] BBSF - Version HTML (06/06/97) BBSH9709.ZIP 376k 04.09.97 [02] BBSF - Version HTML BBSH9710.ZIP 393k 03.10.97 [00] BBSF - Version HTML BBSH9711.ZIP 393k 04.11.97 [02] BBSF - Version HTML BBSH9712.ZIP 389k 04.12.97 [00] BBSF - Version HTML BBSH9801.ZIP 373k 24.01.98 [02] BBSF - Version HTML BBSH9802.ZIP 372k 15.02.98 * [00] BBSF - Version HTML ^C8,0;^C7,0;^C15,0; Le muse des rpertoires tlphoniques ^C7,0;^C8,0; BBSP9510.ARJ 194k 06.10.95 [02] Repertoires telephoniques des BBS Francais dans les formats natifs des logiciels de communication les plus courants BBSP9511.ARJ 196k 03.11.95 [02] Repertoires telephoniques des BBS Francais BBSP9512.ARJ 203k 27.11.95 [02] Repertoires telephoniques des BBS Francais BBSP9601.ARJ 206k 03.01.96 [04] Repertoires telephoniques des BBS Francais BBSFON04.ARJ 177k 30.03.95 [13] Rpertoires Tl. des BBS Franais Avr 95 BBSFON05.ARJ 143k 16.04.94 [09] Rpertoires Tl. des BBS Franais Mai 94 BBSFON06.ARJ 127k 26.05.94 [10] Rpertoires Tl. des BBS Franais Juin 93 BBSFON10.ARJ 136k 25.09.94 [09] Les numros des BBS Franais BBSFON11.ARJ 153k 31.10.94 [07] Les Numros de Tl des BBS Franais BBSFON12.ARJ 163k 30.11.94 [11] Rpertoires Tl. des BBS Franais Dc 94 File Wizard ͸ Area: Infos - Bulletins Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 5 56 KBytes in 21 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * [Pressez la touche 'V' pour voir le fichier slectionn] Bulletins DEDIC.TXT 3k 10.09.94 [04] Les Greetings CONFIG.ANS 3k 24.02.94 [10] La Config d'A.C.M.E. C:\CBBS\CANS OFFLINE HEWS.ASC [02] Les News du serveur depuis le dbut !! BBSF les BBS Franais D:\FILES\BBS OFFLINE \BBSFLIST.TXT [28] Liste des BBS Francais rsume D:\FILES\BBS OFFLINE \BBSFLONG.TXT [22] Rfrence Complte des BBS Monter votre BBS BBS.TXT 3k 05.04.92 [27] Les Logiciels Necesaires MAILERS.TXT 1k 14.04.92 [21] Mailers MATOS.TXT 2k 04.04.96 [34] La Config MODEMS.TXT 2k 04.04.96 [39] Les Modems MULTITSK.TXT 4k 14.04.92 [20] Le Multi Tache SOFTS.TXT 2k 14.04.92 [27] Les Softs de BBS TOSS.TXT 2k 14.04.92 [26] Le processeur de Messages UTILSBBS.TXT 2k 17.04.92 [32] Les utilitaires CONSEILS.TXT 1k 14.04.92 [31] Pour finir quelques conseils Les vieux menus d'ACME BBS FHDMAI.ANS 3k 04.04.96 [07] Un Menu MAIN.ANS 4k 04.04.96 [08] Un autre Menu FMCODUSG.TXT 5k 16.06.92 [02] Les rgles de fonctionnement de FrancoMedia HISTO.TXT 3k 04.04.96 [04] L'historique d'ACME BBS MADAGASC.TXT 4k 20.05.94 [02] PRE1995.TXT 1k 05.10.94 [02] PREM_MES.TXT 3k 30.04.92 [02] PRESENT.TXT 14k 25.04.92 [03] RETOUR.TXT 4k 05.10.94 [04] VISITER.TXT 1k 22.04.92 [07] File Wizard ͸ Area: Infos - Listes de Fichiers, Listes de BBS Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 6 11240 KBytes in 83 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ACME.ARJ 478k 10.03.98 * [064] Liste de tous les fichiers d'ACME BBS ACMENEWS.ARJ 4k 10.03.98 * [624] Liste des Nouveauts (moins de 15 jours) INDEX.ZIP 260k 05.05.93 [17] Index du CD SIMTEL (dispo ici). Uploader: Franois HeizMann PP-MEGAC.ARJ 93k 27.05.94 [07] Index du CD Profit Press (dispo ici). CD5LST.ARJ 388k 24.09.93 [11] Liste du CD ROM MSDOS Collection 5 Stars Premium Serie. Les descriptions sont tronques 255 cars mais ce n'est pas trop gnant. BLACKBOX.ARJ 136k 24.09.93 [11] Liste du CD BLACK BOX, Vieux mais avec de trs bons trucs rares. CD-ASC.RAR 520k 11.11.94 [06] Listes Rares (sic) des VRACS DOS et OS/2 des CD Asc #15 #17 (dispos ici). Infos Diverses !SHRIEK!.ARJ 13k 20.04.93 [01] Liste des fichiers de !! SHRIEK !! (68-31-57-66) 07ER128.LZH 45k 18.05.93 [08] BBSLIST de la region 49/7 Stuttgart Uploader: Otto-wilhelm Heinze 220620.ZIP 39k 11.10.93 [08] Liste des Fichier de SuperBBS HQ (Aki Antman) 22441126.ZIP 205k 21.05.94 [00] OS/2 Develloper's Paradise File List Upl: Christophe Abegg 23200200.ZIP 200k 18.05.94 [02] Liste des Fichiers de Bubulle System 23222FIL.ARJ 231k 21.12.92 [01] Liste des Fichiers de LYS_VALLEY 2_324_1.ZIP 39k 06.11.91 [08] Liste des Fichiers de Port de La Lune Spcialis Astronomie 2_325_6.ARJ 88k 20.03.94 [03] Liste des Fichiers de Regio-BBS 2_701.ZIP 68k 11.07.91 [06] Liste des Fichiers de DingoMicro 322_2.ZIP 24k 10.09.91 [03] Liste de Lys Valley 512-149.ARJ 220k 01.05.94 [00] Liste des fichiers Prime Productions AEP-0594.ZIP 138k 24.05.94 [06] Ameriboards La liste des BBS Amricains ALLFILES.TXT 634k 21.06.95 [00] Liste de Borland BBS ALLFILES.ZIP 636k 12.10.93 [12] Liste des Fichiers de Li'LL ARDLIST.EXE 22k 21.12.92 [03] Liste des Fichiers de L'Art des Choix ASCHYPER.ARJ 6k 21.11.93 [05] Descriptif des progs d'hypertexte sur CD-ASC de 11/93 Uploader: Jean-yves Morvan ASTROTOT.TXT 170k 01.08.92 [04] Liste de StarBase One !!!ASTRONOMIE 100%!!! B-BBS02.ZIP 38k 12.01.96 [00] The Best-BBS Update 08/01/1996 This Is A list Of Belgian BBS. This Archive Include: - The Ascii Version For All - The ANSI Version For SysOp - The Last Changes This is your BBS list Thanks For You Help. Written By V.Vangoethem AnD P.Vandersteegen BBS-L008.ZIP 43k 04.05.97 [00] ********** BBS_LIST *********** * LA liste des BBS Franais ! * ******************************* ( ASCII, Hypertexte et HTML ! ) Mise jour tous les 15 jours sur Silk BBS : ! Version Compile le : 01-05-1997 BBS0513.ZIP 33k 24.05.94 [02] Listes des BBS de San Diego County BBS47A.ZIP 104k 24.12.95 [05] Liste de BBS-47 22/10/95 Uploader: David Ducassou BBS_9308.ZIP 21k 26.12.93 [44] Liste des numros de tlphone de BBS de firmes US. Uploader: Francois Heizmann CANADA.ARJ 128k 29.10.93 [01] Liste des Fichiers de Canada Dry - Tours CATALOG.ZIP 217k 15.06.96 [02] Liste des fichiers de MEGALAND BBS CDASC10.ZIP 345k 31.12.93 [01] CD ASC N10 Dcembre 1993 Liste des fichiers du CD-ROM mensuel DP Tool Club. CDDOC.TXT 36k 24.11.93 [11] - Catalogue de CD en vente directe sur Iceberg BBS CDDP1221.ZIP 233k 24.12.95 [03] Liste des DP contenus dans divers CD-ROM diffuss dans des revues du commerce (PC Fun, Team, etc ...) Par David Ducassou, 21/12/95. (Fichier au format Excel 5). Uploader: David Ducassou CD_ASC.ARJ 185k 17.11.93 [02] Liste des fichiers sur CD dptool octobre 93 + liste des fichiers du CD ray-tracing Uploader: Jean-yves Morvan CHAOS2FL.ZIP 124k 02.05.94 [07] Liste des Fichiers de CHAOS/2 CONTRAST.ZIP 70k 07.03.95 [00] Liste des fichiers de CONTRAST BBS CYBERLIS.ARJ 50k 22.03.95 [01] La liste de TOUS les fichiers de cyber's Home. Version .EXE. C_POPOL.ZIP 69k 09.12.96 [00] >> Liste des Fichiers disponibles << >> ------------------------------ << >> Chez Popol - BBS << >> ------------------------------ << >> 05 59 53 14 10 << >> tous les jours de 22h30 1h << >> respectez les horaires << >> ------------------------------ << Uploader: Xavier Imbs DIRS.ZIP 5k 03.09.95 [02] Liste des fichiers de THE "CHEZ LE SUISSE" BBS DREA0393.LZH 27k 07.03.93 [20] Liste des BBS Suisses DREA1193.LHA 35k 09.12.93 [16] Liste des BBS suisses (11.93) Uploader: Olivier Bettens DREAMLST.ARJ 16k 20.04.93 [07] Liste des Fichiers d'ELECTRIC DREAMS BBS FRANCE. Uploader: Lionel Soriano ECHOMAIL 8k 05.12.91 [17] Liste des Echomails disponibles en france ELECALL.ZIP 452k 05.05.94 [01] Liste des Fichiers d'Electric Chair plein de trucs pour OS/2. J'y vais souvent, alors si vous voulez un truc n'hsitez pas! ERANAS.ZIP 42k 29.10.93 [01] Liste des Fichiers de ERANA'S Peace - Toulouse EUROBBS.ZIP 87k 05.10.93 [32] Liste de Bbs en Europe Uploader: Valry Lopes F285-311.ZIP 100k 04.02.92 [04] Liste des Fichiers In Faase BBS (Nl) Spcialiste du Pascal F332_402.ZIP 150k 06.05.94 [00] Lista files presenti su 2:332/402 FICHIERS.ARJ 192k 09.11.94 [01] Liste des Fichiers de CanadaDry BBS FILEALLD.LZH 155k 03.06.95 [00] Liste des fichiers de IBM BBS FILELIST.ZIP 27k 10.09.91 [00] Liste des fichiers Exetone pour voir la rigueur du sysop du regrett BBS FL_08-10.ZIP 62k 08.10.95 [00] File List SHARE-LINE BBS Date de la file-list: 10/08/1995 Tl: Uploader: Franck Rayssiguier FREEBBS.ZIP 246k 07.12.94 [01] Liste des Fichiers de Free BBS FTP-LIST.ZIP 326k 10.04.95 [01] Liste des sites anonymous ftp avec une description des themes traites en date de fvrier 95. Plus un faq sur ftp. GEDDOC.ARJ 280k 03.02.97 [00] Liste des fichiers de GEDDOC BBS Spcialis dans les docs Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis GREEN.ARJ 38k 29.05.94 [01] La liste de GREEN BBS Manosque Uploader: Alain Thomas HD0994R7.ZIP 72k 29.11.94 [04] 09/94 Hard disk spec list. IBMFILES.TXT 272k 06.04.95 [00] Liste des fichiers de IBM PCC BBS ICEPRIX.EXE 18k 13.12.91 [18] Des Prix de matos en france BBS Iceberg INTERLIS.ZIP 29k 18.05.93 [06] Liste des fichiers d'(intermde) BBS au Uploader: Francois Boyer JOJOBBS.ZIP 111k 06.07.95 [00] La Liste des fichiers de Little Wing's BBS ( 1 ligne 28800 bps VFC Heures d'ouverture : 22h30 - 07h00 Freq autorises ces heures. JOJOFILE.ZIP 107k 02.01.96 [00] La Liste des fichiers (hors-CDROM) de Little Wing's BBS ( 1 ligne 28800 bps V34 Ouvert 24h/24. Freqs possibles de 6h a 5h. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis K12_INFO.ARJ 19k 19.05.92 [06] Informations sur le rseau ducatif K12 LILLBBS.ARJ 269k 18.06.92 [03] Le Grand Parisien LISTEFTP.ARJ 32k 18.11.92 [03] Liste de sites FTP avec descriptions MAXFILES.ZIP 5k 12.07.93 [02] Utilitaires pour Maximus disponibles chez FreeBBS Freq.: Maxfiles pour la derniere vers. au 2:322/10 Uploader: David Laurent MLUNE.ARJ 140k 29.08.96 [00] File List du BBS MorteLune Toulouse Uploader: Christophe Demory MODFIC.ZIP 238k 18.06.92 [02] Modula MWHOSWHO.ARJ 12k 20.06.92 [02] le WHO'S WHO de MODULA BBS NIXL1230.ZIP 18k 16.05.92 [79] Liste des Sites UNIX libres d'accs OS2MANIA.LZH 108k 24.11.93 [05] Liste des Fichiers du BBS OS/2 MANiA POLFILES.EXE 193k 01.10.93 [02] Liste de Paul's BBS Bourges PROTEUS4.ARJ 136k 15.10.93 [01] Liste des Fichiers de Proteus IV (Perpignan) SERVERS.RAR 3k 28.09.96 [01] The Unofficial Undernet server list generated Thu May 30 11:46:11 CDT 1996 SHAFORUM.ZIP 340k 28.12.93 [00] Directory du CD-ROM Shareware Forum de Select Soft SPHINX.ARJ 58k 20.03.95 [00] Liste des fichiers de SPHINX BBS TMS-LSTF.ARJ 32k 07.09.91 [03] Liste des Fichiers de TMS-INW UNIXERIE 53k 10.09.94 [00] Liste des fichiers de Unixerie YELLOP.ZIP 25k 10.12.91 [01] Liste des Fichiers de Yell'OP ZYLLIUS.GIF 41k 18.06.92 [15] BBS du Sud de la France une Pub en GIF ZYLLIUS.ZIP 316k 12.10.93 [12] BBS du Sud de la France ZYLVU103.ZIP 35k 27.10.93 [05] Zylview v1.03 Fabuleux viewer pour ZYLLIUS.LST/ZYLLIUS.IDZ ou autre IDZ. Ultra rapide, 25/43/50 lignes, pratique... **INDISPENSABLE** :-) Uploader: Dominique Klein File Wizard ͸ Area: Fido - FidoNews Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 7 3579 KBytes in 193 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ARTSPEC.ZIP 6k 24.07.96 [02] ARTicle SPECifications for submissions to FidoNews [update]. FNEWS908.LZH 27k 23.02.92 [02] FNEWS909.LZH 30k 28.02.92 [02] FNEWS911.LZH 17k 16.03.92 [00] FNEWS936.LZH 10k 13.09.92 [00] FidoNet Newsletter FNEWS938.LZH 23k 20.09.92 [00] FidoNet Newsletter FNEWS939.LZH 30k 27.09.92 [01] FidoNet Newsletter FNEWS940.LZH 28k 05.10.92 [02] FidoNet Newsletter FNEWS941.LZH 18k 12.10.92 [00] FidoNet Newsletter FNEWS942.LZH 14k 19.10.92 [00] FidoNet Newsletter FNEWS943.LZH 19k 25.10.92 [00] FidoNet Newsletter FNEWS948.LZH 9k 29.11.92 [01] FidoNet NewsLetter FNEWS918.LZH 17k 04.05.92 [01] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS920.LZH 12k 17.05.92 [00] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS922.ZIP 12k 01.06.92 [00] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS924.ZIP 24k 15.06.92 [00] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS925.ZIP 7k 23.06.92 [01] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS926.ZIP 12k 29.06.92 [01] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS928.ZIP 6k 13.07.92 [01] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS929.ZIP 10k 20.07.92 [00] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS930.LZH 10k 27.07.92 [00] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS931.LZH 20k 03.08.92 [00] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS932.LZH 27k 10.08.92 [00] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS933.LZH 11k 17.08.92 [00] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS934.LZH 27k 24.08.92 [00] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS935.LZH 26k 01.09.92 [00] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS937.LZH 23k 13.09.92 [00] Adopted by XFLC v1.00 : Description follows... FNEWS949.LZH 13k 06.12.92 [01] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWS950.LZH 18k 14.12.92 [01] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWS951.LZH 18k 20.12.92 [01] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWS952.LZH 20k 28.12.92 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSA01.LZH 29k 05.01.93 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSA02.LZH 29k 11.01.93 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSA03.LZH 17k 22.01.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA04.LZH 30k 31.01.93 [01] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA05.LZH 19k 08.02.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA06.LZH 13k 18.02.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA07.LZH 29k 19.02.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA08.LZH 17k 02.03.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA09.LZH 25k 02.03.93 [01] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA12.LZH 49k 24.03.93 [01] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA12.LZH 49k 24.03.93 [01] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA10.LZH 13k 13.03.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA14.LZH 45k 10.04.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA15.LZH 25k 14.04.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA16.LZH 6k 23.04.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA17.LZH 15k 29.04.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA18.LZH 16k 08.05.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA19.LZH 22k 17.05.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA20.LZH 32k 20.05.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA21.LZH 25k 04.06.93 [00] - Newsletter FNEWSA22.LZH 8k 04.06.93 [00] - Newsletter FNEWSA23.LZH 17k 10.06.93 [00] - Newsletter FNEWSA24.LZH 11k 23.06.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA25.LZH 10k 15.09.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA26.LZH 30k 30.06.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA27.LZH 11k 16.07.93 [01] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA28.LZH 19k 15.09.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA29.LZH 30k 15.09.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA30.LZH 21k 21.09.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA31.LZH 39k 21.09.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA32.LZH 15k 21.09.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA33.LZH 25k 21.09.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA34.LZH 29k 21.09.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA35.LZH 47k 21.09.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA36.LZH 24k 21.09.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA37.LZH 23k 21.09.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA38.LZH 27k 25.09.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA39.LZH 19k 01.10.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA41.LZH 10k 15.10.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA42.LZH 30k 27.10.93 [01] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA43.LZH 11k 29.10.93 [01] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA44.LZH 11k 05.11.93 [01] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA45.LZH 30k 17.11.93 [01] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA47.LZH 17k 01.12.93 [01] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA48.LZH 15k 01.12.93 [01] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA50.LZH 11k 21.12.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA51.LZH 8k 27.12.93 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSA52.LZH 21k 04.01.94 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSB01.LZH 21k 08.01.94 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSB03.LZH 29k 19.01.94 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSB04.LZH 12k 06.02.94 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSB05.LZH 33k 06.02.94 [00] - Fidonet Newsletter FNEWSB07.LZH 7k 20.02.94 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSB08.LZH 15k 27.02.94 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSB09.LZH 25k 03.03.94 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSB10.LZH 13k 17.03.94 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSB11.LZH 11k 17.03.94 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSB12.LZH 8k 03.04.94 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSB13.LZH 20k 03.04.94 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSB14.LZH 14k 03.05.94 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSB38.LZH 14k 04.10.94 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSB39.LZH 18k 04.10.94 [00] - FidoNet Newsletter FNEWSB40.LZH 11k 09.10.94 [00] - FidoNews 11 40 1994 FNEWSB41.LZH 19k 16.10.94 [00] - FidoNews 11 41 1994 FNEWSB42.LZH 21k 20.10.94 [00] - FidoNews 11 42 1994 FNEWSB43.LZH 16k 31.10.94 [00] - FidoNews 11 43 1994 FNEWSB46.LZH 23k 20.11.94 [00] - FidoNews 11 46 1994 FNEWSB47.LZH 15k 09.12.94 [00] - FidoNews 11 47 1994 FNEWSB36.LZH 17k 09.12.94 [02] - FidoNews 11 36 1994 FNEWSC15.LZH 15k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 15, 1995 FNEWSC16.LZH 14k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 16, 1995 FNEWSC17.LZH 33k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 17, 1995 FNEWSC18.LZH 7k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 18, 1995 FNEWSC19.LZH 7k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 19, 1995 FNEWSC20.LZH 13k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 20, 1995 FNEWSC21.LZH 15k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 21, 1995 FNEWSC22.LZH 11k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 22, 1995 FNEWSC23.LZH 24k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 23, 1995 FNEWSC24.LZH 23k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 24, 1995 FNEWSC25.LZH 24k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 25, 1995 FNEWSC26.LZH 33k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 26, 1995 FNEWSC27.LZH 21k 01.08.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 27, 1995 FNEWSC28.LZH 9k 01.08.95 [01] - FidoNews for week 28, 1995 FNEWSC29.LZH 9k 01.08.95 [01] - FidoNews for week 29, 1995 FNEWSC30.LZH 4k 01.08.95 [01] - FidoNews for week 30, 1995 FNEWSC31.LZH 6k 03.08.95 [01] - FidoNews for week 31, 1995 FNEWSC32.LZH 20k 15.08.95 [01] - FidoNews for week 32, 1995 FNEWSC33.LZH 11k 17.08.95 [01] - FidoNews for week 33, 1995 FNEWSC34.LZH 16k 27.08.95 [01] - FidoNews for week 34, 1995 FNEWSC35.LZH 4k 05.09.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 35, 1995 FNEWSC36.LZH 7k 09.09.95 [00] - Fido News for week 36, 1995 FNEWSC37.LZH 14k 26.09.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 37, 1995 FNEWSC38.LZH 8k 26.09.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 38, 1995 FNEWSC39.LZH 9k 28.09.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 39, 1995 FNEWSC40.LZH 16k 08.10.95 [01] - FidoNews for week 40, 1995 FNEWSC41.LZH 5k 15.10.95 [01] - FidoNews for week 41, 1995 FNEWSC42.LZH 5k 22.10.95 [01] - FidoNews for week 42, 1995 FNEWSC43.LZH 20k 03.11.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 43, 1995 FNEWSC44.LZH 7k 03.11.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 44, 1995 FNEWSC45.LZH 4k 18.11.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 45, 1995 FNEWSC46.LZH 8k 18.11.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 46, 1995 FNEWSC47.LZH 4k 25.11.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 47, 1995 FNEWSC48.LZH 13k 04.12.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 48, 1995 FNEWSC49.LZH 5k 09.12.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 49, 1995 FNEWSC50.LZH 5k 19.12.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 50, 1995 FNEWSC51.LZH 8k 31.12.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 51, 1995 FNEWSC52.LZH 23k 31.12.95 [00] - FidoNews for week 52, 1995 FNEWSD01.LZH 5k 03.01.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 01, 1996 FNEWSD02.LZH 6k 23.01.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 02, 1996 FNEWSD03.LZH 3k 20.01.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 03, 1996 FNEWSD04.LZH 14k 28.01.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 04, 1996 FNEWSD05.LZH 7k 04.02.96 [02] - FidoNews for week 05, 1996 FNEWSD07.LZH 3k 01.03.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 07, 1996 FNEWSD08.LZH 4k 01.03.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 08, 1996 (07 to come later...) FNEWSD09.LZH 26k 01.03.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 09, 1996 FNEWSD10.LZH 13k 24.03.96 [00] - fnewsd10.lzh FidoNews for week 10, 1996 FNEWSD11.LZH 7k 24.03.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 11, 1996 FNEWSD12.LZH 18k 24.03.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 12, 1996 FNEWSD13.LZH 12k 30.03.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 13, 1996 FNEWSD14.LZH 14k 06.04.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 14, 1996 FNEWSD15.LZH 13k 12.04.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 15, 1996 FNEWSD16.LZH 8k 04.05.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 16, 1996 FNEWSD17.LZH 7k 04.05.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 17, 1996 FNEWSD18.LZH 3k 11.05.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 18, 1996 FNEWSD19.LZH 9k 11.05.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 19, 1996 FNEWSD20.LZH 5k 17.05.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 20, 1996 FNEWSD21.LZH 4k 24.05.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 21, 1996 FNEWSD22.LZH 4k 28.05.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 22, 1996 FNEWSD27.LZH 8k 08.07.96 [01] - FidoNews for weeks 23 through 27, 1996 FNEWSD28.LZH 8k 10.07.96 [01] - FidoNews for week 28, 1996 FNEWSD29.LZH 27k 20.07.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 29, 1996 FNEWSD30.LZH 30k 25.07.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 30, 1996 FNEWSD31.LZH 32k 04.08.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 31, 1996 FNEWSD32.LZH 39k 11.08.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 32, 1996 FNEWSD33.LZH 31k 14.08.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 33, 1996 FNEWSD34.LZH 23k 05.09.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 34, 1996 FNEWSD35.LZH 38k 05.09.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 35, 1996 FNEWSD36.LZH 50k 05.09.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 36, 1996 FNEWSD37.LZH 30k 11.09.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 37, 1996 FNEWSD38.LZH 41k 18.09.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 38, 1996 FNEWSD39.LZH 24k 26.09.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 39, 1996 FNEWSD40.ZIP 18k 02.10.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 40, 1996 FNEWSD41.ZIP 25k 13.10.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 41, 1996 FNEWSD42.ZIP 19k 15.10.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 42, 1996 FNEWSD43.ZIP 30k 23.10.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 43, 1996 FNEWSD44.ZIP 41k 30.10.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 44, 1996 FNEWSD45.ZIP 43k 05.11.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 45, 1996 FNEWSD46.ZIP 45k 13.11.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 45, 1996 FNEWSD47.ZIP 32k 22.11.96 [00] - FdioNews for week 47, 1996 FNEWSD48.ZIP 32k 02.12.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 48, 1996 FNEWSD49.ZIP 37k 11.12.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 49, 1996 FNEWSD51.ZIP 20k 23.12.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 51, 1996 FNEWSD52.ZIP 37k 28.12.96 [00] - FidoNews for week 52, 1996 FNEWSD53.ZIP 28k 04.01.97 [00] - FidoNews for week 53, 1996 FNEWSE02.ZIP 36k 15.01.97 [01] - FidoNews for week 02, 1997 FNEWSE03.ZIP 30k 25.01.97 [00] - FidoNews for week 03, 1997 FNEWSE04.ZIP 36k 29.01.97 [00] - FidoNews for week 04, 1997 FNEWSE05.ZIP 40k 06.02.97 [00] - FidoNews for week 05, 1997 FNEWSE06.ZIP 40k 13.02.97 [00] - FidoNews for week 06, 1997 FNEWSE07.ZIP 31k 23.02.97 [00] - FidoNews 14 07 1997 FNEWSE08.ZIP 23k 26.02.97 [00] - FidoNews 14 08 1997 FNEWST12.ZIP 8k 20.01.96 [01] - Table of Contents for FidoNews Vol 12 (1995) File Wizard ͸ Area: Fido - Nodelist FidoNet Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 8 1658 KBytes in 37 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * NODEDIFF.Z03 32k 04.01.97 [00] - Fidonet NODEDIFF day-003 ZIP NODEDIFF.Z06 58k 02.11.96 [00] FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z08 38k 22.04.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z10 21k 13.01.97 [01] - Fidonet NODEDIFF day-010 ZIP NODEDIFF.Z13 24k 09.11.96 [01] FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z15 26k 29.04.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z17 48k 22.01.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z20 58k 17.11.96 [01] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z24 32k 24.01.97 [00] - Fidonet NODEDIFF day-024 ZIP NODEDIFF.Z27 32k 21.08.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z31 47k 31.01.97 [00] - Fidonet NODEDIFF day-031 ZIP NODEDIFF.Z34 63k 01.12.96 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z36 45k 20.05.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z38 40k 13.02.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z41 35k 03.09.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z45 40k 11.03.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z48 35k 11.09.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z50 47k 11.03.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z52 24k 28.02.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z55 31k 17.09.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z57 30k 11.06.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z59 45k 28.02.97 [00] - Fidonet NODEDIFF day-059 ZIP NODEDIFF.Z62 28k 23.09.97 [01] - Fidonet NODEDIFF day-362 ZIP NODEDIFF.Z73 43k 14.03.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z80 40k 25.03.97 [00] - FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z85 64k 13.10.96 [01] FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z92 40k 19.10.96 [02] FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z99 32k 27.10.96 [01] FidoNet Nodediff nodediff 005 50181 5/01/96 nodediff 012 19088712/01/96 nodediff 356 20301922/12/95 nodediff 363 15232729/12/95 nodediff 012 19088712/01/96 nodediff 356 20301922/12/95 nodediff 363 15232729/12/95 NODEDIFF.Z01 59k 23.07.96 [00] FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z26 56k 28.01.96 [00] FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z33 54k 04.02.96 [00] FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z40 61k 10.02.96 [00] FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z47 65k 20.02.96 [00] FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z82 89k 24.03.96 [02] FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z87 46k 10.07.96 [00] FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z89 80k 30.03.96 [02] FidoNet Nodediff NODEDIFF.Z96 70k 06.04.96 [04] FidoNet Nodediff File Wizard ͸ Area: Fido - Documents et Nodelist FrancoMdia Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 9 80 KBytes in 5 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * FMLIST.A48 15k 27.05.93 [07] Liste 148 des nodules de FrancoMdia FMLIST.A27 15k 07.05.93 [00] FMKIT-1O.ZIP 34k 07.05.93 [12] FM_KIT.*/FrancoMdia nowait FMLIST.A34 15k 14.05.93 [02] Nodelist FrancoMdia NC_ELECT.ZIP 5k 15.10.95 [02] Procedures d'Election des NC en Zone 2 File Wizard ͸ Area: Fido - FidoNet Technicals Standards Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 10 1319 KBytes in 94 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * FIDONET.NA 27k 04.05.93 [03] Confrences FIDO USA FSC-0068.A01 6k 27.03.93 [00] A Proposed Replacement For FTS-0004, M. Kimes FSC-0069.A01 8k 27.03.93 [01] A FidoNet (FTN) Domain Name Service, R Heller FSC-0072.A01 72k 02.03.93 [01] The HYDRA File Transfer Protocol, J Homrighausen, A Lentz FTSCPROD.A48 8k 10.04.93 [00] FTSC product code list FTSCPROD.A48 8k 10.04.93 [00] FTSC product code list FTSCLIST.A62 3k 16.03.93 [00] FTSC Document Archive directory * FidoNet Technical Standards Committee Document Archive * Official FidoNet Technical Standards FTS-0001.Z16 18k 23.10.95 [00] A basic FidoNet(r) technical standard, R Bush FTS-0004.ZIP 9k 06.11.88 [00] Echomail specification, B Hartman FTS-0005.ZIP 8k 05.02.89 [00] The distribution nodelist, B Baker, R Moore FTS-0006.Z02 19k 30.11.91 [00] YOOHOO and YOOHOO/2U2, V Perriello FTS-0007.Z03 40k 15.10.90 [01] SEAlink protocol extension, P Becker FTS-0008.Z03 13k 15.10.90 [00] Bark file-request protocol extension, P Becker FTS-0009.Z01 3k 17.12.91 [00] Message identification and reply linkage, j nutt * FidoNet Standards Proposals And Miscellaneous Documents FSC-0003.ZIP 12k 22.03.86 [00] FidoNet Route Files Explained, B Baker FSC-0004.ZIP 4k 02.09.87 [00] Zones and Zonegates explained primitively, R Bush FSC-0005.ZIP 5k 20.09.87 [00] Opus 1.01 Netmail passwording scheme, W Wagner FSC-0007.Z02 7k 17.04.90 [00] RFC-822-style msg header proposal, R Heller FSC-0009.ZIP 5k 15.11.87 [00] Nodelist Flag Draft Document Gwinn/Dodell FSC-0010.ZIP 6k 01.12.87 [00] Dutchie 2.80 SEAlink File Resynch, H Wevers FSC-0011.ZIP 6k 04.12.87 [00] Experiences/corrections to FSC-0001, B Hartman FSC-0014.ZIP 7k 06.01.88 [00] Binary-style msg proposal, W Wagner FSC-0015.ZIP 19k 11.02.88 [00] FOSSIL 5.0 Documentation, R Moore FSC-0016.ZIP 4k 18.03.88 [00] FidoNet Mail Session Startup, R Hartman FSC-0017.ZIP 3k 30.03.88 [00] Archive Philosophy and Document Naming, R Bush FSC-0020.ZIP 5k 13.11.87 Alternate Nodelist Flag Proposal M Presnell FSC-0021.ZIP 7k 23.05.88 VFOSSIL, OS/2 Video FOSSIL Appendage R Moore FSC-0023.ZIP 4k 12.07.88 Bundle naming convention proposal R Meyer FSC-0024.ZIP 12k 24.08.88 Binary bundle proposal, O McDonald FSC-0025.ZIP 7k 23.08.88 AVATAR Video Spec, G Stanislav FSC-0028.ZIP 11k 04.12.88 Proposed file-forwarding standard, H Lee FSC-0030.ZIP 6k 21.04.89 Proposal for message identification, J Cowan FSC-0031.ZIP 3k 18.05.89 Proposed message id/linkage standard, M Ratledge FSC-0032.ZIP 3k 18.05.89 Proposed message quoting standard, M Ratledge FSC-0033.ZIP 4k 11.06.89 Proposal for message identification, T Kover FSC-0034.Z02 8k 30.08.90 Gateways to and from FidoNet, R Bush FSC-0035.ZIP 3k 27.06.89 Transparent gateways to/from FidoNet, M Shiels FSC-0036.ZIP 6k 27.06.89 Group Mail specification, D Lovell FSC-0037.ZIP 5k 03.12.89 AVATAR 0+ Video Spec, G Stanislav FSC-0038.Z01 3k 22.02.90 Proposed domain gating protocol, j nutt FSC-0039.Z04 8k 29.09.90 A type-2 packet extension proposal, M Howard FSC-0040.Z01 3k 22.02.90 Proposed modem handling extension, M Shiels FSC-0042.Z01 5k 25.03.90 A modified gateway agreement, S Furber FSC-0043.Z02 4k 30.08.90 Some hints on recognizing control lines in FidoNet(r) message text, R Bush FSC-0044.Z02 13k 07.10.90 Improved duplicate detection, J Decker FSC-0045.Z01 3k 17.04.90 Proposed new packet header, T Henderson FSC-0046.Z05 5k 30.08.94 Proposed product identifier, J Homrighausen FSC-0047.Z01 6k 28.05.90 The ^ASPLIT kludge line, P Terry FSC-0048.Z02 8k 07.11.90 Proposed type-2 packet extension, J Vroonhof FSC-0049.Z01 4k 03.07.90 A proposal for passing domain information during FTS-0006 sessions, B Hartman FSC-0050.Z01 3k 14.07.90 A character set identifier for FidoNet message editors, T Sundblom FSC-0051.Z03 10k 25.02.91 A system-independent way of transferring special characters, T Gradin FSC-0052.Z01 4k 23.09.90 A proposal for making the PATH zone aware, G van der Land FSC-0053.Z02 4k 08.12.92 Specifications for the ^aFLAGS field, J Homrighausen FSC-0054.Z04 14k 31.05.91 A system independant way of transferring special characters, Duncan McNutt FSC-0055.Z01 4k 31.03.91 Security passwords in nodelist updates, L Kolin FSC-0056.Z01 25k 21.07.91 EMSI/IEMSI Protocol Definition, J Homrighausen FSC-0057.Z03 8k 07.12.92 Echo Area Managers - Specifications For Requests, F Fabris, J Homrighausen FSC-0058.Z02 8k 01.11.92 A New Way Of Addressing In FidoNet, W Van Sebroeck, J Spooren FSC-0059.Z01 26k 08.03.92 Newsgroup Interchange within FidoNet, J Decker FSC-0060.Z01 5k 08.03.92 Calculation and Usage of CRC's, F van der Loos FSC-0061.Z01 6k 08.03.92 Proposed Guidelines for the FileBone, E VanRiper FSC-0062.Z02 7k 25.06.94 Nodelist Flag Indicating Online Times, D Thomas FSC-0063.Z01 6k 10.05.92 Proposal For FidoNet Messages, J Miller FSC-0064.Z07 5k 10.05.92 InterDomain Message ID, Gating, Linking and Addressing, J Penner FSC-0065.Z01 71k 02.08.92 Type 3 ASCII: A Proposal, M Kimes FSC-0066.Z02 130k 17.12.94 Type 3 Binary: A Proposal, M Kimes FSC-0067.Z01 4k 02.08.92 A Proposal For Sensible Kludge Lines, M Kimes FSC-0068.Z01 6k 13.12.92 A Proposed Replacement For FTS-0004, M. Kimes FSC-0069.Z01 7k 13.12.92 A FidoNet (FTN) Domain Name Service, R Heller F Arnaud FSC-0070.Z02 4k 15.07.94 Improving FidoNet/UseNet Gating and Dupe Checking, FSC-0071.Z01 5k 17.01.93 Distributed FREQ (DFREQ) Specifications, B Auclair FSC-0072.Z01 47k 21.02.93 The HYDRA file transfer protocol, J Homrighausen, A Lentz FSC-0073.Z01 4k 28.07.93 Encrypted message identification for FidoNet, John Mudge FSC-0074.Z01 7k 28.07.93 Proposed echomail specification, J Souvestre, D Troendle, B Davis, G Peace FSC-0075.Z01 5k 23.10.93 Proposal for ISDN capability flags in the nodelist, J Ceuleers FSC-0076.Z01 4k 03.12.93 Proposal for netmail areatags, S Gove FSC-0077.Z01 8k 03.12.93 Proposed type-10 packet format, J Steck FSC-0078.Z01 5k 11.04.94 Gateway between FidoNet compatible networks, C Lacerda FSC-0079.Z02 325k 21.07.95 RTF mail: proposal for message formatting in the type-2 message packet, K Axon FSC-0080.Z01 3k 01.03.95 Describing FidoNet with a layered model, Mikael Staldal FSC-0081.Z01 20k 01.03.95 A type-3 packet proposal, Mikael Staldal FSC-0082.Z01 8k 14.05.95 A proposed new packet type, S. Slabihoud FSC-0083.Z01 14k 17.06.95 A proposed standard for message IDs on FTN systems, FSC-0084.Z01 22k 04.09.95 EDX1: Electronic Data Exchange standard level 1, D.Bider FSC-0084.Z01 22k 04.09.95 EDX1: Electronic Data Exchange standard level 1, Denis Bider FSC-0085.Z01 3k 04.09.95 Proposal for the "NOZIP" and "ERX" nodelist flags, D.Bider FSC-0086.Z01 4k 04.09.95 SRIF: Description of a new Standard Requestion Information File, M.Mucko FSC-0087.Z01 6k 31.10.95 File forwarding in FidoNet technology networks, R.Williamson FSC-0088.Z01 6k 31.10.95 Compatibility and Link Qualifier Extensions for EMSI sessions, R.Williamson FSC-0089.Z01 2k 31.10.95 The INTL: netmail addressing control line, R.Williamson FSC-0090.Z01 6k 09.12.95 FTSC Product Codes and Application Form * FTSC Administrative Files FTSCLIST.Z90 8k 10.12.95 Directory of all FTSC files FTSCPROD.Z90 8k 10.12.95 FTSC Product Codes (see also fsc-0090) File Wizard ͸ Area: Docs&Textes/Divers Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 13 22923 KBytes in 174 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 1SGATHTX.ZIP 301k 22.09.93 [04] Rfrence Technique Complte des Disques SEAGATE (IDE, ESDI,SCSI,PCMIA, Etc), Trs Complet, A lire avec HHV20. Uploader: Frederic 2370.ZIP 397k 19.01.95 [00] Documentation scanrise d'un ??? fujitsu SCSI. 4DOSTIP8.ZIP 156k 14.05.94 [01] Compilation de messages des Confs 4Dos Fido, pas mal d'astuces 625K_DOS.ARJ 2k 14.03.93 [11] 625k free at the dos prompt... ABREDICO.ZIP 556k 23.02.97 [00] Le dictionnaire des abrviations informatiques (en franais). Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ACD232.ZIP 63k 23.10.94 [02] Another Change Directory, DOS utility. ACRONYMS.ARJ 5k 17.09.93 [04] Acronyms Commonly used BBS acronyms and emoticons. Learn the meanings of BTW, FWIW, TIATLG and many, many more! ACTU9404.ZIP 10k 10.05.94 [00] L'actualit vue et prsente par Pascal Pigot - Aborde des domaines aussi divers que les mdias, l'informatique, la poli- tique, l'conomie, la science... A lire absolument. Messages capturs dans la confrence Inter-BBS en Avril 94. ALF.ZIP 39k 03.10.95 [00] L'association Projet ALF. Uploader: Gerald Rochat ALMANAC.ZIP 268k 03.10.94 [02] Rpertoire hypertexte des services sur Compuserve ( consulter avec winhelp) Uploader: Daniel Grivelet AMIINFO.ARJ 39k 25.01.93 [19] Informations sur les BIOS A.M.I. ANNUAIRE.ARJ 156k 05.01.93 [04] Annuaire Personnel en Clipper avec +300 Tl. de fournisseurs informatiques Uploader: Jean Benoit ANSI10.ZIP 14k 10.09.91 [08] Encore des infos sur la norme Ansi ANSIREF.COM 5k 27.11.90 [10] Rfrence rapide de la norme ANSI ANSIX364.ARJ 5k 27.11.91 [03] Norme ANSI Standard X3.64 ANSIX364.ZIP 7k 13.06.91 [13] LA NORME OFFICIELLE ANSI ANTISERV.ARJ 12k 12.05.95 [04] Les trucs pour echapper au service national ASC0494.ARJ 134k 29.04.94 [00] Lettre d'ASCQ Avril 94 ASS200.ZIP 1414k 27.05.94 [02] 200+ ASUS.ZIP 21k 24.02.96 [03] Doc concernant les CM Asus en provenance de Uploader: David Ducassou ATA-R30.ARJ 36k 05.09.92 [00] proposition de standard pour les DD IDE BAT.ZIP 13k 04.12.93 [07] Pour tout savoir sur le fonctionnement des fichiers Batch, avec exemples... BILL_666.TXT 1k 04.05.97 [01] BillGates est-il le diable ? BOU_0194.ZIP 98k 11.04.94 [01] Bourse RM janvier 1994 Uploader: Jean-marc Buffet BOU_1193.ZIP 91k 15.12.93 [00] Cours de bourse novembre 1993 Uploader: Jean-marc Buffet BOU_1293.ZIP 107k 04.04.94 [00] Cours de Bourse dcembre 1993 RM Uploader: Jean-marc Buffet BSM_CAT.ZIP 882k 23.06.94 [00] BSM Computers,Inc. 1994 Distribution Catalog. This contains a Database on many computer components CASIO850.ARJ 13k 21.03.95 [00] Quelques infos sur la Casio FX 850P : Un plan du connecteur de la Casio 850P Un plan mmoire de la Casio 850P Un jeu en basic pour Casio 850P CIA94A.ZIP 322k 21.06.95 [00] CIA Hypertext 94. [ASP] CIA World Fact Book for 1994. Massive and comparable data on 266 countries and territories. A world of data, literally at a keystroke. Use as 0K TSR or standalone. EXCLUSIVE comparison charts. View, print, file, paste. Up-to-date info on geography, government, trade, sociology, more. Disk 1 of 4 files. You need all four. **Une mine de renseignements que tout **prof de geo, co etc... DOIT avoir. **Arriv directement des Etats-Unis ! **MODULA BBS - Confrence Education **(1) 40430124 & 45301248 - Gratuit ! CIA94B.ZIP 321k 21.06.95 [00] CIA Hypertext 94. [ASP] CIA World Fact Book for 1994. Massive and comparable data on 266 countries and territories. A world of data, literally at a keystroke. !Fastest! info program on the market. Use as 0K TSR or standalone. EXCLUSIVE comparison charts. View, print, file, paste. Up-to-date info on geography, government, trade, sociology, more. Disk 2 of 4 files. You need all four. CIA94C.ZIP 322k 21.06.95 [00] CIA Hypertext 94. [ASP] CIA World Fact Book for 1994. Massive and comparable data on 266 countries and territories. A world of data, literally at a keystroke. !Fastest! info program on the market. Use as 0K TSR or standalone. EXCLUSIVE comparison charts. View, print, file, paste. Up-to-date info on geography, government, trade, sociology, more. Disk 3 of 4 files. You need all four. CIA94D.ZIP 319k 21.06.95 [00] CIA Hypertext 94. [ASP] CIA World Fact Book for 1994. Massive and comparable data on 266 countries and territories. A world of data, literally at a keystroke. !Fastest! info program on the market. Use as 0K TSR or standalone. EXCLUSIVE comparison charts. View, print, file, paste. Up-to-date info on geography, government, trade, sociology, more. Disk 4 of 4 files. You need all four. CLINT92.ARJ 18k 07.11.92 [04] Putting People First, A National Economic Strategy for America by Bill Clinton CMPDOC.TXT 12k 10.09.94 [08] Banc d'essai de Compresseurs (ZIP,ARJ,RAR,UC2,..) par Marc Merlin COMMUNES.ZIP 264k 30.06.95 [00] Liste des Communes Francaise et leur Code Postaux CONFIGS.TXT 6k 10.03.93 [17] Rsultats de tests effectus avec les fichiers CONFIG.SYS et AUTOEXEC.BAT pour optimiser la mmoire disponible Uploader: Thierry CONSGENE.PUB 1121k 18.05.97 [00] LES TRIBULATIONS DE "DUCON" Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CONSTITU.RAR 27k 21.09.97 [00] Constitution franaise de 1958 au format HLP (fichiers d'aide de Windows) en date du 27/07/97 par Fabrice Gauthier ncessite easyhelp.dll CONT.ZIP 31k 23.03.94 [04] ...D'apres les travaux de Max Cabannes... du meilleur gout dans un autoexec.bat Uploader: Christophe Ricard COOKBOOK.EXE 131k 08.02.95 [00] The VHDL Cookbook First Edition by Peter J. Ashenden CP.ZIP 216k 09.04.93 [07] Table de plus de 33000 codes postaux en format texte CRYPT.ZIP 52k 26.09.94 [04] CUD640.TXT 40k 27.05.94 [04] Computer Underground Digest #6.40 Uploader: Jonathan Higgins CUD755.TXT 47k 06.11.95 [00] Computer Underground Digest 755 Uploader: Jonathan Higgins DECON101.ARJ 44k 08.12.91 [02] Archive de la confrence DECONONET DEPROT.ARJ 3k 11.12.92 [02] trucs pour enregistrer et dplomber certains logiciels. DICOABRV.ZIP 269k 10.08.97 [00] Dictionnaire des abrviations informatiques (format HTML) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DL-ACROB.ZIP 44k 23.10.94 [02] - +100 KB ACRONYM LIST REWRITTEN VERSION NOW +3000 ACRONYMS DOCCDROM.ZIP 67k 22.10.94 [06] DSF2.RAR 870k 14.11.94 [03] - Le deuxime numro de ce nouveau fanzine sur le sharewares : DSF. Lisez le et dites moi ce que vous en pensez. N 2 Nov-Dc DSOURCE.ZIP 1436k 25.03.95 [01] Disk Source (Ontrack) ͻ Latest update to Disk Source. Point & shoot database for hard drives, controllers, etc. Includes phone numbers & diagrams. . RiSC COURiERiNG . EPS.ARJ 5k 22.08.91 [03] Le format .EPS (PostCript encapsul) FLOW-CON.ARJ 3k 20.12.92 [05] FOO.ZIP 22k 26.09.96 [02] Les partitions guitare integrale des FOO FIGHTERS + paroles pour soires karaok ;) Uploader: Romain Maire FORMATS.ZIP 95k 10.08.97 [01] Liste (et souvent description binaire dtaille) d'un nombre incroyable de formats de fichiers. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine FRENCHOB.ARJ 49k 20.12.92 [11] "The French Dictionary Of Obscenities" FTCAARD.ZIP 34k 20.03.94 [04] Calimero nous a compil quelques textes croustillants sur notre ami Billy the Gates. A lire. GFXINFO3.ZIP 295k 04.11.94 [03] docs sur divers formats graphique (3/3) Uploader: Cyril Trevoan GIFDOC.ARJ 65k 20.08.91 [14] LZW et le format .GIF (avec sources PAS) GUADELUP.ZIP 183k 16.02.94 [00] Un (important) dossier sur l'tat de la faune, de l'environnement, etc... en Guadeloupe avec cartes scanrises. GY911217.ARJ 7k 05.01.93 [06] Des :-( des ;-( et tout HACKER.ARJ 454k 04.04.93 [03] The on-line hacker jargon file 2.9.10 HAL.TXT 4k 26.12.96 [00] Une bonne blague sur l'ordinateur HAL du film 2001. HARDTEXT.ARJ 14k 22.07.96 [01] Paroles de musiques de Hard (Slayer, Metallica, Morbid...) Uploader: Antoine Rohmer HARDWARE.ZIP 102k 26.09.94 [05] FAQ trs complte en anglais sur le Hardware du PC HD0192R4.ARJ 40k 20.06.92 [09] Infos techniques sur plus de 1000 Disques Durs HD1292R6.ARJ 44k 29.04.93 [12] Hard Disk Info Dec 92 !!! Uploader: Frank Thomassin HDISK.ZIP 26k 14.12.96 [02] DBF containing data of almost 2000 HD! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HDLIST.ZIP 234k 14.12.96 [02] Hard Disk Tech Specs(tm) V3.0 [1/1] Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HELPPC21.ZIP 278k 23.02.96 [00] help-pc 2.1: docs diverses sur le PC en general (8086,...) Uploader: Gilles Bouthenot HHV20.ZIP 120k 22.09.93 [07] - HyperHelper Gnrateur et Lecteur HyperTexte sert (entre autre) consulter les refs SEAGATE. Uploader: Frederic Landreau HTM.ZIP 66k 20.08.96 [00] Des infos au format HTML sur l'avion Concorde ICEPRIX.ARJ 4k 18.05.92 [06] Prix de matriel sur ICEBERG BBS IDE-DISC.ARJ 31k 04.08.91 [07] Messages sur les disques durs IDE IFF.LHA 216k 12.05.93 [01] Doc et Exemple de code sur le Format IFF LBM Amiga IFP1P155.ARJ 104k 26.04.92 [04] INFOPLUS 1.55, system information Display 21 pages of information about different aspects of your computer. INFOJCL.ZIP 27k 02.10.92 [02] Doc sur les JCL sous 3270 TSO Uploader: Frank Thomassin INFOZIP.ARJ 5k 14.03.93 [00] RFC : multi-volume support in info-zip INTELL.ZIP 9k 13.06.94 [09] PaLaCe Of IllUSiOn Presents L'INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE INTELNET.ARJ 237k 14.03.93 [01] The Intel Guide To Networking 1.0 INTELP6.ZIP 104k 24.06.95 [03] Intel P6 : All you want to know. Includes Technical specs and photograph. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis INTER490.ARJ 230k 20.08.91 [01] Liste des interruptions du PC (r 90.4) INTR_LST.ARJ 892k 10.03.93 [02] Une rfrence tres complete sur les INT Pc, y compris les fameuses non documenentes. JARG300.ZIP 526k 26.09.94 [01] The Jargon File, version 3.0.0. A gargantuan collection of computer jargon. Originated at MIT in the late 60's or early 70's JARGONFR.ZIP 972k 10.08.97 [00] LE JARGON FRANCAIS v.2.4.x (Format HTML, fonctionne sous MSIE 3.0 et Netscape 3) Dictionnaire des termes informatiques utiliss couramment par chez nous. Document souvent prendre au 2nd degr, si ce n'est plus, mais globalement tout fait srieux. A vous de juger... 5200 articles 24.000 hyperliens 150.000 mots 980.000 caractres 2.8 Mo de docs. HTML ! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine JETENCRE.TXT 37k 04.09.95 [02] description detaille de 59 imprimantes jet d'encre Uploader: Frederic Vroman LEDICO_D.ZIP 695k 11.11.94 [03] Le Dico de Ren Cougnenc LTXCONST.ARJ 24k 14.03.93 [02] - "The constitution of the United States" LTXINDEP.ARJ 6k 24.01.93 [01] - "The declaration of independence ..." M262XF.ZIP 380k 19.01.95 [00] Doc scanrise d'un DD (?) M262XF M262XT.ZIP 238k 19.01.95 [00] Doc scanrise d'un DD (?) M262XT MAJ6_2.ZIP 8k 26.12.93 [01] - Texte expliquant comment procder la mise jour MS-DOS 6.0 en 6.2 Uploader: Francois Heizmann MAN1X.ARJ 99k 14.03.93 [00] - la section 1X du MAN de SONY MAN3X.ARJ 143k 14.03.93 [00] - la section 3X du MAN de SONY MANPRO.TXT 26k 17.09.93 [06] - Le Manifeste des Vritables Programmeurs MEMOTEC.ARJ 62k 07.01.96 [06] Tres Bonne Doc Technique En Francais Sur les PC's.. Une bible sans le texte ;-)) Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MEMOTECH.ARJ 60k 14.03.93 [03] - Memotech : infos techniques sur les PC MEMOTECH.ZIP 68k 11.02.93 [04] - Une documentation texte en Franais sur votre PC schema, interruptions, etc Uploader: Francois Boyer META1193.ZIP 81k 19.11.93 [07] - Meta Nov 93 - Journal "Electronique" Source Postscript MIDI.ZIP 15k 06.06.97 [00] Pour tout savoir sur le MIDI MJ_BOURS.ZIP 160k 13.12.93 [01] Cours de bourse rglement mensuel 13-09-93 au 30-10-93 Uploader: Jean-marc Buffet MODFORM.ARJ 2k 27.12.92 [04] Amiga Modules (ProTracker MOD) Format MOREPCX.ARJ 1k 22.08.91 [03] Complment d'informations sur les .PCX MOTIFTUT.ARJ 43k 14.03.93 [01] Motif Tutorials 1.1 MSCDESC.ZIP 43k 19.09.93 [04] Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions 2.1 Product Overview Version 2.10 Beta Rfrence sur MSCDEX MSDOS6.ARJ 3k 14.03.93 [03] preview of MS-DOS v6.0 MURPHY.ZIP 4k 19.06.91 [16] La loi de Murphy MWHOSWHO.ARJ 10k 27.11.91 [04] WHO'S WHO de Modula B.B.S. NEWS_BID.ZIP 28k 24.03.94 [03] rions un peu dans l'autoexec.bat, le .profile ou la connexion... Uploader: Christophe Ricard NEWUSER.EXE 12k 29.10.92 [01] Bulletin d'inscription et infos sur le Bbs DINGO MICRO NIRVANA.DOC 93k 08.02.97 [01] Paroles de NIRVANA (fichier WORD 7.07) Uploader: Jeanvoine Emmanuel NOGATES6.ZIP 194k 27.05.95 [03] !!!!BOYCOTT MICROSOFT & WINDOZE!!!! Expose of Bill Gates & Microsoft! v.6 How a conniving little weasel has become a robber baron threatening the future of the information economy! How his Dos and Windows are rackets robbing millions of billions! His plans to take over the economy! What you can do about it! Spread this file! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis OCCULT.TXT 13k 10.08.97 [00] Correspondance entre Ferenczi et Freud datant de 1912 a propos de phnomnes paranormaux. PAINT.ARJ 3k 22.08.91 [04] format d'image (avec sources ASM) PCBBDOOR.ZIP 5k 30.10.95 [03] <-> WARNING WARNING WARNING <-> -*- Backdoors in PCBoard -*- Text file on Backdoors in PPE's and the author's who write them @X0C READ THIS @USER@ !! @X0F Read this before your PCBoard gets hacked / or just read this and learn how to hack a PCBoard <-> WARNING WARNING WARNING <-> Uploader: Laurent Hofer PCDROITS.ARJ 36k 07.01.96 [05] Le livre PV VOS DROIS entirement scann et OCRis afin que vous puissiez vous aussi utiliser ces combines lgales pour ne plus payer vos PV. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PCPSINFO.ZIP 217k 23.11.92 [03] Rfrence Complte sur les PC-PS, extensions, etc Direct IBM. Uploader: Fred Roald PCX.ARJ 7k 22.08.91 [09] le format .PCX PI.ZIP 104k 30.03.94 [01] calcul de PI avec pas mal de decimales + une bidouille graphique marrante... Ou va se loger la rcursivit, quand mme... PIRATES.ASC 4k 23.09.86 [55] Une doc pirate! A lire on croit rver! PKWARE.BUG 3k 09.01.93 [02] Les Bugs de PkZip 2.04c PSVP.ZIP 36k 26.06.94 [00] derniere MAJ des particularits sur les PS/VP IBM Uploader: Verrier Georges PVOSDRTS.TXT 100k 14.10.94 [00] Documentation ascii sur toutes les combines lgales pour ne pas payer vos PVs. R&E_NEWS.ARJ 3k 14.03.93 [05] propos du raid du FBI sur Rusty&Edie's RD301WW.ZIP 199k 03.08.93 [01] Documentation de Silver Xpress au format word. Uploader: Francois Heizmann REGMEN01.ZIP 548k 06.05.93 [00] Bourse Rglement Mensuel Fin de Semaine (Oct89-Mai93) Uploader: Jean_Savini REGMEN02.ZIP 191k 06.05.93 [01] Bourse Rglement Mensuel Group par 7 Fin de Semaine (Oct89-Mai93) Uploader: Jean_Savini REP_PCEX.TXT 5k 18.09.93 [04] La rponse que j'avais crite il y a quelque temps PC Expert pour les remercier de publier BBSF sans signer. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis RIGOLO 3k 23.03.94 [04] Comme son nom l'indique... toute ressemblance avec des situations V.Q..... Uploader: Christophe Ricard RLUK9403.LZH 81k 24.02.94 [01] L'quivalent de French-Connection GB Uploader: Paul Milliot (C'est lui qui le dit :-))) RP9501.ZIP 166k 18.03.95 [00] Revue de Presse Radio France International Archive Mensuelle RPaamm RP9502.ZIP 152k 18.03.95 [00] Revue de Presse Radio France International Archive Mensuelle RPaamm RP9503.ZIP 114k 18.03.95 [00] Revue de Presse Radio France International Archive Mensuelle RPaamm RWANDA.ZIP 18k 26.02.95 [00] Table ronde Aux limites de l'humanitaire : propos du Rwanda Jeudi 9 fvrier 1995 (Version .DOC pour Word) RWANDTXT.EXE 21k 27.02.95 [00] Table ronde Aux limites de l'humanitaire : propos du Rwanda Jeudi 9 fvrier 1995 (Version ASCII) SEAGATE.ARJ 123k 05.12.93 [04] Caracteristiques disk seagate en format texte Uploader: Campino Arthur SECUSOCI.TXT 3k 23.03.94 [02] Des citations de vraies lettres envoyes la Scurit Sociale. SEXSYSAD.ZIP 10k 15.08.96 [01] Un texte sur les risques de diffusion de fichiers classs X sur les BBS. SHN-INFO.ARJ 12k 27.04.94 [00] Informations about the Support&Help Network SKNET001.ZIP 9k 29.07.93 [01] Document sur le rseau SparkNet - Francophone SKOOLTER.ZIP 13k 26.09.94 [01] SMILES.TXT 9k 10.05.94 [10] SONDAGHF.TXT 7k 22.05.94 [00] Un sondage sur les franaises, leurs habitudes, leurs envies, etc... SOURCES.ARJ 295k 14.03.93 [00] "5 entreprises se prsentent" STAC0193.ARJ 78k 14.03.93 [02] STAC FAX : infos sur Stacker (v3.0) SYSADMIN.ARJ 10k 14.03.93 [04] S_CURSES.ARJ 55k 14.03.93 [00] le MAN du CURSES de SUNOS S_MALLOC.ARJ 5k 14.03.93 [00] le MAN du MALLOC de SUNOS T&AWORD5.ARJ 132k 11.02.93 [00] Trucs&Astuces Word 5 T-DOC-E.RAR 82k 13.05.96 [00] Doc T-Mail Anglais T-DOC-FR.RAR 86k 13.05.96 [00] Doc T-Mail Franais TAG-SC.ZIP 39k 17.03.94 [05] _LA_ Collec de TAGLINES by Sam Cabannes, users d'OLX foncez!! TAG101.ZIP 47k 17.03.94 [08] La dernire version des contrepetries du pre Sam. TAG90.ARJ 44k 20.06.92 [11] des tonnes des contreptries! TAO.ARJ 10k 14.03.93 [04] The Tao of programming TARGA.ARJ 4k 14.03.93 [07] "TARGA image file formats" TARIFS3.ZIP 7k 09.02.95 [00] Prix de la centrale d'achat. TIFF50.ARJ 51k 20.08.91 [02] mmo Aldus/Microsoft > le format TIFF 5 TIMOUT1.TXT 27k 24.08.96 [01] Le dico des blagues (1/3) TIMOUT2.TXT 32k 24.08.96 [01] Le dico des blagues (2/3) TIMOUT3.TXT 24k 24.08.96 [01] Le dico des blagues (3/3) TPWSYBEX.ARJ 149k 25.10.92 [01] UG450.ZIP 79k 05.10.95 [06] Award bios v4.50 manual word 6 format . Last revision date in archive: 07-13-94. Uploader: Thierry Gonnet VEGCBHLP.ZIP 91k 28.08.96 [00] Vegetarian Cookbook (Windows Help File). This help file is a compilation of vegetarian recipes. It is geared geared toward novice cooks with some advanced recipes. This help file is not freeware. If you find the recipes useful, the author will be paid in full if you pass the file on to a friend. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael VESASPEC.ZIP 46k 04.04.93 [02] Specifications De La Norme Vesa Avec Des Exemples En Pascal D'un Viewer De Pcx Uploaded By: Stephane Vilette VGA_DOC2.ZIP 126k 14.12.93 [02] Test et Descriptions de cartes videos Uploader: Yannick Veschambes VIDEO2.TXT 16k 16.05.94 [01] Utilisation et recomendation sur les cartes video acceleree supporte par OS2 Uploader: Christophe Abegg WESTERN.ZIP 142k 14.12.92 [03] Doc sur les disque dur western digital Uploader: Patrice Bourgoin WHY_ARJ.DOC 6k 07.11.92 [02] Doc commerciale sur ARJ WINEU92.WRI 49k 16.11.92 [02] Quelques impressions sur Windows Europe 1992 en fichier WRI..Trs subjectif, au demeurant... Uploader: Marc-philippe Garnaud WW0525.ARJ 5k 14.03.93 [01] Troobleshooting 386 enhanced mode pbms WW0530.ARJ 13k 14.03.93 [02] SMARTDrive and 32-bit disk access YPIFV22.ARJ 28k 30.11.92 [04] Calcul des 1500 premires dcimales de PI, + Historique du Nombre, Made in France ZEN-ASM.ZIP 155k 20.06.94 [01] "Zen of assembly language" File Wizard ͸ Area: Docs&Textes/Comms, BBS, Rseaux, Confrences Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 14 4078 KBytes in 112 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 16550.ZIP 5k 20.03.94 [27] Infos sur les UArts 16550 ARCHIE.ARJ 4k 14.03.93 [05] archie - an electronic directory service AUSSIER.GIF 5k 06.11.93 [06] Explication sur les noeuds de Bosse voir Conf HUMANUM BBS-HELP.TXT 17k 08.10.93 [10] Doc et Config de point pour Binkley et Babel BBS.ZIP 12k 23.11.92 [10] Fichiers WORD5 contenant mon article paru dans PC-EXPERT de 11/92. Uploader: Laurent Chemla BBSCOMM.ARJ 3k 09.06.92 [01] Les rgles typiques d'un BBS, lire... BBSDROIT.ZIP 8k 01.11.94 [14] LES BBS ET LA LOI v1.00 Notice d'information sur les problemes Juridiques lis l'exploitation des BBS. Par Lionel Soriano BBSFAQ.ZIP 122k 08.11.94 [10] FAQ sur les BBS Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis BIGPR94C.ZIP 119k 20.06.94 [03] Big Boy's Famous BBSing Primer v94.c The best general source of info. on BBSing in existence! The whole BBSing scene laid bare BLAST.ZIP 4k 13.11.92 [04] U.S.ROBOTICS BLAST REMOTE CONTROL FOR PROCOMM PLUS GIVES PROCOMM USERS REMOTE CONTROL CAPABILITY BULLET7.ZIP 7k 21.06.92 [13] Monter un Point BULLET8.ZIP 12k 21.06.92 [12] Monter un Point CABLAGE.TXT 10k 22.02.95 [00] Documentation sur diffrents cablages possibles entre deux PC CELLULAR.ZIP 63k 14.07.96 [01] Doc sur les tlphones cellulaires (hacking) CMC.ZIP 39k 27.05.94 [03] Liste de services sur InterNet HAT COMM-AAA.ARJ 27k 04.04.93 [40] Une introduction aux Modems en Franais, tout savoir sur les protos, les normes, etc... COMPORT.3&4 4k 17.11.91 [13] Utiliser les ports Com3 et Com4 DOCPOINT.ARJ 13k 20.06.92 [34] Comment devenir un point FidoNet DWARZDOC.ARJ 9k 17.05.92 [01] Documentation de la door DRAGON WARZ! ECHOMAIL.ARJ 3k 08.12.91 [05] Liste des messageries recues en France ECHOPOL1.ARJ 11k 25.11.91 [08] Rgles d'utilisation des Echomail Fido ECHOPOL1.ZIP 12k 07.06.91 [03] Policy des Echomails Fido EMAILFAQ.ARJ 24k 14.03.93 [00] Infos sur le Courrier Electronique EMAILFAQ.ZIP 27k 04.11.92 [06] Infos sur le Courrier Electronique EMOTICON.TXT 9k 23.11.92 [04] Pour tout savoir sur le Smiley et ses driv... EN_INFO.ARJ 2k 04.11.91 [01] Description du rseau EarthNET EPUBINFO.ZIP 11k 22.09.93 [01] EPubInfo, infos sur un rseau de diffusions de diverses publications. EURODEAL.ZIP 17k 28.04.93 [05] U.S. Robotics European SysOp Program. Rules, regulations and prices of the USR SysOp Program in Europe. Modem descriptions included. FAQ1.TXT 6k 07.11.92 [25] Explications sur les termes gnralement utilises sur les BBS FAXUP.LZH 2k 21.04.93 [07] Procedure et prix upgrade FAX pour modem USR Courier (France : Port 50FF seulement) FID-EC32.ARJ 5k 06.06.92 [04] Hierarchie FidoNet.32 et liste des confs FIDOHIST.TXT 20k 07.11.92 [14] L'histoire du rseau Fido par son crateur FIDOLIST.TXT 26k 08.04.97 [00] La liste de toutes les confrences FidoNet (mars 1997) FIDOUNIX.ARJ 23k 13.11.92 [00] Organization: Abbey Technologies Athens GA FidoNet Unix Frequently Asked Questions September, 1991 FM.TXT 9k 06.11.93 [10] Un article de la presse qubequoise sur FrancoMdia, un must pour comprendre les confrences, et le retard franais.. FRC2JPEG.ZIP 936k 05.11.93 [00] Les photos de la FRConf2, retrouvez les tronches (JPG) de vos syops prfrs!! FRCONFCR.ARJ 7k 17.05.92 [05] Compte-rendu confrence FidoNET france FSC-0007.ARJ 6k 17.05.92 [02] infos PKT (format de message RFC822) FSC-0015.ZIP 21k 11.02.93 [05] Doc Technique sur FOSSIL FSC-0025.ARC 7k 21.07.92 [03] Infos Techniques FidoNet sur la Norme Avatar FSC-0025.ARJ 5k 30.08.92 [03] Description de la norme AVATAR FSC-0037.ARC 5k 21.07.92 [04] Infos Techniques FidoNet sur la Norme Avatar FSC-0037.ARJ 4k 30.08.92 [03] Description de la norme AVATAR (suite) FSC-0039.ARJ 7k 17.05.92 [02] Infos PKT (paquet de type 2) FSC-0048.ARJ 6k 17.05.92 [02] Infos PKT (paquet de type 2) F_TELCOM.TXT 4k 27.10.95 [13] Description des tarifs de FranceTelecom pour toute la France GATEWAYS.ARJ 9k 23.08.92 [01] pour changer du courrier entre rseaux GLOBENET.RAR 23k 06.02.97 [00] GlobalNet Nodelist for Julian day 024 Uploader: Fabrice Sueur GNA.ARJ 24k 13.11.91 [05] Infos sur l'accs USENET par GNA HAYES.ZIP 95k 07.11.93 [21] Le manuel complet du language HAYES Uploader: Schmitt Jean-jacques HAYESMAN.ARJ 88k 24.01.93 [16] "Hayes Modem Technical Reference" v1.0b HHGI10.ZIP 24k 26.10.94 [01] Internet: "The hitchhikers guide to the Internet" Uploader: Hubert Tournier HOOKER.ARJ 20k 19.03.94 [01] Presentation sous Windows du serveur R.T.C. HOOKER ... Uploader: Gerald Ferry HOWTOA.HTM 20k 08.07.96 [00] Hacking rseaux UNIX, Internet INIT-200.ZIP 36k 23.06.94 [15] Modem Init Strings v2.00 Database contains more than 400 strings Search quickly your modem init K12_INFO.ARJ 19k 20.06.92 [04] Informations sur le rseau K12-NET KORTEX.ZIP 198k 03.08.95 [00] AT Command Reference Manual 2.0 (December 19, 1994) LANTCABL.TXT 6k 01.06.90 [22] Schma d'un cable LanTastic ou LapLink LAURENT.ARJ 2k 14.03.93 [02] A propos d'une gateway usenet/fidonet LAURENT1.ARJ 2k 29.10.92 [02] Un Projet Usenet par Laurent Cas MINITEL.ZIP 2k 14.07.96 [01] Liste des serveurs minitel gratuits MODEM20.ZIP 20k 02.10.93 [05] A BERLITZ COURSE IN HIGH SPEED DATA COMMUNICATIONS or How to Speak Modem. Uploader: Serge Alsunard MODEM_CD.ZIP 124k 27.09.93 [09] Liste des Commandes pour Modems Hayes Uploader: Serge Alsunard MODM101A.ARJ 21k 30.11.91 [13] les diffrentes normes de modems NEW32BIS.ARJ 5k 13.05.92 [01] modems v32bis Compucom NEXUS.ZIP 145k 27.02.94 [01] Petite PUB pour NEXUS ONE BBS. Ou comment utiliser un BBS. Necessite souris et VGA. NEXUS ONE : 95501056 a Bientot Uploader: F.Pouilly NT-NW.ZIP 48k 09.06.94 [02] Windows NT vs. NETWARE 4.0x - Doc (Format WinWord) PASI.ARJ 10k 02.03.94 [03] About the Future of SuperBBS, and the new BBS Software from Pasi Talliniemi PHONE.ZIP 8k 11.12.93 [08] Repertoires tlphoniques des BBS Franais (Dec93) format terminate et communique Uploader: Alain Boitier PN-DOC.ARJ 14k 11.01.93 [00] - Documents sur le rseau ProgNet POINT24.ARJ 21k 20.03.94 [11] Doc pour monter un point. POINT33.ARJ 139k 12.05.95 [01] Comment passer en point ? Version .DOC pour Word POINT33B.ARJ 36k 02.06.95 [01] Comment passer en point ? Version ASCII POLICY4.ARJ 26k 03.07.95 [02] POLICY FIDONET Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis QMAILFMT.ARJ 8k 20.06.92 [08] Dtail et Exploitation du format QWK QWK.TXT 4k 23.11.92 [00] QWK-format Mail Readers (by Reader name/Author) QWKLAY10.ARJ 21k 14.03.93 [09] tout sur le format QWK QWKSPEC.TXT 12k 01.07.95 [02] Description de la norme QWK Uploader: Nicolas Chambaut RFC1036.ARJ 18k 04.11.92 [01] Normalisation des Messages UseNet ROCKDOC.ZIP 211k 12.01.95 [00] <==[ Rockwelll Doc for Modem ]==> ROMSUPRA.ARJ 19k 14.03.93 [03] les nouvelles roms des modems SUPRA RTCD9507.ZIP 10k 05.08.95 [01] Annuaire des serveurs Minitel V23 RTC en France. Edit par STACC. RTCD9510.ZIP 10k 17.10.95 [07] Annuaire des serveurs Minitel V23 RTC en France. Edit par STACC. Uploader: David Ducassou SOSBBS05.ZIP 31k 06.02.94 [29] Tout sur les BBS...(en franais). Comment s'y connecter ? Comment fonctionnent-ils ? Ce fichier de Sbastien WILLEMIJNS rpond tout SOSBBS09.ZIP 33k 13.05.94 [25] De quoi se debrouiller sur les BBS, en francais, un peu plus recent que celui actuellement dispo ici... Uploader: Serge Barth SOSBBS10.ZIP 41k 31.01.96 [36] *************************************** * SOSBBS version 1.0 * *************************************** * Tout sur les BBS... (en francais) * *************************************** * Comment s'y connecter ? * * Comment fonctionnent-ils ? * * Ce texte de Sebastien WILLEMIJNS * * repond a toutes ces questions * * et bien plus... * *************************************** SOSPNTB2.ZIP 19k 26.02.95 [00] version beta-test de SOSPOINT 1.0 Comment devenir Point d'un BBS ? SUPRA.ARJ 9k 18.02.92 [04] - modems v32/v32bis Supra (conf GEnie) SUPRA.DOC 17k 26.02.92 [03] - " " " Supra V32B SUPRA.TXT 11k 06.02.92 [03] - " " " Supra V32B (2) SUPRAMSG.ARJ 105k 14.03.93 [01] recueil de messages du BBS de SUPRA Corp SYSDEAL.ARJ 4k 30.11.91 [02] prix U.S. Robotics pour SysOps SYSOP.TXT 8k 06.01.90 [17] Pour tout savoir sur la vie difficile du SysOp TIPDOC.LZH 15k 14.12.92 [04] Rseau TIPTOP, ou comment de gentils sysops se dcarcassent pour vous acheminer des Confrences InterNationales TRANSPAC.ZIP 4k 14.07.96 [00] Liste des codes transpac et autres informations du mme ordre.. UNIX032.ARJ 2k 20.05.92 [04] Reglement de la conference UNIX.032 USENET.ARJ 7k 19.05.92 [07] prsentation de USENET USER-H.ZIP 69k 02.08.93 [03] Le manuel d'utilisation du BBS Embassy en HyperTexte (Great) USNT9105.ZIP 228k 04.11.92 [01] Une Tonne d'infos sur UseNet USR.ASC 3k 29.04.92 [03] Prsentation des Modem HST Us Robotics UUCP-FAQ.ARJ 23k 04.11.92 [04] Questions Frquentes sur UUCP UUCP.ARJ 11k 14.03.93 [07] questions/rponses sur UUCP UUCPFAQ.ZIP 13k 04.11.92 [05] Questions frquentes sur UUCP U_INTRO.TXT 16k 30.11.91 [00] What_is_Usenet? WANTEDFR.ARJ 4k 14.03.93 [06] recherche de fichiers automatique / BBS WANTEDFR.DOC 11k 09.02.93 [14] Documentation sur la confrence de recherche de fichier WANTED.FR WHAT-U.ZIP 39k 06.11.92 [16] Introduction aux Modems/Tlcoms/Protocoles... Gnial! En Anglais WHATSIT.ARJ 7k 14.03.93 [01] qu'est-ce que USENET ? WHOS.ARJ 8k 14.03.93 [00] le WHO'S WHO d'ALIAS BBS WPOL_3.ARJ 12k 03.07.95 [00] Projet de POLICY FIDONET Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WYNTKAM.LZH 36k 11.02.93 [01] What you Need to Know About Modem May 92, Unique si vous comprennez l'Anglais ZEN-INET.ARJ 152k 14.03.93 [02] Zen and the Art of the Internet 1.0. To print on a Postscript printer. File Wizard ͸ Area: Docs&Textes/Internet Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 15 3733 KBytes in 33 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ALEXNET.ZIP 33k 25.08.95 [09] Toutes les informations pour vous connecter sur un nouveau provider Internet moindre frais :) Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis BBSINET1.ZIP 194k 31.07.95 [00] An FAQ about connecting your BBS to the Internet. Contains source lists, technical information, Netiquette, and listings of service providers. Read the BBS-INET.TXT file for one method of providing Internet services to your users via your BBS. BD20.ZIP 166k 21.03.95 [01] Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet, Version 2 [AUTO UL BY SYSOP 02-10-94]. Last revision date in archive: 02-04-1994. BDK.ZIP 1007k 21.09.97 [00] JAVA BEANS version 1.00 This is a modification of the original Java Beans Archive from Java Soft (SUN). It's contained in an Info-ZIP archive instead of a Windows Install Shield Exe file. The arhive has also been added an OS/2 CMD so that Bean Box can be started from the commandline like under Windows... BGI12.ZIP 91k 08.12.93 [08] The Beginner Guide to Internet, Tutorial BIGD10.ZIP 142k 26.10.94 [02] Internet: "Big dummy's guide to the Internet" v2.2 Uploader: Hubert Tournier CCINET10.ZIP 19k 26.10.94 [05] The Central Core InterNet Guide - Version 1.0 This archeive contains a collection of documentation from various InterNet sites that are reachable via email. Generally, the this documentation is what you get back if you send a message requesting help to one of these sites. Hopefully this will save someone some time. Look for periodic updates. Last revision date in archive: 03-23-94. DECEMBER.ZIP 34k 26.10.94 [01] Internet: liste de John December v3.15 Uploader: Hubert Tournier EI-UP3.ZIP 19k 26.10.94 [00] EveryBody's Internet Update (formerly the Big Dummy Update) for (now to be called) EveryBody's Guide to the Internet (print) or EFF's Guide to the Internet (online). Last revision date in archive: 06-18-94. FILLON.ZIP 4k 27.10.95 [08] A propos de l'acces internet en local et + Uploader: Gerald Rochat FTP0894.ZIP 178k 26.10.94 [10] Internet: anonymous FTP sites listing v9407 Uploader: Hubert Tournier FTPSITE.ZIP 155k 19.03.95 [00] Internet FTP FAQ Hot off the INTERNET FTP_FRAN.ZIP 4k 26.10.94 [11] Internet: FTP anonymes francais Uploader: Hubert Tournier HHGDINET.ARJ 21k 22.09.93 [07] The Hitchhikers Guide to the Internet HITCHHIK.ARJ 23k 04.05.93 [00] Guide Internet en auto-stop :-))) HTML-SPE.ZIP 64k 19.11.94 [08] HTML20.HTM 43k 04.09.95 [04] Les rfrences du langage HTML v2.0 HTMLPLUS.ZIP 93k 19.11.94 [10] IETFHTML.ZIP 316k 10.12.95 [02] Les specifs d'HTML en de l'IETF, V3 comprise, in english the text. Uploader: Michel Baumgartner INETBKS7.ZIP 26k 26.10.94 [02] internet: "The unofficial Internet book list" v0.5 Uploader: Hubert Tournier INETSVC7.ZIP 19k 26.10.94 [03] internet: "Internet services FAQ and answers" v1.8.1 Uploader: Hubert Tournier INTERNET.ARJ 32k 04.05.93 [06] Doc sur Internet INTERPOL.ARJ 7k 24.01.93 [05] "Internet Security Policy Working Draft" ISOURCE.ZIP 18k 26.10.94 [00] Internet: FAQ "how to find sources" v1.136 Uploader: Hubert Tournier JDKAPDOC.ZIP 754k 05.09.96 [00] Java API Documentation v1.0.2 La documentation complte de JAVA au format HTML. NAL0394.ZIP 11k 26.10.94 [01] Internet: "Not another list" Uploader: Hubert Tournier PEGTXT.ZIP 46k 26.10.94 [01] Internet: "A plain english guide to the Internet" Uploader: Hubert Tournier REC-HTML.ZIP 68k 18.05.97 [01] HTML 3.2 Reference Specification W3C Recommendation 14-Jan-1996 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SURF10.ZIP 28k 26.10.94 [00] internet: "Surfing the Internet: an introduction" v2.0.2 Uploader: Hubert Tournier SURFWILD.ZIP 12k 26.10.94 [02] internet: "Surfing the wild Internet" Uploader: Hubert Tournier TCPTUT.ARJ 31k 14.03.93 [04] "Introduction to the Internet protocols" WEIRD2_1.ZIP 72k 26.10.94 [01] internet: "high weirdness by email" v2.1 Uploader: Hubert Tournier YAN0712.ZIP 21k 26.10.94 [03] internet: liste de Scott Yanoff (jul 94) Uploader: Hubert Tournier File Wizard ͸ Area: Docs&Textes/Mags Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 16 15036 KBytes in 43 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ALS0393.ZIP 7k 05.09.94 [06] Alias MAGAZINE Numero 1 : Mars 93 Au sommaire : Test d'un Lecteur CDrom TTB Linux ! What That's Les dernieres Versions S ALS0493.ZIP 15k 05.09.94 [06] Alias MAGAZINE Numero 2 : Avril 93 Au sommaire : MSDOS 6 et PCTOOLS 8 Les protocoles Vxx des Modems Les parasites sur le ALS0593.ZIP 13k 05.09.94 [04] Alias MAGAZINE Magazine #3 BEARK23R.ZIP 116k 11.12.94 [00] ͸ Vous cherchez votre horoscope ? Ben vous le trouverez pas dans... Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ o Beark! est un e-mag gnraliste construit autour de quelques rubriques rgulires: humour, fiction, posie, essais, cinma, etc. Il est gratuit, mme pour les sysops de BBS et de RTC qui peuvent le mettre en DownLoad ou consultation librement (s'il n'est pas modifi). Toi qui lit ce descriptif, saute sur ton protocole prfr et downloade ce fichier ds maintenant! ; BN#4.ZIP 1386k 30.05.97 [00] FR BAD NEWS #4: desire amazing scene diskmagazine with PLS quality! ver. 1.01 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CC0101.ZIP 179k 01.03.94 [06] CYBER CULTURE MAGAZINE Volume 1, Issue 1 MultiMedia/Win31 -An electronic magazine for Windows 31 that's all about the Digital Age; fact, fiction, graphics and sound are used in a hypertext format Get CS0101ZIP for sound effects (requires sound board)! Last revision date in archive: 07-31-1993 COM2_1.ZIP 73k 11.03.95 [00] CoMiNGSooNMaGaZiNe Volume 1 Number 2 January 95 Edition PART I DSF.ZIP 984k 09.10.94 [03] Un nouveau fanzine sur le shareware et les bbs. Numro 1 septembre-octobre 1994 Tests, comparatif, interviews... Excellent ! DZ9402D.ZIP 6k 08.02.94 [02] == DATA ZONE = Numero 0 = fevrier 94 == Magazine francais mensuel sur la publication electronique. Texte DOS. FANZINE1.ZIP 527k 14.07.95 [00] ******************************************** * - Runtime Error Nr1(juillet-aout 1995) - * ******************************************** -------- Taille : environ 1.4 Mo. ---------- Runtime Error est un fanzine donc il est en Freeware. C'est une sorte de magazine avec une interface graphique. Rubriques : - TESTS (jeux) - TRUCS ET ASTUCES - PROGS ( Gnrale+Turbo Pascal+Assembleur ) - + 1 Shareware dans chaque numro ! FMAG9503.ZIP 24k 21.03.95 [02] Frogmag est un magazine diffuse mensuellement par les services de la mission scientifique et technologique de l'ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis aupres des 6500 abonnes de son reseau. Tout lecteur est invite a contribuer au magazine en suggerant de nouveaux themes ou en envoyant ses propres articles. Le comite de redaction est par ailleurs toujours ouvert aux nouveaux talents... HF02.ZIP 70k 06.03.97 [00] HiSToiRe DeS FuTuRS N2 Le MaGaSiNe De La SCieNCe-FiCTioN aVRiL / JuiN 1995 HF03_TXT.ZIP 50k 06.03.97 [00] <====[ HiSToiReS DeS FuTuRS ]====> N3 Le MaGaSiNe De La % SCieNCe FiCTioN % <===[ JuiLLeT / SePTeMBRe 1995 ]===> HF04_TXT.ZIP 164k 06.03.97 [00] <====[ HiSToiReS DeS FuTuRS ]====> N4 Le MaGaZiNe De La % SCieNCe FiCTioN % <===[ oCToBRe / DeCeMBRe 1995 ]===> HF05.ZIP 98k 06.03.97 [00] <====[ HiSToiReS DeS FuTuRS ]====> N5 Le MaGaZiNe De La % SCieNCe FiCTioN % <===[ JaNVieR /aVRiL 1996 ]===> HF06.ZIP 123k 06.03.97 [00] <====[ HISTOIRES DES FUTURS ]====> N6 LE MAGAZINE DE LA % SCIENCE FICTION % <===[ MAI/NOVEMBRE 1996 ]===> HF07.ZIP 118k 28.07.97 [00] <====[ HISTOIRES DES FUTURS ]====> N7 LE MAGAZINE DE LA % SCIENCE FICTION % <===[ DECEMBRE 1996/ MAI 1997 ]===> LINE0397.ZIP 3645k 21.04.97 [01] LINE (Mars 1997) Le magazine pour les branchs de Linux Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MIMAG.ZIP 223k 19.12.93 [02] Le MicroMensuel du Quebec - Vol.1 Num.1 a 10 Journal Telematique Quebecois - Version DOS-ASCII plein de petit truc 'est la compile de l'anne 1993 a voir N0_WAY_1.ZIP 77k 08.11.94 [11] %!% N0 Way %!%- Volume I, Numro 1, Journal Francais N0_WAY_2.ZIP 61k 08.11.94 [09] %!% N0 Way %!%- Volume II, Numro 2, N0_WAY_3.ZIP 86k 08.11.94 [08] %!% N0 Way %!%- Volume III, Numro 3, NOWAY1.ZIP 73k 13.07.96 [02] NoWay n1 (en franais) Ce zine traite de CyberPunk, de musique Tekkkno, de hacking, de reverse engineering, de phone phreaking, de social engineering, des rseaux du type internet et autres WAN, des matires psychotropes, de la NeuroNeXion, des differents OS, de mondes virtuels, de la culture Underground... NOWAY2.ZIP 58k 13.07.96 [02] NoWay n2 (en franais) NOWAY3.ZIP 83k 13.07.96 [02] NoWay n3 (en franais) REP1!.EXE 303k 18.08.95 [00] Mag Reporter n1 REP2!.EXE 228k 18.08.95 [00] Mag Reporter n2 RMLT9704.ARJ 675k 07.04.97 [01] R.U.Sh. Magazine Le magazine des utilisateurs de Shareware et bien d'autres choses... Entirement en franais. Version LITE - Avril 1997 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TAM9503A.ZIP 90k 31.03.95 [01] *========* TAM TAM #5 du 03/95 *========* *======* Format ASCII .TXT *======* Le premier magazine electronique francais sur la Musique. Au sommaire : +L'actualit musicale (Concerts, Disques, CD, Labels, Musiciens etc.) +Les articles +Les Echos de Tam Tam (La ferarock, Les nouvelles fraiches, CD, Festivals, ...) +Les interviews (Raymonde et les Blancs Becs) +Les fanzines +Les top 10 +Les Bons Plans de Tam Tam (Bars, Pubs, restos, disquaire, musique etc.) ========================================= Blue Suede Shoes BBS & Rock'n Jazz BBS (1) 53 79 01 44 (1) 40 54 86 04 ========================================= Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TAM9503D.ZIP 315k 31.03.95 [01] *========* TAM TAM #5 du 03/95 *========* *======* Format WinWord 2.0 .DOC *======* Le premier magazine electronique francais sur la Musique. Au sommaire : +L'actualit musicale (Concerts, Disques, CD, Labels, Musiciens etc.) +Les articles +Les Echos de Tam Tam (La ferarock, Les nouvelles fraiches, CD, Festivals, ...) +Les interviews (Raymonde et les Blancs Becs) +Les fanzines +Les top 10 +Les Bons Plans de Tam Tam (Bars, Pubs, restos, disquaire, musique etc.) ========================================= Blue Suede Shoes BBS & Rock'n Jazz BBS (1) 53 79 01 44 (1) 40 54 86 04 ========================================= Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TAM9503W.ZIP 352k 31.03.95 [07] *========* TAM TAM #5 du 03/95 *========* *=====* Format Windows Help .HLP *======* Le premier magazine electronique francais sur la Musique. Au sommaire : +L'actualit musicale (Concerts, Disques, CD, Labels, Musiciens etc.) +Les articles +Les Echos de Tam Tam (La ferarock, Les nouvelles fraiches, CD, Festivals, ...) +Les interviews (Raymonde et les Blancs Becs) +Les fanzines +Les top 10 +Les Bons Plans de Tam Tam (Bars, Pubs, restos, disquaire, musique etc.) ========================================= Blue Suede Shoes BBS & Rock'n Jazz BBS (1) 53 79 01 44 (1) 40 54 86 04 ========================================= Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TAM9507D.ZIP 370k 11.07.95 [00] *========* TAM TAM #6 du 07/95 *========* *======* Format WinWord 2.0 .DOC *======* Le premier magazine electronique francais sur la Musique. Au sommaire : * Actualite musicale avec (On a faim! label, actualite disques et labels, actualites concerts jazz & rock, actaulite cd et disques) * Articles avec (les techniques de commercialisation du rock, les ramones, procol harum, loretta lynn) * L'echo du tam tam avec (les radios FM, Red house painters, Sadicomix, les Gnomes, Spicy box, In vitro, Tony joe white, Chester, Vinilkosmo, les Inrockuptibles) * Les nouvelles Fraiches * L'interview du mois * Les Fanzines * La musique avec (L'A.R.I.A.M., Formation des musiciens amateurs, les locaux de repetition) * les charts (UK) * les tablatures avec (Aerosmith, Beatles, Elvis presley, guide pour lire et ecrire des tablatures, les tablatures faciles) * Les bons plans avec (Labels, vpc, zines, bars, pubs, restaurants, Les disuqes par correspondance, Radios rock d'ile de france, magasins de disques, magasins de musiques) ========================================= Blue Suede Shoes BBS & Rock'n Jazz BBS (1) 53 79 01 44 (1) 40 54 86 04 ========================================= TAM9507W.ZIP 319k 11.07.95 [00] *========* TAM TAM #6 du 07/95 *========* *======* Format HLP Windows .HLP *======* Le premier magazine electronique francais sur la Musique. Au sommaire : * Actualite musicale avec (On a faim! label, actualite disques et labels, actualites concerts jazz & rock, actaulite cd et disques) * Articles avec (les techniques de commercialisation du rock, les ramones, procol harum, loretta lynn) * L'echo du tam tam avec (les radios FM, Red house painters, Sadicomix, les Gnomes, Spicy box, In vitro, Tony joe white, Chester, Vinilkosmo, les Inrockuptibles) * Les nouvelles Fraiches * L'interview du mois * Les Fanzines * La musique avec (L'A.R.I.A.M., Formation des musiciens amateurs, les locaux de repetition) * les charts (UK) * les tablatures avec (Aerosmith, Beatles, Elvis presley, guide pour lire et ecrire des tablatures, les tablatures faciles) * Les bons plans avec (Labels, vpc, zines, bars, pubs, restaurants, Les disuqes par correspondance, Radios rock d'ile de france, magasins de disques, magasins de musiques) ========================================= Blue Suede Shoes BBS & Rock'n Jazz BBS (1) 53 79 01 44 (1) 40 54 86 04 ========================================= TAM9510A.ZIP 133k 25.10.95 [00] *========* TAM TAM #7 du 10/95 *========* *======* Format TEXTE ASCII .TXT *======* Le premier magazine electronique francais sur la Musique. Au sommaire : * Actualite musicale * Articles * L'echo du tam tam avec * Les nouvelles Fraiches * L'interview du mois * Les Fanzines * La musique * les tablatures * et toujours, Les bons plans avec (Labels, vpc, zines, bars, pubs, restaurants, Les disques par correspondance, Radios rock d'ile de france, magasins de disques, magasins de musiques) Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TAM9510D.ZIP 571k 25.10.95 [00] *========* TAM TAM #7 du 10/95 *========* *======* Format WinWord 2.0 .DOC *======* Le premier magazine electronique francais sur la Musique. Au sommaire : * Actualite musicale * Articles * L'echo du tam tam avec * Les nouvelles Fraiches * L'interview du mois * Les Fanzines * La musique * les tablatures * et toujours, Les bons plans avec (Labels, vpc, zines, bars, pubs, restaurants, Les disques par correspondance, Radios rock d'ile de france, magasins de disques, magasins de musiques) Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TAM9510W.ZIP 583k 25.10.95 [00] *========* TAM TAM #7 du 10/95 *========* *=====* Format Windows Help .HLP *======* Le premier magazine electronique francais sur la Musique. Au sommaire : * Actualite musicale * Articles * L'echo du tam tam avec * Les nouvelles Fraiches * L'interview du mois * Les Fanzines * La musique * les tablatures * et toujours, Les bons plans avec (Labels, vpc, zines, bars, pubs, restaurants, Les disques par correspondance, Radios rock d'ile de france, magasins de disques, magasins de musiques) Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TAM9603D.ZIP 698k 30.03.96 [00] *========* TAM TAM #8 du 03/96 *========* *======* Format WinWord 2.0 .DOC *======* Le premier magazine electronique francais sur la Musique. Au sommaire : * Actualite musicale * Articles * L'echo du tam tam avec * Les nouvelles Fraiches * L'interview du mois * Les Fanzines * La musique * les tablatures * et toujours, Les bons plans avec (Labels, vpc, zines, bars, pubs, restaurants, Les disques par correspondance, Radios rock d'ile de france, magasins de disques, magasins de musiques) ========================================= Blue Suede Shoes BBS & Rock'n Jazz BBS (1) 53 79 01 44 (1) 40 54 86 04 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TAM9603W.ZIP 730k 30.03.96 [00] *========* TAM TAM #8 du 03/96 *========* *=====* Format Windows Help .HLP *======* Le premier magazine electronique francais sur la Musique. Au sommaire : * Actualite musicale * Articles * L'echo du tam tam avec * Les nouvelles Fraiches * L'interview du mois * Les Fanzines * La musique * les tablatures * et toujours, Les bons plans avec (Labels, vpc, zines, bars, pubs, restaurants, Les disques par correspondance, Radios rock d'ile de france, magasins de disques, magasins de musiques) ========================================= Blue Suede Shoes BBS & Rock'n Jazz BBS (1) 53 79 01 44 (1) 40 54 86 04 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis THNAPR96.ZIP 261k 05.05.96 [00] Ŀ Ϳ ˿˿ NewsDisk for δ APRIL 1996 Volume 2 No. 4 The NewsDisk is a monthly publication that contains news from other systems, BBS and commercial advertisments, articles of wide interest and appeal, plus user classified ads, shareware of the month and more! Want to advertise your system/club/sig in THN's NewsDisk? Read the article "SUBMIT" in this issue for details. The Software of the Month for April is: BBSBAS21.ZIP & VSCAM10.ZIP THNAUG96.ZIP 274k 11.08.96 [00] Ŀ Ϳ ˿˿ NewsDisk for δ AUGUST 1996 Volume 2 No. 8 The NewsDisk is a monthly publication that contains news from other systems, BBS and commercial advertisments, articles of wide interest and appeal, plus user classified ads, shareware of the month and more! Want to advertise your system/club/sig in THN's NewsDisk? Read the article "SUBMIT" in this issue for details. Also read about the THN CONTEST PUZZLE - you could win great prizes! Shareware of the month: HOLYMOLE.ZIP & TTGL0896.ZIP THNJUL96.ZIP 239k 01.07.96 [00] Ŀ Ϳ ˿˿ NewsDisk for δ JULY 1996 Volume 2 No. 7 The NewsDisk is a monthly publication that contains news from other systems, BBS and commercial advertisments, articles of wide interest and appeal, plus user classified ads, shareware of the month and more! Want to advertise your system/club/sig in THN's NewsDisk? Read the article "SUBMIT" in this issue for details. Also read about the THN MISSING DOLLAR CONTEST - you could win great prizes! Shareware of the month for July '96 is: FILEMAN.ZIP THNJUN96.ZIP 346k 02.06.96 [00] Ŀ Ϳ ˿˿ NewsDisk for δ JUNE 1996 Volume 2 No. 6 The NewsDisk is a monthly publication that contains news from other systems, BBS and commercial advertisments, articles of wide interest and appeal, plus user classified ads, shareware of the month and more! Want to advertise your system/club/sig in THN's NewsDisk? Read the article "SUBMIT" in this issue for details. Also read about the THN MISSING DOLLAR CONTEST - you could win great prizes! Shareware of the month for June '96 is: WATCH_GS.ZIP THNMAY96.ZIP 313k 05.05.96 [00] Ŀ Ϳ ˿˿ NewsDisk for δ MAY 1996 Volume 2 No. 5 The NewsDisk is a monthly publication that contains news from other systems, BBS and commercial advertisments, articles of wide interest and appeal, plus user classified ads, shareware of the month and more! Want to advertise your system/club/sig in THN's NewsDisk? Read the article "SUBMIT" in this issue for details. Also read about the THN MISSING DOLLAR CONTEST - you could win great prizes! Shareware of the month for May/96 is: FILEMAN.ZIP & VGA-MOM.EXE File Wizard ͸ Area: Docs&Textes/FAQs (questions-rponses) Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 17 2847 KBytes in 64 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * [Note: Tous les fichiers .FAQ sont compresss avec RAR] ADAMSFAQ.ARJ 9k 04.04.93 [04] - Douglas-Adams-FAQ 2/93 ALT_SEX.ARJ 73k 24.01.93 [03] - "Official FAQ file with answers" APPLEII.FAQ 34k 22.11.94 [00] Apple ][ FAQ ATARI.FAQ 40k 22.11.94 [01] Atari FAQ AUDIO.FAQ 78k 22.11.94 [00] AWEFAQ.RAR 23k 30.06.96 [01] Frequently Asked Questions about SB AWE32 - includes information about the SB AWE32 sound card. Please read through this file first before calling technical support. Highly recommended to all Sound Blaster users. AWEFAQ.ZIP 18k 12.08.96 [04] - Freq. Asked questions about the SB AWE-32 from Creative Labs. Last revision date in archive: 06-10-94. Uploader: Romain Maire A_UX.FAQ 45k 22.11.94 [00] BACKGAMM.FAQ 37k 22.11.94 [00] BIOLOGY.FAQ 43k 22.11.94 [00] BLACKSAB.ZIP 32k 21.01.96 [01] Black Sabbath Full FAQ Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis BRIDGE.FAQ 6k 22.11.94 [01] CDROMFAQ.ARJ 26k 04.04.93 [08] - FAQ about CD-ROMs CHESS.FAQ 28k 22.11.94 [01] CIVILWAR.FAQ 24k 22.11.94 [00] COHERENT.FAQ 15k 22.11.94 [01] COMPRESS.FAQ 72k 21.11.94 [01] COMPRESS.ZIP 105k 23.02.97 [00] FAQ sur tout ce qui touche la compression CONSUMER.FAQ 39k 22.11.94 [00] CROSSWOR.FAQ 39k 22.11.94 [00] CRYONICS.FAQ 22k 22.11.94 [01] CRYPTOGR.FAQ 42k 22.11.94 [00] DEC.FAQ 61k 22.11.94 [00] DIABETES.FAQ 19k 22.11.94 [00] DISC.FAQ 24k 22.11.94 [00] DISNEY.FAQ 121k 22.11.94 [00] DOG.FAQ 227k 22.11.94 [00] DOIP9601.ZIP 41k 02.01.96 [00] The file DOIP9601.FAQ is the January 96 release of the Frequently Asked Questions list for setting up and using the Dial Other Internet Providers application. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis Archive contains 4 files, 149724 bytes Newest: 30.12.95, Oldest: 30.12.95 Passed by SUA v0.82 (02.01.96) (eval) DRUGS.FAQ 37k 22.11.94 [00] DSP.FAQ 42k 22.11.94 [00] ELECAUTO.FAQ 13k 22.11.94 [00] ELECTRIC.FAQ 33k 22.11.94 [01] FAQ-LSD.ZIP 27k 20.05.94 [03] Mathieu Chappuis FAQ23A.ZIP 83k 09.04.97 [00] Psion FAQ v2.3 (Mar 1997) Collection of information on the Psion Series 3(a) palmtop computers. FAQINTER.ZIP 30k 08.11.94 [26] Mathieu Chappuis FAQLINUX.ZIP 22k 03.05.96 [06] FAQ Linux Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FAQX.ARJ 74k 24.01.93 [03] - "FAQ about X with answers" FAX.FAQ 22k 22.11.94 [00] FEMINISM.FAQ 96k 22.11.94 [00] FONTS.FAQ 107k 22.11.94 [00] FORTH.FAQ 37k 22.11.94 [00] FORTH.GAQ 10k 01.02.96 [00] FREECOMP.FAQ 80k 22.11.94 [00] FUZLOGIC.FAQ 22k 22.11.94 [00] GAMBING.FAQ 41k 22.11.94 [00] GNUCPP.FAQ 30k 22.11.94 [00] GO.FAQ 12k 22.11.94 [01] GRAPHICS.FAQ 131k 22.11.94 [00] GUIT_FAQ.ZIP 8k 27.11.95 [01] Guitar - Frequently Asked Questions Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HOLOCAUS.FAQ 115k 22.11.94 [00] LOCKSFAQ.ARJ 12k 04.04.93 [02] The ancient art of the locksmith FAQ NETREK.ARJ 13k 14.03.93 [00] FAQ: FAQ List PARADOX.GAQ 30k 01.02.96 [00] PERL.HTM 87k 01.02.96 [01] PINBALL.FAQ 11k 22.11.94 [00] PYROFAQ.ARJ 20k 04.04.93 [05] The explosive art of pyrotechnics FAQ SECURITY.ARJ 21k 14.03.93 [03] FAQ: alt-security-faq 1.4 (20/6/92) SOCCULFR.FAQ 25k 22.11.94 [00] SOCCULGR.FAQ 71k 22.11.94 [00] SOCCULHO.FAQ 48k 22.11.94 [00] SOFTWENG.ZIP 54k 27.11.95 [00] SoftWare Enginnering FAQ Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SPEECH.FAQ 35k 22.11.94 [00] USENET.FAQ 25k 01.02.96 [00] VGAPLAN.FAQ 13k 01.02.96 [00] File Wizard ͸ Area: Docs&Textes/NewsLetters Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 18 3816 KBytes in 31 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * FRCONFCR.ZIP 8k 30.07.91 [08] Confrence Nationale Fido France DECON101.ZIP 49k 14.05.92 [02] une archive de la confrence DECONONET dcouvrir Absolument ASC0993.ARJ 86k 25.09.93 [07] La lettre d'ASCQ du 09/93. Toute l'actualit de DP TOOL au format Hypertexte. DDJ0193.ARJ 382k 24.01.93 [02] DR DOBBS #196 (1/93) DDJ0391.ARJ 60k 28.12.92 [01] DR DOBBS #174 (3/91) DDJ0492.ARJ 390k 18.05.92 [01] DR DOBBS #187 (4/92) DDJ0791.ARJ 48k 14.12.92 [01] DR DOBBS #178 (7/91) DDJ1092.ARJ 120k 24.01.93 [01] DR DOBBS #193 (10/92) DDJ1192.ARJ 113k 24.01.93 [01] DR DOBBS #194 (11/92) DDJ1292.ARJ 1227k 24.01.93 [00] DR DOBBS #195 (12/92) DDJ9204.ARJ 393k 16.05.92 [01] Doctor Dobbs Journal (Scr) Apr92 TRIT0692.ARJ 19k 29.11.92 [01] TriBBS Target #1 (6/92) TRIT0792.ARJ 30k 29.11.92 [00] TriBBS Target #2 (7/92) TRIT0892.ARJ 52k 13.09.92 [00] TriBBS Target #3 (8/92) RAH0992.ZIP 13k 11.02.93 [00] Lettre Humoristique sur les BBS RAH1092.ZIP 14k 11.02.93 [00] Lettre Humoristique sur les BBS RAH1192.ZIP 14k 11.02.93 [00] Lettre Humoristique sur les BBS RAH1292.ZIP 12k 11.02.93 [02] Lettre Humoristique sur les BBS RAH9311R.ZIP 55k 31.12.93 [00] Randmon Access Humor VOL10N10.ZIP 48k 16.05.91 [05] Pc Magazine Volume 10 number 10 VOL10N11.ZIP 101k 31.05.91 [02] Pc Magazine VOlume 10 number 11 VOL10N12.ZIP 79k 10.06.91 [01] PC Magazine Volume 10 Number 12 VOL10N14.ZIP 81k 04.08.91 [01] PC Magazine volume 10 number 14 VOL10N15.ZIP 39k 28.08.91 [02] PC Magazine volume 10 number 15 VOL10N18.ZIP 26k 13.10.91 [03] PC Magazine volume 10 number 18 VOL11N01.ARJ 70k 02.01.92 [01] PC Magazine volume 11 number 1 VOL11N02.ARJ 157k 14.01.92 [01] PC Magazine volume 11 number 2 VOL11N03.ARJ 28k 25.01.92 [03] PC Magazine volume 11 number 3 VOL11N05.ARJ 38k 22.02.92 [01] PC Magazine volume 11 number 5 VOL11N06.ARJ 44k 17.03.92 [03] PC Magazine volume 11 number 6 VOL11N10.ZIP 38k 20.05.92 [02] PC Magazine volume 11 number 10 File Wizard ͸ Area: Docs&Textes/Science Fiction, Littrature Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 19 15854 KBytes in 146 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 2000010.ZIP 220k 12.12.94 [00] "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" by Jules Verne. Project Gutenberg Etext, September, 1994 [Etext #164]. Last revision date in archive: 09-02-94. AI.ZIP 20k 27.11.94 [01] Liste de romans contenant des intelligences artificielles Uploader: Hubert Tournier ALICE29.ZIP 60k 17.09.94 [01] "ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND" par Lewis Carroll (etext format) Uploader: Hubert Tournier ALIEN.ZIP 61k 16.09.94 [03] FAQ sur Alien, Aliens et Alien3 v1.9 Uploader: Hubert Tournier ALT-HIST.ZIP 153k 27.11.94 [00] liste annote d'histoires alternatives provenant d'Usenet Uploader: Hubert Tournier ALT_SEX.ZIP 14k 27.11.94 liste de romans de SF et de sexe Uploader: Hubert Tournier AMBER.ZIP 33k 12.11.94 [00] une chronologie et une parodie du cycle des Princes d'Ambre de Zelazny Uploader: Hubert Tournier ANARCHIS.ZIP 64k 27.05.94 [05] Anarchist's Cookbook ARGON.ZIP 30k 27.11.94 [00] "THE EYE OF ARGON", nouvelle Uploader: Hubert Tournier AUTHORS.ZIP 279k 18.09.94 [02] Science Fiction : de Abbey Zimmer Uploader: Hubert Tournier AUTHORS2.ZIP 483k 22.10.94 [03] Uploader: Hubert Tournier AWARDSSF.ZIP 16k 22.09.94 [01] Prix dcerns aux auteurs de SF Uploader: Hubert Tournier BABYLON5.ARJ 20k 18.01.93 [00] The BABYLON 5 FAQ List BABYLON5.ZIP 17k 17.09.94 [02] FAQ sur la srie tl "BABYLON 5" Uploader: Hubert Tournier BASEMENT.ZIP 32k 27.11.94 [00] liste de livres recommands par la New liste de livres disponibles directement auprs de leurs auteurs Uploader: Hubert Tournier BIBLEBAY.ZIP 16k 27.11.94 [00] tout sur l'organisation de la convention BayCon '92 Uploader: Hubert Tournier BLADERUN.ZIP 36k 17.09.94 [02] FAQ v2.0 sur le film BladeRunner Uploader: Hubert Tournier BLOCUS.ZIP 45k 05.10.94 [02] "Les forceurs de blocus" de Jules Vernes Uploader: Hubert Tournier BOOKFILM.ZIP 22k 12.11.94 [01] Uploader: Hubert Tournier BOOKS.ZIP 1139k 19.09.94 [01] Uploader: Hubert Tournier BRAZIL.ZIP 21k 24.09.94 [02] Uploader: Hubert Tournier BRFAQ.ARJ 24k 04.04.93 [05] Blade Runner FAQ v1.1 2/93 CM92BIB.ZIP 48k 12.11.94 [02] Bibliographie sur le mythe de Cthulhu de H.P. Lovecraft. Uploader: Hubert Tournier CONTE.ZIP 15k 07.02.96 [01] Conte pour petits et grands, par Mustapha Khamoudi Uploader: Mustapha Kharmoudi CONVENTI.ZIP 175k 19.09.94 [02] Uploader: Hubert Tournier CTHULHU.ARJ 47k 18.01.93 [04] A Bibliography Of The Cthulhu Mythos CYBER.ZIP 148k 01.03.94 [03] Revolt of the Cyber Slaves Roman assez delirant!! Uploader: Jonathan Higgins CYBERPUN.ZIP 12k 17.09.94 [02] FAQ sur le genre CYBER PUNK Uploader: Hubert Tournier CYBSPVAN.ZIP 410k 22.09.94 [01] les 9 premiers numros CYBSPVAN.ZIP 410k 22.09.94 [01] "CYBERSPACE VANGUARD MAGAZINE" The FREE Online Magazine for lovers of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Adventure VOLUME #01 ISSUES #00 to #06, VOLUME #02 ISSUES #01 to #02. CYLONWAR.ARJ 41k 27.12.92 [01] The Cylon War par Dave Learn DARGONZ.ZIP 937k 16.10.94 [00] une compilation des 28 premiers numros de l'e-zine DARGON ZINE, qui contient des nouvelles de SF crites par des amateurs Uploader: Hubert Tournier DECWARS.ZIP 15k 10.11.94 [01] Cette Rubrique est Anime par Hubert Tournier dans l'univers des machines Digital :-) Uploader: Hubert Tournier DELREY17.ZIP 19k 12.11.94 [01] Cette Rubrique est Anime par Hubert Tournier Uploader: Hubert Tournier DGRAY10.ZIP 169k 12.12.94 [02] "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde A Project Gutenberg Etext October, 1994 [Etext #174]. Last revision date in archive: 10-05-94. DOUGADAM.ZIP 10k 16.09.94 [00] - le FAQ sur Douglas Adams et ses romans Uploader: Hubert Tournier DOWNFLAM.ZIP 12k 27.11.94 [00] - "DOWN IN FLAMES", nouvelle de Larry Niven Uploader: Hubert Tournier DRACBOOK.ZIP 431k 09.10.94 [00] - "DRACULA" de Bram Stoker Uploader: Hubert Tournier DS9OS211.ZIP 45k 28.08.96 [00] The 32 bit OS/2 Automated Episode Guide v 1.1 for Star Trek: Deep Space 9. This is a text mode menu-driven program that simplifies viewing the episode info for the popular syndicated TV show. ================================== This update features the complete Season 4 episode data! DS9_PM11.ZIP 141k 28.08.96 [00] The 32 bit OS/2 PM Automated Episode Guide v 1.1 for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. This is a full featured OS/2 PM program that makes it easy to view info on the popular syndicated TV show Deep Space Nine. ====================================== The new version features a re-designed user interface, online and offline help system, re-designed episode data dialog boxes, and now includes complete episode data for all seasons of Deep Space Nine, including season four! DUNE.ZIP 9k 16.09.94 [03] le FAQ sur "DUNE" (les romans, le film) Uploader: Hubert Tournier DUNESCPT.HTM 96k 16.06.97 [00] Le script intgral du film "Dune" Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DUNE_TNG.ARJ 39k 27.12.92 [00] Quelques dialogues du film (anglais) ECORE10.ZIP 110k 17.09.94 [01] "At The Earth's Core" by Edgar Rice Burroughs. A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext, #123, April 1994. Last revision date in archive. ENCHDUP.ZIP 37k 27.11.94 [00] "The Enchanted Duplicator", nouvelle Uploader: Hubert Tournier EXPOSESF.ZIP 37k 17.09.94 [03] Cette Rubrique est Anime par Hubert Tournier FAB_HLP.ZIP 79k 12.07.96 [00] FABLE.HLP JM BASSETTI AFAS Logiciel sous forme de fichier d'aide au format HLP. Prsente les fables de La Fontaine sous forme d'Hypetexte. Prsente textes des fables, biographie de LaFontaine et toutes les rfrences des sources qui ont inspir le pote. Cette version prsente 42 des 242 fables de La Fontaine, avec les rfrences des 42 sources. Le prix de la licence, 100 F permet l'envoi de l'intgralit des fables et de ses sources, ainsi qu'une srie de jeux sur les fables de La Fontaine. FANZINES.ZIP 12k 16.10.94 [02] Uploader: Hubert Tournier FFD-94.QWK 303k 09.01.95 [00] L'intgrale des messages posts sur la confrence FICTION.FR et le groupe GNA.FICTION pendant l'anne 1994. Uploader: Hubert Tournier FFD-9409.QWK 51k 12.12.94 [01] Digest de FICTION.FR pour Septembre 94 au format QWK Uploader: Hubert Tournier FFD-9409.ZIP 59k 16.10.94 [02] Digest de la confrence FICTION.FR et la liste des fichiers sur "SF Central" pour le mois de Septembre 1994. Remplace "FFD_9409.ZIP" qui tait incomplet Uploader: Hubert Tournier FFD-9410.QWK 110k 12.12.94 [01] Digest de FICTION.FR pour Octobre 94 au format QWK Uploader: Hubert Tou FFD-9410.ZIP 128k 11.11.94 [00] le digest des messages de la confrence FICTION.FR pour le mois d'Octobre 94, et la liste des fichiers SF Central Uploader: Hubert Tournier FFD-9411.QWK 57k 12.12.94 [01] Digest de FICTION.FR pour Novembre 94 au format QWK Uploader: Hubert Tournier FFD-9412.QWK 107k 09.01.95 [01] Digest de la confrence FICTION.FR pour le mois de Dcembre 1994. Uploader: Hubert Tournier FFD-9501.QWK 173k 31.03.95 [02] Digest FICTION.FR pour Janvier 95 Uploader: Hubert Tournier FFD-9502.QWK 109k 31.03.95 [02] Digest FICTION.FR pour Fvrier 95 Uploader: Hubert Tournier FFD_9409.ZIP 58k 09.10.94 [01] Digest FICTION.FR et liste des fichiers "SF Central" pour Septembre 94 Uploader: Hubert Tournier GDSECRET.ZYP OFFLINE [00] Le livre "Le Grand Secret" GENDSWAP.ZIP 97k 27.11.94 [00] liste des changeurs de genre Uploader: Hubert Tournier GODZILLA.ZIP 9k 27.11.94 infos sur la srie "Godzilla" Uploader: Hubert Tournier GUIDE.TXT 1k 20.06.95 [00] Citation de Douglas Adams Denoel (collection Presence du Futur) GUIDESTV.ZIP 225k 22.09.94 [00] Guide sur la srie "Babylon5" HELLRAIS.ZIP 20k 31.03.95 [00] FAQ sur "HellRaiser" Uploader: Hubert Tournier HF_01.ZIP 174k 03.10.94 [01] Futurs Multiples - Zine SF HGTTG.GIF 3k 27.11.94 [00] L'image de couverture du Guide du Routard Galactique!!! Uploader: Hubert Tournier HIGHLAND.ZIP 45k 24.09.94 [00] FAQ sur les films et la srie "HIGHLANDER" Uploader: Hubert Tournier HIGHLRPG.ZIP 38k 08.04.95 [00] Highlander - The Gathering Second Edition by Hank Driskill and John Gavigan `There can be only one' HITCHHIK.ARJ 34k 18.01.93 [01] Hitch Hikers Guide To The Net HITCHHIK.ZIP 35k 12.11.94 [01] "Hitch Hikers Guide To The Net" nouvelle tournant autour du rseau Uploader: Hubert Tournier HOLO_1_1.ZIP 717k 05.10.94 [01] Infos sur Star Wars (sous Windows) trs bien, lire Uploader: Hubert Tournier HUGO.ZIP 30k 18.09.94 [02] Les rsultats d'attribution des prix Hugo 1993 Uploader: Hubert Tournier KLINGON.ARJ 3k 17.01.93 [01] Learn to speak klingonaase in 1 lesson KLINGON.ZIP 10k 17.09.94 [04] FAQ sur le langage "Klingon" parl dans StarTrek Uploader: Hubert Tournier KLINGONN.ZIP 5k 27.11.94 [00] Apprendre le Klingonnais en une leon Uploader: Hubert Tournier LENSMAN.ZIP 11k 24.09.94 [03] FAQ sur la srie de romans des "FULGURS" d'E.E. "Doc" Smith (l'anctre de StarWars!) Uploader: Hubert Tournier LGLASS16.ZIP 66k 17.09.94 [02] "Trought the Looking Glass" by Levis Caroll LOSTCONT.ZIP 86k 16.10.94 [01] "THE LOST CONTINENT" par Edgar Rice Burroughs (un e-text) Uploader: Hubert Tournier MACHINE.ZIP 30k 16.10.94 [02] une liste de romans mettant en scne des Machines Intelligentes (robots, etc) Uploader: Hubert Tournier MEMALL10.ZIP 148k 01.06.95 [01] MEMOIRES D'UNE CANTATRICE ALLEMANDE. Roman rotique du sicle dernier. Scannris par Philippe Palau. MOVIES.ZIP 216k 22.10.94 [02] Cette Rubrique est Anime par Hubert Tournier Uploader: Hubert Tournier NEBULA.ZIP 15k 18.09.94 [00] - tout sur les prix Nebula Uploader: Hubert Tournier NECRO2.ZIP 16k 21.09.94 [04] - "Cthulhu mythos" Informations sur le terrifiant mythe de Cthulhu et le Necronomicon de Lovecraft. NESFARRL.ZIP 37k 27.11.94 [00] - Liste de livres recommands par la New England SF Association Uploader: Hubert Tournier NGMUSICA.ARJ 13k 27.12.92 [00] - Star Trek: The Next Generation Musical NO6FAQ.ARJ 16k 03.03.93 [03] - The Prisoner FAQ (8/3/92) PAKCKC.ZIP 104k 11.11.94 [01] - 300 messages de la conf locale SF du BBS CKC (en franais) Uploader: Hubert Tournier PERN.ZIP 17k 17.09.94 [02] - FAQ sur le monde de "Pern" Uploader: Hubert Tournier PKDICK.ZIP 3k 18.09.94 [00] - tout sur les prix P.K. Dick Uploader: Hubert Tournier POISN10.ZIP 72k 17.09.94 [01] - POSTMO.ZIP 82k 21.09.94 [00] - Some writings by Jean Baudrillard Cyberpunk. PRATCHET.ZIP 33k 17.09.94 [00] - FAQ sur l'auteur Terry Pratchett Uploader: Hubert Tournier PRISONER.ARJ 4k 18.01.93 [03] - The Prisoner Episode Guide PRISONER.ZIP 17k 17.09.94 [01] - FAQ sur la srie "The Prisoner" Uploader: Hubert Tournier PRISONNI.ZIP 31k 17.09.94 [01] - Tout sur la srie "Le Prisonnier" en franais par Jrme Tournier. PROMESAT.ZIP 4k 27.11.94 [00] - Tout sur les prix Prometheus et Saturn Uploader: Hubert Tournier QUANTUML.ZIP 22k 24.09.94 [00] calendrier, FAQ et guide de la srie tl "QUANTUM LEAP" ("Code Quantum") Uploader: Hubert Tournier REDDWARF.ZIP 13k 17.09.94 [00] - FAQ sur la srie tl RED DWARF Uploader: Hubert Tournier RF_1.ZIP 69k 11.01.95 [00] Ŀ . ReaLiTy FaiLuRe : iSSue #1 ij - e-mag - - ij. from :Ŀ other ij worlds - Ŀ ... FReNCH MaG! Heroic Fantasy S-F Fantastic : # Post-Apocalyptic RIBTREK.ARJ 90k 03.03.93 [00] - ST:TNG parodies ROBOCOP.ZIP 6k 31.03.95 FAQ sur ROBOCOP (:-)))) Uploader: Hubert Tournier ROSWELL.HTM 6k 16.06.97 [00] Pour tout savoir sur l'autopsie de l'extraterrestre de Roswell. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine RUNE1194.ZIP 69k 10.11.94 [01] - RUNE'S RAG -Finest Fiction E-Magazine- ASCII Best Fiction, Non-ficiton, Poetry, and more. RUNE9411.ZIP 120k 10.11.94 [00] - RUNE'S RAG -Fantastic Fiction E-Mag- READROOM 412-LUV-RUNE, for backissues. S-F-MSG.ZIP 214k 22.10.94 [00] - Threads de S.F. tirs de la confrence "LITTERATURE" du BBS The Windows Manor, ente septembre 1992 et juin 1994 Uploader: Hubert Tournier SEAQUEST.ZIP 16k 24.09.94 [01] FAQ sur la srie tl "SeaQuest" Uploader: Hubert Tournier SF-MUSIC.ZIP 70k 12.11.94 [01] Cette Rubrique est Anime par Hubert Tournier Uploader: Hubert Tournier SFCMD3.ZIP 309k 20.09.94 [02] Cette Rubrique est Anime par Hubert Tournier Uploader: Hubert Tournier SFFAQ.ARJ 9k 18.01.93 [01] - sf-written-info: rec.arts.sf.written FAQ SFL-IDXS.ZIP 265k 12.12.94 [01] Index des digests du newsgroup SF Lovers depuis 1980! Uploader: Hubert Tournier SFL_POL.ARJ 4k 18.01.93 [01] - SF-LOVERS Digest Policy SFRESGUI.ZIP 18k 11.11.94 [01] - toutes les bonnes adresses SF sur Internet (hypermdia au format HTML) Uploader: Hubert Tournier SF_FAQS.ZIP 178k 17.09.94 [01] Cette Rubrique est Anime par Hubert Tournier Uploader: Hubert Tournier STAR-TRE.ARJ 6k 18.01.93 [00] Star Trek Episode Guide Animated Series STARTR10.ARJ 146k 18.01.93 [00] Star Trek Video Library 1.0 STGUIDES.ZIP 78k 18.09.94 [02] Uploader: Hubert Tournier STRWR1-3.ZIP 10k 31.03.95 [01] Uploader: Hubert Tournier STSTORI2.ZIP 315k 09.10.94 [01] provenant du newsgroup alt.startrek.creative Uploader: Hubert Tournier STSTORIE.ZIP 872k 20.09.94 [01] Uploader: Hubert Tournier STTNGFAQ.ARJ 5k 27.12.92 [00] Star Trek: T.N.G. Program Guide FAQ STTNGGUI.ARJ 43k 18.01.93 [00] Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode G ST_FAQS.ZIP 601k 17.09.94 [00] FAQs sur Star Trek Uploader: Hubert Tournier ST_GUI.ARJ 12k 18.01.93 [00] Star Trek Episode Guide TARZAN1.ZIP 183k 17.09.94 [00] Tarzan of The Apes by Edgar Rice Burrughs Dont even start this first one - It's addictive! You'll have to read them all! Last revision date in archive: 05-09-94. TARZAN2.ZIP 133k 17.09.94 [00] THe Beasts of Tarzan by E R Burroughs. Last revision date in archive: 04-28-94. TARZAN4.ZIP 189k 17.09.94 [00] Return of Tarzan by E. R. Burroughs. Last revision date in archive: 04-23-94. TARZAN5.ZIP 198k 17.09.94 [00] Theson of Tarzan This, is to th e best of my Knowledge, the last book he wrote of the Trzan tales. Last revision date in archive: 04-21-94. TERMINAT.ZIP 21k 31.03.95 [03] Uploader: Hubert Tournier TIMEM10.ZIP 77k 17.09.94 [00] "The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells TLUN.ZIP 142k 20.09.94 [02] "De la Terre la Lune" de Jules Vernes Uploader: Hubert Tournier TNG_PM11.ZIP 161k 16.09.96 [00] The 32 bit OS/2 PM Automated Episode Guide v 1.1 for Star Trek: The Next Generation. This is a full featured OS/2 PM program that makes it easy to view info on the popular syndicated TV show. ====================================== The new version features a re-designed user interface, online and offline help system, re-designed episode data dialog boxes and more efficient disk-based episode data files. TOLKIEN.ZIP 48k 16.09.94 [03] les FAQs sur "Tolkien" et son oeuvre Uploader: Hubert Tournier TOS_PM11.ZIP 139k 04.09.96 [00] The 32 bit OS/2 PM Automated Episode Guide v 1.1 for Star Trek: The Orignal Series. This is a full featured OS/2 PM program that makes it easy to view info on the popular TV show Star Trek. ====================================== The new version features a re-designed user interface, online and offline help system, re-designed episode data dialog boxes, and disk-based data files. TRANSFRM.ZIP 98k 27.11.94 [00] liste des histoires de transformation Uploader: Hubert Tournier TRASTORY.ARJ 61k 18.01.93 [01] The Transformation Stories List (8th) TRATORS.ZIP 251k 21.09.94 [00] Lighthouse Prod SCI-FI NOVEL BASED ON GENETIC RESEARCH NOW BEING DONE. Boston Globe "This book is a must for every thinkin Human" TREKBOOK.ARJ 100k 18.01.93 [01] The Trek Book WARW10.ZIP 139k 17.09.94 [00] THE COMING OF MARTIANS WORLDFAN.ZIP 5k 18.09.94 [00] tout sur les prix World Fantasy Uploader: Hubert Tournier WOT.ZIP 237k 05.10.94 [00] FAQ et infos sur "Wheel of Time" la srie de Robert Jordan Uploader: Hubert Tournier WSFS.ZIP 16k 19.09.94 [00] Infos sur la World Science Fiction Society (ceux qui organisent la convention mondiale, et dcernent le prix Hugo) Uploader: Hubert Tournier XFGUIDE.ZIP 15k 12.11.94 [02] Guide des pisodes des "X-FILES" ("Au dela du rl"). Rsum des pisodes (Srie 1 et 2). Upl: Pascal Deville XFILES.ZIP 13k 24.09.94 [03] FAQ sur la srie des "X-FILES" ("Au dela du rel") Uploader: Hubert Tournier XFLWIN10.ZIP 75k 28.01.97 [00] The 16 bit Windows Automated Episode Guide v 1.0w for the X-FILES. This is a full featured Windows program that makes it easy to view information on the popular TV Show the X-FILES. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine XFL_PM12.ZIP 111k 27.06.96 [00] The 32 bit OS/2 PM Automated Episode Guide v 1.2 for the popular FOX TV series, the X-FILES. This is a full featured OS/2 PM program that makes it easy to view information on the popular TV Show. ====================================== The new version features re-designed character dialogs, new Next/Previous Episode toolbar buttons and new Next/ Previous Season toolbar buttons. XPHILO1.RAR 4k 17.10.96 [03] Les X-Philos 1 (parodie des X-Files) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine XPHILO2.RAR 17k 17.10.96 [03] Les X-Philos 2 (parodie des X-Files) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine File Wizard ͸ Area: Jeux&Educatifs/Educatifs Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 22 6899 KBytes in 19 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * AECT200.RAR 236k 26.03.96 [00] ADVANCED ENGLISH COMPUTER TUTOR (AECT v. 2) Program to Learn Advanced English. Fully compatible with XT/286/386/486/Pentium TXT/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA;DOS 3.1+ or Windows 3.1+ (AECT) is an INTERACTIVE tutorial that teaches you SUBTLETIES of the English language. The program is significantly useful for those who have a good command of English, yet find certain features of the language somewhat puzzling. DICOJAP.ZIP 600k 10.08.97 [00] Dictionnaire Franco-Japonais Beta 2.10 devellope en VB4. Fournis dans ce pack : -Le logiciel principal, un mini dictionnaire -Les drivers : Vb40032.dll et Comctl32.ocx DicoJap Beta 2.10 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DINOSAUR.ARJ 95k 04.04.93 [03] Infos sur les dinosaures (CGA) E-HERB20.ZIP 726k 08.03.95 [00] HERB POWER v2.0 (for DOS) Pour tout savoir sur le pouvoir des plantes. Une bonne encyclopdie sur la botanique en gnral. GERM1-25.ARJ 57k 20.03.93 [00] German Teacher #1 v2.5 GERM2-25.ARJ 56k 20.03.93 [00] German Teacher #2 v2.5 GPA10H.ZIP 791k 01.09.95 [00] The Greatest Paper Airplanes v1.0h A Windows program using full interactive 3D animation to fold extraordinary paper airplanes. Unique notebook features simple VCR style fold controls, color printing of decorated airplane designs, and animated tutorials on the history of flight and paper folding. Requires: 386SX-16 or up, Windows 3.1 or up, 4MB RAM, 2MB disk. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis JAPANESE.ZIP 140k 24.02.93 [04] Cour d'initiation la culture, au vocabulaire et la grammaire japonaise Uploader: Rick Christenson JETUIL11.ARJ 319k 29.03.96 [00] Ŀ " je, tu, il..." Version 1.1 (C) 1994-1996 Luis SILVA Ĵ Logiciel de conjugaison des verbes de la langue franaise Ĵ VERSION SHAREWARE Ĵ DOS - WINDOWS 3.1x - WINDOWS 95 Uploader: Rayan Chikhi LOGIJEU.ARJ 35k 21.09.93 [00] Un jeu ducatif en CGA en franais pour apprendre le vocabulaire. LONDON.ARJ 189k 23.03.96 [00] The London Access Demo Welcome to the first guide to Central London for your PC, London Access! This demo version covers about 5% of the area of the complete product. London Access Demo runs on Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 systems. MENTION.ZIP 237k 24.06.94 [02] Un QCM super en VGA Uploader: Pascal Lallement PETROLE.ARJ 181k 12.05.93 [01] Logiciel Educatif sur le Ptrole RUSTUT.ARJ 215k 20.03.93 [01] Russian Tutor 1.5 SPAN1-25.ARJ 57k 20.03.93 [01] Spanish Teacher #1 v2.5 SPAN2-25.ARJ 55k 20.03.93 [01] Spanish Teacher #2 v2.5 UFRENCH.ARJ 108k 20.03.93 [00] Language Teacher 1.02 for French VERBESIR.ZIP 1689k 10.08.97 [00] Verbe Anglais Irrguliers Pour apprendre les verbes anglais irrguliers facilement sous Windows. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WINBODY.ZIP 1123k 26.12.93 [04] Anatomie du corps humain. Windows. Uploader: Chris Martin File Wizard ͸ Area: Jeux&Educatifs/Jeux divers Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 23 84489 KBytes in 145 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * !BILLY10.ZIP 524k 31.03.95 [09] A 3D VGA Western Action Arcade Game. Many levels, 256 color scrolling action, Escape from prison, survive the New Mexico desert, rattle snakes, buffaloes, bombs, gunmen and other surprises. Explore the old man's mine and his army of mice, fight with gangs, cross Ghost- towns, find treasures, face deadly enemies, Apache warriors and Sheriff Pat Garrett's lethal six shooter. Requires: VGA, 286-16 and 530K of memory Options: Joystick,SoundBlaster,EMS, XMS. Billy The Kid, best game west of Pecos! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis !SOD!.ZIP 688k 19.07.93 [01] Spear of destiny Demo le premier niveau. Uploader: Jean Lesage #1BIO.ARJ 615k 29.09.93 [03] Bio Menace version 1.0 un bon petit jeu d'arcades. Uploader: Jean Lesage #1BLAKE.ARJ 1255k 15.12.93 [06] - Successeur de wolf3d, 386+, adlib,... bien pour qui aime les laby. en 3d Uploader: Dominique Klein #1HOCUS.ZIP 894k 13.06.94 [12] HOCUS POCUS v1.0 by APOGEE! (VGA) ۲ 386SX or higher -- 567K required ۲ Scrolling action game like Mario Bros., with constant variety of levels, graphics, music, enemies and awesome parallaxing backgrounds. In a magical kingdom, Hocus must overcome many realms before becoming a full-fledged Wizard. Supports ALL major sound boards, like Ad Lib, GUS, PAS, SB & general midi. Three skill levels, joystick/pad optional. Copyright (c) 1994 Mike Voss. >shareware< #HARRY12.ARJ 1267k 27.12.93 [07] HALLOWEEN HARRY v1.2 APOGEE GAME! ۲ 386 or better required! The best 256-color *VGA* action/arcade game for the IBM PC! If Duke Nukem has a twin, it's Harry--with an arsenal of powerful weapons (guided missile, photon cannon, micro nukes, jetpack, more) Harry has the zombie aliens shakin' in their slimy shoes! Cool cinematics, Sound Blaster music, superb animation, hilarious story. Save/restore, 3 skill levels, boss enemies. $PINBALL.ZIP 698k 12.11.93 [11] Epic Pinball Un joli flipper par Epic Uploader: Dominique Klein 1STAR.ZIP 5216k 24.12.96 [00] STARGUNNER from Apogee! (v1.0) Amazing shooter blows away Raptor! Never has the PC seen a more graphically explosive shooter. Fully rendered & animated enemies, with non-stop variety, plus complex bosses. Each mission, equip your ship with new engines, weapons & special power-ups. Triple-parallax scrolling, radical music, secrets, hot effects--Stargunner has it all! The new benchmark game for shooters! Get it! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis 3_TETRIS.ZIP 29k 12.04.95 [00] 3 Tetris (un classique en mode texte, et deux autres avec des pieces aux angles originaux en mode graphique) AC767.ZIP 39k 19.07.93 [01] 767 air canada pour FS4 Uploader: Franck Millet ALIENCAR.ZIP 1711k 05.12.94 [05] ALIEN CARNAGE v1.0 APOGEE GAME! ۲ 386 or better required! The best 256-color *VGA* action/arcade game for the IBM PC! If Duke Nukem has a twin, it's Harry--with an arsenal of powerful weapons (guided missile, photon cannon, micro nukes, jetpack, more) Harry has the zombie aliens shakin' in their slimy shoes! Cool cinematics, Sound Blaster music, superb animation, hilarious story. This game was formerly Halloween Harry. AMENATI.ZIP 682k 01.05.96 [01] Jeu d'aventure en Franais, 3D, type lands of lore, cool et ducatif ! Uploader: Guillaume Mary AMV.ZIP 737k 08.12.94 [02] Animated VGA Memory Game V1.0 Svga And Sound Support Are Provided in This Version of A Concentration Type Game. ANAGRAM.ARJ 73k 15.03.93 [01] Fun with Anagram Donnez-lui quelques mots et il vous trouvera des phrases incroyables... Uploader: Rick Christenson ANCIENTS.ZIP 334k 22.02.94 [02] Jeu de Role. Graphismes VGA. Uploader: Alain Boitier AQUAMAN.RAR 117k 06.11.94 [03] Jeu de Logique dos.. ARGO.ZIP 532k 19.03.94 [03] Un Clone de Ttris VGA (beaux graphismes 256Col) ASPETRA.ZIP 438k 18.08.96 [00] Get ready for the Role-Playing event of the decade! Over three years in the making! Never before has a computer RPG offered such a rich, involving story, to complement a perfectly designed Role-Plaing experience. Only $28 to register! Supports VGA and Soundblaster. AWDEMO.EXE 130k 08.11.91 [03] Dmo VGA du Jeu Another World BAC-BLAS.ZIP 385k 10.06.95 [00] ==[ BLASTEROIDS 3-D ]== Cool VGA game work on 386 with 2megs BALLOON.ARJ 45k 03.08.93 [02] Un petit jeu Sympa en VGA par Stphane GIGANDET BAM2DEMO.RAR 2897k 13.08.97 [00] BustAMove 2 - Demo Superbe adaptation du fameux jeu d'arcade. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine BANANOID.ARJ 49k 21.12.93 [01] Jeux de Briques Uploader: Marc Fumoux BATS.ARJ 368k 08.12.94 [01] Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats BJACK.ZIP 154k 13.11.93 [03] Black jack simple, mais efficace. Trs bien pour dbuter ! Uploader: Patrick Plawner BLASTZON.ZIP 123k 18.08.96 [00] ͻ BlastZONE v1.5 - Zone Master and the WGT Graphics Toolkit distributed by -- ZoNeSoFt ͹ Blast the oncoming hordes of menacing aliens and bring peace back to the galaxy! A multi-level shootem up much like the old arcade style games. SoundCard support! ͼ BLT-SNES.ZIP 69k 25.04.96 [06] SUPER MARIO [GAME] SKULLRAZOR /BLT A 100% SNES Lookalike game! Only 50KB unzipped! Presented by Skullrazor.. No I didn't make the game :) I only spread it! BLACKTRON(C)1995(P) 15-09-95 Uploader: Nicolas Fournil BNIGHT.RAR 2184k 18.10.96 [00] Black Night v1.1 Shareware Simulateur de vol d'un F/A-18 avec gouraud, sons, etc... Uploader : Igor Kouzmine BOLZ10S.ZIP 2345k 18.08.95 [00] BOLZ! FROM COGNITION DEVELOPMENT TEAM PKUNZIP with -d to rebuild directories! Experience the first five levels of this fast-paced, scrolling action adventure. 256-color VGA graphics and 32-channel digital techno sound- track make this a must download! DOS, 486+, SB/PAS/GUS/WSS/COMPATIBLES. Shareware. BOUCING.ZIP 257k 18.08.96 [01] B O U N C I N G B A L L ARCADE GAME WHERE BILL MUST SHOOT ALL THE BALLS OR DIE !! SMOOTH VGA ACTION RAY-TRACED BACKGROUNDS 1 OR 2 PLAYER CO-OPERATIVE PLAY ASSEMBLER SOURCE AVAILABLE BQ1-INST.BAT 1k 25.09.94 [01] Install pour Bard's Quest I Uploader: Luc Mardaga BQ1P1.ZIP 253k 25.09.94 [01] Bard's Quest I (1/4) Uploader: Luc Mardaga BQ1P2.ZIP 292k 25.09.94 [01] Bard's Quest I (2/4) Uploader: Luc Mardaga BQ1P3.ZIP 363k 25.09.94 [01] Bard's Quest I (3/4) Uploader: Luc Mardaga BQ1P4.ZIP 178k 25.09.94 [01] Bard's Quest I (4/4) Uploader: Luc Mardaga BRAINWAV.ZIP 1331k 18.08.96 [01] BrainWave 1.1 256-color Shooter with AI Great Arcade Action from DEXTERITY SOFTWARE. The setting: Your own mind. Battle deadly Nanobots through wave after wave of explosive shoot-em-up action. Awesome 256-COLOR graphics, sizzling sound FX, and MIDI music. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE makes enemies learn and adapt to your style of play. Impressive! * 3 Different Mind-Blowing Scenarios. * Includes Easy-To-Use Installation Program. BTOAST.ZIP 119k 08.10.97 [00] ۲ ۱ BUBBLE TOASTĿ ۰ Ŀ y POI - MADE - REZ presented at the PLACE TO E 5 fast code compo. Fr.14-18 aug.97 mr RION//0M//ECLIPSE Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CANNON.ZIP 1312k 08.11.94 [01] Cannon Fodder arcade game by Virgin Interactive Entertainment and distributed by MVP Software . This hilarious new retail ac CATABS.ZIP 821k 24.06.96 [02] THE CATACOMB ABYSS in 3-D! A captivating tale of wizards & fantasy trips into other dimensions. You've been called upon to perform feats of magic & courage against your arch-rival, Nemesis. You'll discover a myriad of bizzare creatures and places as you embark on an unforgettable adventure into the wild world of the Abyss. Definitely among the best 3-D graphics available anywhere! Sys.Req.: 286 or better, 640K, EGA or better. GAMER'S EDGE, a div. of SOFTDISK PUBLISHING. CC13.ARJ 133k 24.02.93 [03] Jeu de Dames Chinoises great! Uploader: Robert Rencinai CHAMP.ZIP 125k 24.06.95 [00] PC-CHAMPIONNAT Gestion de championnats sportifs. Gnration de classements et de statistiques, impressions. Trs facile d'utilisation. CHARLY.ZIP 2697k 18.08.96 [00] CHARLY THE CLOWN 1.01/SCHENK&HORN Fantastic Jump'n'run game! Try to solve over 25 levels with Charly the clown! (Shareware: 5 levels) - 25 levels plus many bonuslevels - amazing VGA graphics with 256 colors, parallaxscrolling and rendered graphics - fantastic music and effects ------Play it and have fun!------ CM2100.ZIP 308k 05.10.93 [04] ChessMaster 2100 Jeu d'echecs Uploader: Benjamin Levine CONQUEST.ZIP 117k 20.11.93 [05] Jeu DOS type RISK On peut jouer contre de nombreux joueurs controls par l'ordinateur. Possibilit de jouer par modem Uploader: PaPla CORIDOR7.ZIP 1167k 13.06.94 [11] -=> CORRIDOR 7: ALIEN INVASION <=- By Capstone Software Technology Licensed From Id Software Creators Of WOLFENSTEIN 3D New Features Include: Morphing Aliens & Extended Death Scenes, Full Screen Action, Proximity Mapping, Infa-Red & Night Vision, Diminished Lighting Effects, Mines & More... COSMO.LZH 466k 21.03.94 [01] Cosmo cosmic aventure d'apogee software (286/386/486 Only) Uploader: Dominique Menoux COSMO1.ZIP 548k 12.07.93 [01] Cosmo by Apogee SoftWare (286+) CROCK.ZIP 46k 14.06.93 [08] Fichier permettant de mettre des patchs dans vos jeux (rcent) Uploader: Geoffrey Reversat CROSWORD.ARJ 20k 07.12.93 [02] - Creez vos mots croiss, logiciel en anglais CYBERIA.ARJ 867k 27.01.95 [00] - Cyberia Demo DARE2DRM.ZIP 580k 10.01.94 [05] - Jeu d'aventure sous windows pour ceux qui aiment Uploader: Cedric Delberghe DCNT11UP.ZIP 568k 09.02.95 [00] - DESCENT Shareware v1.1 UPDATE Updates Descent 1.0 to 1.1 DDVPV2.ZIP 144k 17.11.93 [04] - Poker sous DOS bien fait, propre. Uploader: Patrick Plawner DELTAWIN.ARJ 58k 03.08.93 [06] - Delta Wing un trs beau Shoot'em'Em Up en VGA par Stphane GIGANDET DESCENT.ZIP 3152k 13.11.95 [02] Descent v1.4 JEUX COMME DOOM MAIS PASSAGE DE HAUT EN BAS VOUS ETES D UNE MINE SUR LA LUNE AVEC VOTRE VAISSAU IL FAUT TROUVER LES CLEFS DELIVRER LES PRISONNIERS ENCLENCHER LA DESTRUCTION DE LA MINE ET VOUS AVEZ 45SECONDES POUR EN RESORTIR MISSION ACCOMPLI IL Y A MINES A DETRUIRE DANS CETTE VERSION VERSION SHARWARE DE CHEZ PARALAX Uploader: Alain Boitier DESTINY.RAR 2172k 18.10.96 [00] Fight of Destiny Demo Un joli Shoot'em up. Uploader : Igor Kouzmine DORMEUR.ZIP 195k 31.03.95 [05] Jeu d'aventure marrant et Franais Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DOUBLINK.EXE 96k 05.10.93 [09] Un Tetris plus simple, avec Principe un peu diffrent Speaker, Sound Blaster - CGA/EGA/VGA256 Uploader: Philippe Ziesch DUNE2SAV.RAR 19k 27.04.96 [00] Deux sauvegardes de Dune II avec les Atreides l'une l' offensive finale, l' autre juste avant la fin ! Uploader: Rayan Chikhi DXBALL17.EXE 597k 14.10.97 [01] Dx ball est LE futur de Arkanoid pour W9 Uploader: Rayan Chikhi DYNAMO.ZIP 25k 08.03.96 [00] - DYNAMO DRAUGHTS Welcome to DYNAMO DRAUGHTS! THe aim of this program is to introduce the CONTINENTAL version of draughts to the UK/USA, and hopefully get people interested in this game. DRAUGHTS has always suffered in comparison with CHESS - this is a great shame, as both the ENGLISH 8 by 8 and the CONTINENTAL 10 by 10 are very subtle and complex games - indeed the 10x10 game aurguably offers more permutations than CHESS, and is very highly regarded in Europe. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis EGAGOLF.ZIP 61k 24.02.93 [00] Jeu de golf Uploader: Hichem Lassoued ENITE3F1.ZIP 637k 05.10.93 [05] ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III - VERSION TWO! Here it is! The BIGGEST, BADDEST (FINAL) version of ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE alternate graphics and maps for the shareware version of WOLFENSTEIN 3D! THIS IS A BUG FIX VERSION SO IF YOU HAVE THE OLDER NM-III (ENITE-3A, ENITE-3B) YOU CAN TRASH THEM, AND GET THIS INSTEAD! ** File 1 of 2. You'll also need ENITE3F2 ** ENIGMA-13 Uploader: Benjamin Levine ENITE3F2.ZIP 664k 05.10.93 [04] ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III - VERSION TWO! Here it is! The BIGGEST, BADDEST (FINAL) version of ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE alternate graphics and maps for the shareware version of WOLFENSTEIN 3D! THIS IS A BUG FIX VERSION SO IF YOU HAVE THE OLDER NM-III (ENITE-3A, ENITE-3B) YOU CAN TRASH THEM, AND GET THIS INSTEAD! ** File 2 of 2. You'll also need ENITE3F1 ** ENIGMA-13 Uploader: Benjamin Levine ENOID.EXE 149k 04.09.95 [04] Petit casse-brique sympa. EMM necessaire Uploader: Alain Boitier EPICPNB2.ZIP 829k 17.10.95 [05] EPIC PINBALL: Super Android A major new version of the ultra-popular pinball thriller from Epic MegaGames. Epic Pinball brings true arcade-style pinball to life on your PC. This update brings many hot new features to the original: Surround Sound for stereo sound cards, improved music and sound, and more! Epic Pinball is currently the #2 game on the Shareware Top Ten! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FLOATRIS.RAR 347k 06.11.94 [01] Encore un clone de tetris VGA 256 FLYNN14.RAR 1058k 18.10.96 [00] Flynn Sprint v1.14 Jeu d'arcade dans le style de LodeRunner. FS4.ZIP 26k 06.05.93 [04] - scenes france pour FS4 Uploader: Marc Sauteraud FUNBALLS.ZIP 988k 06.09.95 [00] Jeu de Rflexion ShareWare Sympa! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FUZZY.RAR 1808k 16.02.96 [01] /// Fuzzy's World V1.00s- Pixel Painters \\\ Pixel Painters releases its most spectacular game to date! It's wild! It's zany! It's... it's... space golf?? That's right, the most outrageous sport of the future is here for you today! Completely animated, outstanding graphics and music. Don't miss this game, it's one of the most unique games shareware has to offer! Req: 4M RAM, VGA, HD, Mouse, 386/33 (486 recommended); Opt: Sound Card Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis GALACTIX.RAR 674k 06.11.94 [01] - Joli shoot'em'up VGA 256 GALAXY.ZIP 35k 23.05.91 [04] - Similateur Galactique GEARDEMO.ARJ 1185k 04.09.96 [01] Gearheads - La dmo jouable Un jeu de stratgie en 3D fond sur "la rvolte des jouets" Issu de la disquette du pcmag N102 Uploader: Christophe Demory GEMS2.ZIP 52k 12.03.95 [00] *** Gemstones II *** VGA Breakout *** Amazing 256 color VGA graphics. Support for up to 6 players with 3 difficulty settings and 10 levels. The game has 15 types of blocks to hit, and as many as 3 moving balls at a time. The game speed and mouse speed are both adjustable. Sounblaster support. All this, and a download time of 6 minutes at 2400 baud! GLAD37.RAR 547k 18.10.96 [00] Gladiators v3.7 Jeu d'aventure vu du dessus dans le style des premiers Ultima. Uploader : Igor Kouzmine GOB2SLV.ZIP 9k 01.06.93 [05] - Solution de Gobliins 2 Uploader: Francois Grange GOBLIN.ARJ 765k 25.11.94 [00] - Dmo du jeu Goblin Uploader: Nelson Liao GOBMAN11.RAR 70k 18.10.96 [02] GobMan v1.1 Un joli Pacman avec quelques options en plus. Uploader : Igor Kouzmine GOLF181.ZIP 291k 29.06.93 [00] - Game golf for InterBBS Operations Uploader: Franck Millet GTHORV2A.ZIP 109k 31.01.92 [09] - Le MEILLEUR jeu d'OTHELLO free sur PC GTIX12.ZIP 611k 12.07.93 [01] - Galactix by Apogee SoftWare GW320.ZIP 266k 12.08.96 [04] - Game Wizard 3.20 Uploader: Romain Maire HANGMAN.ZIP 70k 03.12.94 [00] - JEU DE PENDU EN ANGLAIS. BEAUCOUP DE MOTS ET DE VOCABULAIRE. Uploader: Michel Polski HG.EXE 859k 09.06.95 [00] === HIGHWAY HUNTER: From Safari Software === A fast, frantic and furious arcade blast fest! Guide your advanced assault vehicle, THE MASTER, through roads of destruction and carnage. 256-color parallax-scrolling graphics, huge boss tanks and hot powerups make Highway Hunter one of the best shooters on the PC! Shareware version 1.0 from Safari Software and Omega Integral Systems. ============================================ (SeftExtract Archive) INVASION.ZIP 424k 21.04.96 [01] Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of Doom Shareware Version 2.2- The best Galaga-type shoot'em-up for the PC. Face swarming, swirling, sneaky mutant space bats! Grab power-crystals to power-up! Includes 2 player game, bonus rounds, great animation, fast game play. Sup. mouse, joystick, sound cards, and PC speaker. Runs on EGA, better on VGA. Works on most laptops! Previous bugs fixed. Pop Software. Shareware $11 + $3 s&h. Uploader: Xavier Imbs JELLY.ZIP 578k 19.03.94 [03] - Arcade VGA JILL1.ZIP 306k 29.06.93 [03] - Game Jungle vga sound blaster Uploader: Franck Millet JURASSIK.ZIP 487k 31.10.93 [02] - Les premieres images du Jeu ( Exclusif) Anjou-Link BBS... Uploader: Franck Foulon KEEN6.ZIP 336k 13.04.96 [02] - COMMANDER KEEN 6 Great playable demo of the ultimate Keen game! It features fabulous new graphics technology, original music soundtrack on AdLib/Soundblaster, EGA/VGA, and more!!! *** WARNING! - Highly addictive! *** Uploader: Xavier Imbs KOOLAH10.ZIP 46k 20.07.93 [00] - JEU LABYRINTHE Uploader: Olivier Faure-muret L2.ZIP 83k 07.07.96 [00] - Prog pour modifier les sauvegardes de Lemmings2 LASERLGT.EXE 339k 04.09.95 [01] Jeu /dos avec EMM. Bien Uploader: Alain Boitier LEMMI2.ZIP 540k 25.06.93 [04] - Lemmings 2: The Tribes (Playable Demo 4Lev) great demo of a great game. Supports 256 color VGA and SB. Cool! Uploader:Dom Klein LUDTRIS.RAR 105k 18.10.96 [00] LudTris v1.0 Un tetris simple mais amusant, et light pour le disque dur ! Uploader : Igor Kouzmine MARIO.RAR 101k 23.04.96 [07] Super Mario Bros ! La replique parfaite du jeu de la console ! Uploader: Rayan Chikhi MEGA255.ZIP 620k 19.03.94 [00] - Labyrinthe VGA on doit pouvoir jouer par modem MEGATRON.ZIP 574k 19.12.93 [05] Combat de robots vga / sblaster METEOR.ZIP 500k 18.08.96 [00] Meteor Mission Version: #1122 Desc: Meteor Mission arcade game Needs: IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster MJSTRIK.ARJ 545k 20.07.93 [04] Major striker un Trs bon jeu d'arcades By Apogee. Uploader: Jean Lesage NETHK321.ZIP 811k 28.06.96 [00] NetHack v3.21 A Dungeons and Dragons like game where you (the adventurer) descend into the depths of the dungeon in search of the Amulet of Yendor, reputed to be hidden somewhere below the twentieth level. You begin your adventure with a dog or cat that can help you in many ways, and can be trained to do all sorts of things. On the way you will find useful (or useless) items, quite possibly with magic properties, and assorted monsters. NOTRUS.ZIP 261k 19.03.94 [03] - Un jeu qui ressemble au dames, joli graphs OK123.RAR 361k 18.10.96 [01] OverKill Shoot'em up dans le style de Xenon. Uploader : Igor Kouzmine OPION093.ZIP 48k 12.12.93 [00] - Jeu DOS sympathique -morpion solitaire EGA-VGA souris, et silencieux en plus! on peut en etre accro. :-)) Uploader: Dominique Kle OPION096.ZIP 53k 16.12.93 [02] - Release mliore d'Opion le morpion solitaire. mouse , vga, undo, save/restore , ... Uploader: Dominique OVERKILL.ZIP 371k 19.03.94 [03] - Shoot them Up VGA PAC.RAR 1408k 30.03.96 [00] THE PACMINATOR BOMBER Un SUPER jeu !! Un remake de Bomber Man, en mieux !!!! On incarne PacMan qui pose des bombes diffrentes selon les milliers de bonus qui les transforme. Le tout avec un scnario en bton qui assure des heures de jeu devant son micro !! On joue un contre les nombreux fantomes avec des ambiances d'usine, de Mexico... ou deux !! Rien de mieux si on veut exterminer son voisin, son ami(e)...Avec des sons SB ... Uploader: Rayan Chikhi PAGA.EXE 263k 29.03.93 [02] Jeu d'arcade PANIZU By Apogee SoftWare Uploader: Jean Franois PARK.RAR 1317k 21.01.95 [00] - Theme Park Demo PENTHOUS.ZIP 352k 19.03.94 [07] - Petit jeu de puzzle avec les filles du magazine, c'est pas du 1024*786 mais a peut plaire. PHAGE.ZIP 98k 21.11.94 [03] - Attaque microbienne! Uploader: Nelson Liao PLANES.ZIP 166k 02.05.97 [00] Quelques nouveaux appareils pour FS5. Uploader: Gerard Quivy POLX2812.ZIP 677k 01.02.96 [00] - Pollux v1.0 Final version Dec. 1995 The Starage Simulation by FLP Explore and conquer new worlds and galaxies, research more than 100 science fields, design your own ships. Play Pollux v1.0 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis POPCORN.ZIP 57k 26.01.95 [00] RAD.ZIP 74k 13.06.94 [19] - Jeux francais de plateforme ecrit en TP Uploader: Philippe Guerin On est loin de DOOM, mais Philippe est tout seul devant son TP.. RAPTOR.ARJ 1889k 28.04.94 [11] RAPTOR v1.0 from APOGEE! (VGA) ۲ 386 (or higher) w/2 Megs REQUIRED! ۲ Kill for cash! In the future as a mercenary flying the super-tech Raptor, you'll be sent on interplanetary missions to knock off top competitors of MegaCorp. Upgrade w/ 14 hard core weapons. Jaw-dropping VGA animation & cinematics. Supports all major sound cards. Developed by Cygnus Studios. >Shareware.< Supports mouse & joystick. 4 skill levels. Absolutely stunning VGA graphics & sounds! Uploader: Eric Deporte RDBALL10.ZIP 537k 07.12.96 [00] BALLISTIC v.1.0 - Ballistic is an addictive fast paced arcade puzzle game. It has superb 256 color VGA graphics with very smooth animation and game play. REQUIRES 386/16MHz or faster, VGA, 450K RAM, and 1 MB HDD space. Sound Blaster and Mouse optional. ROULETTE.ZIP 287k 16.06.94 [01] Jeu de la roulette americaine Uploader: Edouard Jastrzebski SAVEDUNE.RAR 169k 07.04.96 [00] Sauvegardes du jeu DUNE 2 A diffrents niveaux avec les Harkonnens. La dernire sauvegarde finit le jeu !! Uploader : Rayan Chikhi SAVTTYC.ARJ 119k 08.03.96 [02] Une SUPER sauvegarde pour Transport TYCOON. Vous possedez 20.000.000 de FF et on dmarre en 1972 avec 1 concurrent ! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SHANKEN1.ZIP 81k 29.12.93 [07] - Shankenstein - 6 pisodes complets pour WOLF3D version commerciale Uploader: Manfred Guillaume SKYROADS.ZIP 407k 27.06.96 [00] ͻ SkyRoads: Great 3D challenge for those who dare! Ķ Imagine cruising a road in Crab Nebula with your starglider! Catch breathtaking views of the universe! Loaded with superb graphics, marvelous tunes and smooth 3D animation,SkyRoads is a game that is definitely fun to play! [VGA/EGA, SB/Adlib] ͼ Uploader: Grundrich Raphael SMB.ZIP 64k 12.09.96 [04] ĿĿĿ ô Ŵ ڴ ڴ Ŀ So how great can a 66kb file be? **FUCKIN' LUNATIC GREAT** Throw away yar Nintendo this is an exact copy of MARIO! Forget about EMULATORS too! Just one .EXE! NO SHIT! YRES BRiNG iT FoR yA WARNING: VERY ADDICTIVE! Uploader: Alain Boitier STATFOOT.ZIP 135k 25.06.96 [01] GESTION DE CHAMPIONNATS DE FOOTBALL, ANALYSE, PREVISION, GROUPAGE LOTO SPORTIF le tout sous ouindoze Uploader: Christophe Abegg SUBWAR.ZIP 87k 27.05.95 [00] Pour ajouter MODSUB au jeu SUBWAR 2050 SYMVILLE.ARJ 12k 21.04.93 [04] Une ville de 200.000 h. SimCity Uploader: Patrick Bonnefous TAROT124.ARJ 66k 03.08.93 [47] TAROT 2000 Le Jeu dont nous vous avons parl dans French Connection, voir Absolument ! Uploader : Stphane GIGANDET TASKFORC.ARJ 130k 01.06.93 [00] TaskForce Demo by ERIC MATHIAUT Jeu de stratgie sobre mais amusant. TRACON.ZIP 497k 06.10.94 [03] simulateur traffic naerien Uploader: Thierry Perier TRAN150.ZIP 18k 22.07.96 [01] Un niveau pour Dukematcheurs : TRANCHEES v1.50, tous les dtails dans le fichier qui l'accompagne... From and By /*|CyberBob|*\ Uploader: Benjamin Marchand TRIVIA45.RAR 92k 29.10.95 [00] LiveSystems TRIVIA 4.5: The famous LiveSystems Trivia online. Create your own datafiles or download datafiles created by others. Can also convert SpitFire triviant files. Multiline, Multilanguage, up to 255 datafiles, statistics, a Hall of Fame and more. Dutch Quality Shareware with a twist: OR 25 dutch guilders OR a datafile of at least 50 questions Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TRONV1_2.ZIP 108k 01.10.95 [01] Tron v1.2 version du 04-04-95 livr avec le module elysium.mod Uploader: Joachim Thuau TRUGG.ZIP 689k 27.05.95 [00] TRUGG v1.0 A superb DOS arcade puzzle game featuring stunning fully-rendered 3D graphics throughout, extensive in-game animation and a heart pumping soundtrack. Guide Trugg through 20 cavernous conundrums collecting treasures while avoiding boulders, guns, forcefields and guardians. Registered version includes WYSIWYG level editor. Requires 386 or above, VGA, 560kb, Soundblaster or compatible (optional). TUBWORLD.ZIP 496k 22.10.94 [03] TUBULAR WORLDS Episode 1 - Vulcan World New shooter from DongleWare Publishing (The makers of OXYD and OXYD MAGNUM) Hordes of smoothly animated sprites, some of which will morph right at you, take you on with smart bombs and other dangerous toys. Let the force take over and synchronize your heartbeat with the driving "bhudda...bhudda" rhythm of automatic cannon fire. Uploader: Ludovic Braun TZMINIG.RAR 2553k 15.04.97 [00] +-------------------------------------+ |/\/\/\/\/\ TZ-Minigolf /\/\/\/\/\| |\/\/\/\/\/ Version 1.0 \/\/\/\/\/| +-------------------------------------+ Comfortable miniature golf simulation for Windows for up to 4 players with music, sound and 18 nicely designed and illustrated levels. Six levels playable for unregistered users. Needs 4 MB RAM and 256 colors under Windows. Sound adapter recommended. UFO.ARJ 1146k 01.06.94 [01] Demo du jeu UFO! MicroProse Uploader Daniel Koo ULTIMABJ.ZIP 346k 13.11.93 [01] Black jack complet, anim, on peut jouer jusqu' 12 caractres diffrents, suit de nombreuses rgles de casinos diffrents. Une aide en ligne est disponible. Un des meilleurs !!! Uploader: Patrick Plawner VELOCITY.ARJ 3631k 07.06.95 [01] Terminal Velocity Jeu de vaisseau en 3D dans le style de Descent mais en extrieur avec des phases tunnel magnifiques. 486DX2 mini. WACKY.RAR 1485k 08.06.95 [00] Wacky Wheels from APOGEE SOFTWARE A VGA 3D competitive racing game with a lot of tracks. WARPATH.RAR 396k 31.03.96 [02] WARPATH, Real-Time, Multi-Player Windows Game by Dan Samuel, of Synthetic Reality, Co. Up to four players try to convince planets to follow their 'Path.' The universe evolves in real time, as you mine, colonize, invest, and attack. In solo mode, enemies are controlled by AI routines. In multiplay mode, you compete against other humans via Modem or IPX Network. Supports WAV and FM sound, inter- player radio, and on-line help. Uploader: Rayan Chikhi WORMWAR.ARJ 9k 11.02.93 [02] Petit Jeu Sympa WSLOT2.ZIP 121k 16.06.94 [05] Jeu 'La machine a sous' Uploader: Edouard Jastrzebski XBILL.ZIP 49k 25.06.96 [01] Protgez les ordinateurs contre l'horrible virus(tm) que l'infame Bill veut installer. source C pour X-Window (linux par exemple) Uploader: Eric Thomas XPLOSIVE.ZIP 315k 03.02.96 [00] Xplosive - Dynablaster Clone. Last revision date in archive: 10-13-95. Uploader: Gerald Mielle ZONE66.ZIP 989k 04.10.93 [04] Zone66 - Un jeu pas trop mal fait, meme bien, avec tout le tremblement VGA/SB, Uploader: Eric Vidal File Wizard ͸ Area: Jeux&Educatifs/Jeux Adult-Only! Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 25 12616 KBytes in 69 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 3X.ZIP 164k 23.02.87 [01] Un jeu d'aventure textuel et graphique en 2 couleurs, excuter avec BASICA. ASTROTIT.ZIP 45k 26.06.87 [01] Adult Game BADBAD.ZIP 48k 20.11.86 [01] Animated Xrated BBS_SEX.ZIP 157k 01.01.80 [00] An Entertaining Adult Trivia Game With Graphics... The Premise Being That You Have BJACK.ZIP 23k 01.01.80 [00] Adult Game BUTTSLAM.ZIP 27k 29.08.88 [00] Un jeu particulrement simple o un homme doit parvenir une femme sous forme d'un jeu de poursuite (2 joueurs) rduit au strict minimum (EGA). BWARE.ZIP 119k 17.09.86 [00] Adult Game CATHOUSE.ZIP 64k 01.01.80 [00] Un jeu d'aventure textuel. CNYUSCOR.ZIP 91k 02.05.87 [00] Adult Game CRUISIN.ZIP 92k 23.07.90 [00] Un jeu d'aventure, manque le compilateur pour y jouer (?!)... DIGPOKER.ZIP 115k 27.11.87 [00] Get Lucky. A Multi Faceted Entertainment Package For Adults. DOPPIO.ZIP 22k 31.12.89 [01] Animation X en 2 couleurs. DRIVEIN.ZIP 11k 01.05.87 [01] X-rated Adventure. Lots Of Fun!! DRRUTH.ZIP 157k 04.01.80 [01] Erotic Game ELIZAX.ZIP 54k 01.01.80 [00] Dialoguez avec votre PC, la version X d'Eliza. FANT150.ZIP 242k 17.11.91 [00] Fantasy Adult Online Door Version 1.50 *new FANTASY.ZIP 222k 15.12.91 [00] Fantasy Game FANTASY2.ZIP 329k 10.01.90 [00] Erotic Game FOXY_GAM.ZIP 77k 08.05.92 [00] Good Adult Game For Couples Good Adult Game For Couples GAMBLE.ZIP 34k 03.06.90 [00] Un jeu rotique simple en mode texte trs simple, trs sobre... GETLUCKY.ZIP 22k 06.08.86 [00] Erotic Game GFDEMO.ZIP 551k 11.10.92 [04] Demo Of The Virtual Reality Girfriend She Lives In Your Computer - She Is An Artificial Intelligence Product That Learns Your Likes And Dislikes - Tell Her How You Want To Do It GWPOKER2.ZIP 85k 01.01.80 [00] Erotic Game HCHAT10B.ZIP 40k 23.08.92 [01] Heather Chat Door V.1.0 Beta For Pcboard Very Adults Only Chat Door! INTERSEX.ZIP 217k 01.06.88 [01] Adult Game JUDGE.ZIP 141k 15.11.91 [01] Judge Is An "ice Breaker" Game (sex-trivia Game) KAMA.ZIP 168k 02.02.90 [00] Le Kama-Sutra illustr en CGA. LAFF.ZIP 53k 28.03.85 [00] Laffy's Disks #1 (1984) Des textes humoristiques avec une trs lgre tendance rotique sous forme d'un petit magazine. LUCKY.ZIP 22k 06.08.86 [00] Adult Game MARLYN.ZIP 59k 01.10.86 [00] Adult Game MCDOE.ZIP 90k 09.01.90 [00] MCDOE! Version 2.0 A Shareware ADULT Adventure MCPOP10.ZIP 53k 01.01.80 [00] Adult Game MCPOP40.ZIP 65k 01.01.80 [00] Fantasy Game OLSWN2_1.ZIP 1344k 10.03.92 [02] Online Swingers For Windows, Disk 1 Of 2. This Hot Adult Software Written By Uploader! OLSWN2_2.ZIP 1036k 10.03.92 [02] Online Swingers For Windows, Disk 2 Of 2. This Is The Hotest Adult Software On The Market, And Written By Uploader! PASSION.ZIP 85k 04.05.88 [00] Jeu d'aventure textuel en couleur. PCBOY1.ZIP 6k 26.03.88 [02] Animation ANSI PHPOKER.ZIP 112k 15.12.91 [01] Un des premiers strip-pockers (en CGA). PORN34.ZIP 75k 15.03.87 [00] Jeu d'aventure textuel. QMATCH.ZIP 49k 19.12.92 [00] Quickmatch Type Qm To Start The Game. All Instructions Are Built Into The Game. SABRI.ZIP 57k 01.10.86 [00] Fantasy Game SANDRAGM.ZIP 44k 19.06.93 [00] Group Sex Board Game- Everyone Has A Good Time! Be The First To Come..... SBJACK13.ZIP 23k 01.01.80 [00] Adult Game SEXQ28.ZIP 106k 10.12.91 [00] Ver 2.8 Sexquiz, An Adult Quiz Door To Test Players Knowledge Of Sex, Woman & And Men. Multi/node/bbs, Bauds To 115k. Able To Set Number Of Questions/timesin Fossil Driver / Dv Aware. Com-port 0-15. Very Configurable By Sysop. Fixed The No Ansi Errors.. SEXTREK.ZIP 38k 15.06.86 [00] Adult Game SEXTRIS.ZIP 326k 21.06.91 [01] Tetris Xxx Spanish SEXVIXEN.ZIP 243k 10.03.89 [00] Jeu d'aventure graphique/textuel. SEXWARE2.ZIP 32k 01.12.86 [00] Un sexquiz pour tester vos connaissances... SEXYAHT.ZIP 636k 13.06.94 [36] SEXYAHT 1.2 The best adult shareware ever released!!! It's much better than a lot of commercial programs. For people over the adult legal age. Many features. It is a must!!! VGA 320X200. Multilingual! Le meilleur logiciel adulte jamais sorti dans le monde du shareware. Pour les gens ayant l'age lgal adulte. A downloader!!! VGA 320X200. Multilingue! (jeu de cartes) SEXYSHOW.ZIP 1589k 01.06.95 [01] Shot'em'Up VGA - ADULT ONLY! Utilise des objets humains comme munitions et comme cibles.. Marrant et en StampWare. SFTPORN1.ZIP 19k 27.09.88 [00] Jeu d'aventure textuel. SIMUSEX.ZIP 1201k 09.10.90 [03] An Interactive Adult Game, Vga, Soundblaster! Simusex(tm) 1.0 Is An Interactive Adult Game Similar In Vein To The Infamous Macplaymate And Virtual Valerie Products. You Arouse A Virtual Woman Using Various Sexual Tools, Toys, And Body Parts. It Requires Vga, A Microsoft Compatible Mouse, And Hard Drive. Digitized Voice, Sound Effects, And Great SOFTPORN.ZIP 29k 19.02.87 [00] Adult Game SPARK.ARJ 75k 13.09.92 [09] Petite anim sage sur les 10 positions bien franaises. SPOKER.ZIP 275k 01.01.80 [00] X-rated Adult Text Story STRIPBJ.ZIP 36k 19.10.89 [00] Adult Game STRIPPER.ZIP 6k 20.04.86 [00] Animated Xrated STRPOKER.ZIP 142k 03.01.80 [00] Fantasy Game STUDS_15.ZIP 210k 01.01.92 [00] Studs! V1.5 Adult Action Door Game! Be The Top Stud On Your Bbs! Supports All The Major Bbs's, Mulitnode, Com0-15, Non-standard Irq's, Colorful Ansi Screens, Top Ten Bulletin Creation, Sysop Configurable For # Of Girls/day, Plays/day And Time Limits, Desqview Aware, Animated Ansi Too! Your Users Will Love It! From T&j Software! SUSAN.ZIP 67k 25.09.88 [00] Animated Xrated SWAP_.ZIP 159k 14.02.90 [01] Adult X Game WETNWILD.ZIP 317k 10.05.91 [00] Wet -n- Wild For Windows This Game Is For 2 To 4 Adult Players. It Can Get Rather Intense At Times, So I Hope You All Know Each Other Very Well! XGAMES.ZIP 25k 01.01.80 [00] Fantasy Game XMONOPLY.ZIP 15k 01.02.87 [00] Fantasy Game XRATEDND.ZIP 64k 11.10.85 [00] Fantasy Game XTILES.ZIP 102k 30.04.90 [00] Adult Tilesets For Mahjongg Vga XWOF.ZIP 12k 04.05.87 [00] Fantasy Game XXX_WOLF.ZIP 344k 17.04.92 [01] X-rated Walls For Castle Wolfienstien 3d YNGSTUFF.ZIP 95k 27.05.92 [00] Adult Text Adventure Door Game For Bbs' Upload By The Author Scott Phillips Of 'pg' Productions. A Sequel To Voyuer In Which The User Gets To Meet Kim 'up Close And Personal' File Wizard ͸ Area: Jeux&Educatifs/Jeux Docs & Utils Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 26 8321 KBytes in 59 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ALNEDRK.ZIP 4k 14.06.93 [06] Tous les objets de "Alone In The Dark" Uploader: Geoffrey Reversat ANTICHEA.ZIP 89k 16.06.97 [00] DOCTOR DIABLO v1.0.2 This is release 1.0.2 of Doctor Diablo for multiplayer games of Diablo. This software allows you detect players who are cheating in a multi-player game of diablo. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine BLOODPAT.EXE 363k 19.03.97 [00] Patch pour la version Shareware de Blood disponible sur (17 Mo). Uploader: Denis Grass BYTE.ZIP 233k 01.04.96 [02] ByteRaper 2000 v4.0 With ByteRaper you can rip the Graphics and Modules from your favourite demos! Works with demos like Hex Appeal, Panic, Unreal and LOTS more! Edit the fonts and grafix in demos and games! Cheat with money and lives in your favourite games! Download NOW! Last revision date in archive: 03-31-94. Uploader: Gerald Travaillot C&CMONEY.ZIP 8k 08.03.96 [01] Cheat pour command & conquer plein de sousous !! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CC-FAQ22.RAR 17k 08.03.96 [01] COMMAND & CONQUER - Official FAQ Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CHEAT.ARJ 25k 06.01.94 [15] Des trucs, astuces, patchs pour les jeux de 1991 1993. Publis dans Joystick. Uploader: Pernot Guillaume CHEAT184.ZIP 71k 10.06.94 [11] Cheat Machine v1.84 The Game Enhancer Contains cheats for dozens of games, patches, codes, trainers, cheat modes, ... anything imaginable to cheat is available at a keypress. Info on the hottest commercial releases as well as on shareware/PD games. --- Don't get mad, get even ! --- Uploader: Arnaud Leffebvre CHEAT215.ZIP 191k 27.08.95 [11] CHEAT v21.5: The ultimate list of cheats and debug codes for MS-DOS computer games. Over 263 games exist in this realm! This is a giant list of secret backdoors and cheat codes for some of today's most popular games! Bug fix release. Allos viewing of Magic Carpet cheat codes. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CHEATCHA.RAR 160k 16.05.96 [06] CHEAT-CHAT 0.2 THE CHEATING DATABASE Cheat codes, patches, hints, tricks, everything you need to proudly cheat in games. 300+ games, and growing fast! Now supporting ENGLISH and FRENCH languages. Special ORKISH language support. Dawoo! All rights reserved. Copyright 1996 (c) MaySoft Inc. & Alexandre Golovanivsky Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CHEATER7.ZIP 81k 11.10.96 [03] Cheater version 7.0 |from Colin Gagnon Software| |The newest version of the| |ultimate game cheating| |system! Includes hundreds| |of cheat codes, saved game| |editors, executable file| |patches, and more for the| |most popular games! | Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DEEP613.ZIP 519k 11.09.96 [01] DeeP V6.13 is a DOOM Enhanced Editor Program for editing DOOM and DOOM II / HeeP V6.13 is a HERETIC Enhanced Editor Program for editing HERETIC levels DESCFAQ.ZIP 13k 09.02.95 [00] Descent faq file DEVIL.ARJ 254k 17.01.96 [00] Petit editeur pour les DOOM MANIACOS! Bloody Day, Huh! Uploader: Joachim Thuau DIABACK.ZIP 115k 16.06.97 [00] Diablo Backup Utility 1.01 This app will back up and restore your Diablo character. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DM1_2CHT.ARJ 18k 15.03.94 [05] Cheat mode pour Doom 1.2 ! Uploader: Jean Christophe Caron DM1_2SPT.ZIP 382k 27.02.94 [14] Patch DOOM Shareware 1.1 vers 1.2 DMCAD.ZIP 510k 08.12.94 [03] Editeur de niveaux de DOOM essayer Uploader: Alain Boitier DMFAQ50.ZIP 44k 08.12.94 [06] ** The "Official" DOOM FAQ v5.0 ** WRITTEN BY: Hank Leukart Includes: Cheat codes, spoilers, troubleshooting, add-on software... DMGRAPH.ZIP 36k 03.12.94 [09] DOOM Graphic Editor - version 1.0 March 1994 DMGRAPH will store graphics into or extract graphics from DOOM WAD files GIF or PPM DN3DCHT.ZIP 2k 29.03.96 [02] Duke Nukem 3D Codes pour tricher ! (Shareware) Uploader: Grundrich Raphael DOOM50.ZIP 40k 10.01.94 [13] FAQ about Doom, the 3D mayhem game from ID-software. DOOMFIX.EXE 7k 07.04.95 [00] DPRO3DOS.ZIP 165k 25.03.95 [02] -= The Dprotecter V3.1 for DOS! =- -= Bug Fix Update =- Now this great copy protection remover had been rewritten for DOS! Has same, easy to use, interface as the Windows 3.1 version, but runs under DOS! Unprotects over 100 programs, and now includes a TSR library for those harder to crack games! Uses same libraries as Windows version, and has mouse support. Tired of reading those manuals to start a game? Get this today! Compiled 08/29/93. In original release, a bad defaults file was included that created an error. It has been removed now. Sorry! DSG30.ZIP 39k 08.12.94 [02] - Editeur de sauvegarde de DOOM !!! Uploader: Alain Boitier DUKE3D08.ZIP 18k 29.03.96 [06] - DUKE3D FAQ 0.8 Trucs et astuces Duke3d The Official Duke Nukem 3D FAQ. Version 0.8. Pour TOUT savoir sur le jeu DUKE NUKEM 3D... Tous les trucs et secrets mais aussi l'histoire, les auteurs, etc. Et bien sur les CHEATS pour devenir INVINCIBLE ! A lire... Uploader: Grundrich Raphael ETAJV150.EXE 218k 28.12.95 [04] Encyclopdie de Astuces de Jeux (environ 100) en franais au format .hlp de Windows. Uploader: Jeremy Mary ETAJV350.ZIP 802k 24.12.96 [01] L'E.T.A.J.V. v3.50 (c) Sbastien Pissavy L'Encyclopdie des Trucs et Astuces de Jeux Vido rassemble des astuces pour 350 jeux dont TERMINAL VELOCITY, DUNE 2, TIE FIGHTER, MYST, X-WING, LBA, THEME PARK, FULL THROTTLE, TYRIAN SIM CITY 2000, HEXEN, NASCAR RACING, DARK FORCES, etc.. Prsent sous le format HLP, c'est un document de rfrence pour tous les PCistes amateurs de jeux. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis F30-QRCH.ARJ 38k 29.10.92 [04] Falcon 3.0 Ref Guide and Comms HandBook F3CTIPS.ARJ 15k 31.10.94 [01] Conseils pour s'amliorer Falcon 3.0 Uploader: Jean-yves Morvan FALCLC.ARJ 99k 31.10.94 [01] Editeur de campagne pour Falcon 3.0 Uploader: Jean-yves Morvan GAMEOVER.ZIP 217k 18.08.96 [02] Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ ij Ĵ ڴij ڴ 1.4 EnsEmblE d'UtIlItAIrEs pOUr vOUs AIdEr A trIchEr dAns tOUs vOs jEUx ! CEttE vErsIOn shArEwArE nE cOntIEnt quE lE PATCHER. Il vOUs pErmEttrA dE bIdOUIllEr vOs jEUx Et mEmE dE crEEr vOs bIdOUIllEs grAcE A Un lAngAgE dE prOgrAmmAtIOn ! PrIx dE l'EnrEgIstrEmEnt : SEUlEmEnt 100 FF ! Ŀ (vOIr dOc) ij -ij ٳÿ GWPRO.ARJ 147k 16.03.95 [07] Game Wizard Pro Version 2.30 THE ULTIMATE GAME CHEATING EXPERIENCE Copyright (c) 1994 by Ray Hsu & Gerald Ryckman GWPRO30A.ZIP 121k 03.01.97 [03] GAME WIZARD 32 PRO UPDATE Updates Game Wizard 32 v3.0 to v3.0a Uploader: Romain Maire INDYSOL.ARJ 8k 11.06.93 [05] Solutions Indiana Jones Uploader: Eric Vidal KALID13C.EXE 185k 02.03.97 [00] Kali DOS v1.3c Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis KALIDOOM.RAR 13k 02.03.97 [01] Kali-Doom/Doom2/Heretic/Hexen Enhance Multiplayer Driver Version 0.9a beta 4/26/96 Use this driver instead of the default ipxsetup.exe driver to improve the performance of Doom over Kali. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis KQ6SOLV.ARJ 43k 04.04.93 [01] Les Solutions De King Quest 6 Uploaded By: Osvaldo NEVLOCK.ZIP 282k 04.02.96 [03] NEVERLOCK (Juin 95) Dplombeur de jeux. NEV_1292.ARJ 187k 29.04.93 [04] NEVERLOCK DECEMBER 1992 Removes copy protection from hundreds of popular games. Automatic. Safe & easy. Throw away those manuals & code-wheels. A registered version unprotects EVERLOCK ------- COPY PROTECTION REMOVAL -------- PRIVATER.ZIP 25k 05.04.94 [00] des sous pour privateer Uploader: Jean Christophe Caron QCC14.ZIP 60k 09.11.96 [00] Quake Control Center v1.4 Quake Front End The Quake Control center is a FANTASIC warp-based front end for the 3D action game Quake from id Software. It allows you to select many, many options not directly supported by the game, and it does so with an easy-to-use, mouse-driven interface that even a total computer illiterate will be able to navigate immediately. Truly a fantastic program for anyone who enjoys Quake! QCONNECT.ZIP 27k 09.11.96 [00] Qconnect .99 Qconnect is a Windows 95/NT character based program that lists active Quake servers and lets you quickly connect to them. QSPY32.ZIP 155k 09.11.96 [00] Quake Spy 3.2, (c) 1996 This program was born out of a desire to quickly find a playable Quake server. QUAKECOD.TXT 1k 04.03.97 [00] Des codes pour Quake QUAKEICO.ZIP 1k 09.11.96 [00] Quake Icon for Windows QUAKME22.ZIP 352k 09.11.96 [00] QUAKEME22 Version 2.2 Animation Viewer and Texture editor for MDL files.Compatible with QTest, Quake SW 0.91/0.92, Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0. QUEST041.ARJ 322k 09.11.96 [00] Quest Public Beta 1.041 Editeur pour Quake. QUPAK105.ZIP 55k 29.12.96 [01] UAKE UnPAKer 1.05 Superb Quake PAK extractor and lister! With color screens and random background Image!It can extract files from any Quake .PAK file ! It is also VERY Fast! Can extract all files at one time! 22-12-1996 Uploader: Alex Devilliers RAWCOPY.RAR 135k 09.09.95 [22] RawCopy v1.0 Dplombeur de jeux... RIPPER.RAR 10k 30.11.96 [00] La solution (en anglais) du jeu Ripper. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SECRETS.TXT 23k 09.11.96 [00] Secrets of Quake Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SOLUCES.ZIP 19k 11.08.95 [01] Vente d'astuces/soluces de jeux dits dans des revues. TIPSANDT.TXT 24k 09.11.96 [00] Tips pour Quake Uploader: Igor Kouzmine UNDER.ZIP 65k 23.11.94 [05] Fichier Patch pour Doom 1 Uploader: Frdric Sutter UW2SOLVE.ZIP 8k 03.08.93 [05] Master Game Solver Pharoah Presents: Ultima Underworld II Solution WAR2CODE.TXT 1k 04.03.97 [00] Des codes pour WarCraft 2 WWDIGEST.ZIP 1282k 29.05.95 [00] Compilation de messages ayant pour thme les jeux de rles classs par catgories (vampire, mage, werevol) ZEPS_CRK.ZIP 7k 19.09.94 [18] THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO DOOM II All cheats, All secret levels All options, All modem setups E V E R Y T H I N G !!! 50 hours in the making !!! -Zeppelin - PWA/-94 File Wizard ͸ Area: Jeux&Educatifs/Special Japan Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 27 14848 KBytes in 214 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * Ce rpertoire s'adresse essentiellement aux fans de Mangas et autres trangets venant tout droit du pays du soleil levant... [Voir galement les images dans le rpertoire "Images/Mangas"] ANIMICON.ZIP 3k 05.03.97 [00] Quelques icnes sur le thme de Ranma1/2 pour Windows AWREI.ZIP 46k 05.03.97 [00] Une petite manguette un peu anime s'installe en haut de la fentre active sous Windows. BOMBERM.ZIP 52k 05.03.97 [00] Le hros du jeu BomberMan suit votre pointeur sous Windows. CRYSTAL.ZIP 69k 05.03.97 [00] Crytal Screen Saver for Windows 95 EMICLOCK.ZIP 100k 05.03.97 [00] Une horloge sympathique la sauce Manga pour Windows, il est possible d'habiller selon ses gots la petite manguette qui se trouve au centre. HONEYTOY.ZIP 876k 05.03.97 [00] Une Idole trs anime qui danse dans un coin de votre cran sous Windows. MISAW.ZIP 12k 05.03.97 [00] Une petite manguette anime s'ennuie dans un coin de votre cran sous Windows. MUNYU.ZIP 95k 05.03.97 [00] Un petit jeu d'arcade vu du dessus trs sbre mais amusant. PIKA.ZIP 89k 05.03.97 [01] PIKA.EXE(PIKA for Windows) is a LHA extraction tool for Windows3.1 with rabbit animations. A flying rabbit appears when activated. A child rabbit will sit on top of active window. Click the minimized icon to open dialog boxes to LHA. FREEWARE International Japanese SLIME.ZIP 197k 05.03.97 [00] WKISSKOE.ZIP 498k 05.03.97 [00] WKissKoe v2.36a w0.65e Permet de visualiser les fichiers contenant les Kiss Manga Dolls sous Windows. DOLLS.TXT 1k 05.03.97 [00] Un petit texte pour savoir ce que sont vraiment les Dolls... Des tonnes de Kiss Dolls, des Mangas dshabiller la souris avec le programme WKISSKOE : 2RANMAS.LZH 49k 03.12.96 [00] Pour les fans de Ranma1/2 ADACHI.LZH 128k 03.12.96 [00] AI_KISS.LZH 79k 03.12.96 [00] AKO-SCW.LZH 28k 03.12.96 [00] AKS_V21.LZH 45k 03.12.96 [00] ALIELLE2.LZH 61k 03.12.96 [00] AMERIA.LZH 39k 03.12.96 [00] AMIKISS.LZH 26k 03.12.96 [00] ANGIE.LZH 16k 03.12.96 [00] ANIEKISS.LZH 83k 03.12.96 [00] ARMDC2KS.LZH 42k 03.12.96 [00] ASUKAKIS.LZH 30k 03.12.96 [00] AYANAMI.LZH 67k 03.12.96 [00] AZUKISS.LZH 20k 03.12.96 [00] BATHTIME.LZH 22k 03.12.96 [00] BEETLE.LZH 115k 03.12.96 [00] BELLCHAN.LZH 28k 03.12.96 [00] BELLKISS.LZH 38k 03.12.96 [00] BOND.LZH 10k 03.12.96 [00] BUGCHAN.LZH 19k 03.12.96 [00] B_MIMIP.LZH 46k 03.12.96 [00] CATYKISS.LZH 33k 03.12.96 [00] CBUS.LZH 30k 03.12.96 [00] CDSYK120.LZH 31k 03.12.96 [00] CDSYKISS.LZH 16k 03.12.96 [00] CHAKIS10.LZH 14k 03.12.96 [00] CHAKISS.LZH 51k 03.12.96 [00] CHAKI~1B.LZH 128k 03.12.96 [00] CHANSON.LZH 73k 03.12.96 [00] CINDER3.LZH 490k 03.12.96 [00] DKS_KERI.LZH 27k 03.12.96 [00] DKS_YUKI.LZH 69k 03.12.96 [00] DQ2.LZH 29k 03.12.96 [00] ECO.LZH 35k 03.12.96 [00] ELLY.LZH 19k 03.12.96 [00] EMILLI.LZH 37k 03.12.96 [00] EYURIPE8.LZH 101k 03.12.96 [00] FACE.LZH 113k 03.12.96 [00] FNEKO.LZH 18k 03.12.96 [00] FP_KSMK.LZH 53k 03.12.96 [00] FP_KSMS.LZH 74k 03.12.96 [00] FSSMY.LZH 81k 03.12.96 [00] FUTABAMI.LZH 87k 03.12.96 [00] GALLY.LZH 60k 03.12.96 [00] GIEN.LZH 96k 03.12.96 [00] GKS_MAKO.LZH 24k 03.12.96 [00] GM_KIS01.LZH 12k 03.12.96 [00] GT5.LZH 56k 03.12.96 [00] HIMEKISS.LZH 74k 03.12.96 [00] HY_KS01A.LZH 79k 03.12.96 [00] JBL_MINK.LZH 54k 03.12.96 [00] JEMMY_Z.LZH 153k 03.12.96 [00] JIJI!.LZH 63k 03.12.96 [00] JOGAKU.LZH 9k 03.12.96 [00] JUNEKS10.LZH 99k 03.12.96 [00] K2_ANNA.LZH 144k 03.12.96 [00] K2_ELF.LZH 28k 03.12.96 [00] K2_FERN.LZH 25k 03.12.96 [00] K2_GIRL.LZH 165k 03.12.96 [00] K2_NSILK.LZH 300k 03.12.96 [00] KATMKG.LZH 23k 03.12.96 [00] KAZUHA.LZH 21k 03.12.96 [00] KERO01.LZH 40k 03.12.96 [00] KF_NSILK.LZH 333k 03.12.96 [00] KISAME.LZH 12k 03.12.96 [00] KISITO11.LZH 80k 03.12.96 [00] KISITOA3.LZH 74k 03.12.96 [00] KISITOB0.LZH 119k 03.12.96 [00] KISMI_2.LZH 59k 03.12.96 [00] KISRANKO.LZH 230k 03.12.96 [00] KISRYOKO.LZH 64k 03.12.96 [00] KISSCHIP.LZH 17k 03.12.96 [00] KISSCHUN.LZH 53k 03.12.96 [00] KISSHIME.LZH 44k 03.12.96 [00] KISSK2.LZH 66k 03.12.96 [00] KISSKANA.LZH 19k 03.12.96 [00] KISSMARS.LZH 12k 03.12.96 [00] KISSMY01.LZH 17k 03.12.96 [00] KISSWINB.LZH 20k 03.12.96 [00] KISSYUKO.LZH 21k 03.12.96 [00] KISS_BD.LZH 30k 03.12.96 [00] KISS_ERI.LZH 26k 03.12.96 [00] KISS_HOT.LZH 18k 03.12.96 [00] KISS_MAI.LZH 15k 03.12.96 [00] KISS_MB.LZH 23k 03.12.96 [00] KISS_SHA.LZH 29k 03.12.96 [00] KIS_AKI.LZH 83k 03.12.96 [00] KIS_G1.LZH 45k 03.12.96 [00] KIS_G4.LZH 45k 03.12.96 [00] KIS_HARU.LZH 29k 03.12.96 [00] KIS_NATU.LZH 52k 03.12.96 [00] KJYOSI_2.LZH 165k 03.12.96 [00] KMTO.LZH 61k 03.12.96 [00] KNOIRE.LZH 77k 03.12.96 [00] KOUHA.LZH 31k 03.12.96 [00] KSABC03.LZH 76k 03.12.96 [00] KSABC04_.LZH 125k 03.12.96 [00] KSCHIE2.LZH 84k 03.12.96 [00] KSCHIP.LZH 7k 03.12.96 [00] KSDRAW10.LZH 153k 03.12.96 [00] KSFLASH1.LZH 52k 03.12.96 [00] KSFUTABA.LZH 277k 03.12.96 [00] KSFUU10.LZH 62k 03.12.96 [00] KSKANA10.LZH 259k 03.12.96 [00] KSKEICHI.LZH 158k 03.12.96 [00] KSKIKUKO.LZH 11k 03.12.96 [00] KSKOKO1.LZH 16k 03.12.96 [00] KSKURU_M.LZH 74k 03.12.96 [00] KSLENA_M.LZH 48k 03.12.96 [00] KSMAKO_M.LZH 25k 03.12.96 [00] KSNAD1E.LZH 77k 03.12.96 [00] KSNAD1P.LZH 59k 03.12.96 [00] KSNNM10.LZH 75k 03.12.96 [00] KSPHOT10.LZH 213k 03.12.96 [00] KSPHOT2B.LZH 230k 03.12.96 [00] KSRAYE_1.LZH 94k 03.12.96 [00] KSSAYOKO.LZH 46k 03.12.96 [00] KSSHAKTI.LZH 80k 03.12.96 [00] KSSHARON.LZH 59k 03.12.96 [00] KSWAPIKO.LZH 66k 03.12.96 [00] KSYU.LZH 101k 03.12.96 [00] KS_AEKA0.LZH 50k 03.12.96 [00] KS_ERII.LZH 11k 03.12.96 [00] KS_GALLO.LZH 54k 03.12.96 [00] KS_HRCHI.LZH 24k 03.12.96 [00] KS_KURO.LZH 13k 03.12.96 [00] KS_MISAK.LZH 103k 03.12.96 [00] KS_MMKH.LZH 93k 03.12.96 [00] KS_SAYO.LZH 38k 03.12.96 [00] KS_SHAMP.LZH 69k 03.12.96 [00] KS_SS.LZH 18k 03.12.96 [00] KYO_KIS2.LZH 11k 03.12.96 [00] K_MAGE.LZH 20k 03.12.96 [00] K_OTAMA.LZH 14k 03.12.96 [00] LITKIS02.LZH 39k 03.12.96 [00] LITKS03.LZH 46k 03.12.96 [00] LITKS04C.LZH 82k 03.12.96 [00] LITKS09E.LZH 32k 03.12.96 [00] LITKS13E.LZH 70k 03.12.96 [00] LUMKISS.LZH 105k 03.12.96 [00] MAINIE18.LZH 71k 03.12.96 [00] MAKI100.LZH 29k 03.12.96 [00] MAMKISS1.LZH 50k 03.12.96 [00] MARISU.LZH 57k 03.12.96 [00] MARLE.LZH 19k 03.12.96 [00] MBKSISM1.LZH 29k 03.12.96 [00] MBKSISM3.LZH 156k 03.12.96 [00] MEGAMANX.LZH 32k 03.12.96 [00] MGJ.LZH 25k 03.12.96 [00] MG_MN000.LZH 16k 03.12.96 [00] MIHOSHI1.LZH 30k 03.12.96 [00] MIZUHO.LZH 56k 03.12.96 [00] MVKS02ST.LZH 53k 03.12.96 [00] NAKOL.LZH 6k 03.12.96 [00] NARUAD.LZH 34k 03.12.96 [00] NATSUKIS.LZH 19k 03.12.96 [00] NEKO_K1.LZH 39k 03.12.96 [00] NORIKO.LZH 15k 03.12.96 [00] NTKS03E.LZH 52k 03.12.96 [00] NUKU_KIS.LZH 30k 03.12.96 [00] ORTHODOX.LZH 37k 03.12.96 [00] PCPSM02I.LZH 62k 03.12.96 [00] PCP_SM01.LZH 52k 03.12.96 [00] PK_APR10.LZH 131k 03.12.96 [00] PK_ASK2A.LZH 80k 03.12.96 [00] PK_ASK31.LZH 78k 03.12.96 [00] PK_SAE13.LZH 100k 03.12.96 [00] PK_SAE1N.LZH 112k 03.12.96 [00] POTEKIS2.LZH 73k 03.12.96 [00] P_AMI1E.LZH 92k 03.12.96 [00] P_KAHO.LZH 52k 03.12.96 [00] RAY_KISS.LZH 152k 03.12.96 [00] REIKO01.LZH 14k 03.12.96 [00] RINSKO.LZH 11k 03.12.96 [00] RISA_NIA.LZH 18k 03.12.96 [00] RUMI.LZH 12k 03.12.96 [00] RYUQUIR.LZH 19k 03.12.96 [00] SAILOR5.LZH 53k 03.12.96 [00] SALLYEZ.LZH 3k 03.12.96 [00] SALLYST.LZH 62k 03.12.96 [00] SARUKISS.LZH 29k 03.12.96 [00] SASAMI.LZH 49k 03.12.96 [00] SEENA_LF.LZH 37k 03.12.96 [00] SKULD.LZH 74k 03.12.96 [00] SK_KIMUX.LZH 101k 03.12.96 [00] T0KISS.LZH 21k 03.12.96 [00] T2KISS.LZH 65k 03.12.96 [00] TIA.LZH 88k 03.12.96 [00] TNK.LZH 48k 03.12.96 [00] UFU.LZH 67k 03.12.96 [00] USAHIME.LZH 13k 03.12.96 [00] UZUKI.LZH 13k 03.12.96 [00] UZUKI_2.LZH 12k 03.12.96 [00] V0OKAFA5.LZH 171k 12.03.96 [00] WAPIKISS.LZH 11k 03.12.96 [00] WILDCAT.LZH 164k 03.12.96 [00] WKS_MOE.LZH 49k 03.12.96 [00] WS_KISS.LZH 30k 03.12.96 [00] YAMATOKS.LZH 150k 03.12.96 [00] YASUKS3N.LZH 94k 03.12.96 [00] YOU.LZH 35k 03.12.96 [00] YUMEKISS.LZH 43k 03.12.96 [00] File Wizard ͸ Area: Demos Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 28 13093 KBytes in 140 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ACME_303.ZIP 3302k 13.08.97 [00] a demo by ACME called "303" : get it now! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ASTRAL.ZIP 4092k 17.05.97 [00] Astral Blur by The Black Lotus from TG97 demo compo Uploader: Igor Kouzmine BOOST.ZIP 4563k 11.12.97 [00] ------------------- D O O M S D A Y presents ------------------- " B O O S T " placed 1st in the Assembly'97 Demo Competition ------------------- P100+,8MB+,GUS/SB hi-color 320x200 ------------------- * FINAL VERSION * Uploader: Igor Kouzmine BW-PROVE.ZIP 57k 20.05.97 [00] Bandwagon Intro 64k for the TG97 CCCP.ZIP 296k 08.10.97 [00] "kamelbajs." a tpolm demo NEWBIES: WATCH! contains really important info about the scene ... and that's a fact. tpolm. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CLAUDIA.ZIP 4474k 13.08.97 [00] EATH TAR ͻ p r e s e n t s C L A U D A ] 1st @ Symposium/Mekka 97 (final release) | Pentium + VESA2 requred Soundcard Recommended ͼ Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CONTACT.ZIP 2961k 13.08.97 [00] FR Contact by Pulse International winner at INTEL OUTSIDE III (1000 attendants) final release from akira's place. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine COREDUMP.ZIP 2646k 29.08.97 [00] Ŀ COREDUMP by COCOON PC Demo Contribution for WIReD '97 Uplaoder: Igor Kouzmine DALT.ZIP 63k 20.05.97 [01] dalt - mist (intro 64k) tg97 EDEN.ZIP 5082k 24.02.98 * [00] E D E N Presented at THE PARTY 7 demo compo! dk.27-29 dec.97 by ZAPPY/PATAPOM/SKAL MADE/TITAN/KENET/REZ *** THIS IS AN UNFINISHED PARTY VERSION *** ELEKTRON.ZIP 2752k 24.02.98 * [00] doomsday.elektroniks.tp97.demo Uploader: Igor Kouzmine FDG_LIVE.ZIP 61k 20.05.97 [01] G E N E fresh from the ouija board e c h o s o l o n d u n e was here Intro 64k for the TG97 FREEDOM.ZIP 409k 11.12.97 [00] ...nocturnals search for everlasting ...freedom conducted at ...remedy '97 ...the demo Uploader: Igor Kouzmine GENOCYD.ZIP 2783k 24.02.98 * [00] Genocyd Demo Uploader: Igor Kouzmine HLC-JRM.ARJ 963k 10.08.97 [00] Saint Demo Uploader: Igor Kouzmine IDXMAGN.ZIP 2175k 18.04.97 [00] . "Magnify" . The perfect poision Winner Demo / The Congregation Winter 1997 386.GUS SB / 19(c)97 index JIZZ.ZIP 63k 29.08.97 [00] JIZZ - 64Kb intro by THE BLACK LOTUS winner of the Wired'97 intro compo required: 486DX, 320*200 15/16 bit recommended: iP166 or faster for speed GUS with 1MB for sound vbe2.0 with LFB support Uploader: Igor Kouzmine JLO_F-IT.ZIP 66k 20.05.97 [01] Ŀ Jello Face It! Released at TG'97 - 387+ - VESA 2.0 - 2800k XMS - No EMS !! JUDOPV.ZIP 62k 20.05.97 [00] remember me, arabi from da bronx? tpolmintro 64kb tg97 LESSONS.ZIP 1604k 24.02.98 * [00] Lessons Demo TP97 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MISG.ZIP 1395k 24.02.98 * [00] MISGUIDED. .3ds hellfire .mod captain bifat 133mhz, 8megs, gus/sb Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MOONOO.ZIP 64k 20.05.97 [00] m o n o c h r o m e l i f e i n t h e n i n e t i e s tundra gathering 97 N_MOREL.ZIP 58k 20.05.97 [01] more or less nocturnal at tg'97 an intro OUTSIDE.ZIP 1735k 17.05.97 [00] OUTSIDE from Depack with "-d" option. La parodie de la Inside Demo par Melon ! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine QUICKL.ZIP 54k 20.05.97 [00] Quick Lunch! a 64k intro by EXTATiC for The Gathering 97 26.03 - 30.03 1997 RC-OCEAN.ZIP 68k 20.05.97 [00] ķ 64kb Compo at TG97 1st place! - -Ŀ rC-OCEAN rECTUM cAUDA sTAVANGER - - [386+/vga/gus/nosound/4mb] Ľ RC-SKO.ZIP 53k 20.05.97 [00] Skogen by rECTUM cAUDA dr.hb and fanta yes ------ ---- tg 97 64kb intro compo !!Gravis Ultrasound!! ROBO.ZIP 4k 20.05.97 [00] Contribution to the 64k Compo at the Gathering`97: ROBO ROBOTNIK.ZIP 2066k 13.08.97 [00] ! RAGE ! ! PRESENTS ! ! ROBOTNIK ! ! RELEASED AT THE GATHERING 1997 ! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SINK.ZIP 64k 24.02.98 * [00] Sink 64k Intro TP97 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SQUARE.ZIP 2135k 24.02.98 * [00] square by pulse. party 97 demo entry Uploader: Igor Kouzmine STASH.ZIP 66k 24.02.98 * [00] STASH - 64Kb intro by THE BLACK LOTUS the amazing Jizz-sequal! a refreshing multimedia trip in 64K - probe - jace - nix - - balance - danny - sick1/trp - ------------------------------------------- features: 3,5Mb fullcolor graphics 4Mb music (16bit/44Khz sampling) stashing-yar-brainz-to-the-max Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SUNFLOW.ZIP 2812k 24.02.98 * [00] SunFlower by Pulse Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TRIBES.ZIP 4960k 17.01.98 [00] Tribes Demo TP97 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TRUECOLS.ZIP 459k 08.10.97 [00] Ndut & TPCF & Niggers Inc. & Extreme command slide show Multigroup slideshow. "True Colors" Uploader: Igor Kouzmine YDL_ONIO.ZIP 53k 20.05.97 [00] ................... O N I O N by yodel ................... released at the gathering 97 for the intro compo -- 1996 -- ASCII64.ZIP 30k 18.04.97 [00] > K N I G H T S < A S C I I 3 6 K b another pink intro VGA/GUS/SB Pro/SB Uploader: Igor Kouzmine BABYLON.RAR 705k 02.11.96 [00] THE PSYCHIC MONKS "BABYLON" released at assembly96 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CRSMLW.ZIP 1754k 18.04.97 [00] ܲ ۲ ޲ ܲ ۲ ܲ ߲ ۲ ۲ c r y o n i c s p r e s e n t s " mellow " crs contribution to the demo compo at the party 1996 - final version - ܲ ߲ Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CTSLRW95.ZIP 122k 18.04.97 [00] Cubic Team & $een presents: Lasse Rebong for windows 95! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DACHESS.RAR 1732k 12.10.96 [00] Da Cheese Bridge - "Trans Cheddar Express" 1st place in the NAiD 96 Demo competition Party version. DZONE1.ZIP 798k 18.04.97 [00] ################################ DZONE #1 Music-Disk Just Listen ################################ Uploader: Igor Kouzmine EXPLIC.RAR 1786k 12.10.96 [00] Hornet/OTM - "Explicit" 3rd place in the NAID 96 demo competition. Run with explicit.exe. Party version. EXPLORA.RAR 1429k 28.01.97 [00] B0MB & OXYGENE presents... BBBBBBBBBBB "EXPLORA" B BB BB Code - GENGIS BB BB Gfx - MADE/TITAN/HOF BBBBBBB Music - CLAWZ BB BB 2nd at the SATURNE IV B BB BB demo compo! BBBBBBBBBBB [NOV1996] "WE HAVE EXPLOSIVE!" FS!.RAR 377k 12.10.96 [00] FIRST SCREAM - 1996 --- Hardware -- 3 386, GUS, VGA 3 |Look for APOCALYPSE | : our next project : - Nearly Released - at Saturn96 _A SkyTech Group Demo_ 3 30/04/1996 3 3 Version 1.02 3 E--- SkyTech -- (And support DOS&GUS!) NEXT VERSION WITH SB!! HALO.RAR 53k 12.10.96 [00] Halo Released at Icing'96 by ORCA Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MACHINES.RAR 3702k 02.11.96 [00] Machines of Madness Copyright (C) 1996 Dubius Attended at Assembly '96 held in Helsinki, Finland. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MVIEW.RAR 1080k 12.10.96 [00] 3 Dubius presents Magic View 3 3 -Released at Abduction'96- 3 3 3 3 UUUUUU UUUUUUU UUUUU 3 3 UU U UU U UU 3 3 U UU U U U UU U U U U 3 3 U UU U UU UUU U U UU UUU 3 3 U UU U UU U UU U U UU UU 3 3 UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU 3 3 UUUU UUU UUUU UU UUUUUUU 3 3 U 3 3 3 3 -Spell it Right 3 P2B4.ZIP 828k 18.08.96 [02] ۳ ۳ 1.1۳ The Place To Be IV Intro INVIT A Coding Party Held In South-West Of France In Mont-De-Marsan From Thursday, August 22th 1996 To Monday, August 26th 1996 Uploader: Guillaume Labbaye ROTALIA.ZIP 2580k 18.04.97 [00] Ŀ Dubius presents Rotaliator - 5th at Skenery'96 demo compo - ۱۲ ۰۱۲۲ ۰۱ ۱ ۱ ۰ ۰ ۲ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۲ ۰ ۱ ۱ ۱۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱۱ ۱ -Spell it Right Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SOLEX.ZIP 279k 25.02.97 [00] oxygene / solex how to draw a line (part 2) oxbab.clawz.spiral.mon Petit mais costaud ! Uploader : Igor Kouzmine TFPDOUM.ZIP 760k 18.04.97 [00] a TFP productions ------------- DOUM 3 100%comique/0%srieux ------------------- VGA\GUS\SB\SBpro Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TOASTED.RAR 2102k 01.11.96 [00] Toasted by cubic team & $eeN asm96 party version A voir ! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine -- 1995 -- PLS_WILD.ZIP 2056k 30.05.97 [00] WILD slideshowum continuum a pig, a carrot, a stone. huh. 386++,GUS/SB/NOSOUND, SVGA (!), mouse/keyboard SlideShow by Lazur Uploader: Igor Kouzmine A95_4K_0.ZIP 78k 25.04.96 [00] ASSEMBLY'95 - PRE-RELEASE 4Kb Intros - PACK #1 Final releases incomming! Included : Heaven/NOOON Uploader: Nicolas Fournil ATCH00M.ZIP 11k 25.04.96 [02] ڿ ¿ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ¿ ڴÿ Ĵ ٳ First At The Chicken'95 4Kb IntroCompo Coded By Zt-e-ZE .\ Uploader: Nicolas Fournil BOMB.ARJ 1378k 06.07.96 [00] - Impact Demo by BOMB Encore une excellente dmo du groupe BOMB Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CAREO.ARJ 1387k 07.07.96 [02] C A E R O The TP5 Democompo Winner by Plant and EMF Final Release, works fine with GUS, SoundBlaster and NoSound. CMA_GION.ZIP 67k 25.04.96 [00] c a m o r r a - presents - x | GUSTATION | x 2nd place intro from Computer Art Festival'95 (07/30/95, Poland) o[ requires: 486 and GUS ]o Uploader: Nicolas Fournil COCAHOLC.ZIP 71k 25.04.96 [00] Cocaholic By Hazard 64kb intro presented at Asm'95 Uploader: Nicolas Fournil COSMOS.ZIP 467k 18.04.97 [00] ______________________ live! presents ________COSMOS________ live! . GUS . 01/12/95 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DRIFT.ZIP 67k 27.04.96 [01] D R I F T by Wild Light The winner at the Assembly'95 64K Intro competition Uploader: Grundrich Raphael EXPRESS.ARJ 557k 27.01.96 [00] ͻ Abstract Concepts presents a X'95 demo -= EXPRESSION =- Ĵ 386+ / VGA / GUS ͼ ͻ summon the expression ͼ -- FLUIDM.ARJ 65k 23.05.96 [00] ڿ THE GATHERiNG 1995 ڿ 64kb intro competition ڿ FLUID MOTIONS ڿ by VALHALLA [iMAGiNAtiON SERVES !] INSIDE.ARJ 2119k 06.07.96 [00] Inside Demo by CNCD prsente TheParty5 Une trs belle dmo, a voir ! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MAPLE.ARJ 49k 28.05.96 [00] DarkZone presents a contribution to the 64kb intro compo at Gathering 95 called: MAPLE (GUS/No sound) PUMP.ARJ 540k 23.05.96 [00] PUMP An Iguana production in 1995. First place at the Euskal Party. This is the real release version. SEMTEX.ARJ 405k 28.05.96 [00] SEMTEX CITY Jeskola! -demo Coded in just one day for Juhla'95 SOLSTICE.ARJ 1652k 23.05.96 [00] Solstice by Valhalla Released on 15-11-1995 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SPRING!.ARJ 104k 27.01.96 [00] ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ LOGIC DESIGN ۲ ۱ S P R I N G ! Winner of the X'95 Introcompo Please Enjoy! ۲ ۲ Released Date: 12/5/95 ۲ XYZ.ARJ 504k 27.01.96 [00] -PROJECT XYZ- orange demo from JUHLA'95 demo competition . -- Autres annes (ou non class) -- 3D.ZIP 8k 08.09.92 [12] - Demo anim 3d 5 objets qui tournent trs vite ! Uploader: Patrick Fauquet ACME-BUG.ZIP 756k 10.03.95 [00] - ACME Bug Demo _________________________ _________________ | _ .\ ______/ \/ \ ______/ |. _ \\ .|/ \ \ / \ ___/__: || | / || / \/ ./ |: /: | |____/________/_____| //________/:: |_____|====[ dELIVERy: ]==|____/zACk======== .oO BugFixed Oo. 28/12/1994 released at The Party IV in Herning, Denmark. AMBROZIA.ZIP 5684k 13.08.97 [00] p u L s e ts TL + + Ambrozia. The one and only music disk featuring Jogeir Liljedahl & Scorpik (PULSE & NOISELESS) Lazur pixels and Unreal codes Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ANARCHY.ARJ 286k 28.12.93 [02] - Dmo PC ARTIDEM3.ZIP 533k 07.06.95 [02] Ŀ Ĵ THE DEMO (Bug Fixed) Ĵ Hey! Here is the demo you are looking for. This Demo combines the BEST and the worse !! (HaHa) ARTIFACT was coded by five French students and was especially designed for you. Ĵ 386 VGA SB GUS CAT EXTERMINATE LAMERS BEFORE THEY BREED [HA](B) ASS_64K.ZIP 1127k 23.10.94 [05] - All the 64k Intros from Assembly '94 ASS_PC4K.ZIP 437k 23.10.94 [10] - All the 4KB intros from the Assembly'94 brought to you by A.C.E (unzip with -d option) BELIEVE.ZIP 67k 25.04.96 [01] 64ko intro from asm 95 by Valhalla ! Uploader: Nicolas Fournil BILLBORG.ZIP 217k 05.09.95 [05] - BillBorg.exe Interactive Flaming Bill Gates/Borg Demo for DOS, 4DOSGW - Program Source: AMMO (Anti Microsoft Movement for OS/2) Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CD2.ZIP 2019k 08.02.96 [03] - Crystal Dream ][ Uploader: Joachim Thuau CONTAGIO.ARJ 1078k 23.05.96 [00] - Contagion by THE COEXISTENCE Released At The PARTY'94 CRISTAL2.ZIP 2027k 01.11.93 [00] - Cristal Dream2 - Magnifique Demo CRYSTAL1.ARJ 541k 16.09.93 [05] Dmo VGA poustoufflante, on dirait presque un Amiga sur un dx33 (1/2) CRYSTAL2.ARJ 732k 16.09.93 [05] Dmo VGA poustoufflante, on dirait presque un Amiga sur un dx33 (2/2) CYBOMAN2.ARJ 62k 27.01.96 [00] ͵oͻ ķ ķҷ ķķķ : ĶǴ \/ з ķ Ľ Ľ ĽĽĽ : P R E S E N T : CYBOMAN ][ - BugFixed : Winning 64k intro ** from TP4 Fixes the gouraud shading bug Looks nicer... cleaner... ͼ DIGITAL.ARJ 13k 20.06.92 [11] - Genre Intro Amiga (RSI) DIMENSIO.ZIP 1026k 29.01.95 [02] proudly presents () an new PC vector-demo called DIMENSION 5th place at Party IV Official Final Release DOS/4GW v1.97 recommanded SB/SB16/PAS/GUS - 386+ VGA/SVGA v1.02 DOPE.ARJ 891k 23.05.96 [00] Dope by Complex DOSTROYE.ZIP OFFLINE [02] Une demo en assembleur sans son ... Uploader: Eric Deporte EPIC.ARJ 762k 23.05.96 [00] (*)͸ ͸ .. | (d) . . ;;;; Presents "EPIC" ͵ ۲ A NEW DEMO CALLED ַַ.ַ ۲ ǽ ĺ ӽ ______ 10 june 1994 ͵ For 386-33/VGA/GUS ; EPSILON.ARJ 396k 31.05.95 [00] Infinity by Epsilon [iNFiNY] [iNFiNY] [iNFiNY] [iNFiNY] [iNFiNY] [iNFiNY] FINKEL.ARJ 63k 23.05.96 [00] Demo 64k GRV96INV.ZIP 1248k 30.05.97 [00] FR presentation for Anadune Multimedia Group GRAVITY96Invitation Uploader: Igor Kouzmine GULFVGA.ARJ 135k 13.09.92 [05] Slide sur la gugure du Gogolf IMPHO.RAR 1330k 12.10.96 [00] . i m p h o b i a i s s u e 1 2 . a diskmag support Sb and Gravis Ultrasound cards Uploader: Igor Kouzmine INCOMPAT.ARJ 64k 27.01.96 [00] Intro 64k by ByTeam INCONEXI.ZIP 462k 29.10.93 [01] DEMO INCONEXIA, by Iguana An Iguana/VangeliSTeam production of 1993. JFF-ZZZZ.ZIP 60k 08.02.96 [00] jff presents a birthday intro called: ZZZZ! released for Judge Miguel's 18th Birthday Uploader: Joachim Thuau KOD8687.ZIP 1388k 01.11.93 [01] - Une Demo franaise - Loader Sympa MAGIC64.ARJ 64k 28.05.96 [00] MagicCarpet 64Karpetition Contribution by Keen Like Bullfrogs MARS.ARJ 10k 27.01.96 [00] Paysage de Mars en temps rel Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MEGADEM1.ZIP 1383k 01.11.93 [01] MegaDemo by NitraPhot (1/2) MEGADEM2.ZIP 1376k 01.11.93 [01] MegaDemo by NitraPhot (2/2) MINWARP.ZIP 38k 26.09.96 [03] Un programme deja tres beau, mais en plus CARREMENT COOL!!!! Je viens de l'essayer, je n'en croyais pas mes yeux!!! On regarde l'ecran 20 secondes, puis n'importe quel objet dans les quelques metres autour de vous, et LA!!! A vous de voir! C'est une surprise!!! Mais je dois vous prevenir: ca n'est pas la peine d'appeler l'arme, vous n'etes pas dans 'Au dela du reel', ceci est purement optique!!! HAVE FUN!!!! Uploader: Romain Maire MS-SUXX.ZIP 261k 21.08.96 [03] Microsoft SUXX! - A small animation that shows our gratitude towards the Microsoft corporation. MSRULES.ZIP 577k 21.08.96 [01] Une dmo satirique vantant les "qualits" de Windows. NBIRD26X.ZIP 91k 13.01.95 [01] - Night Bird 2.6 : Superbe (hem) animation en 3D d'un oiseau blanc volant indfiniment au-dessus d'une fort et de points de lumire colors. L'angle de vue change priodiquement pour montrer une nouvelle perspective de la scne. La NOUVELLE version avec du texte en 3D ncessite un 386 avec cran VGA, ou mieux. NINJA2.ARJ 1308k 07.07.96 [00] Ninja 2 by MELON & SCOOP La suite de NINJA, animation loufoque d'un ninja face aux forces du mal dans un univers futuriste. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine NOON.ARJ 1307k 23.05.96 [00] - NOOON PRESENTS - KARL BARTI RA MOBY This is the final release with GUS,SB & silence support --- From THE PARTY 1994 --- Uploader: Igor Kouzmine OXYGENE.ARJ 1620k 07.07.96 [01] Ŀ contrast - OXYGENE final version NO problem with qemm, emm386 & sb. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PANIC!.ZIP 891k 29.10.93 [03] PANIC Demo by Future Crew 486+SB Req. PLS_30.ZIP 452k 30.05.97 [00] ۲ .%pulse%. ۲ .tk`fuel ۲ ߲ ۲ݰ ۲ ۰ ޱ ܲݰ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ ߲ ۲ .welcometoaqualitypulserelease. ۱ 30 - lazur's new slideshow advert lazur - scorpik - unreal Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PLS_AH!.ZIP 68k 30.05.97 [00] ۲ .%pulse%. ۲ .tk`fuel ۲ ߲ ۲ݰ ۲ ۰ ޱ ܲݰ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ ߲ ۲ .welcometoaqualitypulserelease. ۱ AH! a realtimeraytracing 1 9 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 Antony-Falcon-Technomancer-Unreal Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PLS_BLC.ZIP 2334k 30.05.97 [00] FR BALANCE, final version 2.5 meg of Scorpik, Unreal, Camel and Lazur req 386, pref p5, 512kGUS, hicolor svga Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PLS_BP.ZIP 69k 30.05.97 [00] p u L s e ts TL + + " BROKEN PIPE " camel - scorpik - unreal ) g e n e r a l p r o b e 3 ( Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PLS_CYBF.ZIP 96k 30.05.97 [00] FR Famous Cyber People came #2 at wired'96 intro compo final version Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PLS_EST.ZIP 1665k 30.05.97 [00] Eyesight by Pulse. somewhat final version. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PLS_ODTF.ZIP 65k 30.05.97 [00] --- - - | | - - -- Prba Generalna II entry Type: Intro 64kb Name: One drink too far Group: Pulse Place: 2nd Code: Camel Gfx: Music: Scorpik Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PLS_REVF.ZIP 965k 30.05.97 [00] FR REVE final version #5 at The Party 5 Many bugs fixed and many new 3D scenes Req: VGA, GUS/SB/NOSOUND Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PLS_SUN.ZIP 1350k 30.05.97 [00] FR SUN the slideshow can old be fascinating? 386, GUS/SB/NOSOUND, SVGA (!), mouse/keyboard Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PLS_UH.ZIP 60k 30.05.97 [00] ۲ .%pulse%. ۲ .tk`fuel ۲ ߲ ۲ݰ ۲ ۰ ޱ ܲݰ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ ߲ ۲ .welcometoaqualitypulserelease. ۱ UH! a realtimeraytracing again 1 9 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 Antony-Falcon-Technomancer-Unreal Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PSY_KIT.ARJ 29k 23.10.93 [08] Psychose, Inc. Fabulous Kit for ASM coderz. Include 4,6,8 chan. MOD Player + 32Bits Memory Manager (cool!) a special packer f.demo Uploader: Remy Chibois QUOTE.EXE 10k 06.05.93 [00] Une citation texte tir du film "Terminator" : il est encore temps de jeter votre PC, aprs il sera trop tard ! REALTIME.ARJ 472k 28.12.93 [01] Dmo PC SCNDREAL.ARJ 2019k 24.12.93 [00] Second Reality DEMO by Future Crew Uploader: Julien Faivre SHOW.ARJ 675k 23.05.96 [00] Show Demo STARTOUR.ARJ 5k 13.09.92 [04] Le plus beau scroll d'toiles! STARTOUR.ZIP 6k 10.09.91 [00] STOUR6 - 3-d Star program (written in very optimized assembly) Des toiles qui dfilent dans tous les sens! THATSALL.EXE 3k 02.08.85 [02] That's All Folks! TIMELESS.RAR 152k 08.02.95 [00] TMMPUB.ARJ 71k 03.08.93 [00] Pub pour The Man Machine en VGA + Sound Blaster! Genial! A DOWNLOADER ABSOLUMENT! MEET94.ARJ 126k 28.05.94 [01] Invitation a la coding party THE MEETING 94 Uploader: Christian Serrure TORUS.ZIP 46k 20.12.90 [01] Dessin d'un tore en 3D variant selon divers paramtres. UC3D.ZIP 5k 21.01.91 [08] Un logo userdefinable qui tourne en 3d UNTITLE.ARJ 836k 28.05.96 [00] Untitled by DUST VERSES.ZIP 496k 21.08.96 [00] Verses demo by Electromotive Force (1994) VGADEM.ZIP 73k 11.02.93 [01] Demos VGA de P.RUELLE Uploader: Patrick Bonnefous YO!.ZIP 37k 26.09.94 [08] Dmo de 1990 de Future Crew. Amusant. :) YPNONIC.ARJ 10k 03.08.93 [01] Affiche des images dessines selon des paramtres alatoires. GOP.ZIP 248k 14.03.88 [00] Slide-Show humoristique en EGA se moquant du gouvernement amricain. File Wizard ͸ Area: HP48/G/SX/GX Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 29 4665 KBytes in 32 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 48GAMES.ZIP 109k 09.10.96 [06] 48 jeux pour HP48. COLUMNS.H48 6k 14.10.96 [02] Le fameux jeu de Columns pour HP48. Uploader : Loan Vaque DIVERS.ZIP 8k 26.09.97 [00] Divers pour HP48 DOOMGX.DIR 13k 26.07.96 [09] Le celebre DooM sur HP 48!!! Uploader: Antoine Rohmer HP48-FAQ.ZIP 83k 02.02.96 [04] FAQ sur LA HP48... Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48HOR1.ARJ 418k 02.02.96 [03] Pot au feu d'applis HP 48 Avec le source et de la doc.. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48HOR2.ARJ 399k 16.02.96 [01] Plein de Docs, de sources, de trucs d'astuces, de code pour les calculateurs HP48. Merci la famille Faivre pour ces slections d'excellente qualit. HP48HOR3.ARJ 448k 31.01.96 [03] Sac Trucs HP48 Uploader: Guillaume Muller HP48HOR4.ARJ 345k 31.01.96 [02] Sac trucs HP48 Uploader: Guillaume Muller HP48HOR5.ARJ 458k 19.02.96 [01] * No Description * Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48HOR6.ARJ 477k 16.02.96 [02] Plein de Docs, de sources, de trucs d'astuces, de code pour les calculateurs HP48. Merci la famille Faivre pour ces slections d'excellente qualit. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48HOR7.ARJ 477k 19.02.96 [01] * No Description * Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48HORL.ARJ 26k 16.02.96 [03] Plein de Docs, de sources, de trucs d'astuces, de code pour les calculateurs HP48. Merci la famille Faivre pour ces slections d'excellente qualit. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48OLMA.ARJ 31k 16.02.96 [02] Plein de Docs, de sources, de trucs d'astuces, de code pour les calculateurs HP48. Merci la famille Faivre pour ces slections d'excellente qualit. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48OLMD.ARJ 16k 16.02.96 [02] Plein de Docs, de sources, de trucs d'astuces, de code pour les calculateurs HP48. Merci la famille Faivre pour ces slections d'excellente qualit. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48OLMI.ARJ 29k 16.02.96 [02] Plein de Docs, de sources, de trucs d'astuces, de code pour les calculateurs HP48. Merci la famille Faivre pour ces slections d'excellente qualit. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48OLMJ.ARJ 140k 16.02.96 [02] Plein de Docs, de sources, de trucs d'astuces, de code pour les calculateurs HP48. Merci la famille Faivre pour ces slections d'excellente qualit. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48OLML.ARJ 32k 16.02.96 [02] Plein de Docs, de sources, de trucs d'astuces, de code pour les calculateurs HP48. Merci la famille Faivre pour ces slections d'excellente qualit. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48OLMM.ARJ 12k 16.02.96 [02] Plein de Docs, de sources, de trucs d'astuces, de code pour les calculateurs HP48. Merci la famille Faivre pour ces slections d'excellente qualit. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48OLMQ.ARJ 34k 16.02.96 [03] Plein de Docs, de sources, de trucs d'astuces, de code pour les calculateurs HP48. Merci la famille Faivre pour ces slections d'excellente qualit. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HP48_1.FAQ 60k 19.08.97 [00] Questions et rponses sur la HP48 HP48_2.FAQ 65k 01.02.96 [00] HP48_3.FAQ 75k 01.02.96 [00] HP48_4.FAQ 17k 01.02.96 [00] JEUX.ZIP 394k 26.09.97 [00] Des Jeux pour la HP48 MATHS.ZIP 20k 01.09.95 [06] Utils pour les mateux pour HP48 PHYS.ZIP 19k 01.09.95 [05] Utils de physique pour HP48 G GX PROGRAM.ZIP 49k 26.09.97 [00] Pour programmer sur HP48 PUMPHP.ZIP 19k 22.08.95 [06] Des pompes textes pour la HP (principalement chimie et physique) TABLEP.ZIP 20k 01.09.95 [07] Super table periodique pour HP48GX (pas assez de RAM su Uploader: Nicolas Fournil XNIHP48.ZIP 378k 14.03.96 [06] [00] Tout ce qui faut pour la HP48 : des jeux, outils, pompe Uploader: Xavier Imbs XVIEWER.ZIP 5k 14.11.96 [02] Excellent visualiseur de textes pour la HP, note: 18/20 Uploader: Loan Vaque File Wizard ͸ Area: TI85 Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 30 2367 KBytes in 90 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * --- Les softs : BMP2GV20.ZIP 21k 10.10.96 [01] Pour convertir des images .BMP au format de la TI85 Uploader:Igor Kouzmine C8U60304.ZIP 107k 10.10.96 [02] Connect-85 v0.01Beta for Windows Maintenance Release 60304 Copyright (C) 1996 This is a maintenance upgrade for Connect-85. It must be applied to release 60303 ONLY! No other versions! Sans doute le meilleur programme pour TI85 du moment ! Uploader:Igor Kouzmine C8_60303.ZIP 436k 10.10.96 [02] Connect-85 v0.01Beta for Windows Release 60303. Uploader:Igor Kouzmine LINK85XP.ZIP 77k 10.10.96 [03] Pour transfrer des donnes de la TI85 au PC via le port parallle. Schma du cable inclus. Uploader:Igor Kouzmine LTEST102.ZIP 21k 28.09.96 [00] Pour tester la connexion entre la TI85 et le PC. Uploader:Igor Kouzmine RAW2TI.ZIP 361k 10.10.96 [01] This package contains: RAW2TI.COM - Ron Shpaser's RAW file to .85I picture format convertor CONVERT.BAT - Cheesy little batch file to run files of various types through Image Alchemy to output a .RAW file for input to RAW2TI, modified to include usage screen and "clean up" after itself ALCHEMY.EXE - Shareware version of Image Alchemy, saves you the trouble of digging it up yourself TASM301.ZIP 142k 06.05.96 [00] T-ASM v3.01 Pour programmer la TI-85 en assembleur. A utiliser avec Z-Shell. TI85LINK.ZIP 37k 25.06.97 [01] Superbe schma accompagn d'une aide en texte pour fabriquer simplement et sans se ruiner un cable de liaison PC<>TI85. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WIN-LINK.EXE 340k 10.10.96 [00] TI-GRAPH LINK for Windows connects the TI-85 Graphing Calculator to an IBM-compatible PC running Windows. The connecting cable and PC software let you exchange TI-85 programs and data, print TI-85 programs and data, create and edit programs. TI-GRAPH LINK for Windows is a Windows-based integrated communications link and data manager for the PC. You can use TI-GRAPH LINK for Windows to: Transfer data between the TI-85 and a PC. Save TI-85 screen images on the PC for use in word processing, desktop publishing, or page-layout applications. Print TI-85 screen images; save and get TI-85 memory images. Create, edit, save, and print TI-85 programs on the PC. Save, load, edit, and print programs created with the TI-85. Work on several program files at the same time. --- La nouvelle "ROM" adopter : ZSHELL.ZIP 27k 06.05.96 [00] Z-Shell v4.0 Permet d'executer les programmes en assembleur sous forme de String. Ce qui permet des effets incroyables ! A installer absolument. Uploader:Igor Kouzmine ZSHELL_R.TXT 16k 06.05.96 [00] Documentation sur les fonctions de Z-Shell ZTEACH.ZIP 13k 06.05.96 [00] Comment programmer en ASM avec Z-Shell --- Divers : ALIENS.ZIP 2k 05.04.96 [00] ARENA.ZIP 3k 05.04.96 [00] ASCII85P.EXE 25k 10.10.96 [00] ASTEROID.ZIP 6k 05.04.96 [00] BBALL.ZIP 1k 05.04.96 [00] BD.ZIP 5k 10.10.96 [00] BJACK.ZIP 4k 05.04.96 [00] BOMBARD.ZIP 2k 10.10.96 [00] BONEYARD.ZIP 2k 10.10.96 [00] BOXES.ZIP 4k 06.05.96 [00] BRKOUT50.ZIP 27k 05.04.96 [00] BV2.85P 15k 10.10.96 [00] CAVES1_6.ZIP 20k 05.04.96 [00] CHEMLIB1.ZIP 8k 10.10.96 [00] CHESS.ZIP 3k 10.10.96 [00] CINDY.ZIP 4k 05.04.96 [00] Cindy Crawford en 8 couleurs sur le LCD de la TI85, incroyable! Uploader:Igor Kouzmine CLVLPAK1.ZIP 3k 05.04.96 [00] COLUMNS3.ZIP 3k 06.05.96 [00] COMPILER.ZIP 9k 06.05.96 [00] CONNECTF.ZIP 1k 10.10.96 [00] DOOMBETA.85G 19k 10.10.96 [00] Doom (enfin presque) sur TI85, si c'est possible ! Uploader:Igor Kouzmine DOSLCK10.ZIP 35k 10.10.96 [00] DUMP_ROM.ZIP 14k 10.10.96 [00] Pour obtenir une copie de la ROM de votre TI85. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine EDIT85.ZIP 139k 10.10.96 [00] Edit 85 GAMEPAK2.ZIP 4k 05.04.96 [00] GCP.ZIP 20k 10.10.96 [00] GRAFWR.ZIP 4k 05.04.96 [00] GRAYGRAB.ZIP 32k 10.10.96 [00] INTEGRAL.ZIP 1k 10.10.96 [00] INTWIZ.85P 2k 10.10.96 [00] ITEST.ZIP 3k 05.04.96 [00] KCLOCK85.ZIP 2k 10.10.96 [00] LINK.ZIP 4k 05.04.96 [03] Pour transfrer des fichiers entre la TI85 et la TI92. LIST85.ZIP 4k 10.10.96 [00] MASTERMD.85P 2k 10.10.96 [00] MasterMind (en mode texte) Recherchez la bonne combinaison avec des nombres. MAZE.ZIP 6k 05.04.96 [00] MINEHUNT.ZIP 3k 10.10.96 [00] MineHunter (mode texte) Le dmineur classique. MUTINY85.ZIP 4k 05.04.96 [00] NIBBLES.ZIP 10k 05.04.96 [00] Nibbles (mode graphique) Evitez votre propre corps tout en ramassant des points OTHELLO2.ZIP 2k 05.04.96 [00] PASSWORD.ZIP 2k 05.04.96 [00] PGCD.ZIP 1k 24.11.97 [00] Programme pour Ti82(ou 81?) permettant de calculer le PGCD(ou PGDC) de 2 nombres (et donc de savoir si ils sont premiers entre Rapide (bas sur l'algo. d'Euclide). Uploader: Emmanuel Fauconnier PICVIEW.ZIP 3k 05.04.96 [00] PLAINJMP.ZIP 5k 05.04.96 [00] PLAYWAV.ZIP 35k 10.10.96 [00] Pour jouer des .WAV sur la TI85, permet aussi de convertir les .WAV en .DB. POCMAN.ZIP 2k 05.04.96 [00] POPCHAR.ZIP 1k 10.10.96 [00] POWEROFF.ZIP 2k 05.04.96 [00] PWP124.ZIP 6k 05.04.96 [00] TI-85 Password Protect by Chris Bowron / Digital Dreamland This program allows the user to implement a password protection scheme for the Texas Instrument TI-85 graphing calculator. The password can be up to 8 characters long, uppercase alphabet only. Uploader:Igor Kouzmine READER.ZIP 3k 05.04.96 [00] SCRAMB.ZIP 3k 05.04.96 [00] SCREEN8X.ZIP 12k 10.10.96 [00] SCROLL36.ZIP 30k 05.04.96 [00] SCROLL40.ZIP 40k 10.10.96 [00] SEND8520.ZIP 33k 10.10.96 [00] SEND92.ZIP 2k 05.04.96 [00] SOUND.ZIP 1k 10.10.96 [00] SOUND85.ZIP 2k 10.10.96 [00] Sound85 - listen TI-85 generated tunes on your Pc. For parallel cable. Jarkko Vrniemi 1996 SOUNDGEN.ZIP 3k 05.04.96 [00] SOUNDPAK.ZIP 18k 06.05.96 [00] SPECTRE.ZIP 3k 05.04.96 [00] SPSHEET.ZIP 5k 10.10.96 [00] TALK.ZIP 1k 10.10.96 [00] TETRIS45.ZIP 3k 06.05.96 [00] TICTAC.ZIP 3k 05.04.96 [00] TOGGLES.ZIP 4k 05.04.96 [00] TOMB.ZIP 2k 05.04.96 [00] TRANSLAT.EXE 43k 10.10.96 [00] TRANSLAT Program Conversion Utility v1.04 TUBE.ZIP 3k 10.10.96 [00] TUNES.ZIP 3k 05.04.96 [00] UNGROUP.EXE 19k 10.10.96 [03] Pour dcouper un groupe de fichiers. VIDPOKER.ZIP 5k 05.04.96 [00] XMEM.ZIP 2k 05.04.96 [00] ZBIKE13.ZIP 5k 05.04.96 [00] ZINC8-30.ZIP 35k 10.10.96 [00] ZJOUST.ZIP 4k 05.04.96 [00] ZPONG.ZIP 3k 06.05.96 [00] ZSEMU.ZIP 12k 10.10.96 [00] File Wizard ͸ Area: Atari Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 31 2674 KBytes in 20 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ANALYSER.ZIP 31k 16.05.96 [00] ARJ_996.TOS 206k 12.04.96 [00] Decompacteur ARJ pour toutes machines Atari Uploader: Alexandre Fournac BACKW261.ZIP 46k 03.07.94 [01] L'emulateur ST pour Falcon 030... Uploader: Gilles Picard BOBTRACK.ZIP 51k 16.05.96 [00] CONN246U.ZIP 207k 09.07.94 [00] Patch du fichier prg de comms qui fonctionne sur Atari. Uploader: Gilles Picard CQWE26.ZIP 177k 11.09.94 [02] Un tres bon Reader Off-Line pour Atari. Uploader: Gilles Picard EASE120.LHA 159k 16.05.96 [00] Base de donne pour AtariST ELFBAK28.ZIP 85k 16.05.96 [00] ELFBACK.PRG provides an easy way to do hard disk backups and restores to floppies or other disk drives (requires TOS 1.4 or better). EVEREST.LZH 95k 16.05.96 [00] E V E R E S T The simple and genial GEM Text Editor. Compatible with all Atari 680x0 computers & all graphic cards GUCK.ZIP 58k 23.07.94 [03] Pour remplacer avantageusement le systeme Voir du bureau Atari... Uploader: Gilles Picard INIT_MDM.TOS 25k 23.07.94 [04] Pour configurer la plupart des modems tres facilement. Atari Uniquement. Uploader: Gilles Picard KIVI.LZH 119k 12.04.96 [01] Kivi QWK v1.41 03/07/1995 - A GEM-based QWK reader for all Atari ST compatible computers. Supports MultiTOS and Falcon. Shareware. Uploader: Alexandre Fournac NTK4_MOD.TTP 19k 15.06.96 [01] Petit player de *.MOD en tache de fond pour Atari Falcon30 SPICE.ZIP 372k 14.05.96 [00] Spice fr den Atari ST SPICE IS AN ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT SIMULATION PROGRAM. SPLITT.TOS 79k 14.05.96 [00] Diviser un fichier STUT_III.LHA 119k 14.05.96 [00] Stut III Livr sur le disk de ST-Mag (1996) UNRAR-ST.LZH 39k 03.06.95 [00] UnRAR 1.00e Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon version Includes source code and exec. by Luis Manuel Asensio Royo VIEWERS.LZH 354k 16.05.96 [00] Un ensemble de viewers (FLI, MPEG, GIF,...) pour Falcon & AtariST WWW.LZH 254k 21.05.96 [00] World Wide Web for your Atari! ZZCOMPRO.ZIP 190k 18.05.93 [02] Logiciel de Comms pour ATARI Uploader: Heckmann Marc File Wizard ͸ Area: Apple Macintosh Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 32 1677 KBytes in 4 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * BBSDSK06.TD0 1437k 14.02.95 [01] BuBulle System Mac starter kit Contient Compact Pro 1.35, Stuffit Lite 3.07, Binary Pump 1.02, ZipIt 1.26, ZTerm 0.9 FLIPLAYE.SIT 31k 08.04.93 [00] Player FLI pour Mac UNARJMC.LZH 25k 27.03.93 [04] Decompacteur ARJ pour Macintosh Interface minime, mais fonctionne. ZTERM09.CPT 186k 30.06.93 [07] Le meilleur soft de Com sur Mac en shareware. Permet l'emulation ANSI Uploader: Thomas Potez File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Divers (non class) [A L] Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 36 27354 KBytes in 78 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ADRBK13.ZIP 1229k 26.08.96 [00] AdrBook v1.3 AdrBook is an address book program for your personal use. Now with english version and many enhancements and bug fixes. NEW: Envelope Printing ALLOCMEM.ZIP OFFLINE [00] A utility to empty machine memory to the swap file - cleans up unused .dlls from memory - GREAT! - includes EMX source code ATIFIX.ZIP 89k 27.08.96 [00] Place this file in windows\system\ it's an older version of SMACX.DRV that doesn't produce Win-OS/2 seamless font corruption. AWACS120.ZIP 112k 19.04.96 [00] AWACS is a multi-part package. Included is a PM program, called AWACS, that controls the swap, system performance analyzer (T2), the com device and caller ID monitor (COM40), and displays this to the second monitor, in real-time, using the second-monitor driver (MONY). Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis BA2PR30D.ZIP 853k 22.09.95 [00] * No Description * Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis BACK-WPS.ZIP 27k 14.02.94 [00] Backup du WorkPlace Shell BACKWP13.ZIP 28k 05.06.94 [00] Backup WPS BANNER2.ZIP 1037k 30.08.97 [00] Writes phrases as big text using using asterisks. BIOG12.ZIP 314k 20.07.97 [00] BIOGRAPH FOR OS/2 v1.2: The ultimate program to compute biorhythms and pair matching. Bio- Graph tells you about the four cycles of your biorhythm. This information can help you in planning dates and gives you more understan- ding for your friends' and your partner's feelings. BioGraph currently includes german, english, dutch, spanish and catalan language support. Shareware. BMDEMOV3.ZIP 956k 29.09.95 [00] OS/2 Batch Manager Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis BORED2.ZIP 263k 09.08.96 [00] (v2.0) Bored - Rotating banner of 'Bored...' Displays a moving banner depicting 'Bored...' in big, black and white letters. Multilingual. Created using Dr Dialog. BOZE.ZIP 13k 08.05.97 [00] BOZE V1.0 Give's U Advice On How Many Beers More You Need To Drink!! For OS/2! BTASK10A.ZIP 71k 19.12.95 [00] BTask 1.0 Button controlled realtime task switcher for Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CA20AOS2.ZIP 728k 20.06.94 [00] - Patch CA Realizer 2.0 -> 2.0a CARD20D.ZIP 111k 19.04.96 [00] Cards is the OS/2 substitute for Windows CardFile. It reads and writes Windows cardfile files. With this product, you will never have to open up a Windows session just to get a phone number. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CATBLD10.ZIP 2612k 24.06.96 [00] The Prominic Catalog Builder v1.00 provides OS/2 users with an easy and inexpensive way to create a catalog on disk for distribution to their OS/2 and Windows customers. Your customers will now be able to browse and order your products from a graphical online catalog! The latest version of this product can be found on the Web at: CC15DEMO.ZIP 541k 23.07.96 [00] Ctrl-Alt-Del Commander Demo for OS/2 Warp Takes control of the boot services of an OS/2 Warp system. It prevents accidental rebooting of OS/2 from within any type of OS/2, DOS, or Windows session. In addition, it also allows "rebooting" of the Workplace shell without stopping any running applications. Finally, it gives complete command over all application's status (including their priorities), and allows selective shutdown of errant applications which cannot normally be shutdown via OS/2's Ctrl-ESC key sequence. CCASH.ZIP 419k 27.03.97 [00] Ŀ ChronoCa$h/2: program that keeps track of how much time an user uses computer and let you know how much he should pay for that time. Version 1.0 CCC10.ZIP 58k 24.06.96 [00] CREDIT CARD CHECK v1.0: A simple PM program to check if a given number is a valid credit card number. Freeware. CERTPDLC.ZIP 1802k 18.08.95 [00] IBM Professional Certification Program for OS/2 & LAN Server Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CFGINFO4.ZIP 615k 24.10.95 [01] CNFGINFO.EXE Version 4.0 CFGINFO4.ZIP is the version 4 of CNFGINFO.EXE an outstanding utility for learning about and optimizing OS/2s config.sys file. CFG_V0B.ZIP 405k 09.09.96 [00] CFG-URE v0.0Beta! This program is used to swap between multiple CONFIG's on an OS/2 Warp machine. This program MUST be installed on an HPFS drive. CHAOS11.ZIP 87k 05.06.94 [03] Graphical display of simple chaotic system CHG_CTLS.ZIP 185k 02.01.96 [00] CHG_CTLS [V2]- Titlebar Customizer A collection of replacement bitmaps to replace the default os/2 controls: Minimize, Maximize, etc.. Includes a Batch file to make updating extremely easy. Look in Readme.1st for full info. By: Matt Schellhaas Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CLCKZR01.ZIP 19k 13.12.96 [00] This File contains a english version "clc.CMD" (freeware) of a simple OS/2 REXX command line calculator. CLIPVW10.ZIP 48k 09.07.96 [00] Two Clipboard Utils. One click prints clipboard and multiple text clipboards [OS/2] CPUMT10A.ZIP 270k 24.06.96 [00] CPUMeter, Version 1.0a CPUMeter is an enhanced CPU-usage meter, similar to "PULSE.EXE". Unlike other CPU-meters, it does not use a counting loop to determine the CPU-load. It uses the DosQProcStat API-call. This reduces CPU-load and CPU power-consumption and gives the possibility to show infos about CPU-hogging processes. CPWARP_1.ZIP 141k 01.03.96 [00] Conversion Pro - OS/2 PM Application. Scientific and engineering units conversion program for scientists and engineers. Excellent reference for students, as well. Includes a button calculator and a temperature converter. Version 1.0 - Shareware $10US Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CSTART10.ZIP 16k 30.06.96 [00] CStart v1.0 This stupid little program just shows when the computer started and how long it has been running... C_WMOVES.ZIP 852k 19.01.96 [00] Window Controller V 1.01 06/01/07 (C) Benno Sauer 1996. Two part utility: PM based Setup program, Commandline utility. Used for automatic window positioning of Dos and OS/2 programs. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DBP040B.ZIP 120k 29.08.96 [00] DocsBoot+ version 0.40Beta DEREG.ZIP 62k 05.01.96 [00] The purpose of the DeReg-program is to list the current classes, registered to the OS/2 desktop, and optionally to deregister selected classes. Uploader: Herve Lefebvre DIV.ZIP 903k 09.03.96 [01] Copiez les fichiers sur une disquette et installer. DMOS219B.ZIP 678k 07.09.95 [00] DRSK_200.LZH 219k 26.06.94 [00] DS_30DEM.RAR 936k 29.04.96 [00] Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DVORKB.ZIP 33k 19.02.96 [00] DVORAKKB remaps the standard 101/102 keyboard (US layout) to a Dvorak layout. The keyboard will be remapped in the PM screen group for PM, OS2, DOS and Seamless applications and for DOS and OS2 full screen applications. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DZ175PR.ZIP 184k 23.10.96 [00] DropZone 1.75 EE.ZIP 24k 30.08.97 [00] Einstein Explorer OpenGL is used to simulate the visual effects of special relativity. Requires OS/2 Warp with OpenGL. ELIDEMOS.ZIP 59k 20.09.96 [00] The Elizium Demos for OS/2 A few quick demos of what can be achieved with OS/2 using it in fullscreen mode. EMX Runtime 0.9a is required. EPMDOC.ZIP 390k 19.01.96 [00] EPM 6.03 User Guide and Reference Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FB188.ZIP 236k 09.10.94 [01] utilitaire pour OS/2 2.x barre de menus Uploader: Rich Zani FILEB205.ZIP 229k 18.05.96 [00] FileBar v2.05: OS/2 application launch facility & shell replacement intended to ease the operation of launching frequently used apps & from jumping from task to task within OS/2; uses MUCH less memory than WPS; 06/24/95; Eric A. Wolf. Last revision date in archive: 06-24-95. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FNTFBETA.ZIP 536k 22.12.96 [00] FontFolder 3.0 Public Beta - Exp. 3/97 FNTF_FIX.ZIP 178k 29.10.96 [00] FontFolder 2.1 Warp 4 Fix This fix corrects a specific problem that some users may encounter using FontFolder with Warp 4. FSHELL.ZIP 125k 04.01.96 [00] Sample PM Shell for novices users. Run over PMSHELL or in remplacement Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FX80_1.ZIP 12k 05.06.94 [00] Print on two Col with FX80 GEOG0214.ZIP 333k 16.02.94 [00] - GETINFS.ZIP 28k 05.06.94 [01] - PM front end for selecting and Viewing INFs GRAPHLOG.RAR 60k 28.05.96 [00] -= GraphLog 1.2.00b =- GREYBOOT.ZIP 123k 20.09.96 [00] Evil Grey Alien boot logo for OS/2. GULITE20.ZIP 863k 10.01.97 [00] The Graham Utilities LIGHT for OS/2 V2.00. The is an evaluation copy of The Graham Utilities for OS/2, V2.00. If features 19 out of the 74 programs in the full V2.00 retail suite. This LIGHT version is a 16 bit version. The 32 bit version offers significant performance gains. Version 2 is an all new version which includes: - Full and complete FAT support. - A native 32 bit version of all programs. - 22 new programs. - Complete on-line internet support. HOME2.ZIP 63k 27.03.97 [00] PM app to set the X10 CP290 Home Control Interface HOOK41.ZIP 131k 19.01.96 [01] KB HOOK - Start/Switch to Progrs. Macro Facility. Assign Programs to 110 HotKeys to Start/Switch Between Programs. Any assigned program may be scheduled for automatic startup by Day of Week, Hour of Day at 10 Minute Intervals. Can record and play back Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HOTS070.ZIP 44k 01.02.98 [00] Hot Scroll 0.70 =========================== Allows to scroll vertically and horizontally without Scroll Bars with either: - Scroll Lock - Any Keyboard Key or Mouse Button Combination. Features: - Focus Change in Scroll Lock mode - Adjustable Speed - Non-proportional mode - Fake Instant Redraw - Mouse Leash HOUSE2.ZIP 786k 18.10.97 [00] HOUSE/2 ver. 1.0 Home Automation & Security for OS/2 Warp version 3.0 and later. Shareware. This program controls the home automation interface model CM11A made by X10 PowerHouse. Use voice commands to control modules and settings. HOUSE/2 is similar to X10's ActiveHome and IBM's HomeDirector. Contains conversion utility to use existing ActiveHome or HomeDirector setup. CM11A not required to run program. HPCLC093.ZIP 53k 07.06.94 [01] HUSKY.ZIP 32k 20.09.97 [00] Ŀ Husky: an OS/2 Warp application that helps people that can't remember all ASCII scan codes, and that needs an on screen guide to them. Version 1.0 HWISL.ZIP 225k 29.09.95 [01] OS/2 SyslevelEditor vs2.42 is a PM based tool to create new, and to modify and view existing syslevel files. SyslevelEditor shows much more information than any other syslevel editor. Warp only, Shareware! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis IBMWARP.ZIP 442k 20.10.94 [02] - Agressive LOGO for IBM Warp ILOGO20.ZIP 176k 01.03.96 [00] InfoLog v2.0 for OS/2 PM --------- Communications usage monitor keeps track of online time for up to 10 services. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis IN-JOY06.ZIP 344k 27.05.96 [00] INFOB11.ZIP 54k 04.01.97 [00] InfoBar for OS/2. Displays Swap File size and history. Displays many internal system counters and registers. The registered version tunes your Swap File. INFOPD12.ZIP 72k 29.09.95 [00] OS/2 PM Information tool Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis INIMT30I.ZIP 640k 24.03.94 [01] INIMT32A.ZIP 733k 17.11.94 [00] IPF10A.ZIP 52k 23.06.94 [00] JP4REF.ZIP 239k 20.03.94 [00] 4DOS / 4OS2 Text Reference Manual JUMPKEY.ZIP 219k 29.09.95 [00] Task switcher for OS/2 with keyboard Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis KABOOM.ZIP 128k 05.06.94 [00] April fool Joke KBDREDEF.ZIP 33k 23.06.96 [00] Keyboard Redefiner 2.00 for OS/2 KBDREDEF redefines the standard 101/102 keyboard to a customizable layout. The keyboard will be redefined in every session. Layout Editor and sample Dvorak layouts are included. KILLART.ZIP 2k 11.12.96 [00] Kills ARTCHRON.EXE the Warp 4 Registration Daemon KKTD12.RAR 439k 29.04.96 [00] Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis KSH49.ZIP 237k 05.06.94 [02] Korn Shell for OS/2 LAUNCHHK.ZIP 30k 12.09.96 [00] LaunchHook Plus, Version 1.9 for OS/2 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1996. All rights reserved. IBM Employee Written Software Program Activate LaunchPad or TaskList by tapping pointer against top/bottom/left/right or corner of desktop. Disable double click on LaunchPad option. User can select one or multiple activation points. LISTOS2.ZIP 20k 27.03.94 [01] List - Version OS/2 Uploader: David Laurent LNCHTH1B.ZIP 35k 22.05.96 [00] Remplacement Sympa du Launchpad OS/2 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis LOGIT101.ZIP 15k 17.08.97 [00] LogIt 1.01 - it logs a message with time and date to a textfile. Useful for many thing... logging system startups, logging execution for cmd-scripts etc. Date format changed. LSPKOS2.EXE 1922k 12.09.96 [00] Larry Pops Up! for OS/2 Plays random qoutes from Larry File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Divers (non class) [M Z] Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 37 48020 KBytes in 118 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * MAKEIPF.ZIP 184k 18.02.96 [00] MakeIPF 2.0 for OS/2 IPF builder for easy creating IBM Hypertext. Your input is a more simple and intelligent ASCII format. Marking a phrase with a special char places the phrase into the index and all other occurrences will get a link automatically to the marked position. You can enter button ID's directly. Automatic window arrangement of several heading levels. Line drawing function. Short commands for headings, footnotes, unordered and ordered lists, bitmap in text. Shareware if source file > 25 kB, English and German. MCP_100.ZIP 4k 05.06.94 [00] Multi-Color Prompt for 4DOS/4OS2 v1.0; Not your normal C:\> prompt! MDESK12.ZIP 369k 19.04.96 [00] MDesk for OS/2 Release 1.2 Date: Mar 22, 1996 Posted by: File: MDESK12.ZIP Replaces: MDESK10A.ZIP, MDESK100.ZIP, and MDE --------------------------------------------- MDesk is a fast, complete shell replacement o add-on for OS/2 Warp 3.0. It also features m desktop tools not found in the base OS/2 prod Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MDM2.LZH 3k 05.09.95 [00] Multimdia Extension for Golded OS/2 MDOSBUG3.ZIP 27k 25.01.97 [00] OS/2 Warp 4 100% MDOS problem workaround and defect report: Broken Time Slice API ("Warum zieht meine DOS-Software auf einmal 100% Systemlast?") This Update replaces MDOSBUG2.ZIP (changes in Workarou.Txt). Uploader: Christophe Abegg MEGACLIP.ZIP 200k 02.11.96 [00] MegaClip version .01 MegaClip is a utility to manage multiple OS/2 PM clipboards. MEMSZ300.ZIP 389k 16.09.95 [00] System Resources v3.00 (Rick Papo, 11 September 1995, Free). A simple utility for monitoring system activity and resources. Source included. English, French, Spanish, German, Cataln, Danish, Chinese (BIG5) and Norwegian language files. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MKEY110.ZIP 334k 20.07.97 [00] MKey Version 1.10 application depented tiltebarbuttons, hotkeymanager, mousepointer animations and more. Warp3 or higher. MSFREE.GIF 40k 06.02.97 [00] Le logo d'OS/2 v4 avec la mention "Microsoft 100% free" MSFRLOGO.ZIP 83k 14.02.97 [00] Modified OS/2 Warp 4 logo with a "Microsoft Free" sticker. Run INSTLOGO.CMD, only for Warp 4. MSHRED.ZIP 25k 02.02.96 [00] mshred WPS object A "super-shredder" for OS/2 Warp+ from M. Kimes. Free- for-the-using. No warranty, but what'd you expect for free? Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis NEWDLG11.ZIP 103k 04.07.96 [00] NewDlg v1.1 by Tomas gren Patches a DLL to give you a nicer "Open/Save file" dialog in OS/2 Warp 3 and above. (Might work in OS/2 2.1 too..) NEWLOGO.ZIP 148k 16.03.97 [00] OS/2 Computing logos A set of beautifully rendered logos from OS/2 Computing Magazine NFNF11.ZIP 544k 07.06.96 [00] NFNF is a 32bit WPS add on for OS/2 Warp. NFNF extra functionality to the OS/2 Workplace Shell makes many things easier to do. NFNF will run on OS/2 Warp - not earlier versions of OS/2. Functionality includes : Popup items for zipping and unzipping fil with many, many useful options. Drag & Drop zipping via a zip object temp Adding to a zip file via Drag & Drop or v Automatic display of statistics in the ti number of files, bytes and subdirs. Popup item for total size entire folder. Popup item for statistics for an individu dates, times and attributes; attribut Popup item for command line opened from o Automatic Drag & Drop prompt (a la Win95) Remove unwanted standard menu items from Popup item for create new objects. And much MORE ..... NGVPM11.ZIP 62k 11.03.95 [02] The Norton Guide Viewer v1.1 for OS/2 The fastest .NG viewer for Presentation Manager. Includes color, underline, bold, searching, copy to clipboard, toolbar, printing, easy setup, and more! Context sensitive help. Created by: Steven van Loef Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis NLMAKE13.ZIP 109k 11.11.95 [00] NLMake/2-32 Thomas Seeling, April 1995 an OS/2 MakeNl Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis NORTUTIL.ZIP 430k 31.08.96 [00] The Emperor Norton Utilities for OS/2 The Emperor Norton Utilities is a collection of programs of an Eristic, Slackful or just downright bizarre nature. These programs may be found anywhere; on a FTP site, on your shelf, perhaps even having spontaneously formed on an unformatted disk. Sources included. NR2ASCII.ZIP 20k 20.01.96 [00] NR/2 ASCII is a 32-bit OS/2 command line util Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis NUMLOCK.ZIP 15k 06.08.96 [00] Command line utility to modify the state of the NUM lock. NYTS202.ZIP 52k 20.08.96 [00] The New York Telephone Scheduler Version 2.02 8/7/96 8/19/96 NYTSII is a major revision of my old OS/2 PM scheduler called NYTS. It worked okay, but was limited in features and useability, so I fixed it up to make it more useable and efficient. NYTSII allows you to easily set up a schedule of programs to automatically get executed at a given time and interval. ODFXKT4E.ZIP 565k 19.02.96 [00] Object Desktop 1.0 update (english) OS23DRNG.ZIP 16k 14.06.94 [00] - Bitmap gray-scale image of OS/2 Ring logo OS2COMIC.ZIP 358k 22.08.95 [00] OS/2 Warp demo by Comic DEMO COMPO 2nd place in the IBM OS/2 Warp compo Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis Archive contains 4 files, 383205 bytes Newest: 24.05.95, Oldest: 05.05.95 Passed by SUA v0.82 (22.08.95) (eval) OS2LOOKS.ZIP 87k 08.09.95 [01] Making OS/2 look like Heaven! by Terry Lin ( ------------------------------ A whole set of tips,tricks, and pointers on how to make your OS/2 system look great. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis Archive contains 3 files, 384030 bytes Newest: 04.09.95, Oldest: 03.09.95 Passed by SUA v0.82 (08.09.95) (eval) OS2MB104.ZIP 758k 17.05.97 [00] os2mb v1.04 DB with GUI, programmable and flexible. Written in NetRexx. Operating System/Version: Any that supports Java (this is the OS/2 install version) OS2NL694.ZIP 225k 19.06.94 [00] - OS2PROGS.ZIP 14738 12.05.96 [00] OS2TOOL.ZIP 683k 23.06.94 [04] - OS/2 tools [1/1] OS2WIN95.ZIP 61k 19.04.96 [01] Simulates the Windows95 environment in OS/2 by giving the user the same experience that Windows 95 users get. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis OS2ZIP.ZIP 241k 09.09.95 [02] Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.12 with Zip: Contains documentation/executables for: 32-bit Zip 32-bit ZipNote 32-bit ZipSplit 32-bit UnZip (ZipInfo now built in) 16-bit UnZipSFX (self-extractor stub: prepend to zipfiles) 32-bit fUnZip (filter UnZip, for use with pipes) This is FREE (but copyrighted) software. See COPYING for details on distribution. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis OS2_9440.ZIP 1147k 22.06.95 [00] OSTSR11.ZIP 11k 14.03.95 [00] * OSTSR 1.1 * Time Slice Releaser For OS/2 OSTSR is a TSR for your DOS applications running under OS/2 that are DESQview aware. This small (<1K) utility will convert DV time slice release requests to OS/2 "sleep" requests. Completely configurable with monitoring available and supports Time Slice releases from 0 to 65535 milliseconds. Use of this with ANY DV Aware DOS program will dramatically improve your overall OS/2 system's performance. *Freeware*. PBXS_200.ZIP 358k 18.10.96 [00] Pastry Box is a multifunction OS/2 Warp PM utility. Pastry Box has the following functions: Clipboard Aid: Hex Dump Utility: Multiple Editor (MLE) Windows: File List Maker: CMD File Builder: PC-SECU.ZIP 499k 06.09.94 [00] Outils de Scurit OS/2 PM PC2V199W.ZIP 519k 10.09.97 [00] PROGRAM COMMANDER/2 V2.00 for OS/2 Copyright (C) by Roman Stangl August, 1997 PC/2 is a WPS enhancement or replacement, that features a program launcher, Virtual Desktops, Hotkey support, Sliding focus, Advanced Marking, Dynamic Menu Selection, Environment Spaces, WIN95 key support, QuickSwitch and SessionBar window, Hardware Panning support, TitleBar Smarticons, Lockup and Password protection support, Scheduler, WPS extraction and a Spooler Control Window (which ***enables*** spooling even when running PC/2 as a WPS replacement). PCSEC22.ZIP 983k 03.01.96 [00] (V2.2) PC Security for OS/2 Information is power! Now with the Workplace Security Components, Makes the mission critical environment more secure. File Encryption, File Locking, Window Locking, Keyboard Monitor, File Wipout, Alarm and much more. New Workplace Shell Objects. Silvio Kuczynski, Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PDB001.ZIP 40k 04.04.94 [00] - PEG008.ZIP 273k 05.06.94 [00] - Pegasus Resource Monitor v1.8 for OS/2 PGMG040.ZIP 62k 22.05.96 [00] PageMage 0.40. Virtual Desktop utility for OS/2. Sticky windows, flip at edges of screen. Free. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PMP43.ZIP 859k 06.07.96 [00] PM Patrol version 4.3 32-bit PM resource mgmt software and toolset for OS/2 2.1+ Requires OS/2 2.1+ 4.3 adds support for interface to IBM's EWS OS2MEMU allowing PM Patrol to show RAM per process stats. PMPL2PL.ARJ 26k 25.06.96 [00] Ŀ PL2PL/2 wersja 1.0 Ĵ Program do konwersji polskich znakw pod OS/2 (PM). Ĵ (C) 1996 Przemek Dobrowolski FidoNet: 2:480/76.123 < FREEWARE > PMQSIZ.ZIP 21k 22.01.96 [00] The PM Queue Size Patch ----- These patches may provide tremendous stability in OS/2 systems that suffer from desktop hangs, no-input in shells, invalid switching between the desktop and Window/DOS applications, and other ailments. These patches are not meant to be a complete OS/2 fix, but may be lots of help. Every PM thread that sends PM messages or receives posted messages must have a queue to hold those messages until they are processed. Messages are very frequently put into those messages queues to be processed as the thread is able.If more messages are put into the queue than the queue can hold, then it Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis Archive contains 5 files, 34807 bytes PMSPY32.RAR 217k 07.11.94 [00] - Outils OS/2 32 Bits permettant de voir tous les messages PM passant sur le DESKTOP (Avec Sources) Uploader: Jean-louis Ferey PMVKPR20.ZIP 668k 17.08.96 [00] PMVKPROC v2.0 The PMVKPROC utility list all processes runnning in OS/2 2.X in an PM window. The parent-child dependencies and a detailed information for every process is shown. Additionally every shown process can be killed by the user. POST2U10.ZIP 122k 12.07.95 [00] PostToYou/2 version 1.0. An OS/2 program which provides yellow sticky notes to litter your screen with reminders; notes can have alarms and also repeating alarms with factors of minutes, hours or days; notes can be stationary, hidden... PRGADD10.ZIP 25k 13.09.96 [00] ProgAdd 1.0 FREEWARE (c) Diarmuid Albers This program automaticaly creates a database for the add program tool in the system setup folder. So if you reinstall Warp, you don't have to create every object with the program template. The objects will be automatically created! PSI012.ZIP 33k 27.09.97 [00] Process Information Tool v0.12 Passive CPU Usage, Process Killer, System Stats. PV3DEMO.ZIP 425k 02.02.96 [00] Performance Plus Demo Optimisation and Information tool for OS/2 Warp PWDGEN01.ZIP 33k 19.01.96 [01] Automatic Password Generator conforming to FIPS PUB 181 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis Archive contains 4 files, 71021 bytes Newest: 27.12.95, Oldest: 27.12.95 Passed by SUA v0.82 (19.01.96) (eval) QNQ_100.ZIP 381k 24.08.97 [00] Don's Quips n Quotes an OS/2 program that displays a quote, quip or tagline that is randomly selected. This archive contains both a command line and a PM version of the program. QTAWKOS2.ZIP 413k 25.01.96 [00] AWK for OS/2 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis RC5HELP.ZIP 24k 05.09.97 [00] Aide et documentation pour utiliser le client RC5. RC5OS2.ZIP 71k 05.09.97 [00] Client RC5 pour OS/2 v2.004. Pour tenter de casser le cryptage RC5 grace au temps de calcul du plus grand nombre d'ordinateurs. REDWD55.ZIP 369k 12.12.96 [00] REDWOOD is a CASE tool honed to solving Y2K problems on IBM-style EBCDIC computers. REDWOOD is an innovative product and improves the productivity of Y2K personnel. REPTEL6E.ZIP 852k 26.12.96 [00] adress book for OS/2 RESULTS.ZIP 133k 25.05.94 [00] ROBO_231.ZIP 1010k 24.05.97 [00] RoboJob V 2.31 Welcome to the world of automated jobs! - 32 Bit Multithreaded PM Job Scheduler and Program Launcher - Smart Program Type autodetection - All program types supported: PM, OS/2, Dos & MS Windows - Low CPU usage - Job Termination Watch includes return code etc... etc... ROIDS21B.ZIP 233k 23.05.94 [00] RUN160.ZIP 18k 14.06.94 [02] Run-Os/2 version 1.60 Utility that allows OS/2 users to run OS/2 programs from a DOS session. RUNFOR11.ZIP 77k 19.02.96 [00] RUNFOR v1.1 January 19, 1996 - A utility that can run a command for a particular set of files/dirs. This works for OS/2 and DOS commands under various (hopely) command shell. This is a freeware if you don't modify the program. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis RY_CFOS2.ZIP 73k 22.08.95 [00] CFOS/2 0.42 Beta 308 - 22.5.95 - Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SCHEDIT.ZIP 47k 18.06.97 [00] Schedule-IT! Version 2.29 OS/2 PM based Event Launcher. Schedule any OS/2, DOS or Windows programs for any time any and day(s). Can also be used to launch programs in real time! Shareware $25 includes ID also good for KL-ZIP and KLBENCH. Can be registered on Compuserve via GO SWREG. Keith Luken email on CIS: 75627,563 or Internet: SERVCENT.ZIP 696k 09.11.96 [00] Service Center Version 3.0 'Service Center' is a freeware utility suite for OS/2. It contains a system information tool, a process killer, a front end for McAfee's OS2SCAN, a class/ini purger, a tool to create program objects, a button to backup and edit your config.sys and a scheduler to run programs automatically. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SET6X86.ZIP 79k 25.10.97 [00] set6x86 v1.3 Cyrix 5x86/6x86/6x86MX CPU configuration tool SLICER.ZIP 4k 27.01.94 [02] Donne un peu de CPU et optimise les perfs quand des VDMS tournent SMECLP10.ZIP 114k 13.07.97 [00] SmeClp 1.00 The Smalled Clipboard Extensions Gives you 10 virtual OS/2 clipboards. Copy, cut and paste between clipboards possible. Clipboard text is editable. Search and Replace functions. Multiple modes for text accumilation. (fully functional shareware) FREE FOR REGISTERED SMALLED USERS SNDYES11.ZIP 12k 07.12.95 [00] Send yes allow to close directly DOS and OS/2 sessions without the dialog box for confirmation. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SPDOS2.EXE 354k 05.09.94 [00] SPELLGRD.ZIP 654k 03.09.96 [00] Spell Guard SPELLUPG.ZIP 272k 03.09.96 [00] This SpellGuard zip file does contain a dictionary. As such it should be used for an upgrade of an existing SpellGuard installation. SPICE3F4.ZIP 755k 12.10.96 [00] This is a port of spice 3f4 for OS/2 SPICE is a general-purpose circuit simulation program for nonlinear dc, nonlinear transient, and linear ac analyses. Circuits may contain resistors, capacitors, inductors, mutual inductors, independent voltage and current sources, four types of dependent sources, lossless and lossy transmission lines (two separate implementations), switches, uniform distributed RC lines, and the five most common semiconductor devices: diodes, BJTs, JFETs, MESFETs, and MOSFETs. SPPM_004.ZIP 397k 04.06.94 [00] SSLOG11.ZIP 191k 31.08.96 [00] SSLogger, Version 1.1.0, Aug. 22, 1996 Logger designed specifically for the ARRL November Sweepstakes contest. This logger features dupe checking, a section list window that tracks sections worked, a scrollable log list window which can be used to edit log records previously written, a facility to record breaks taken during the contest, a status window showing various statistics, a built-in controller for the Kenwood TS-940S, and a facility to export the log to ARRL Suggested Standard File Format. SSPKG.ZIP 697k 26.11.95 [00] Simply Secure (security package) demo STARPM10.ZIP 15k 23.06.96 [00] StarPM v1.0 An OS/2 BCC++ 32 bit multi-threading Presentation Manager demonstration program showing single or multiple starfield simulations. STARTDOS.ZIP 95k 11.08.96 [00] StartDos (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993-1995. All rights reserved. StartDos is an OS/2 program to start virtual DOS mode (VDM) sessions under OS/2. The nature of DOS sessions under OS/2 is controlled by DOS settings strings. StartDos accepts these strings via a REXX command file then starts a DOS session using those settings. SUNPTRS.ZIP 6k 19.01.96 [00] Sun Pointer Collection. Here's the first in a hopefully continuing series of pointer sets for OS/2. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SVD117.ZIP 130k 02.01.96 [01] Super Virtual Disk driver V1.17 for OS/2 2.1+ SVDisk provides a swappable/lockable/removabl virtual disk or virtual floppy using OS/2's advanced memory management facility. Virtual disk can be anything from 16KB to 16MB, and virtual floppy supports 360KB to 2.88MB devices, including XDF device for managing XDF diskette images in OS/2 Warp Version 3. Virtual floppy device can be dynamically reconfigured. You can even create multiple 16MB SVDisks on a system with just 4MB of RAM HPFS formatting and diskette support for SVDi Command line and PM utility provide complete control of the SVDisks. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SWAPMO13.ZIP 191k 07.12.95 [00] (v1.30) SwapMonitor - A complete OS/2 monitor that will fit in a small window on your desktop. It is highly cutomizable. You can change font and color by drag & drop. You can display a clock, the disk occupation (free, percentage, total), the file system, the volume label, the number of process & threads, the elapsed time since last boot, and many more... Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SYSMON09.ZIP 126k 16.09.95 [00] System Monitor 0.9 MultiThreaded OS/2 monitor Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis T-QUEUE.RAR 196k 11.05.96 [00] T-Queue for Dos & OS/2 v.3-Alpha Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TAME21.ZIP 3k 20.03.94 [01] - Give Time Slice to VDM under OS/2 TARFNT10.ZIP 661k 30.05.96 [00] TarFront 1.0b, OS/2 PM Frontend for TAR and GTAK. First release - Backup only! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TARSHELL.ZIP 50k 03.04.94 [01] - Shell for GNU TAR (GTAK) TBOOK11S.ZIP 256k 14.07.96 [00] Tbook (The Book) Telephone/Address/Information System TBOX3_21.ZIP 230k 30.08.97 [00] TaskBox V3.21 A box of running tasks/open windows. TBOX3_22.ZIP 232k 30.08.97 [00] TaskBox V3.22 A box of running tasks/open windows. TCKR12.ZIP 22k 29.09.95 [00] Ticker is a simple utility which will run in an endless bar the text from an input file. You can set color and font using the system font and color management utilities (System Folder). Further you can set the speed of the scrolling from Slow, Medium or Fast to Turbo. The height of the bar can be adjusted in titlebar-units (adjust len with the mouse). Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TCOS2100.ZIP 534k 19.04.96 [00] Take Command for OS/2 1.0 - JP Software's new graphical command processor for OS/2. A true OS/2 Presentation Manager app, not character-mode. Command enhancements, over 50 new commands, 4DOS- and 4OS2-compatible, dozens of new PM features. Shareware, $69 full registration. 3-5-96 rel. A (61). Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TEXTFONT.ZIP 70k 11.02.94 [00] Nouvelle fonte pour les sessions VDM Plein cran TFONT10.ZIP 52k 13.08.96 [00] tFont v1.0 by Tomas gren '96 Changes the font in Fullscreen OS/2 and DOS sessions. Fonts included. Source(s) included. EMail-ware.. TICKER2.ZIP 668k 28.06.96 [00] Ticker/2 is a PM utility that displays text and bitmaps in a tickerline on your desktop. A REXX interface allows you to select the source of the information. You could display stock quotes, news, sport results, your own commercials, whatever with only little knowledge of REXX programming. TIDE141.ZIP 247k 05.08.96 [00] XTide Version 1.4.1 1996-06-26 Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor. XTide is a program that provides tide predictions in a wide variety offormats. By default, it is a simple tide clock, but it has commandline switches to generate graphs, listings, calendars, and all kindsof good stuff. TINYED.ZIP 71k 05.08.92 [00] - TRSHCN21.ZIP 93k 29.09.95 [00] Workplace Shell TrashCan is a WPS class designed to replace the shredder object delivered with OS/2 (2.0 and higher). It gives you a 'Macintosh - like' trashcan on your desktop. There are some useful options to handle the trash you 'produce' in your daily sessions. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TSKBR260.ZIP 395k 28.10.95 [00] Taskbar for OS/2 v2.60 : Allows quick switching among multiple running apps. Current running apps are listed in a popup button bar that is activated by moving the mouse cursor to a user selectable edge of the screen. Also has a hotkey facility similar to the Windows Alt-Tab feature. NOTE: If you are upgrading from a previous version of Taskbar, do *NOT* unzip this archive into your existing Taskbar program directory. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TYPE2V1.ZIP 45k 06.12.96 [00] Type2 version 1.0 * The only typing tutor designed * * exclusively for the OS/2 operating * * system environment. * UKILL.ZIP 64k 21.07.96 [00] KILL 1.00 by Viet-Tam Luu ========================= Yet another kill utility... with a bonus! KILL is a command-line process killer utility for OS/2 Warp (and possibly 2.1x). It includes support for Holger Veit's xf86sup.sys, which (when used in conjunction with OS/2 Warp FixPak 17 (or later?)) implements a "HARD KILL" method. UNIMAINT.ZIP 1029k 23.06.96 [00] UniMaint This is a demo version of UniMaint, a suite of system utilities for OS/2. VAL-OS2.ZIP 505k 08.09.95 [00] OS/2 Warp demo by Valhalla Ŀ ۳ DEMO COMPO 1st place in the IBM OS/2 Warp compo Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis VCLSED10.ZIP 97k 17.09.96 [00] WPSClassEd v1.0 PM WPS Class Editor, fast and easy to use. Requires OS/2 v. 2.0+ VIEW.ZIP 59k 13.09.94 [01] Reader DOS des .INF OS/2 WARP32S.ZIP 537k 12.10.96 [00] OS/2 Warp Version 3.00 Controlled Availability of Win32s 1.25a Support WBI11OS2.EXE 1658k 22.08.96 [00] WCAT20.ZIP 400k 02.06.95 [00] WatchCat v2.0 - recover from hung processes i Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WCRON198.ZIP 66k 24.08.97 [00] WarpCron 1.98 - smart, fast, full featured scheduler for OS/2 textmode. Bugs of 1.95beta fixed. New: email support, 4os2 support (.btm files too). Runs OS/2 window, fullscreen, PM and DOS applications on specific time, specific date, every X minutes/hours/days/months and/or on specific weekdays and/or/not on semaphore and/or not on specific times. Runs missed events at startup. Writes logfile and pid-file. Can shutdown by semaphore. Needs nearly no CPU-Time. Can reread its config during runtime. Perfect for textonly or systems with low memory, but really good for every other system too ;-). WINKEY01.ZIP 18k 19.02.96 [01] This OS/2 Warp base device driver remaps the infamous three additional Win**** keys found on many new keyboards to display the task list and to switch sessions. It works under all flavors of DOS, WinOS/2 and OS/2 sessions FREEWARE by Robert Muchsel Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WNOTE111.ZIP 36k 25.10.97 [00] WARPNOTE v1.11: Tired of those yellow sticky notes that won't stick on your monitor? Here come the sticky notes that remain where you put them: On your OS/2 desktop. WarpNote gives you easy access to little yellow win- dows where you can note down everything you want. The program is simple and easy to use and consumes as little memory as possible. Shareware! WPCLS135.ZIP 79k 11.09.95 [00] WPClsExt Shareware Version 1.34 OS/2 Warp WPS Replacement classes which add following functions to WPS. 1. Folder's details view will display info about free space, size of selected objects (files), 2. Password protection for folders 3. "Style" page in settings notebook 4. "Change to" menu item in pop-up (pulldown) menu 5. "Size" menu item in pop-up (pulldown) menu 6. Selective select or deselct of objects in folders Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WPTOOL19.ZIP 233k 24.10.96 [00] WpTools v1.9 WPTOOLS is a set of programs intended for the 'more experienced' Workplace shell users. The Workplace shell is the user interface for OS/2 2.x and 3.0. WRP2MRLN.ZIP 538k 28.08.96 [00] Wrp2Mrln 1.0 OS/2 Based Text Patch Replaces Icons, Pointers, Folders, Control Buttons and Add the WarpSans Font from Merlin to OS/2 Warp DLL's Freeware, Include Sources. XDEL104.ZIP 31k 25.01.96 [00] Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis XDSN2.ZIP 1922k 22.07.96 [00] Native XDS-x86 OS/2 Edition v2.17 (pre-release) XFILE11.ZIP 85k 13.05.97 [00] Xfile v1.1 OS/2 utility replaces the default open file dialog with larger one, drive buttons, history, much more XIT22.RAR 231k 29.04.96 [00] Xit v2.2 OS/2 PM 1 button zapper. Add user defined titlebar buttons left or right side. Over 30 predefined actions. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis Y5096229.ZIP 645k 17.08.96 [00] UNIMAINT Version 5.00.6 CSD Level 1996229 Contains corrective service for UniMaint Version 5.00 YAOS16.ZIP 114k 29.11.96 [00] Yet Another OS/2 Shell v1.6 Only tested on Warp 3.0; may work on other versions YAY-1_0.ZIP 220k 06.02.96 [00] Yet Another YACC - parser generator for OS/2 File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /FixPacks Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 38 53975 KBytes in 34 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * FIXPACK3.ZIP 17947 02.09.97 [00] FixPack 3 pour OS/2 Warp 4 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis XRFM001.1DK 1439k 12.04.97 [00] XRFM001.2DK 1440k 12.04.97 [00] XR_M001.1DK 1441k 15.03.97 [00] OS/2 Warp 4 FixPak XR_M001 Version.9.025 OS/2 Warp 4 FixPak containing APAR fixes. This FixPak has been publicly released by IBM PSP, Austin. XR_M001.2DK 1439k 15.03.97 [00] XR_M001.3DK 1439k 15.03.97 [00] XR_M001.4DK 1439k 15.03.97 [00] XR_M001.5DK 1439k 15.03.97 [00] XR_M001.6DK 1439k 15.03.97 [00] XR_M001.7DK 1439k 15.03.97 [00] XR_M001.8DK 1439k 15.03.97 [00] XR_M001.9DK 571k 15.03.97 [00] XR_M001.FIL 7k 15.03.97 [00] XR_M001.RM2 14k 15.03.97 [00] XR_W022.1DK 1435k 16.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 22 XR_W022.2DK 1437k 16.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 22 XR_W022.3DK 1437k 16.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 22 XR_W022.4DK 1437k 16.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 22 XR_W022.5DK 1437k 16.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 22 XR_W022.6DK 1437k 16.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 22 XR_W022.7DK 1199k 16.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 22 XR_W022.8DK 583k 16.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 22 XR_W022.CID 10k 15.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 22 XR_W022.RM1 51k 15.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 22 XR_W022.RM2 81k 15.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 22 XR_W022.TIP 45k 15.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 22 XR_W023.1DK 1436k 10.08.96 [00] OS/2 FixPaks 23 XR_W023.2DK 1438k 10.08.96 [00] XR_W023.3DK 1438k 10.08.96 [00] XR_W023.4DK 1438k 10.08.96 [00] XR_W023.5DK 1438k 10.08.96 [00] XR_W023.6DK 1438k 10.08.96 [00] XR_W023.7DK 1255k 10.08.96 [00] XR_W023.8DK 584k 10.08.96 [00] File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Antivirus Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 39 1582 KBytes in 5 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * BKILL30.ZIP 304k 14.09.96 [00] ThunderSoft's Bug Killer Version 3.0 For McAfee's Anit-Virus For OS/2 WHAT IS BUG KILLER? - A GUI interface to McAfee's OS/2 Anti-Virus Program - Reports information in nicely defined and readable lists - Setup profiles for advanced scanning/cleanning features - Broadcast results to Novell user ID - Set Default Behavior - Run Command Line Scan/Clean Commands - View Virus list. - Time indicator show real time - GUI control options for coding files including Exlude - New Interface from previous versions KLVIR101.ZI1 178k 25.01.96 [00] KL-VIRUS Version 1.00 OS/2 PM based utility for virus scanning. Designed for McAfee's OS2SCAN product. Can send results in a message via cc:MAIL to numerous users, or use it standalone! Can schedule you scans! Register on Compuserve via GO SWREG. Keith Luken email on CIS: 75627,563 or Internet: Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis OSC-303E.ZIP 703k 30.08.97 [00] VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above. Version 3.0.3 (3007) 07-17-97 SSHELL.ZIP 6k 13.12.96 [00] Graphic interface for OS2SCAN from MCAFEE (freeware) Operating System/Version: OS/2 Warp v3.0 VSCANDOC.ZIP 394k 04.11.96 [00] Documentation de VirusScan File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Bureautique Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 40 55592 KBytes in 22 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 21UPRT72.ZIP 169k 08.05.97 [00] (V7.2a) - 21UPRT.ZIP - REXX PM program to print 2UP in landscape mode or 1UP in portrait mode on laser printers using PPDS, PCL or PostScript commands. Will number lines or support ANSI control characters. Suppresses multiple blank lines and page ejects. BANK110.ZIP 755k 14.02.97 [00] BanK v1.1.0 BETA 32Bits for Warp. A Bank account manager. *EZ* to use, user friendly and very simple. DCMOS213.ZIP 720k 23.10.96 [00] Document Conversion Manager for OS/2 Warp Release 1.3 Document Conversion Manager is a SOM object whose purpose is to provide seamless, accurate document translation services. This release is fully enabled for DisplayWrite DOC and RFT, and Ami Pro document exchange. EQED096.ZIP 123k 29.09.95 [01] An WYSIWYG equation editor for OS/2 PM. ET290A.ZIP 1758k 20.10.96 [00] Electronic Teller 2.90a. Electronic Teller is a home finance application. It features a rich set of functions and utilities, which include: An attractive user-interface to handle various sets of accounts. Multiple-user support to shield accounts from one another. A calculator that can be used to paste calculations directly into the dialog used to create new transactions. A calendar that can also act as a reminder for upcoming events or payments, be they one-time events or repeated indefinitely. A configurable cheque printer that supports user-defined designs and multiple cheque-per-page printing. A wide assortment of reports, from budget to transaction reports, with a variety of subtotalling options. Budget tracking and graphs. Transaction fee or service charge tracking. A converter to import and export QIF files. HV32.ZIP 181k 03.05.96 [01] HyperView 3.2: High performance OS/2 file viewer with special features for isolating and extracting information from word processing, text, and ZIP files. PM and text mode editions. Automatically reads Ami Pro, Clearlook, DeScribe, WordPerfect & WinWord. New in 3.2: Enhanced integration with file managers, drag/drop, more. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HWIPBUK.ZIP 607k 20.07.97 [00] OS/2 P-Book English OS/2 P-Book is a 32-Bit Presentation Manager application that will manage all private data. You can store your address information and add contacts and documents. OS/2 P-Book has reminder functions, batch job processing and ToDo lists. OS/2 P-Book can manage address references and comes with tools like calculator and calendar. OS/2 P-Book does DDE and Clipboard. Included you will find the complete German 'Bank-' and 'Postleitzahlen'. OS/2 P-Book is Shareware. Unregistered release limited to 3 records per address letter. IB2_OS2.EXE 35725 06.09.97 [00] StarOffice 4.0 Beta 2 pour OS/2 L'intgr bureautique essayer absolument ! ICALC100.ZIP 25k 14.08.96 [00] ICalc v1.00 ICalc is a small, fast, FREE!, calculator-type program. How often have you wanted to make simple calculations, and not had a calculator handy? And how often have you resorted to starting QBasic or the Windows Calculator to make these simple calculations? MES2DEMO.ZIP 2057k 14.05.95 [00] Working demo of MESA 2, OS/2 first decent spread- sheet. Also updates real version to 1.01. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MESA21.ZIP 2469k 30.01.96 [00] MESA 2.1 Evaluation A powerfull spreadsheet application Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MESA216.ZIP 2356k 12.10.96 [01] Mesa for OS/2 v2.1.6 Mesa(tm) Spreadsheet for OS/2 from Sundial Systems September 1996 NH48_A2.ZIP 323k 23.05.95 [00] Calculatrice style HP48 pour OS/2 notation RPN Uploader: Jean-marie Gagniere POLYCALC.ZIP 73k 22.09.96 [00] PolyCalc - OS/2 Calculator Application PSUP_300.ZIP 356k 04.07.96 [00] PSUp.EXE - Version 3.00 - June 07, 1996 -Format and Print text files to Postscript printer under OS/2 Warp. 32-bit PM program with 1UP, 2UP, and 4UP support. DRAG/DROP, and Command-Line printing. 8.5x11, A4 and Legal paper. PSUpREXX Library available to registered users. See PSUp Reference for full documentation and examples. Copyright(c) D.A.Ritari-KNIGHT RESEARCH-1996 All Rights Reserved. 60 Day Evaluation. SCR-HTM.ZIP 311k 20.01.96 [00] A collection of Describe 5.0 macros that assist in the conversion of documents to html. For OS/2 Warp Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SPLMS154.ZIP 277k 08.08.96 [00] Spell Master 1.54 The purpose of this program is to help people learn how to spell properly. It talks to you (requires Multimedia setup (MMPM2 with sound card & microphone), and extra REXX UTILS to be loaded). WKS21_1.RAR 1467k 24.06.96 [01] IBM OS/2 Works 2.1 1/5 use XDFCopy to create install disks (1.8M) WKS21_2.RAR 1490k 24.06.96 [01] IBM OS/2 Works 2.1 2/5 WKS21_3.RAR 1689k 24.06.96 [00] IBM OS/2 Works 2.1 3/5 WKS21_4.RAR 1618k 24.06.96 [00] IBM OS/2 Works 2.1 4/5 WKS21_5.RAR 1054k 24.06.96 [01] IBM OS/2 Works 2.1 5/5 File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Bureau OS/2 Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 41 17663 KBytes in 46 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 20ARIEEL.ZIP 613k 22.06.96 [00] Arieel - Your Gateway to the Time One time alarm quick alarm setup World time that allows you to select any timezone Day Of The Year with every day in the calendar Alarm time can be set in 12h or 24h mode depending on system settings Improved help facility Some general improvements 20MEMU.ZIP 94k 23.06.96 [00] OS2XMEMU 1.02 - June 16, 1993 OS/2 V2.X Memory Usage Display Glenn Brew & Ross L. Cook OS20MEMU is an OS/2 protect-mode program which displays a "snapshot" of the current memory usage in an OS/2 2.X system. Total free storage is also shown. The information given includes: - Applications (by name) - Amount in Use - Total Vdisk size - Virtual Machine size - Total Disk Cache size - Memory owned by application - Shared memory - Free memory - Amount Swapped In addition, extensive detail can be requested for each application currently executing by entering the process ID (PID). AMPTR100.ZIP 326k 21.01.97 [00] (v1.00) WPAMPTR - V1.00 - FREEWARE This program provides "Animated Mouse Pointer for OS/2." Use the animations that come with the program or easily create your own animations. All you need for that is the OS/2 built-in Icon Editor and a good idea. Win* cursors, Win* and AniMouse animation files supported. WPS integrated SOM class. German and Englisch NLS. French NLS planned. Author: BLACK100.ZIP 57k 30.06.96 [00] Blackout screen saver v1.00 1996-06-29 A screen saver for OS/2. BLANKIT3.ZIP 57k 09.03.97 [00] Cyno's BlankIt! 3.0 for OS/2 Warp's Presentation Manager Freeware, 02-28-1997 A very simple screen saver; it blanks the screen. BLANKR60.ZIP 999k 04.12.96 [00] Blanker 6.0 - multimedia screen saver for OS/2 with five functions 1) screen saving: external modules, DPMS, password, hot corners, full screen blanking 2) screen capturing, saving and printing 3) information window: displays time, date, free memory, disk space, swap size 4) launch keys: open WPS objects with a key 5) alarms: message and task scheduling shareware; US, German and Lite version incl. CANICONS.ZIP 69k 26.06.97 [00] Hey look, It's a bunch of CANS!! Ya well, I stole/borrowed the radcan from someone else and made a bunch of cans one day (avoiding/coding). ....They amuse me anyways. 14 Cans to suit your can-needs. CARTOON.ZIP 7k 31.05.94 [04] - Cartoon Icon's For OS/2 - [1/1] CLOCKAI.ZIP 91k 02.09.96 [00] (v1.0) - Clock for OS/2 A desktop digital clock. Shareware By Mr Antonino Iannella DO50OSEC.ZIP 2704k 11.05.97 [00] Desktop Observatory v5.01 from Pinnacle Technology, Inc. is a WorkPlace Shell application which provides security and desktop management. DW14.ZIP 1362k 07.01.97 [00] Desktop Wizard is a 32bit WPS add on for OS/2 Warp. Desktop Wizard adds extra functionality to the OS/2 Workplace Shell and makes many things easier to do. Desktop Wizard will only work on OS/2 Warp 3.x or Warp 4.x. FEELX10.ZIP 373k 16.05.94 [03] WPS look like X11 FIH112.ZIP 122k 24.05.96 [00] Icon Heaven An OS/2 Workplace shell enhancement that enables the user to assign icons to objects using simple drag & drop. Sample icon libraries included. New release adds Warp support for animated icons, icon extraction and fixes problems with empty icons. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FIH113.ZIP 121k 26.06.96 [00] Icon Heaven is an OS/2 Workplace shell enhancement that enables the user to assign icons to objects using simple drag & drop. Sample icon libraries included. New release adds Warp support for animated icons, icon extraction and fixes problems with empty icons. Registration $15. FILEB_17.ZIP 225k 06.04.94 [00] - OS2 creation d'une barre menu sur le WPS Uploader: Jean Pierre Osmont GIANTDSS.ZIP 7k 05.06.94 [01] - Deskpic screen saver - NY Giants helmets GLOVES.ZIP 7k 13.05.95 [02] For OS/2 Warp - Some cool mouse pointers. Last revision date in archive: 11-27-94. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis GNUCAL.ZIP 1158k 12.08.96 [00] The GNU calendar, compiled for OS/2. - version 2.10 - requires emx 0.9b runtime or newer - compiled by - ICONOS2.ZIP 1067k 04.09.95 [00] A ma connaissance, la plus fournie des collections d'icnes pour OS/2. Plusieurs centaines d'icnes, dont certaines en 256 couleurs et en 24 bits. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis JSHIF161.ZIP 85k 11.03.97 [00] ͻ JShifter & JShifter/2 Version 1.61 ͹ Shifts the state of Num Lock to on (at boot up) in OS/2 and allows user to select shifted state of Num, Caps and Scroll locks in all DOS sessions launched under OS/2. ͹ Includes English and Danish versions. ͹ FreeWare by Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 IBM Corp. ͼ LDTC15.ZIP 235k 28.12.96 [00] Little Digital Talking Clock It requires OS/2 Warp 3.x or Warp 4.x. It has NOT been tested on OS/2 2.1. LDTC is a simple digital clock that can either announce the time in a synthesized voice, announce the time in a user supplied voice, chime at regular intervals with any .wav file, or be used without sound at all. LDTC has a small set of features... LIFE2.ZIP 34k 05.06.94 [02] - Screen saver. Life machine LPWFD.ZIP 19k 24.07.96 [00] OS/2 LOCKUP PASSWORD FINDER (doslpwfd.exe) DOS version 2.2 (os2lpwfd.exe) OS/2 version 1.1 OS/2 Lockup Password Finder is an utility that finds and displays OS/2's standard lockup screen password. Until now, there was no way to retrieve forgotten "Lockup" password and the only option was to remove it completely using 'makeini' utility. NEWWARP.ZIP 343k 26.06.97 [00] New Look'n feel for Warp 3.0 Requires HPFS NEWWIND.ZIP 1322k 26.06.97 [00] REALLY enhance the look'n feel of Warp - namely, add the close button (without the need for X-it or any of the like), new menus, new scrollbars, and new window controls. NPSWP182.ZIP 104k 29.09.97 [00] (v1.82) NPS WPS Enhancer - WPS Enhancer This program allows you to use more than 20 functions which enhance OS/2, such as nice window animations, window shadows, "close" buttons, automatic mouse movement, and more! Easy to install and uninstall. For OS/2 2.1 or higher. This program is totally free. POST2U22.ZIP 241k 28.10.96 [00] Ecee Software presents PostToYou/2 version 2.2. An OS/2 program which provides yellow post-it style notes. Notes can have alarms and repeating alarms with factors of minutes, hours or days. Notes can be stationary, hidden or floating, different sizes and tiling styles. Notes can be associated to other applications and can launch programs. Save to file and print features. Font and color support per note. Note text is typed right onto the note. Lots of configuration options. Great for meetings, appoint- ments and event reminders. Shareware and NOT crippled or limited. Register via CompuServe SWREG# 8504. SCRUTL20.ZIP 49k 06.10.97 [00] SCRUTIL 2.0, an OS/2 2.x screen saver Author: SDATE101.ZIP 196k 20.08.96 [00] Stardate/2 1.01 The ultimate stardate clock for OS/2 PM. Stardate/2 is now equipped with full stereo sound support. So MMPM/2 is useful but not required. This package contains the executables. The sound support (mono/stereo) is in SDATESND.ZIP. SHOWTIME.ZIP 109k 09.11.97 [00] ShowTime/2, background changer/slide show viewer. Automatic cycling of background wallpaper or slide shows. Easy bitmap selection from diverse directories. Timer settings from 1 second to 24 hours in 1 second increments. Run background changes or slide shows in order or random. Set up and save as many shows as you like. Run shows automatically at startup. SPICONS.ZIP 231k 09.11.97 [00] 90 256-colour "South Park" icons SSAVER26.ZIP 600k 12.10.96 [00] ScreenSaver 2.6 is an easy-to-use 32-bit screen saver for OS/2 with lockup protection, DPMS monitor support, DOS and Win-OS/2 fullscreen support, multimedia, module building toolkit, more than 50 modules. SSAVRG26.ZIP 606k 12.10.96 [00] ScreenSaver 2.6, 32-bit Bildschirmschoner fr OS/2 mit Passwortschutz, DMPS-Monitor- Untersttzung, OS/2-, DOS- und Win-OS/2- Fullscreen-Untersttzung, Multimedia, Modul-Baukasten. Mehr als 50 Module. SSPACE.ZIP 312k 06.12.96 [00] ScreenSpace Small desktop utility to make windows autohide and popup upon placing the mouse at a predefined place. Also can remove titlebars from PM windows. Tested under Warp 3.0 and 4.0 TBOX3_07.ZIP 132k 09.03.97 [00] TBox v3.06 A bar of running programs/open windows (includes win95 type start menu). TRSHCN25.ZIP 565k 30.06.96 [00] (v2.4) TrashCan - WPS trash can object - WPS extension for OS/2 Warp (or higher) - SOM2 application - Macintosh-like trash can object - Fully customizable to user needs - Many features for trash management - Languages: English, German, French - Shareware (US$ 20.00) Kai Sommerfeld, TWP120.ZIP 380k 19.08.96 [00] The latest and greatest desktop archiving utility ever. V1.20 Includes a desktop creation capability. Backup, Restore, Create, and manage one or more on-line OS/2 desktops. Selective Object backup and restore. A Personal Desktop facility. Replaces and enhances the OS/2 WARP desktop archiving system. Power for end users and network administrators. We feel this product is a MUST HAVE. We have added additional reliability features and tons of online documentatio VCLCK02.ZIP 624k 26.08.96 [00] VoiceClock/REXX announce time/date over Sounblaster/etc. Requires OS/2 Warp. WALL215R.ZIP 180k 06.12.96 [00] The Wall v2.15 OS/2 Wallpaper Changer WINDOWIZ.ZIP 28k 22.08.96 [00] (v1.00) WindoWiz - OS/2 Window Manager Hide/Show/Minimize/Restore/close groups of folders and programs with one click of the mouse. Requires OS/2 2.0 or high- er. Includes REXX installation script. Freeware. Author: David J. Looney. Email: WINKEY02.ZIP 48k 15.03.97 [00] This OS/2 Warp 3 and 4 base device driver remaps the infamous three additional Win**** keys found on many new keyboards to display the task list and to switch sessions. NEW version 2 includes Warp 4 level code and special driver for Warp 3 which simply ignores the keys. FREEWARE by Robert Muchsel WIRE1_0.ZIP 99k 31.12.95 [02] - Wiresave 3-D v1.0 A 3-D animated screen saver that interfaces with the standard OS/2 lockup. It animates wireframe images that you can create using the Wiresave Editor. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WPSAV20B.ZIP 117k 27.06.96 [00] WPSaver v2.00 : A PM screen saver featuring: 1 - Small memory and disk requirements 2 - Full 32-bit power 3 - Full support for MMPM/2 4 - Digital clock 5 - Password protection 6 - Extensibility 7 - Supports drag and drop WPSEC213.ZIP 885k 20.08.96 [00] Workplace Security v2.1.3 for OS/2 Password protect OS/2 desktop objects. (C) Copyright Maple Valley Software 1995, 1996 WWAIT11.ZIP 72k 06.09.96 [00] WarpWait v1.1, a utility that changes the default OS/2 wait clock to an animated warp-logo or a user defined icon anim. Freeware September/96 XIT24.ZIP 613k 16.04.97 [00] Xit v2.4 OS/2 PM 1 button zapper. Add user defined titlebar buttons left or right side. Over 30 predefined actions. File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Comms, BBS, rseau,... Created on 11.03.98,at 04:00 ͵ ͵ Area 42 44554 KBytes in 105 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 32DRV140.ZIP 350k 02.11.96 [00] 32 bits OS/2 device driver and IFS support driver. Provides 32 bits kernel services (DevHelp) and utility functions to 32 bits OS/2 ring 0 code (device drivers and installable file system drivers). ACB153B1.ZIP 620k 16.03.97 [00] Acrobat/2 1.53 beta1 The Ultimate OS/2 BBS! Small, fast, easy to setup and use! Ideal for internet telnet, and fast multinode boards! AD109F28.ZIP 2318k 08.05.97 [00] AdeptXBBS v1.09x !Freeware! AdeptXBBS 32-bit OS/2 multi-user, multi-threaded, multi-line, PM BBS for OS/2 v2.x, and Warp. ADMIN1.ZIP 281k 20.10.94 [00] - Tests pour le certificat IBM Lan Server Administrator ADMIN110.ZIP 713k 17.06.97 [00] AdmiN v1.1.0 32Bits for WarpServer. (SHAREWARE Version). High-level network manager for all-days utilization. EZ to use, user friendly, everybody can be a network administrator ! English and French texts. ADMIN2.ZIP 281k 20.10.94 [00] - Tests pour le certificat IBM Lan Server Administrator ADUP96A.ZIP 712k 14.05.95 [00] AdeptXBBS 32-bit OS/2 multi-user, multi-threaded, multi-line, PM BBS for OS/2 v2.x, and v3. This is a v0.94.xx+ Upgrade! If you already have AdeptXBBS installed on your BBS this is a non-destructive upgrade to v0.96.00 This is v0.96.00 Wide Beta! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis AF2_100E.ZIP 974k 18.02.96 [00] ALLFIX/2 for OS/2 Warp, v1.00 Evaluation Version ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility available. No other program offers the large number of features that are part of the ALLFIX package. Features: * Full support for more than 22 BBS different BBS programs! * Full support for Zones, and 4D points. * Support for domains (5D addressing). * Ability to disable sending a TIC file. * Ability to put all of the TIC files with or without the accompanying archive into one archive. Uploader: Josian Lambert AFINST2.ZIP 11k 18.02.96 [00] * Allfix for OS/2 Icon Installation Program * Ŀ AFINST2 Creates an OS/2 Work Place Ŀ Shell Folder for Allfix/2 & Attches Ŀ Icons to ALLFIX.EXE, ASETUP.EXE, HATCH.EXE, FCOMP.EXE, FIXUTIL.EXE UPDATE.EXE, COOKIE.TXT & WHATSNEW.DOC Uploader: Josian Lambert AMU30G_P.ZIP 536k 02.06.96 [01] Automated Maintenance Utility (AMU) (OS/2 version) v3.00/Gamma AMU can perform a wide range of tasks related to maintaining the file listings, creating bulletins, ratio enforcement, and posting automatic messages to users. AMU works for SuperBBS 1.17, QuickBBS 2.76/2.80, RemoteAccess 1.11-2.50, ProBoard 2.15, Lora 2.40, Maximus 2.02-3.01, Concord O.O1 DOS, DPMI, OS/2, and Windows versions are available. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis APACH101.ZIP 731k 28.12.95 [00] HTTP Server for remplacement of NCSA 1.4 AT3_15B.ZIP 21k 07.01.97 [00] AT3 is a simple OS/2 program with a limited but useful function: it sends characters from the OS/2 commandline as AT-command to a Hayes compatible modem (with blanks suppressed). AT3 also shows the modem response(s), if any, which may be redirected, for example to be stored in a file. ATP07OS2.ZIP 111k 05.06.94 [02] ATP QWK Reader 1.42 for OS/2, a full screen database style reader, easily handles 3000+ line messages, free licensed under GNU GPL. BBSLIST2.ZIP 314k 09.09.96 [01] The BBSList-Beta best BBS filelist viewer & freq system. ============================================== - browsing throw filelists of different BBS - support of both ArcMail-style and Binkley- style mail packets. (T-Mail, FrontDoor, Bink, Xenia, etc.) - support transit file request - support for more than 40 types of filelists - extraction of file-lists from archives (ZIP, ARJ, RAR, HA, LZH) - highlighting of new files on the BBS in its filelist (...) - requirements: PC/AT 286 and better, MS-DOS 3.30+, NT+OS/2_Executebale_Support or OS/2 2.1+ BGFAX150.ARJ 231k 18.09.95 [02] BGFAX 1.50 [17-Aug-95] - For DOS and OS/2 **SYSOPS CAN RECEIVE FAX AND DATA CALLS** Works with most fax modems, BBS software, and FidoNet mailers. Can also send faxes from the command line and return result via errorlevel. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis BTRON11.ZIP 2364k 23.06.96 [00] BVDOOR10.ZIP 119k 24.12.96 [00] **** BVDOOR v1.0 **** BV Compuworks Groups announces A NEW PASCAL Door Writing unit for OS/2! BVDoor was made by Virtual Pascal for OS/2. Supports: RA, QBBS, Ezycom and AdeptXBBS or any BBS that can create a Door.Sys or a DorinfoX.Def file. BVDoor is 99.9% compatible with JPDoor v4.1 for easy porting of your new existing or programs. Contains everything to write any kind of door program or your own online game for OS/2! [Release Date: Dec 23/96] CHAT10.ZIP 13k 12.05.97 [00] chat v1.0 : a chat server for os/2 run this program on your os/2 box, and people can telnet in and chat! (source included) * freeware * Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CNFGLS30.ZIP 56k 14.06.94 [01] - Lan Server 3.0 configurations for many apps COMI.RAR 278k 29.04.96 [01] Personal COMi Asynchronous Serial Device Driver version 3.71 Personal, for OS/2.x and above. Includes OS/tools INSTALL, a complete install, uninstall, and configuration program. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DE200.ZIP 7k 28.10.96 [01] OS/2 Warp Connect OS/2 Warp Server OS/2 Warp Version 4 NDIS Network Adapter Driver for D-Link DE-200 Ethernet Adapter DIALER.ZIP 81k 14.06.96 [00] Patched Dial Other Providers for OS/2 Nice fonts Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FAX031.ZIP 471k 26.01.96 [00] Fax Receive/Send/Poll/View/Print/Convert for Class_1, Class_2 and Class_2.0 fax modems. ECM in class_1 receive works, but not complet OS/2 only! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FINGD105.ZIP 10k 12.05.97 [00] Finger server for OS/2 supports multi-users Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FLST120.ZIP 66k 15.01.94 [00] FastLiST for OS/2: Fast, flexible and powerful version 7 nodelist compiler. Last revision date in archive: 01-15-1994. FOSS1B8.ZIP 487k 18.08.95 [00] BBS OS/2 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis GEO250.ZIP 316k 06.01.96 [01] GoldED/2 2.50 for OS/2. ---------------------------------------- The GoldED Mail Editor for FidoNet is Copyright (C) Odinn Sorensen, 2:236/77. Shareware Evaluation Public Release. Release archives: Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HC2_109B.ZIP 153k 27.05.95 [01] HydraCom for OS/2 * BETA VERSION 1.09b PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION It's not really secret stuff, but if people have trouble with this version but are not aware that it's only a beta...... The b in 1.09b stands for second beta edition of the upcoming 1.09 release Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis IBMNC117.RAR 3268k 20.01.96 [00] IBM NetComber Beta A Complete Internet Client package with Web, Mail, Chat, FTP, etc Need a power PC (486 16Mo) Really easy of use. For OS/2 Warp Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis IC311.ZIP 670k 22.06.96 [00] InterCom v3.11 - PM Internet Telephone for OS/2. Features such as answering machine, caller ID, call blocking, dialing directories, quick dial, and VIDEO, file transfers, clipboard text sharing. Electronic phonebook server and talk servers. Seamless support for dynamic IP users. Fully functional shareware version. IC92.ZIP 995k 22.05.96 [00] InterCOMM v0.92, PM-based terminal program Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis ILNK099C.RAR 232k 29.04.96 [00] iLink/2 v0.99b - a PM drop-in replacement for IBM's 'Dial Other Internet Provider'. Includes redial, reconnect, multiple numbers, CPS/Bytes meters and more. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis ILOGO43.ZIP 243k 19.07.97 [00] InfoLog v4.3 for OS/2 PM Monitor important communications activities with the communication software you already use. Shareware. IMILEO30.ZIP 634k 24.06.96 [00] InfoMiles v3.0 Communications usage and cost monitor. Determine connection dates, times, online durations, file transfers, and costs from virtually any communication software that maintains a usage log. OS/2 v2.1 or greater. IRCDOR14.ZIP 133k 15.08.96 [01] IRCDOOR/2 v1.4 - 32-bit IRC BBS door for OS/2. Provides Internet Relay Chat access from your BBS. Featuring: ANSI and multi-node support, fast and small 32-bit code, flexible configuration, specific commands, online help, can be used as a normal IRC client in "local" mode, extensive support for Maximus, can be run from a DOS BBS under OS/2, more... Requires IBM TCP/IP and OS/2. KP2MN11.ZIP 41k 22.08.96 [00] KP/2 MaxNews V1.1 - A newsmaker for OS/2 that creates a MECCA (.MEC) file to be displayed using either Maximus, or Maximus/2. KWQ12I.ZIP 213k 13.05.95 [03] KWQ Mail/2, version 1.2i. A 32 bit QWK mail Features advanced multithreaded searching, ta fast access toolbar, colored "message syntax" internal editor, PM, OS/2, DOS or Win3.X exte unlimitted packet size and more. Uploader: Jean-marie Gagniere LANXCOPY.ZIP 68k 09.08.96 [00] LANXCopy(NETBIOS) notification program (REXX) Requires OS/2 2.0 and higher. LO2_0901.ZIP 605k 01.09.96 [00] LoraBBS v2.99.12 - Beta release for OS/2 The most advanced BBS, FidoNet mailer and mail processor ever seen. If features multiple message bases (Squish, JAM, AdeptXBBS and Fido *.MSG), multiple offline mail reader (ASCII, QWK, BlueWave and PointMail), Telnet and FTP clients, USENET news reader, internal file transfer protocols, ANSI Avatar and RIP graphics, and much more. Available for DOS, OS/2, Windows (NT and 95) and Linux operating systems. * * * TIME LIMITED SHAREWARE BETA VERSION * * * * * * Expires on 10 Oct 1996 * * * LSADMIN.ZIP 346k 13.09.94 [01] Utilitaires d'administration LanServer 3.0 LSPW100.ZIP 277k 04.09.95 [00] KL-LSPW Version 1.00 OS/2 PM based utility for LAN Server environments that also use cc:MAIL. Allows you to have LAN passwords reset automatically via messages sent to a cc:MAIL ID. Register on Compuserve via GO SWREG. Keith Luken email on CIS: 75627,563 or Internet: Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis LW22.ZIP 365k 12.05.94 [06] Logiciel de communication sous OS/2 multithreads, super... Uploader: Pascal Guillard LW30B1.ZIP 1862k 07.01.96 [00] LiVEWiRE/WPS v3.01 OS/2 32BiT COMMUNiCATiONS PROGRAM! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MAX202P.ZIP 496k 10.11.94 [01] - Maximus 2.02 - OS/2 files. A flexible BBS program including QWK and multilingual support, multi-node chat, internal X/Y/Zmodem,... MAXKIT18.ARJ 32k 20.01.96 [00] MAXMNT18, Files I use on The Mountain Top BBS Phones, Password etc. to help new or lazy Sys Gerry Ellison 1:108/108 FREQ MAXKIT for latest. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MD2_10B2.ZIP 445k 20.10.94 [00] - MainDoor 1.00 (pre-release) Powerful native 32-bit mailer. Autoinstall, menu driven setup,... METAMAIL.ZIP 173k 30.06.96 [00] metamail by Richard Stanton lisp files to allow MIME encoding/decoding under GNU EMACS The standard metamail distribution compiled under emx (with a correction to mmencode.c, which was not correctly setting binary mode), plus three lisp files mime.el, metamail.el and rmailmime.el. MM5.ZIP 617k 23.06.96 [00] MavEtJu PointMailer - Edwin Groothuis, MavEtJu software. This is a fidonet compatible pointmailer with EMSI support. MR2I103.ZIP 800k 23.06.96 [00] MR/2 ICE v1.03: Internet Email Client An OS/2 PM reader for internet email. POP3 and SMTP support, 32 bit multi- threaded, toolbars, multiwindow, thesaurus, speller. Many more features with more planned. MRP_099K.ZIP 158k 23.11.94 [05] - A QWK compatible mail reader for OS/2. This is the PM version of popular OS/2 text-mode QWK reader, MR/2. Upl: Julien Faivre MT-A3.ZIP 67k 17.09.97 [00] miniTerm alpha #3 ( Sept. 16, 1997 ) A featurefull terminal program for OS/2 Freeware! MTIC150O.ZIP 671k 11.05.97 [00] Ŀ 32 BIT ۰ ۰ F O R ۱ ۱ OS2 WARP MegaTIC - THE MAXIMUM TIC-PROCESSOR Version 1.50.20 OS/2 [wb] 04/21/97 Ĵ NEW: MFMs for filefind, very fast MFMs and twituser for req-proc Scan and hatch new uploaded files Multilanguage support Lot of bugfixes Ĵ = THE DIRECT-FILEBASE TICPROCESSOR FOR = RA, PBoard, EzyCom, Maximus 3.x, Concord and all FILES.BBS Systems - Direct filebase-support w/o convert - Up to 16000 AKAs, echos and groups - SAA-setup. Dupe-Checking - Arc-convert/vir-scan/unwanted-check - Very flexible announcements ===== BUILT-IN TOOLS ANS SPECIALS ====== + Very fast File-requestprocessor for McMail, CL, FD, IM, Binkley + Flexible filelist generator + Upload scanner with arc-convert, virus-scanner, JPG/GIF-specification + FileFinder local and via echomail + Doc & onlinehelp in german & english and much much more.... GET IT ! Copyright (c) 1995-97 by DiMeS NCBETA01.ZIP 504k 26.06.97 [00] Archive: NCBETA01.ZIP Beta Releases of NetChat for OS/2 ver. 1.29b and NetChat for Windows 95 ver 0.95 NetChat for OS/2 is a small and fast personal communication tool for OS/2. It is designed to hook two people up directly (without using the IRC channels, servers, IP servers, etc.) for a one-on-one personal text mode chat. NCHAT103.ZIP 205k 19.05.97 [00] NetChat for OS/2 ver. 1.03 Copyright (c) 1997 by Gary L. Robinson NetChat for OS/2 is a small and fast personal communication tool for OS/2. It is designed to hook two people up directly (without using the IRC channels, servers, IP servers, etc.) for a one-on-one personal text mode chat. NG030.ZIP 82k 17.09.96 [00] nGate allows you two-way posting between an nntp news server and a Squish or *.MSG message base. Freeware for OS/2. nGate allows you two-way posting between an nntp news server and a Squish or *.MSG message base. Freeware for OS/2. NLMERGE.ZIP 22k 05.06.94 [01] - Nodelist Updater for OS/2 NTMGRG2P.ZIP 157k 02.01.96 [00] NetMgr 1.00.g2; Copy, move, delete, change, file, bounce, etc. netmail, based on the message header/body. JAM, Squish, Hudson and *.MSG formats supported. OS/2 version. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis O2ACEBB1.ZIP 8k 05.06.94 [00] - How to Configure OS/2 to run Optimally with your BBS with limited system resources. Includes an almost complete walk threw of 4DOS. O9DEMO.ZIP 2366k 04.01.96 [00] PowerFull OS/2 BBS, Limited only on number of users and messages Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis OS2P10.ZIP 730k 04.01.96 [00] Lantastic for OS/2 patch from 1.0 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis P205.ZIP 128k 24.12.94 [03] - P is a freeware 32-bit file transfer protocol package providing fast and multitasking friendly Zmodem, Ymodem-g, Ymodem and Xmodem for Asynchronous, Named pipe and TCP/IP stream socket (telnet) connections. Contains a DLL that can be used with your own applications! PCOPY.ZIP 40k 19.02.96 [01] PCOPY Version 1.01 Sep 29 1993 By: Joseph H. Nord Send files between two OS/2 machines using parallel port connection. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PGPEASY.ZIP 499k 14.08.96 [00] PGPEASY V1.1.1 PGP Easy Rider is a front-end for "Pretty Good Privacy", the encryption software developed by Phil Zimmermann and others. While PGP itself provides a pretty good way of ensuring you a valuable piece of privacy - based on public key encryption - it requires the user to handle a rather complicated command-line interface. PGP Easy Rider will help the user in easy PGP command generation and display of PGP results. PINE394.ZIP 817k 28.06.96 [00] Pine for OS/2 A text mode IMAP-capable mail and news client for 32-bit OS/2, including OS/2 version 2.0 and later. PKTV024.ZIP 524k 30.04.97 [00] PKT/MSG Viewer/2 v0.24.pre-release + viewing pkt & msg files ( FTS-0001, FSC-0039, FSC-0048 ); + quick view messages; + editing of header pkt files; + copy, move, delete, sort, mark, export message(s); + support: ZIP, ARJ, LHA, RAR v2.0; + internal unzip; + extracting file(s) from archive; + deleting file(s) from archive; + external viewer for non pkt/msg files; + in OS/2 supports any screen size; + running in OS/2 & DOS session; + including lite version; + including src files; + freeware. PM2YOU23.ZIP 1252k 22.05.96 [00] PM2YOU/OS2YOU v2.3 Remote Control ----------------------------------- Remote Control the entire Presentation Manager Desktop from another OS/2 or Windows machine through dial-up modem, NetBIOS, TCP/IP, APPC, SPX, ISDN or Named Pipes. Can also replace the standard Telnet daemon. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PM2YOU24.ZIP 1326k 18.12.96 [01] PM2YOU/OS2YOU v2.4 Remote Control Remote Control the entire Presentation Manager Desktop from another OS/2 or Windows machine through dial-up modem, NetBIOS, TCP/IP, APPC, SPX, ISDN or Named Pipes. Can also replace the standard Telnet daemon. PMCOM233.ZIP 472k 16.05.96 [00] Soft de communication pour OS/2 PM. Zmodem/Ma Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PMM15.ZIP 465k 15.04.96 [01] PM Mail 1.5, nice Email Client for OS/2 WARP PMMAS10.ZIP 57k 15.03.97 [00] Address Book Sorter for PMMail v1.9 Beta 3 PMT111.ZIP 56k 02.11.96 [00] PM Timer/2 version 1.11 This is an OS/2 PM program that monitors your online time and calculates your phone cost. This version is now in English and adds some new features like a tittle-bar timer and costs display and a configurable costs scheme so it can be used in most countries. Just try it, it's FREE! PMUUE141.ZIP 62k 30.06.96 [00] Presentation Manager Unix-to-Unix Encoder/Decoder Version 1.41 (May 10, 1996) PMUUE stands for Presentation Manager Unix-to-Unix Encoder/Decoder. It is used to encode and decode Unix-to-Unix encoded files (commonly known as uuencoded files.) POPSRV1B.ZIP 67k 03.05.96 [00] (v1.02) pop3 server for OS/2. Needs TCP/IP stack. Support: * APOP MD5 login, * posting via POP and * INETD operation. This package includes MAIL.EXE (local delivery agent) used by sendmail and INT2FID.EXE gate for internet mail to fidonet. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis POST103A.ZIP 783k 16.05.96 [00] Post Road Mailer Email Client for OS/2 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PROTK10.ZIP 184k 16.05.96 [00] ProTalk v1.0 PM-based communications program Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PTAG0491.ZIP 56k 21.09.97 [00] Psych0Tag v0.491(97/09/01) - tagline program with full support for DOS and OS/2. Slaps a tagline onto a text file. Works great with BBSs, offline mail readers, Psych0Liner, and more. Directly compatible with Blue Wave, GoldED, IceEdit, TerMail, TimEd and many other programs. Public Domain/Freeware with Pascal source code. RBS-SRVM.ZIP 386k 04.07.95 [00] SRVMONPM v3.3 for OS/2 Lan Server This package contains a tool which monitors the usage of LAN Server 3.0 resources. The name of the program is SRVMONPM. There is no parameter for this program. In addition starting with version 3.2 a tool for analysing long term logging data is added. The name of the tool is LANALYSE.EXE. RXPOP12.ZIP 13k 25.06.96 [00] RXPOP v1.2 RXPOP means REXX-Utils for POP-Mailing and enables to check a POP account and automatically download messages. SIO160D.ZIP 206k 23.03.97 [01] Ray Gwinn's comm drivers for OS/2, V1.60d. SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS are replacements of the OS2 communications drivers COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS which come with OS/2. VX00.SYS provides FOSSIL and virtual 16550 support for DOS programs SIO can be ordered to supporting any number of ports. Vmodem now has both inbound and outbound Telnet. SKY2055B.RAR 142k 18.08.96 [00] SkyReader/2 v0.55b - Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN and Hippo v2 compatible offline mail reader. This is the 32-bit OS/2 text mode version. SPAM019.ZIP 87k 14.09.96 [00] SPAM 0.19 Finds originating domain of spam messages and returns message to postmaster. Automatically places mail in SOUPER packet. Output usable with other mail software. For PC. Includes DOS and OS/2 versions. Manual mode added. SQED114.ZIP 946k 18.09.97 [00] Sqed/32 v1.14 09/08/97 Sqed/32 is a FidoNet compatible msg reader/editor for OS/2 2.x/3.x PM. Supports Fido *.MSG and Squish formats, User configurable toolbar, Drag&Drop, quote highlighting, external message tools (like spellcheckers, PGP, etc.), external file area tools, CHRS kludge Version7 nodelist, pipe control, REXX support, Reminder and many more. Onlinehelp (german only) included SQSHP111.ZIP 439k 10.11.94 [00] Squish 1.11 - OS/2 version. Flexible EchoMail processor for FidoNet systems. Includes 16-bit and 32-bit executables. Supports Squish and *.MSG formats. STEIL95P.ZIP 79k 09.07.96 [00] / STEILLOG OS/2 Version 0.95. \ \ Super Logfileauswertung fr / / MAX, BINK, XENIA, CL/2, SQUISH \ \ Inkl. DownlinkCostmanager und / / MailerStats fr MAX/2. Schreibt die \ \ Ergebnisse auch in eine SQUISH-BASE./ / Neu ist jetzt eine Squish.STT- \ \ Auswertung ! NetzSortierung. / /Erstellt aus USER.BBS eine Statistik \ \ Viele viele neue Funktionen ! / STERM100.ZIP 18k 16.05.96 [00] Simpleterm V1.0 Simple Easy to Use Terminal Program For OS/2. Free For Everyone. By Craig Morrison, Author of Maxfmpm, Mued, MureXX, Etc. Last revision date in archive: 03-09-95. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis T-MAIL2.ZIP 780k 14.04.97 [00] T-Mail ver 2600 ͸ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ for OS/2 ver 2600 FTN-compatible mailer (C) 1992-97 by Andy Elkin, 2:5030/15 ; T2601O.ZIP 182k 13.06.97 [00] T-Mail 2601 OS/2 version This archive contains bugfix-ed versions of T-Mail 2600 executables. You should simply copy these files to your 2600 installation directory. TE2PRO20.ZIP 1116k 23.06.96 [00] Oberon Teminal/2 - Demo TIM110P.ZIP 357k 06.12.95 [01] TimEd 1.10; Fast msg editor supporting Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases; With internal editor. OS/2 version. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TIMC_112.ZIP 34k 05.09.94 [01] TIMCOLOR v1.12. A tiny utility to create your favourite color configuration for the message-reader timEd. Actually see on screen how the colors will look like when using the reader/editor. Freeware! Now includes a dirlisting when loading alternative configfiles and support for blinking colors! A very very minor bug removed and updated find-screen to that of in timEd 1.01.g1. TIMG1P.ZIP 249k 28.07.95 [00] Registered users only! TimEd 1.10.g1; Gamma version for timEd 1.10. OS/2 32 bit version. TM412-1.ZIP 187k 03.09.95 [00] TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, 1 of 4 TELEMATE is a multi-threading communication program. Featuring ANSI/Avatar/VT52/VT102 terminal, editor, viewer, huge backscroll, clipboard and many unique functions. Built-in mouse support provides easy access to all functions. This high quality comm program gives you OS/2-like power in a DOS program. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TM412-2.ZIP 195k 03.09.95 [00] TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, 2 of 4 Version 4.12 has many new features: Multiple upload and download directories, batch file transfer status, video cache, high IRQ, giving up control to DesqView and OS/2, and much much more. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TM412-3.ZIP 194k 03.09.95 [00] TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, 3 of 4 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TM412-4.ZIP 247k 03.09.95 [00] TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, 4 of 4 Part 4 is the bundled GIFLink protocol driver which allows you to view transmitting GIF images in stunning SuperVGA graphics! Support X/Y/Zmodem/CIS QuickB. Can skip receiving images. Easy to install. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis VDIAL100.ZIP 128k 09.11.97 [00] VoiceDialer/2 is a voice modem speakerphone program for OS/2. Written for Cirrus Logic chipset voice modems. VT_254.ZIP 33k 23.03.97 [00] VT v2.54 (beta) Allows a OS/2 PC with a rs-232 port to "shell" a telnet session to a dumb terminal. Operating System/Version: Warp 4.0, and most others.... WATCHDOG.ARJ 7k 23.06.96 [00] WatchDog For T-mail (os/2 only) WATCHIT.ZIP 174k 29.09.95 [02] Lan Server Utils Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WFAX174E.ZIP 78k 20.07.97 [00] WFAX is a program that could show radiofax pictures in an OS/2-PM-Window. This tool is NOT for telefax!!!! WFAX can access many interface types: - simple converter - JV-FAX compatible converters (4 Bit parallel) - V24 serial (Hari-Fax, Easy-Fax) - Sounds cards which are known by OS/2 WHO001B.ZIP 34k 05.08.96 [00] who 0.01 beta native os/2 warp textmode address manager, many useful functions (like im-/export-function from/to mr/2 ICE, birthdayreminder, searchfunction and different types ouf printing), complete FREEWARE! WIMM130P.ZIP 62k 10.04.95 [00] WIMM 1.30; Personal mail scanner for Squish & *.MSG; updated for Squish v1.10; OS/2 version. XM198DOS.ZIP 475k 07.03.95 [00] Xenia Mailer/Edit - Version 1.98 (Eval) FidoNet technology mailer/editor package Available for DOS and OS/2 Featuring the Hydra bidirectional file-transfer protocol and much more! Lentz Software Development, January 95 XYZ2-101.ZIP 51k 31.01.95 [00] - A FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol driver from the author of The Blue Wave Offline Mail System. CEXYZ/2 is a 32 bit OS/2 text mode application. Protocols include Zmodem, 8K Zmodem (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K, Xmodem CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Includes sample files for installation into Maximus BBS's. Can be installed into ANY BBS or terminal program that is able to utilize external protocols. Fully windowed/graphical interface. ZOC3051.ZIP 810k 17.07.97 [00] ZOC 3.051 - 32bit Modem, Telnet and ISDN comm. application for OS/2 and Windows NT/95. Outstanding GUI, solid VT220 and Zmodem, count- less options and features including CIS-B, Kermit, online JPG/GIF viewer, REXX scripting. Not crippled (just a registration reminder after file transfer). Filenames: ZOC*.ZIP=OS/2 Version, ZOW*.ZIP=Win-NT/95-Version File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Compression Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 43 6295 KBytes in 21 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * AFE30.ZIP 512k 02.01.96 [00] AFE version 3.0 - ARCHIVE FRONT END OS/2 2.1x, Warp PM archive utility program which provides a visual front end for the creation, updating, unarchiving, virus scanning, viewing, printing and deleting of ZIP, LZH, ZOO and ARJ files. Supports running of internal archive executables. Shareware $22.50. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis KLZIP107.ZIP 348k 23.06.96 [01] KL-ZIP (c)1995 PHANTASM Software by: Keith Luken KL-ZIP is a GUI interface for the programs ZIP.EXE and UNZIP.EXE for OS/2. KL-ZIP requires ZIP.EXE 2.0.1 (9/18/93) and UNZIP.EXE 5.01 (1/12/93). KL-ZIP will NOT work properly with PKZIP or PKUNZIP! KL-ZIP is designed to fully exploit OS/2's capabilities. KL-ZIP supports HPFS long file names. For readability KL-ZIP substitutes a '|' character whenever a SPACE is encountered in a HPFS filename. KZIP099D.ZIP 338k 24.08.97 [00] KAZip V0.99d A PM zipfile manangement utility (includes a self extractor). KZIP0_94.ZIP 89k 09.08.96 [00] KZipper Version 0.94 A free utility for making zipfile management easier. LXLT118.ZIP 221k 13.03.97 [00] FRIENDS software presents \// An OS/2 executables packer Ľ//\ Lots of features, maximal // ķ compression, nice interface // Ľ version 1.1.8 PKOS2250.ZIP 254k 08.06.97 [01] PKZIP(R) Version 2.50 FAST! Compression Utility for OS/2 5-1-1997 Copyright 1989-1997 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. Welcome to PKZIP Version 2.50 for OS/2! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PMZIP100.ZIP 620k 12.04.97 [00] PM Zipper is a ZIP-SHELL and CD-ROM-MANAGER for Info-Zip's Zip/Unzip. It's possible to view and compare multiple archives at the same time; included icon management; could view ascii and inf files; run programs inside an archive without unpack it; complete drag&drop supported; PM Zipper is a multithreaded 32 bit OS/2-PM application. RAR201P.EXE 266k 16.04.97 [00] The RAR archiver v2.01 (release) for OS/2 Integrated archive manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - full screen interface / command-line driven - tight general and multimedia compression - recovery record option - management of non-RAR archives - RCVT aRchive ConVersion Tool - FREE unRAR utility - ANSI color comments, volume labels and more.. THD212_0.ZIP 425k 19.12.95 [00] THD ProScan v12.0 [OS/2] Finally an OS/2 native version of the popular Archive/File Processor. New features include the ability to decompress compressed executable files using UNP v4.11 as well as the ability to add external (and internal) archive definitions and external scanner definitions. Includes THDTERM for processing entire directories and THDPLUS for BBS updates. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis UNARJ32.ZIP 109k 21.04.96 [04] le decompacteur d'arj pr os2 Uploader: Xavier Imbs UNRAR2.ZIP 36k 12.04.95 [03] The FREE portable source code of UnRAR for OS/2 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis UNZIP53.EXE 429k 08.05.97 [00] UNZIP53.ZIP 826k 08.05.97 [00] Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.30: UNZIPSHL.ZIP 72k 03.07.95 [00] =The Unzip Shell v1.2 - OS/2 PM Application= Expertly crafted PM front end for ZIP files. Stand alone! Works with ZIP files as of PKZIP(tm) v2.04 and other Zip utilities. Allows viewing of files before unzipping (registered version uses Object Association to activate the proper application for viewing). WPS aware. UR2_100A.RAR 34k 04.06.95 [00] The FREE UnRAR utility, portable version 1.00e (c) 1994 Eugene Roshal X1OS295A.ZIP 216k 08.05.97 [00] X1 archiver *beta* v0.95a for OS/2 (without extended attributes) ZCRYPT27.ZIP 15k 08.05.97 [00] Info-ZIP's ZCrypt 2.7: generic C sources. C source code add-on to provide PKWARE- compatible encryption and decryption sup- port for Info-ZIP's Zip 2.2 and UnZip 5.3 (and later). ZIP210.ZIP 194k 30.05.96 [01] This is the 32-bit OS/2 executable of Info-Zip's freeware ZIP program (with encryption and docs) [version 2.10 dated May 12, 1996] This program is completely compatible with PKWARE's PKZIP.EXE 2.04g except for creating multipart archive support (which is expected this summer) Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis ZIPCT243.ZIP 719k 20.10.96 [00] RPF ZIP CONTROL(TM) v2.4.3 -Easy OS/2 PM "point and click" interface to UNZIP.EXE and ZIP.EXE. Many features. Zip Control is an easy to use OS/2 PM program which shields you from the command line when using the freeware ZIP.EXE & UNZIP.EXE. Zip & UnZip are compatible with ZIP files created by the DOS PkZIP Program (1.x, 2.x) and are available on many BBSs which have OS/2 libraries, the IBM NSC BBS, and CompuServe. ZIPME13.ZIP 160k 23.06.96 [00] ZiPMe Version 1.3 A 32-bit multithreaded zip shell for the Presentation Manager of OS/2 2.x or OS/2 Warp V3 that helps you to manage zip archives of the INFO-Zip versions Zip 2.0 or 2.1 and Unzip 5.1 or 5.2. ZZ125.ZIP 423k 12.09.97 [00] ZipZap for OS/2 ver. 1.25 Copyright (c) 1997 by Gary L. Robinson ZipZap for OS/2 is a fast integrated 32bit utility that makes working with ZIP files easier than ever. Zip, unzip, view, and more. WorkPlace Shell level integration makes it an indespensable tool for any OS/2 Desktop! Requires Warp 3.x or Warp 4.x and the ZIP archive programs ZIP.EXE and UNZIP.EXE (available free from InfoZip). File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Internet - Divers Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 44 50588 KBytes in 86 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * APACH124.ZIP 1563k 18.09.97 [00] Apache Web Server v1.24 Requires HPFS, and EMX runtime. An OS/2 port of the Apache World Wide Web Server Version 1.2.4. It requires HPFS, and EMX 0.9c runtime. Includes source code. APOP3D11.ZIP 327k 13.09.96 [00] Email server includes POP3 server, mail sorter, automatic mail processor featuring mail forwarding, sender notification, email encryption, user management utility BINGRAB2.ZIP 126k 17.09.97 [00] News Group Binaries Grabber REXX - OS/2 -- BINGRAB ver 0.2b Grabs uudecoded Jpeg and Gif files (multiple and single part) from newsgroups then decodes them into binaries. A small modification can be made to allow it to decode other binaries as well such as Zip and EXE. BNEWS094.ZIP 118k 17.09.97 [00] Binary News Gatherer v0.94a for OS/2 Warp. Downloads selected articles from binary newsgroups via NNTP. Vio text mode, fast and small. Freeware. BNR111.ZIP 205k 25.06.96 [00] Binary News Reader (BNR) for OS/2 Version 1.11 (c) 1996 Ralf Christen BTALK11.ZIP 235k 21.09.96 [00] BackTalk 1.1 System Speech (notably for e-mail notifier) Operating System Versions: OS/2 Warp with REXX Program Source: Rsynth 2.2, Flip, Uptime, REXX orignally from Jim Little, modified by me. CDIPF.ZIP 2k 27.12.96 [00] Cheap and Dirty IP Finder. Displays dial-up IP. CGIPARSE.ZIP 2k 15.03.97 [00] CGIParse v1.07 A REXX CGIParse procedure for those writing REXX CGI scripts Requires OS/2 with a REXX interpreter CHANG09W.ZIP 880k 22.12.96 [00] Changi v0.9w - Full featured NNTP server for OS/2. Wide beta. CHANGI09.ZIP 384k 04.07.95 [00] Changi v0.9 - NNTP server for OS/2. Offers you to read/write USENET news offline using with favourite NNTP newsreader. Compatible with UUPC/Ex. Requires TCP/IP 1.x, 2.x or WARP IAK. Free cardware, source not included. This is a bugfix version. CINET115.ZIP 223k 15.03.97 [00] CitrusSoft BBS Internet Kit v1.15 32-bit OS/2 Version FTP, IRC And Telnet doors that Allow your users to access the Internet! The very BEST Internet doors available! Over 7 months in testing. [IRC now has DCC!] CUOS201.ZIP 749k 02.11.96 [00] CU-SeeMe/2 1.0 Beta CU-SeeMe is a video conferencing program originally developed for the MAC and the PC (Windows) platforms by Cornell University. It is a truely remarkable technology which lets you see live video transmissions over the internet. Normally live video requires a very high bandwidth connection , but since this only transmits differences between video frames and at a resolution of 160 x 120, it will work with even a modest 14.4 kbps connection. DIAL164.ZIP 444k 05.06.96 [00] - Dialer v1.64 DIALER03.ZIP 240k 04.07.96 [00] - Modified versions of the "Dial Other Internet Providers" application (revision 1.16). The only change is that I have "cleaned up" the interface. DIALI14A.ZIP 156k 27.03.97 [00] DialIP v1.4a (upgrade) Necessite DIALIP14.ZIP DIALI14F.ZIP 181k 11.05.97 [00] DialIP v1.4f (upgrade) Necessite DIALIP14.ZIP DIALIP14.ZIP 849k 11.05.97 [00] DialIP v1.4 This program was originally written to make a connection to the internet thru ppp.exe, check for email, let me know if I had any, and disconnect. It was/is supposed to do this in the BACKGROUND/UNSEEN at timed intervals throughout the day so that I could know fairly soon when I got email, without having an expensive direct internet connection. It basically does this, and more. It ended up turning into a full fledged dialer. DRNKBIRD.ZIP 33k 05.09.95 [00] - Drinking Bird Anim This file and bitmaps will change the loading animation on WebExplorer for OS/2 to a drinking bird. This file and bitmaps will change the loading animation on WebExplorer for OS/2 to a drinking bird. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DUMPIT12.ZIP 175k 09.08.96 [00] (V1.20) DUMPIT FOR OS/2 This is a NNTP compatible, binary retreival program for OS/2. DUMPIT runs in PM mode allowing a simple binary retreival of various files from multiple newsgroups and news servers. Selectable file types downloadable include JPEG, GIF, ZIP, MPG, and several others. Once downloaded, DUMPIT decodes the files using several techniques including UUdecode and Base64. A command line version is also included to allow scheduled downloads. ELM23-2.ZIP 929k 18.10.96 [00] OS/2 version of the Elm Mail System. It runs on OS/2 2.0 or newer together with UUPC 1.11 (rmail transport agent) and newer versions or with IBM TCP/IP 1.2.1 or newer (sendmail transport). The included executables require the emx runtime library, you should be able to find it ( where you got this Elm distribution. FIDTUN.ZIP 39k 05.01.97 [00] FidTun - Fidonet Internet Tunnel, save money on Long distance calls, transfer Fido packet through FTP. FNGPNG10.ZIP 126k 17.10.96 [00] (v1.0) FingPing - OS/2 PM finger & ping. OS/2 PM program that will allow you to store a list of frequently fingered and pinged addresses and display the output in a scrollable window. The address list can be saved, sorted, and arranged and the program's size, position, and font may also be saved. Freeware by Greg Kondrasuk ( GETHBI12.ZIP 238k 24.08.97 [00] GETHBI - Get the Bins V0.96 an easy-to-use, multithreaded, on-/off-line PM Binaries-News- Reader (NNTP) for OS/2. req. vrobj.dll GOSERV2.ZIP 245k 28.05.95 [00] - 32bit GOPHER SERVER w/Rexx CTRL (OS/2) Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis GTIRC104.ZIP 253k 22.01.96 [00] (V1.04) GammaTech IRC - This is an OS/2 Presentation Manager Internet Relay Chat client by GammaTech. It is a full featured demo of the commercial product but the demo limits online time to 30 minutes oer session. Contact SofTouch Systems for information regarding the commercial package: 1-800-944-3028, 1-405-947-8085, Fax 1-405-632-6537. HDU2TUD.ZIP 24k 23.03.97 [00] HTML2TEXT 1.2 [OS/2,DOS] Simple HTML marks remover. Deletes < and > symbols and all characters inside. Usage: h2t.exe . DOS2UNIX 1.4 [OS/2,DOS] UNIX2DOS 1.5 [OS/2,DOS] Converts dos end-of-line to unix and back. OS/2 executables can be packed with LxLite and dos with any existing packer. HMAKEO30.ZIP 210k 11.05.97 [00] HyperMake (MakeIPF) 3.00 for OS/2 HTML and IPF builder. Win32 version also available. Your input is a more simple and intelligent ASCII format. Generates a number of HTML files from one source file, creates content and index. Marking a phrase with a special char places the phrase into the index and all other occurrences will get a link automatically to the marked position. You can enter button ID's (only IPF) directly. Generates frames for two heading levels. Line drawing function. Short commands for headings, tables, footnotes, unordered and ordered lists, bitmap in text. Reverse converting IPF to HyperMake. English and German. Shareware if source file > 20 kB IC312.ZIP 672k 26.06.96 [00] InterCom v3.12 - PM Internet Telephone for OS/2. Features such as answering machine, caller ID, call blocking, dialing directories, quick dial, and VIDEO, file transfers, clipboard text sharing. Electronic phonebook server and talk servers. Seamless support for dynamic IP users. Fully functional shareware version. ICSOS41.ZIP 4842k 16.10.96 [00] IBM Internet Connection Server for OS/2 Warp. IGOS2120.ZIP 853k 27.09.97 [00] Internet Gate for OS/2 - Version 1.20 Is a multiple proxy gate and firewall. It can allow users on a Local Area Network (LAN) without Internet access to access the Internet through a single machine on the LAN connected to the Internet, either via a dial-up modem / ISDN connection or another ethernet card. ILINK99D.ZIP 287k 16.04.97 [00] iLink/2 v0.99d iLink/2 is a PM drop-in replacement for IBM's 'Dial Other Internet Provider'. Includes redial, reconnect, multiple numbers, CPS/Bytes meters and more. IMPRO.ZIP 2398k 30.08.97 [00] Inet.Mail Pro Internet email server INADV101.ZIP 2097k 17.09.97 [00] Internet Adventurer v1.01 | OS/2's premier Internet Suite | | This is THE Internet Suite for OS/2 | | Supports: | | IRC Fully, including CTCP/DCC | | WWW Fully, WebEx or NetScape | | Gopher Fully, WebEx or NetScape | | FTP Now via WE/NS, later alone | | News Fully, on/offline | | Mail Fully, multiple accounts | | Java Full Java support | | Telnet Later | | WebWatch Later | INJOY1_1.ZIP 605k 15.06.97 [00] ͻ InJoy Release 1.1 for OS/2 InJoy is an UNBELIEVABLY feature rich, fast and *easy* to use SLIP/PPP shareware dialer. New in v1.1: RAS support (MS-CHAP), two way Demand Dial, IPTRACE support, bug-fixes ... Rock-solid and nominated as one of the best Internet utilities (cross platform). 5 cows from TUCOWS and 12 months in the top 5 of most sold OS/2 shareware proves its worth. Use it alone or share a dial up connection with MAC's, Win95 and Win3.1 on your LAN. FEATURE RICH: Dial On Demand; Re-Dial, Re- Connect; IP Masquerading; Trace; High COM Speeds; Ticker; Phone Number List; Scripts Auto-Learned; Connection Log; Terminal Mode; ͼ INJOYCL1.ZIP 4k 10.12.96 [00] Monthly time calculator for use with In-joy internet dialer (REXX) INVEST.ZIP 1035k 07.08.96 [00] Frobozz Investor v1.48b Frobozz Investor is the complete investment package for the active OS/2 investor. The application contains modules for fundtracking, portfolio management and technical analysis. Investor also provides an extensive Rexx interface and download capabilities through CompuServe. IPSPEED2.ZIP 44k 25.06.96 [01] IPSpeed A small PM-application to measure the speed of your TCP/IP connection. Reconnait maintenant le TCP/IP 3.0 de WarpConnect. IRC2_078.ZIP 1548k 19.02.97 [00] IRC/2 (00.78.00) OS/2 multi-threaded client for Internet Relay Chat. Supports ircII's command set and partial irc scripting. Native OS/2 32-bit program presentation manager setup program. Contest for developing desktop icon in progress. Shareware ($27.50 U.S., MC/Visa/AmEx/Disc) Innovative Logic Corp IRCII30.ZIP 788k 24.02.97 [00] IRCII/OS2 Beta 3.0 IRCU21B3.ZIP 314k 12.05.97 [00] This OS/2 port of IRCU JAVAOS2.EXE 4175k 15.03.97 [00] JAVSRC15.RAR 103k 11.05.97 [00] JAVA Source Collection for OS/2 - OS/2 MessageBox, IniFile, and WorkPlaceShell Object wrappers for JAVA - MIDI,WAV playFile wrappers for JAVA - Samples and Binary included. Enhanced Version - FreeWare. Written by Henrik Falk KALIO129.RAR 76k 02.03.97 [00] Kali for OS/2 v1.2w9 Kali is a network driver which allows virtually any application software designed for use with the IPX protocol to be used over a TCP/IP network. Designed primarily for use with network games, Kali has been successfully tested with Descent, Command & Conquer, DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, Rise of the Triad, VR Pool, Terminal Velocity and SuperKarts. Other software should also work as long as it uses IPX. Download Kali and start putting your Internet connection to good use! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MR2I126.ZIP 877k 02.03.97 [00] MR/2 ICE v1.26: Internet Email Client An OS/2 PM reader for internet email. POP3 and SMTP support, 32 bit multi- threaded, toolbars, multiwindow, thesaurus, speller. Many more features with more planned. MR2I128.ZIP 946k 13.05.97 [00] MR/2 ICE v1.26: Internet Email Client An OS/2 PM reader for internet email. POP3 and SMTP support, 32 bit multi- threaded, toolbars, multiwindow, thesaurus, speller. Many more features with more planned. MURRY120.ZIP 134k 27.09.97 [00] Murray Client for OS/2 V 1.20 Update background and system settings via internet. Sort of. You have to see it to understand. :) NCOLOR13.ZIP 4k 31.12.96 [00] ncolor irc script to assign colors under ircii 3.0 mikh code written by inkling, last edited: 01-Jan-97, version: 1.3 NEWSBT97.ZIP 966k 17.08.96 [00] Newsbeat Beta v0.97 for OS/2 v1.0. A PM, multithreaded USENET newsreader for OS/2. NNS45E.ZIP 2666k 22.06.96 [00] NeoLogic Network Suite Version 4.5 A set of tools for improving access to the Internet from your OS/2 desktop. If offers a full featured news reader, FTP, and Gopher clients. The suite also now includes a full featured FTP server. All applications support Ethernet or SLIP/PPP serial connections. NOTIFY2.ZIP 209k 15.08.96 [00] NOTIFY2.EXE Small CC:mail notify program for OS/2. Mail checking is doing every 1 minute. If there any message in the inbox then it splash alert 'There are new messages !' with sound. Program was wrote using CC:mail VIM Toolkit. OCHAT106.ZIP 637k 30.08.97 [00] OpenChat/2 IRC client v1.06 PMICS210.ZIP 820k 10.09.96 [00] PMICS V2.1 An internet chess client for OS/2 Warp. It supports graphical display of the board, multi-coloured text, multiple text windows, extensive configuration options. PMICS211.ZIP 824k 16.09.96 [00] PMICS - The Internet Chess Client for OS/2 Warp Version 2.1.1 Released 15th September 1996 Sophisticated interface for the numerous chess servers available on the internet. Using PMICS you can play chess, observe other games and chat to the inhabitants of these servers. PMICS is a native, 32-bit, multi-threaded application which makes full use of the incredible power of OS/2 Warp. PMIRC12.ZIP 92k 17.12.96 [00] PM IRC client version 1.2 A simple and fully functional IRC client for OS/2. Featuring: - Easy to use PM interface - Font and color support - Support to manage multiple channels and private conversations - CTCP command support - DCC file send/receive, and DCC chat - Flood detection for CTCP messages - built in identd - Script support - Logging PMLPP220.ZIP 81k 30.08.97 [00] mlpp v2.20 A tiny POP mail checker for PM, v2.10 - APOP capability and source code. PMM153.ZIP 1246k 23.10.96 [00] PM Mail v1.53 Un superbe logiciel pour grer son courrier lectronique sous OS/2. PMNEWS.ZIP 288k 17.08.96 [00] (v1.21) PMNews - executables for an OS/2 PM based news reader for users of UUPC/Extended. Contains programs for the unbatching of UNIX UUCP packets to SNEWS- format newsgroup files, expiration of out of date news articles, reading, posting, and mailing of articles. Freeware. Program Source: Please store with upc*.zip files: i.e. UUPC/Extended. PMWTH132.ZIP 306k 22.06.96 [00] PMWeather 1.32 1996 by David DuPre' PMWeather is a shareware program that allows you to view weather reports and forecasts. Using your Internet connection, you will be able to read the latest weather reports and view the current Radar and Satellite images. POP3D09A.ZIP 69k 26.06.97 [00] pop3d09a.exe :COOL OS/2 POP3D v0.9a(demo) For UUCP/2, UUPC/@ Ache and UUPC/Extended Last update 18.06.97 POPSRV1I.ZIP 75k 30.10.96 [00] (v1.09) pop3 server for OS/2. Needs TCP/IP stack. Support: * APOP MD5 login * posting via POP * INETD operation This package includes MAIL.EXE (local delivery agent) used by sendmail and INT2FID.EXE gate for internet mail to fidonet. POST199C.ZIP 1003k 29.06.96 [00] Post Road Mailer Green Edition 2.0 Beta 1.99c ( June 27, 1996 PPDIAL29.ZIP 37k 14.07.96 [00] PPPDIAL.CMD v2.9 An OS/2 Warp PPP/SLIP Dialer script. Supports redialing when busy etc, multiple phone number support, post-connection response file. Supports call-back systems. Requires OS/2 REXX. PPP0795.ZIP 562k 28.10.95 [02] PPP for OS/2 July 95 Now support modem connexion over a Lan Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PRMFREE.ZIP 1804k 21.06.97 [00] Post Road Mailer Pro Version 2.5, Free Edition (June 12, 1997) Full-function 30-day demonstration unless you enter a serial number. PRNR120.ZIP 1139k 04.07.96 [00] POST ROAD NEWS READER Release 1.2 QLSORT09.ZIP 33k 13.08.96 [00] WebEx-QuickList-Sort V0.9Beta A PM-Utility to visually arrange IBM's WebEx Quicklist-Entries. QMAIL11.ZIP 35k 13.03.97 [00] QMail v1.1 Requires OS/2 with TCP/IP Mail local delivery agent works with SENDMAIL SENDIP21.ZIP 4k 09.12.96 [00] sendip v2.1 REXX! Use email to distribute your dynamic IP. This is a bug fix (found 1 minute after uploading to Hobbes! :-) Requires OS/2 v2.1 or later, PPP or SL/IP SOCKD112.ZIP 195k 16.03.97 [00] SockD for OS/2 v1.12 PM socks server SOUPER15.ZIP 171k 27.05.96 [01] Souper - version 1.5 Souper - transfer mail and news to SOUP Souper is a program that transfers mail and news from a POP3 mail server and NNTP news server respectively to SOUP packets. It can also send messages in SOUP reply packets. It runs on OS/2 Warp with the IBM Internet Connection for OS/2. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SQUID115.ZIP 842k 27.09.97 [00] Squid 1.1.15 proxy server ported to OS/2 release b Squid is a (well-known) commonly used proxy-server, derived from the 'cached' software of the Harvest project. SREFV12I.ZIP 900k 23.03.97 [00] SRE-Filter ver 1.2i A full-featured http (www) server. It it designed to run under GoServe (a free, IBM EWS Internet Server). SRE-FILTER ver 1.2i supports the usual server functions, such as imagemaps, redirection, CGI-Bin support, and common-log auditing. In addition, SRE-Filter includes a number of special features, including support for NCSA HTTPD style server side includes, the HTACCESS method and several other methods of access control, a caching directory display facility with auto-description features, byte- Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TASS34X4.ZIP 208k 25.06.96 [00] TASS v3.4 Visual threaded Usenet news reader Tass is a full screen threaded Usenet newsreader. Tass has three newsreading levels: the newsgroup selection page, the group index page and the article viewer. TCPSPRAY.ZIP 9k 18.09.96 [00] tcpspray.c - v1.1 measure throughput of half (via discard) and full (via echo) duplex tcp connection Source .c incluse. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TLADD10A.ZIP 36k 02.11.96 [00] Tagline Add-In 1.0a for PMMail 1.5x TRN36-2.ZIP 790k 11.09.96 [00] the TRN 3.6 news reader for OS/2 Requires OS/2 2.x, Warp 3.0 Replaces older copy, several bugs fixed. Required if one wants to run TRN with the upcoming emx 0.9c. TSERVE11.ZIP 82k 19.02.96 [00] TSERVE 1.1b - Micro-Neil's Terminal server for OS/2 Warp Connect. Provides PPP internet access through your BBS lines. Fully configurable shareware, allows for fixed or dynamic IP addresses on a user by user basis. Can be used after a front end mailer. Fully documented. Shareware $50. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TTON1950.ZIP 212k 23.03.97 [00] Templeton 1.950 WWW mirroring tool for off-line use UMF21004.ZIP 2561k 21.07.96 [00] Ultimedia Mail/2 Lite CSD (2.10.004) (last updated May 20, 1996) UNH204.ZIP 32k 25.06.96 [00] UNH v2.04 UNH is a fully functional, OS/2 utility which strips HTML codes from Web pages leaving some formatting intact. It will optionally put the URLs found in a 2nd output file. UUDVDOS2.ZIP 125k 17.12.96 [00] (version 0.97) powerful multi-file multi-part decoder for uuencoded, xxencoded, Base64 and BinHex encoded data. Works with news postings as well as emailed data. Free but copyrighted (GPL). Includes encoding engine as well. UUPC2POP.ZIP 26k 21.07.96 [00] UUPC2POP. This program "pops" a user's incoming UUPC mail file to a POP3 mail directory VSOUP128.ZIP 272k 20.04.97 [00] VSOUP v1.28 - Multi-threaded netmail and news client for OS/2 Warp. Potential 200-500% speed gain in news reception. Using included script Vsoup can simultaneously: * do multi-threaded news reception and * get news from up to 9 separate NNTP servers and * Post news to NNTP and * Receive mail from up to 9 POP3 servers and * Send mail to SMTP VSoup makes SOUP packets for YARN.(req EMX) Freeware. VT_260.ZIP 37k 26.06.97 [00] Term/2 v2.60 Built June 15, 1997 Maintenance release before the PM version. This utility provides a "terminal server" capability for OS/2 machines. The program cannot provide OS/2 support to a terminal. Some people do use the application to "telnet" into their OS/2 machines to simulate this ability. However, Term/2 is not optimized for this sort of work. YRN2_058.ZIP 215k 20.03.94 [01] Yarn - Usenet News Reader for OS/2 ZC2.ZIP 263k 18.08.96 [00] ZIRCON an X11 interface to the Internet Relay Chat File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Internet - WEB, HTML, JAVA Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 45 41358 KBytes in 52 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ANIMPG14.ZIP 67k 15.07.96 [00] AnimPage v1.4 - Create a Web-page for your WebExplorer animations. Displays an icon, title, author and number of frames for each animation. Just click on the icon to load the animation into WebExplorer. Free! Rexx cmd file. CCHSR10B.ZIP 143k 18.10.96 [00] Color Chaser v1.0b Designed to ease the pain of chasing HEX color combinations when designing HTML pages. Color Chaser uses a standard OS/2 color wheel that allows you to visualy select colors for the HTML tag. HTML spec 3.2 is supported. This lets you define BGCOLOR, TEXT, ALINK, VLINK, and LINK attributes. FASTER10.ZIP 41k 14.09.96 [00] Faster v1.0 Makes web pages load up faster by adding WIDTH and HEIGHT Requires OS/2 and MSDOS version 1.0 GETWP02B.ZIP 4k 21.08.96 [00] GetWEBPics 0.2b By M.Pontello REXX program for retrieving all pics from a specified WWW Page. Freeware. Need GetURL, (C) Decker Automation HPBDEMO2.ZIP 2843k 04.05.97 [00] This is the Japanese\English demo version of the IBM Homepage Builder for OS/2. HPP200A.ZIP 3987k 27.11.97 [00] HOMEPAGE PUBLISHER v2.00a for OS/2 HomePage Publisher (HPP) is a WYSIWYG Web Page Design tool for OS/2. HSTD10B2.ZIP 1402k 23.08.96 [01] HTML Studio public beta. Quality HTML editing software. Requires OS/2 v3.0 or Merlin. HTM2TXT1.ZIP 24k 26.06.97 [00] HTM2TXT V 1.0, a REXX command to extract text from .HTML files HTMCK111.ZIP 101k 24.08.97 [00] (v1.10) HTML Check Process a WEB HTTP server and verify Links and files. Generate reports on the information collected. Standard reports are Files Not Found, Files not accessed by any HTML file. Standard Tree report. HTTP off-site Links HTMEPM98.ZIP 34k 28.10.95 [00] HTMEPM98.ZIP (HTML Extensions for EPM) Version 0.98 . Provides menu-driven HTML editing abilities to the OS/2 Enhanced Editor. Supports FORMS. Includes most HTML 2.0 tags. Versions for OS/2 Warp & 2.1 Now with tables, shortcuts,... Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HTMLE91B.ZIP 59k 21.04.96 [00] HTML-Ed v.91b Small,FAST,html editor w/built-in browser. Requires OS/2 Warp. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HTMLG110.ZIP 142k 28.10.95 [00] HTMLGen - A HTML Script Generator V1.10. HTMLGen is a PM Screen that simplifies the process of generating a HTML Script. Shareware registration requested: American Coders, LTD POB 97462 Raleigh, NC 27624 1 919 846-2014 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HTMLS101.ZIP 1618k 21.09.96 [01] HTML Studio v1.01 HTML editor. Make web pages w/o knowing HTML Requires OS/2 v3.0 or better HTMLVB5.ZIP 77k 05.09.96 [00] HTMLview for OS/2 Warp with IAK. HTML viewer (like WebEx) w/ quicklist, select link while other loading etc. HTMLWIZ.ZIP 1070k 26.08.96 [00] (v1.61) HTML Wizard - OS/2 HTML Editor Makes editing HTML documents much easier by providing a "Tagbar" that inserts appropriate tags around text. Has user- definable tags and supports non-English characters. Previewing with Web Explorer and syntax checking with Weblint also supported.Shareware (US$ 20) Dirk Terrell HTTPA133.ZIP 231k 24.08.97 [00] (v1.33) HTTPACC - An OS/2 Program to read and reset the Access.LOG file that the OS2HTTPD NCSA Server writes out. Since my server was up 24 hours a day I had no way of deleting the ACCESS.LOG file. This program will reset the log every night and print out stats. Some of the information that is display is: Total Bytes Send, Total Requests to the server, HTML Requests, Script requests, NON-HTML requests, Malformed requests, and Total Unique hosts since the file was reset, and unique documents. IMGHTML.ZIP 46k 20.01.96 [01] IMGHTML v1.2 Create Web-page for your .GIF or .JPG-images. Useful for getting support in writing own HTML-pages or to simply use the web-browser as an alternate image-viewer. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis INFHTM9B.RAR 272k 20.12.96 [00] Converts .INF files to HTML Operating System/Version: OS/2 Warp 3.0 JAVA1B1.ZIP 3739k 25.01.96 [00] IBM OS/2 Java Developer's Kit 1.0 beta 1, 25th January 1995 KHTEPM13.ZIP 31k 21.09.96 [00] kenHTepm v1.3 Free HTML macro for EPM LYNXOS25.ZIP 305k 21.07.96 [00] Lynx/2 - Beta version 0.4 Lynx/2 is a fully-featured World Wide Web (WWW) client for OS/2 text mode sessions. It will display hypertext markup language (HTML) documents containing links to files residing on the local system as well as files residing on remote systems running Gopher, HTTP, FTP, and NNTP servers. Lynx/2 may also be used with Telnet, TN3270, and Rlogin clients. LYNXOS27.ZIP 354k 01.03.97 [00] Lynx/2 - Beta version 0.7 Lynx/2 is a fully-featured World Wide Web (WWW) client for OS/2 text mode sessions. It will display hypertext markup language (HTML) documents containing links to files residing on the local system as well as files residing on remote systems running Gopher, HTTP, FTP, and NNTP servers. Lynx/2 may also be used with Telnet, TN3270, and Rlogin clients. NS202.EXE 4657k 12.07.97 [00] Netscape Navigator v2.02 for OS/2* Warp (National Language Version) 2nd April 1997. OS2PLUG.EXE 124k 16.12.96 [00] Netscape Navigator** 2.02 for OS/2* Warp Netscape Navigator Plug-in SDK version 2.0 for OS/2 OS2WWW42.ZIP 2830k 17.05.97 [00] (v4.02rel9) PowerWeb for OS2WWW An OS/2 secure multi-protocol multi-threaded server (including HTTP, HTTP Proxy, FTP, SMTP and POP3) for World Wide Web and other services on the Internet. Includes unrestricted SSL 3.0 cryptography. Unparallelled in performance, features, extensibility and stability. Contact CompuSource at or Web site PIC3V020.ZIP 118k 23.06.96 [00] Picardy 3 HTML Editor for OS/2 PLUGPKEN.EXE 3036k 17.04.97 [00] Netscape Navigator v2.02 for OS/2 Warp - Plug-in Pack 31st March 1997. PMS_109.ZIP 346k 08.05.97 [00] PMStripper. A fully functional, OS/2 PM utility which strips HTML codes from Web pages leaving some formatting intact. PMStripper may also be installed as the html source viewer in WebX which will make it easier to cut and paste information from web pages. Shareware by Don Hawkinson ( RTF2HTML.ZIP 308k 19.09.96 [00] rtftoweb/rtftohtml v1.7 SMEHTM11.ZIP 193k 08.12.96 [00] HTML EDITOR v1.1 Smalled HTML Extensions will turn editors like Smalled and e.exe into complete HTML editors. SMEHTM Acts like a notebook-style floating toolbar through which tags can be entered in the editor. Some Features: configurable, Links with memory, Templates, Conversion utilities, Configurable Hotkeys to be used in the editor, small and FAST. SREFV12K.ZIP 1049k 09.11.97 [00] SRE-Filter ver 1.2k is a freeware, full-featured http (www) server for OS/2. It is designed to run under GoServe (a free, IBM EWS Internet Server). SSLURP13.ZIP 66k 06.10.97 [00] Sslurp! 1.3 WWW mirroring tool; retrieves Web pages from a HTTP (WWW) server; can be configured to follow all hyperlinks leading to other pages on the same server; images can be retrieved as well; retrieved data is stored on disk for later viewing; needs HPFS; Proxy support; automated (command line) mode; PM application; T2HTML.ZIP 75k 30.08.97 [00] t2html Converts plain text files into HTML suitable for the WWW. TPROXY12.ZIP 21k 13.03.97 [00] TProxy ver. 1.2 an HTTP proxy server. TTON2000.ZIP 259k 17.08.97 [00] 2.000 WWW mirroring tool for off-line use UNHTML15.ZIP 72k 14.06.96 [00] UnHtml - Strip html code from files for importing or else (OS/2) Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis URLTRE03.ZIP 40k 18.10.96 [00] urltree v0.30 WebExplorer_URL folders -> html converter VRML2_1.ZIP 5193k 30.08.97 [00] VRML for OS/2 v1.0 W3GRAB13.ZIP 50k 16.03.97 [00] Welcome to WWWGrab/2 v1.3 WWWGrab/2 is a utility for mirroring websites. It is a commandline based program which uses configuration files for input. WEB210.ZIP 20k 21.03.97 [00] Web/2 v1.0 : A Web server for OS/2! Small in size, yet very powerful. Easy to set-up and use, does _NOT_ require HPFS (like other Web servers) WEB60319.ZIP 1324k 14.07.96 [00] Java-enabled WebExplorer demo Requires the JDK Java code for OS/2 and WebExplorer Java code. WEBG021.ZIP 148k 17.08.96 [00] WebGrab v0.21 Beta release This is a FREEWARE utility. The idea for this program is to capture URL pages with images into a new *.htm file. The client can interactive use the Webgrab or the Web browser inside. WEBIT11.ZIP 481k 21.04.96 [03] Web-It! The ultimate HTML Editor v1.1 Create your web pages with ease. Supports many features such as frames, forms, images, image maps, tables, lists and more. Two versions available: Standard & Professional. The Pro version has the forms and frames capability but the standard version allows you to see how they are accomplished. Very flexible and easy to use. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WEBN110.ZIP 185k 15.12.96 [01] WebNavigator 1.1 for OS/2 Warp with IAK. Web browser (like WebEx) w/ quicklist, online and offline support and more. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WEBSL022.ZIP 217k 20.10.96 [00] WebSlide WEBSORT.ZIP 271k 05.08.96 [00] WebSort v1.0 By ThunderSoft Sorts WebExplorer's URL lists by their Alias WEBSORTW.ZIP 271k 28.08.96 [00] WEBWRITE.ZIP 901k 18.03.97 [00] (v1.1) WebWriter/2 - An OS/2 HTML editor. Multithreaded design allows editing multiple documents at once. Support for all HTML 2.0, ISO-Latin-1 chars, & much of HTML 3.0. Markup documents by selecting elements from menus or the Tag manager dialog. Allows user defined tags. Drag & drop integration w/WPS. Can configure multiple preview applications. Shareware ($30.00 US), Author - John Blumel Tech support - WEBXPL12.ZIP 822k 18.08.95 [00] WebExplorer 1.2 for OS/2 (August 1995) Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WEBXV11H.EXE 1466k 16.12.96 [00] IBM WEBEXPLORER V1.1h WSUCK991.ZIP 64k 16.03.97 [00] WebSucker 0.99.1 WWW mirroring tool; retrieves Web pages from a HTTP (WWW) server; can be configured to follow all hyperlinks leading to other pages on the same server; images can be retrieved as well; retrieved data is stored on disk for later viewing; needs HPFS; Proxy support; automated (command line) mode; PM application; WWWCNT23.ZIP 186k 23.10.96 [00] README for Count 2.3 for OS/2 Count provides a combination web page hit counter, clock, and date cgi program for your web server. File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Internet - FTP Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 46 3276 KBytes in 13 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * FTPBR17.ZIP 434k 08.06.97 [00] FTP Browser is a powerful and intuitive FTP solution for OS/2 Warp that features drag and drop, server to server and directory tree transfers accross a variety of hosts. It Requires OS/2's Presentation Manager and TCP/IP. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FTPME.ZIP 5k 30.08.97 [00] FTP-Me Send whole directory structures, including files, via FTP. FTPMN12A.ZIP 199k 12.10.96 [00] FTPMon 1.2a for OS/2 Scan the incoming directory of an anonymous FTP site and not have to look through a lot of old files to see what is new. FTPMon maintains a list of all the files in the incoming directory of a site, but displays only those that you have not seen previously. Once you see a file in the list, you can download it, view it, or tag it as boring. Downloaded and boring files are removed from the list (but not, of course, the FTP site). They don't appear in the list again. FTPMon will optionally refresh the list at a user-selectable frequency. The user can also request an immediate refresh. FTPSER03.ZIP 140k 20.09.97 [00] FTPServer FTP server (daemon), freeware, with sources IFTP113.ZIP 287k 01.01.97 [00] InterFTP v1.13 - PM FTP Client for OS/2. Features include: drag and drop, simple configuration, address book with support for unlimited number of folders and entries, ability to save the directory tree of an FTP server, scripting, firewall support, multiple FTP sessions at the same time, server to server transfers, and queued get/put. Fully functional shareware version. NCFTP2R1.ZIP 437k 25.06.96 [00] NcFTP v2.3.0 Release 1 Enhanced FTP Client with full source included. By Mark Evans ( This is a port of NcFTP 2.3.0, a highly-enhanced version of the 'standard' FTP program. Its features include: - reget support (resumes aborted transfers) - integrated hosts editor - visual mode - automatic anonymous login - progress meter - recursive gets - get new files only - get files newer than X - completely customizable NFTP082.ZIP 353k 19.08.96 [00] nftp 0.82 - New FTP client for OS/2 Fast textmode operation, small memory requirements, bookmarking, fully scrollable remote directory view, tagging, caching remote dirs, one-key viewing remote files, sorting by date/name/size, transfer progress indicator and more. Shareware version; free until 1 Oct 1996 NFTP082F.ZIP 12k 26.08.96 [00] This archive is an add-on to NFTP 0.82. It includes French translation, done by Didier Toulouze. Please merge with 0.82 distribution. NFTP103.ZIP 485k 11.05.97 [00] nftp 1.03 - New FTP client for OS/2 Fast textmode operation, small memory requirements, bookmarking, fully scrollable remote directory view, tagging, caching remote dirs, one-key viewing remote files, sorting by date/name/size, transfer progress indicator and more. Shareware version. SFM12B2.ZIP 30k 24.08.97 [00] Smart FTP Mirror v1.2 beta-2 (970821) SFM is a program to mirror files from remote host to local via File Transfer Protocol. Long filename support. "Redial" until connected. REGET support. Tested with Pegnuin FTP Daemon for OS/2, Novell Netware FTP server, IBM OS/2 FTP daemon, PowerWeb for OS/2, some UNIX'es REQ : TCP/IP v4.0+ (tested only with v4.0), File System with LFN support SFTP127.ZIP 232k 04.07.96 [00] (V1.27) - SFTP Simple FTP. PM program that allows batch downloads from ftp sites. Features storage of host logon information, easy viewing of .txt files, auto sorting by date of directory listing. Easy directory navigation. Freeware - requires email registration. Keith Cotroneo - VXFTP42.ZIP 597k 17.11.94 [00] - Multi Thread FTP for OS/2 ZFTPD040.ZIP 72k 25.03.97 [00] zftpd - Terje's FTP Daemon for OS/2 Version 0.40 of 02:00 24th Mar 1997 Stable, multitasking and multithreaded FTP daemon for OS/2 with UNIX alike appearance and resume support. File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Disque, Fichiers,... Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 47 26355 KBytes in 103 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ADRP120.ZIP 595k 27.12.96 [00] ADRp 1.10 Weltschnellste Warp 32bit multithreaded Textmode Adressen Verwaltung. Schnellsuche, Waehlen, Kalender mit Feiertagen, Geburtstags Erinnerer, dBase+ASCII Ex/Import, Briefumschlaege, Gruppenbildung u.v.m. AMOS320.ZIP 43k 18.08.95 [00] AMOS v3.20 AMOS v3 is a TSR for mounting HPFS drives from DOS: Fast! NOT Crippleware Reliable! Read Only driver Now supports more physical disk Release date: 15th December 1994 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis ASSORT.ZIP 108k 29.09.95 [00] Assort is a generic Sort/Merge/Copy utility that has features that are similar to programs that have been available on IBM mainframe platforms for years. (OS/2) Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis ATTMN07A.ZIP 59k 24.08.97 [00] Attribute Manager V.0.71.62 beta. A small PM application that allows to easily manage ordinary and extended attributes (.SUBJECT, .COMMENT, .KEYPHRASES). FREEWARE!!! BA2CFG41.ZIP 75k 30.08.96 [00] Back Again/2 Professional Edition Version 4.00c (Programme de configuration) BA2PR40D.ZIP 1259k 01.06.96 [00] Back Again/2 Professional Edition Professional Backup and Recovery for OS/2 Evaluation Edition 4.00 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis BCWARP.ZIP 97k 24.06.95 [00] ͻ ݺ NA Bono's Commander v.1.00 FOR OS/2 WARP! NO BETA Very fast, great, full c++ implementation, 32 bit code! ͼ BNF100.ZIP 594k 16.05.94 [02] - Back and Forth, Backup Program for OS/2 BOXOS2_7.ZIP 429k 24.10.95 [00] BOXER/OS2 Text Editor v7 - Top Rated! "Best Major Application" winner at the 1994 Shareware Industry Awards! Version 7.0 adds 85+ features to what was already a feature packed program. A favorite of many users, BOXER gets consistently strong reviews. Easy to use with powerful features: color syntax highlighting, undo/redo, mouse support, S&R, column blocks, WP, macros, compilation, more! Shareware $89 from David R. Hamel Uploader: Jacques Sciarmella BRANE10.ZIP 41k 08.05.97 [00] Brane 1.0 - Another simple, but configurable code converter. Can convert text and binary files. BROWSE.ZIP 232k 10.05.97 [00] - Browse for OS/2 Allows easy disk browsing, long labelling, reports of drive type, and content previewing. Shareware Mr Antonino Iannella BUTCHER1.ZIP 23k 21.07.97 [00] Butcher 1.0.0 for OS/2 and Unix (c) 1997 by Ali Onur Cinar Butcher is a small utility which will help you to make volumes in size, you prefer, from large files. BZGREP20.ZIP 149k 17.11.94 [00] - OS/2 32Bits Grep Utility B_DIR132.ZIP 70k 14.07.97 [00] (v1.32) B - 32 bit OS/2 DIR replacement 32 bit command line program. Replaces OS/2's DIR command. Supports file highlighting by extensions, recursive directory searches, changing of file order. Can change what information is shown. Fully configurable by using switches and either editting program or environment variable. Freeware, Dohn Arms, CASE14A.ZIP 41k 23.06.96 [00] HPFS Filename case conversion CD33.ZIP 20k 26.01.96 [00] ** Color Directory Version 3.3 ** A program to list the contents of a directory in color. Fully configurable. Freeware! For OS/2 2.0 (With Service Pak), 2.1, 2.11 and WARP Version 3. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CEDIT13.ZIP 127k 11.02.94 [01] - Full Screen Editor CFGSRT21.ZIP 103k 15.09.96 [00] ConfigSort v2.1 (C)1996 Philip A. O'Malley ConfigSort is a small application which will process OS/2's config.sys and structure it into discreet sections, making the resultant file much more readable. Standard system entries are pre-programmed into the program, but ConfigSort now has the ability to be configured to process user-definable application entries. Author: Philip A. O'Malley ( CHANGE2.ZIP 19k 03.09.96 [00] Un programme AREXX pour changer facilement de rpertoire. CHKDSK.ZIP 153k 08.06.97 [01] IBM OS/2 CHKDSK README Service Fix V1.0 (May 2, 1997) This version of CHKDSK offers significant improvements for use with High Performance File System (HPFS) drives: 1. Single pass correction of errors. You can run CHKDSK once to fix all errors on an HPFS drive. 2. Performance improvements. CHKDSK execution is now up to two times faster on non-RAID drives, and up to 11 times faster on large RAID drives. 3. Reduced memory requirement. CHKDSK now uses less memory to check large drives (> 4GB). Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis CHKDSK32.ZIP 153k 06.05.97 [00] IBM OS/2 CHKDSK README GAMMA Version 2 (March 31, 1997) This version of CHKDSK offers significant improvements for use with High Performance File System (HPFS) drives. CL16BETA.ZIP 944k 02.01.96 [00] Clearlook - The Cellular Word Processor (tm) Upgrade to v1.6 - Beta Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis COMNT110.ZIP 15k 23.06.96 [01] Comment.Cmd 1.10 (4-Apr-1996) ======================================== Comment.Cmd is a REXX program that allows you to display and change file comments from the command line. Freeware (GPL). Christopher J. Madsen CONED01.ZIP 33k 11.12.96 [00] non-interactive command-line config.sys editor public domain, source included. CSORT201.ZIP 35k 21.01.96 [00] (v2.00) CSRTOS2 - OS/2 CONFIG.SYS-SORTER This programm sorts the config.sys-file of OS/2 2.x and Warp v3, so that its readability is improved. On some systems a special sorted config.sys will speed up system boot. This program is freeware Thomas Paatsch, Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DCD.ZIP 10k 23.06.96 [00] Disk Change Directory v1.05 by Roger de Reus 24-APR-1996 DCD (disk change directory) is yet another smart change directory. DCF50.ZIP 107k 13.04.96 [01] DISK COPY FAST v5.0 : Powerful 1-pass DCOPYPM9.ZIP 178k 31.01.95 [00] D-copy v0.9f for OS/2 DFS240S.ZIP 138k 17.09.97 [00] File-system display & analysis utility. Shows partition-tables and bootsectors. Shows all HPFS internal disk structures like Superblock, Fnodes, Dirblocks etc. Check allocation integrity for volume. Can find any data-sequence on the disk and identify the file it belongs to. Display allocation maps for entire disk and for the directory-band. Includes UNDELETE/copy functionality for HPFS. DFS, (c) 1994,1997 Jan van Wijk DHG_101.ZIP 361k 20.07.97 [00] DH-Grep_PM is an OS/2 PM version of grep that is designed as a user friendly application for a multitasking environment. The often cryptic command line options have been replaced with easy to use menu selections. The output of the search is sent to a PM window and the user has easy access to all of the information that was found. Version 1.01 DISKCT14.ZIP 196k 02.11.96 [00] DiskCat v1.4 for OS/2 Warp - completly redesigned program - cataloging of all disks (floppy, harddisk, cdrom, magneto optical, lan drives, audio cd) - search the database for files, audio titles, comments - printing supported - automatic detection of drive types DISKM50.ZIP 143k 24.08.97 [00] DiskMaster von P. Engels DM ist ein extrem schnelles Kopier- und Formatierprogramm, das direkt den Disk-Controller anspricht, im Protected-Mode arbeitet und ber die Laufwerke bedient wird. DJDEMO.ZIP 1130k 24.09.96 [00] DiskJockey DEMO v1.0 - OS/2 File Maintenance Utility. by Clear & Simple, Inc. Performs operations copy, move, delete and rename, easy-to-use drag and drop file compression utilities. Launch drive, folder, data and program objects directly. Quick format diskettes. Drag and drop files from the DJ's file window. View text, bitmaps, sound, video and zipfiles with the DJ's built in viewer and "Jukebox" sound player. e-mail support: DOCONFIG.ZIP 97k 29.09.95 [01] CONFIG.SYS Help tool for OS/2 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DRCHK032.ZIP 19k 23.06.96 [00] DriveCheck v.032 A REXX program to scan a drive and determine wasted space for both the HPFS and FAT file systems. EDA350.ZIP 209k 23.10.96 [00] EDA v3.50 EDA is editor intended for large ASCII files with several functions, which are not commonly available in other editors. EDISPM.ZIP 334k 19.02.96 [00] - EDisPM V 1.0 fr OS/2 Warp v3 Ein verteilter Multi-User-Editor, entstanden im Rahmen eines Fortgeschrittenenpraktikums ber die objektorientierte CORBA Technologie am Institut fr Informatik, TU-Mnch Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis EFCOMM.ZIP 411k 26.06.97 [00] One of the finest Norton Commander clones, for Windows or OS/2 PM,(32-bit). Windows oder OS/2 PM, (32-bit). Shareware. Actual version: 2.25 - Commander OS/2 (EFCOMM.ZIP, EFC2!.EXE) ENH_E_10.ZIP 349k 30.08.97 [00] Enhanced E & Enhanced EE v1.0 Two editors, an Enhanced version of the OS/2 System Editor (adds printing capability, print selected text, time insert, date insert and a popup menu) also included is the Enhanced EE Editor with everything the Enhanced E has plus a toolbar, popup menu, autosave, search by line#, name insert, signature file insert, file history save selected text, multiple language support for menu items, presentation mode, html code stripping, bubble help, spawn session, import, drag & drop, integrated code template tool and more... EXT2_210.ZIP 1889k 10.12.96 [00] ext2-os2 V2.10 : Linux ext2fs IFS (file system driver) for OS/2. Allows OS/2 to access Linux native partitions (ext2fs partitions) as normal OS/2 drive letters. Includes also Deon van der Westhuysen's Linux partition filter driver (ext2flt.flt). Licence agreement : GNU GPL. Matthieu WILLM Home : Work : FC2_151.ZIP 228k 16.08.97 [00] File Commander/2 v1.51, Norton Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2 Provides powerful file management functions, program launch, text viewing and editing facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP,ARJ,RAR,LZH) in 32 bit OS/2 text mode. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FCUT10.ZIP 31k 30.01.96 [01] File Cutter v1.0 ͸ This is a very flexible file splitting program especially for binary. Cut any part of file with any size you want. Both 32bit OS/2 and DOS executables ; (C) VG Soft & Gamzun Y.F. 1996 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FD101.ZIP 126k 15.05.96 [00] Find Duplicate for OS/2 PM Repre et liste les fichiers en double sur n'importe quelle unit. Pratique pour faire le mnage. FDUPE009.ZIP 51k 14.07.96 [00] Find Dupe v0.09 FindDupe scans your harddrive(s) and lists *every* file you have, in alphabetical order based on filename rather than path. And it will ignore files that you tell it, even based on wildcards! If you don't want to see files ending in .bak, just tell the program to skip *.bak! FF14.ZIP 20k 12.09.92 [00] - File Find OS/2 FFF13E.ZIP 173k 30.01.96 [00] (v1.3) FFF - OS/2 Frisky File Finder full featured file finder with DRAG & DROP and many other features like searching for files by name, date, time, size and attributes with Operators ">", "<", "=" Shareware (US$ 25.- private; US$ 50,- business). Runs on OS/2 2.x or Warp 3 U. Hegemann Softwareentwicklung Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FIAW11.ZIP 90k 30.01.96 [00] (v1.1) Finger-In-A-Window - PM finger prgrm. OS/2 PM program that will allow you to store a list of frequently finger addresses and display the finger output in a scrollable window. The address list can be saved, sorted, and arranged and the program's size, position, and font may also be saved. Freeware by Greg Kondrasuk ( Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FILEFR13.ZIP 99k 20.10.96 [00] FILE FREEDOM 1.3 OCTOBER 1996 DISTRIBUTION File Freedom is a fast, very inexpensive, PM file manager with an uncluttered, easy-to-use interface. It is designed to be a quick and efficient utility that requires a minimum of setup yet does not skimp on features. In fact, you will find in File Freedom features not found in other file managers, at any price, such as the capability to look inside a zip file WITHIN a zip file and the ability to reorient the toolbar from vertical to horizontal (and back again) at the push of a button. FILEQ12A.ZIP 108k 17.09.96 [00] FileQuery v1.2a 9/96 FREEWARE by FO'X incl. 3 special versions for DOS,OS/2,Win32 An enhanced DIR, ATTRIB, SEARCH command, with nice, configurable, COLORED output! Features: -REAL size of files on disk -Show size and change attributes of entire trees + percentage ev. -/s search feature combineable with changing of attributes -change directory attributes -search by size/date... -minimum/ext. output incl. EA's and much more... Author: Fabian Beutin FILJET5E.ZIP 230k 23.06.96 [00] FileJet Version 5.0 08/26/92 - (Greatings from NC), 2 Filelists parallel realised You can toggle 3 Display modes with SHIFT-F3 or define yours in the setup pulldown. TAB changes the active window - Changed window layout, more files in the window - If tree is not actual, you are asked if it should reread the tree - In Operating system the clock is switched off. - Faster window update - Now parameters are allowed for external edior, viewer, wordprocessing and file differences. FILSIZ06.ZIP 25k 20.08.96 [01] FileSize A tyne file size totalization utility. This program let's you measure the size of a single file or of a whole directory structure just by dragging a file (or directory) icon and dropping into it. FLIST.ZIP 43k 29.11.96 [00] Fast List v1.0 Fast List, mult. use PM text applet w/source FM2UTILS.ZIP 442k 23.06.96 [00] FM/2 Utilities A collection of utilities designed for use with FM/2 (they can also be used without FM/2). FATOPT, HPFSOPT, QFORMAT, RENCASE, MOV, KILL/2 and more. FM2_250.ZIP 1351k 18.09.96 [00] FM/2 v2.50 An OS/2 Warp+ PM 32-bit file/directory/ disk/archive/etc. maintenance package with plenty of bells and whistles -- a Swiss army knife for OS/2. Only file management winner of a 1995 OS/2 Magazine Editor's Choice award. FSCRAP10.ZIP 210k 04.07.96 [00] File Scraper is utility for file searching. In the queries it uses such file attributes as size, date of creation, date of last access, date of last write. Also you can use logical operators AND, OR, NOT. Demonstration verion works with one drive only. Andrey Iliynikh, FST03F.ZIP 134k 15.08.96 [00] fst 0.3f (13-Aug-1996) fst (File System Tool) is a tool for checking filesystems, like CHKDSK, and for displaying information about filesystems. Currently, fst supports HPFS and FAT (FAT support is quite untested). Unlike CHKDSK, fst does not fix the errors it finds. FSTAR99E.ZIP 701k 30.10.95 [01] FILESTAR/2 v0.99e - OS/2 File Maintenance Utility. Drag&Drop and Point&Click interfaces to file, directory and disk operations. Start programs, browse files. Button bar, settings notebook. Highly functional, attractive displays. Seven popup menus, 21 function pushbuttons in primary window. Over 20 integrated dialog windows. Cursored file data in all views. CIS support, GO OS2SHARE. Pre-release version, special price of $20. Uploader: Xavier Imbs FUT_1_00.ZIP 77k 03.01.97 [00] File utilities for converting & viewing text files Operating System/Version: OS/2 WARP v.4 GO2_12.ZIP 22k 30.01.96 [00] Go2, version 1.2. An OS/2 command-line direc Crosses disk-drives, networks, simple to use. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis GTAK258.ZIP 801k 31.07.97 [00] GTAK v2.58 SCSI tape backup software with network support GTAR258.ZIP 593k 31.07.97 [00] GTAR v2.58, GNU TAR tape archiver HDSPACE.ZIP 122k 08.08.96 [00] V0.832 of HDSPACE.EXE. (August 5th 1996) Affiche l'espace disque disponible, la taille du swapper, etc... HED151B.ZIP 79k 20.10.96 [01] Version 1.51b of HED hex editor for OS/2. HFS001.ZIP 241k 29.06.96 [00] HFS/2 v0.01 A Hierarchical File System Driver for OS/2 Copyright (C) 1996 by Marcus Better Based on "MacFS", HFS/2 is a program which lets OS/2 users read and write files on diskettes formatted with the Hierarchical File System used by Macintosh computers. With HFS/2, Macintosh diskettes can be used just as if they were ordinary diskettes. HPFSA02B.ZIP 163k 08.03.96 [01] HPFS-Access Ŀ HPFS-Access is a TSR for mounting HPFS drives from DOS Fast! Read and write! Needs only 8KB DOS memory! Built-in cache! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis HPFSPM12.ZIP 121k 12.08.96 [00] ****************** HPFSPm 1.2 by TIME Soft. 1996 ****************** PM Support utility for HPFSRem . Improved functionality !!! Bubble Help !!! HPFSREM.ZIP 24k 06.07.96 [00] - HPFSRem -- HPFS removability software Version 1. Copyright (c) 1996 by Jeff Jackowski HPFSRem allows you to use HPFS on some removable drives without losing the ability to remove and replace disks. IHPFS124.ZIP 56k 08.06.97 [01] iHPFS An HPFS Driver for DOS Version 1.24 June 1, 1997 iHPFS makes it possible for OS/2 users to use their HPFS partitions when they boot plain DOS. The HPFS partition is assigned a drive letter, and can be accessed like any DOS drive. iHPFS is restricted to read-only access. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis INITOR25.ZIP 82k 27.09.97 [00] Initor 2.5 ( INIfile ediTOR ) OS2 Ini File Editor Initor enables you to edit OS2 "INI" files. You are able to add, delete, edit, save, copy and read applications, keys and key data. Further more you are able to save and read data from the current ini file to and form another ini file(s). You can also save data into ASCII readable files for comparison. INSP110P.ZIP 340k 11.06.97 [00] InspectA File & Archive Manager Version 1.10 for OS/2 InspectA provides a way of viewing various types of special files, such as compressed file archives of various formats,FTSC "type-2" packets, FidoNet *.MSG files and may be configured to use any number of other external viewing utilities to view PCX, GIF, JPG, TIF, dBase, worksheet and othertypes of files. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis JC144E.ZIP 392k 01.03.96 [00] JetCommander, V1.44 powerful NC-Clone for for OS/2 and DOS. Only one user interface for OS/2 and DOS !, see REGISTER.DOC for registration information Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis KBM35009.RAR 85k 27.09.97 [00] kBootManager v0.35.9Beta Date: 24th September 1997 BootManager which may boot Logical partition as primary. KON109.ZIP 134k 30.08.97 [00] Kon 1.09 ver 1030 PM text/hex editor. Conf.keys, syn.hl. Undo/Redo. LOOK230D.ZIP 117k 17.12.96 [00] (v3.0d) LOOK2 - OS/2 Directory/File Viewer. Full-screen utility to view and manipulate dirs and files. Unique convenient directory history for easy travel between directories. Mark, move, delete, touch, search, sort, archive viewing, hex mode, group marking, and more. Very friendly and customizable. Shareware (US$ 30. credit cards accepted) BMT Micro, Inc. LSTPM105.ZIP 105k 02.03.94 [00] - ListPM - A nice textfile browser under OS/2 PM MRED104E.ZIP 327k 28.01.96 [00] Mr.Ed is a full functional shareware texteditor for OS/2 PM. Features: syntax-highlighting, compiler support, third-party online-help support, multiwindowed, toolbar, window monitor, drag-n-drop, savable bookmarks, multithreaded, EA support, C/C++ support, printing, sorting, multilevel undo/redo, configurable keyboard and much more... MRED116E.ZIP 549k 23.12.96 [00] Mr.Ed is a highly configurable OS/2 PM shareware texteditor for programmers. Features: C, C++, Java, HTML, REXX, Ada, Pascal, Modula-2, LaTEX support, syntax-highlighting (display and printer), section browser, section display, persistant blocks (column, stream), compiler support, configurable keyboard, third-party online-help and NDX support, multiwindowed, views, configurable toolbar, drag-n-drop, persistant bookmarks, EA support, sorting, multilevel undo/redo, multiple backups and much more... MRSR104.ZIP 39k 30.08.96 [01] Multiple Recursive Search and Replace v 1.04 Requires OS/2 2.x This is a command line program for doing search and replace operations on text files. MRSR allows multiple files and up to 100 search and replace operations at once. MRSR also does BLOCK searches. So comments can be removed from files. MRSR will optionally go through an entire sub-directory tree. NCR_303.ZIP 29k 05.05.95 [00] NCR Microelectronic Products Division is providing the enclosed SCSI Device Management System (SDMS) 3.0 drivers electronically for your convenience. NEMO02.ZIP 97k 05.06.94 [00] Captain Nemo for OS/2 2.0 V0.2, "Captain Nemo" is a text-mode shell program for OS/2. It tries to imitate the Norton Commander (R) for DOS v.2 as closely as possible and yet realize a smooth integration with OS/2 features. NTFS_002.ZIP 308k 14.10.97 [00] ntfs-os2 V0.02 : Windows NT ntfs IFS (file system driver) for OS/2. Allows OS/2 to access Windows NT ntfs partitions (ntfs partitions) as normal OS/2 drive letters. Licence agreement : freeware. Daniel Steiner Home : Work : OS2C_110.ZIP 396k 21.04.96 [00] OS/2-Commander v1.10 - The Wizzard of OS/2! OS/2-Commander is the final Norton Commander clone for OS/2. It offers an integrated archi handling, HPFS-support, a user-definable menu a Tree-function, the most powerful FIND-funct you've ever seen, a DBF viewer, browser and editor! Full 4DOS/4OS2 support, enhanced syso features, full network compatibility, disk-im function, 132-column mode and much more! Try OS2C_110.EXE is a self-extracting RAR archive Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PGP26AO2.ZIP 261k 03.11.94 [01] - PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) 2.6a OS/2 32bit Version PGPEASY.ZIP 510k 22.09.96 [00] PGPEASY V1.3.0 PGP Easy Rider is a front-end for "Pretty Good Privacy", the encryption software developed by Phil Zimmermann and others. While PGP itself provides a pretty good way of ensuring you a valuable piece of privacy - based on public key encryption - it requires the user to handle a rather complicated command-line interface. PGP Easy Rider will help the user in easy PGP command generation and display of PGP results. PHOENIX2.ZIP 176k 31.12.95 [00] Undelete Program for OS/2 Fat and HPFS Disk. Nice PM Look&Feel Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PMATTRIB.ZIP 380k 30.08.97 [00] PMAttrib - PM Attribute editor Shows and modifies file/directory attributes. PMDIFF40.ZIP 202k 23.06.96 [00] PMdiff v4.0 (OS/2 version) Side by side graphical file comparison and file merge. Files are display in adjacent windows, and lines are drawn clearly showing the differences between files. Merged files can be created and saved contained selected changes from both files. PRO400C.ZIP 762k 09.08.96 [00] Back Again/2 Professional Edition Professional Backup and Recovery for OS/2 Version 4.00c Update This patch is for Back Again/2 Professional Edition v4.00, v4.00a, or v4.00b only. It cannot be used to upgrade an evaluation version or the Personal Edition of Back Again/2. SDIR_20.ZIP 51k 08.04.96 [00] Super Dir : Commande dir amliore SEDIT281.ZIP 463k 17.03.97 [00] (v2.8.1) Sedit - OS/2 PM Text/Bin editor A programmer's editor that can edit both text and binary files.Features: very few hard limits, various types of folding, unlimited undo/redo,column manipulations, powerful search and replace options, key configurable,multi-threaded,command line compiler support etc. Shareware (US$ 25) T. Steiner, 2246 E. 6th Ave. Vancouver,BC V5N-1R1 Canada.e-mail SMLED145.ZIP 382k 29.06.97 [00] Smalled 1.45 Is a good looking high powered 32 bit fast multi threaded PM editor. Full DRAG-N-DROP support (open, save, print, copy, move, shred and PP), DragText compatible, ATM fonts, WYSIWYG printing, Extended EA usage, Toolbar, Bubble help, Context popups, DBCS support, Highly configurable, ,File-search, File-history, Text formatting tools, Line and Word wrap, auto-indent, etc. SUBST120.ZIP 27k 27.05.96 [01] SUBST v1.20, DOS SUBST command for OS/2 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TARFNT22.ZIP 1110k 22.07.96 [00] TarFront 2.2, OS/2 PM Frontend for TAR and GTAK. Backup and Restore, easy to use interface. TEDOS2.ZIP 13k 19.03.94 [01] - Editeur TED pour OS/2, plus petit que a tu meurt :-) TSE2JR4.ZIP 197k 16.08.97 [00] TSE JR/2 v4 - Multi-file, multi-window, compact OS/2 text editor. Includes macros; column blocks; variable, smart, and fixed tab support; basic word- processing features. Configurable, including keyboard, colors, and initial settings. Data Based Advisor Readers Choice as Best Program/Text Editor. Over 130,000 licensed users in 95+ countries! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TVFSRM10.ZIP 23k 20.07.97 [00] TVFS_RM.EXE is a tool for using TVFS with removable media WITHOUT harderror dialog and network drives (Peer2Peer, NFS and so on). The TVFS-drives are shown as notebook pages. UEDIT32.ZIP 282k 10.09.95 [01] UltraEdit-32 Text/Binary Editor 2.11a Text/Hex editor, unlimited file size. Column edit with column fill,cut,delete, insert squential number. HEX edit with cut/copy/paste. Macros, bookmarks, find/replace, word-wrap, fixup CR/LF. Auto indentation, backup file, context sensitive help, line/column display, multiple windows on same file, font selection, print preview, goto, drag and drop, find in files, and more..... Uploader: Serge Barth UUCODE18.ZIP 55k 04.07.96 [00] UUEncode & UUDecode, v1.8 Fast, free, 32-bit, HPFS & EAs-Ok All the features expectable from an UUEncoder/Decoder tool should be there. UUDEVOS2.ZIP 146k 09.03.97 [00] (version 0.97g) powerful multi-file multi-part decoder for uuencoded, xxencoded, Base64 and BinHex encoded data. Works with news postings as well as emailed data. Free but copyrighted (GPL). Includes encoding engine as well. WWW home at Frank Pilhofer OS/2 Version by VIM42OS2.ZIP 640k 25.06.96 [01] Vim version 4.2 : Vi IMproved Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor vi. Many new features have been added: multi level undo, command line history, filename completion, block operations, etc. There is also a Graphical User Interface (GUI) available. WASTE2.ZIP 16k 31.12.95 [00] Waste/2 is a utility program designed to calculate the amount of disk space lost to cluster size allocation. No matter the size of a file, full clusters must be allocated to hold them, regardless of if an integer number of clusters is required. For instance, a 1 byte file still uses a complete cluster. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WHICH213.ZIP 144k 11.06.97 [00] Which 2.1.3 a clone of the Unix locate command Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis ZTB175.ZIP 217k 08.05.97 [00] ZTreeBold v1.75: OS/2 32bit text-mode clone of XTreeGold. With full archiving support, and handling of EAs and HPFS. File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Graphisme, Animation, Vido Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 48 37807 KBytes in 30 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * AUDIORIV.ZIP OFFLINE [00] AudioRiver MM System - plays MPEG Audio Layer II + III - MOD Files - Up to 32 Channels of simultaneous playback possible - VIO Mode and PM Player BC1ENG1.ZIP 1214k 23.06.96 [00] BlueCad 1.0 Demo 1/3 CAD prgm for OS/2 PM Expire 30 Days BC1ENG2.ZIP 1308k 23.06.96 [00] BlueCad 1.0 Demo 2/3 BC1ENG3.ZIP 1294k 23.06.96 [00] BlueCad 1.0 Demo 3/3 BPAINT02.ZIP 81k 08.05.96 [00] BluePaint v0.2b A freeware paint and animation program for OS/2 Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Czarny Uploader: Laurent Brigeot EWB_OS2.ZIP 5343k 28.06.96 [00] Interactive 3D visualization for scientific modeling FS026B.ZIP 258k 23.06.96 [00] ForeSpace OS/2 ver 0.21b This version is still quite beta, though not to the same degree as the last. I have managed to make a few nice scenes with it. GIF_TEXT.ZIP 855k 26.06.97 [00] GIF_TEXT: A Graphical Text Generator GIF_TEXT will create a .GIF file from a text string. GIF_TEXT uses "alphabytes", collections of character .GIF files. Several are provided with GIF_TEXT, and it's easy to add new ones. GIF_TEXT can be used as an SRE-Filter add-on, or as a generic CGI-BIN script. JOVW122A.ZIP 340k 16.05.94 [02] - Joeview, a nice PM pictures viewer (GIF,JPG,...) JVW10G.ZIP 714k 20.01.96 [00] - (v1.0e Beta) JView - OS/2 Image Utility Fairly extensive image utility. PM based viewer for most file formats (GIF, JPEG, ...). Prints, paintbrush, distortions, filtering, color manipulations add text, ... Currently no scanner support. Beta is free, all encouraged to use it. This is a play beta, no user feedback is desired. Crunch Products, Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis LARTB307.ZIP 839k 02.01.97 [00] LogoArt V. Beta 3.07 (Demo Version-Pre-Release) LogoArt is a graphics editing program for OS/2, with the capability of combining vector shapes with bitmaps, color dithering, printing and more. Layer and group support. MACTR150.ZIP 2751k 25.10.97 [00] (v1.5) MainActor/2 a mod. Animation Package MainActor/2 is able to load, edit, play, create and save animations and pictures of any size in a format independent manner. MainActor/2 includes most of the animation and picture formats found in the graphics world. Together with many animation processing functions (timing of animations, sound effects, .. ). Includes DIVE support. MANDLTOY.ZIP 43k 23.06.96 [00] Brahammars Mandelbrot Toy v 1.0 This is a simple program which draws the Mandelbrot fractal in a PM Window. MLTPLT22.ZIP 116k 09.07.96 [00] (v1.2)MULTIPLOT/2 -Manipulate & Plot data PM App reads & massages ascii data files & plots line charts.Full command line control for unattended production of plot images. Powerful axis mapping & data filtering.Saves images or altered data. Easy-use data formats with annotation. Copy the image to OS/2 clipboard as metafile or bitmap & paste into docs or for printing. Shareware US$20 M.Stott NeoDym Sys MLTPLT23.ZIP 117k 21.09.96 [00] (v1.3)MULTIPLOT/2 -Manipulate & Plot data PM App reads & massages ascii data files & plots line charts. Full command line control for unattended production of plot images. Powerful axis mapping & data filtering. Saves images or altered data. Easy-use data formats with annotation. Copy the image to OS/2 clipboard as metafile or bitmap & paste into docs or for printing. Shareware US$20 M.Stott NeoDym Sys NEONDEMO.ZIP 3226k 10.07.96 [00] Cration d'images de synthse sous OS/2 Exemples tonnants ! NHVIEW0E.ZIP 109k 23.06.96 [01] NHView 0e A File viewer for a few formats: JPG, BMP, PCX, RLE, IRIS, GIF, some more This supports fullscreen viewing in 8bit and 24bit modes. Now even 24bit pictures on 8bit displays!! PMDRAW.ZIP 6542k 22.06.95 [00] PM Draw for OS/2 - updated code File 01of01 - megafile install PMMPG21A.ZIP 188k 04.06.95 [02] OS/2 PM MPEG movie player, with fix of major bug in PMMPEG21.ZIP. Last revision date in archive: 08-02-94. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PMVW101.ZIP 1279k 30.12.97 [00] PMView v1.01 This is a very fast bitmap viewer for files in JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, Photo CD and 30 other formats. This program also allows conversions between image formats, minor editing adjustments (such as cropping and rotation), screen capture, and simple slideshows. SHAREWARE US$42 registration fee. Contact: PMVW93FR.ZIP 1281k 06.09.96 [01] PMView, version 0.93 franaise. La Rolls-Royce des afficheurs d'images pour OS/2 PM. Reconnat 33 formats de fichiers, parmi lesquels JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, Photo CD. Permet des effets tels rotations, ajustement des couleurs, filtres... Aussi : capture d'cran, diaporamas. Aide en-ligne et menus en franais. SHAREWARE. Contact : PNG2PPM.ZIP 146k 25.10.97 [00] Graphics converter PNG -> PPM v1.0 (type P6 PNM) [public domain with source] PNG2TIF.ZIP 146k 25.10.97 [00] Graphics converter PNG -> TIF v1.0 (uncompressed 1,8,24 bit) [public domain with source] PVU110.ZIP 636k 23.06.96 [00] (v1.1.0) The Practice Viewer Upgrade Includes JPEG support for OS/2 Multimedia, and the Lightning Browser, a much-improved multimedia image browser. Formerly available as JPEGPROC. New in this release: * The Lightning Browser * Patch for Light Tables to support .jpg * Supports writing JPEG files Practice Corp, QFRAME.ZIP 22k 25.01.96 [00] Qframe Version 1.0 for OS/2 - ConnectIx QuickCam frame grabber for OS/2 - = From the SophWare HoloHaus (c)1996 = - Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis QM13.ZIP 1965k 19.04.97 [00] QuickMotion v1.3 Demo with QuickFlick Ajoute de nombreux players OS/2 multimdia pour les anims AVI, les fichiers musiques QTMA, etc... QUICKEYE.ZIP 47k 17.12.96 [00] quickeye2 QuickCam viewer for os2 pm viewer/recorder for (black and white ) connectix quickcam camera Operating System Versions: OS/2 Warp-3 with DIVE QV2-053.ZIP 142k 17.03.97 [00] QuickCam Viewer for OS/2 Shareware multi-function viewer for the Connectix Quickcam, supporting both Colour and Greyscale cameras. The QuickCam Viewer's native 32-bit OS/2 support consists of a device-driver and a PM application. SNPSHTV2.ZIP 176k 09.07.96 [00] Snapshot V2 is a 32-bit screencapture utility for the OS/2 presentation manager. THXLS001.ZIP 1246k 10.02.98 * [00] 'think::xels!' is a collection of over 1200 high quality symbols designed for OS/2. All symbols are well sorted and newly designed. They also support animation and 'statechanging'. Developers can implement these icons in their own applications with the proper license. Shareware. edv-beratung wimmers, Germany. TSPG102S.ZIP 5395k 16.09.96 [00] TrueSpectra (R) Photo>Graphics Sampler (TM) Avec de belles images en exemples. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Infos systme & Performances Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 49 2590 KBytes in 16 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * BENCH.ZIP 20k 10.05.94 [00] - BENCH 1.0 - (c) Julien Pierre mai 1994 - Programme de test de lecture sur disque. Il fonctionne sur toute unit logique reconnue par le systme. L'intrt de ce bench par rapport d'autres programmes est de pouvoir tester le fonctionnement simultan de plusieurs disques. CPUMON11.ZIP 41k 29.06.97 [00] CPU Monitor 1.10 This little PM application draws a graph of CPU utilisation. It supports up to 16 CPUs. CPUMT10B.ZIP 270k 24.07.96 [00] CPUMeter, Version 1.0b CPUMeter is an enhanced CPU-usage meter, similar to "PULSE.EXE". Unlike other CPUmeters, it does not use a counting loop to determine the CPU load. It uses the DosQProcStat API call. This reduces CPU load and CPU powerconsumption and gives the possibility to show infos about CPU-hogging processes. DFB17.ZIP 39k 18.08.95 [05] - Data Flow Benchmark v1.7 Determines the cpu type, size and properties of cache, main memory and video adapter. Tests memory bandwitdh and data throughput between these components. OS/2 2+ required. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DISKIO16.ZIP 8k 04.01.96 [02] DISKIO v1.6 - Fixed Disk Benchmark (C) 1995 Kai Uwe Rommel This is a simple fixed disk benchmark for OS/ It measures (approximately) the following numbers: - drive cache/bus transfer rate - data transfer rate - average latency time - average data access time C Source Only Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DISKIO19.ZIP 38k 30.01.96 [02] DISKIO - Fixed Disk Benchmark (C) 1994-1995 Kai Uwe Rommel This is a simple fixed disk benchmark for OS/ It measures (approximately) the following numbers: - drive cache/bus transfer rate - data transfer rate - average latency time - average data access time - CPU load caused by the disk I/O Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis INFPM132.ZIP 421k 01.06.96 [00] - infoPM v1.32 system info & benchmark for os/2 WARP Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis IOSTONE.ZIP 45k 26.04.94 [08] BenchMark Disk sous OS/2 Rsulats trs fiables IOSTONE2.ZIP 20k 02.06.95 [01] Disk Benchmark for Os/2. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MEMSZ331.ZIP 624k 17.05.97 [00] System Resources v3.31 (Rick Papo, 15 May 1997, Free). A simple utility for monitoring system activity and resources. Source included. English, French, Spanish, German, Catalan, Danish, Chinese (BIG5), Norwegian, Italian, Japanese, Hungarian, Finnish and Brazilian Portuguese language files. MYPUL033.ZIP 44k 24.10.95 [00] activite du processeur pour os/2 Uploader: Jacques Sciarmella OS2VSNT.ZIP 35k 19.01.94 [01] - Benchmak OS/2 vs. Win NT PMSYSM30.ZIP 604k 09.07.96 [00] - pmSystemMonitor 3.0 The ultimate System Monitoring tool for OS/2 Multithreaded PM statusbar monitoring system : CPU,tasks,drives,mem,... SYSB091B.ZIP 228k 25.08.96 [00] A benchmarking program for OS/2. Requires OS/2 Warp (others may work) VIDPERF2.ZIP 148k 19.01.96 [00] - VidPerf v1.2 - OS2/Video/Test Video Performance Test will cover line drawing, text display,and bitmap viewing; displaying a timed result of each test segment. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis VUSAGE11.ZIP 14k 14.03.97 [00] VioUsage Version 1.1 is a freeware program that will display a list of active processes and the percentage of CPU time they are using. File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Programmation & Langages Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 50 64227 KBytes in 42 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * BLT2_211.ZIP 334k 17.10.96 [00] Bullet/2 2.11: thread-safe, multi- process capable database engine toolkit for OS/2. Provides pre-built and tested access methods to data and index files for application programmers. Compact, efficient, and very fast. Can be configured to use custom key-build, user sort-compare, and parser, dBASE data and memo files, or custom data. CENVI29.ZIP 301k 30.03.94 [02] Interpreteur C pour OS/2 DESASM.LZH 43k 24.08.96 [00] Amiga code desassembler for OS/2 It will disassemble the "hunk" binaries. Some of those who are lucky enough to have the UAE emulator running under OS/2 might want this on your x86, so here it is. DHO_9A.ZIP 28k 16.02.95 [00] developer objet set for OS/2. A class library for developing 32-bit os/2 pm apps. An initial alpha api release. Compiled with gnu's gcc/2 c compiler and Uploader: Julien Faivre EXCEPT3.ZIP 475k 26.10.96 [00] Exception handler for OS/2 which dump contents of auto variables if a program traps. Contains full C source If you're developing for OS/2 then you need this ! FCHK293S.ZIP 766k 30.06.96 [00] - ftnchek Version 2.9.3. Compiled for OS/2 2.x and above. A free Fortran syntax checker. Some say, it is similar to a commercial product called FLINT, which I don't know. It allows to catch all kinds of problems Fortran is (in)famouse for: unassigned variables, type casts, too long lines, wrong number / type of arguments in calles to functions/subroutines etc. It can catch lots of problems many Fortran compilers seem to fail finding. To cut it short, it helps do what a normal Pascal compiler would do by itself on Pascal, for those of us who (still) need to use Fortran. FORTH039.ZIP 80k 14.02.94 [02] - Forth 32Bits FORTHOS2.ZIP 23k 16.03.97 [00] OS/2 version of Allan Pratt's portable FORTH interpreter. I converted the MS-DOS version written in C to OS/2 but have not added any OS/2 specific commands. Currently, it just works under OS/2. I'm planning to do some major re-writing of the code to support OS/2 and maybe even PM. While I'm mostly a C programmer, I like to work with other languages every now and then (and try to keep an open mind). FPC36.ZIP 1083k 16.03.97 [00] FPC version 3.6000 F-PC is a Forth system optimized for the IBM-PC, XT & AT machines. F-PC can use all of your machines memory for programs and data. F-PC uses stream (text) files for its source, and includes a built-in WordStar-like text editor with pull down menus. Many tools are provided to make writing programs with F-PC fun and efficient. FROTH.ZIP 323k 16.03.97 [00] FROTH An experimental free implementation of the FORTH language INTERCAL.ZIP 404k 03.09.96 [00] INTERCAL for OS/2 In the mean time, for those of you who are seriously into intellectual self-flagellation, here is the C-INTERCAL compiler, as created by Eric S. Raymond as a weekend hack. While the idea of actually implementing INTERCAL and foisting it upon an unsuspecting programming public may have it's detractors, INTERCAL's strangled syntax and semantics present a serious challenge to the compiler writer - Mr Raymond, my hat's off to you! LB04.ZIP 754k 21.03.94 [01] - Liberty Basic for OS/2 PM Beta4 LB091.ZIP 1009k 21.03.97 [00] Liberty BASIC for OS/2 v0.91 beta | Shareware version! Download this easy to | | learn and use version of BASIC for OS/2! | | Build real graphical programs, not text | | mode apps. Includes forms editor written | | in Liberty BASIC. Windows version also | | available. NRI Schools & ZD University | | use Liberty BASIC to teach programming! | NCRUNCH2.ZIP 1252k 23.06.96 [00] NeuralCrunch/2 - DEMO VERSION The multithreaded 32-bit neural network exploration and development utility for OS/2! It is designed to allow a general user to leap right into using and exploring neural network technology. NREXXSYN.ZIP 6k 21.12.96 [00] Syntax Highlighting for NetRexx Operating System/Version: OS/2 Warp 3.0 NUMANA01.ZIP 69k 16.08.96 [00] MODULA-2 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS SOFTWARE Current version: Numana01. Last updated: 16 August 1986. NUMBER11.ZIP 23k 14.08.96 [00] REXX function that converts any integer into its equivalent in letters ("two hundred" for 200, etc.) in English, Spanish and Catalan. Freeware. OENTY100.ZIP 19511 29.09.97 [00] IBM Visual Age for Java (OS/2) v1.0 Pour programmer en JAVA OOXDB210.ZIP 214k 31.12.96 [00] OOxBase - The Database For REXX V2.10 (Beta) OOxBase is a SOM-based Interface DLL that allows SOM enabled programs to access dBase III and IV files. These programs can control files by reading, writing and updating data fields directly. OOxBase generates dBase field names and values that are available directly to a SOM program. The program can change this data and update dBase files directly. Also database file control information is available to the program. This information includes such data as last date the database was updated, number of records on file, field names, etc. OOxBase supports MDX, NDX and DBT files. This beta version expires on June 30, 1997. OS2CLNT.EXE 24707 23.07.96 [00] IBM VisualAge for Basic Demo Version Un clne du Visual Basic PASOS2C1.ZIP 328k 16.05.94 [00] Compilo Pascal GNU pour OS/2 PERL502B.ZIP 1413k 30.06.96 [00] Perl 5.0023 for OS/2. PMNEURO.ZIP 162k 08.08.96 [00] PMNEURO 1.0 Creates neuronal networks (backpropagation); propagation results can be used as new training input for creating new networks and following propagation trials. PRCR121.ZIP 12k 15.08.96 [00] Program Creator version 1.21 Create program objects by dragging files and folders on the creator icon. You can also use the command crprog at the prompt. Saves the trouble of using the migration program or typing in the program's path and name to program template. REXXGDB2.ZIP 90k 12.10.96 [00] REXXGDB2 REXXLIB.ZIP 251k 04.10.95 [00] OS/2 LIB for REXX Uploader: Guillaume Pernot RXBAS220.ZIP 471k 18.10.96 [00] RexxBase - The Database For REXX V2.20. RexxBase is a Rexx External Interface DLL that allows OS/2 command procedures to access dBase III and IV files. Rexx programs can control files by reading, writing and updating data fields directly. RexxBase generates dBase field names and values that are available directly to a Rexx program. The Rexx program can change this data and update dBase files directly. Also database file control information is available to the Rexx program. This information includes such data as last date the database was updated, number of records on file, field names, etc. RexxBase supports NDX and DBT files. This release of RexxBase contains a GUI front-end program to assist in database development. This release also contains a set of VX/Rexx macros developed by Stefan Dietz of Germany. RXD.ZIP 132k 21.12.96 [00] Rexx debugger Operating System/Version: OS/2 Warp 3.0 RXTT23.ZIP 407k 21.12.96 [00] Rexx Tips & Tricks 2.3 SIBYL-A1.ZIP 1502k 11.05.96 [00] - Alpha version of SpeedSoft Sibyl A visual pascal development environment for both OS/2 and Win32. The Win32 version of this alpha will become available shortly. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SP15-B4.ZIP 1702k 07.12.95 [02] Speed-Pascal/2 1.5 Beta IV - generate 32Bit native OS/2 EXE or DLL - WPS and Textmode Support - Integrated Development Enviroment (like BP - Integrated Debugger - OS/2-API New in Release 1.5 - Overwriting global identifiers - Open Arrays - STRING-Typ fully BP compatible - Faster and smaller programs - New SPU-format to speed up linking - New, "intelligent" Make - All 80386/486 adressing modes implemented - BP 8.0 (Delphi) compatible SPEED2_1.ZIP 328k 20.10.94 [00] Speed Pascal 386 (1/4) SPEED2_2.ZIP 384k 20.10.94 [00] 99% Turbo Pascal Compatible (2/4) SPEED2_3.ZIP 368k 20.10.94 [00] Produce real OS/2 32Bit EXE (3/4) SPEED2_4.ZIP 258k 20.10.94 [00] With PM Object Classes and Sources (4/4) TE2_133T.ZIP 741k 13.12.96 [00] Oberon Terminal Emulator/2 v1.33 full featured TEST DRIVE. Operating System/Version: OS/2 1.3+ TMTP100O.RAR 903k 18.05.97 [00] (TMT) Pascal Lite Compiler for OS/2 This program is freeware Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TMTPLOS2.ZIP 826k 22.08.96 [00] TMT Pascal Lite pour OS/2 VP10B003.ZIP 636k 09.09.95 [01] Virtual Pascal - OS/2 Pascal Compiler with Borland TP7 compatibility, and intergrated IDE. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis VP11DEMO.ZIP 1720k 12.10.96 [00] Virtual Pascal for OS/2 v1.10 Evaluation License Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis VPJAM122.ZIP 155k 17.06.97 [00] VPJAM v1.22, a library for Virtual Pascal/2 v1.10 Copyright (C) 1997 Dusk To Dawn Computing, Inc. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VPJAM provides a complete API for JAM-formatted FTN Message Bases, including file attaches, sub- fields, virtually unlimited text size, the works! JAMAPI is a completely object-oriented message base implementation for Virtual Pascal/2 1.10. Tested on OS/2 Warp 3.0, should work on any 2.x version. Shareware $25 registration. XRAY10.ZIP 56k 10.01.97 [00] Xray v1.0 OS/2 PM window peeker. Programmers utility to display window info of window under mouse pointer. File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /Son & Musique Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 51 8804 KBytes in 36 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ALBCDPB6.ZIP 313k 26.01.97 [00] Albatros CD Player for OS/2 version 2.0 beta 6 ALBLIGHT.ZIP 155k 16.03.95 [00] - ALBATROS/LIGHT CD Player is a Compact Disk Player which will allow you to play your Compact Audio Disks. Albatros/LIGHT is FREEWARE and does not have all of the features the full version of Albatros offers. ALBMPPB6.ZIP 375k 26.01.97 [00] Albatros Media Player for OS/2 version 2.0 beta 6 MOD,XM,STM,S3M,MTM,ULT Module Types MPEG Audio Support FLC/FLI/AVI/WAV/VOC/MPEG/MID/AU/AIF/QT support AMIXER14.ZIP 46k 11.05.97 [00] aMixer 1.4: PM mixer for all Creative Labs Sound Blaster soundcards (SB2CD, SBPro, SB16+, 1335, 1345, 1745, etc.). Includes all needed files. Features SyncLock(tm), and an alarm. ARIV_SW1.ZIP 634k 27.04.97 [00] // AudioRiver MM System - plays MPEG Audio Layer II + III - MOD Files - Up to 32 Channels of simultaneous playback possible - VIO Mode and PM Player written by Sartori / Heller (c) 1996-1997 CDAD142.ZIP 793k 26.06.97 [00] CD Audio Dump/2 CDAUDI.ZIP 15k 05.06.94 [04] A Compact Disc Audio Player Application The programs only requirements, besides a CD-ROM drive capable of audio playback of music discs, is OS/2 2.x and PM. This program does NOT require the Multi Media PM2 to be installed. The program sends IOCTLs to the CD-ROM device driver, both OS/2 2.0 and OS/2 2.1 drivers will work with this application. CDAUDIO.EXE will NOT stop playback if the program is closed. CDP2R102.ZIP 25k 08.05.97 [00] Simple CD Player for OS/2 Does not need MMOS/2 and PM CDWAV101.ZIP 72k 28.09.97 [00] PMCD2WAV for OS/2 version 1.0 will convert cd audio tracks into wav data DMP109.ZIP 243k 08.09.96 [00] (v1.09) Dual Module Player by Julien Pierre. Dual Module Player is a simple and fast module player for OS/2. It uses MMPM/2 or the new Direct Audio for output. It supports many module formats : MOD, NST, STM, S3M, 669, FAR, MTM, and AMF. Freeware by Note : do not confuse DMP for OS/2 with Digital Music Player aka DMPLAYER. DMPPM075.ZIP 1236k 11.07.96 [00] (v1.09) Dual Module Player for OS/2 Presentation Manager by Julien Pierre. Dual Module Player is a simple and fast module player for OS/2. It uses MMPM/2 or the new Direct Audio for output. It supports many module formats : MOD, NST, STM, S3M, 669, FAR, MTM, and AMF. Freeware by Note : do not confuse DMP for OS/2 with Digital Music Player aka DMPLAYER. L3EN4OS2.ZIP 71k 28.09.97 [00] L3Encode v1.50 ISO/MPEG Audio Layer 3 software only encoder/decoder for PCs. MAPLAY12.ZIP 95k 19.04.97 [00] MPEG Audio Player maplay 1.2 It decodes MPEG audio streams and plays them using a CD-quality audio device. MIXOM100.ZIP 92k 30.08.97 [00] Mixomat 1.00, Mixer for SB 16/32/54 for OS/2 Warp 3/4 (c) 1997 by Christoph Bratschi MP123059.ZIP 103k 24.08.97 [00] MPEG 1.0/2.0 _AUDIO_ PLAYER, V0.59l (full?) MPEG 1.0/2.0, Layer 1,2 and 3 support Layer-3 realtime only with a 'fast' machine MP3FRNT5.ZIP 62k 12.07.97 [00] MP3front v0.5 - A PM frontend for MPEG-audio players, such as MPG123 and maplay. Supports drag'n'drop, songnames and much more. Freeware from Bind Productions. Released 10/05/97 MX3DXG10.ZIP 58k 24.08.97 [00] mx3DXG 1.0: Paradise mixer for the AT 3D-XG soundcard. Features controls for all mixer hardware registers. Has SyncLock(tm) to update the mixer at periodic intervals. OS/2 PM. Fully functional. See for screen shots. MXCS2_10.ZIP 57k 24.08.97 [00] mxCS2 1.0: Paradise mixer for all CS4232+, CS4231, CS4248, AD1848, WSS soundcards in mode 1 or mode 2. Has controls for all mixer hardware registers, and has SyncLock(tm) to update the mixer at periodic intervals. OS/2 PM. Fully functional. See for screen shots. MXOPL_10.ZIP 58k 24.08.97 [00] mxOPL 1.0: Paradise mixer for all OPL3-SA, SA2, and SA3-based soundcards. Has controls for all mixer hardware registers. Has SyncLock(tm) to update the mixer at periodic intervals. OS/2 PM. Fully-functional. See for screen shots. NOTA20DE.ZIP 425k 06.12.96 [00] Nota Musica v2.0 Do you play an instrument, and even want to compose your melodies? Nota Musica will be a great help to realize your dreams. Nota Musica edits and arranges your notes: It creates scores, transposes, etc... Nota Musica allows you to play your tunes both on your keyboard and your sound card. Nota Musica prints your scores in a clear and harmonic manner. Does this sound utopian? Don't panic! Nota Musica is easy to use. It's child's play. OS2ENC01.ZIP 236k 12.07.97 [00] OS2ENC/OS2DEC v0.1 for OS/2. This is an Audio MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Encoder/Decoder Layer-1,2 and 3. Freeware. (req emx 0.9c) PLAYBY12.ZIP 39k 27.08.95 [01] Playboy v. 1.2 A Graphical CD player For OS/2 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PLAYLIST.ZIP 409k 09.07.96 [00] Playlist 2.01 for OS/2 Playlist 2.01 is a drag-n-drop wave file jukebox for OS/2. Works Great with IBM Web Explorer as the wave app! PMMPEG31.ZIP 132k 16.04.97 [00] PMMPEG v3.1 by Thomas Bradford OS/2 Presentation Manager MPEG Player. Using the DIVE capabilities of OS/2, this program has high speed and great color. PMOD033.ZIP 51k 18.09.97 [00] PowerMOD for OS/2 v0.33 MOD music player with realtime effects, spectrum analyser, wave displays and more... PMRADIO1.ZIP 38k 28.10.96 [00] Control Reveal and Aims Labs ISA FM Radio card Requires OS2 / V2.21 V3.0 V4.0 PMSX223.ZIP 885k 12.10.96 [00] PMsndX version 2.21 OS/2 PM based program to convert sounds between different formats and provide tools for special effects, editing, and playing of samples stored in memory. POPPL110.ZIP 632k 25.10.96 [00] ͸ POP-Play v1.1 ͵ MOD, STM, S3M, XM, MTM and ULT module player for OS/2 Requires MMPM/2 or DART <<<>>> Multithreaded REXX library for programmers ; RSYNTH22.ZIP 170k 14.09.96 [00] Command line Text to Speech for OS/2, with source. Now supports 16 bit multithreaded playback. Requires OS/2 Warp. SSM100.ZIP 67k 14.03.97 [00] Sound Scheme Manager 1.0 A program to manage the Sound Schemes found in OS/2 Warp 4.0. It can create, edit or delete Sound Schemes. This program has full context sensitive help Copyright 1997 by David J. van Enckevort FREEWARE TALK20.ZIP 535k 16.04.97 [00] Speech system for OS/2 version 2 TMIDI299.ZIP 48k 13.07.97 [00] tmidi 2.99 is VIO-based standard MIDI file player for OS/2 (keyboard input, too). Plays rock-solid even under heavy multitasking. Supports more than one MPU (32 channels). Can select tracks to play. Includes all needed files. Requires MPU/UART (DB50XG, SCB-55, SW60XG, etc. GM/GS/XG/+). Includes Netscape helper support to audition and save web MID files. TMIXER13.ZIP 51k 16.04.97 [00] tmixer 1.3 is non-MMPM/2, text-based -MIXER- for all Creative Labs Sound Blaster soundcards (SB2CD, SBPro, SB16+, 1335, 1345, 1745, etc.). Includes all needed files. Also includes tmidi 1.5, a -perfect- MPU SMF player for OS/2. ULTRA120.ZIP 338k 12.10.96 [00] version 1.20 of "The Manley GUS Drivers" (PUBLIC BETA) Robert J. Manley's Gravis Ultrasound MMPM drivers for OS/2 UltiMOD v1.5 (PUBLIC BETA) OS/2 Modplayer for the Gravis Ultrasound. Supports 4, 6 and 8 channel MODs, 1-32 channel FT1, MTM, S3M and XM. WAMP_B3C.ZIP 251k 04.01.98 [01] WarpAMP beta 3c PM MP3 player for OS/2 WINSB2.ZIP 10k 23.03.97 [00] Win-OS/2 Sound Blaster error message removal File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme OS/2 /UNIX Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 52 59183 KBytes in 78 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 00INDEXD.TXT 4k 27.08.96 [00] Liste et descriptions des fichiers qui se trouvent ici. 312F8514.ZIP 971k 30.08.96 [00] This is XFree86/OS2 3.1.2F XFree86 is a complete and compatible implementation of the X Window System version 11, release 6.1. 312FAGX.ZIP 1052k 30.08.96 [00] 312FBASE.ZIP 135k 30.08.96 [00] 312FBIN.ZIP 2129k 30.08.96 [00] 312FCYR.ZIP 519k 30.08.96 [00] 312FDOC.ZIP 138k 30.08.96 [00] 312FF100.ZIP 1670k 30.08.96 [00] 312FFNON.ZIP 3006k 30.08.96 [00] 312FFNTS.ZIP 1690k 30.08.96 [00] 312FFSCL.ZIP 1105k 30.08.96 [00] 312FI128.ZIP 1028k 30.08.96 [00] 312FMA32.ZIP 1030k 30.08.96 [00] 312FMA64.ZIP 1071k 30.08.96 [00] 312FMA8.ZIP 976k 30.08.96 [00] 312FMAN.ZIP 1895k 30.08.96 [00] 312FMONO.ZIP 675k 30.08.96 [00] 312FNEST.ZIP 788k 30.08.96 [00] 312FP9K.ZIP 1057k 30.08.96 [00] 312FPEX.ZIP 204k 30.08.96 [00] 312FPROG.ZIP 1854k 30.08.96 [00] 312FS3.ZIP 1225k 30.08.96 [00] 312FSLIB.ZIP 789k 30.08.96 [00] 312FSVGA.ZIP 1311k 30.08.96 [00] 312FVFB.ZIP 981k 30.08.96 [00] 312FVG16.ZIP 684k 30.08.96 [00] 312FW32.ZIP 985k 30.08.96 [00] BIND493D.ZIP 327k 16.08.96 [00] The OS/2 port of bind 4.9.3 by Peter Meerwald on 8. August 1996 bind1 ported to OS/2. It relies on EMX2 0.9b fix 5 (or newer). BSDDEV.ZIP 187k 14.12.95 [00] BSDDOC.ZIP 116k 14.12.95 [00] BSDSRC.ZIP 277k 14.12.95 [00] G77BIN.ZIP 1107k 20.12.96 [00] emx 0.9c G77-0.5.19 16-Dez-1996 Copyright (c) 1995-1996 by Michael Holzapfel This is the port of GNU Fortran (g77-0.5.19) for emx. GBINUSRC.ZIP 1260k 14.12.95 [00] GCCSRC1.ZIP 1227k 14.12.95 [00] GCCSRC2.ZIP 1260k 14.12.95 [00] GCCSRC3.ZIP 425k 14.12.95 [00] GDBSRC1.ZIP 1016k 14.12.95 [00] GDBSRC2.ZIP 539k 14.12.95 [00] GNUAWK.ZIP 1006k 18.12.96 [00] GNUCPIO.ZIP 239k 14.04.96 [00] GNUDEV1.ZIP 1033k 11.09.96 [00] GNUDEV1.ZIP 1033k 11.09.96 [00] GNUDEV2.ZIP 597k 11.09.96 [00] GNUDEV2.ZIP 597k 11.09.96 [00] GNUDOC.ZIP 1257k 14.12.95 [00] GNUFUTIL.ZIP 794k 15.08.96 [00] The GNU file utilities, compiled for OS/2. - version 3.13 - requires emx 0.9b runtime or newer - compiled by - GNUGREP.ZIP 177k 05.09.95 [00] GNUINFO.ZIP 856k 25.10.96 [00] The GNU texinfo, compiled for OS/2. - version 3.9 - requires emx 0.9b runtime or newer - compiled by - GNUMAKE.ZIP 553k 25.10.96 [00] The GNU make, compiled for OS/2. - version 3.75 - requires emx 0.9c runtime or newer - compiled by - GNUPAT.ZIP 134k 14.12.95 [00] GNUPATCH.ZIP 114k 03.09.96 [00] GNU patch, compiled for OS/2. - version 2.1 - requires emx 0.9b runtime or newer - compiled by - GNUSRC.ZIP 298k 14.12.95 [00] GNUTUTIL.ZIP 906k 15.08.96 [00] The GNU text utilities, compiled for OS/2. - version 1.19 - requires emx 0.9b runtime or newer - compiled by - GNUTUTIL.ZIP 906k 15.08.96 [00] Collection of UN*X utilities for OS/2 cat, comm, cut,nl, od, wc, sort, split, ... with source and make file GNUVIEW.ZIP 33k 11.09.96 [00] GOBJCDEV.ZIP 572k 11.09.96 [00] GOBJCDEV.ZIP 572k 11.09.96 [00] GPPDEV.ZIP 1296k 11.09.96 [00] GPPDEV.ZIP 1296k 11.09.96 [00] GPPSRC.ZIP 563k 14.12.95 [00] LZO028.ZIP 270k 27.03.97 [00] LZO -- a real-time data compression library Version : 0.28 - 22-Feb-1997 LZO is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C. It offers pretty fast compression and very fast decompression. Decompression requires no memory. In addition there are slower compression levels achieving a quite competitive compression ratio while still decompressing at this very high speed. LZO is distributed under the GNU General Public License. MDEP.ZIP 14k 11.12.96 [01] makedepend. creates headerfile dependencies lists. Port of the X11 R6 makedepend to OS/2 using C/Set. emx is not required. OCTA111B.TXT 1k 26.08.96 [00] (PTXT) OCTA111B.ZIP 2279k 26.08.96 [00] OCTA111P.TXT 1k 26.08.96 [00] (PTXT) OCTA111P.ZIP 619k 26.08.96 [00] OCTA111S.TXT 1k 26.08.96 [00] (PTXT) OCTA111S.ZIP 1456k 26.08.96 [00] OS2YAWC.ZIP 58k 26.12.96 [00] YAWC BBS CLIENT FOR OS/2, FIRST RELEASE This is a port of the YAWC BBS client, for OS/2. Requires EMX 0.9c runtime libraries. PGP2263A.ZIP 364k 08.06.97 [00] PGP 2.6.3a executables This is the US Legal Version of PGP 2.6.3i compiled using the RSAREF 1.0 library. It was compiled using EMX 0.9c and GNU MAKE. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SAMBA193.ZIP 500k 17.06.97 [00] version 1.9 of Samba The free SMB client and server for unix. Here is a very short list of what samba includes, and what it does : - a SMB server, to provide LanManager style file and print services to PCs - a Netbios (rfc1001/1002) nameserver - a ftp-like SMB client so you can access PC resources (disks and printers) from unix - a tar extension to the client for backing up PCs UE312OS2.ZIP 604k 06.12.94 [00] Micro Emacs for OS/2 VIM45OS2.ZIP 636k 27.10.96 [00] version 4.5 of Vim: Vi IMproved. Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor vi. Only the "Q" command is missing. Many new features have been added: multi level undo, command line history, filename completion, block operations, etc. There is also a Graphical User Interface (GUI) available. WPBIF091.ZIP 60k 30.01.96 [00] simple WPS version of unix Biff Author: Vitaly S. Gumirov A comprehensive flow charting and org charting package for Windows 3.x. Nice Features CHINE.ARJ 391k 12.05.94 [05] horoscope chinois sous windows Uploader: Raphael Jacquet CLICK30.ARJ 26k 16.05.92 [02] Lancer vos applications en cliquant sur les documents qu'elles ont gnres CNVBUDDY.RAR 594k 02.11.96 [00] CODEPR11.ZIP 60k 05.01.93 [01] pour imprimer des fichiers ascii sous windows, trs pratique! Uploader: Arnaud Burcez CONAST.ZIP 181k 27.10.93 [00] Conversion assistant for Windows Uploader: Jean Lesage CONSEIL.RAR 218k 12.10.96 [00] Pour grer un Conseil de Classe COSMO.ZIP 2909k 20.09.97 [00] CosmoSaver-Solar System v1.31 Windows 95 3D screen savers of sun, planets, and moons. Ability to configure animations for every planet individually. See satellites orbit rotating planet, or touch down on any planet's surface and see the night sky. Blue and orange daytime skies for Earth and Mars. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CPUM-13B.ZIP 24k 05.06.97 [00] CPU Monitor v1.3b2 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CRESUS.ZIP 213k 12.06.95 [02] CRESUS V1:Gestion de Comptes Bancaires Personnels ou Familiaux sous Windows : Repartition par postes budgetaires,bilan par postes, prelevements automatiques, previsions, graphiques, archivage... Logiciel en Francais. Uploader: Edmond Doudard DATEPUB.ZIP 281k 12.07.93 [12] Une horloge parlante sous Win 3.1 Uploader: Eric Vidal DDD104.RAR 154k 02.11.96 [00] DELAYR10.ZIP 27k 20.09.97 [00] Delayer v1.0 Un tout petit utilitaire qui vous permettra de lancer une application aprs un dlai que vous spcifiez. Installez le dans votre menu dmarrer. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DEMOBP4.EXE 978k 27.10.93 [00] Dmo tournante de BeckerPage 4 pour Windows : PAO et retouche d'images Uploader: Jean Lesage DESKTOP.ZIP 100k 20.09.97 [00] Desktop Theme Pour interprter les thmes de Microsoft Plus!, il faut Microsoft Plus! moins que vous ne disposiez d'un outil tel que desktop qui saura les installer et vous permettre de les afficher volont. La version enregistre permet mme de crer des thmes personnels. Il vous permettra en outre de modifier les pages d'accueil et de fin de Windows 95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DFGOLD35.ZIP 1710k 05.06.97 [00] Drag And File Gold Desktop Win 95/NT File/Zip Manager. Copy, move delete, zip, unzip. files from tagged directories or drives. Shows duplicate files. Powerful file filters. Synchronize directories. Creates short cuts. Context menus. Left and right button drag and drop. Comes with two launch bars. One sits on the Taskbar and the other docks on the edge of the screen like the Win 95 Taskbar. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DICTION.ZIP 736k 16.03.94 [16] Excellent dictionnaire sous Windows 3.1 qui traduit du Francais/Anglais/Italien/ Espagnol/Allemand. Tres pratique. Uploader: Gerald Miel DIRECTX3.ZIP 6088k 23.02.97 [00] DirectX v3 pour Windows 95 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DIRECTX5.ZIP 8699k 12.12.97 [00] DirectX v5 pour Win95 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DLLCHK95.RAR 217k 10.11.96 [00] DLLCheck95: DLLCheck for Windows 95 reports all loaded 32 bit and 16 bit executables (Exe/DLL/Ocx/Drv/...). It reports where the files are loaded from and the possible duplication. It also reports the relationship of all loaded modules. After running DLLCheck95, it setups system wide hook to monitor all module loading and unloading and give you the real-time information. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DLLWIZ.RAR 58k 10.11.96 [00] DllWizz - shows you which DLLs are loaded into your system, and in which directory they have been found by Windows. Version numbers and copyright messages are also displayed. This can be run as a standalone application or as a Control Panel applet. A 32-bit version is included. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DOCMAN16.ZIP 211k 20.09.97 [00] DOCMAN12.ZIP: DocMan 1.6 (Windows95) DocMan is a 32-BIT Windows95 application that extends the functionality of the "Documents" folder in the "Start" menu. DocMan allows you to open documents, load/save document lists, remove one, some, or all documents, protect documents from removal, add documents, and more. New Features & Bug Fixes! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DOORS.RAR 154k 20.11.94 [03] Interface pour Windows faon Mac Uploader: Nelson Liao DROPPER.ZIP 11k 11.06.94 [00] Nice Program For Windows 3.1 Which Lets You Drag Programs From File Manager Onto The Desktop So You Can Run Them From The Desktop. DV95.ZIP 619k 04.11.95 [01] Drag And View For Win 95/NT v.1. File Viewers for Win 95/NT. View files in 95 with right button. Edit text files. Views most popular database, word processor, spreadsheet, and graphic formats, plus also ASCII and HEX. Copy to clipboard, print, search and goto functions. Rotate graphics and save in other bitmap formats. ASP Shareware. Uploader: Patrick Guilmain EURO.ZIP 715k 06.11.97 [01] Euro sous Windows95. Permet de convertir les EUROS en FRANCS et vice-versa. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine EXCHANGE.ZIP 393k 18.08.96 [00] Exchange v3.1, the Award-Winning Currency Converter for Windows. Quickly and easily calculates foreign money values. Intuitive design makes it simple yet powerful to use. CompuServe members can have Exchange update itself automatically! Supports 80+ world currencies. Works with either Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. VBRUN300.DLL required. Shareware EXESAV.ZIP 131k 04.05.96 [01] EXECUTE-IT V1.3 - A Windows screen saver engine to turn any exe into a screen saver. Idle for presentations, slide shows, video, demos or any advertisments. Using this engine automatically execute any program during system inactivity, any input can return you to the system. Features include; icon hiding, password protection, hot corners and many more. Kamyan Software. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael EXESPY2.RAR 266k 02.11.96 [00] ExeSpy - logs and reports the execution of Windows applications. This can inform you if you have missing or altered files after upgrading to Win95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine EXPRESS.ARJ 1357k 22.05.95 [00] Expresso Demo Un agenda, mmo, carnet d'adresses sous Windows avec une jolie interface en couleurs. EYES.ARJ 4k 14.10.91 [00] Eyes that follow the mouse. FACTURYS.ZIP 816k 17.08.97 [00] FACTURYS 2.02 du 05/03/97 ======================================== Progr. Francais de facturation sous Win 3.1x / Win 95 de qualite professionelle, tres convivial et tres intuitif, Sorties papier personnalisables, 3 Taux TVA simultanes, saisie HT ou TTC, calculs temps reel, Fiches clients, recherches multicriteres etc... Aide integree Uploader: Igor Kouzmine FILOS.ZIP 351k 23.01.98 [00] FilOS Basic (beta version) Une adaptation d'AMOS (un basic volu ddi la cration de jeux sur Amiga) Ce n'est qu'un dbut mais prometteur. Utilise DirectX pour fonctionner. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine FIRE54.ARJ 20k 11.02.93 [04] Screen Blanker FLUTE.ZIP 693k 22.08.95 [00] Langage de script pour Windows 3.1 ou 95. Carrment tonnant... Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis FNACBE21.RAR 134k 02.11.96 [01] Font-ABC 2.1 (C) 1994-96 J.Behling Font-ABC is an easy-to use font viewer and printer for all printable Windows-Fonts. Free sample text, printing and viewing of character charts. Needs VBRUN300.DLL and THREED.VBX Uploader: Igor Kouzmine FNLK32.RAR 964k 12.10.96 [00] FontLook 32bits FNTPRT32.RAR 721k 12.10.96 [00] FontPrint 32bits FNTSEE22.ZIP 23k 15.06.93 [05] Liste et imprime les polices installes sous Windows Uploader: Francois Grange FONTVIEW.ZIP 96k 10.09.97 [00] FontView v3.0 Programme trs simple d'emploi et surtout trs rapide pour visualiser vos polices. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine FP30SW.RAR 652k 12.10.96 [00] FilePlus v3.0 Un gestionnaire de fichiers FR222.ZIP 363k 07.09.95 [02] Les DLL en Franais pour BALLOON Uploader: Yves Beining FTASK114.ZIP 39k 14.11.94 [01] Gestionnaire de tache pour windows, remplace taskman.exe Uploader: Gerald Rochat GENEMORS.ZIP 1040k 10.08.97 [00] GeneMorse Pour apprendre le MORSE ou bien se perfectionner... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine GETRT12C.ZIP 1136k 05.06.97 [00] GetRight v1.2c Uploader: Igor Kouzmine GMOUSE20.ZIP 683k 05.06.97 [00] GhostMouse v2.0 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine GRAFAC14.RAR 404k 12.10.96 [00] GraphicFactory v1.4 Pour faire des fractales. HACKIT4.ZIP 244k 16.09.97 [00] Hack-It v4.0-7 by Charles Nutter It's finally here! This is beta 7 of Hack-It v4.0. Much has been added, see the help for more details. A final version may come soon... Cet outil vous permet de configurer les fentres ouvertes sur votre bureau. Vous pourrez faire en sorte quelles restent toujours au-dessus des autres ou les rduire sous forme d'icnes la droite de la barre de tache. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine HDLED10.RAR 528k 12.10.96 [00] HDLed v1.0 Indique l'activit du disque dur dans la barre de menu. HORSE.ZIP 14k 14.06.93 [00] Un cheval sous vos fenetres... Uploader: Francois Grange ICONDOCK.ZIP 102k 30.09.96 [00] IDA125.ZIP 227k 23.05.96 [00] Instant Drive Access v1.25 Ajoute une petite image dans la barre d'outil pour accder rapidement par menu vos units et divers programmes. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine IKK.ZIP 83k 26.12.93 [00] Comment disposer de plusieurs claviers sous Windows. Notemment des claviers de l'EST. Uploader: Francois Heizmann INFRM11.EXE 1444k 24.07.97 [00] Desktop Informant v1.1b Obtenez rapidement des informations propos d'un fichier en plaant simplement votre pointeur au-dessus de celui-ci. Desktop Informant affichera alors une bulle d'aide spcifiant la taille, le type de fichier et la date de sa dernire modification. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine KALDEMO.ZIP 9k 06.04.91 [02] Screen saver pour WIN3 KRNLTOYS.EXE 56k 19.03.97 [00] Outils Microsoft pour Windows 95 (Invalidation des touches Windows, configuration des programmes DOS, gestion de la memoire, Time Zone, processes en cours, etc...). Uploader: Denis Grass KURV.ZIP 80k 15.02.94 [02] logiciel de trac de courbes pour faire des prvisions de tendance sous windows NOTA : il faut Vbrun200.dll dans le rpertoire systme, programme trs bien ralis et trs utile pour entrepreneurs Uploader: Jean Christophe Caron LOCKM152.ARJ 57k 16.05.92 [02] Protge un tche Windows par un Mot de Passe, la tche continue fonctionner LOTOMANI.ZIP 979k 07.04.97 [00] Loto Mania v1.0 Pour cocher vos grilles du Loto en un clic de souris. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine LOUPE.ARJ 42k 08.03.96 [01] Loupe pour Windows et pour ceux qui ont une vue limite Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis LOUPE22.ZIP 50k 01.02.97 [00] Loupe v2.2 Une loupe pour Windows. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine LVIEWP11.LZH 217k 11.07.94 [02] nouvelle version de lview v pro Uploader: Arnaud Leffebvre File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Divers (non class) [M Z] Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 61 38571 KBytes in 97 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * MAG111.ARJ 45k 11.02.93 [08] Magic Screen Saver MAGICIAN.EXE 82k 29.03.94 [02] Add-on for Windows 3.1 file Manager Uploader: Joel Jan MAKHLP32.ZIP 921k 17.08.97 [01] MakeHelp v3.20 Pour fabriquer ses fichiers .HLP sous Windows. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MARKAS40.ZIP 16k 04.07.95 [00] CMPI Ltd presents... MARK AS 4.0 : Petit programme transformant vos vieux excutables pour Win 3.x en applis Windows 95. Look 3D automatique, etc. Ne fonctionne qu'avec Win95 ! MBOOT5.ZIP 236k 13.04.94 [01] Micro-overhead V2.2 For Windows Uploader: Ludovic Braun MHLP301.RAR 674k 12.10.96 [01] MakeHelp v3.01 Pour crer des fichiers d'aide. MMFCLEAN.EXE 43k 28.02.97 [00] Utilitaire pour MS MAIL. Uploader: Henri Heintz MMOUS13.ZIP 20k 14.06.93 [00] META-MOUSE v1.3 A Cursor Visibility Enhancement Utility (Formerly named "Blinky") Uploader: Patrick Bonnefous MSIQTEST.ZIP 162k 06.09.96 [01] Un gag pour Windows (versions W3.1 et W95 incluses) MSMOUSE.ZIP 2267k 12.02.98 * [00] Drivers IntelliMouse v2.0 de Microsoft. Amliore le panneau de config de la souris, etc... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MURALW.ZIP 69k 05.07.96 [00] - Murals for Windows is a fast, shareware wallpaper changer that supports JPEG FIF, GIF, and OS/2 or Windows BMP formats. The wallpaper can be changed periodically according to a specified time interval. Also works under Windows NT. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael NOTES163.ZIP 58k 22.07.97 [00] WINOTES - is a Post-It! style notepad. Multiple notes can exist at same time with their own characteristics. NEW! Rich text capabilities. 1.63 1994-6 Tektonix Software. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ODOMTR19.ZIP 21k 05.06.97 [00] ODOMETER (v1.9058) How far do you move your mouse each day? You'll soon know with Odometer! Designed for Windows 95, put Odometer in your task bar or your tray icon bar, select the metric units of measure, and see the distance your do with your favorite mouse. Shareware $6.00 or FF30. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine OLE2_32S.ZIP 2169k 25.08.96 [00] Win32s 1.20+OLE 2.0 : Microsoft redist. file -Add support for Win32 OLE 2.0 under Win3.1- Win32s allow us to run certain Win32 apps. under Windows 3.1. Include OLE 2 - Win32s. Need Windows 3.1x under enhanced mode. With WHello.exe, minimal Win32 apps for licence policie and demonstration. Unzip with PkUnzip -d or WinZip. OOS.ZIP 589k 10.09.97 [01] OuttaSight v1.1 Ce logiciel vous permet de cacher certaines fentres et dossiers pour les protger d'ventuels regards indiscrets. Le tout protg par un mot de passe. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ORG140.ARJ 74k 05.01.93 [00] Organize! Personal Organisation P-LETTRE.ZIP 483k 17.08.97 [00] Pse-lettre Version shareware 2.1 Ce logiciel permet d'obtenir une estimation de l'affranchissement apposer sur une lettre en fonction de son contenu. Si vous ne savez jamais quel tarif affranchir une lettre parce que vous y placez deux feuilles de scurit sociale et trois photocopies ; Si vous avez autre chose faire que de passer la poste, vous devez au moins essayer ce logiciel. Pse-lettre est d'une utilisation trs simple, et fonctionne sous Windows 3.1x ou Windows 95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PDESK.ZIP 708k 09.09.96 [00] PowerDesk v1.1 combines ExplorerPlus (a super enhanced version of Windows 95 Explorer) with a fully customizable Toolbar for organizing your Windows 95 desktop. It unleashes the hidden power of Windows 95, you'll have everything at your fingertips. Uploader: Nelson Liao PERSCR14.RAR 504k 12.10.96 [00] PerfectScreens v1.4 Pour grer des crans virtuels sous W95. PLUS.ZIP 6k 28.03.94 [04] MACRO POUR EXCEL "MENU PLUS" Uploader: Xavier Guerin PNTX260.EXE 1631k 02.11.97 [00] PointX v2.60 Utilisez votre souris pour scroller, afficher des menus, etc... etc... le tout SANS cliquer ! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine POPOPEN2.ZIP 33k 14.10.97 [01] Popopen II Programme bien utile qui permet d'ajouter une animation a toutes les fenetres de Windows qd elles s'ouvreront ! Comme sur Mac et OS/2... Un must ! Uploader: Rayan Chikhi POWERTOY.ZIP 206k 20.09.97 [00] Nouveaux powertoys de Microsoft Microsoft Windows 95 Power Toys (Nov-96) Uploader: Jeanvoine Emmanuel PROMNU10.ZIP 55k 19.06.94 [00] Toutes les commande d'un menu a l'aide d'un simple clic Uploader: Edouard Jastrzebski PRUDENS.EXE 1640k 29.10.96 [00] Prudens Software Pack Contient divers programmes pour espionner l'accs aux fichiers, aux ports coms et autres de vos programmes. Trs utiles pour pister les programmes pas trs clairs ou plantant sans raison apparante. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PSW20.ZIP 68k 08.11.93 [01] PrintSwitch 2.0 pour changer facilement d'imprimante sous Windows Uploader: Jean Lesage PWRDREAM.ZIP 223k 10.09.97 [00] PowerDream PowerDream autorise la configuration, selon vos souhaits, du menu contextuel dans Windows 95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine QCOLOR.ZIP 232k 17.05.97 [00] QuickColor for Windows 95/NT - a display control and desktop enhancement utility, supporting on-the-fly color depth, resolution, and refresh rate switching, with user-defined presets, program/shortcut associations, an optional toolbar, graphics system information, screen saving, and extensive monitor support. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine QUOTE151.ZIP 101k 20.09.97 [00] QUOTE FOR THE DAY v1.51 (c) 1995-97 by Tom Hollander Do you hate that "Tip of the Day" that appears when you start Windows? Would you like something a little more profound than learning that you can now use long filenames for your documents? Welcome to QUOTE FOR THE DAY! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine RANDBMP.ARJ 12k 16.05.92 [04] Choix alatoire du fond d'cran Windows REALLY09.ZIP 450k 15.08.97 [00] Really V09 Really is a small virtual world where you can put objects and watch them collide, break, fall etc.. interact by changing gravity, applying forces, creating your own materials and much more. Many examples provided. Very interesting to students and simulation lovers. For Windows 95/NT Uploader: Igor Kouzmine RECALL.EXE 28k 29.07.95 [00] RECALL Ver 1.00 du 16/02/94 par Laurent Clavaron. WINDOWS il est beau, WINDOWS il est fort ... OK ! Mais WINDOWS il bouffe de la place, sans parler de ses perfomances de chargements qui diminuent lamentablement de jour en jour... Heureusement RECALL est arriv : WINDOWS il est beau et je l'aime ? J'initialise ! WINDOWS il est devenu lent et il bouffe tout mon disque dur ? Je restaure ! RECALL10.ZIP 1074k 17.08.97 [00] Newave Recall v1.0 Un petit agenda qui vous rappellera ce que vous avez prvu de faire au jour le jour. En franais. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine REGVIEW.ZIP 459k 10.09.97 [00] RegView not only provides almost all the features which "RegEdit" has but also adds some very useful features which "RegEdit" misses, such as select root or whole registry for registry key or value search, replace and delete with one single search and which can also combine with multiple keyword string search. Another key feature of RegView is to provide registry "record and compare" so that users can track any registry change. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine RESCUE99.ZIP 479k 05.06.97 [00] Rescue 95 v3 - safeguards and restores Windows 95. Never reinstall Windows 95 again. Rescue 95 restores the Registry in less than two minutes. Save up to ten different backups of the Registry. A DOS program restores even when Windows 95 won't start. Requires Windows 95. This is the Shareware version. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine RESISTOR.ZIP 1781k 07.04.97 [00] Resistor Pour tout savoir sur les rsistances et calculer... leurs rsistances. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine RESTART.ZIP 110k 10.09.97 [00] Stratoware Windows Restart 95 v4.09: Windows Restart 95 allows you to quickly shut down, log off, or restart Microsoft Windows 95. This minor update fixes several small bugs. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine RNDBMP.LZH 11k 01.02.92 [00] - Slection alatoire papier peint WIN3 RNR121.ARJ 20k 14.02.92 [00] - METZ Runner v1.21 Utility designed to provide a quick method to run applications and files. The steps normally required to run an application from Microsoft Windows can be bypassed by using Runner. ROBINSON.ZIP 1087k 04.04.94 [01] Scrantic - Economiseur Ecran pour Windows ROUTE.ARJ 621k 18.03.94 [01] autoroute express demo pour windows Uploader: Patrick Bonnefous SCRANTIC.ZIP 1085k 03.12.94 [03] un super screen saver anime sous win3.10 a voir absolument Uploader: Frederic Deswarte SETUP12.EXE 624k 12.07.94 [00] - Programme permettant d'installer d'autre programmes sous Windows 3.1 Uploader: Joel Jan SLOGPRO.ZIP 1373k 17.08.97 [00] SloganPro Ne cherchez plus de slogans pour vendre vos produits, il le fera pour vous ! Rsultat garanti. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SMI95R13.ZIP 173k 10.09.97 [01] SmilerShell/95 1.3 - Win95/NT control center and command line takes NO screen space! Like Dashboard plus 4DOS, without the heavy memory requirements. Launch from favorite-apps list, switch to running app, cal/clock, real-time mem/rsrcs report, FindFile. Cmdline runs DOS or WIN pgms, hist/edit/srch, fast dir change over multiple drives ... and keeps Explorer in sync! Command completion, aliases, 4DOS cmds, more! "Must-have" (Windows Mag) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SMTDOC12.ZIP 40k 12.10.94 [08] SmartDoc 1.23 - Prints Windows Help and extracts plain text from Windows Help files. SmartDoc can take any Windows Help file and extract the text from within it and write it to a file, ready for processing by another program such as a word-processor.It can also drive the Windows Help engine to print the complete Windows Help file or a part of it. Release 1.2 adds foreign language support. Uploader: Eric Vallat SMTSRF11.ZIP 204k 13.05.96 [00] SmartSurf v1.1 - FREE Windows on-line time and usage monitoring system. Install and forget - works completely automatically, starts and stops with your on-line apps. Tiny display can be stuck on any window caption to show current sesssion time and costs (phone & service). Understands most charging schemes. Analysis capabilities built in, produce reports or export to spreadsheets etc. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael SPARTA12.ZIP 121k 04.04.94 [06] Sparta 1.2 - MacIntosh look for Windows SPOCLOCK.ZIP 50k 12.07.93 [03] Une autre Horloge Uploader: Eric Vidal SR282.ZIP 370k 05.06.97 [00] Search&Replace v2.82 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine STARTCLN.RAR 18k 12.10.96 [01] StartClean Pour faire le mnage dans la barre Dmarrer. STICKY.ARJ 185k 14.03.96 [00] Sticky Notes 1.3a Sticky Notes implements PostIt like notes on your Windows 95 desktop. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis STIKN15.ZIP 195k 20.09.97 [00] Sticky Notes v1.5 Si vous en avez marre des petits papiers jaunes, roses, verts... colls un peu partout sur votre bureau essayez Sticky Notes. Il remplace avantageusement les "post-it". Uploader: Igor Kouzmine STRBR312.ZIP 81k 14.08.95 [00] StarBar 3.12 is a Windows 3.1 or higher app that no trekkie/trekkor should be without. Displays some infos about mem, shutdown Windows,... SW150.ZIP 735k 06.09.96 [02] ShellWizard v1.50 Permet de modifier des paramtres normalement "inaccessibles" de Windows95... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SYMSEL.ZIP 247k 17.08.97 [00] Symbols Selector Pour choisir un symbole bien prcis parmi vos polices de caractres. Plus efficace que le programme "officiel" de Word & Co. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TASK&DRV.ARJ 21k 11.02.93 [03] Infos sur les Tches Windows TASKTOOL.ARJ 411k 08.03.96 [02] Transforme l'environnement Win 3.1 en Win95 !!! Gestion d'une barre des tches Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis TDESK30B.ZIP 111k 05.06.97 [00] TopDesk v3.0b Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TLSETUP.EXE 519k 01.11.97 [00] TurboLaunch v4.00 (R5) (25-Oct-97) Une super barre d'outils pour Windows95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TOPDSK10.ZIP 75k 27.08.96 [00] TopDesk - adds an icon to the the system area of the Win95 task bar that gives you complete access to everything on the desktop - system objects and files, including the desktop properties dialog. Description Copyright 1996 PsL Uploader: Grundrich Raphael TOPS11.ZIP 190k 25.06.95 [03] Save Paper and Time - TOPS for Windows THE KING of Paper-Saving for Windows! Let TOPS Show You How To Do Far More Than You Ever Imagined Printing Reduced Text Files or Creating Booklets. EXTREME POWER: 1 to 256 Pages per Sheet! FANTASTIC NEW WINDOWS GUI LOOK! by ETS Inc. Shareware: $39.95 Uploader: Beatrice Arnou TRADV20.ARJ 1326k 29.03.96 [02] Tradinfo v2.0 - Traducteur bilingue de la ter pour Windows 3.1 et superieur - Contient un dictionnaire evolutif de plus d - L'utilisateur peut faire evoluer librement propre domaine de competence. - Ajouts/Modifications/Suppressions des terme l'utilisateur. - Tampon memoire permettant de rappeler et de termes saisis. - Menu de consultation rapide pour une traduc - Visualisation permanente du terme en cours - Renvoie les eventuels synonymes pour chaque - Adaptation du logiciel a la langue maternel l'utilisateur peut choisir a tout moment en et la version anglaise de Tradinfo. Uploader: Rayan Chikhi TRASHM.ARJ 56k 31.12.93 [01] TrashMan v2.0 Original Windows Trash Can! TW41.ZIP 528k 08.11.94 [00] TutorialWriter v4.1 Interactive Multimedia Authoring System. Create great Tutorials, electronic documents, expert systems, slides... Uploader: Pierre Betscha UNIX95.ZIP 674k 10.09.95 [03] Un jeux de commandes "unix" pour Windows 95 ... UTIL105.ARJ 21k 11.02.93 [02] Quelques Outils Divers Windows VAULT.ARJ 358k 29.03.96 [00] Un bel organiseur d'ides sous Windows. Permet de crer une arborescence d'ides, modifiable souhait !!! A adopter toutes affaires cessantes ! Uploader: Rayan Chikhi VB5RUN97.ZIP 1273k 10.12.97 [00] Les .DLL RunTime de Visual Basic 5 (version 97) pour les programmes qui en ont besoin. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine VIDEOK7.RAR 497k 12.10.96 [00] VideoK7 Pour grer votre stock de cassettes vido. VSW14.ZIP 63k 08.11.93 [02] VideoSwitch 1.4 Pour modifier facilement le mode d'affichage sous Windows Uploader: Jean Lesage VWINMGR2.ZIP 34k 20.09.97 [00] Virtual Windows Manager Ver 2.0 for Win95 Creeates up to 9 virtual desktops which you can switch back and forth to using an onscreen map. Last revision date in archive: 10-20-95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine VXDESK10.ZIP 47k 02.11.97 [00] VxDesk v1.0 Pour avoir un bureau virtuel plus grand que votre cran. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine W95LOCK.ZIP 9k 05.09.95 [06] Ŀ Windows 95 Lockup Program!!! With Source Code! Ĵ You know the new moron on your street that's running Windoze 95?? Show him just how unstable and CRASH PRONE it truly is with this program! Use this program to demo to prospective Win95 buyers at software stores why NOT to buy this latest piece of Microsoft crap!!!! Ķ Written by: Edward Crouser II Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WALLY2.ZIP 197k 10.09.97 [01] Wally v2.0 Si vous dsirez changer rgulirement le "papier peint" de votre bureau, Wally vous propose de le faire. Il puisera parmi une liste d'images, que vous dterminez, pour refaire rgulirement votre tapisserie. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WAYFARER.ZIP 247k 22.06.95 [00] Un "shell" original pour Windows 3.1, mi-Win95, mi-OS/2, mi-ailleurs... Etonnant non ? :-) WBTRU13.ZIP 121k 07.09.94 [00] visualiser des btrieve sous windows 3.1 Uploader: Thierry Wehr WC273R16.ZIP 999k 05.06.97 [00] Wincode v2.7.3c: Multi-Purpose Encoder/Decoder for Windows. Supports UU,XX,USR,BASE64(MIME), BINHEX,BTOA(4&5) & BOO encode/decode. Includes support for external ZIP/UNZIP and Virus Scan programs. Winsock compatible module will automatically E-Mail and/or Post encoded documents. Smart Decoder; Drag & Drop; Fully Configurable. FREEWARE. 16-bit Win 3.1x Version -> Works great under Win95/NT also... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WCIRCUIT.RAR 61k 23.02.95 [00] WinCircuit Un diteur de circuit avec composants sous Windows WEEDDOZE.ZIP 46k 24.08.96 [00] WEEDDOSE 0.1 Windows has never been so cool! First, save your file, located in your windows directory under another name, for example Copy "WEEDER01.SCR" and "WIN.COM" in your windows directory, type WIN, and that's all, folks! This was made in France in May 1995. WH9511S.ZIP 29k 20.09.97 [00] WinHacker 95 Version 1.1 Shareware [1/1] This configures all the hidden options and secrets in Windows 95! A MUST-HAVE! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WH95V2.EXE 1040k 29.04.97 [00] WinHack 95 v2 Pour modifier tout ce qui ne peut normalement l'tre dans Win95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WIN.ZIP 12k 31.07.95 [00] WINDOWS 4.00.490 AMI-BIOS-based computers bug fix. Just replace in your Windows 95 directory WIN95_AO.ZIP 57k 17.09.95 [04] Add-on pour Windows 95 clock, viewer *.c, anyfolder Uploader: Wuhrlin Alain WINBAG2.ZIP 92k 01.06.93 [01] Ensemble d'utilitaires pour Windows Uploader: Francois Grange WINBRAG.ARJ 11k 14.02.92 [00] The recent excitement over the newfound ability to change the default Windows 3.0 brag screen prompted me to write WINBRAG. This program's sole purpose is to simplify the steps required to make the changeover to the startup screen of your choice. WINCLIP.ZIP 112k 18.04.96 [00] OSOSOFT'S WINCLIP v3.5 - BMP, PCX, GIF WINEXIT.ZIP 15k 30.07.93 [01] Sortie Rapide de Windows Uploader: Thierry Monneau. WINGEST.ARJ 100k 12.09.92 [14] GEST IV Version 2.02 Logiciel de tenue de compte bancaire et comptabilit personnelle ou WINMAST.ZIP 1013k 05.06.97 [00] WinMaster 96 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WINPRN.ZIP 17k 06.10.94 [02] Impression multipage sur une page Uploader: Thierry Perier WINSHOW.RAR 29k 12.10.96 [01] WinShow v1.0 Donne pleins d'infos sur la fentre pointe. Trs utile pour les programmeurs. WINSTE20.EXE 1016k 25.08.97 [00] WinSettings (tm) 97 for Windows 95 Manage and Control your Desktop! Version 2.1 for Evaluation Only Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WINUTIL.ZIP 1303k 05.11.93 [01] Disquette du livre Edition SYBEX rubrique UTILES WINDOWS 3.1 tous les secrets pour l'optimiser Uploader: Eric Godin WPSFW14.ZIP 573k 19.03.96 [04] WorkPlace Shell for Windows 1.4 Pour ceux qui n'ont jamais vu OS/2 et qui hesite encore, voici le shell d'OS/2 (enfin presque) pour Windobe Uploader: Gerald Rochat WWW10.ZIP 177k 19.06.94 [01] Win,What,Where controler le travail de l'ordinateur (Ncessite VBRUN200.DLL) Uploader: Edouard Jastrzebski ZPLAY.EXE 168k 06.01.96 [01] ZPLAY Screensaver - is a screen saver module for WIN31 which plays "Zaxis" (Artform 3-D) as well as Autodesk Animator video files (VDO, FLI, and FLC). Requires VBRUN300. File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Antivirus Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 62 5615 KBytes in 4 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * F9300.EXE 3411k 13.11.97 [00] F-Prot v3.0 Version pour Windows de ce fameux anti-virus. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PAVPW95.ZIP 986k 15.08.97 [00] Panda Antivirus v5.0 Un antivirus complet pour Windows le tout en franais. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TBW95803.ZIP 1157k 01.11.97 [01] Thunder Byte Antivirus pour Windows 95 version 8.03 Trs complet et efficace. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TBWIN110.ZIP 63k 07.01.93 [03] TBAV menu shell for MS-Windows. Nice! File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Communications Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 63 20190 KBytes in 46 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * AGENT055.ZIP 615k 02.04.96 [00] Forte Free Agent beta release! Free Agent requires Windows 3.1 or greater, or Windows NT 3.5. Uploader: Xavier Imbs ALTR-100.ZIP 183k 01.09.95 [01] ALTAIR v1.00 - The FIRST 32-bit FidoNet compatable mail tosser for Windows NT and Windows 95. Converts from *.PKT to JAM or *.MSG style bases. Supports both BinkleyTerm and FrontDoor. Includes the option to create BlueWave packets for the sysop to read. Archive includes all necessary DLLs and executables. BALL.ZIP 1123k 07.09.95 [02] BALLOON, logiciel Windows rpondeur, fax, transfert de fichiers, fonctionne avec les modems CREATIX LC 144 VF et LC 144 VFi Uploader: Yves Beining CHGNUMFB.EXE 53k 07.09.96 [01] Le programme CHGNUMFAX.EXE permet de modifier tous les numros de fax des fichiers *.PBK de l'outil FAXMAIL pour WINDOWS. Uploader: Marc Grosshans CISLIB.ZIP 215k 02.01.96 [00] CompuServe Catalog-Files manager for Windows. CisLib is intended for those users that need a Windows tool to manage their Catalog files; it reads, reorders, discards filenames. TapCis and GoCIS users can use CisLib to download files and to save descriptions of downloaded files: CisLib is 100% TapCis and GoCIS compatible. OS/2 and Warp compatible. VBRUN300.DLL req. COM69.EXE 1543k 05.11.97 [00] Com v6.9 Superbe programme simple, efficace, compact pour se connecter aux BBS classiques et mme ceux bass sur une URL (Web). Compatible ANSI, VTxxx, inclus XYZmodem et autres... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine COMITW.ZIP 222k 31.12.93 [05] Comit, Logiciel de communication sous Windows, Trs Bien fait ! Uploader: PaPa COMSPY95.ZIP 136k 01.02.97 [02] ComSpy95 for Windows 95 reports activities on your modem by hooking the COM port APIs (e.g., ReadComm, WriteComm, etc) and Windows Socket API's (i.e. WSOCK32.DLL, e.g., send, recv, etc). You can also capture all data flowing in and any commands sent out by programs like WinCim or IExplore (Internet Explorer which comes with Windows 95). You can use ComSpy95 to determine if your credit card number or other personal information is properly encoded. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CYBC114.ZIP 152k 09.02.95 [02] CyberCom V1.14 High Speed Communications Driver for Windows 3.1 using the 16550 serial port chip. Requires Windows 3.1, Enhanced Mode, a 16550 UART CYBERCOM.ZIP 9k 16.05.95 [01] Driver de Communication Srie Haute Vitesse pour Windows 3.1 conu pour les 386 et suprieurs utilisant le port srie 16550. (C) CyberSoft Corp 1993 Ncessite Windows 3.1 ou 3.11 en Mode Etendu, une UART 16550. DMOZ.ZIP 7k 12.11.95 [01] Utilisateurs de Windows 3.1 et de Netscape pour accder Internet : DMOZ est un petit utilitaire DOS destin renommer les fichier *.MOZ gnrs par Netscape dans le rpertoire \CACHE pour leur redonner un nom au format DOS gal ou approchant de leur nom d'origine. On peut ainsi rcuprer des pages HTML et des illustrations GIF ou JPG. EXCALTRM.EXE 760k 07.02.95 [00] Excalibur program for calling Excalibur BBS systems FAXWORKS.ZIP 990k 16.03.94 [07] Soft de Fax sous Windows Uploader: Heinz Nedell FCCLIENT.ZIP 1157k 20.02.95 [00] FirstClass is an easy-to-use communication system for Windows. With FirstClass you can send and receive electronic mail, share files, use electronic conferencing to exchange ideas, and participate in on-line chats. FCCWIN.EXE 440k 28.05.95 [00] FirstClass Client for Windows Version 2.6 October, 1994. HTPE3.EXE 536k 05.11.97 [00] HyperTerminal v3.0 Personnal Edition Nouvelle version de ce fameux programme livr d'origine avec Win95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine IBMW95.ZIP 342k 15.03.97 [00] IBM Networks Client for Windows 95 is an add on to the Microsoft Windows 95 Network function. It provides your Windows 95 system with all of the IBM OS/2 Warp Server functions, such as: * Connecting to home directories * Setting up and connecting to logon assignments * Running shared applications * Connecting to aliases * Checking DASD limits When you use IBM Networks Client as the primary network logon and you start your Windows 95 system, your network logon is validated and your home directory and logon assignments are automatically connected. KERMINTL.EXE 36k 07.10.96 [03] Kermit avec emulation V23 (minitel) sous DOS KRM075.ZIP 54k 04.06.93 [05] Kermit sous windows Uploader: Patrick Bonnefous MCROLINK.ZIP 241k 19.01.94 [05] Communication sous Windows Uploader: Heinz Nedell MHC150BG.ZIP 682k 14.07.95 [00] MediaHost Client 1.5 beta G (Beta Finale) Serveur BBS Multimedia sous Windows accessible par l'Internet. - Images GIF, BMP, TIFF, PCX, CMP,... - Animations AVI - Sons MIDI et WAV - Bases de donnees dBase, FoxPro, Clipper - CD-ROM en ligne - compatible Winsock (TCP/IP) - Zones de clic, boutons, icones,... - Transferts en tache de fond - Prvisualisations d'images - beaucoup d'autres encore... Serveur demo : (1) 40 38 05 22 MLK104.ZIP 243k 01.06.94 [02] LLogiciel de communication sous Windows en anglais tres agreable Uploader: Pierre Thissen MWIZ-CN.ZIP 1441k 07.04.97 [00] Modem Wizard Connexion Pour diagnostiquer les problmes de votre modem et de votre connection Internet. (Shareware limit dans le temps, pensez reculer la date si vous avez des problmes... ;-) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine NET33_X.ZIP 141k 08.03.95 [00] NETX, EMSNETX, XMSNETX v3.32 (940524) PTF. Novell NetWare workstation shell update. Fixes problem with Windows hanging when a detach is made from Windows using the File Manager. PACC101.ZIP 1388k 12.03.95 [00] PowerAccess v1.01: Totally FREE terminal program offering amazing Windows MULTIMEDIA experience online for Music POWER BBS, (+33) Strasbourg, France as well as full ANSI access to other BBS'! Use buttons and icons, preview full color images, listen to WAVs & MIDIs while online! Down/Upload files *while* you write mail, chat, search files etc. Full GUI OFF-LINE mailer built in! X/Y/ZModem, TCP/IP & ANSI support too!! ROYALTY-FREE $0 Package! PCOMM.ARJ 57k 12.09.92 [18] PowerCOMM A very easy to use COMMunications program. It has the capability to call any ANSI-compatible BBS. REMOTE.ZIP 458k 25.05.96 [00] Private Communications Package was written to solve the problem of transferring files from one computer location to another without the use of floppy disks or a bulletin board program. SEND.ZIP 29k 22.11.93 [03] Recevoir, envoyer des messages sous windows avec un rseau novell Uploader: Olivier Roset SIAM.ZIP 580k 22.11.93 [01] Emulateur Minitel pour consulter le centre serveur Microsoft en mode Graphique (Windows) Uploader: Pierre Betscha UC3F-1.ZIP 205k 07.10.93 [09] UNICOM3 Progr de com windows 3.1 protoc XYZ mode Compatible TTY VT100 Ansi Uploader: Gerard Chemin UNICO30.EXE 287k 24.02.93 [04] Unicom Comm Prog For Window UNICOM12.ARJ 89k 19.02.92 [00] (6-25-89) UNICOM 1.2a UNICOM is a data communications application specifically designed for users of the Microsoft Windows operating environment. Unlike most communications software used today, UNICOM can perform data communication tasks while other applications are being run. Since UNICOM operates like any other Windows application, you may start a lengthy operation (such as a long file transfer) and continue to use the computer by switching to a different application. UNIQWK42.ZIP 612k 10.03.97 [00] UNIQWK42.ZIP v4.2 UniKEY(c) 1992,95 Offline Mail Reader for Windows 3.1,with support for accented characters, spell check, compressed folders, OLE documents, internal zip/unzip(2.0), file attachment, XX/UUencode file transfer,embeeded MIDIs, and much more. Works OK under Windows 3.1, NT and 95. Shareware US$40.00. VCWDEMO.ZIP 1312k 27.09.95 [01] VoiceConnect for Windows 3.0-Demo: Anrufbeantworter/Fax/Mailbox auf einer Leitung in Verbindung mit einem Voice- fhigen Modem (z.B. ZyXEL, Rockwell oder Dr.Neuhaus Voice-Modems). Viele Funktionen in allen Bereichen, z.B. verschiedene Ansagetexte (zeitlich oder zufallsgesteuert), Voice-gesteuerte Fernabfrage, Fax-On-Demand, Faxpolling (beide Richtungen) und Faxweiterleiten, eingebaut Mini-Mailbox und Fernwar- tung Ihres Rechners. Beinhaltet auch die Mglichkeit, Fax aus beliebigen Uploader: Yves Beining WBBT225.ZIP 274k 15.09.94 [05] Version 2.25 de winbbtt Un mulateur Minitel Hayes Uploader: Gerard Chemin WCV31C.ZIP 267k 08.11.93 [05] Win Cover 3.1c fax sous Windows Uploader: Jean Lesage WINRAMP.ZIP 849k 15.09.94 [03] - * WinRamp 1.00b for Windows * * WinRamp 1.00b for Windows * * Your Personal Access to the * * Data Super-Highway * - Commercial quality comms pack - RIPScrip 1.54 Emulation - Multiple ANSI font sizes - Customizable Toolbars - Multiple terminal windows open WINSRV.LZH 266k 24.06.94 [13] - Winserver Un serveur Minitel sous Windows Multivoie et made in France ! Uploader: Ludovic Braun WINUP9.EXE 630k 23.03.94 [01] - Drivers Novell 3.3 pour DOS 6.X et Windows 3.x (netx, etc) Uploader: Jean-francois Billaud WNBFF30.ZIP 86k 02.01.96 [00] WinBiff - is an mail notification package for WIN31. It can be used with UUPC/extended, FSUUCP, Waffle, Pegasus (PMail), Eudora for Windows, Novell MHS, Mini-Host, or PC-NFS. Other features include an alarm option, the ability to display a scrollable list of message headers, and more. Description Copyright 1995 PsL Uploader: Denis Grass WNBFF33.ZIP 95k 14.12.95 [00] (v.3.3) WinBiff - Windows email notification WinBiff is an mail notification utility, like UN*X biff, for use with UUPC/extended, Waffle, MS Mail, MS Exchange, cc:Mail, Lotus Notes, Pegasus Mail, Eudora, and PC-NFS under Windows 3.x/95. WinBiff is also a POP3 and IMAP client using WinSock. Shareware (US $15). Register via CIS/PsL. Paul Steckler,16 WNMDM4.ZIP 163k 20.09.95 [04] WINMODEM v4.00 - WinModem makes the invisible visible. If you have an internal modem, WinModem can supply the missing status lights. No more guesswork. You'll always know what the modem is doing. A must-have utility if you use communications under Windows. Uploader: Eric Vallat WNQVT436.ARJ 117k 05.01.93 [03] - WinQVT is a DEC VT220/102/52 terminal emulator and communications program which has been created to run under Microsoft Windows WP1.EXE 427k 06.11.96 [01] OPatch pour Winphone, pour ceux qui ont la double malch d avoir achete un modem USR Sportster 288 et d avoir recu comme configuration de base Windows de MicrosMoft Uploader: Loan Vaque WR62.ZIP 594k 17.03.95 [00] Ŀ Winread Version 6.2 QWK Mail Reader for Windows Ĵ Message Database Manager MDI Application (read several BBS packets at once) Off Line MAil Door Reconfiguration Full support for Fido/Email messages Full support for accented characters Character filter table for email messages External editor support Internal Font for Best display Drag and Drop msgs/confs (to trashcan). Full internal support for UUencode/UUdecode. Full support for ANSI graphic files. Find text in message database function. Ĵ Extract all files to TEMP then run SETUP.EXE ZVTERM.ZIP 108k 11.04.95 [00] ZVTERM Beta v0.9 Logiciel de communication sous Windows. Cette version est entirement fonctionnelle et permet de se connecter et de tlcharger sur de nombreux serveurs videotex supportant le protocole BBT. File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Internet - Divers Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 64 56359 KBytes in 51 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ALLOFACT.ZIP 964k 12.10.97 [00] AlloFact Programme de facturation du cot de vos communications Telecom lorsque vous surfez. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ANYSPD11.ZIP 566k 21.09.97 [00] AnySpeed v1.1 Pour connatre la vitesse relle de transfert entre le Net et chez vous. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine D4TIME41.ZIP 155k 20.12.96 [00] Dimension 4 time synchronization software for Windows 95 (and Windows NT 4.0). Synchronizes PC's time to within 50ms of actual time using Internet SNTP or Time protocol. Once installed, Dimension 4 is "hands free." PC's time will be updated at user specified intervals without user action. DUCM102B.ZIP 28k 15.10.97 [00] Dial-Up Connection Meter 1.01B Dial-Up Connection Meter is a small utility which will plot a real-time bar graph of actual transfer rate of your dial-up connection. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DUKE.ZIP 163k 23.02.98 * [00] Un theme de Duke3d pour Tetrinet Uploader: Rayan Chikhi DUNCE252.ZIP 150k 13.05.97 [00] Dunce v2.52 Dial-Up Networking Connection Enhancement. Adds features to your DUN connections such as bypassing Connect To, Auto Reconnect, Automated Connections, and Run Items. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ENTRYLE.ZIP 281k 21.09.97 [01] EntryLite Pour rechercher automatiquement des Passwords qui vous sont demands par votre Browser pour aller sur certains sites. Shareware en libre essai mais limit. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ENTRYPRO.ZIP 290k 21.09.97 [00] EntryPro Pour rechercher automatiquement des Passwords qui vous sont demands par votre Browser pour aller sur certains sites. Shareware verrouill ! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine EWAN1052.ZIP 251k 01.08.97 [01] Ewan v1052 Programme d'mulation de Telnet sous Windows, bien configurable Uploader: Lionel Ruide EZDLL.ZIP 222k 06.11.97 [00] EZ Download 96 is a plug-in that makes downloading programs a snap. It can be plugged into Netscape, MS Internet Exlorer and America Online WWW Browser. For novice and advanced users alike. If you find downloading a program to the right folder, retrieving it, moving it, unzipping it, locating the install program and finally cleaning after it frustrating, then EZ Download is for you. If you have no idea what a zip file is and you really don't want to know, then EZ Download is also for you. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine FA32-111.EXE 1029k 10.12.97 [00] FreeAgent 32bits v1.11 Sans doute le meilleur lecteur de Newsgroups disponible en Shareware. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine GEOBOYLT.EXE 1155k 29.08.97 [00] GeoBoy v1.3.1 Small Version Programme permettant de suivre un Trace (chemin parcouru par vos donnes) sur une carte du monde. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine GETRT301.EXE 625k 13.11.97 [01] GetRight v3.01 Pour grer vos downloads en toute simplicit en les stoppant/reprenant quand vous voulez. Capable d'interprter vos actions dans votre browser pour reprendre sa charge le download des fichiers slectionns... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine GRAV20B2.EXE 2238k 11.11.97 [00] Gravity v2.0 (Beta2) Un outil puissant pour lire vos Newsgroups. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ICQ98A.EXE 1626k 23.01.98 [00] ICQ Setup v98a ICQ vous permet de savoir instantanment si vos amis sont aussi connects sur le web, de leur envoyer des mails, des fichiers, de discuter comme IRC... Devient trs vite indispensable. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine INSITE.ZIP 1306k 15.08.97 [00] inSite lets you download tons of stuff easily off HTTP, FTP and gopher sites. It features: the use of file masks to filter lists of files, the viewing of images and other files with Netscape, and recusive scans of all sites. It is a great complement to Netscape. Requires: Netscape Navigator and Windows 95 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine INSTPW.EXE 3318k 21.09.97 [01] PicWhacker Permet de rcuprer automatiquement tous les images disponibles d'un site HTTP en explorant les liens rcusirvement, ce qui vous vite d'avoir cliquer chaque fois. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine IPCALC2.EXE 408k 21.09.97 [00] IPCalc v2.0 Pour connatre plein d'informations sur l'adresse IP que vous lui indiquez, ainsi que sur le domaine, ses possibilits d'extension, etc... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine IPHONE08.ZIP 621k 02.04.96 [00] VocalTec Internet Phone (TM) Version 2.5 (Build 8) - April, 1995 Copyright(c) 1995 by VocalTec Ltd. Uploader: Xavier Imbs IPHONE50.EXE 8535k 27.08.97 [00] IPhone v5.0 Pour tlphoner via Internet. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine JSSCRAM1.ZIP 114k 15.08.97 [00] JavaScript Scrambler V1.0 for Windows 95/NT *Shareware* A utility for all JavaScript programmers who are fed up with the fact, that their source code can be stolen and simply modified. JavaScript Scrambler will scramble any script source code until it is almost impossible to comprehend for others. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine K95091.EXE 988k 02.12.96 [00] Kanh 95 v0.91Beta Pour jouer en rseau sur Internet. Transforme l'IPX en PPP. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MPGATE5.EXE 5086k 25.02.98 * [00] MidPoint v5 Une nouvelle Gate plus simple utiliser que Wingate pour partager un seul accs au Net par modem sur tout un rseau. Plus efficace sur certains points et moins sur d'autres... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MRTERM14.ZIP 172k 05.11.97 [00] MrTerm v1.4 Pour se connecter aux BBS bass sur une URL (Web) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MSDUN12.EXE 1423k 14.10.97 [00] DialUp v1.2 Mise jour officielle de Microsoft de la partie communication DialUp de Win95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MTUSP308.EXE 152k 15.10.97 [01] MTUSpeed v3.08 Pour booster rellement vos transferts entre le Net et votre modem ! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine N2P821.EXE 1351k 26.05.97 [00] Net2Phone v8.21 Pour tlphoner sur le Net et joindre un numro standard des prix trs acceptables pour l'tranger. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine NJWIN150.ZIP 1473k 16.11.97 [00] NJWIN Version 1.5 NJStar CJK Multilingual Support System (May 18 1997) NJWIN v1.5 is designed to support any windows program to display Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters under the standard Windows environment. All Chinese / Japanese / Korean (CJK) coding standards are supported in NJWIN, and coding can be switched on the fly from one coding to another depending on the document being viewed. The Internet is the fastest growing communication tool today. Therefore, many of NJWIN's features are added specifically for Internet. As the result, NJWIN is best Internet CJK viewer for browsing CJK Web pages, reading CJK news in UseNet newsgroups and reading CJK email messages. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine NM.EXE 1010k 15.01.98 [00] NetMedic Vous permettra d'optimiser vos transferts en grant au mieux votre cache, les fichiers demands, etc... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine NST301A.ZIP 1027k 31.01.98 [00] NetScanTools v3.01a (18-Jan-98) NetScanTools contains a number of ports of UNIX functions: nslookup -- name server lookup of host names or IPs finger -- gets info about users on remote systems ping -- determines ability to reach a remote host traceroute -- determines route taken to reach a remote host whois -- a lookup utility for determining registered internet names etc. daytime -- the time of day on a remote host quote -- returns quote of the day from a remote host character generator -- a client that accesses a chargen service to determine your link speed. Time Sync - Use network time servers to synchronize your computer's clock. Echo - connect to a remote host's echo daemon and send and receive characters. IDENT Server - Identifies your computer to remote services that request info. Fully configurable. NetScanner -- A easy to sequentially ping an IP address range to find the active computers. Will also resolve the IPs to host names. Hosts file management. Sous Windows95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PPRO.EXE 425k 14.06.97 [01] Ponger version 2.5 Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Savant Software Ponger is designed to keep dial-up Internet connections alive. PTIME315.ZIP 2694k 17.05.97 [00] PTime v3.15 Superbe programme pour savoir le cout reel de vos communications pour aller sur Internet, en fonction des abonnements Primalism etc... S'active des que vous vous connectez. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PTIME97.EXE 2142k 24.11.97 [00] PTime 97 v4.5 Build 5012 (15-Oct-97) Pour connatre facilement et tout moment le cot de votre communication Telecom quand vous tes sur le Net. Prend en charge la nouvelle tarification de France Telecom (en vigueur depuis le 01-Oct-97) ainsi que les forfaits Primaliste, Internet, etc... Indispensable. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PW3232B4.EXE 2448k 29.08.97 [00] PowWow32 v3.2 Beta 4 Pour discuter sur un rseau du type d'IRC mais plus volu avec un logiciel trs complet. Dj plusieurs milliers d'utilisateurs. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SASP188.EXE 2368k 13.11.97 [01] ASP1-A3 v1.88 Permet de rcuprer automatiquement les images des Newsgroups. Le logiciel est intelligent et dtecte le Spaming, les images en double, etc... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine STAYON10.ZIP 571k 14.06.97 [01] StayOn v1.0 Pour garder active sa connexion avec son provider pendant une absence de plusieurs minutes. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TD_12.ZIP 200k 10.12.97 [00] TweakDUN v1.2 for WIN95 This utility is designed to automatically change certain Windows default settings including MaxMTU (Maximum Transmission Unit), RWIN (TCP Rcv WINdow) and TTL (Time To Live). These settings may help optimize your internet connection with the Win95 Dialup Networking Adapter. PMTU Auto Detect, PMTU Black Hole Detect, and Session Keep Alive. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TNET113.ZIP 386k 25.01.98 [00] Tetrinet est une version de tetris JOUABLE SUR LE NET ! Un must pour tout surfeur ! Uploader: Rayan Chikhi VIPUP11.EXE 163k 14.02.98 * [00] Mise jour du TCP/IP de Win95 pour patcher le bug permettant un Nuke de planter le systme. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WG21A95.EXE 1569k 22.02.98 * [00] WinGate v2.1 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WG2E95.ZIP 1281k 09.11.97 [00] WinGate v2.0e Permet de partager l'accs par modem Internet d'un PC en rseau LAN. Facile installer, trs efficace. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WI16_172.EXE 711k 01.08.97 [00] WebImage v1.72 Uploader: Lionel Ruide WIDGET11.ZIP 316k 10.08.97 [01] The Applet Widget Kit allows anyone to make incredible Java Applets without writing one line of Java or HTML code. Designed for non-programmers, it uses a simple point and click interface which guides you through the creation process... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WINVN_99.ZIP 279k 09.10.95 [03] News Reader internet 32 bits pour windows 95 Uploader: Eric Vallat WORLDNET.ZIP 1350k 11.10.94 [02] pour vous connecter gratis du 17 au 24 octobre a internet + 3617 SCT pour t'inscrire .... alors .... Uploader: Didier Bodin WS100T.EXE 819k 07.09.97 [01] WebShades v1.00t Un programme de recherche qui explore les sites votre place. Trs simple utiliser. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WSOCKUPD.EXE 189k 13.10.97 [00] Windows95 Socket Update Une mise jour made in Microsoft pour le socket de Win95. Amliore notament le DialUp pour le Net. Attention : mise jour anglaise ! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WSPING32.ZIP 69k 11.05.97 [00] WS Ping 32bits Pour "pinger" tout ce que vous voulez. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WSP_EVAL.ZIP 499k 29.08.97 [00] WSPing ProPack Pour Pinger, Tracer, Identifier, etc... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WV32I999.ZIP 352k 10.12.97 [00] WinVN is a Windows and NT-based, fully RFC 1036 compliant on-line news reader that can be used to select, view, and write Usenet News articles and send mail via SMTP or MAPI. Built in MIME and UU encoding and decoding. WinVN uses less memory and screen space ideal for both small and large machines. Handles multiple users and newsfeeds on one PC. Japanese version follows closely. Public Domain (sources freely available). Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ZOW305.ZIP 823k 14.06.97 [00] ZOC 3.05 - 32bit Modem, Telnet and ISDN comm. application for OS/2 and Windows NT/95. Outstanding GUI, solid VT220 and Zmodem, count- less options and features including CIS-B, Kermit, online JPG/GIF viewer, REXX scripting. Not crippled (just a registration reminder after file transfer). Filenames: ZOC*.ZIP=OS/2 Version, ZOW*.ZIP=Win-NT/95-Version Uploader: Igor Kouzmine File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Internet - E-Mail Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 65 8354 KBytes in 3 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * EUL303.EXE 4887k 25.08.97 [00] Eudora Light v3.03 + PureVoice Un must pour grer son E-Mail. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine W32-254.EXE 1757k 23.06.97 [00] Pegasus Mail v2.52 (Win3.1) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WINPM254.EXE 1712k 22.06.97 [00] Pegasus Mail v2.54 (Win95) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Internet - FTP Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 66 9242 KBytes in 11 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 16CFTP18.EXE 432k 01.08.97 [01] CuteFTP (Win31) v1.8 Uploader: Lionel Ruide 32CFTP18.EXE 484k 03.06.97 [00] CuteFTP (Win95) v1.8 Le concurrent de WSFTP, simple et puissant. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CTP_100A.EXE 655k 12.01.98 [00] Crystal FTP v1.00a Un programme performant de FTP sous Windows95. Moderne et efficace. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CUTE2032.EXE 824k 16.12.97 [00] Cute FTP 2.0 Final La derniere version du Meilleur navigateur FTP du moment, un "must-have" ! Uploader: Rayan Chikhi FR-RES.ZIP 31k 08.05.97 [00] Librairie de ressources francophone (DLL) pour FTP EXplorer Uploader: Igor Kouzmine FTPSER11.ZIP 196k 05.05.96 [02] FTP Serv-U - FTP server for MS-Windows v2.3b (32bits - Win95) * Multiple simultaneous users. * Full security on a file/directory basis. * Support for user ANONYMOUS. * Supports Netscape & XMosaic. * Easy to setup and maintain. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael FTPVFRN.EXE 2488k 07.09.97 [00] FTP Explorer (version franaise) Une version de l'Explorer de Win95 entirement ddie au FTP. Simple, efficace, et esthtique. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine FTPVOYAG.EXE 2577k 16.09.97 [00] FTP Voyager FTP v4.0.4.1 Un superbe prog pour faire du FTP, ressemble exactement l'Explorateur de Windows... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SERV-U.ZIP 793k 10.12.97 [00] Serv-U - FTP server for MS-Windows Powerful, yet easy to set up FTP server for Win3.1, Win95 & NT. With lots of security, UL/DL ratios, disk quota limitations, UNIX style links, multi-homed IP and lots more... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WS_FTP.ZIP 116k 12.02.95 [01] Windows Sockets FTP Client Application WS_FTP - Version 95.01.22 Un programme simple et efficace pour faire du FTP. Pour Win3.1. WS_FTP32.ZIP 651k 29.08.97 [01] WS FTP 32bits v4.50 (97.05.17) Le standard pour faire du FTP sous Windows95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Internet - IRC Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 67 7103 KBytes in 9 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * IFT111.EXE 679k 13.11.97 [00] IRCFerret v1.1002 Permet de trouver une personne sur IRC quelque soit son rseau (UNDERNET, EFNET,etc...) et quelque soit son canal. Trs pratique. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine IRCCH120.EXE 947k 23.01.98 [00] IrcChess v1.20 Pour jouer aux checs via IRC. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MIRC531T.EXE 856k 21.01.98 [00] MIRC v5.31 (32 bits) Le standard pour faire de l'IRC sous Windows95. Trs simple utiliser et configurer. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PIRCH16S.EXE 817k 25.08.97 [00] Pirch Pour faire facilement et efficacement de l'IRC sous Windows 3.1. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PIRCH32S.EXE 1041k 25.08.97 [00] Pirch32 (Beta v0.92) Un beau programme trs complet pour faire de l'IRC sous Win95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine VIRC9710.ZIP 1108k 10.12.97 [00] Visual IRC 97 v1.0 Superbe programme pour faire de l'IRC sous Win95. Trs configurable et utilisant dj le look de Win98. CPU rapide conseill. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WSIRC20.EXE 690k 31.05.97 [00] WS IRC Classic v2.0 Pour faire de l'IRC. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine --- XIrc : XIRC10B4.EXE 940k 11.10.97 [00] XIrc v1.0 Beta 4 (Win95) Un soft pour faire de l'IRC avec des fonctions indites bien pratiques. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SARNUS.ZIP 29k 18.02.98 * [00] Sarnus est un script bien utile pour XiRCON Uploader: Rayan Chikhi File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Internet - Web Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 68 89077 KBytes in 35 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ARIADNA.EXE 2133k 04.04.97 [00] Aridna v1.2 Un navigateur qui nous vient du froid. A chemin entre le HTML 2.0 et le 3.0, ce navigateur russe ne supporte pas les frames, Javascript et Java. On peut remarquer un bookmark trs bien conu. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine C231N95.EXE 856k 05.09.97 [00] LiveUpdate Crescendo Plugin pour Netscape v2 ou plus Permettant de jouer les fichiers midi pendant qu'il les charge Uploader: Igor Kouzmine C30N95.EXE 1074k 22.02.98 * [00] Crescendo v3.0 Plugin pour couter des midi sur le Web. (version pour Netscape !) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CB16E401.EXE 11181 26.06.97 [00] Netscape Communicator v4.01 Version standard (minimum en Anglais) (pour Win3.1) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CB32E403.EXE 9438k 23.09.97 [00] Netscape Communicator v4.03 (Win95) Version standard franaise. La nouvelle version du nouveau Netscape. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CB32E404.EXE 10516 10.12.97 [00] Netscape Communicator v4.04 (Win95) (english) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine COFFEM10.ZIP 595k 15.10.97 [01] CoffeeMapper v1.0 Pour crer vos IMAP trs facilement. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CPSETUP.EXE 2681k 08.05.97 [00] Cosmos Player v3.0a Beta Le player VRML 2.0 de Silicon Graphics en PlugIn pour Netscape 3. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine FRMSIE32.EXE 6031k 22.04.97 [00] Microsoft Internet Explorer v3.02 (complet et en franais) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine G32FR31P.EXE 6627k 08.05.97 [00] Netscape Gold Full v3.1 (franais) pour Windows 95 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine HOTDOG4.EXE 5932k 26.08.97 [00] HotDog v4 Un diteur HTML gnial et trs complet, incluant toutes les dernires nouveauts... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine HTMA3221.ZIP 500k 15.10.97 [00] HTMASC V2.1 32bit, the fast and easy way to convert pages from the World Wide Web (*.htm) to plain Textfiles (*.txt).All of the HTML tags (e.g., <HEADER> ...) are removed and entities (" ö ....) are converted. Multiple File Convert, History List, Batch Processing, Run URL ... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ICOUR126.ZIP 571k 15.08.97 [00] InfoCourier V1.26 HTML Compiler. The ideal way to distribute information, allows you to produce a royalty free Windows Executable (.exe) file that contains a sophisticated browser with the HTML and graphics built-in as a self- contained package. Use for product catalogs, manuals, price lists, pictures, questionaires and loads more. Supports protected pages so you can charge subscriptions etc. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine IE4SETUP.EXE 500k 22.05.97 [00] Programme ncessaire pour aller chercher MS Internet Explorer v4 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine IENS32.EXE 1076k 27.11.97 [00] NearSite 32bits (Win95) NearSite is an Offline Browser As you browse NearSite stores the information you're viewing ready for you to use again, very much like the way a VCR stores your television viewing. NearSite's intelligent cache takes over from your browser's cache. NearSite is an Automatic Browser NearSite Channels can be set to automatically retrieve Web pages from the Internet and keep them refreshed as often as you wish. NearSite follows and grabs linked pages and files. You can choose how often NearSite checks and updates the links NearSite is a Web Archiver You can use NearSite's Archive facility to save Web pages (even complete Web sites) to disk for viewing allowing you to keep a permanent record of important information. NearSite is a Network Gateway to the Web NearSite allows you to give Web access to many network users with just one Internet connection. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MAP32DST.EXE 235k 15.10.97 [00] Mapper (Win95) Programme pour crer facilement les IMAP de vos pages HTML. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MM32INST.EXE 230k 15.10.97 [00] MapMaker (Win95) Pour crer vos IMAP facilement. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MPSETUP.EXE 439k 11.10.96 [01] pour surfer sur internet en Franais. C'est le fameux browser Tango pour win3.1. Version evaluation. Non enregistree. Uploader: Mustapha Kharmoudi MSICE125.ZIP 113k 15.08.97 [00] MSIE CACHE EXPLORER V 1.25 Copyright (c) 1996 by M. Wolf Easy offline-access to all Web pages that have been cached by the MS Internet Explorer. Contains fulltext search and the ability to extract entire document trees. Organizing functions like intelligent domain sorting, hiding and deleting documents, helps you to keep track of important things in the browser cache universe. Supports MS Internet Explorer v2.x and v3.x. System: Win95/WinNT 4.0 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine N32E404.EXE 8251k 10.12.97 [00] Netscape v4.04 (english) La version StandAlone (lgre) de Communicator. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine N32FR202.EXE 3603k 13.08.96 [00] Netscape v2.02 (franais) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine NAVIPRES.RAR 2875k 16.02.96 [00] NaviPress Un outil sympa pour crer des pages HTML. Sert aussi de brouzeur. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis NSCE125.ZIP 108k 15.08.97 [00] NETSCAPE CACHE EXPLORER V 1.25 Copyright (c) 1996-97 by M. Wolf Easy offline-access to all Web pages that have been cached by Netscape Navigator. Contains fulltext search and the ability to extract entire document trees. Organizing functions like intelligent domain sorting, hiding and deleting documents, helps you to keep track of important things in the browser cache universe. Netscape 2.0 or later (32bit) is required. System: Win95/WinNT 4.0 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine NVAMP24.ZIP 1150k 16.02.98 * [00] NetVampire v2.4 Pour aspirer un site Web entier et le consulter tranquillement chez vous... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine RP32_401.EXE 1165k 29.08.97 [00] RealAudio/Video Player v4.01 Pour couter des musiques, sons en temps rel depuis Netscape MS InternetExplorer, etc... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SHOCKWAV.EXE 193k 25.02.98 * [00] MacroMedia Shockwave Flash Pour visualiser certaines pages HTML utilisant les animations et ncessitant ce PlugIn. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SNAKE122.EXE 1853k 25.08.97 [01] WebSnake v1.22 Permet de recopier un site Web, d'en crer la liste des fichiers, la carte de ses pages HTML, etc... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine VTX1395.EXE 1456k 14.06.97 [00] VTX PlugIn pour utiliser "gratuitement" certains services du Minitel. Voir sur "" pour les dtails. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine W250BETA.EXE 1666k 26.08.97 [00] WebExpert v2.50Beta Editeur HTML performant. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine W2T32V12.ZIP 133k 15.10.97 [00] eb2Text v1.2a/32-bit for Win95/NT HTML to ASCII text converter. Produces correctly-laid out documents, keeps URLs visible, better than any other converter that I've tried :) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WEBSTRIP.ZIP 720k 15.10.97 [00] WebStripper Programme trs complet pour convertir des textes au format HTML en "clair". Sous Windows95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WEBWIZ32.ZIP 208k 29.08.95 [00] WebWizard Pour crer trs facilement un document HTML. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WIV102FR.ZIP 825k 10.05.97 [00] Quark Viewer QuarkImmedia v1.02 (pour Windows) Pour afficher les sites au format Immedia sur Internet, peut-tre le futur remplaant du HTML. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WSKAHTML.ZIP 735k 18.08.96 [02] WSKA HTML WWWrite Powerful HTML Editor for Windows. WSW953.EXE 3422k 25.02.98 * [00] WebSeeker v3 Pour rechercher simultanment et automatiquement une info sur plusieurs dizaines de moteurs de recherche, et consulter tranquillement les rsultats tris et vrifis sous votre navigateur. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Compression Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 69 4227 KBytes in 13 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * AWIN220.ZIP 431k 02.05.93 [07] ARCHIVER for Windows v2.20: MS-Windows environment for PKZIP/PKUNZIP/LHA/ARJ & supports ZOO/ARCE decompression pgms & SCAN/VIRx virus detection pgms; has many advanced features including format conversion, self-extract creation, selectable file viewer, launch pad, system info, error trapping and more; 11/16/92; Miller-Ware Devt. Last revision date in archive: 11-16-1992. DRAGZP30.ZIP 197k 11.10.93 [01] Drag and Zip version 3.0 Shell de compacteurs pour Windows Uploader: Jean Lesage DRGZP211.ZIP 97k 26.05.93 [00] Drag And Zip v.2.10 - Zip Shell for Win 3.1 File Manager or any file manager that supports Drag and Drop. ASP Shareware. Drag And Zip makes any file manager that supports Drag and Drop into a Zip file manager. Drag files to a zipper icon and run PKZIP on them. Double click on a zip file and view it. Extract, delete, view. run and run the associated program on files in the Zip file. Supports PKZIP version 2. SZIPW10.ZIP 312k 17.03.95 [00] Super Zip For Windows Version 1.0 New concept for working Zip files : View Zip files like Disks with a directory tree. MDI application : Work several Zip files at once. Internal Zip/Unzip. Easy configuration. Support for all Zip formats Easy edit of Zip and file comments Internal File viewer ANSI Graphics supported Full Drag and Drop Support. Full support for files and dirs dropped from windows file manager Support for Spanned Disks Support for Hidden/System files Support for Volume labels Full support for encrypted archives UNRARNT.RAR 25k 03.06.95 [01] UnRAR pour WindowsNT WINARJ96.ZIP 301k 22.05.96 [00] WinARJ 96 r2.0 Fr (17/04/96) Un shell Windows pour les celebres compacteurs PKZIP, ARJ et LHA. Fon ctionne sous Windows & Windows 95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WINZIP31.EXE 563k 22.10.96 [00] WinZip v6.2 pour Windows 3.1 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WINZIP95.EXE 692k 28.09.97 [00] WinZip v6.3 pour Windows95 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WPACKD90.ARJ 273k 03.03.96 [00] Un concurrent de WinZip !! Uploader: Rayan Chikhi WRAR200B.EXE 428k 07.06.96 [03] RAR 2.0B for Win/32 Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WRAR201.EXE 481k 18.05.97 [01] WinRAR v2.01 32bits pour manipuler les archives RAR sous Windows95. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WZ6A95.ZIP 358k 19.03.96 [01] WinZip v6.0A Interface de compression W95 Uploader: Pierre Reynes WZINET95.EXE 77k 28.09.97 [01] WinZip PlugIn pour votre browser favori. Permet d'ouvrir les archives distance sans avoir les downloader... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Disque et fichiers Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 70 31688 KBytes in 78 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * DICTFR.EXE 176k 19.02.98 * [00] Dictionnaire franais pour UltraEdit Uploader: Igor Kouzmine HTML.ZIP 6k 19.02.98 * [00] Macros pour UltraEdit Pour diter du HTML Uploader: Igor Kouzmine JAVA.TXT 3k 19.02.98 * [00] Fichier des couleurs de syntaxe pour diter du JAVA PL_SQL.TXT 3k 19.02.98 * [00] Fichier des couleurs de syntaxe pour diter du SQL UEDIT32F.EXE 787k 19.02.98 * [00] UltraEdit (Win95) Un diteur de texte gnial grant les courants (syntaxe), mode hxa, etc... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine --- Divers : 32PEXE11.ZIP 139k 15.08.97 [00] PrivateEXE v1.1 for Win'95/NT - PASSWORD PROTECT YOUR 32-BIT EXECUTABLES! Modifies existing .EXE files to add password protection. EFFECTIVELY locks your MOST SENSITIVE programs like email, tax or financial planning software. From now on, YOU AND ONLY YOU will run these programs on your computer! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ALLINI21.ZIP 18k 19.06.94 [02] AllINI v2.1 Editer confortablement un fichier .INI sous Windows Uploader: Edouard Jastrzebski ANCSWIN.ZIP 9k 29.05.94 [02] Convertir les textes ascii en ansi Uploader: Philippe Guerin BACKSTAG.ZIP 143k 18.08.96 [00] Backstage and Backstage 95 are two programs to help you manage the INI files and the Windows 95 Registry. Many options for searching saveing and editing. Shareware. BCWIPE.EXE 886k 22.07.97 [00] BCWipe dtruira dfinitivement les donnes qui ont t effaces. En effet, un fichier supprim sous Windows est toujours prsent sur votre disque, et il est toujours possible de le rcuprer. Il se chargera aussi du "swapfile". Uploader: Igor Kouzmine BOOTPART.ZIP 20k 25.03.97 [01] BOOTPART 2.0 : Boot Partitition for WinNT. Easy tool to add a partition to the Windows NT multi boot menu (for example, OS/2 boot manager or Linux partition). NEW : Easy addition of Dos6.22 and Win95 in WinNT menu, repair the WinNT boot sector. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine BTMGR13A.ZIP 322k 20.09.97 [00] Boot Manager 95 Version 1.3a Boot Manager 95 is a utility to allow you to easily configure your Windows 95 bootup options. Windows 95 has configurable boot options that are only documented in the Windows 95 Resource Kit. This program allows you to change these options without having to purchase the Resource Kit. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CASEREN.ZIP 123k 10.09.97 [00] Case Rename permet de convertir simplement (drag&drop) les noms de fichiers en majuscules ou en minuscules. Pratique pour assurer la compatibilit de fichiers HTML sur toutes les plates-formes (Unix par exemple). Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CHGNAME.ZIP 778k 10.09.97 [00] Chgname v3.2 Chgname is a fast 32-bit file management program designed for Windows95/NT which renames, changes the date and attributes of up to 32767 files. The new filenames are composed by wildcards or enumeration. The files are either moved into one directory, left where they are or copied into one single directory. Chgname is ideal for everyone who have demanding tasks which includes keeping order in large number of for example data files. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CLEANUP.ZIP 68k 17.08.97 [00] Disk CleanUp is a small disk utility designed to clear previously deleted files. Deleting a file normally just removes the file's directory entry, but the data itself remains on the disk. Disk CleanUp completely eliminates the contents of deleted files. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CONVW6W2.ZIP 704k 08.11.94 [05] Convertisseur de fichiers au format Word 6 pour pouvoir les utiliser sur Word 2. Uploader: Denis Edel CPD12.ZIP 54k 13.01.95 [01] Complete Program Deleter 1.2 Dsinstal. DOS Ote compltement tous les fichiers et rpertoires ajouts un disque par un utilitaire d'installation, et restaure les fichiers AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, SYSTEM.INI, et WIN.INI. Un "dsinstalleur" complet pour les programmes DOS ou Windows. CRUSR131.ZIP 231k 15.08.97 [00] CRUISER Browser for Windows 95 v1.31 . Fully functional 32-bit Shareware, only 13$ The easiest file browser/copier/launcher. JUST ONE CLICK TO REACH OR COPY ANY FILE ! A dockable & sizable desktop popup menu button which opens your disks with cascading folders, browses through your file system resolving links, opening documents, windows and DOS sessions; recently used files and preferred folders supported. You won't need to use My Computer or Windows Explorer any more. Drop files on Cruiser to copy/move/link them anywhere. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CTEXTE2.ZIP 812k 28.09.97 [00] Castillo Text Editor v2.0 Castillo TextEditor is a fast, flexible and compact text editor. This program is the fastest, easiest way to edit text using Windows 95/NT. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DISCFAC.ZIP 84k 19.06.94 [00] Copie multitache sous windows Uploader: Edouard Jastrzebski DUW120.ZIP 267k 03.11.96 [00] DUW - Disk Usage V1.20 for Win. NT/95 DUW shows you where your precious hard disk space is used. Freeware! 386+, Windows NT or Windows 95 Uploader: Christophe Demory ED32FR.ZIP 669k 14.06.97 [00] Editeur v3.2 (fr) Editeur de texte gnial sous Windows. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ESPACE32.EXE 3148k 14.05.97 [00] Espace Analyst 32bits Programme permettant de dtecter les fichiers inutiles et encombrant sur votre disque dur. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine EXTRAC20.ZIP 31k 18.02.94 [01] EXTRACT 2.0: Extracting files from disk image Uploader: Gilles Vollant EZ40UP.EXE 1581k 07.06.96 [00] Adapter EZ-SCSI 4.00e Update FILEEXT.ZIP 92k 10.09.97 [00] Filext v2.4 Pour connatre la signification de plus de 900 extensions de fichiers. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine FILEX.ZIP 302k 01.03.95 [00] Gestionnaire de fichiers sous Windows FXEDIT.ARJ 50k 10.03.96 [05] Editeur Hexa/Ascii sous Windows Simple mais efficace Uploader: Rayan Chikhi GATOR.ARJ 341k 17.02.96 [00] Editeur de fichiers textes pour Windows. Convivial et pratique. Fonctions classiques ainsi que encodage/dcodage, marquage de lignes... Uploader: Didier Thomas HEDIT.ZIP 47k 07.11.94 [05] Editeur Hexa sous windows avec fonctions recherche/couper/coller etc... Uploader: Yannick Leroy HPFS_NT4.ZIP 104k 01.01.97 [00] Pour lire les partitions HPFS depuis Windows NT HW32V25.EXE 1097k 25.10.97 [00] HexWorkShop v2.50 Un diteur hxa gnial et trs pratique (sous Win95). Uploader: Igor Kouzmine HXP3002.ZIP 157k 01.02.97 [02] HEXpert for Windows Version 3.0b HEXpert is a versatile tool that: - allows you to view and edit in hex, octal, binary, decimal & ASCII -etc... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine INWTCH95.ZIP 340k 20.09.97 [00] InWatch95 V1.0 - MUST HAVE for those who try out numerous applications. Track changes to Windows95 directories, win.ini, system.ini, msdos.sys and Registry (system.dat & user.dat) from session to session and during new application installation. Mechanizes safe unistallation with relationship checks and cautions. Extremely useful for troubleshootings problems resulting from DLL,VBX, etc replacement. (Shareware $14.95) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine JIMED97.ZIP 849k 06.11.97 [00] JimED97 sous Windows95. Editeur de Textes look 97. remplace Notepad etc... Edite aussi les Images et Sons. .Txt .Rtf .Bmp .Wav etc... etc... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MACSEE.ZIP 25k 16.03.94 [02] Lecture d'units MAC (Diskettes/Syquest) sous Windows - Shareware limit. MDISK411.ZIP 208k 17.08.97 [00] MAXIDisk The Original Floppy Disk Expander version 4.11w - MAXIDisk will format 360k disks to 420k, 720k to 800k, 1.2 meg to 1.4 meg and 1.44 meg to 1.6 meg or 1.7 meg, 2.88 meg to 3.2. MAXI is also a full featured disk copier. Also supports Macintosh disks. For use with Windows 3.x or later. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MORESPAC.ZIP 310k 18.08.96 [01] More Space Windows '95 Disk Utility - find file/dir hogs and file duplications. Allows deletion of file hogs and duplicates. Scans for partial and exact file name duplicates. Can send output to the printer or the clipboard for further processing. Can search for only particular type of file based on file name. MORSPC15.EXE 264k 02.10.95 [00] MoreSpace v1.5 Dtecte les fichiers en double, les DLL inutiliss, etc... Tout pour faire de la place sur votre disque dur. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MSOFT17F.ZIP 27k 22.08.95 [04] MSOFT17F will format a 3.5" floppy disk to the new format scheme being used by Microsoft. This new scheme creates a floppy that holds 1.7 megs rather than the standard 1.44. It is impossible to make a backup copy of one of the new Microsoft releases using the standard floppy format/copy procedures. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MVIEW11W.ZIP 36k 29.08.96 [00] Mountain View v1.1 - Text viewer for Win 3. 1/Win95. Display ANY file, including DOS, UNIX, and Macintosh file formats. Once loaded, Mouse Scrolling allows quick file viewing without ever touching the keyboard. Save any portion or the entire file to disk or printer. Quickly sort any text file or search to locate any string. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael NAV050.ARJ 117k 16.05.92 [01] Win Navigator small Xtree like NETTOYEU.ARJ 451k 08.03.96 [00] Le Nettoyeur v1.0 Pour dsinstaller des applis Windows NU20PTCH.EXE 1356k 01.06.97 [00] Patch pour NORTON UTILITIES v2.0->v2.03 Corrige plusieurs bugs de Norton Utilities v2.0 pour Windows95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PFE61I.ZIP 760k 18.09.95 [00] Pfe32.exe is a file editor for Win 95 or for windows NT. Uploader: Oury Kleber PPLUS152.ZIP 208k 17.08.97 [00] Properties Plus v1.52 (dated November 11, 1996) PropertiesPlus is a Explorer Add-on that adds a menu modifying attributes, extension, and time stamps of a file, multiple file, or files contained in the folders. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine REMOVE95.ZIP 6k 08.09.95 [05] - Vous avez install ce machin sur votre beau disque et vous tes bien emmerd car mme un reboot sous DOS 6.xx est impossible, Bill vous a pourri votre disque et vous transpirez dj l'ide de registration Wizard qui va venir scanner votre config. Ou alors vous avez un peu de recul et vous avez compris qu'OS/2 est plus que suprieur cette merde infame.. Pas de panique les sbires William Henry Gates vous ont prpar une texte sympa pour jecter sans fracas cette chse immonde de votre disque. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis RUMMGE21.ZIP 143k 19.06.94 [01] Rechercher ou supprimer les fichiers en double Uploader: Edouard Jastrzebski SR274.ZIP 286k 01.02.97 [01] Search & Replace,Touch for Windows 95/NT 3.1x Fast and easy to use search(grep) and replace utility (v2.74) for Windows 95/NT and 3.1x. Supports regular expressions for search and replace, searches through multiple files/ subdirectory for a phrase and can replace it with another. Results are shown color coded, many options (backup, logging, scripts, viewer). Search Results can be viewed in context (several lines before and after), files can be opened with associated viewers. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine STST97.ZIP 378k 17.08.97 [00] Stats '97 Disk Statistics Utility - collects numerous disk statistics for Windows 95 including file types, file ages, age distribution, file size distribution. Works over multiple disk drives. All graphs are 3D and very easy to read. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TAXOGY95.ZIP 976k 06.11.97 [00] Taxogyre 4.3 pour Windows 95 permet de DESINSTALLER AUTOMATIQUEMENT et totalement une application, ou de RESTAURER l'tat d'UN DISQUE ou du systme (en particulier la BASE DE REGISTRES). Taxogyre volue rgulirement en fonction des demandes des utilisateurs: analyse de la Base de Registres, utilisation des noms longs, assistants, dtection des doublons, utilisation de la corbeille, surveillance automatique, etc... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TRACEUR.EXE 549k 04.10.95 [01] Suivi d'installation sous Windows Uploader: Jean-luc Ripp TRANSMAC.ZIP 95k 18.02.96 [00] TransMac v1.4: TransMac is a PC Windows utility which can access Macintosh HFS format disks. This includes HD diskettes, CDROM's and SCSI devices (SyQuest, optical drives, hard drives, etc.). Formatting of Mac diskettes is supported. TSIZEPR5.ZIP 965k 17.08.97 [00] TREE SIZE Pro v1.0 beta 5 Powerful and flexible space manager for Windows 95 and Windows NT4. TreeSize shows you the size, allocated & wasted space, last access date, the number of files and much more information for several folders or drives you choose. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TXP32310.ZIP 1243k 28.09.97 [00] TextPad v3.10 FR (Win95) Un superbe diteur trs pratique et bourres d'options. Vous n'utiliserez plus jamais NotePad. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TXP32321.EXE 1379k 02.03.98 * [00] TextPad v2.1 (32bits) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TXPADFRA.ZIP 233k 25.02.98 * [00] Dictionnaire franais pour TextPad Uploader: Igor Kouzmine UN4WIN15.ZIP 52k 11.09.94 [10] Uninstall pour Windows montre toutes les modifications apportes par l'installation d'une application Windows. Uploader : Ludovic Braun UNINST2.ZIP 388k 30.04.94 [09] dsinstallation de progs windows Uploader: Philippe Orand UNWANTED.ARJ 278k 14.03.96 [00] UnWanted v1.3 April 95. Seeks for unwanted files such as .tmp, .diz, .nfo or user-defined ones on drives and offers the option to delete them. Fully functional Shareware by Frederic Botton. Requires vbrun300.dll Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis UPGRADE.EXE 325k 07.06.96 [00] Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.00e Upgrade Program WASTE95A.ZIP 756k 10.09.97 [00] Waste for Windows is a program recently featured in PC World (March 1996) as a "really cool utility" as was one of Windows Magazine's Top Ten Shareware Picks for February 1997. It analyzes the amount of waste on your hard disk due to cluster size. But BEST OF ALL, it also tells you exactly how much you WOULD waste at other cluster settings, so you can make intelligent, informed decisions on how best to partition your disks. You could SAVE hundreds of megabytes if you have volumes over 1 gigabyte in size! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WC32V302.ZIP 846k 25.05.97 [00] WINDOWS COMMANDER 3.02 - 32bit filemanager ========================================== Wincmd is a file manager replacement for Windows. This is the 32-bit version for Windows 95 and NT 3.51/4.0. For Windows 3.1, please download the 16-bit version from Wincmd supports ZIP/ARJ/LHA/RAR/UC2/TAR/GZ, internal ZIP packer, drag&drop from&to explorer/desktop. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WCMD211.RAR 679k 12.10.96 [00] Windows Commander v2.11 Un gestionnaire de fichiers compltement configurable. WFLSRCH1.ARJ 12k 05.01.93 [01] Win File Find in Background WG16_30.ZIP 578k 06.11.97 [00] WinGREP 3.0 $39. Integrated search & replace for the professional developer. WinGREP is a multi-file search and replace utility for MS Windows 3.1, 95 and NT. It is integrated with over 18 editors and IDE's including Borland C++, Delphi, MS Developer Studio, and many more. WinGREP will open the file in your editor and position it to the correct line. A hierarchical tree is used to display the search results. Extensive search options and full regular expression and DOS style searching helps to make this one of the best search utilities for the professional developer. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WG32_30.ZIP 543k 06.11.97 [00] WinGREP 3.0 $39. Integrated search & replace for the professional developer. WinGREP is a multi-file search and replace utility for MS Windows 3.1, 95 and NT. It is integrated with over 18 editors and IDE's including Borland C++, Delphi, MS Developer Studio, and many more. WinGREP will open the file in your editor and position it to the correct line. A hierarchical tree is used to display the search results. Extensive search options and full regular expression and DOS style searching helps to make this one of the best search utilities for the professional developer. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WIN152X.EXE 36k 04.10.95 [00] SHOWSCSI.EXE v1.11 This Windows utility scans the SCSI bus and displays an iconic view of each device you have connected to your Adaptec SCSI host adapter (It may work with other SCSI host adapters that conform to the ASPI standard). WIN1520.EXE v1.00 This Windows utility shows you how to properly set the jumpers for an Adaptec AHA-1520 or AHA-1522 SCSI Host Adapter. WINCAT25.ZIP 132k 07.07.94 [03] Wincat: catalogueur de disquette sous ouindoze, tres pratique en remplacement de liste que l'on ne retrouve jamais... Uploader: Dom Meno WINCODE7.ZIP 999k 01.02.97 [00] Wincode v2.7.3a: Multi-Purpose Encoder/Decoder for Windows. Supports UU,XX,USR,BASE64(MIME), BINHEX,BTOA(4&5) & BOO encode/decode. Includes support for external ZIP/UNZIP and Virus Scan programs. Winsock compatible module will automatically E-Mail and/or Post encoded documents. Smart Decoder; Drag & Drop; Fully Configurable. FREEWARE. 16-bit Win 3.1x Version Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WINCRYPT.ZIP 14k 03.11.94 [02] Programme de codage de fichiers, destin un usage exclusivement priv version francise ! Uploader: Jean-philippe Elie WINDIZ.ZIP 766k 17.11.97 [00] WinDIZ Version *1.07* ------------------- * Extract FILE_IDs from every kind of archives and combine them into one free customizeable list * very easy handling * very fast due to own decompression routines * many filter - functions ( characterfilter, linefilter...) * supports ZIP, ARJ, ZOO, LHA, SFX, ARC... * supports full Drag And Drop * recognizes defect archives * Office97-style ;-) * many new functions * needs Windows95 or Windows NT 4.x Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WINIMA21.ZIP 358k 30.06.95 [01] WINIMAGE 2.10<ASP>:THE WINDOWS DISK IMAGER New in version : CAN READ/WRITE/FORMAT DMF under WinNT 3.5,Win 3.1x,!WIN95!,support LFN -> RUN IN BACKGOUND, WORK ON DISK IMAGE <- Contain both Win 3.1 and WinNT Intel version make disk image from floppy, extract file fro image, make an empty image, inject file on it and put the image on blank disk. TRUE WINDOWS APP: Toolbar,status Bar,3D-look, drag & drop client and server. Change image format,defrag delete file on image. POWERFUL BATCH ASSISTAN US, French, german and spanish version. <ASP> Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WINSET1.ZIP 89k 06.05.94 [05] Generateur de programme d'installation sous windows, au look tres PRO. Indispensable a tous les programmeurs Uploader: Gerald Mielle WNBROWSE.ZIP 106k 03.05.97 [00] WnBrowse 3.2 A Windows File Browser By Nigel G. Thomas An alternative to the accessory program Notepad. * Support for files of up to 12 megabytes in size * Files may be viewed in a text or hex format * Text can be selected and copied to the clipboard * The file or a selected portion can be printed with optional user defined running headers/footers. * Font selection capability * Selectable colour schemes * Drag and Drop file support. * One-click operation via the Button-Bar * Online Help * Optional File Manager Extension. * Can list the contents of a ZIP file. WNCLN120.ZIP 178k 17.10.94 [06] WINCLEAN v1.2 voir ce qu'une installation d'un logicel sous windows fait sur votre disque pour la desinstallation. Dom. Menoux WNOT.ZIP 115k 28.04.94 [01] Version light d'Emacs pour Windows Uploader: Serge Weinstock WSETUP14.ZIP 21k 11.09.95 [02] WIN Setup 1.40 WIN Setup is an alternate install program for Microsoft Windows 3.1. This setup program, however, will run in a VDM, which allows end users to install Windows on HPFS drives (for use with OS/2 for Windows versions of OS/2). Note that the Windows produced on your hard drive is NOT a suitable installation for use under DOS. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Graphisme, Animation, Vido Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 71 50405 KBytes in 68 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * AAPLAYW.ZIP 277k 09.10.91 [00] Aa Play Autodesk Animator/fli File Player For Windows ACDC3221.EXE 651k 21.10.97 [00] ACD See 32bits v2.21 Pour voir trs rapidement et facilement ses images sous Win95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ACDS.ZIP 152k 01.05.96 [00] ACDSee v1.25b for Windows | High-performance image viewer | |------------------------------------| |Supports BMP GIF JPG PCD PCX TGA TIF| |Rapid decompression | |View the image as it is decompressed| |Quick & easy image panning | |Quick image thumbnail preview | |View & edit 4DOS file descriptions | |Slideshow, Drag-drop, Fit to window | Uploader: Grundrich Raphael ANIEDIT.ZIP 71k 20.04.96 [01] Animated Cursor Editor for WIN95/WINNT. Last revision date in archive: 06-08-95. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael ANIMAG32.ZIP 462k 02.11.97 [00] Animagic GIF v1.01 - An easy to use yet powerful GIF animation tool. Produces output files that are 10% to 80% smaller than non-optimized GIF's. Builds animations from individual frames or from existing animated GIF's. Supports drag-and-drop, reads GIF, PCX or BMP files. Users can easily control loops, color palettes, frame rate, transparent color, copy/cut/paste frames, special effects, moving sprites and more. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine AVI1732.ZIP 563k 18.05.97 [00] AVI Constructor Trial v1.7.4 Pour crer ses propres anims AVI Uploader: Igor Kouzmine AXALBUM.ZIP 494k 30.06.95 [00] Axialis AX-Album 1.1 Shareware AXVIEWER.ZIP 453k 01.07.95 [00] AX-Viewer Multimdia 1.1 Shareware CCAD.ZIP 3488k 17.08.97 [00] ChoiceCAD Programme de CAO et de dessin vectoriel. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CHANGER.ZIP 286k 20.09.97 [01] Windows 95 Logo Changer v2.5 (Win95) Pour changer les crans d'ouverture et de fermeture de Windows. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CHEK202B.ZIP 1872k 30.08.97 [00] Check v2.02b Pour grer vos rpertoires bourrs d'images, dtecter les fichiers d'images dfectueux, crer vos catalogues et utiliser les .CSV des banques d'images... COLMAST1.ZIP 565k 30.08.97 [00] Collection Master 1/4 Pour grer vos collections d'images, construire vos catalogues, dtecter les images dfectueuses, utiliser les fichiers .CSV des banques d'images... Attention: l'Install et une toute petite partie du soft sont en allemand. COLMAST2.ZIP 706k 30.08.97 [00] Collection Master 2/4 COLMAST3.ZIP 692k 30.08.97 [00] Collection Master 3/4 COLMAST4.ZIP 52k 30.08.97 [00] Collection Master 4/4 CVW386.ZIP 117k 22.10.92 [15] Viewer jpg gif bmp sous win 3 et 3.1 386 (vga 256 obligatoire) Uploader:Arnaud Leffebvre DAUB.ZIP 309k 18.08.96 [01] DAUB 2.0 - Specialized calligraphic program for Windows. Registration AUS$69.95 US$49.95 (plus $4p&p). Scaling, rotation, smoothing supported. TrueType text supported. Full colour output. Brush can be simple, or dynamic. Brush strokes can be altered after they are drawn, enabling complex compound effects. Great value. Author is a member of STAR. FMONSTER.ARJ 348k 20.02.95 [00] Font Monster v3.42 The Type1 and TrueType font utility for Windows 3.1 Program & documentation written by Steven Fox Copyright (c) 1992-1994 by Leaping Lizards, Taiwan 2/2/94 FNREV201.ZIP 1039k 20.09.97 [00] Font Review v2.01 Vous permet de voir les polices de caractres, remplacera avantageusement celui de Windows. Il indiquera si la police est installe et vous autorisera voir chacun des caractres. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine GIFCON.EXE 1133k 01.08.97 [00] GIF Construction Set for Windows is a powerful collection of tools to work with multiple-block GIF files. It will allow you to assemble GIF files containing image blocks, plain text blocks, comment blocks and control blocks. It includes facilities to manage palettes and merge multiple GIF files together. It will make the extensions of the GIF specification work for you. Among its other functions, GIF Construction Set for Windows can: - Create Netscape animations. - Create transparent GIF files. - Create interlaced GIF files. - Add, edit and delete comment blocks. - Add non-destructive text to images as plain text blocks. - Create multiple-image GIF files - Serve as a fully-compliant Windows GIF viewer application. - Be a GIF viewer "helper" application for a World Wide Web browser or Mosaic client. You can use GIF Construction Set for Windows to create and modify GIF files with as many blocks as you require. Uploader: Lionel Ruide GRAFAC.ZIP 410k 18.08.96 [00] The Graphics Factory V1.2 - Create textures, backgrounds, designs, repeatable tiles, landscapes and more. This Windows program uses advanced algorithms and procedures such as noise, turbulence, magnetics, and life to work its graphic magic. Drawing types include, lines, boxes, pixels storm, sphere, fractals and over 30 more. Effects include, wave, transparency, jitter, filters, sphere projection and over 40 more. High color or true color recommended. Kamyan Software. GRAWORKS.ARJ 615k 27.10.93 [00] Version d'valuation de Graphic Works pour Windows : CAO et DAO Uploader: Jean Lesage GWSWN11L.ZIP 895k 16.09.94 [05] ۲ Graphic Workshop for Windows 1.1l The best Workshop yet! Converts, prints, views, dithers, transforms, flips, rotates, scales, crops, colour adjusts, catalogs, quantizes and wreaks special effects on MAC, IMG, PCX, GIF, TIFF, JPG, PCD, WPG, MSP, IFF/LBM, WMF, BMP, RLE, FLI, FLC, CUT, ART, DIB, HRZ, RAS, TGA, ICO, CLP, EXE, AVI and TXT files. Has thumbnail previews, Photo-CD support. From Alchemy Mindworks Inc. HYSNAP.EXE 443k 21.08.97 [00] HyperSnap-DX L'ultime programme pour grabber vos crans sous Win95. Des tas de possibilits... Uploader: Igor Kouzmien IC2_100.ZIP 1822k 13.11.97 [00] iC2-32 console screen maker Win95/NT [1/1] by W. Mike Hare 8/17/96 v1.0.0 -import BMP, ICO, WMF. export ANSI. -use any windows font in your ANSIs. -makes anyone a killer ANSI artist. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ICONMA31.ZIP 226k 06.09.96 [00] IconMaster v3.1 Editeur d'icnes sous Windows, permet aussi d'extraire les icnes de divers fichiers. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine IMAGENIN.ZIP 462k 21.03.94 [07] Image'n'Bits Windows Imaging v1.0 <ASP> MS-Windows Image Enhancement software. Sharpness, blurring, embossing, printing, contrast and brightness, edge detection, weird distortions, clipboard support, OLE, various graphics file formats, image histogram, multiple image display, online help, grayscale, dithering, color reduction, smart palette selection, AND MUCH MORE. Uploader : Gerald Mielle INDEO16.ZIP 1541k 09.06.97 [00] Intel Indeo Video 16bits Uploader: Igor Kouzmine INDEO32.ZIP 657k 09.06.97 [00] Intel Indeo Video 32bits Uploader: Igor Kouzmine JASC!.ZIP 761k 02.09.95 [00] Jasc Media Center v2.0 <ASP> - A Windows program for multimedia file management and manipulation. Organize your multimedia files into albums of thumbnails. Catalog, search, sort by keyword, comment, or file properties. View files using the powerful slide show feature. Full file manipulation capabilities from within the program. Print high quality contact sheets. Support for over 35 file formats, removable disks, and CD Roms. Uploader: Damien Vuillet JIMFONT.ZIP 862k 06.11.97 [00] JimFont sous Windows95. Editeur de Fontes, look 97. Permet de voir les fontes ou qu'elles se trouvent. Cd, disqueette, disque dur. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine LVIEW31.ZIP 220k 02.04.96 [00] LView v3.1 LView is an image file editor for MS Windows 3.1. It can load/save image files in: JPEG JFIF, GIF 87a/89a, Truevision Targa, Windows and OS/2 BMP. Uploader: Xavier Imbs MAGICMKR.ZIP 245k 29.03.96 [00] MMK10.ZIP is a FREEWARE graphics file viewer for viewing GIF,TIF,TGA,BMP,DIB,PCX,WMF, and files. It has the ability to save most of the images in either BMP, PCX, or TIF file format Also supports printing graphics with differen scaling options. Requires Windows 3.1, and MS-DOS 3.3 or higher. 386/33 W/4MB RAM or better machine recommended. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael MCISEQ.ZIP 155k 07.05.96 [00] MCI Sequencer, Version 2.1, for Windows This program allows you to play Multi- media files in any order that you like. You can create, save, retrieve and play sequences. Sequences can contain any combination of Multimedia files--you can mix WAVaudio with AVIvideo or other combinations based on your needs. If you want to do Wave Audio only, you don't have to have a sound board. The PC speaker driver is enough. The program requires VBRUN300.DLL (not included). It is ShareWare and the registration fee is $20.00. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael MMSWAK.ZIP 338k 11.05.96 [01] MultiMedia Swiss Army Knife v2.0, Windows 3.x Visual Basic Application. Supports viewing / playback of AVI, WAV, MIDI, RMI, GIF, BMP, PCX, TIFF, TGA and DIB files in single file or SlideShow mode. Requires VBRUN300.DLL. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael MPEG.ZIP 50k 08.06.95 [00] Xing(tm) Scalable MPEG (tm) player Xing has developed DLL files associated with specific video processors to provide MPEG video playback. MTCM101.ZIP 3178k 22.08.97 [00] MasterTech Collection Manager Pour grer vos milliers d'images, crer vos catalogues, utiliser les fichiers .CSV des grandes banques d'images... MTCM110.ZIP 295k 22.08.97 [00] MasterTech Collection Manager Patch to v1.10. MTRAFIC.ZIP 63k 30.04.96 [00] Media Traffic Demo for Windows Multimedia System Utility attach AVI movies, FLI/FLC animation, BMP bitmaps and WAV sound to system events. Demo is a fully functional FREE sound utility. Purchase brings latest and complete version. Contains manual, drivers and sample files. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael PHOTO142.ZIP 511k 08.04.97 [00] PHOTO142 - Photo-realistic Icons Creator 1.42 Professional icon tools to create/Edit icons at any color depths (up to 24-bit color). Convert over 40 different image formats to ICO. Screen capture utility is included to capture any area of the screen into an icon. Even scan in images from TWAIN devices to make Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PICMAN.ZIP 420k 10.04.96 [00] Programme de traitement d'images trs toff. Windows 3.1 et 95 Uploader: Grundrich Raphael PLAYIT.ZIP 140k 13.04.96 [01] PlayIt is an image viewer/animation playback utility for Windows 3.1. Animation features include support for reading and playing AVI, FLI, and frame sequence animations and ability to write AVI and frame sequences. Image features include support for BMP, GIF, PCX, TGA, and TIF with 4 - 24 bit color depth as well as a host of image processing tools. Version 1.2 adds support for MDI, AVI output, partial image copy, printer support, and animation zooming. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael POLICE96.ZIP 844k 07.04.97 [00] Polices'96 Pour voir et choisir rapidement une police qui vous convient. Sous Windows95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine PSP414.EXE 3011k 15.10.97 [00] Paint Shop Pro v4.14 <ASP> The complete windows graphics program for image creation, viewing, and manipulation. Features include painting with 8 brushes, photo retouching, image enhancement and editing, color enhancement, image browser, batch conversion, and scanner support. Included are 20 standard filters and 12 deformations. Supports plug-in filters. Over 34 file formats. Win95 or NT 4 Winner SIA & ZiffNet awards. From JASC, Inc. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine QT32INST.EXE 2011k 09.10.96 [00] QuickTime v2.11 32bits (pour Win95) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine QTINSTAL.EXE 1990k 09.10.96 [00] QuickTime v2.11 16bits (pour Win3.1) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine QUANT20.ZIP 350k 17.08.97 [00] Quant v2.0 Convert multiple images, generate the best palette for them, and degrade the number of colors used in the images if needed. Idal pour obtenir la meilleure palette pour les images s'affichant sur une mme page HTML par exemple. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine QVPLUS.RAR 2342k 23.03.96 [00] Quick View Plus v3.0.2 for Windows 95 RFFLOW.ZIP 122k 03.07.90 [10] Dessinez des FlowChart sous Windows RGB32.ZIP 53k 17.08.97 [00] RGB Editor for Windows 95/NT v2.6 RGB Editor is a small utility useful for selecting and creating RGB colors for programming projects. The values of the red, green and blue components are displayed and easily transferred to your source code files. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SCR2GIF.ARJ 27k 11.10.92 [06] Gnrateur d'icone windows avec des GIFs Uploader: Olivier Vasseneix SCRSHOW.ZIP 154k 30.03.96 [02] SCREENSHOW V1.8 - Play .FLI and .FLC files as a Windows screen saver. In addition display .BMP, .RLE, and .DIB files as screen saver images. Combine the animation files and or image files together into a script which allows for special effects such as fades, looping, speed control and much more. Ideal program to quickly build your own demos. If you make or display animation file you need this. Kamyan Software. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael TAKEON.ZIP 156k 22.06.96 [02] TAKEONE ANIMATOR for Windows: the powerful user friendly animation program from Germany. Create and modify BMP animation frames under Windows. Make your own smooth-running animations, cartoons presentations, or even slide shows using your own scanned pictures. Requires Windows v 1.0 (c) Rainer Doebele: Published by PEARL AMERICA, Inc. (ASP) Uploader: Grundrich Raphael TOPDRAW.ZIP 798k 02.06.96 [00] TOP DRAW v2.0 <ASP> - SHAREWARE Powerful yet easy to use object-oriented drawing program. For: desktop publishing, illustrations, logos, brochures, and more. Gradient fills, textures, calligraphic pens, layers, text on a line/curve, Bezier curves. Context-sensitive help, status line, shape palette, multi-level undo. SIA Award Winner! Requires Windows 3.1 on 80386 or better. Top Software (6/30/94) Uploader: Grundrich Raphael TT_DEMO.EXE 2424k 16.02.98 * [00] Editeur de police vectorielles (version de dmo pas de sauvegarde ?) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine UPDATE.ZIP 336k 30.08.97 [00] Mise jour pour CollectionMaster VIDEDIT.ZIP 710k 16.11.97 [00] Video Editor v1.0 Pour crer des montages partir d'images, d'animations, et de textes, avec des phases de transition sur un banc de montage. VIDEOTRO.ZIP 2182k 06.11.97 [00] Videotrope v1.0 Simple but versatile program for video and animation effects and enhancements. Runs under Win95, WinNT, and Windows 3.1 w/Win32s. From Digital Workshop. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine VMPEG17L.ZIP 527k 06.09.96 [00] ViewMPEG v1.7 Lite Un viewer efficace d'animation au format MPEG sous Windows. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine VUEPRI40.ZIP 287k 04.07.95 [02] VuePrint JPEG/GIF Viewer for Windows v4.0. VuePrint is the most-downloaded Windows program on both CompuServe and America Online. It reads, writes, and prints JPEG, GIF, BMP, TGA, PCX, and TIFF files. Includes a screen saver and a uudecoder. Requires a 386+ and Windows 3.1. Shareware. WFLIC2.ZIP 21k 17.06.93 [00] Winflic 1.01 Play .fli And .flc Files Under Windows 3.x (allows Scaling And No External Drivers) WINFRA30.ZIP 189k 15.12.90 [06] Fractals Windows WINGIF14.ZIP 67k 21.03.94 [01] Permet de visualiser les images .GIF avec des fonctions de retouche. Tourne videmment sous Windows 3.1. Uploader: Thierry Delaunay WINGL.ZIP 353k 28.04.93 [00] A Gl Player For Windows WINOCR.ZIP 218k 05.06.95 [00] WINOCR v2.2 <ASP> is an Optical Character Recognition program. It works with bitmaps produced using low cost hand-held scanners and is intended to provide an effective method of data entry for programmers and others who require OCR. It requires WINDOWS 3.1 and a computer with 2MB RAM. WINOCR is Shareware. For additional information contact: SoftTech, CIS Mail - 100116,3254. WPLAB.ZIP 116k 07.12.94 [00] W31 Image processing v. 1.8. Last revision d... Uploader: Marc Doumayrou WWGIFA11.ZIP 2578k 06.11.97 [00] WWW Gif Animator v1.1 is an easy to use yet powerful tool to create animations for your WWW pages. Intuitive User Interface making the program valuable for both Beginner and Expert, Lots of Effects and Transitions, Speed & Size Optimized Saving, native multithreaded 32bit app, fully customizable, lots of graphics formats supported, ... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WXF.ZIP 532k 17.08.97 [00] WinXFiles v1.62 "Your Personal Pictures and Files for Your Eyes Only". WinXFiles with its attractive tabbed-dialog interface features SECURE ENCRYPTION to PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS of all type of files and particularly of your IMAGE collection. Secure Picture Viewer inside supports : JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIF, PCX. Windows 3.x, 95 and NT version available. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Infos systme & Performances Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 72 1228 KBytes in 3 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * INFOPRO.ZIP 996k 17.05.97 [00] InfoPro Pour tout savoir sur votre config sous Windows Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MDB95.ZIP 123k 04.11.95 [03] Disk Benchmark for win 95 Uploader: Patrick Guilmain WBN311.ZIP 111k 16.05.94 [06] Win bench v3.11 Test de performance de PCLabs Uploader: Dominique Menoux File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Son & Musique Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 73 43913 KBytes in 73 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 2PAT15.ZIP 103k 25.04.96 [03] FMJ-Software presents: - 2PAT: Wavetable instrument converter version 1.5 for Windows 95 - NT - v3.x Win32s Imports: AIF, AU, EFE, FSM, GKH, IFF, INS, KRZ, MOD, MTM, PAT, RAW, SBK, SDK, SDS, SDX, SMP, SND, STM, S3M, SYW, TXW, 669, ULT, UWF, VOC, WAV, WFB, WFD, WFP Exports:. Last revision date in archive: 05-04-95. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael ABCD30.ZIP 539k 25.04.97 [01] A-B-CD 3.0 (16bit and 32bit versions). Super CD player and database for Windows. If you enter the CD and song titles, they are automatically remembered each time you use that CD again. You can even rearrange song order or remove unwanted songs from the album! Windows 95 compatible. AMPW10B2.ZIP 102k 10.08.97 [00] AMP for Windows v1.0b2 Ŀ ~~~~ Module player for SB AWE32 ~~~~ Optimized for running in background! Minimal processor and memory usage! With internal file selector! XM/S3M/MTM/MOD/PTM/IT modules supported. No notes lost due to hardware limits. Requirements: 386+/Win3.1+/AWE32+ Uploader: Igor Kouzmine AUDIO.ZIP 42k 25.04.97 [00] AUDIO v3.1: une DLL pour jouer vos bruitages .WAV par la carte son ou le speaker dans vos programme. Avec la doc. AUDIOSAM.ZIP 188k 25.04.97 [00] Galt AudioSampler v1.1 The quickest, easiest way to play your WAV audio files. Store 10 in pushbuttons for easy access, browse through all files in a directory faster than ever. A must have sound utility. AWAVE42.ZIP 440k 06.11.97 [00] Awave v4.2 _- + -_ _ _ _ . -' `- . _ _ _ /Audio & Wavetable Instrument File\ ( Format Converter, Editor & Player ) \ / `-' + `-' - Convert among > 100 audio file formats. - Read the instrument formats of most commercial synthesizers and soundcards. - Make high quality conversions between the bank and instrument formats of different synthesizers! - Use it as a 'generic' instrument editor for your wavetable sound card. For some cards this is the *only* one available! - Use it as an audio player. - Use it as a simple audio editor. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine AWEBANK.ZIP 1626k 25.04.97 [00] AweVBank 96 BUILD 1010: AweVBank is the Explorer to your Awe32 Soundcard. So all the things you can do in the explorer also work in AweVBank. This means that you can copy/paste patches, drag&drop them, move them, right-click them etc. AWECP95.EXE 186k 12.02.97 [00] AWE Control Panel for Windows 95. AWCP-95UPD-1-US AWE Control Panel v2.05 for Windows 95 - Supports SoundFont 2.0 format - Supports for MPU-401 emulation (enable/disable) AWEPLAY.ZIP 88k 03.03.97 [01] AWEPLAY Midi File/SoundFont Player v1.11 Pour jouer les MIDI accompagn de leur SoundFont en chargeant ceux-ci automatiquement en mmoire. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine BNOISE.ZIP 393k 26.01.97 [00] Player sous windows Uploader: Bertrand Gouy BRIDGECD.ZIP 454k 02.07.96 [00] The Bridge Timbre CD Player v1.1 for Windows (Shareware version). Plays audio CDs in your multimedia PC. It is fully programmable Skip songs, repeat them as many times as you like, or shuffle them all at the touch of a button. Access your sound card controls from within the application. Registration fee is $14.95. Full version includes a printed manual and a FREE CD from the Bridge Timbre Company. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael CAKEWALK.ZIP 1130k 21.09.95 [00] Cakewalk Professional (dmo) Squenceur sous windows brid: pas de sauvegarde Uploader: Anthony Robinson CDAUDIO.ZIP 606k 25.04.97 [00] Player de CD CDEQ10.ZIP 103k 01.02.97 [00] CD Equaliser for Win95 v1.0. Listens to your audio CD and changes the picture in its own window accordingly by altering the colour, image or both. The result is some very interesting shapes that alter in time with the music. Freeware, June 96. CDPUB.ZIP 168k 06.04.95 [00] CD Pub est une application conviviale et performante pour exploiter les capacits audio d'un lecteur de CD-ROM. Elle exploite pleinement la richesse de l'interface graphique et multimdia Windows 3.1. CDSAT30.ZIP 15k 25.04.97 [00] CDSAT3.ZIP - CD Satellite 3.0 The auto-remember the songs you like CD player is revamped with this new version. Combo status bar, progress graph, bonus program Time Tracks built in. Tells time of current and all selected tracks, plays any song in any order, micro small size + memory usage,dragdrop install CDSPRO30.ZIP 201k 25.04.97 [00] CD/Spectrum Pro Version 3.0 CD/Spectrum Pro is a CD-Audio Player with Graphical Spectrum Analyzer for Windows 95. To run this program, you need: Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 486 Processor (Pentium is recommended) Properly configured CD player and Sound Card CDWIZARD.ZIP 172k 01.05.96 [01] CD WIZARD for Windows - Version 3.07 Probablement l'un des MEILLEURS utili- taire de gestion/ecoute de vos CD-AUDIO sous Windows 3.1x. Fourni avec une DOC superbe, Inclu TOUTES les options dont une base de donnees. A VOIR ABSOLUMENT. Uploader: Grundrich Raphael CDWKS20V.ZIP 484k 01.02.97 [01] CD Workshop for Windows 95, Ver 2.00.0382 can read digital audio CD tracks and save them as wave file without any quality loss (digital copy). It works on every CD-ROM drive that supports raw reading. The built-in anti-ticks-buffering can be used to supress intermediate ticks which some low-quality CD-ROM drives may produce. The program can also be used to view any sector(s) of any CD (audio or CD-ROM) in a hex-editor-like view window. It has a great number of other features and a comprehensive technical documentation on the CD-ROM programming interfaces in the online help file. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine COOL153.ZIP 825k 25.04.97 [00] Cool Edit v.1.53 is a waveform editor with features such as: Echo, Flange, Reverb, Stretch/Pitch Change, Compress, Brainwave Synchronizer, Noise Reducer, Envelope, Filter, Distortion, and more. Supports most every file format. Cue and Play list. View waves as amplitude or frequency plots. Analyze component frequencies. Scripts let you play back complex operations. COOL96.ZIP 2006k 25.04.97 [00] CoolEdit Version 96 Pour diter vos sons et bien plus Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DB50.ZIP 502k 25.04.97 [00] XGEDIT is a shareware Editor for the DB50XG. DRUMS.ZIP 140k 13.04.96 [02] The Drums Professional est une boite rythmes avec de nombreux instruments. (Windows 3.1 et 95) Uploader: Grundrich Raphael DSPLAY.ZIP 327k 25.04.97 [00] DSPlay 3.01 Digital Signal Processing is in some kind applied mathematics. DSPlay gives you the possibility to "play" with sequences, filters and transforms, to experience quickly, what happens if algorithms are applied to signals. And, if the result is not what you expected, to ask new questions and to learn more. Enjoy ! FCWIN.ZIP 170k 25.04.97 [01] ˻ ̼ ȹ ۳ ߳ ߳ Amiga Futur Composer player for PC. By Arnaud Carre (Leonard/OXYGENE) v1.0 Jan 1997. ̻ (FCWIN.ZIP)ɹ ʼ GRAM31.ZIP 82k 25.04.97 [00] Spectrogram v3.1 GS23.ZIP 2239k 15.08.97 [00] GUITAR STUDIO 32 V2.3 Shareware sous Windows 95 qui permet de: visualiser et couter plus de 1300 accords, gammes et modes accorder une guitare jouer avec un mtronome lire les fichers multimdias courants diter et couter des tablatures convertir un fichier MIDI en tablature une tablature en texte Uploader: Igor Kouzmine GSPANEL.ZIP 40k 25.04.97 [00] GS-Panel is an easy-to-use control panel under Windows95 for Roland GS compatible devices. It also supports the Roland GM devices RAP-10, SCDB-10 and SCB-7. GUITAR21.ARJ 21k 04.04.93 [03] Guitar Scales & Modes Faites vos accords sous Windowe GWAVE324.ZIP 525k 06.11.97 [00] (v3.24) GoldWave - Audio editor for Windows GoldWave is a digital audio editor for Windows 95. It has realtime oscilloscopes, intelligent editing, and numerous effects such as echo, flange, distortion, mechanize, and reverse. The intuitive user interface makes GoldWave easy to learn and use. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ICCD33.ZIP 289k 06.06.97 [00] ICCD v3.3 ICCD is a CD Audio player program. It has been specially designed for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. It is beautiful and efficient. It offers all the common features of your HI-FI CD Player. The only difference is that ICCD is simpler: just insert your CD-Audio in your computer and ICCD will run (you must run once ICCD to get this capability). Uploader: Igor Kouzmine IN3DEMO.ZIP 140k 12.04.95 [00] Superbe dmo d'un logiciel de reconnaissance vocale sous Win3.1 Trs bride par contre ( moins de gros patchs...) KABLA11.ZIP 178k 06.06.97 [00] Kablam! v1.1 My brother was raving about a little program for his Mac called Kaboom!, which allowed him to attach sounds to system events and program starts as well as random timed sounds - just for noise. Since I upgraded to Windows 95 and PLUS!, I have had similar fun with system sounds - but no random sounds - just for noise. So, Delphi 2 (a development environment you should really try!) in hand, I whipped up KABLAM! to fill the void of random timed sounds. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine KOANX.ZIP 2304k 06.06.97 [00] SSEYO Koan X The drag 'n' mix music power tool Makes creative music making fast, and easy Uploader: Igor Kouzmine LOOPBACK.ZIP 81k 06.06.97 [00] HUBI'S MIDI LOOPBACK DEVICE V2.3 - Apr 96 virtual midi driver for Win3.x and Win95 + Connect multiple MIDI programs + add MultiClient I/O for all MIDI drivers + MidiCable: simple MIDI application with realtime SysEx-thru and multiple instances. Up to 4 ports with multi client IN/OUT, full SysEx support. Very few resource consumption. RealTime-SysEx-MidiThru program. BP7 src avail as FREEWARE. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine M4W230.ZIP 475k 05.06.97 [00] MOD4Win v2.30 Pour jouer des modules sous Windows. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine M4W230SW.ZIP 1201k 06.09.97 [00] Mod4Win v2.30SW Uploader: Igor Kouzmine M4W240.ZIP 595k 08.04.97 [01] Mod4Win v2.40 Beta Pour jouer la plupart des modules musicaux avec une belle interface graphique sous Windows. Supporte la majorit des carte son, GUS compris. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine M4WI230B.ZIP 50k 06.03.97 [00] Mod4Win v2.30 Update to v2.30b Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MCI_DEMO.ZIP 76k 06.06.97 [00] Beta version. M4W_MCI Is a standard Windows MCI driver that has an interface to control MOD4WIN's Player32.DLL. You'll need to have any version of MOD4WIN 2.40 Beta installed on your system. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MELOS10E.ZIP 617k 15.08.97 [00] melos (release 1.0), English version Analyzes sound that you present to it using a microphone (voice or instrument) or by opening an monophonic WAV file. It shows the information in musical notation. You can save the notes as a MIDI file. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MID2XM11.ZIP 224k 01.02.97 [00] MIDI to XM File Converter (1.1) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MIDIGEST.ZIP 119k 18.12.93 [02] Gestionnaire de Fichers Midi sous OuinDoze Uploader: Laurent_Chartinier MIDIPL.ZIP 887k 10.09.97 [00] MidiPlayer Programme trs complet qui vous permettra de modifier et de sauver en temps rel tous les paramtres des sons d'un fichier MIDI. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MIDITOOL.ZIP 48k 06.06.97 [00] MIDI Tools v3.00 MIDIKbd, SEx, DXSwap, and Mantra MIDI Tools is a collection of small useful MIDI tools for Windows 3.1, Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MKWV121.ZIP 25k 15.06.93 [01] Make Wave 1.21 Convertit toutes sortes de fichiers sons au format WAV (sous Windows) Uploader: Francois Grange MM9530B1.ZIP 1000k 06.06.97 [01] Midi Machine V3.00Beta1 (32 bit) for Win95. Multimedia player/manager; many features available even while files are playing. Plays: .MID, .WAV, .JPG, .PNG, .WMF, .BMP, .ICO, .PCX, .AVI, .TXT, .RTF, and CD Audio tracks. Supports albums. Multiple playmodes with shuffle and NEW intro mode. COMPLETE rewrite; no runtime files needed. Mouse and context-sensitive help. Comes with installer and uninstaller. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MN13.ZIP 1074k 06.06.97 [00] MIDInight Express 1.3 - real time MID to WAV renderer. Get wavetable sound without a wavetable card! Uses WAVmaker patches. Can run alongside WAVmaker or standalone. Windows 95, 1.7 MB free disk required (2.8 at installation). FPU recommended. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MOZART2.ZIP 1867k 06.06.97 [00] MOZART the Windows Music Processor creates, edits, and prints music scores and individual parts using the computer keybord only; is WYSIWYG; saves scores to disk and exports MIDI files for "aural preview" on multimedia PC's. For both serious amateur & novice users. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MP2WIN5.EXE 204k 21.04.97 [00] MaPlay v1.2+ Player simple et efficace de MP1, MP2, MP3 sous Windows. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MPLAY12X.EXE 863k 01.04.97 [00] Maplay 1.2+ for Win32 1.80 Player de MPEG Audio Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MPP133.ZIP 212k 25.02.98 * [00] ModPlug v1.33 Le must pour jouer la majorit des modules sous Win95 avec des effets en temps rel, etc... Gnial ! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine NOISYLTE.EXE 833k 20.05.97 [00] Noisy Shortcut v1.0 Pour associer des sons vos raccourcis. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine NTAWE32.EXE 851k 13.02.97 [00] AWCP-NT-01-ENG New 32-bit SB AWE32 Control Panel and driver for Windows NT 3.5 & later. NWC11.ZIP 589k 21.01.95 [00] NoteWorthy Composer 1.10, Note Processor for Windows A music composition and notation processor for Windows, providing for the creation, play back, and printing of your own musical scores. Imports and automatically notates MIDI files, as well as exports compositions to MIDI files. Provides selective staff print for easy creation of conductor and individual player scores. QUACK.ZIP 253k 06.06.97 [00] Quack is a program which can be used to generate a wide variety of electronic sound effects. The sounds produced by Quack can be stored as WAV files, and may be used by any other applications which accept the WAV format. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SEEV1B.ZIP 1540k 10.09.97 [00] SOUND EVENT EDITOR '96 v1.0b for Windows95 Freeware Utility to add Open,Close,Maximize, Minimize,RestoreUp/Down sound events to nearly any program in Windows 95. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SEQ303.ZIP 159k 06.06.97 [00] Seq303 Seq-303 is an analog sequencer emulator for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Seq-303 was inspired by many of the great analog sequencers of yore, including the Serge TKB, ARP 1613, PaIA 4700, Korg SQ-10, and of course the venerable Roland TB-303. With Seq-303, you'll be able to recreate many of the musical styles produced by sequencer artists of the past, as well as modern styles such as acid and house music. All it requires is a PC, a sound card and/or synthesizer, and a little imagination. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SMILEY10.ZIP 1174k 20.09.97 [00] Taskbar Smiley version 1.0 Taskbar Smiley is a program that resides in your Windows system tray and plays the real, soothing sounds of a Forest Stream, a Tropical Rainforest, an Ocean Surf, and a Peaceful Night-time Surf sound. Requires Windows 95/NT and, of course, a sound card (duh). Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SONOWAVE.ZIP 35k 15.06.93 [00] Player et diteur d'enveloppe pour fichier au format WAV (sous Windows) Ncessite VBRUN200.DLL Uploader: Francois Grange STUDIO3_.EXE 278k 01.04.97 [00] --* Studio 3 v1.0 *-- Win 95/NT / *Wide BETA RELEASE 2* MP3 List Maker, Supporting: -Long Filename Support -ID3 Tag Protocol Support for: sorting, selecting, editing -Recurse Sub Dirs, all dirs, time calc. -Enhanced information from Winplay v1.4 -Ease of use, informational. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SURF.ZIP 87k 26.05.96 [00] Surf-The WAV Audio Toolbox V1.1 An incredible selection of effects for your Windows WAV files, including: 5 levels of echo, chorusing, inversion, playback control, smoothing, editing, hiss control, phaser. All this and MORE wrapped up in a user-friendly toolbar. VIENNA.ZIP 1328k 02.04.96 [01] VIENNA SF.STUDIO For Windows 3.1 or more Editeur de bank AWE32 Uploader: Gerald Travaillot VN2195UP.EXE 1296k 06.10.97 [00] Vienna SF Studio 2.1 Upgrade for Win3.X Uplaoder: Igor Kouzmine WAVE.ZIP 157k 01.06.96 [00] The Wave Utilities 2.3 A Multimedia Tool Package for Windows 3.1, consisting of Looper and Player. Play Wave Files by doubleclicking them in File Manager and Loop Wave files in the background. Special Support For Pro Audio Spectrum 16 and Compatibles Uploader: Grundrich Raphael WAVEGEN.ZIP 307k 06.06.97 [01] WaveGen v2.1 <ASP> PCM Wave Generator for Windows. Create pure waveforms for synths, wave trackers or other purposes. Supports 8/16 bits, any sampling rate. Over 25 built in algorithms + expressions. Mix, import waves; fade, modulate, normalise +more. LSB TPDF Dither & noise shaping; Envelopes. Export to .AU .SMP .AIF +more. DTMF tones. Powerful Tone Sequencer Language, music generator. Ideal for electr. musos. $US30. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WAVWARS2.ZIP 3904k 06.06.97 [00] WAV Wars v2.1 <ASP> - Windows 95 (32 -bit) WAV file player/gizmo. Shareware $10.00 (US). See REGISTER.TXT. Visit the web site: Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WG09E_E.ZIP 1155k 05.06.97 [00] WinGroove v0.9a Pour faire de la Trance, Dream, etc... sans synth, mais avec une carte son. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WHAM.ARJ 137k 27.04.97 [00] WHAM v1.33 (Waveform Hold and Modify) Pour manipuler des sons de divers formats. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WINAMP17.EXE 293k 09.02.98 * [00] WinAMP v1.7 (Win95) Superbe programme pour jouer vos .MP3, confugrable et peu gourmand en temps CPU. Permet d'ajouter des plugins pour 3DFX... Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WLIRA.ZIP 128k 08.05.94 [06] Cration de partition musicale et joue en direct via carte son Uploader: Eric Vallat WM95.ZIP 1776k 17.08.97 [00] WAVmaker 2.5 for Windows 95/NT - Digital Audio system featuring CD quality MID -> WAV rendering & WAV recording, DSP (mix, offset/maximize, fade, gate, compress, expand, low-/high-/band-pass & notch filter, ring modulation, vocoder, reverse, echo, reverb, flange, chorus, extend, cut, gated cut) and MIDI analysis/manipulation. 386+, 2.5 MB disk minimum required. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WP200.EXE 1221k 30.10.96 [00] WinPlay 3 v2.0 Pour jouer les sons aux formats MPEG1 MPEG3, (c'est dire les fameux .MP3) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Drivers Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 74 19434 KBytes in 31 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 29WN3XPF.EXE 7k 19.10.94 [00] DERNIERS DRIVERS W3.1 4029 LEXMARK Uploader: Verrier Georges 39WN315F.EXE 224k 22.10.94 [00] Drivers windows 3.1 pour IBM 4039 francais, nombreuses options Uploader: Verrier Georges ATI31VGA.ZIP 247k 29.10.92 [00] Tous les drivers d'ecran pour les possesseurs d'une carte ati pour optimiser windows 3.1 Uploader: Arnaud Leffebvre AWEDW3UP.EXE 1213k 12.02.97 [00] DOS/Win 3.1 Driver update for AWE32 & SB32. Includes Full-Duplex support. UPD-STD-03 (Revision 1) Note: S16DW3UP.EXE is also required for installation FIRST!! This file replaces aweup.exe. 1. Fixed Voice Message playback through soundcard. 2. Restriction of MPU401 port at 300h and 330h removed from DIAGNOSE.EXE AWENT40.EXE 692k 13.02.97 [00] SDR-NTDRV-1-US (Revision 1) Standalone Sound Blaster 16/AWE32 drivers for Windows NT4.0 ONLY 1. Support for SoundFont 2.0 2. Support for AWE64 and AWE64 Gold. (Software wavetable not included) 3. Support NT4.0 PnP manager. 4. Supports both PnP and Legacy AWE cards AWENTPNP.EXE 723k 13.02.97 [00] Audio Software for WinNT Installation Disk AWEO-NTSTD-1-US (Revision 3) Standalone Sound Blaster 16/AWE32 drivers for WinNT. Supports both PnP and Legacy cards. SB16SND.SYS updated to solve "IRQ is greater than equal error" and to allow booting up the AGC set to 0. SB16SND .DLL updated to allow user to change the SoundField port. BJWIN95.ZIP 2611k 18.10.95 [00] Derniers drivers imprimantes Canon bj pour windows 95 Uploader: Sebastien Violet CAPSL-3W.ZIP 690k 07.09.94 [00] derniere version drivers Canon CAPSL 3 Uploader: Jean-luc Soriano CYBERC.ZIP 9k 17.02.96 [01] Driver de cybersoft pour ameliorer les performances sous windows 3.x Uploader: Pancak Guillaume D5WN31.ZIP 429k 13.04.94 [00] Driver HP DeskJet Series 4.0. DJC50FR.EXE 687k 17.11.94 [04] Dernier Driver Windows pour les imprimantes HP serie DeskJet Uploader: Michel, Nachun EZSCSI31.ZIP 342k 22.03.95 [00] Drivers ADAPTEC EZ-SCSI V3.11 du 10/02/95 permet, entre autre, l'acces 32 Bits pour les unites SCSI sous WINDOWS 3.1 3.11 & WFW Uploader: Thierry LASVENES F1280.ARJ 940k 13.04.93 [00] Farhenheit 1280 driver pour win tous types version 4.6 dernier en date Uploader: Christophe Abegg FWINCOM4.EXE 614k 28.11.93 [00] Utilitaires permettant d'utiliser une Orchid farenheit malgre un peripherique sur Com4. Farenheit 1280+ VA/VLB Uploader: Pierre Roy L128124B.ZIP 294k 14.10.97 [00] Drivers et logiciels pour les cartes graphiques STB (sous Win95). Uploader: Igor Kouzmine LJ4W31.ZIP 418k 26.05.93 [00] Les derniers driver de la HP 4 pour Windows Uploader: Francois Grange MDMWI951.ZIP 6k 02.05.96 [02] Driver Win95 des modems CREATIX du 02-05-96 Uploader: Yves Beining MF30.EXE 539k 07.06.97 [00] Plug & PLay Modem Installation Software Verison 1.23 This software is designed to permit Sierra Semiconductor Plug-and-Play modems to be "automatically" installed and configured into IBM PC's and compatibles that have no other Plug-and-Play capabilities (ie. machines that have neither PNP BIOS nor are running Microsoft CHICAGO.) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine S16DW3UP.EXE 634k 12.02.97 [00] DOS/Win3.1 Driver Updates for SB16 Users. Includes Full-Duplex support. UPD-STD-03 (Revision 1) 1. Fixed Voice Message playback through soundcard. 2. Restriction of MPU401 port at 300h and 330h removed from DIAGNOSE.EXE Note: This file is required BEFORE downloading AWEDW3UP.EXE! This file replaces sb16up.exe. SBBASIC.EXE 1296k 12.02.97 [00] Sound Blaster 16/SB32/AWE32 Basic Disk for Windows 3.x SDR-31STD-1-US. This package contains the following software: - Audio drivers - DOS Mixer program - DOS Diagnostic program - Creative Mixer (Windows 3.1 version) - AWE Control Panel (Windows 3.1 version - for SBAWE card) This package is intended for those without DOS/Win3.1 audio software. SBW31.ZIP 51k 04.11.92 [02] Drivers Sound Blaster 1.5 et 2.0 pour Windows 3.1... Uploader: Stephane Voegel SBW95UP.EXE 301k 29.08.97 [00] Sound Blaster 16/32/AWE Driver Updates for Win95 SDR-95UPD-1-US (Revision 10) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SBW95UP.EXE 301k 29.08.97 [02] SB16, AWE32, SB32 Full Duplex Driver Updates for Windows 95. SDR-95UPD-1-US (Revision 7) This update: 1. Supports AWE64 line of soundcards 2. Supports Microsoft DirectSound 3.0. 3. Supports full duplex SC622DE.EXE 1947k 09.10.97 [00] Mise jour des Drivers pour la Epson Stylus Color 600 (Windows) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine TRDWIN31.ZIP 342k 20.06.92 [05] Drivers for VGA Card Trident TWAIN251.ZIP 2163k 16.11.97 [00] Drivers et logiciels pour les scanners Epson compatible TWAIN (GT5000, etc...) Uploader: Igor Kouzmine W31SPKR.ZIP 13k 11.01.93 [09] Driver speaker pour Windows 3.1 Uploader: Boris Khalkhal W95ET6.ZIP 47k 18.05.97 [00] Drivers Tseng Labs ET6000 v4.03.4800 pour Windows95 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WDC.ARJ 255k 02.06.95 [00] Western Digital Fastdisk driver (WDCDRV.386) for Windows WIN95.ZIP 45k 19.10.96 [00] Drivers Chip&Tech 643xx pour Windows95 WSWG95UP.EXE 1369k 18.05.97 [00] WSWG-95UPD-3-US WaveSynth/WG Drivers Update For Windows 95 1. Allows simultaneous operation of Creative WaveSynth/WG with other floating-point calculation intensive applications. 2. CD Quality enhancement on WaveSynth/WG playback. 3. Allows WaveSynth-WG installation on AMD-K5 and above machines. 4. Includes driver updates for SB16, AWE32, SB16+WaveSynth AWE32+WaveSynth/WG, AWE64 & AWE64 Gold. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Documentations Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 75 288 KBytes in 15 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * CHGO95.ZIP 6k 05.06.94 [04] Why Windows 4.0 not released until 1995 EXECWN.ZIP 11k 13.04.94 [00] Winguide - Windows 3.1 Technical Information For Support Professionals Is An Ms-win Help File About/editing/formatting Ini Files; Uploader: Ludovic Braun FAT32.HTM 9k 04.06.96 [02] Documentation sur la nouvelle FAT32 made in Microsoft. FAT32.TXT 6k 23.05.96 [01] Pour tout savoir sur la FAT32, voici la documentation officielle de MS. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MSWIN95S.ZIP 4k 30.08.95 [05] MicroSoft Windows 95 is LOOKING at and DOING more than you think! MS Officials confirm that Win95 is reading AND TRANSMITTING info about your hard drive & software back to MS without your knowledge. Read MS.TXT inside. Uploader: Jean-christophe Peyrard SOCKDOC.ZIP 100k 18.06.96 [00] Windows Sockets An Open Interface for Network Programming under Microsoft* Windows* Version 1.1 20 January 1993 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine VIRUS.TXT 2k 06.09.95 [10] a new virus in win95 damn Uploader: Mario Vannoni WIN31DSK.ARJ 39k 14.03.93 [05] Windows 3.1 & improved hard disk access WIN95TIP.ZIP 55k 23.05.96 [02] Windows 95 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets v1.5 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine WINSECRT.ARJ 1k 22.08.91 [13] pour voir les crans cachs de WIN&WWORD WINSTAC.ARJ 18k 14.03.93 [01] msgs compatibilit Stacker/Windows 3.1 WINWRAP.ZIP 16k 24.09.94 [00] Windows Users Group Network Texts WIZREG.TXT 3k 05.09.96 [01] Article propos du Registration Wizard de W95, suivi de la rponse de Microsoft... WNSC-ILL.ZIP 4k 07.03.95 [04] Windows Secrets TEXT WW0335.ARJ 22k 12.09.92 [02] Microsoft Product Support Services Application Note (Text File) WW0335: Memory Management with Windows File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Jeux Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 76 10673 KBytes in 28 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 1N2.ZIP 352k 05.02.95 [00] 1N2 Foot-Base 2.0 pour Windows (c) Christophe Bouscaut ARACHNID.ARJ 71k 11.02.93 [05] Jeu de Cartes Windows BTLSHP.ZIP 39k 30.06.93 [09] Bataille navale en rseau sous windows Uploader: Thierry Monneau CRUSADE.ZIP 555k 20.11.94 [08] Superbe! Jeu Windows entre Simcity et StarTrek. Uploader: Michel Polski DES4WIN.ZIP 93k 09.04.94 [01] Bataille Navale Uploader: Lechable Francois EMSOFT.ZIP 92k 14.06.93 [10] 3 jeux sous Windows Uploader: Francois Grange F18NFZ.ZIP 1227k 17.08.95 [00] ** F18: No Fly Zone (tm) 1.0 Levels [1,2,3] * ******* by Doe Entertainment (R) ************ Turn and Burn your F-18 thru the No Fly Zone! No time for whys'or hows'..Just time to fight for your life! : High Speed Windows Game! Full Screen! Graphics : Full Digital STEREO! Supports : Joystick, Mouse, or Keyboard Min:386-33+, 6 Megs Ram, Fast Video Card & Video Driver, SB Compatible card. WIN 3.1+ 256 COLOR ONLY. Uploader: Patrick Guilmain GNUCHESS.ARJ 137k 11.02.93 [03] Echecs sous Windows GPED.ZIP 112k 14.09.94 [03] Grand Prix Editor Pour modifier Microprose Grand Prix sous windows. Modif. couleurs voitures, casques et perf Uploader: Eric Vallat HEXTRIS.ARJ 10k 05.01.93 [02] Une superbe variation de Tetris JEUX.ZIP 1643k 09.11.95 [03] Slection de Home PC de 7 jeux Windows Uploader: Alain Boitier JEWELS.ARJ 127k 20.10.93 [09] Superbe tetris sous windows Uploader: Pascal Violero KITY.ZIP 695k 12.09.96 [00] Petit jeu nul /windows mais c'est un Uploader: Alain Boitier LEMM95.ARJ 794k 04.11.95 [05] Lemmings for Win 95 Uploader: Patrick Guilmain PENNYARC.ZIP 759k 18.08.96 [01] Penny's Arcade Windows 95 Ŀ Penny's Arcade Ĵ Complete Shooting Gallery of Fun. Has sound and 256 color rendered graphics. WinGames.Inc ShareWare Uploader: Guillaume Labbaye PLIFE.ZIP 22k 05.08.91 [12] - Le jeu de la vie enfin sous Windows SHOTGN10.ZIP 233k 05.05.94 [06] - Duel au revolver dans un saloon sous Windows avec bruitages.. Uploader: Thierry Delaunay SINKSUBP.ZIP 554k 18.08.96 [01] SinkSub Pro 1.01 for Win 3.x, Win'95. Highly addictive arcade action game ! Take command of a Swedish patrol boat and sink submarines. 50 action stuffed levels, smooth 256 color animation and digitized sound effects. Req. 486/4MB. Uploader: Guillaume Labbaye TAMAGOTC.ZIP 92k 16.10.97 [00] TAMAGOTCHI pour votre PC par SGA 1997 Le petit oeuf japonais qui a contamin notre cher jeunesse dbarque sur nos PC Vous aussi levez votre petit oeuf et surtout faites attention pour qu'il ne meurt pas ! Uploader: Igor Kouzmine VIRUS10.ZIP 1282k 21.01.96 [00] VIRUS: The Game v1.0 - DynoTech Software Fast knuckle banging, joint challenging, finger flying puzzle-arcade game where YOU are the Virus ("the Bad Guy"). Run recklessly about the surface of a hard drive while infecting each sector's critical bytes. Collect enough bytes to venture to the next level. Watch out for the relentless virus cleaner disk! This fast moving game is not for slackers. Req: 386+; 4MB RAM; Win 3.1 or Win 95; 256 VGA; Mouse or Joystick; Sound Card (optional, but recommended). [See VENDINFO.DIZ for more details.] Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis WEMPIRE.ZIP 338k 19.03.94 [04] Clone de risk pour windows Uploader: Serge Weinstock WINFIGHT.ARJ 76k 31.12.93 [00] Petit jeu sympa sous win en tache de fd Uploader: Alain Thomas WINPOOL.ZIP 50k 31.12.93 [06] Un billard pour windows ( billard US ) Uploader: Alain Thomas WINSIEGE.ZIP 198k 17.11.93 [06] Siege sous Windows jeux de rflexion trs sympathique. On a en plus la possibilit de jouer distance via un modem . Patrick Pl WINSIMON.ZIP 10k 20.05.94 [00] Jeu de mmoire trs simple sous Windows Uploader: Thierry Delaunay WINTETRI.ARJ 39k 12.05.94 [02] Enfin un vrai tetris sous windows Uploader: Raphael Jacquet WWIAIR.ZIP 395k 28.12.95 [01] WWI Air Fighters V1.0 - A StrikeDeck game. Addicting Windows solitaire card game played with trading style cards. Each card with professional quality graphics of WWI airplane Planes like Spad 7, Pfalz D-3, Sopwith Triplane, Fokker D-VII and 16 other classic planes from World War I. Detailed specs. supplied for each plane. Play with Vegas scoring or standard scoring. 256 colors recommended, sound optional. Kamyan Software. Uploader: Jeremy Mary YAAC.ZIP 693k 18.08.96 [00] YAAC 1.0 (Yet Another Asteroids Clone) High resolution version of the arcade classic "Asteroids" for Windows. 3D rendered graphics, realistic physics, many power-ups, challenging opponents, interesting variations on the original. Req 486+, Win3+WinG or Win95. Freeware! File Wizard ͸ Area: Systme Windows/Icnes Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 77 8664 KBytes in 34 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 200ICONS.ZIP 41k 08.09.92 [08] 200 icons pour Windows 3.x Uploader: Lasse Lautsuo 3000ICON.ZIP 569k 23.11.96 [00] Des milliers d'icnes au format .DLL Uploader: Igor Kouzmine 3D_ICONS.ZIP 133k 21.01.97 [00] ALLIC1.ZIP 281k 18.05.94 [01] 4000 icones pour tout Uploader: Olivier Roset ALLIC2.ZIP 260k 18.05.94 [01] 4000 icones pour tout, suite Uploader: Olivier Roset ALLIC3.ZIP 323k 18.05.94 [01] 4000 icones pour tout, suite et fin Uploader: Olivier Roset ALLICON0.ZIP 140k 23.11.96 [01] Des icnes en 65000 couleurs pour Win95 Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ALLICONS.ZIP 2443k 19.09.96 [00] Une tonne d'icnes Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ANIMEICO.ZIP 7k 21.01.97 [00] DANZIG.ZIP 4k 21.01.97 [00] DUKEONS.ZIP 2k 21.01.97 [00] EUDOICO.ZIP 4k 21.01.97 [00] EXPLOICO.ZIP 5k 21.01.97 [00] EZICON.ZIP 4k 21.01.97 [00] FPICONS.ZIP 32k 21.01.97 [00] HAPPY95.ZIP 2628k 21.01.97 [00] Une tonne d'icnes Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ICNCT50A.ZIP 353k 01.02.97 [00] ICNCT50a - Displays 100 icons at a time for quick viewing, printing, copying, renaming, moving, deleting, editing, converting, extracting using drag&drop, mouse clicks, hotkeys. Extracts icons inside DLL/EXE files. Converts BMP -> ICO, ICO -> BMP. Captures ANY area of the screen into an icon/bitmap. Turns any icon areas transparent. Powerful editing tools including flip/shift. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ICONES.ARJ 21k 17.10.92 [02] Icones sous windows format *.ico Uploader: Frederic Landreau ICONE_PC.ZIP 155k 03.02.96 [01] Une tonne d'icnes au format .ICO Uploader: Gerald Mielle ICONMSTR.ZIP 82k 07.11.94 [01] Extracteur d'icones. Extrait les icones de n'imorte quel type de fichier qui en contient. Uploader: Denis Edel ICONPA4.EXE 358k 18.04.97 [00] IconPack v4 Des tonnes d'cnes classes Uploader: Igor Kouzmine ICONS.ARJ 30k 29.04.93 [02] icones sous windows format .ico Uploader: Frederic Landreau ICONS.ZIP 27k 21.01.97 [00] IEXTRACT.ZIP 30k 06.12.93 [00] Recup d'icones Uploader: Jean-luc Soriano IINJECT.ZIP 31k 06.12.93 [02] Injecte un icone dans une .exe Uploader: Jean-luc Soriano IPHONICO.ZIP 2k 21.01.97 [00] LAPLANCH.ZIP 137k 12.04.97 [00] MEGAIKON.ARJ 141k 16.05.92 [06] - Des tonnes d'icones pour Windows NETICO.ZIP 5k 21.01.97 [00] PMICONS1.ZIP 26k 22.11.93 [02] change les icones de groupe de windows Uploader: Yannick Veschambes RINGOBIN.ZIP 32k 21.01.97 [00] SHOESTRI.ZIP 30k 21.01.97 [00] TF-ICONS.ZIP 343k 21.01.97 [00] WZIPICO.ZIP 5k 21.01.97 [00] File Wizard ͸ Area: Systmes UNIX-Linux-Minix/Utilitaires Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 80 24791 KBytes in 63 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * --- Divers ATP142BI.GZ 75k 05.11.94 [00] unix: a QWK downloader and news reader Uploader: Julien Faivre ATP142SR.GZ 136k 05.11.94 [01] unix: source for a QWK downloader and reader Uploader: Julien Faivre C404LX.TGZ 10416 11.02.98 * [00] Netscape v4.04 Communicator pour Linux. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CHIPS31.TGZ 598k 23.11.96 [00] Drivers pour des cartes graphique Chips&Tech Uploader: Igor Kouzmine DES_1991.ARJ 25k 16.05.92 [10] - Sources C, Doc de l'algo de cryptage DES (non autoris en france) DOSNX20B.SDA 1k 26.06.92 [06] Combines UNIX commands with DOS util's DOSNX20B.SDN 186k 26.06.92 [00] DOSNIX v2.0b for the UNIX lover JPEG20.ARJ 267k 16.05.92 [02] Compresseur GIF,IFF,..-> JPEG (Src+Exe) LINXDOOM.ZIP 170k 30.03.95 [05] DOOM for Linux (X Windows) Version 1.666 This is a 3D networked texture-mapped action game. I believe it's the first commercial (sorta) game available. Get doom1wad.tgz if you don't have the DOOM v1.666 data file. Uploader: Olivier Roset MDAEMON.ZIP 15k 12.09.92 [03] UUCP Tools Scan orphans directory for mail, each message found will be sent to the sysop MINILIN1.ZIP 1379k 17.02.96 [00] MINI LINUX Ver 1.0.9 Include TCP/IP and SLIP, Xwindows etc. Easy to install! [01/05] Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MINILIN2.ZIP 1399k 17.02.96 [00] MINI LINUX Ver 1.0.9 Include TCP/IP and SLIP, Xwindows etc. Easy to install! [02/05] Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MINILIN3.ZIP 1365k 17.02.96 [00] MINI LINUX Ver 1.0.9 Include TCP/IP and SLIP, Xwindows etc. Easy to install! [03/05] Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MINILIN4.ZIP 1286k 17.02.96 [00] MINI LINUX Ver 1.0.9 Include TCP/IP and SLIP, Xwindows etc. Easy to install! [04/05] Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MINILIN5.ZIP 64k 17.02.96 [01] MINI LINUX Ver 1.0.9 Include TCP/IP and SLIP, Xwindows etc. Easy to install! [05/05] Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis MSQL1016.ZIP 997k 08.05.97 [00] mSQL v1.0 Patch 16 (7 Jul 1996) mSQL has been developed under Sun OS 4.1.1 but has been tested under Solaris 2.3, Ultrix 4.3, Linux, and OSF/1 (cc not gcc). That said, it should "autoconf" and build on most BSD derived systems, SVR4 based systems or POSIX O/S's (that should cover most of them). It has been reported that it works out-of-the-box on HP-UX, NeXT, SCO, Sequent, Cray, Tandem, *BSD and a few others. N304LX.TGZ 2293k 11.02.98 * [00] Netscape v3.04 pour Linux Uploader: Igor Kouzmine SHAREXE.ARJ 115k 16.05.92 [01] Outil de cration d'archives Shell X11AMP.TGZ 105k 11.02.98 * [00] X11Amp v0.62 L'adaptation du fameux WinAMP sous X11 pour jouer vos MP3 favoris. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine --- GNU Executables sous MS/DOS CAWF2.ARJ 124k 10.04.92 [01] - Cawf - C version of the nroff-like, Amazingly Workable (text) Formatter Cawf formats the text from the input file(s) COMPR30J.ARJ 17k 12.09.92 [03] - UNIX Compress (Src Only) COMPR41B.ARJ 27k 12.09.92 [03] - UNIX Compress (Src) EXE COMPR41D.ARJ 15k 12.09.92 [02] - UNIX Compress (Src) EXE COMPR41E.ARJ 67k 12.09.92 [01] - UNIX Compress (Src) EXE COMPR43D.ARJ 21k 12.09.92 [01] - UNIX Compress (Src) EXE CPIO11.ARJ 41k 12.09.92 [00] - GNUish MS-DOS cpio 1.1 (Exe) C_EDITOR.EXE 45k 30.06.92 [05] - C Editor (Source&Exe) DETAR.ARJ 15k 12.09.92 [06] - detar.c Version 1.1 Unix Tape Archive (TAR) Extractor for MSDOS DIFF115.ARJ 85k 12.09.92 [00] - GNUDiff 1.15 (Exe) EMACS309.EXE 269k 07.09.92 [02] - Editeur emacs 3.9e autodecompactable Uploader: Patrick Fauquet FGREP11.ARJ 30k 12.09.92 [03] - GNUish MS-DOS fgrep (Exe) FIND12.ARJ 59k 26.03.91 [01] - GNUish MS-DOS find, v1.2 (Exe) FLEX236.ARJ 53k 26.03.91 [00] - GNU Flex (Exe) FUTIL14.ARJ 293k 12.09.92 [01] - GNU fileutils for MS-DOS (Cat,ls,....) GDBM14.ARJ 25k 13.09.92 [01] - GNU gdbm v1.4 for MS-DOS (Patches) GNULIB0.ARJ 69k 13.09.92 [00] - GNUish MS-DOS library, GETOPT,PWD, etc GPTX01.ARJ 48k 13.09.92 [00] - GNU ptx GREP15.ARJ 81k 26.03.91 [00] - GNUish MS-DOS e?grep1.5 GS241386.ARJ 328k 30.04.92 [01] - Ghostscript 2.4.1 GS241PS.ARJ 337k 30.04.92 [00] - Ghostscript 2.4.1 (4/21/92) Complments+Src PS INDENT11.ARJ 52k 26.03.91 [00] - GNU indent for MS-DOS (Exe) M4V05.ARJ 52k 13.09.92 [00] - GNUish MS-DOS m4 MacroLang (Exe) MAKE358.ARJ 126k 12.09.92 [01] - GNU make 3.58 for MS-DOS (Exe Only) MKINF10.ARJ 149k 26.03.91 [00] - GNUish MS-DOS info PCTAR120.ARJ 15k 13.09.92 [03] - GNUish Ms-Dos tar (Exe) PERL4010.ARJ 382k 27.06.92 [00] - AWK mlior, Langage d'extraction.., doc trs complte Uploader:H_Tournier SED106.ARJ 40k 26.03.91 [00] - GNUish MS-DOS sed SED106.ZIP 42k 11.02.92 [01] - GNU port for MsDos SED commande unix SORT03.ARJ 53k 26.03.91 [00] - GNU sort distribution for MS-DOS systems SWALIB0.ARJ 69k 27.06.92 [00] - The is the beta distribution of `swaplib', A library for improved execution of child processes under MS-DOS. (Src) UE310C.EXE 238k 30.06.92 [01] MicroEmacs 3.10 Sources UE310CMD.EXE 29k 30.06.92 [02] MicroEmacs 3.10 Portabilty Adds UE310DOC.EXE 146k 30.06.92 [02] MicroEmacs 3.10 Documentation UE310H.EXE 49k 30.06.92 [01] MicroEmacs 3.10 Includes Files UE310MAK.EXE 8k 30.06.92 [01] MicroEmacs 3.10 Make Files UE_EXE.EXE 56k 30.06.92 [02] MicroEmacs 3.10 Executable for MS/Dos --- SCO BENCH.ARJ 58k 26.06.92 [08] Benchmarks pour UNIX (Tar) (Src) CUT.ARJ 39k 26.06.92 [01] Commande Cut sous UNIX (UNX) ELVIS.ARJ 87k 26.06.92 [02] vi like pour coherent et sco xenix (UNX) XKERMIT.ARJ 26k 26.06.92 [05] kermit pour xwindows (UNX) RSMODEM.ARJ 123k 26.06.92 [08] X/Y/Zmodem pour UNIX (UNX) LHARC.ARJ 26k 20.06.92 [06] (Unx) PKUNZIP.ARJ 18k 20.06.92 [02] (Unx) File Wizard ͸ Area: Systmes UNIX-Linux-Minix/Docs & Textes Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 81 3722 KBytes in 50 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * DNS.HOW 50k 10.10.95 [03] How-to Linux - Config d'un DNS DOSEMU.HOW 43k 10.10.95 [04] How-to Linux - Install de l'mul DOS et Windaube DOSEMU.ZIP 13k 12.04.95 [06] How-To Linux - DosEmu ELF.HOW 31k 10.10.95 [01] how-to Linux - Install d'ELF EMAIL.HOW 31k 10.10.95 [00] How-to Linux - FIREWALL.HOW 27k 10.10.95 [00] How-to Linux - FTAPE.HOW 43k 10.10.95 [00] How-to Linux - HAM.HOW 64k 10.10.95 [00] How-to Linux - HARDWARE.HOW 34k 10.10.95 [02] How-to Linux - INSTALL.HOW 62k 10.10.95 [06] How-to Linux - JE.HOW 55k 10.10.95 [00] How-to Linux KERNEL.HOW 44k 10.10.95 [03] How-to Linux - MGR.HOW 26k 10.10.95 [01] How-to Linux - NEWS.HOW 33k 10.10.95 [01] How-to Linux - NIS.HOW 28k 10.10.95 [00] How-to Linux - PCI.HOW 61k 10.10.95 [03] How-to Linux - PCMCIA.HOW 43k 10.10.95 [01] How-to Linux - PPP.HOW 46k 10.10.95 [00] How-to Linux - PRINTING.HOW 119k 10.10.95 [00] How-to Linux - SCSI.HOW 113k 10.10.95 [01] How-to Linux - SCSIPRG.HOW 133k 10.10.95 [01] How-to Linux - SERIAL.HOW 63k 10.10.95 [01] How-to Linux - SOUND.HOW 42k 10.10.95 [01] How-to Linux - TERM.HOW 89k 10.10.95 [00] How-to Linux - TIPS.HOW 9k 10.10.95 [00] How-to Linux - UPS.HOW 68k 10.10.95 [00] How-to Linux - UUCP.HOW 21k 10.10.95 [00] How-to Linux - XFREE86.HOW 47k 10.10.95 [04] How-to Linux - XFree86 386BSD00.ARJ 47k 13.05.92 [03] propos d'UNIX 386BSD release 0.0 386BSDRN.ARJ 90k 25.01.93 [02] "386/BSD 0.1 release notes" DPMI.ARJ 37k 27.09.92 [02] spcifications DPMI avec exemples en C EMAIL.ARJ 23k 06.09.92 [05] les softs d'e-mail sous UNIX GRL0595.ZIP 50k 20.01.96 [05] Guide du Routard Linux Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis GRL1407.ZIP 96k 02.08.93 [13] Le Guide Du Routard LINUX 14-Jul-93 GUIDE_RO.ZIP 72k 03.05.96 [04] Le guide du routard pour LINUX Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis LINUX.ARJ 9k 14.03.93 [06] Master Files List for the Linux FDN LINUX1.TXT 11k 23.11.92 [02] LINUX2.TXT 7k 23.11.92 [01] LINUXFAQ.ARJ 26k 14.03.93 [03] comp.os.linux FAQ 1.6 LNXFAQ98.ARJ 62k 30.07.93 [03] La FAQ pour LINUX SLS 0.98 Uploader: David Barth LNXPOL.ARJ 4k 14.03.93 [04] Linux distribution network info & policy LXV95AIN.ARJ 4k 20.06.92 [07] informations sur LINUX v0.95 MINIXINF.ARJ 22k 11.12.91 [01] Des infos sur Minix PCUNIX5.ARJ 43k 14.03.93 [01] PC-clone UNIX Software Buyer's Guide 5.0 PCUNIX6.ARJ 45k 14.03.93 [01] PC-clone UNIX Software Buyer's Guide 6.0 ULTRXFAQ.ARJ 17k 14.03.93 [00] questions/rponses sur ULTRIX (FAQ 1.3) UNIX.ARJ 1560k 26.05.94 [08] tutoriel cours unix sous dos Uploader: Franck Millet UNIXBOOK.ARJ 8k 14.03.93 [06] - "A concise guide to UNIX books" 1.5.5 UNIXFAQ.ARJ 26k 14.03.93 [11] - questions/rponses sur UNIX UNIXFAQ2.ARJ 51k 04.04.93 [02] FAQ sur Linux File Wizard ͸ Area: Systmes DesqView&GeoWorks/DesqView Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 84 1431 KBytes in 19 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 261TO262.ZIP 97k 21.12.93 [04] - DESQview 2.61 to 2.62 patch from Quarterdeck Office 701TO703.ZIP 216k 02.12.93 [01] - Patch QEMM386 7.01 to 7.03 702TO703.ZIP 136k 02.12.93 [00] - Patch QEMM386 7.02 to 7.03 ABOOT200.ARJ 18k 12.06.92 [02] - Surveille vos taches et Reboote si crash pas trop grave DSHELL.ZIP 258k 14.02.92 [00] - Un Shell a la UNIX sous DV DVAPMENU.ZIP 16k 10.09.91 [00] - Crer des sous menus pour DeskView DVC-182.ZIP 60k 01.08.93 [00] - DESQview commander, perform many actions under command line DVC18.ZIP 59k 18.06.92 [00] - Control DV on dos prompts DVCPY050.ZIP 53k 26.12.91 [00] - Dv Aware Copy Clone DVCPY200.ARJ 107k 19.11.92 [01] - DvCopy 2.00 DVCRON10.ZIP 37k 21.12.91 [00] - Port on Unix Cron to DesqView DVMON13.ZIP 9k 08.07.88 [01] - Peformance Monitor DVSI1_11.ZIP 69k 12.09.92 [00] - DVSI is an attempt to bring some Unix commands to DESQview (T), and provide information on DESQview's status. Many Unix-utility DVTMAN12.ZIP 31k 10.09.91 [01] - DeskView Task Manager DVTREE18.ZIP 68k 10.09.91 [00] - A Xtree like pour DV DVXPRS.REL 6k 01.04.92 [00] - Prsentation de DESQView/X DV_TIPS.ARJ 44k 05.01.93 [00] - QQ Infos Techniques sur DESQVIEW LTFORMAT.ZIP 81k 15.03.91 [00] - Un formateur sous DV (trs utile) TAME261.ZIP 76k 10.09.91 [05] - Amliorations des performances sous DV Indispensable ! File Wizard ͸ Area: Systmes DesqView&GeoWorks/GEOWorks Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 85 1118 KBytes in 8 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * BRUS-FNT.ZIP 34k 06.10.92 [01] - Fontes, Ecriture scripte DINGFNT.ZIP 9k 06.10.92 [02] - Geoworks DingBats GARA-FNT.ZIP 75k 06.10.92 [01] - GaraMony Font GEO-FNT1.ZIP 168k 06.10.92 [00] - Fontes.... GEO-FNT2.ZIP 171k 06.10.92 [01] - Fontes.... GEOCLIP.ZIP 612k 06.10.92 [01] - Clip Art Librairy ICONEDIT.ZIP 46k 06.10.92 [03] - Editeur d'icones TRACTGEO.ZIP 7k 06.10.92 [01] - Tract et Bulletin d'adhesion l'ADRIF, fait sous GoWrite File Wizard ͸ Area: Lotus Notes/Utilitaires Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 88 4817 KBytes in 23 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ALERT12.ZIP 30k 06.04.95 [01] This is the free Windows Alert! (version 1.2) utility from Groupware Concepts. This utility alerts you when new documents have been placed in databases you specify to be watched. It's useful for checking for mail without leaving Notes running in the background as well. ALIDASCR.EXE 423k 11.12.95 [00] ALI Design Analyzer A utility for Lotus Notes that provides developers, project managers and database administrators comprehensive application design information necessary to effectively evaluate, customize, standardize, support and document Lotus Notes Databases. ALIDASMP.ZIP 151k 11.12.95 [00] The ALIDASMP.ZIP file contains a sample "Compendium" database created with ALI Design Analyzer v1.15 from ALI Technologies Incorporated. This Compendium database is an actual Lotus Notes database that was created by running ALI Design Analyzer on the Wholesale Customer Tracking template that comes with Lotus Notes. BMTOUCH.ZIP 18k 22.02.96 [01] BMTOUCH is a command-line API program that "touches" a background macro in such a way that it runs on all documents. The programs usage and functionality is described below in the original readme file. Versions for OS/2 and NT servers are included. BMTOUCH by Chris Feller (copyright 1995 MFJ International) BPP.ZIP 5k 27.04.95 [01] Lotus Business Partner Program. The program offers software, information, training, support and marketing resources to independent software developers, service providers and trainng centers interested in developing and marketing products and services based on Lotus technologies. CLAYUTIL.ZIP 23k 30.09.94 [01] SENDDOC / Sends a Notes memo with a body contained in a rich test field. STUBS / Reports the number of deletion stubs in a NSF file and their type. Revision: 1.0 9/30/94 Author: Clay Abrams Environment: OS/2 1.3 (or later) CODEPLUS.ZIP 192k 08.08.95 [00] Code Plus v1.1 - Reusable Formulae for Lotus Notes Reusable code provides many benefits to a software developer - productivity is increased, code is of a higher quality and standardised, and the developer is able to gain from the work of others by not having to 're-invent' the wheel for new situations. Code Plus provides a repository of Lotus Notes code that is organised so that the Notes developer can copy the code to their application by copy and paste functions. No keying of code definition is required. In addition, Code Plus provides an interactive environment for the Notes developer to compose discussion topics or request assistance for resolution. In some sites, Code Plus operates as a 'first port of call' for Notes developers in resolving problems in Lotus Notes. CONSOLE.ZIP 6k 27.04.95 [00] $CONSOLE is an unsupported Lotus utility that runs on OS/2 and uses the Remote Server Console interface to send commands to the Notes server process running on the same machine. CPCAL13.ZIP 309k 06.02.96 [00] CPCAL.ZIP contains installation files for CP Calendar v1.3b Version 1.3b includes the patch released for v1.3a. CP Calendar is a pop-up calendar for Lotus Notes 3.x that allows users to select a date simply by clicking a mouse button. The date is then placed in the currently active Notes field. CT_EXE.ZIP 515k 05.10.94 [00] CToday.exe CT_SCM.ZIP 302k 05.10.94 [00] CToday.scm LCNSDEMO.EXE 986k 09.11.95 [00] LCNS Flashcards for MS-WINDOWS Copyright 1995 Bad Dog, BAD! Welcome to LCNS Flashcards, an easy-to-use study aid designed to assist you in preparing for the Lotus Notes certification exams. MAILMON.ZIP 16k 13.10.94 [00] Standalone Notes Mail Notify Program (C) CMS, Rotherham, England 1993. All Rights Reserved. The Mail Monitor program provides a mail notify facility for Lotus Notes similar to that provided with cc:Mail. The program will indicate the arrival of new mail by displaying either a popup dialog box or a less intrusive message window. A formula can be used to indicate which mail messages should trigger notification. MAILSPY2.ZIP 54k 03.07.95 [00] Notes Mail Watcher is a 32 bit OS/2 PM program, that allows you to watch your Notes Mail. When incomming mail is detected a Presentation Manager window pops up, telling you that you have recieved mail. It's possible to see the From and Subject fields. The program runs with or without Lotus Notes running. MATH.ZIP 109k 05.02.95 [00] Maths library for Lotus Notes: SUM, COS, RAND... NOTENEWS.ZIP 37k 14.06.95 [00] Notes Newsreader is a program to read Internet newsgroups and import them into Notes databases. The notes databases the newsgroups are imported into are configurable. For example, each newsgroup can have its own notes database, or multiple newsgroups can be grouped into one notes database. Currently NN only reads in newsgroups; it does not allow posting to newsgroups. NOTES.ZIP 6k 02.01.97 [00] VoiceType Macros for Lotus Notes 4.1 Use your voice for doing your mail! NOTESMON.ZIP 63k 16.05.95 [00] Notes Monitor This program will check a given set of Notes servers at a given interval, based upon values entered in the initialization file. The way it checks to see if a Notes server is up is by opening NAMES.NSF on each server mentioned. YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST READER ACCESS TO NAMES.NSF ON EACH SERVER YOU ARE CHECKING FOR THIS TO WORK! PDIALR13.EXE 364k 12.01.95 [00] Lotus Notes Phone Dialer v1.3 for Windows SSW214.ZIP 380k 24.09.94 [00] Lotus Notes SmartSwitcher v2.14 TMWORK20.ZIP 585k 15.02.95 [00] Teamworks is a "Contact Manager" , a project tracking program (that runs with Lotus Notes). This is a Demo of that product done using "ScreenCam". WEBGT01B.ZIP 156k 02.10.94 [00] V0.1B Release of WebGate Copyright Chris Davey 1994. The Notes to WWW Gateway (WebGate) provides an interactive way to extract information from a Lotus Notes database into the World Wide Web. The WWW Client is able to browse databases, views and documents. ZMEMO.ZIP 99k 04.12.95 [00] ZMEMO(tm) Power Mailer for Lotus Notes Copyright (c) Granite Software, Inc., 1995. ZMEMO is a Lotus Notes command line message send utility that allows messages to be created on the command line, from text files, or from standard input. Files can be attached to the message. Special delivery options, priorities, and receipt requests are supported. Replacement text strings can be part of your input message body. The replacement/substitution strings can be changed from the command line, allowing customization of a standard model text file from the command line. File Wizard ͸ Area: Lotus Notes/Exemples & Applications Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 89 3750 KBytes in 32 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * F1EVAL.EXE 916k 05.08.96 [00] CAL1992.ZIP 57k 30.09.94 [01] 1992 Calendar (CAL1992.NSF) This is the only database in the Application Library that has the "look-and-feel" of a calendar. Documents have been pre-created for each month and day. You only have to enter your activities. ADVEX.ZIP 726k 30.06.95 [00] Advanced Examples v1.1 Demo By Steve M. Caudill/Marshall Consulting (03/11) Set of five typical business applications containing nine Notes databases. The design and functional details of each application are carefully described in a reference database. Formula examples, development tips, and optimization techniques are included with design components you can cut-and-paste directly into your own applications. The demo includes a personal calendar, contact manager, project manager, and the help database with tutorial builder. AGENDA.ZIP 16k 30.09.94 [01] Things To Do (AGENDA.NSF) This database is a personal information manager, similar to Lotus Agenda. You create tasks, assign them priorities, and track their progress. It can be used by an individual or by a group. BPLAN.ZIP 21k 30.09.94 [01] Budget Planning (BPLAN.NSF) An example of how you might import spreadsheet data and then use Notes views to analyze the numbers in different ways. A .WK1 file and a .COL file are included. CONTRACT.ZIP 37k 30.09.94 [01] Contract Library (CONTRACT.NSF) This database is used by a corporate legal department as a central place to consolidate and organize master copies of legal agreements. The text of the agreements is linked into Notes documents via OLE. The agreements are then tracked by attorney responsible, file name, revision number and other relevant criteria. CORRDEMO.ZIP 162k 30.09.94 [00] Correspondence (CORRDEMO.NSF) This a populated version of the Correspondence template, including Quick Letters, FAXes, and a mail merge form. DATADICT.ZIP 11k 08.10.94 [00] DATADICT.NSF DEMOROOM.ZIP 25k 30.09.94 [00] Demo Room Reservation (DEMOROOM.NSF) You can reserve time in two demo rooms. Views are by the month - you select the day you want and then edit that document, which uses a table to create time slots. The views tell you which hours are available. DISPATCH.ZIP 68k 30.09.94 [00] Call Dispatch (DISPATCH.NSF;TECHSVCS.NSF;SUPPCTR.NSF) These three databases are a subset of many tracking files you can set up to route and handle problem calls from the computer users in your company. The people answering the phones in the dispatch center use the Call Dispatch database to compose requests documents, which are then routed by type to the customized databases each support uses to track their requests. Tech Services Call Tracking and Support Center Call Tracking are the two companion databases included here. ECO.ZIP 27k 30.09.94 [00] ECO Tracking (ECO.NSF) This application provides a process where engineers can make requests for Engineering Change Orders (ECOs). The requests can include Attachment response documents with scanned images of engineering drawings related to the changes. The managers (who have the appropriate Privilege) will then assign the change a completion date. All changes are then tracked in the various views. EVENTS.ZIP 14k 30.09.94 [00] Event Calendar (EVENTS.NSF) This an event-driven calendar that serves as a contrast to the visual calendar. Here you have multiple views (by date, by person, etc.) but neither the forms nor views have a calendar "look." EXPENSE.ZIP 36k 30.09.94 [00] Expenses Reports - 1991 (EXPENSE.NSF) You can enter all your expense items, and then print from the view level. You get an expense report that can be signed and submitted as is. You can also use the various views to analyze your expenses for the year. FINANCE.ZIP 155k 30.09.94 [00] Financial Research (FINANCE.NSF) This Notes database is a repository for research on and analysis of companies. Stock analysts post this information to the database and then traders refer to it. This database shows how a Notes reference application can facilitate quick and effective information exchange within a company. FORMROUT.ZIP 21k 30.09.94 [00] Forms Routing (FORMROUT.NSF; ROUTRACK.NSF) These two databases together provide a full routing application. The Forms Routing database contains the forms you should put in everyone's Notes mail file. They can then compose an approval request at any time, or respond to a request sent to them. The Routing Tracking database receives a copy of every approval document as it moves through the process. This is where you can go to check on the progress of a document. ICONCAT.ZIP 162k 06.10.94 [00] ICONCAT.NSF is a Notes database of Notes-compatible icons. JSOFT.ZIP 188k 23.09.94 [00] GROUPWAR.NSF KEYACCT.ZIP 41k 30.09.94 [00] Sales Management (KEYACCT.NSF) This database tracks customers, prospects, and sales leads. It contains profiles of all customer accounts by individual site (site information is also linked to a market and financial profile of the entire corporation). Sales reps can summarize their customer calls or visits in the Activity Report form. Comment forms allow any privileged user to respond to the activity reports, and there are three different Activity views which show account history at a glance or allow for detailed review of each report. Leads can be tracked using the Lead Report form and viewed by status (open/closed). Using the contact information captured in the account profile, letters can be generated and automatically addressed to the customer. LDOCLIB.ZIP 535k 08.10.94 [00] contains doclib.nsf, a sample document database containing varied : Macros: * Disable ESCAPE key to save document * Using SAVE button to validate fields & conditionally save * Restrict a view on the fly from a macro Standards: * Our form design standards * Standard Icons for form design Importing: * Lotus Notes Outline Importer (Ecco, Grandview, etc) * TILE: Tool for Internet/Lotus Exchange * askSAM to Lotus Notes importing program. (visual basic) Programming: * MultiEdit template for color syntax highlighting Misc: * Lotus Notes phone dialer LIBRARY.ZIP 42k 30.09.94 [00] Library Tracking & Training (LIBRARY.NSF) This database lists all the materials in your company or departmental library. Users can browse the listings by Author, Title, or Subject. Librarians can check out materials. Also, there is a view called Guided Tours which lists suggested reading lists for various training purposes. Users can track their progress through a Guided Tour with a form designed for that purpose. MEETMIN.ZIP 28k 30.09.94 [00] Meeting Tracking (MEETMIN.NSF) Tracks Agendas, Meeting Minutes and Action Items NOTEBOOK.ZIP 29k 30.09.94 [00] Engineering Notebook (NOTEBOOK.NSF) A structured document-building database. You create the sections of the Notebook in advance. Then, as the project progresses, team members fill in the details. Attachment documents can contain meeting reports, spreadsheets, graphics, etc. PATIENT.ZIP 28k 30.09.94 [00] Patient Treatment Signoff (PATIENT.NSF) This database is used to collect sign-off on a patient's treatment by the physicians that were involved in that treatment. PERSMAIL.ZIP 201k 30.09.94 [00] Personalized Mail (PERSMAIL.NSF) This database is a customized version of the standard Notes mail file template which ships with the product. New forms have been added; filters are used to review and categorize incoming mail. PRES.ZIP 18k 30.09.94 [00] Presentations Database (PRES.NSF) This database contains presentations developed by different members of a sales team, and allows everyone in the team to share access to the same presentation materials. PROJECT.ZIP 29k 24.01.95 [00] Contains an empty compressed Notes database used to track a single project. The database allows a group of people to record their meeting agenda, meeting minutes and meeting actions. Meeting agenda and meeting actions can be mailed to participants. Pertinent correspondence and related documents can also be recorded by members of the project group. Key contacts and members of the group can be recorded. A simple Gant chart allows the tracking of milestones and project tasks. The Gant chart is quite simple and could use improvement. The database is based heavily on the Meeting Tracking example database supplied by Lotus. REFERNCE.ZIP 23k 27.04.95 [00] biblography.bib This is a template for a biblography database which special facilities for exporting to bibtex. ROUTRACK.ZIP 27k 30.09.94 [00] Forms Routing (FORMROUT.NSF; ROUTRACK.NSF) These two databases together provide a full routing application. The Forms Routing database contains the forms you should put in everyone's Notes mail file. They can then compose an approval request at any time, or respond to a request sent to them. The Routing Tracking database receives a copy of every approval document as it moves through the process. This is where you can go to check on the progress of a document. SUPPCTR.ZIP 28k 30.09.94 [00] Call Dispatch (DISPATCH.NSF; TECHSVCS.NSF; SUPPCTR.NSF) These three databases are a subset of many tracking files you can set up to route and handle problem calls from the computer users in your company. The people answering the phones in the dispatch center use the Call Dispatch database to compose requests documents, which are then routed by type to the customized databases each support uses to track their requests. Tech Services Call Tracking and Support Center Call Tracking are the two companion databases included here. SYSINV.ZIP 31k 30.09.94 [00] System Equipment Inventory (SYSINV.NSF) This database inventories and tracks all computer system equipment in a department. It is a group-maintained database, requiring each member of the group to be responsible for his or her own equipment. The collective database gives quick and easy access to an entire group's or department's inventory of computer equipment. TECHSVCS.ZIP 46k 30.09.94 [00] Call Dispatch (DISPATCH.NSF TECHSVCS.NSF SUPPCTR.NSF) These three databases are a subset of many tracking files you can set up to route and handle problem calls from the computer users in your company. The people answering the phones in the dispatch center use the Call Dispatch database to compose requests documents, which are then routed by type to the customized databases each support uses to track their requests. Tech Services Call Tracking and Support Center Call Tracking are the two companion databases included here. VALUGOAL.ZIP 20k 30.09.94 [00] Values & Goals (VALUGOAL.NSF) This Lotus Notes database helps you record your personal values and goals and then organize intermediate tasks to achieve them. It follows the Franklin time management style. Interesting use of main documents and response documents to establish a hierarchy between short-range and long-range goals. Advanced selection criteria in views. Not meant for group use, but for personal use. File Wizard ͸ Area: Lotus Notes/Documentations Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 90 18987 KBytes in 21 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * LNOTESL.ZIP 9012k 27.04.95 [00] LNOTESL2.Z 15k 04.01.95 [00] LNOTESL3.Z 46k 04.01.95 [00] LNOTESL4.Z 16k 04.01.95 [00] LNOTESL5.Z 24k 04.01.95 [00] LNOTESL6.Z 7k 04.01.95 [00] LNOTESL7.Z 23k 04.01.95 [00] LNOTESL8.Z 33k 04.01.95 [00] LNOTINSF.GZ 8824k 27.04.95 [00] DG060394.Z 60k 04.01.95 [00] Digest of 06/03/94 DG090194.Z 43k 04.01.95 [00] Digest of 09/01/94 DG130294.Z 54k 04.01.95 [00] Digest of 13/02/94 DG130394.Z 99k 04.01.95 [00] Digest of 13/03/94 DG160194.Z 67k 04.01.95 [00] Digest of 16/01/94 DG200294.Z 108k 04.01.95 [00] Digest of 20/02/94 DG200394.Z 39k 04.01.95 [00] Digest of 20/03/94 DG220194.Z 56k 04.01.95 [00] Digest of 22/01/94 DG270294.Z 47k 04.01.95 [00] Digest of 27/02/94 NOTESFAQ.ZIP 354k 15.06.97 [02] FAQ sur Lotus Notes au format HTML NOTESTGY.DOC 61k 01.02.95 [00] Notessgy.doc is a Word 6.0 article I wrote on Lotus Notes Deployment Basics. TIPS01.HTM 10k 28.09.96 [01] Performance Tips for Tuning Notes Performance by Mobius Computer Corporation October, 1995 File Wizard ͸ Area: Utilitaires/Divers (non classs) Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 93 14818 KBytes in 68 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 52CFR.ARJ 380k 15.09.93 [03] Patch for CA-Nantucket v5.2 Patch version 5.2a (rev.197) to 5.2c (rev. 204) Uploader : Eric Deporte 6XOPT073.ZIP 14k 01.01.97 [02] Optimiseur pour CPU 6x86 Uploader: Gerald Rochat ANTIBOOT.ARJ 1k 06.05.96 [00] Disable CTRL+ALT+DEL key sequence on a PC Uploader: Rayan Chikhi ASTRO103.LZH OFFLINE [01] Programme d'astrologie ASTRO1X.ZIP 119k 20.06.95 [00] Programme d'astrologie ASTRO300.ZIP 344k 20.06.95 [00] Programme d'astrologie AUTO47.ZIP 157k 10.09.91 [00] - the famous automenu AWARD.ARJ 118k 09.01.92 [06] - Un lot d'utilitaires pour BIOS AWK300.ZIP 87k 10.09.91 [00] - AWK, langage de traitement BAB200.ZIP 146k 09.02.95 [00] Babble! v2.0 Copyright 1991 by Korenthal Associates, Inc. Babble! is a toy for people who love words. This program babbles endlessly in an unlimited number of writing styles. You control which styles are babbled, and you can mix different styles together while Babble! continues to generate its steady stream of more or less unintelligible prose. BAT2EX15.ZIP 39k 04.04.97 [00] Compilateur de fichiers batch Uploader: Ludovic Guibert BAT2EXEC.COM 7k 28.01.91 [00] - Compilateur de BATCHS BIOF.ZIP 36k 20.06.95 [00] Programme de Biorythmes EGA/VGA Source en Basic incluses. BIOTEX.ZIP 30k 20.06.95 [00] Biorythme version biotext CADEL.RAR 3k 26.03.96 [00] TSR eliminates CTRL-ALT-DEL/CTRL-C/CTRL-BREAK CCHAR.RAR 2k 26.03.96 [00] TSR displays keycode at bottom right of screen CLUTL199.ARJ 16k 06.05.96 [00] This is version 1.99 of The Command Line Utilities for DOS CRITT130.ARJ 15k 06.05.96 [00] CRITTER - A TSR replacement Critical Error Handler Version 1.30 March 26, 1992 CRITTER is a full-featured replacement for the DOS critical error handler. CRITTER uses a pop-up window that does not change the displayed program, and provides many options that DOS does not have. All errors can be logged to a printer. CRITTER can use automatic responses to an error, with a variable time delay. With this version of CRITTER, a "response pattern" can be used to behave in a predictable manner, such as "retry three times then fail". CUTZASC.ZIP 45k 10.09.91 [02] - Traitez vous fichiers Ascii (UTILE) D4GW_195.ARJ 144k 10.01.97 [00] last version of dos4gw.exe (v1.95) Uploader: Olivier Faure-muret DANIX201.ARJ 291k 06.05.96 [00] 25 UNIX-like utils including man, ls, ptime DEVIC104.ARJ 8k 06.05.96 [00] Load and unload device drivers after bootup DMP201.ZIP 43k 02.05.90 [00] - un spooler d'enfer DO.ARJ 8k 06.05.96 [00] String commands together on the command line DOSMAX15.ARJ 20k 06.05.96 [00] Load MS-DOS (3.1 through 5) into UMBs DOSNX22A.ARJ 243k 06.05.96 [00] DOSNIX 2.2a. A UNIX style toolkit for MSDOS Enhanced version of DOSNIX combines the most frequently used UNIX commands with some slick DOS utils to provide an extremely powerful operating environment. This version features a new more powerful text file viewer. DOSUNIX1.ZIP 193k 10.09.91 [00] - Toutes les commandes UNIX pour votre PC ECHOF.ZIP 5k 10.09.91 [00] - ECHO du Dos amlior EXERUN.ZIP 22k 10.09.91 [02] - Mot de passe dans vos EXE FERRARI.ARJ 68k 14.06.93 [05] - Gadget affichant une jolie montre l'emblme du cheval cabr Uploader: Thierry Delaunay FKEYS.ARJ 3k 12.03.96 [00] TSR allows easy programming of function keys FONT-M21.ARJ 72k 19.07.93 [04] - FontMania, Redef des fontes VGA, Anims, Sources! GT3UPD.ZIP 573k 16.03.95 [00] GammaTech Utilities, v3.0 -- CSD 95025, This is a cumulative CSD. Type GTINST.EXE GTU512.CSD to add the patch to the GammaTech Utilities product version 3. IR94.ZIP 134k 02.03.95 [00] Programme pour calculer son impt sur le revenu pour 1994. LASER2PG.ZIP 4k 28.06.93 [00] - Impression sur 2 colonnes en paysage de textes ascii sur HP LASER Uploader: Thierry Monneau MSDOS62.ZIP 693k 12.08.96 [02] Disquette du livre de Sybex pour le MSDOS 6.2 Plein de petits utilitaires qui sont bien pratique... MTPC4.ZIP 83k 29.05.95 [00] Programme Multi-fonctions : Analys Micro, Analyse Mmoire, Analyse Carte Vido, Analyse Lecteur(s) Disquette(s), Analyse Disque(s) Dur(s), Copieur Disk-Disk, Crateur-Restituteur de Fichiers Images, Player-Recorder de .VOC, .MOD, .WAV, .SAM. PKII_132.ZIP 76k 10.09.91 [00] - PowerKit II utilitaire bizarre !!!! si vous comprenez crivez-moi Attention PK<>PKWare !! POCK44.ZIP 170k 04.07.95 [00] POCKETD PLUS v4.4 - 31k DOS Army Knife "BEST UTILITY" awards 1992, 1994 and 1995. POPDBF.ARJ 90k 13.07.95 [00] PopDBF (rsident permettant d'acceder aux DBFS de maniere trs trs facile. QICHECK1.ZIP 474k 17.09.95 [00] Pour tester votre Q.I. RUFUS141.LZH 140k 12.04.96 [00] Fichier ressource franais pour Rufus V1.42. Ncessite la version 1.42 allemande. Note : de nombreuses chanes de caractres intgres au programme n'ont pu tre traduites ! S&M_1.ZIP 442k 10.10.94 [02] disquette outil n1 soft&Micro Uploader: Didier Bodin S&M_2.ZIP 362k 10.10.94 [01] disquette outil n2 soft&Micro Uploader: Didier Bodin S&M_3.ZIP 563k 10.10.94 [01] disquette outil n3 soft&Micro Uploader: Didier Bodin S&M_4.ZIP 624k 10.10.94 [01] - disquette outil n4 soft&Micro Uploader: Didier Bodin S&M_5.ZIP 576k 10.10.94 [01] - disquette outil n5 soft&Micro Uploader: Didier Bodin S&M_6.ZIP 654k 10.10.94 [01] - disquette outil n6 soft&Micro Uploader: Didier Bodin S&M_7.ZIP 657k 10.10.94 [01] - disquette outil n7 soft&Micro Uploader: Didier Bodin S&M_8.ZIP 567k 10.10.94 [02] - disquette outil n8 soft&Micro Uploader: Didier Bodin S&M_9.ZIP 526k 10.10.94 [02] - disquette outil n9 soft&Micro Uploader: Didier Bodin S9_V11.ZIP 38k 20.06.95 [01] Dcodez les missions VIDEOCRYPT de certaines chaines sur les satellites ASTRA. Schma de branchement inclus. SCAN.ZIP 8k 10.09.91 [01] - Affiche le texte dans les EXE SCRNSVR.ARJ 52k 12.03.96 [00] Des blankers sous DOS SD3.ZIP 741k 12.05.95 [00] Ŀ SHAREWARE DIRECT N3 (MAI 1995) Ĵ Plus de 180 logiciels shareware franais dcrits en dtail par leurs auteurs. Contient des infos et conseils sur le shareware, des cours d'initiation (Pascal, C...), des captures d'crans, fiches de prsentations, descriptions de projets, et bien d'autres choses! SHOWTEXT.EXE 6k 06.05.91 [00] - IDEM SK470S.ARJ 315k 22.03.95 [00] SpeedKit from HyperWare Version 4.70 Contains the shareware versions of the world famous HyperDisk, HyperKey, and HyperScreen Utilities. Two new utilities are included: HyperRAM for CPU speedup and IDE Booster for increased performance on IDE Hard Drives. Also includes new windows control panel to monitor cache setup & performance from within Windows. Documentation and orderform included. SPEEDER.ZIP 4k 10.09.91 [02] - Peut acclrer votre PC STARTER4.ZIP 231k 30.03.95 [00] Starter v4.1 Shareware (04/12/94) Lanceur de programmes non rsidant. Quand vous lancez un programme, STARTER libre la totalit de la mmoire et excute le programme. Quand le programme se termine, STARTER se recharge automatiquement. Vous pouvez automatiser le lancement de plusieurs programmes l'aide de batchs. STEPUPFR.EXE 2630k 22.11.94 [01] Update ms-dos 6.22 necessite ver 6.20 et 6.0 Uploader: Heinz Nedell TAME333.ZIP 106k 02.02.96 [00] TAME Release 3.33 Speeds multitasking of DOS applications in Windows, OS/2, Windows 95, Windows NT, DESQview, Double DOS and many more. TASKFORC.ARJ 147k 01.08.93 [32] Taskforce version Francais/Anglais/Jap incluant ReadMe.Now + TaskForc.SDA Uploader: Eric Mathiaut TRACK'R.ARJ 106k 29.03.96 [01] LIGHT TRACK C'est un logiciel qui gre automatiquement tout appareil en 220 V (Spots, chaine HIFI,...) Le logiciel utilise une interface connecte au port //, les plans et le logiciel sont disponibles pour 195 FF. Auteur : F. Gourgand Uploader : Rayan CHIKHI TSUTIL42.ARJ 144k 14.03.96 [00] The first set of utilities from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes day, dird, dirs, dirw, dtetim, dtetimal, grapinfo, pvmklo, pvmklohl, reset, stack, sysinfo, timdif, timelog. TSUTLB21.ARJ 82k 14.03.96 [00] The second set of utilities from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes chars, dire, setgra and touch. V13N19.ZIP 67k 05.12.94 [00] Vol. 13 No. 19 PC Magazine Utilities WAITSOFT.ZIP 2k 06.11.91 [03] Deux softs d'attente (batch) WIN686.ZIP 3k 10.09.97 [00] 686_p Cet utilitaire permet de dclarer Windows l'existence d'un processeur Cyrix. (ce qu'il ne fait pas naturellement). Vous devrez copier 686_P.EXE dans votre rpertoire Windows et complter votre fichier autoexec.bat avec la ligne suivante : c:\windows\686_p.exe Uploader: Igor Kouzmine _SPEED.ZIP 81k 04.07.95 [02] *SPEED* v1.01 Double your CPU speed! Fully tested, it works. File Wizard ͸ Area: Utilitaires/Bureautiques, Business, Perso Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 94 19165 KBytes in 84 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * AS.ZIP 322k 26.12.93 [06] Programme de gestion association 1901 Uploader: Laurent Clavaron AS1901!.ZIP 331k 21.08.96 [00] As1901 v1.4 Outil pour les associations loi 1901 : Permet de fairee une comptabilit en partie double transparente au niveau de la saisie, de grer le fichier des membres, soit automatiquement lors de la saisie comptable, soit indpendamment, de grer le matriel et son amortissement. AS1901.ZIP 198k 08.12.93 [07] Gestion d'une Association 1901. Ecrit en Clipper. Uploader: Serge Alsunard ASA55E-1.ZIP 297k 27.02.94 [00] As-Easy 5.5 Rel. E (1/2) ASA55E-2.ZIP 106k 27.02.94 [00] As-Easy 5.5 Rel. E (2/2) BARCODE.ZIP 54k 10.09.91 [06] Imprimez vos Codes Barres BART15.ZIP 179k 15.03.93 [05] Driver Tsr pour imprimer des codes barres dans toutes vos appliations, a must! BIBL865.ZIP 288k 13.07.95 [00] BIBL v8.65 personal/office library management system. BIBL (rhymes with nibble) is a full-featured package for managing your personal/office library. Features include: multiple databases; mouse support; Win 3.1 clipboard support; ASCII import/export; note field w/ word-wrap; create bibliographies; full-text/keyword/boolean BIBLIOT.ZIP 19k 04.06.93 [00] Gestion Bibliotheque sous FoxPro (.PRG) Uploader: Farid Guessoum BIO_GES1.ZIP 681k 01.01.94 [01] gestion commerciale complte Uploader: Pierre Betscha BIO_GES2.ZIP 748k 01.01.94 [01] disk 2 de bio_ges Uploader: Pierre Betscha BIO_GES3.ZIP 207k 01.01.94 [01] disk 3 de bio_ges Uploader: Pierre Betscha BROT_K1.ZIP 224k 16.09.93 [00] Brother Keeper 5.x Gnalogie (1/4) BROT_K2.ZIP 214k 16.09.93 [00] Brother Keeper 5.x Gnalogie (2/4) BROT_K3.ZIP 330k 16.09.93 [00] Brother Keeper 5.x Gnalogie (3/4) BROT_K4.ZIP 56k 16.09.93 [00] Brother Keeper 5.x Gnalogie (4/4) BUDGET.EXE 91k 16.02.92 [12] Budget Familial souris, popup menus.. CALEND.ARJ 104k 20.07.93 [04] CAP90.ARJ 109k 16.05.92 [14] Comptabilit Associative, Librale, ou personnelle (Franaise!) CAVE100B.ZIP 186k 19.07.93 [06] Gestion et suivi d'une cave a vins. Simple d'emploi et en Francais ! Uploader: Gabriel Forestier CLASDOC.ARJ 153k 01.11.93 [03] Un logiciel de classement de revues ou d'articles - Shareware Francais CLIDE.ZIP 280k 09.04.94 [04] CLIDE Clipper IDE v1.95 ( Look and feel of another popular interface, everything but the dot prompt. Build DBF's, indexes, input screens (forms), reports and menus. It slices, it dices... When you're done, Clide will write Clipper code. Browse DBF's and change indexes, columns, or the browse window, on the fly. If you want to build an application fast, or have just moved up to Clipper and would like an assist, try Clide. Browse for it by name. Uploader: Anthony Robinson CMK15.ZIP 110k 15.03.93 [04] Gnrateur de CodesBarres CP30SHOW.EXE 126k 08.08.91 [01] Demo de Contact Plus CPLUS24.ARJ 256k 07.05.93 [01] Contact Plus Gestionnaire de Contacts (Nov 92) CPOSTAL.ZIP 522k 05.01.94 [04] Tous les codes postaux ! avec un prog. spcifique pour faire les recherches. Uploader: Pierre Betscha CPTUT24.ARJ 135k 07.05.93 [01] Tutor du gestionnaire d'informations CPLUS CTAPP.ARJ 634k 02.11.93 [02] Anthony Robinson CTOWER30.ZIP 34k 05.09.94 [00] - calcul de tours de refrigeration Uploader: Philippe Blazejewski CTREE33.ZIP 328k 01.04.92 [02] - Genealogy Tools DBEDITOR.ZIP 85k 09.02.92 [01] - A great DBF Viewer, DBF2WP.ZIP 41k 04.06.95 [00] Convert DBF Files to WordPerfect Tables DBROW110.ZIP 70k 12.09.92 [00] - The program allows you to see DBF Files data in spreadsheet (the default) mode and a single record mode. DBTXT101.ZIP 22k 04.07.92 [00] - .DBF to .TXT files Converter DCURCUIT.ZIP 180k 21.12.93 [03] Mise en place d'un circuit continu pour electronique, un superbe outil ducatif Uploader: PaPa DENTL40A.SDA 3k 04.05.92 [00] DRSOFIC.ZIP 253k 23.06.94 [00] A doctors Management Program 1/1 EG2.ZIP 761k 10.03.95 [00] Logiciel de comptabilit EG2 FINANCE.ZIP 44k 30.06.93 [03] calculs de prets Uploader: Thierry Monneau FINANCIE.ZIP 40k 30.06.93 [02] calculs de prets Uploader: Thierry Monneau GESBANQU.ZIP 75k 30.07.93 [05] Gestion bancaire personnelle Uploader: Thierry Monneau HYPER.EXE 43k 17.11.92 [08] Hypertext. Crateur d'hypertext sous dos tout simplement gnial. A voir absolument. Uploader: Fred Roald KAMAS24.ZIP 109k 01.03.91 [01] Outliner MZTR70_1.ZIP 1251k 09.03.94 [02] traducteur ang. all. & all. ang + fran. Allemand & Allemand Francais ! Super puissant ! mode d'emploi en Allemand. Uploader: P.Betsch MZTR70_2.ZIP 993k 09.03.94 [01] dico all. Fr. & Fr. ALL. Pour mz Translator Uploader: Pierre Betscha OUTLINE.ZIP 124k 10.09.91 [00] Un Outliner PAF1_4.ZIP 124k 10.09.91 [06] Gnalogie le programe des mormons 1/4 PAF2_4.ZIP 147k 10.09.91 [05] Gnalogie le programe des mormons 2/4 PAF3_4.ZIP 122k 10.09.91 [05] Gnalogie le programe des mormons 3/4 PAF4_4.ZIP 159k 10.09.91 [05] Gnalogie le programe des mormons 4/4 PCI30.ZIP 145k 17.09.93 [00] PC Index 3.0, pour faire divers traitements sur les textes, comptage de mots, etc PCL560.ZIP 279k 08.07.92 [00] PC Learn, Great to build text based lessons PDX2WP10.SDA 2k 01.01.91 [01] PDX2WP version 1.0 PDX2WP10.SDN 80k 31.08.92 [01] A translation/conversion utility, use to do WP<->Paradox POWER.ARJ 129k 01.10.93 [04] Librairie pour Clipper 5.x avec gestion Uploader: Houssou Hocine PPP004.ZIP 43k 16.11.91 [00] Prprocesseur de langage PAL pour Paradox (Logiciel Franais de Marc Neiger) PRETS.ZIP 60k 15.05.93 [04] Feuilles Excel 4 de calcul de prts. Uploader: Edmond Doudard PRODVB10.SDA 3k 15.02.92 [00] Pro D'Vel Base Powerfull Dbase Clone PRODVB10.SDN 351k 15.02.92 [00] Pro D'Vel Base Powerfull Dbase Clone PXVIEW-E.ZIP 73k 10.09.91 [01] Door pour consulter les *.DB PY2.ARJ 959k 09.01.94 [00] Q&ASA391.ZIP 115k 08.07.92 [00] Q&Answer System, EAO Gnrateur de Questionnaires QUBECALC.ZIP 148k 10.09.91 [00] Un Tableur 3D REL300.ZIP 208k 17.11.92 [07] Le Relieur 3.00 Franais relie vos docs et progs imprime en double face, 4 feuilles par page, cre des livrets, ... recommand REXL21.ZIP 733k 19.12.93 [01] A Rule-based Applications Development Environment, DBF Compatible ROCK34.ZIP 206k 10.09.91 [00] RP.ZIP 107k 10.09.91 [00] Une petite trsorerie (en anglaos) S100DEMO.ZIP 631k 25.10.93 [00] Dictionnaire Collins Series 100 Demo FR-GB-E-D-I Uploader: Rick Christenson SLVIT40B.ZIP 283k 17.09.93 [01] Calculateur Financier Uploader: Yves Batou SOMPLUS.ZIP 146k 10.09.91 [06] Une comptabilit (en franais) TBX100.SDA 3k 12.09.92 [00] Tree Base TBX100.SDN 315k 12.09.92 [00] Nice Hierachical DataBas TCP.EXE 475k 23.11.92 [00] TopCopyPlus. Traitement de texte complet avec dico, driver imp. disk PC Today. A voir. Uploader: Fred Roald TEXTOUT.ZIP 46k 10.09.91 [01] Conversion des documents WordPerfect en ASCII. TIKLER53.ZIP 67k 19.03.94 [01] Agenda Reminder <ASP> sous DOS VIRGULES.EXE 118k 21.01.91 [04] Un traitement de Textes Franais VPI1MANL.SDN 221k 29.05.92 [00] VP Info DataBase XBase Compatible Manuels VPI1_303.SDA 3k 29.05.92 [00] VP Info DataBase XBase Compatible VPI1_303.SDN 357k 29.05.92 [00] VP Info DataBase XBase Compatible VP_TOOLS.ARJ 92k 07.12.92 [01] UTILITAIRES VENTURA DOWNLOAD COMPUSERVE Uploader: S Viswanathan WP50ART5.ZIP 23k 01.08.93 [01] Graphiques au Format WPG WWWW.ZIP 108k 10.09.91 [07] Suivit clients Who What When Why ZEPHYR2A.ZIP 356k 08.07.92 [01] FoxPro Clone ZEPHYR2B.ZIP 356k 08.07.92 [01] FoxPro Clone File Wizard ͸ Area: Utilitaires/Astronomie-Astroph ysique Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 95 8530 KBytes in 29 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ASTREXPO.ARJ 23k 29.08.92 [01] Programme de Calcul d'Exposition Photo ASTRO103.LZH 57k 19.01.96 [00] Astro v1.03 Permet de calculer des orbites. BLUESKY.ARJ 457k 29.08.92 [04] Plantarium CAOS015.ZIP 389k 24.06.96 [00] CAOS v0.15 beta CAOS/2 is a program for OS/2 that allows you to submit to the IAAC and browse the IAAC database. It also shows time, UT, sideral time and JD. DANCE2.ARJ 195k 29.08.92 [02] Dance of the Planets DS3D401A.ZIP 336k 10.03.95 [00] Deep Space 3-D v4.01 (1/2) Astronomy Plotting Program DS3D401B.ZIP 572k 10.03.95 [00] Deep Space 3-D v4.01 (2/2) Astronomy Plotting Program DSKY.ZIP 503k 07.09.96 [00] Dark Sky Astronomy program (Planetarium) for OS/2 Requires OS/2 Ver. 2.1 or later Dark Sky is a "planetarium" program for OS/2, and will display the heavens from any location on earth. Viewing options allow the user to control which sky objects to display, which font to use, and manipulation of various star parameters. Time may be set to run at multiple speeds, including backwards. EUROPE3.ZIP 9k 27.10.93 [02] Coord des Villes d'Europe GALAXY1.ARJ 359k 29.10.92 [04] Images Gif d'objets du Catalogue NCG avec des docs Uploader: Stephane Schoenig GALAXY2.ARJ 306k 29.10.92 [03] Images GIF de Galaxies Messier et Docs d'explications Uploader: Stephane Schoenig GALAXY3.ARJ 299k 29.10.92 [04] Images GIF de Galaxies Messier et Docs d'explications Uploader: Stephane Schoenig GEOCLK50.ZIP 322k 27.10.93 [02] GeoClock 5.0 avec 4 cartes Affichage des zones claires de la terre + much more Uploader : Joel Cooche GEOCLK51.ARJ 378k 11.02.94 [00] Le nouveau geoclock 5.1 Uploader: Joel Cooche GEOZONES.ZIP 5k 27.10.93 [00] Changements d'Heures 93/94 GRAV20.ARJ 99k 29.08.92 [08] Simulateur de Gravit (Super!) GRAVITY.ZIP 33k 03.05.91 [00] Simulateur de gravit M006.ZIP 72k 18.03.94 [02] Affichage Lunaire s/Windows... (avec les src C + des ref's)... Uploader: Christophe Ricard MAP9000.ZIP 15k 27.10.93 [00] Carte Suppl. MAPLIST.ZIP 15k 27.10.93 [01] Liste des Cartes Existantes MAPS3-5.ZIP 57k 27.10.93 [01] Cartes Suppl. Europe Globe MOON006.ZIP 86k 05.01.93 [02] Les phases de la Lune (en CGA)... Pour savoir quand prparer les balles d'argent... Uploader: Christophe Ricard SKYGLB52.ARJ 274k 11.02.93 [13] SkyGlobe 5.20 un Must !Last Version! SKYGLOBE.ZIP 244k 29.08.92 [09] Le must des Plantarium sur PC SKYMAP.RAR 1691k 23.03.96 [00] SKYMAP v3.0 <ASP> Windows Planetarium. Draws accurate maps of the sky, showing stars, planets, deep sky objects, comets etc. Detailed information can be shown for any object. Can print maps to any printer. Pictures can be displayed, in many formats. For both serious amateur & novice users. The SkyMap 3 package contains both v2.2 for Windows 3.1 and v3.0 for Windows 95 and Windows NT. SKYVW30.ZIP 714k 24.10.94 [01] un superbe soft d'astronomie sous windows Uploader: Jeanmarie Heriat SOLAR000.ZIP 275k 29.08.92 [02] Prsentation Interactive du Systme Solaire en anglais STARB100.ZIP 362k 20.05.92 [00] Voir les toiles TRACKSAT.ZIP 396k 04.06.95 [00] TRAKSAT Version 3.00: Track and display any satellite for which orbital data is available. Used all over the world by HAMS, Astronomers and weather satellite trackers. Math coprocessor strongly recommended. Now includes Multi-Satellite/Station Tracking Feature. By: Paul E. Traufler 111 Emerald Drive Harvest, AL 35749 USA. File Wizard ͸ Area: Utilitaires/Scientifiques (maths,...) Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 96 5211 KBytes in 16 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * ALGEDZIP.ZIP 87k 27.05.95 [01] Algebra Editor - New Release CALC95.ZIP 309k 20.09.97 [00] Calc95 is a pocket calculator simulator program for Windows. Calc95 allows you to do the following: Use a powerful scientific acalculator with statistics and financial functions. Cut and paste data between the calculator and other applications. Access a comprehensive and extensible range of physical data constants and conversions. Store non-volatile copies of settings and data. Customise the appearance of the calculator. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine CALCSCIE.ZIP 969k 10.08.97 [00] Calculatrice Scientifique v1.1 (Win95) Cette calculatrice vous permet d'effectuer toutes les oprations mathmatiques usuelles sur le corps des rels et celui des complexes, d'effectuer des calculs de bases sur les matrices carres coefficients rels et/ou complexes et de tracer tous types de courbes dans le plan -un valuateur de fonctions formelles est inclus dans le logiciel. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine COURBES.ZIP 124k 22.01.91 [01] EULER.ZIP 333k 14.05.96 [00] HPCALC.ZIP 32k 10.09.91 [00] Nostagiques du RPN LNPLS232.ZIP 907k 20.09.97 [00] Loan*Calculator! Plus 2.0 <ASP> [Win3.x] PC Computing Magazine awarded "Best-of- Category" award (7/96)! Easy-to-use loan analyzer. Includes 7 calculators: loan, amortization (new), refinance, remaining balance, accelerated payments, interest due balloon payment. What-if & on screen comparisons. Print or paste results. international support. Win95/NT version also available. FREE for NONCOMMERCIAL use. Uploader: Igor Kouzmine MATHPL34.ZIP 135k 18.11.94 [00] MATHPLOT v3.4; Mathematical function plotting program. Mathplot allows you to enter math functions using ordinary algebraic notation and immediately plot them. Cartesian, polar, and parametric functions are supported. Presentation quality plots are produced on the screen or LaserJet printer. Excellent program for anyone who needs to quickly visualize math functions. MATHSTAT.ZIP 82k 09.02.94 [00] MRCRY204.ARJ 269k 26.06.92 [06] Magnifique Solver d'equation, superbe interface, affiche et trace les fonctions Uploader: Stephane Schoenig PERIODIF.ZIP 73k 11.01.95 [00] PSYN.ZIP 40k 01.11.96 [00] Programme de meteorologiste, hygrometrie, point de rosee Uploader: Jean Pierre charrasse SPLOT183.ZIP 1351k 17.03.97 [01] (v1.8.3) Splot - plotting Pgm OS/2 & W95 Generates publication quality 2D plots. Encapsulated postscript output. Best of both - algorithmic capablility with built in C interperter and also mouse placement of objects. Optimized for plotting scientific data. Shareware (US$ 50) T. Steiner, 2246 E. 6th Ave. Vancouver, BC V5N-1R1 Canada. WINFONC.ARJ 123k 05.06.94 [00] Traceur de fonctions - calcul formel version beta. Par L.VINCENT WINGEOM.ZIP 195k 12.06.94 [01] Logiciel de gomtrie plane. permet l'animation des figures, la cration de lieux gomtriques, de macros qui peuvent tre rutili Uploader: Vincent Lyonel ZGRAPH38.ZIP 188k 11.06.91 [02] ZGraph v3.8 This program is designed to allow the user to create, display, and print X/Y, Log, Bar, Pie, and Area graphs, as well as graphs of functions of a single variable [Y = F(X)], and functions of two variables [Z = G(X,Y)]. It also provides some basic math/numerical analysis capabilities (integrals/derivatives/root- solving/linear regression/complex number calculations). File Wizard ͸ Area: Utilitaires/Compression Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 97 9623 KBytes in 70 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 2ZIP23.ARJ 19k 12.09.92 [02] Convert many comp format to ZIP A2Z16D.ARJ 35k 12.09.92 [03] ARC/PAK to ZIP ACE09F1.RAR 198k 14.07.97 [01] ACE 0.9 archiver package Shareware, Copyright by Marcel Lemke Features: * good compression ratio at high speed * fast extraction and updates * user interface with two directories * multi-volume and SFX archives * support of RAR, ZIP and ARJ archives * encryption,recovery records,comments * runs under WIN_95 This ACE package contains these files: * ACE.EXE - the archiver * UNACE.EXE - a small programm for decompression Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis AM73.ARJ 186k 14.05.92 [04] Arc Master v 7.3 Uploader: Pat Finet ARJ250.EXE 270k 10.03.96 [20] ARJ v2.50 - Official release of the file archiver ARJ, which has more features than any other archiver. This release contains the ability to archive up to 32,000 files at one time, response file support, enhanced SFX modules, a multi-volume SFX module, a search and extract feature, an archive naming option based upon date or time, and more. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis ARJ260X.ZIP 310k 16.11.97 [00] ARJ v2.60x - the official full release of the file archiver ARJ (world-wide version), which has hundreds of options. This version features Win95 long filename support in ARJ and REARJ, support for archiving up to 65,000 files at one time, multiple volume update support, file version management, and data damage protection options. ARJ260.ZIP 313k 16.11.97 [00] ARJ v2.60 - the official full release of the file archiver ARJ, which has hundreds of options. This version features Win95 long filename support in ARJ and REARJ, support for archiving up to 65,000 files at one time, multiple volume update support, file version management, and data damage protection options. ARJHLP23.ARJ 306k 12.09.92 [00] ARJ Version 2.30 Hypertext Documentation ARJVW161.ZIP 183k 03.05.94 [03] ARJ View v1.61 Viewer d'ARJ - Trs Puissant et Rapide Conseill pour NC ARJZ015.ARJ 259k 02.06.95 [00] ARJZ 0.15 alpha - Un clone d'Arj qui tourne : sur OS/2, MerdeNT, Merde'95, et en DosProtected Intressant. Seul pb c'est en russe.. En tout cas il n'est pas dit que je m'en serve ici pour prparer les QWK en background task. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis ARSPLIT2.ARJ 53k 12.09.92 [00] Dcoupe des gros ARC AT800.ZIP 138k 12.04.95 [00] ARCTOOL v8.0. The BEST archive manager/shell handles EVERY popular archiver including ZIP, ARJ, ARC, PAK, ZOO, and even recognizes "EXE" archives. Best of ALL, it handles archives INSIDE of other archives up to 5 layers. View, Print, Extract and Convert archives to ANY format, view ANSI files, ASSOCIATE exts with ANY DOS program. Edit FILE_ID.DIZ inside of Archives. Graphical user interface. VERY FAST !!! AVIEW351.ZIP 115k 12.10.93 [01] AView The Norton Commander Archive Viewer BRKARJ.ARJ 14k 08.03.96 [00] Deux programmes pour casser la protection par mot de passe de certaines archives .ARJ COMP-EXE.ARJ 37k 21.02.94 [03] Compresseur de fichiers .EXE et utilitaires Uploader: Patrick Lopes CSYS16.RAR 33k 29.10.95 [00] CompSys, the LiveSystems ObjectOrientated toolbox for using compressed files. Release version 1.6. Full source, easy to extend. Already used in a number of released programs! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DECOMPEX.EXE 6k 07.09.96 [00] Petite procdure, sans prtention, permettant de dcompresser les fichiers tlchargs sur divers BBS avec diverses extentions. Le fichier compress et les fichiers "rsultats" sont mis dans un nouveau rpertoire portant le nom du fichier tlcharg. Uploader: Marc Grosshans DISLT115.ARJ 28k 29.04.93 [01] dcompacteur de fichier exe com pklits Uploader: Dominique Klein DIZED49O.ZIP 86k 02.11.94 [01] Editeur de fichiers FILEID.DIZ + verif. anti-virus dans les fichiers compresss Uploader: Thierry Delaunay DWCA501.EXE 88k 21.12.89 [00] DWC - Archive utility, Release A5.01 EU20.ZIP 12k 10.09.91 [01] unzip like FFF48.ZIP 195k 31.10.94 [01] Le petit frere de SHEZ ! cherchez une archive avec FFF et manipulez la avec SHEZ Uploader: Frank Thomassin FV141.ARJ 10k 13.04.93 [04] montre le contenu d'un fichier archiv GUS_150.ARJ 25k 13.02.92 [00] General Unpack Shell v1.50 The General Unpack Shell, or GUS, identifies compressed file types and calls the correct unpacker in order to extract the files from them. GZIP103.EXE 46k 18.02.94 [05] gnuzip : compacteur linux sous dos Uploader: Sylvain Favre HAP&PAH3.ARJ 27k 08.04.93 [01] HAP & PAH 3.0 IC189.ZIP 176k 07.12.92 [01] Intellicat 1.89 Le plus genial des catalogueurs recherche multicriteres - scan ZIP ARJ LZH ZOO.. Uploader: Frank Thomassin JAR101B.ZIP 479k 27.10.96 [02] JAR v1.01 - public BETA TEST release of the new file archiver JAR from the makers of ARJ. JAR beats the leading archivers in both compression and features. JAR comes in DOS and Win95/WinNT versions and provides powerful features like multiple volumes, data recovery, file version management, and support for handling over 50,000 filenames. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis JARCS.ZIP 52k 01.04.95 [01] JArcS v0.93 Compression, archive, ULTiMaTuM New method of CRC checking called JunCRC is used, ArcTester routines support better files, and simply THE BEST archiver in the world, with the gretest selection of compression methods, and DPMI support. NEW: Da Jeneral (Un)Pack Shell !! For PKZIP, RAR, LHA and ARJ ! LHA333S.ZIP 98k 25.03.95 [01] LHA V3.33S by Yoshi. This file contains the Chinese, Japanese, and the English version of LHA!. The most popular archive utility in Asia!. Get this now, it is a very good archive util. Last revision date in archive: 07-14-94. LHAVW161.ZIP 93k 03.05.94 [00] Viewer de LHA - Trs Puissant et Rapide MKDIZ-12.ZIP 32k 13.11.92 [06] Gestionnaire de FILE_ID.DIZ Uploader : Pierre Reynes NARC31.ARJ 117k 12.09.92 [00] NARC (tm) zip - A STAND-ALONE DE-ARCHIVE UTILITY NCAV20.ARJ 63k 15.03.93 [10] (V2.0) The Norton Commander Archive Viewer, a small utility to manipulate ARC, ARJ, LZH, PAK, ZIP and ZOO files, lots of option. NCAV40.ARJ 119k 19.11.93 [06] The Norton Commander Archive Viewer, Indispensable meme sans NC NCAV48B9.ZIP 159k 29.06.95 [04] AVIEW V4.8 Beta-9 24-Jan-95 The Norton Commander Archive Viewer. A small utility to manipulate ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, PAK, RAR, SQZ, UC2, ZIP and ZOO files, lots of options, can be fully mouse-operated, very easy to use, can also be used as stand-alone utility. FREEWARE PUBLIC BETA RELEASE. Last revision date in archive: 01-24-95. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis OKUMURA.ARJ 19k 12.09.92 [06] Sources C d'algos de compression Huff/ZLiv/.. PAK.ARJ 39k 08.03.96 [03] Decompacte les fichiers .PAK des jeux WESTWOOD Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PAK251.ZIP 94k 22.05.92 [27] PAK v2.51 Utilis avec les .SDN PKENVIRO.ZIP 23k 10.09.91 [02] Environnement ZIP Franais PKINS710.ZIP 106k 30.06.92 [03] Test ZIP/ARJ/LZH integrity, virus scan, comment.... PKLT201.ZIP 79k 08.06.96 [02] PkLite v2.01 Compress the EXE and COM. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis PKWARE.ZIP 691k 14.05.92 [06] Le Pack Complet PkZip,PkUNzip,PkLite,PkZip OS/2, PkEnvirons, SuspendDos PKX35A.EXE 70k 12.06.88 [04] Un clone de ARC, by PkWare, faster! (Upl:U_Tournier) PKZ193A.EXE 73k 22.02.92 [09] PkZip v1.93a: nouvelles mthodes de la V2 PKZIP20B.ARJ 36k 16.05.92 [03] Beta Version de PkZip 2, bugs, bugs!! PKZMENU.ZIP 130k 10.09.91 [02] Un environnement pour PKUNZIP QDIR101.ARJ 111k 06.05.93 [00] QuickDir V1.01 - A DOS/Archive Manager. An Easy and Fast Archive/File/Directory Manager with Super Utilities. Finds Dups /Archive/Temp/Partial files. View/Extract /Compress Archives. Graft/Copy/Elim Dirs. Over 50 Functions. HD tree is saved in a file for instant tree display. Novice and Power users will love QD: it's so fast, small (91K), single exe, and powerfull. Shareware (pending ASP) $39. Jim Olsen SUPERWARE. RAR155FR.EXE 300k 20.10.95 [07] RAR 1.55 avec Doc en Francais Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis RAR201.EXE 268k 18.05.97 [01] The RAR archiver v2.01 (release) for DOS Integrated archive manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - full screen interface / command-line driven - tight general and multimedia compression - recovery record option - alternate Installation SFX, OS/2 SFX - management of non-RAR archives - RCVT aRchive ConVersion Tool - FREE unRAR utility - ANSI color comments, volume labels and more Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis RV246.ARJ 28k 07.11.92 [02] montre le contenu d'un fichier archiv SHEZ.RAR 363k 28.03.96 [01] SHEZ v10.7-<ASP>-Premier Compression Shell. ZIP,LHA,ZOO,ARC,ARJ,SQZ,PAK,UC2,HAP,RAR, WINDOWS COMPRESSED supported. One of the most full featured compressed file shells around. Fixed problem with SMARTCOPY/MOVE. Added ability to NOT filter chars when autoloading 4DOS desc. file. Can config. SHEZ to NOT swap when performing 4DOS functions. Now includes 386 version of SHEZ. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis SQZ10883.EXE 97k 01.08.93 [03] - SQEEZE derniere version provenance:DPTOOL Uploader: Willemijns Sebastien UC2R2.EXE 262k 13.09.94 [03] - UltraCompressor II revision 2 (AIP-NL) Datacompressing archiver: easy to use, 8-60% better compression, fast extraction, fast updates, disk error recovery, OS/2 support, (NEW) powerful version management, (NEW) simple multivolume capabilities, multimedia banners, etc. {UC2R2.EXE has been sealed with USEAL} UNARJ230.ARJ 38k 16.05.92 [08] Sources en C (portables) d'un dsARJeur (un exemple de belle programmation) Uploader : H.Tournier UNP400.ZIP 35k 11.11.95 [02] UNP V4.00 Executable file expander Uncompresses files compressed with DIET, EXEPACK, LZEXE, PKLITE and many other file compression utilities. UNP also allows you to convert files from COM to EXE and vice versa, optimize EXE headers and remove overlay data from EXE files.PROTECT 4.00/5.00 ! (UNP 3.33 == 3.20a) Uploader: Benjamin Marchand UNZIP401.ARJ 65k 16.05.92 [02] Sources et Excutable d'un extracteur de .ZIP UNZIP51X.ZIP 173k 25.02.94 [00] UnZip 5.1 by the InfoZip Group Feb 1994 Freeware alternative to PKZip 2.04 New in 5.1 : accepts wildcards in zipfile names, can extract to directory named on command line, can exclude named files, and other features. 02/12/94. UNZIP531.ZIP 820k 26.06.97 [00] Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.31: generic C sources Complete C source code for Info-ZIP's PKUNZIP-compatible .zip extractor, for all supported compilers and platforms (Unix, OS/2, MS-DOS, NT, VMS, Amiga, Atari, Mac, Acorn, VM/CMS, etc.), XXX2ZIP.ARJ 16k 16.05.92 [02] Convertisseur vers ZIP ZIP20.ZIP 241k 02.10.93 [01] InfoZip Zip 2.0. A fully PKZip 2.04-compatible file archiver. FREEWARE. C sources for several computers. ZIP20X.ZIP 174k 02.10.93 [00] InfoZip's Zip 2.0. MS/Dos executable ZIPCRACK.ARJ 12k 02.03.96 [01] Pour dcompresser les archives .ZIP exigeant un mot de passe. ZIPGUN10.ARJ 14k 13.11.92 [02] Shell pour Archives ZIP ZIPKIT8.ARJ 94k 12.09.92 [02] Diverses Tools for Zip Format ZIPVIEWC.ARJ 41k 04.11.92 [04] The Norton Commander ZipViewer (ZIP/LZH/ARJ/...) ZIPVW161.ZIP 96k 03.05.94 [00] Viewer de ZIP - Trs Puissant et Rapide ZM.ZIP 153k 10.09.91 [00] ZipMaster ZOO210.ARJ 61k 26.09.92 [04] ZOO 2.10 ZPRO224.ZIP 452k 18.08.95 [00] ZIP'R Pro For DOS v2.24 <ASP> H.D. Tripler! ZIP'R Pro stores programs in compressed form when they are not being used. Use ZIP'R Pro to automatically decompress a program, execute it, and recompress it again. Uses ARJ, LHA, PKZIP, or built-in compression. Integrate with a menu system, or use ZIP'R Pro's button menu. Works with networks & multitaskers. Easy to use push-button interface with mouse support! Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis File Wizard ͸ Area: Utilitaires/Disques, DOS, Mmoire, BIOS, Fichiers Created on 11.03.98,at 04:01 ͵ ͵ Area 98 23065 KBytes in 211 files ... ; * Matrix FileRequest possible * 2M.ARJ 30k 08.03.96 [03] Augmente la capacite des disquettes Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis 2M30.ZIP 252k 07.02.96 [01] 2M 3.0 (C) 1993-1995 Ciriaco Garcia de Celis 100% safely and 100% reliable formats to: 3.5 DD (720K): 984K / 1066K / 1176K 3.5 HD (1.44M): 1804K / 1886K / 1972K 3.5 ED (2.88M): 3608K / 3772K / 3944K 5.25 DD (360K): 820K / 902K / 976K 5.25 HD (1.2M): 1476K / 1558K / 1639K in 100% drives of 100% compatible systems. Uploader: Gilles Bouthenot 387EMUL5.ZIP 18k 20.05.93 [10] Emulateur 387 Uploader: Frederic Guemart 3DRVS110.ZIP 35k 07.12.92 [05] 3_Drives v1.10 Device driver that allows you to add a 3rd Hard Disc Drive to your DOS AT (286+) system. Lets you combine MFM, RL 4DESY110.ZIP 97k 25.05.94 [00] 4desy2.exe 4Desy/2 a comfortable description editor HAT 4FILE310.ZIP 96k 02.11.93 [00] 4FILES 3.10 <ASP> MULTI-PURPOSE FILE MANAGER for 4DOS & NDOS. Does single & marked files. Also edits file descriptions. Point-&-shoot file loading into your favorite utilities via configurable utility ports. Fast disk navig- ation! For DOS, Windows, OS/2 & DV. Great interface. Significant additions in this version. Shareware, $30 w/ printed manual. 4IDEDRV.ZIP 274k 26.02.95 [00] Run 4 ide drives at once. Last revision date in archive: 04-19-94. 704K.ZIP 3k 10.09.91 [04] 704Ko sous Dos ACD.ZIP 27k 19.06.95 [00] ACD est un petit utilitaire qui permet de changer rapidement de rpertoire en effectuant une recherche partir du dbut du nom entr. ADAPTEC.ZIP 107k 01.06.94 [04] - drivers Adaptec pour cartes SCSI Uploader: Jean-luc Soriano ADT120.ZIP 71k 12.06.96 [00] Apple Disk Transfer v1.2 (ADT for short) is a set of two programs to transfer a standard 16-sector Apple II disk to a 140k file on an MS-DOS computer, and back, freeware. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis AMI.ZIP 248k 06.10.94 [06] - Config Des Bios Ami, Version 2.15. Uploaded By: Philippe Mougin ANAD206.ZIP 130k 06.10.92 [03] - Analyseur de disquettes/Check/Edit/Copy/ more Uploader: Frank Thomassin ANSIOUT.ZIP 11k 18.10.94 [03] Permet de supprimer les code ANSI d'un fichier , par exemple pour des fichiers captures sur BBS . (avec DOC) Uploader: Yannick Leroy ANYDRIVE.RAR 13k 19.11.94 [08] Permet d'installer n'imorte quel disque dur sans changer de BIOS ! Uploader: Nelson Liao ATBIOS11.ZIP 59k 05.02.92 [04] Editer/modifier son BIOS en 2 Eproms ATFMT100.ARJ 36k 23.11.92 [02] A high-capacity floppy formatter ATTRIB.ARJ 7k 21.02.94 [00] Modifiez les attributs fichier -Share franais- Uploader: Patrick Lopes AXELCLAV.ARJ 2k 24.05.92 [01] Le plus petit acclrateur de clavier (Scr ASM) Uploader:H.Tournier AXINSTAL.ZIP 280k 30.06.95 [00] AXIALIS AX-INSTALL 1.0 Logiciel utilitaire d'installation sous DOS BATCHMAN.ZIP 7k 26.05.96 [00] BatchMan Permet d'effectuer facilement des fonctions originales dans vos fichiers Batch, tel que des bips, des formatage de disks rapides,... BATCHPAS.ZIP 4k 25.09.94 [01] Fichier bat permettant de creez un Code Uploader: Patrick Depauw BEAV132.ZIP 90k 18.10.94 [03] utilitaire DOS pour editer en hexa des fichiers , beaucoup de fonctions possible .(avec doc) Uploader: Yannick Leroy BEZ410.ZIP 145k 10.09.91 [04] Sauvegarde Rapide pour Disques Durs BFORMAT.ARJ 47k 08.06.94 [01] Big Format V3, 1720=1440 BIOS0109.ZIP 168k 19.10.95 [00] Updating your system BIOS. Contains BIOS for PCI/I-P54TP4 M/B OR P/I-P55TP4 M/B and for P/I-P55TP4XE M/B BIOSFIX.ARJ 7k 06.05.93 [00] - Util Terminat Dan BBS BLANKIT4.ZIP 10k 23.11.92 [02] - Blanker d'cran CGA/EGA/VGA Uploader: Patrick Bonnefous BLITZ20.ZIP 135k 01.04.95 [00] BlitzCopy v2.0 - An archival and duplication program for diskettes. Produce unlimited copies from a single original, archive unlimited numbers of diskettes onto any DOS supported media, produce serial numbers and disk labels. User friendly graphical interface and blinding speed (35 seconds to read a 1.44MB diskette). Supports English, German, French, Italian, Greek, CPS-format. BOOK410.ZIP 92k 29.05.94 [00] Version 4.10 de Booklets Imprimer en format livre fichier texte sur epson et HPLJ Uploader: Patrick Guilmain CDEXT221.ARJ 34k 06.05.96 [01] Microsoft's MSCDEX.EXE v2.21 CD-ROM extension Uploader: Rayan Chikhi CDGRAB20.ARJ 42k 06.05.96 [00] Grabs info data from CD-ROM and saves to disk Uploader: Rayan Chikhi CDGRATIS.ZIP 82k 11.07.96 [01] ************* CD GRATIS ********** ****** Par JM BASSETTI AFAS ********** Logiciel prvu pour la gestion des CD * ROMS de compilation offerts par les * journaux spcialiss. Permet de se pro * mener dans l'arborescence des CD ROMS * et de noter au passage les logiciels * intressants. Construit un fichier * texte qui forme une banque de donnes. * Garde en mmoire les logiciels nots * et permet un tri en fonction de nombreux critres (par journal, par genre, par * type de distribution, par ordre * alpabtique. Ncessaire pour vous y * retrouver si vous tes amateur de ce * genre de CD. Ncessite la bibliothque * VBRUN300.DLL non fournie. * Licence: 75 F. * **************************************** CDPRO11.ARJ 234k 06.05.96 [02] CD-ROM PRO v1.1 - Shareware Librarian/File Manager for CD-ROM Collections. Now supports multi-CD players! Keep track of/easily access CD-ROM file libraries with this program; Find view (GIF, ZIP, ARJ, text files), copy, unarchive files, more! View/read files within archives! Great reporting features; Create or convert FILES.BBS/DIRx (single or multi-line file descriptions supported); Floppy or file list dupe checker; and much, much more! Uploader: Rayan Chikhi CDQCK120.ARJ 170k 06.05.96 [02] CD-QUICK Cache v1.20 <ASP> PC Mag 1995 Best Shareware of the Year Award winner! CD-Quick will improve the performance of any CD-ROM drive by storing frequently read data in fast XMS memory. Uses advanced caching techniques for top performance. Includes CDTEST to measure your CD-ROM drive's performance and the Windows' QUICKMON program to show cache statistics in real time. INSTALL program makes setup easy. For DOS/WIN. Shareware $29 Uploader: Rayan Chikhi CDROM.ARJ 41k 12.03.96 [00] CDROM : GESTIONNAIRE DE LOGICIELS SUR CD-ROM CDROMCOM.ARJ 16k 06.05.96 [00] Basic CD-ROM commands from prompt, w/BP7.0 src Uploader: Rayan Chikhi CDTO.ZIP 2k 20.05.93 [05] Recherche un fichier sur tout un disque dur et change de directory. Tout seul! Uploader: Claude Schmitt CF537B.ZIP 182k 27.05.95 [00] CMFiler DOS File Manager v5.37b <ASP> (1-Feb-1995) - Highly versatile disk and file manager with side-by-side split screen format for display of dir lists or disk tree structures. Full suite of dir/file services, plus built-in editor, floppy filler, formatter and copier, menued program launcher, notepad for file desriptions. Small, fast, easy-to-use command syntax, mouse and 43/50-line VGA support. Great for laptops, networks. CHANGE.ZIP 4k 18.10.94 [01] petit fichier en .COM pour remplacer une chaine texte ou numerique par une autre (avec DOC) Uploader: Yannick Leroy CLEANNAT.ARJ 14k 05.02.92 [04] Nettoie "fins" de clusters allous CLOCK.ARJ 26k 06.10.92 [03] Pendule Tsr Uploader: Patrick Bonnefous CMOS14.ARJ 7k 06.05.96 [00] CMOS v1.4: Saves/restores CMOS to/from file CMOSER11.ARJ 28k 06.05.96 [00] 386/286 enhanced CMOS setup program CMOSRAM.ARJ 74k 06.05.96 [00] Save AT/386/486 CMOS data to file and restore CMOSSV25.ARJ 31k 06.05.96 [00] CMOSSave CMOSRest CMOSChk 2.5 DOS utilities automatically restore damaged CMOS from backup and check that CMOS has not been tampered with. MASM/OPTASM source available with registration. By Roedy Green of Canadian Mind Products. COPY310.ZIP 41k 25.12.93 [05] - Copy Vit 3.10 COPY400.ZIP 54k 20.07.94 [03] ** COPYVIT Version 4.0 ** Copieur de disquette trs performant Copie, Format, Compare, Image-disk 100% VGA, Souris Graphique COPYDISK.ZIP 20k 10.09.91 [02] Copie de Disquettes 1Source->Ndest COPYQ229.LZH 54k 07.05.92 [04] Copyqemm v 2.29 Uploader: Pat Finet COPYQ321.ZIP 180k 22.08.95 [00] COPYQM Version 3.21. May, 1995 CopyQM is a diskette duplicating program that, since its introduction in 1987, has set the standard for PC duplication software. This program is by far Sydex's most popular, though we do offer a complete line of programs related to diskette duplication and conversion. Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis COUIC.ARJ 11k 20.02.92 [07] Acclre les anciens PC (DRAM refresh) CPDISK12.ZIP 13k 04.04.94 [04] Acclrateur de copie de disquettes. Uploader: Luc Mardaga CRONJ219.ZIP 23k 08.03.95 [00] CRONJR v2.19 A batch scheduler; it is used to run stand alone programs at specific times and intervals. CRYPT.ARJ 10k 08.03.96 [01] Programme permettant de (d)crypter un fichier avec un fichier cl de taille variable. D4GW_197.ZIP 149k 28.07.95 [00] DOS/4GW v1.97 DCF50.ZIP 107k 22.08.95 [02] DISK COPY FAST v5.0 : Powerful 1-pass diskette duplicating utility. VERY fast. =====> SUPPORT PS/2; SUPPORT DMF, XDF, <===== =====> SELECTED FDFORMAT, MAC HD DISK. <===== Command line or menu driven; Hot keys for backup or multiple target; Mouse support; Format diskcopy diskcomp all in 1 pass; Use extended memory; Image file; On-line help; Uploader: Mathieu Chappuis DDSK214C.TRS 165k 31.10.90 [00] DEMANDE.ARJ 6k 20.02.92 [02] Pour rendre .BAT interactifs DESTROY.ARJ 7k 29.03.96 [00] DESTROY Version Freeware 1.0 par VUILLET Laurent Copyright (C) 1995. DESTROY permet de dtruire irrmdiablement un fichier. Mme "UNDELETE" ne pourra pas le rcuprer. Uploader: Rayan Chikhi DFATTER.ARJ 105k 15.03.93 [01] dFATter Formatteur Graphique haute Capacit Uploader: Osvaldo Cerqueira DFATTER.RAR 100k 24.12.94 [00] Disk Formatter - up to 1552 KB ! Fast Amiga-like DIFDIR.ARC 4k 20.05.93 [01] Affiche 2 directory simultanement Uploader: Claude Schmitt DIRTOT10.ZIP 20k 12.09.92 [03] DIRTOT provides a view of the space used on your hard disk that you may never have seen before. It lists the total space used. DIRX.EXE 8k 17.08.95 [00] Remplace le DIR classique en affichant sur son cran les fichiers et rpertoires par colonnes avec diverses infos. DIRX109.ARJ 39k 26.06.92 [05] Gestionnaire de compacteurs d'excutable comme PkLite, Diet, ExePack, LzExe, etc.'Look' la Norton Commander. Uploader: Paul_Milliot DKI191.ZIP 72k 19.03.94 [37] DKI v1.91 - THE BEST DISK ANALYSER : find the type, used/free/total space and many more information on all your drives (IDE, SCSI, CDROM, network, compressed, ...) Incl. files/dirs finder, deleter, analyser. DM430.ARJ 185k 09.01.92 [09] Le gestionnaire de DD Disk Manager 4.3 DMATE.EXE 190k 02.01.93 [02] DMATED.EXE 27k 02.01.93 [01] DMATEU.EXE 87k 02.01.93 [01] DMP.ARJ 41k 22.04.93 [03] Printer driver/spooler for IBM PCs and compatibles. DN2-133.ARJ 425k 16.02.95 [00] ----===<< DOS Navigator II >>===-----