Principale: 1) Indispensable (no ratio) ALICIA.ZIP 105152 04-08-95 4 superbes JPG de la superbe Alicia SPRead'it LiKe HeLL DeWd !!! Upload par: THERAPY BREAD12A.ZIP 94947 02-14-96 ROL Francais Freeware Plein D'options... Upload par: THERAPY CHIRAC.GIF 43223 02-05-96 Photo de notre cher Prsident [299x374x256] Beurk ! Faut aimer ;> ... mais bon, comme c'est que la marionette des GuIGnOlS ... =;*> Upload par: THERAPY DAPLANET.ZIP 12373 05-18-96 PLANET'MARS BBS HEY @USER@ !!! DESCENDS CE FICHIER POUR TOUT SAVOIR SUR PLaNeT'MaRS, LE BBS MARSEILLAIS QUI MONTE, QUI MONTE, QUI MONTE =;)) => PLuS de 2 Go oN-LiNe => HaCKiNG/PhReaKiNG/aNaRCHY => CoNFz PCB, MuZiK, CodING, SHa & 2 UNdeRGRouNdS 4 BeST USeRS => No NuP/KeWL SySoP/KeWL RaTioS NOUS SUPPORTONS DEJA LES PRODS FEAR ET KTA ! ReJoiNS-NouS ViTe! Upload par: THERAPY DEMO.ZIP 3046 03-09-96 Ecran Ansi Executable de Pub pour Planet'Mars Upload par: THERAPY DEMOMARS.ZIP 11232 05-01-96 SuPeR DMo de PuB en AnSi ScroLL !!!! SPRead'it LiKe HeLL DeWd !!! Upload par: THERAPY DTQWK14.ZIP 271558 03-03-96 ͸ DT-QWK, Version 1.4 ͵ QWK compatible offline reader for the PC. ͵ DT-QWK features message base handling, support of PCBoard, SLBBS and DMS color codes, SLBBS include statements, SAA user interface (bilingual - German / English), message threading, message forwarding across BBSs and lots more ...... ͵ | DiGiTal ConTacT BBS | | +32-89-73.18.67 | | +32-89-72.30.05 | Try it. You'll like it! ; Upload par: THERAPY INIT_FIN.ZIP 78068 02-07-96 Modem Init Strings - The Final Release Bugs Fixed. Supports now ALL graphics cards Database contains 1275 Modem Init Strings Upload par: THERAPY INTROPLA.EXE 6376 04-11-96 Intro de planet mars...manque juste un peu de sons :))) Upload par: Mylord BONUS TO MYLORD x 2 GREAT UPLOAD! LHL23US.ZIP 232578 02-14-96 LHL, a full color off-line reader 100% compatible QWK and BlueWave, multilingual, easy installation, full mouse support, intuitive and more more more! Upload par: THERAPY MAILMK95.ZIP 804783 05-04-96 MailMaker 1.0 beta 4 32bit QWK compatible offline reader for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Fast database to organize your mail Includes features like text search, internal unpacker, ANSI-viewer, text justification, optional spellchecker, file attachments, picklists, easy install and uninstall and much more. Imports Robomail 1.3 data / folder Upload par: Yossi MARSMIX.ZIP 42401 02-25-97 Ŀ ReMiX De MaRS.XM Ŀ ++ FoRMaT...: FaSTTRaCKeR ][ CHaNNeLS.: 8 DaTE.....: 25/02/97 UnPaCKeD.: 68531 BYTeS ++ -PLaNeT +33-o491892358 MaRS - -- Upload par: Animist MARS_XM.ZIP 37529 05-16-96 Ŀ PLaNeT'MaRS Ŀ ++ FoRMaT....: FaSTTRaCKeR ][ CaNNeauX..: 8 DaTe......: 16/05/96 DeCoMPaCT: 71887 ByTeS ++ Another great KTA release ask for them on PLaNeT'MaRS MaRSeiLLe - +33-1-91892358 - -- Upload par: Piccolo BONUS TO PICCOLO x 3 HYPER KEWL ! MANQUE JUSTE LA DEMO ;) MODEMD60.ZIP 149517 10-30-96 Modem Doctor 6.0S,modem/uart diagnostics The premier modem/uart system utility. Ver 6 tests ports, IRQ's, & modem self- connect tests, handshake tests & more than 60 others. Support for IRQ 2-15, Digiboards, Burst tests measure thruput and handshaking, ID's all active IRQ's motherboard type and much more! Upload par: THERAPY OLX23.ZIP 131596 05-20-96 Olx Off Line Mail Reader Version 2.3 Upload par: Piccolo PCTEAMVI.ZIP 8269 01-31-97 .sS$Ss s .ss. .ss. sS$Ss S$Ss. $$' `$$ $ .$$' $$ $$' $$ $' `$$ $' $$ $$s.,$$ $ $$' ,$$ $' $$ $s$ ~ $$ $$ ~~ ,$ $$.s$$$ $ $$ $ .s $$ $$ $$. $ $$ $ $$ $. ,$$ $$ $$ $$s.$ $$ $ .$$ SSs$S .$$ .$$' M A R S $' #31~01~97# .s s. $$ $$ ViRUS SUR THE CD OF PC TEAM $$ $: NUMERO 21 -- ALERTE !! $$ $: $$ $. ** REPORT BY THERAPY ** $$ $ $: $$ DiSk [01/01] $$ Hb.. ..sS Upload par: THERAPY PLA!NET.ZIP 184204 04-04-97 fichier jpg 3D planet mars Upload par: Yessayan Eric PLANETM.ZIP 547755 01-04-97 Photo de Pub PLaNeT'MaRS Upload par: Karim Lahmer PLANLST.ZIP 298845 12-31-99 .sS$Ss s .ss. .ss. sS$Ss S$Ss. $$' `$$ $ .$$' $$ $$' $$ $' `$$ $' $$ $$s.,$$ $ $$' ,$$ $' $$ $s$ ~ $$ $$ ~~ ,$ $$.s$$$ $ $$ $ .s $$ $$ $$. $ $$ $ $$ $. ,$$ $$ $$ $$s.$ $$ $ .$$ SSs$S .$$ .$$' M A R S $' #F0REVEVER# .s s. $$ $$ LiSTiNG DES FiCHiERS $$ $: DE PLANET'MARS SAUF CONFZ PRiV8 ! $$ $: ---------------------- $$ $. ALL FiLES LiST $$ $ FR0M PLANET'MARS $: $. ---------------------- $. $: DiSTRiBUTE THiS FiLE FREELY! $ $$ PRiVATE CONFZ NON iNCLUDED $$ Hb.. ..sS Upload par: THERAPY PLAN_XM.ZIP 212580 06-12-96 Ŀ PLaNeTe MaRS BBS Ŀ ++ FoRMaT....: FaSTTRaCKeR ][ auTeuR....: YaNN BouTiN aLiaS.....: Le RuSSe CaNNeauX..: 12 DaTe......: 01/01/80 DeCoMPaCT: 533308 ByTeS PLaNeT'MaRS MaRSeiLLe - +33-1-91892358 - -- Upload par: Le Russe BONUS TO YANN BOUTIN x 10 IT'S CRAZY YANN ! PLMDIZDA.INI 451 02-28-97 Diz de PLaNeT'MaRS utiliser avec Dizdamod ! Upload par: THERAPY PLNTMARS.ZIP 7917 06-17-96 Une petite intro pour PlanetMars... UL By Data Vortex Upload par: Data Vortex BONUS TO DATA VORTEX x 3 PAS MAL COMME INTRO ;) QUEENBBS.ZIP 7817 05-09-96 ANSI de pub pour le QUEEN BbS Upload par: THERAPY QUEENPRE.ZIP 160857 04-13-96 ******************************* QUEENPRE.ZIP ******************************* C'est la mme chose que mais cette archive est destine ceux qui possdent Power Point 95. Upload par: Drag Queen 7 SEMP225.ZIP 749804 11-14-96 -=> SemPoint v2.25 for Windows <=- SemPoint is the 1st Offline Reader for Windows useful to both BBS Users and to FidoNet Points (or Sysops). It can handle QWK, BlueWave, Mc-Link's X)press and Usenet newsgroups mail packets, as well as permanent message bases in *.MSG (Fido), Hudson, Squish, JAM end EzyCom formats! EASY to use, but powerful! Built-in zip/unzip, UUEncode/Decode, PGP shell, Rich Text display feature, message sorting, TIC generator. Multilingual: English, Italian, French, Spanish, Catalan, Swedish and German editions available! Upload par: THERAPY SLMR.ZIP 157543 03-10-96 Off-Line Mail Reader (ROL) pour la plupart des logiciels de Bbs Upload par: THERAPY SOSBBS09.ZIP 33712 01-06-96 Tout sur les BBS... (en francais) Comment s'y connecter ? Comment fonctionnent-ils ? SOSBBS.TXT de Sebastien WILLEMIJNS repond a toutes ces questions et bien plus... Les debutants qui ne savent pas comment decompacter ce fichier contactent le responsable du BBS (SYSOP). Upload par: THERAPY SOSBBS10.ZIP 41267 06-14-96 *************************************** * SOSBBS version 1.0 * *************************************** * Tout sur les BBS... (en francais) * *************************************** * Comment s'y connecter ? * * Comment fonctionnent-ils ? * * Ce texte de Sebastien WILLEMIJNS * * repond a toutes ces questions * * et bien plus... * *************************************** Upload par: THERAPY SOSPNTB2.ZIP 18781 03-24-96 version beta-test de SOSPOINT 1.0 Upload par: THERAPY WANTEDFR.ZIP 5842 01-07-96 Doc explicative sur le fonctionnement de la confrence Wanted.FR en Fido Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 2) Les photos des users AZAP.ZIP 39790 12-07-96 La royale foto du Azathoth ... ;) BEuuruuerk ... Upload par: Azathoth BENDAUV.GIF 20139 09-26-96 Moi, Benjamin Dauvergne, de profil la photo de face viendra plus tard GIF v.89a [145x137x256] Upload par: Benjamin Dauvergne BENDAUV2.JPG 6857 10-20-96 Encore une Photo de Moi mais de Face cette fois ci la premiere etait mauvaise JPEG v1.1 [195x260x16m] Upload par: Feanor COOLCOY.GIF 34263 12-24-96 La photo du Co0L CoYoTTe ! GIF v.89a [293x344x256] Upload par: THERAPY DESSIN.JPG 20972 11-03-96 la foto dessine de insane man a voir et a revoir dessine par:Alexandre Millet JPEG v1.0 [442x410x16m] Upload par: Insane Man EMILIE1.GIF 38187 06-26-96 C'est elle Emilie dont on parle dans la conf Hrd sous le titre 'La Vie Rve' ... GIF v.87a [199x248x256] Upload par: Malbicho FETEJOSE.ZIP 118088 02-28-97 Photos de la fte-runion chez Jos Mans ! Upload par: THERAPY HERMOL!.JPG 11050 02-17-97 yoo!! la ganache a HERMOL! en live.... JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: Hermol HERMOL!.ZIP 39320 08-03-96 Voici en exclu pour PLANET MARS la bouille d'HERMOL... Sorry a date de mes derniere vacances saint-tropez. HeRMoL se prend pour RoSWeLL ;)) Upload par: Hermol MALBICHO.GIF 32787 06-26-96 Malbicho Le Terrible GIF v.87a [224x271x256] Upload par: Malbicho MASKBB.JPG 13615 06-15-97 encore moi mais un poil plus jeune ;) JPEG v1.1 [279x344x16m] Upload par: The Mask OLIVIER.ZIP 272377 03-11-96 Deux magnifiques photos d'Olivier Croce, alias HartY BoY ! (c) TherapY - 1996 Upload par: THERAPY PACEVAMP.JPG 23271 04-11-97 La nouvelle tronche pace!! hol! JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Harty Boy THER4U.GIF 11333 06-23-96 THeRaPY en GRoS PLaN :))) GIF v.89a [150x176x256] Upload par: THERAPY THE_MASK.JPG 6643 06-15-97 c'est moi ;)) JPEG v1.1 [170x203x16m] Upload par: The Mask VINCPACE.JPG 9986 04-04-97 --[FRENCHDESCRiPTiON]---------------------- Le clbre Vincent Pace de St Charles Camas, l'cole prfre d'HaRTY BoY, THe RuSSiaN et THeRaPY :))) -------------------------------------------- --[NAiN-GLiSHDESCRiPTiON]------------------ Ze famous & great Vincent Pace's picture from Ze Great St Charles Camas school ! A great Xclusivity ! Top Hard picture ! :)) -------------------------------------------- Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 3) PCBoard C㟂ee Pd Ple de Sysm Vte Principale: 4) Utils & PPE divers (R96)001.ZIP 21848 07-28-96 ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ e! ۲ RAVEN LOGOFF 1.0 NiCE REPLACEMENT PPE FOR PCB COOL DESiGNCRAPPY LiNELOCAL WiNDOW OF COURSE SMOOTHLY LiGHT-BARED FULLY CONFiGURABLENO LAME DELAYS JUST GRAB iT AND HAVE A LOOK;) [#oo1][TG][26/o7/96] Upload par: THERAPY (R96)004.ZIP 12775 09-11-96 ܲ e! ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ RAVEN LOGOFF 1.1 NiCE REPLACEMENT PPE FOR PCB COOL DESiGNCRAPPY LiNELOCAL WiNDOW OF COURSE SMOOTHLY LiGHT-BARED FULLY CONFiGURABLENO LAME DELAYS JUST GRAB iT AND HAVE A LOOK;) BUGFiX - J/j NOW WORK [#oo4][TG][22/o8/96] Upload par: THERAPY (R96)005.ZIP 11726 09-11-96 ܲ e! ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ RAVEN CRAPTOOL v1.0 TiNY PiECE OF CODE FOR YOU JOKERS ;) USE THiS TO CHEAT YOUR FRiENDS [#oo5][MAV][22/o8/96] Upload par: THERAPY (R96)006.ZIP 18991 10-19-96 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ 96 ۲ 96 ۲ 96۲ 96۲ e! ۲ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- raven ansi enforce+logon sequencer tiny ppe wich enforces gfx mode at login and fades some login info +--(#oo6)-(TG)-----------(15/o9/96)---+ Upload par: THERAPY 187BSAV1.ZIP 15767 08-01-96 187 Presents BATCH SAVE v1.0! by: dV Save your batched files for your next call! If batched files still exist at logoff, a cool menu will pop up and allow you to save the files or delete them and logoff! Finally a V-X like procedure for PCB 15.1+! Upload par: THERAPY 1ARM_23.ZIP 78516 03-09-96 ONE-ARM! V2.3 LIKE NOTHING YOU'VE SEEN BEFORE! WOW! Tilt the slot machine, flirt with casino workers, MORE! THIS WORKS WITH PCBOARD 15.2 OR 15.22! New GET LAID, "Clean Mode," Even MORE Sysop config options! GET IT! Another Jim Coleman $5 Game! MLPNet Support Conference! . Last revision date in archive: 08-19-95. Upload par: THERAPY 2ACT30.ZIP 144314 03-09-96 Second Account ver.3.0 - the SAFEST, fastest method to allow PCB 14+ Sysops alias use, second Users files, unlimited conference access control of Users, invisible conferences, etc! Run more than 1 BBS from a single phone line as a sub-board too. DV, LAN, Pro-Door, non-std IRQ supported! Now, fast non-alias sub-board support Upload par: THERAPY 3AIN-USR.ZIP 61097 02-26-97 =( PPE SECTi0N )= -- 2 LAME 4 YOU --Ŀ PAiN!-USERMANAGER UPGRADES COOL USER ONLiNE WHiLE YOU ARE NOT THERE ! DiSPLAY YOUR OWN PPE's TO COOL & LAME USER JUST CHECK IT OUT FOR MORE iNFO (IT'S WORTH A LOOK!) 100% C0NFiGURABLE FEB/25/'95 -- EN=TRANCE II -- Upload par: THERAPY 666-EFAS.ZIP 30849 06-13-96 [666][gTPcTz][1996]- o ߲ ߲ ߲ i -- ----ı--666Ŀ n -[PPE]- = Extended FAS v1.o = -[PPE]- T - ------ -ij B An0ther C00L File Area Select PPE R -Y0u Can Select File Areas Using e Light-Bar 0r Just Enter The Number a -Y0u Can Protect Y0ur File Areas K With A Security Level -Full C0nfigurable B C0ded By < b - ------ -ij s [02/15/96]; Upload par: THERAPY 666-LOG2.ZIP 79079 02-26-97 ͻ p Lgn PP 2.0 + o F P-ba 15.2 3 I < b ---\_____/------------. | [p-R-E-S-E-N-T-s] ( PPE ) | | | | - --/ -aNL- \-- - | | --REQUEST-- | | ------ - | | VeR 1.1s | | Requester from aNL! | | Cool ansi graphic and fast codE | | aNL pCB StyIe | | | `-----------------!APPLY!---------------- Upload par: THERAPY ANL-BRD.ZIP 27179 12-24-96 /\_____ /\ ___/\ / _ \ / \ __/\ / /__ /. | \ __\_ \/ _/_ / ./ \ // _ \__\_ \. \ _/_/ \\ .: \_ \ | .: / \\ \ \___________/ \----l_____/\______/\\ \_ /kM!|______/ .------\_____/------------. | [p-R-E-S-S-E-N-T-s] [PPE] | | Board Add | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | Awesome Board Add | | Cool, Configurable Ansi | | LightBar Menu View/Add Board | | | | ORiGiNAL ANALYzE ELiTE WARE! | `-----------------!APPLY!---------------- Upload par: THERAPY ANL_!FN.ZIP 23641 12-24-96 /\_____ /\ ___/\ / _ \ / \ __/\ / /__ /. | \ __\_ \/ _/_ / ./ \ // _ \__\_ \. \ _/_/ \\ .: \_ \ | .: / \\ \ \___________/ \----l_____/\______/\\ \_ /kM!|______/ .------\_____/------------. | [p-R-E-S-E-N-T-s] [PPE] | | | | FaDE NOTE : | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ . | OUTSTANDiNG DiFFRENT STYLE | | Fading/Flashing note | | Configurable menu and fading speed | | REAL COOL GRAPHiC | | | | ORiGiNAL ANALYzE ELiTE WARE! | `-----------------!APPLY!---------------- Upload par: THERAPY ANTM103.ZIP 131569 03-09-96 CountEm Version 1.03 release. CountEm generates colorized headers, bulletins, and your downloadable filelist using your choice of archivers. Includes easy to use menu - driven configuration program with WYSIWYG color selections for the headers and bulletins. v1.03 means CountEm is now **FREEWARE**. No registration required!! Upload par: THERAPY APMT-1.ZIP 7513 01-17-97 A (Simple) colorful prompt PPE that will wait until the user hits a key before continuing. Generates random colors to display prompts. WWT BBS: 312-743-4912 Ŀ Source has been Included (Even though it's easy!) Upload par: iZnogoud APP-DIZ.ZIP 71951 03-09-96 Apply-Diz v3.0 * Will scan for any file spec in any directory and check for a FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI file within an archive. If one exists it can be placed into the PCBoard DIR file. If no DIZ, and there's a PCBoard DIR file entry, that listing can be turned into a FILE_ID.DIZ and compressed into the archive. Great for boards with lots of file traffic! Fixed a few minor bugs. Now excepting Credit Cards and providing Voice Support. *** SHAREWARE *** Compiled 7/23/93 Upload par: THERAPY APV1.ZIP 3110 03-09-96 ---------[ Auto Post [PPE] V. 1 ]----------- Auto Post [PPE] v. 1 allow's caller's to leave messages to each other. * Source Code Encluded * Freeware by Kris Steinwender Upload par: THERAPY AR-NS10.ZIP 2715 07-19-96 - PPe! 1994 - -- - LiGHTNiNG NEWSCAN 1.OO Replace the "Scanning->" prompt with a feature even F-Hack BBS' dont have. No more Multi-Page scrolling during a Msg Scan. Upload par: THERAPY AREAS022.ZIP 26052 11-12-96 ͸ The Ultimate File Area Lister PPE v0.22B ** MAJOR UPDATE RELEASE ** Now With Group Area Support! For PCBoard v15.2+ An UltiWares(c)1995 Release Upload par: THERAPY ART_REQ2.ZIP 10699 07-21-96 . _ _ _________________________________ . . - - --/ | | _ \ _ / / . . - - --/ | | \ / ___/ MD . :- - --/ | | | \ | \ \ NMD . : - --/__________|___|_____\|____\____994 : : ULTIMATE ASSOCIATION OF RECKLESS TALENT! : RELEASED!! : FILE REQUESTOR PPE V2.oo : : MANY NEW ADD-ONS!! : : -*- FULLY SYSOP CONFIGURABLE -*- : : PROGRAMMED BY: OVERTHROWN RULER [UART] : [022294] Upload par: THERAPY ASI-7PPE.ZIP 24039 08-05-96 -- a ppe 4 ya pcboard -- ::. .#b_ oOoo .: oOOo::' !. ^ w_ OOO O :::OOOO ' : 1996 _Zw_ Ooo ``. oOO _# #_ oooo oO . _# .#_ K_ oO OOOoO :| _# _,` ##_OOO OOOOOo .-| _# JF w.Oo oOO -' .Z_| j : o rECORdZ :#kiff ___J: . . ""#b#P' eS prUDO pREsENTa :- - --- """ .-- ----- -------- .| ASiRECORdZ96 - LOGOUT PPE - 15.22 |. `^-------------------------------------^' Upload par: THERAPY ASI-9PPE.ZIP 31920 08-05-96 -- a ppe 4 ya pcboard -- ::. .#b_ oOoo .: oOOo::' !. ^ w_ OOO O :::OOOO ' : 1996 _Zw_ Ooo ``. oOO _# #_ oooo oO . _# .#_ K_ oO OOOoO :| _# _,` ##_OOO OOOOOo .-| _# JF w.Oo oOO -' .Z_| j : o rECORdZ :#kiff ___J: . . ""#b#P' eS prUDO pREsENTa :- - --- """ .-- ----- -------- .| ASiRECORdZ96 - TLOGON 1.2 - 15.22 |. `^-------------------------------------^' Upload par: THERAPY ASI-APPE.ZIP 18533 08-05-96 -- a ppe 4 ya pcboard -- ::. .#b_ oOoo .: oOOo::' !. ^ w_ OOO O :::OOOO ' : 1996 _Zw_ Ooo ``. oOO _# #_ oooo oO . _# .#_ K_ oO OOOoO :| _# _,` ##_OOO OOOOOo .-| _# JF w.Oo oOO -' .Z_| j : o rECORdZ :#kiff ___J: . . ""#b#P' eS prUDO pREsENTa :- - --- """ .-- ----- -------- .| ASiRECORdZ96 - SETUP! 1.0 - 15.22 |. `^-------------------------------------^' Upload par: THERAPY ASI-BPPE.ZIP 33228 08-05-96 -- a ppe 4 ya pcboard -- ::. .#b_ oOoo .: oOOo::' !. ^ w_ OOO O :::OOOO ' : 1996 _Zw_ Ooo ``. oOO _# #_ oooo oO . _# .#_ K_ oO OOOoO :| _# _,` ##_OOO OOOOOo .-| _# JF w.Oo oOO -' .Z_| j : o rECORdZ :#kiff ___J: . . ""#b#P' eS prUDO pREsENTa :- - --- """ .-- ----- -------- .| ASiRECORdZ96 - PROTO! 1.1 - 15.22 |. `^-------------------------------------^' Upload par: THERAPY ASI-CPPE.ZIP 41960 08-05-96 -- a ppe 4 ya pcboard -- ::. .#b_ oOoo .: oOOo::' !. ^ w_ OOO O :::OOOO ' : 1996 _Zw_ Ooo ``. oOO _# #_ oooo oO . _# .#_ K_ oO OOOoO :| _# _,` ##_OOO OOOOOo .-| _# JF w.Oo oOO -' .Z_| j : o rECORdZ :#kiff ___J: . . ""#b#P' eS prUDO pREsENTa :- - --- """ .-- ----- -------- .| ASiRECORdZ96 - UPLOAD 1.0 - 15.22 |. `^-------------------------------------^' Upload par: THERAPY ASI-IPPE.ZIP 13340 08-05-96 %%$=ASiRECORdZ96=>PPE<=4=YA=$%% $^ $$$$$% ,$$$$$ S . $$$$$$% $ .:o$$$$$$ jS$$ $$ `2$@$$ `.S$$$ $$$$$$ d$$$$$ 96 $ `"' .$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$@$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $$$$%$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$, $$$$$$ $%"$$$ $$$$$$ `$$$$$Y$$$$l, $$$$$$ $' $$ $$$$$% $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$.,$$ $$$$$$ .'+ $$S$$$ $'$$ "$$$$$ $$$$$$ ,S $$$$$$ $$.;$$ `S$$$ $$@$$$ $ ASi $$$$$$ "$$$$$ `+, ^$$$$$ $$ $$@$S'" `S$$$. . "$$ S$$$$$ S SS$SP" `+, ^" %ppnmpc:%asipager%1.2%ppe%%%%%&S$ %splero:%snowman%%%%%%%%%%%%%&S$$ Upload par: THERAPY ATAG.ZIP 51486 11-12-96 A PPE that will allow you to insert a tagline into any PCBoard message, while still in the editor! Lets you see what the tagline is before it gets inserted. Random selection. Very nice! By Andrew Lazarus SHAREWARE! Upload par: THERAPY AUSURE30.ZIP 8454 04-20-96 AREUSURE Version 3.00 [PPE] - Prompts user if he/she is sure that he/she wants to post the message in the conference he/she is currently in. Very good for boards with beginner users or people who just don't pay attention. Requires PCBoard 15.21 or higher. Adds support for Tokens Upload par: The Invaders AUTO300.ZIP 31135 02-26-97 Ŀ CaLLeRiD FOR PCB (AUTOLOG30.ZIP) THiS iS a LOGON MaTRiX Ŀ FOR SWeDiSH CaLLeRiD HOW ReaDS FROM a TeXT FiLe aND THeN OPeN THe uSeRS FiLe FOR a MaTCH. iF MaTCH iS FOuND - THe uSeRS NaMe WiLL Be DiSLPaYeD aND THe uSeR ONLY HaS TO eNTeR CR aND PaSSWORD DONWLOaD THiS FiNe PPE NOW, aND HaVe FuN!! =- FOR ReG & uPDaTeS -= CaLL No Esc BBS Upload par: THERAPY AUU.ZIP 5146 07-22-96 Automatic User Upgrader PPE For PCB 15 Another Fine MfC Release The NEW Way of user security checking! This PPE Checks The User Security, Upgrades A User If Reaches The Byte Limit Specified In Configuration File Now Just For *FREE* Upload par: THERAPY AXREAD11.ZIP 40229 06-30-96 /---< READ.PPE version 1.10, 06/23/96 >--\ ` PCBoard message base replacement! THE : only way to configure the message base! | BLOWS away the origanal looks! Includes a re-written address book, now up to 26 names! THE only way to run an external message editor with PCBoard! COMPLETELY configurable message header! New user search feature! THE BEST MESSAGE PPE! | Requires PCBoard 15.3+, By Mav/[ANTi-X] : FREE!, The way PPE's should be! , \--[The No-Name BBS (703) 323-6838]----/ Upload par: THERAPY BARGRA20.ZIP 28368 02-26-97 Ŀ -/- BARGRAPH v2.0 -/- Ĵ Cration d'un Bulletin de Statistique graphique des appels reus, les informations contenus dans le Caller.Log, Possibilit d'avoir un bulletin par node active Pour PCBoard 14.x -> 15.x Ĵ Bulletin cr sous forme de @Trucs ;) CondomHQ' BBS (+33-1-49.6O1O.7O) Upload par: THERAPY BBC_SEC.ZIP 16175 05-02-96 _____________________________ \______ \______ \_ ___ \ | | _/| | _/ \ \/ | | \| | \ \____ |______ /|______ /\______ / 96! \/ \/ %^TUB^%\/ .-------[PPE DiViSiON]-------. |[ ]| |[ COOL SECURiTY ]| |[ ]| |[ This Realy Great PPE,Check ]| |[security of user, with K000L]| |[GFX animations! You NEED IT!]| |[ ]| |[-> Coded By TUBARAO <-]| |[-BBC- BEZT BRAZiLiAN CODER's]| |[ Modifying Your Ugly PCBug! ]| `------------------------------' Upload par: THERAPY BBS01B.ZIP 15093 02-26-97 BBS Lister PPE by Formula v.01b DISK [01/01] Upload par: THERAPY BCNUK0(0.ZIP 165276 02-26-97 PCB 15.2+ Nuker PPE v0.80 A full featured, lightbar driven FAST nuker. Allows you to Nuke/ Award/Comment/Free files. If you're tired of waiting minutes. when nuking, grab this! This version adds Wildcard support. Upload par: THERAPY BCQT03.ZIP 12068 11-12-96 PCB 15.2+ Quoter PPE v0.2 Pcboard quoter, uses pplc 3.0 for easier and seamless integration. BlackCat Upload par: THERAPY BDAY_11.ZIP 11178 11-12-96 Birthday Greetings PPE - Ver. 1.0. Gives your users a birthday and a belated birthday greeting. Also gives your users extra time as a "birthday present" if you desire! By Galahad Software Upload par: THERAPY BG-EUL11.ZIP 10369 01-17-97 _____ _____ / \ / \ / / \/ ___> / / \ /_ \ c / _____ \ \ c \__/prsnz\__/________/ s \______________________/ / THe eVeN BeTTeR \ | "uSeR" RePLaCeMeNT: | eXTeNDeD uSeR LiSTeR 1.1 | | | MoRe CoNFiGuRaBLe THaN | BeFoRe! | aDD YouR oWN CoLoRS! | \______________________/ / aToMiC GoDS 1995 \ Upload par: iZnogoud BH-PAGER.ZIP 24872 08-21-96 ۲ ܲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ PAGER v1.0 [PPE] A fully configurable sysop pager for PCB 15.22. Nice look Sweet anim Leech it! It's cool! ߱߰ Upload par: THERAPY BIO-LAST.ZIP 63891 08-23-96 Anno Domini 1996 [ product of Bio-Feedback ] bioLastCallerz v.2.0. Lightbars provide optional more-info-diplay. Optional scrool-back. Transparent screen updating. Supports UUP (uniform user picture format). 100% configuarble. Upload par: THERAPY BIO-MAIN.ZIP 62020 10-19-96 ---------------------- Earl's Main Menu ---------------------- The COMPLETE solution. Lightbars, 1-5 columns command line, tag line, run/exit line, time-left graph. 100% customizable! (c) Earl Winter, 1996. ---------------------- Simply the BEST. ;> ---------------------- Upload par: THERAPY BIRTH120.ZIP 16656 11-12-96 Ŀ The Birth Date Utility v1.20 - PPE v2.00 Ŀ Now you can prompt your users for their birth date information with PCBoard. Use this program as a prompt replacement, new users program, or an executed text command. Completely configurable color and text. Provides a slash (/) for the user to keep the date information in a correct format. PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] v2.00 Upload par: THERAPY BLASPAG.ZIP 77218 11-12-96 Ŀ Blaster PAGE PPE!!! FOR PCBoard 15.X Dox,MOD,and PLAYER included... Coded By: xcR Upload par: THERAPY BLOTYL11.ZIP 28935 02-26-97 __ _________ _______ _____ __________ __ _ __ \ /::_\___\ __ ::::/ !/ \ /::/ ~ |~ \/\ /\_/::: :::/ ) /__/\ ! \/ \::'94: :::\ (\ / /~ \ : / \::::: ::::\_______/\________/______/\_____/Lv::: ::::::::::: -*- BLaCK OuT! -*- ::::::::::: ============== PreSenTs ============== <<>> SBYeller PPE For PCB 1.1 <<>> <<>> AdLib FM, PCSpeaker support <<>> <<>> WITHOUT SHELLING TO DOS! <<>> <<>> Fully Configurable Freeware <<>> ==[11 May '94]=================[1/1]== Upload par: THERAPY BLT-APLR.ZIP 35160 02-26-97 /|_______: __!____: ._:_. .::\__ __ \:\_ :sYN |_:. .:::: |/ /:: /_:\___ ___:. .:::/ __ \_/ / \:::| :::. .:: |% /\ \__: |:::. .::\_________::\____ /| |:::. <======[BLACKtRON]===\____=___:===> - BLACtRON/RAVEBASE APPLY PPE v2.O - Nice APPLY PPE, with some great effektz: Writing fading, Lightbar fader, Kewl end animation... Coded by SYNOPtiC [For Psycho] <======================[22/o7/95]===> Upload par: THERAPY BLT-APPL.ZIP 30751 06-24-96 /|_______: __!____: ._:_. .::\__ __ \:\_ :sYN |_:. .:::: |/ /:: /_:\___ ___:. .:::/ __ \_/ / \:::| :::. .:: |% /\ \__: |:::. .::\_________::\____ /| |:::. <======[BLACKtRON]===\____=___:===> - BLACtRON!/SITE APPLY PPE v2.O - Every pcb-sysop can use thiz util Let Group-Presidents apply for their sites online! Full of high quality animation, fading text and lightbars... Coded by Synopyic for Psycho Ansi/Layout by Skullrazor <======================[25/o7/95]===> Upload par: THERAPY BLT-MAIL.ZIP 24932 06-24-96 ___ __ ____ ___ __ __ _)_ ) \ _) /sR __ \ /__ \ /__ \ \ \_) )(/ ) |) )(/ ) ) ) | ____/ ___/| _/__/TRoN/| |\_/ :: :| :-- (==========[PRESENTS]===========) : - MAiLSCANNER [PPE] - : If you love ANIMATIONS on yar board, ya gotta have this thing It's a replacement 4 the quest. PCB alwayz asks at the end, just bef4 ya drop into main: "Do ya wanna scan all confs for mail?"... Easy to install and a MUST for all animationlovers! (production by Psycho) Upload par: THERAPY BLT-TURB.ZIP 10430 06-24-96 /|_______: __!____: ._:_. .::\__ __ \:\_ :sYN |_:. .:::: |/ /:: /_:\___ ___:. .:::/ __ \_/ / \:::| :::. .:: |% /\ \__: |:::. .::\_________::\____ /| |:::. <======[BLACKtRON]===\____=___:===> - NORMAL/ULtRA/XtENDED LOGiN PPE - The new dimention in Turbologins! Instead of 2 different options to logon, you have 3 different ones. So you can have a normal login, ultraspeed logon AND a extralong logon to put for example all your distro's ansis etc, very usefull! 300% configurable!! Nice layout by Skullrazor, PPE coded by Psycho... <======================[25/o7/95]===> Upload par: THERAPY BOUFFE.ZIP 12208 12-24-96 [MR MASK] ۰ BOUFFE PPE ۰ ۰ COOL PPE WICH DISPLAY DAYS BEFORE THE GREAT BOUFFE!!! ޲ ޲ ߲ ܲܲ Coded:[Mr masK] Upload par: THERAPY BRN!_ENH.ZIP 12646 08-14-96 [-_bRAiN_#_dAMAGE_#_iNC._-] [-LOGIN ENHANCER .pPE V 1.0-] [-#-bY_pFUSuUSpSYCH0sQUAD-#-] [-aNSi_#_bY__sOMM_#_oF_#_aCiD-] [-c0MPLeTE_s0URCE__c0DE_iNCL.-] Upload par: THERAPY BTAG130.ZIP 239071 02-26-97 BragTag 1.30 BragTag version 1.30 - "The TagLine Displayer". Display a tagline to callers when they log on or off of BBS. Works with any BBS. Contains a data file of over 9000 tag lines. Now supports PCBoard and WildCat @Codes release date 12-11-93 Upload par: THERAPY C-LOEOFF.ZIP 17041 02-26-97 LogOff 1.0b By CWS [PPE] for PCB15.2+ Ŀ Useless G command replacement for PCB 15.2 It is wery configurable and yet easy to configure! No config NEEDED! ;) >>NO REGISTRATION<< Upload par: THERAPY C-LOGOFF.ZIP 17041 02-26-97 LogOff 1.0b By CWS [PPE] for PCB15.2+ Ŀ Useless G command replacement for PCB 15.2 It is wery configurable and yet easy to configure! No config NEEDED! ;) >>NO REGISTRATION<< Upload par: THERAPY CD2PCB.ZIP 77536 02-01-80 CD-ROM PCBoard SYSOPS: You can use ANY CD-rom, foreign or domestic, on your board. CD2PCB converts DIR's (files.bbs) to PCBFiler-compatible format (or any other.) Shareware version removes commas from sizes, converts (/,:\) to dashes in dates, converts European or Japanese DATE's to US format, and aligns it all to PCBFiler specs. Upload par: THERAPY CEOM_301.ZIP 18078 07-04-96 [MS] CEOM v3.01: A Custom End Of Message PPE ޳ [CEOM.PPE] : Custom End Of Message PPE ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs ޳ Color and Display Configurable end of ޳ message prompt replacement. An easy to ޳ use prompt which adds a scroll bar and ޳ hotkeys, but honors PCB Commands! [MS] Upload par: THERAPY CFDL_100.ZIP 26518 11-12-96 [MS] CFDL v1.00:Custom File Directory Lister ޳ [CFDL.PPE]: Interactive Directory List ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs ޳ -------------------------------------- ޳ A PPE to replace the "F" command. Will ޳ dynamically create & allow interactive ޳ scrolling of the file directories. Can ޳ group file directories & MORE! -- [MS] Upload par: THERAPY CHANGE.ZIP 18055 10-24-96 CHANGE is a program, written for PCBoard, that lets you globally modify any or all of the following files: PCBOARD.DAT, CNAMES.@@@, CNAMES.ADD, DOORS.LST, BLT.LST, SCRIPT.LST, DIR.LST and DLPATH.LST. Upload par: THERAPY CHKTM94.ZIP 12165 11-12-96 TimeCheck Version .94 - November 24, 1994. Do you need to allow a certain caller on your BBS at a certain time? If the answer to that question is 'YES', you might want to take a look at this PPE program for PCBoard 15.1. This program will adjust users times, execpt for the users that is exempt from the adjustment, to allow that exempted user onto the system at a specific time. If you need further assistance you can contact me on our Support BBS at (708) 854-0255. Upload par: THERAPY CIA-FTR4.ZIP 65536 03-02-94 \ \\ \\ \ /.\.\ \[FOOTER PPE]/ Version 1.03 FOOTER is a PCBoard PPE that will make your mail reading more enjoyable. PCBoard 15.1+ REQUIERED OPTIMIZED FOR SPEED! Code by Al Bundy '94 /. Rel.: [02.03.94] .\ \/ Upload par: THERAPY CLEAR.ZIP 9067 12-24-96 [MR MASK] ۰ CLEAR PPE ۰ ۰ JUST PUT THIS PPE TO DISPLAY A NICE EFFECT BEFORE RUNNING ONE ޲ ޲ ߲ ܲܲ Coded:[Mr masK] Upload par: THERAPY CMFL_110.ZIP 16648 02-26-97 [MS] CMFL v1.10: Custom Master File List PPE ޳ [CMFL.PPE]: A Master File List Creator ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs Ĵ ޳ FREEWARE! A program to create/archive ޳ an *up-to-the-minute* master file list ޳ on demand. The user selects the DIRs, ޳ conf specific configs and MORE! - [MS] Upload par: THERAPY CMS100.ZIP 119396 10-28-96 = CONFERENCE MENU SYSTEM v1.00/PCBoard 15.2 = The professional choice! Now enhance your PCBoard conference area with CMS! Conference categorization; Sort conferences with a "flick!" of a switch; Multi-lingual abili- ties; Sysop-Defined conference names Install program; Quick/Easy configuration that looks and feels like PCBSETUP.EXE; Enhanced ANSI with "lightbar"; completely configurable colors/displays; and MORE! Req: 150k HD Upload par: THERAPY CNC_CHAT.ZIP 19869 01-17-97 TYGER's CNC-CHAT! V1.0b JUST A NiCE REPLACEMENT F0R Y0UR SYS0P-CHATTER WiTH 9 DiFFERENT BACKGR0UND-ANSiS Upload par: iZnogoud CND-ENTR.ZIP 25845 09-11-96 CANDY!! "PReSS eNTeR" 1.O DESIGN CaNDy!! DeSiGN PReSeNTS ͻ THiS iS aN aWeSoMe PReSS eNTeR PRoMPT RePLaCeMeNT. oK, THiS aiN'T Too oRiGiNaL, BuT WHo aRe yoU To TeLL Me WHaT i GoTTa Do? =) -mw ͼ Upload par: THERAPY CND-SH09.ZIP 21208 09-11-96 CANDY "SHToNG" GaMe O.9b DESIGN CaNDy!! DeSiGN PReSeNTS ͻ WoW! LeeCH THiS N0W, YoU CeRTaiNLY WoN'T ReGReT! THiS iS THe aDaPTaTioN oF THe PoNG ViDeo GaMe FoR PCBoaRD YouR uSeRS WiLL L0Ve THiS oNe! -mw ͼ Upload par: THERAPY CND-SH10.ZIP 27487 11-17-96 []SHTONG 1.0 PPE BY Mayweed/Candy[] This is the adaptation of the PONG game for PCBoard. User vs Sysop challenge. Somewhat configurable, and featuring graphics by Darky/Candy. Final version! [][] ::::: .yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyy. yyyyyyyy, ::::: :::: jS$$$SS$ $$$$"$$$$$ $$$$""$$. :::: ::: $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ d$$$ ::: :::: `$$$$SssS$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ dS$$' :::: :::::.`S$$$$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$dky$f'.::::: [][] Upload par: DaRkY' COMMAND.ZIP 7913 11-12-96 Wirly-gig conference prompt with full source Upload par: THERAPY COR-PATC.ZIP 379500 02-26-97 _____________ ____________ \__ ____ /_______\______ _ \_ _/ \|___/_ ___ \ / _/ _/_ \_____ _ / / /____\ / <=====\_____/\__________/=====\____/==> AMi/X 100% LOGON PATCH FOR PCB 15.2! <=[CoR PPe DiViSiOn]==================> Upload par: THERAPY COT-MAIL.ZIP 85576 02-26-97 ____ _________________| |___ / bAT / _ \ ___/ / |___/_ | \ |____ \ | / | / | \ \____ /\_______/_____ / .------|___/--------------|___/--. | cONNECTiON oF tOMORROW 1996! | |--------------------------------| | | : u hAVE nU mAiL pROMPT : fOR pCB.15.22 u cAN aDD yOUR oWN aNSiz : : | | `---(o2-o3-96)-------( bd/sHA )--' Upload par: THERAPY CPYPCB10.ZIP 41993 10-28-96 CopyPCB v1.00 - use in nightly event to automatically back up your user file, user.inf, user.ibk, Cnames, cnames.idx cnames.add, cnames.@@@, dlpath.lst, main.pth and dir.lst. FREE from DMSOFT Upload par: THERAPY CRED300.ZIP 49117 11-12-96 Add minutes in pcb with Master Card Upload par: THERAPY CRX!-OFF.ZIP 17860 11-11-96 ,s'^`$'^`$'^`$^s, $',s$ $s,',s$ $s,!,s$ $s,`,$ $ $$$ `$' $$$ `$', $ $' $$$ $ $ $$$ $$$ $,s$s $$$ $,`',$ $ $$$ ,$, $$$ $$$',s$ $s, ,$,`$ $,`$ $',`$ $$$,`$ $',`$ `$s,.,s$$$s,s$$$$$s,.,s$$s,s' ,s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s, $$' LOGOFF PPE `$$ $$ ---------- $$ $$ Nice animations, trash- $$ $$ can, and other stuff... $$ $$ A must to have $$ $$, ,$$ `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' Upload par: THERAPY CRX_PROT.ZIP 15164 06-04-96 .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. :/~~~~~~~~\:/~~~~~~~~\::/~~/::/~\/~\::::/~\ :/~ c____/:/~ /\ /:/~ /u:/ /:\ `\/ /: / ~~~~~\/ ____ \/ /__/ /::/' /\ \: \_________/\__/r:/___/\_______/::\_/:x::\_/ /-//--PC DiV.-//- T. RePLaCeMeNT PPe -//\ |:PPe FoR PCB 15.21+ - CoDeD By HoLLoWMaN:| |:---------------------------------------:| |: FuLLy LiGHTBaReD HoTKeY SuPPoRT :| |: FuLLy CoNFiGuRaBLe & MoRe! :| |: LeeCH THiS aND ReaD THe .DOC ! :| |:---------------------------------------:| |: featuring cool jungle ansi____________:| \-------------------------// 02/06/1996 / \-\01/01//----------------\\--------------/ `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ms::' Upload par: THERAPY CRZ-NUP.ZIP 4775 07-04-96 /---\ ---\ /--\ /-----\/--\/--\ / _ / \/ \ | || | | / / VS |--- | \_ / | | | / +_ \ / \ \ | \| | | \ / \ \___/__| __\__/ \__/______|/____\ ====[PPE Division]==========[o1/o1]==== The New User Password/Questionairre for PCBoard requested from my BBS by many users. Not only does this ask for a new user password, it also has its own script questionairre instead of the ugly pcboard questionairre. 100% configurable display. No registration. Upload par: THERAPY CRZ_LAM.ZIP 4850 07-04-96 ________ ______ _______ :::::::\_. PPE |.__. | ____/:::::::: :::::::::| :__|: |__|__| |::::::::: :::::::::| | || . \::/ /-.:::::::: :::::::::| | || : || | ::::::::: :::::::::|_____||__|__||_____|:::::::: CRaZY WoRLD '95 LAME LIST PPE. Let users view a lame list, and add names and comments to it 100% configurable. Upload par: THERAPY CSCLS121.ZIP 47050 03-01-80 CSCALLS is a simple program that will generate a PCBoard 14.5a or greater display file showing the last group of callers to your system. Many options are available to configure the program to your specs. Upload par: THERAPY CUFE_200.ZIP 55783 11-12-96 [MS] CUFE v2.00: Custom User File Editor PPE ޳ [CUFE.PPE]: A Full Screen User Editor ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs ޳ -------------------------------------- ޳ Color configurable Full Screen Online ޳ User Editor.Normal & SysOp Only modes. ޳ Full PSA Support. Conf Flag Updating. ޳ *Powerful*, versatile and MORE! - [MS] Upload par: THERAPY CWS-PRT1.ZIP 25937 04-23-96 [ OBSESSIVE PROTOCOL v1.oo ] Nice Default Protocol Selector 100% Configurable Ansi's! Show Description For Each Protocol! For PcBoard 15.22+ Only! Coded By: Virago / COWS PCBoard Div. ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ݳ ۲۲ ݰ ݲ ݲ ޲ ݳ ܲ۲ݳ ۲ ۲ < Wednesday, 3rd Of April 1996 > !COWS IS BACK IN 1996! Upload par: THERAPY CW_PPP20.ZIP 99711 12-31-95 The PCBoard PPE PowerPack! v2.0 Twelve great PCB 15.0 PPE Shareware & Freeware utilities! ConfJoin HowHeard MsgQuest Pro-Vote SpeedLim WelcoMat TimeZone BBSListr UserNews PPE-Menu IntApp and PenApp!! All now distributed in 1 complete package! Check out PowerPack today! Upload par: THERAPY CY_GREED.ZIP 32353 10-05-96 MEKKA`96 GAME COMPO - GREED The Ultimate ONLINE Game PPE First public Version! Compiled with pplc 3.10 ( coded by CyZ ) Upload par: THERAPY C_WALL21.ZIP 6810 03-09-96 ۱۱ ۱۱۱۱۱ ۱ ۱۱ ۱۱ ۱۱ ۱۱ ۱ ۱ ۱۱۱۱ ۱۱ ۱۱ ۱ ۱۱ ۱ ۱۱۱ ۱۱ T E A M M I L A N O Is PrOuD To PrEsEnT yOu: -- * Wallez V2.1 PPE * -- The BEST wall never seen for PCBoard Coded By Slash Now You Can See Who Wrote On The Lines and Users can see How To Use Colors Upload par: THERAPY D&DPCBM.ZIP 189053 01-05-95 PcbModem Latest Release Containing most popular v34 models. RELEASED 5/1/95 Brought to you from D&D Upload par: THERAPY DC-AED10.ZIP 38420 09-16-96 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۱ ߱ ߲۲ ۱ ܱܰ߰ ܱ ܱܱܱ߱߱ ۰ Ami/X User Editor Version 1.1 Has Ami/X look for users to edit their settings.. what else must i say.. its Ami/X baby.. =) Upload par: THERAPY DCALL23.ZIP 27140 02-26-97 ---[ DELUXE CALLERS ver 2.3 ]--- The Best 'last callers' Utility. For PCBOARD 15.0! A simple .PPE to use. Installs in just a few minutes. SysOps, surprise your users with a last callers list that has an *amazing* look!. Can be used at logon and/or in blt. (16800/57600 baud fixed, new choice of colors, optimised) ......... FREEWARE ............ Upload par: THERAPY DFC-VIEW.ZIP 14340 12-20-96 ....................................[o1/o1] : +,/\____________/\____ _ ___/\________: : : ++\_ _ ____ ____ ___ _ /: : : +'/ / . / / ____/ / /_____/ : : : _/ /..::/ / ..:./ ___/ / ..::\ : : : \_______`:/ ____::/ _ _ __________:'/ : : :......cL!\/......\/..DEFiANCE '96..\/..:.: : Arcive Viewer v1.o for PCBoard 15.22+ : : For PCBoard 15.22+ bY: bLACK HoLE/Dfc : :[96/05/03]::::::::::::::::::::::::::[PPE]: Upload par: Leeeeched by Rv DIZ2P110.ZIP 34631 12-31-95 DIZ/2-PCB v1.10; PCBoard utility to extract FILE_ID.DIZ in ZIP/ARJ/LZH/PAK files, adds the # of files, newest/oldest file dates and the uncompressed size. Local Uploading. Removes unwanted BBSAds, archive comment generator. The fastest and most powerful processor out! Upload par: THERAPY DODMMP32.ZIP 99754 11-12-96 Ŀ MEGAMATRiXPROv3.2 - New improved version of the powerfullest matrix in the world! Added pcbprot.bat analize routine, impro- ved upload processor, etc! - LU Upload par: THERAPY DOD_MR10.ZIP 7630 11-12-96 Ŀ MAILREADER v1.0 - Simple mail reader w/ nice ansi support..Much better than a original PCBoard one. -DR Upload par: THERAPY DOD_NUP.ZIP 10869 11-12-96 Ŀ NUP v1.o: This is very cool NUPPPE... It will give various security levels to callers depending on password they've entered and many many more stuff... -LU Upload par: THERAPY DOM-NEWF.ZIP 7905 05-31-96 ______________ _____ :|__ ______ :| | __`\__ | : \|__| \_||__|__ | \_|| | _/ /\/ | | | | |\/ | | |___/|___| \ / .|__| |\_|__|___| |\_| <========|__|__/===|__|=========|__|==> DOMiNiON NEWFiLE-PRO! <===[LUCIFER]=============[05/08/95]==> Cool lightbars, fully configurable, supports tokens - unlike some lame "N" ppes. Change the colours, areas to be scanned, helpfile, etc. Leech this now!! Upload par: THERAPY DP_PPE10.ZIP 17238 05-01-96 ͻ ͹ JMJSpeed : PCBoard 15.1 PPE to show some nice speed statistic graphs [19.02.94]ͼ Upload par: THERAPY DTR-PMT2.ZIP 46122 03-09-96 D E A T H R O W Ŀ ۲ c a ۲۲ l ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲۲ ۲ P R E S E N T S Ŀ NAME DTR-Prompt VERS. 2.0 CODER cAlviN TYPE PPE [Mindblasting MainMenu Prompt] [5 font styles / Log features] [User rumors in 8 kickass FXs] [PPLC 3.10 -> PCBoard v15.21+] Upload par: THERAPY DWNLD302.ZIP 26907 05-14-96 DWNLD.PPE V3.0beta2 PPE for PCB 15.2 that give PCB a FULL SCREEN download counter. Update allows sysop to FULLY use multilingual options and adds ability to View & Remove files, and Change Protocols. Upload par: THERAPY EEWS13.ZIP 10384 01-17-97 NEWS.PPE, Ver. 1.3, by Galahad Software. A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE that allows multiple news files to be displayed, and replaces the internal NEWS command. Now supports RIP graphics! Upload par: iZnogoud ESC-APPM.ZIP 41755 06-25-96 [] UNiED SAS O ESC / PPE DEViSiON ESCAPE APPLiCATiON MAKER [@ 100% CONFiGBLE - LiGHTBAR - FASTMODE MAX 20 FORMS FOR DiFFERENT PURPOSES! YA CAN ALLOW USERS TO DL OUTFiLLED APPS - COURSORDRiVEN - AND MANY MORE [] Upload par: THERAPY ESC-DL10.ZIP 89869 11-03-96 []ķ [PCB 15.X]ĺ uNiED sAS o eSC/ pPE dEViSiON ĺ aNOTHER fUCKiN' D0S-LOGIN 99% cONFIGURABLE. aDD uR oWN PPE, gRAPHIXX, cOOKiES, eTC. [V1.0] []ĺ cODED bY fORD pREFECT/eSCAPE []Ľ Upload par: THERAPY ESC-DOPP.ZIP 16530 11-03-96 ͻ ͹ ESC-DOPP.PPE Ķ Execute up to 10 ppes with a lightbar-driven menu. Ķ CodeBeavisGfxDize ͼ Upload par: THERAPY ESC-FREE.ZIP 18193 11-03-96 ͻ ͹ ESC-FREE.PPE Ķ Shows the free space on drives C,D,E and F. No configuration needed! Ķ CodeBeavisGfxDize ͼ Upload par: THERAPY ESC-LNG1.ZIP 70697 11-03-96 []ķ [PCB 15.X]ĺ uNiED sAS o eSC/ pPE dEViSiON ĺ aN lANGUAGE sELECTOR fOR PCB 15.21 100% cONFIGURABLE. uSE iT aT tHE fRONT oF PCB. rEPLACEMENT fOR #387 ! [V1.0] []ĺ cODED bY fORD pREFECT/eSCAPE []Ľ Upload par: THERAPY ESCLOM20.ZIP 48074 11-03-96 ϸ Ford Prefects LogOff  Matrix v2.0  100% configurable, PPE v3.10, LightBar Supp., Msg-2-next-caller, BBS Advertisements, LogOff screen, and much more! Rel. Date : 09.06.95 Ѿ Upload par: THERAPY ESCONL01.ZIP 88607 11-03-96 []ķ [PCB 15.X]ĺ uNiED sAS o eSC/ pPE dEViSiON ĺ a nICE oNELINER fOR pCBOARD 15.21 0% cONFIGURABLE. iF u lIKE iT, oKAY iF nOT ... sUFFER [v0.1] []ĺ cODED bY fORD pREFECT/eSCAPE []Ľ Upload par: THERAPY ESC_TLO1.ZIP 24137 11-03-96 []ķ [PCB 15.X]ĺ uNiED sAS o eSC/ pPE dEViSiON ĺ tHE lITTLE oPERATOR v1 cALLS a nUMBA bACK iF u wANT iT. e.G. iF u aRE aT a fRIEND aND hE dOESN'T wANTS tO pAY fOR u tO uSE uR bOARD vERY hIGH sECURITY ! [PPLC 3.2] []ĺ cODED bY fORD pREFECT/eSCAPE []Ľ Upload par: THERAPY EXD-BINF.ZIP 45463 07-19-96 Ŀ DGiN XCaLBuR Ĵ BauDiNFo V1.0! 겲 THiS DooR DiSPLayS THe BauDRaTe To THe uSeR WiTH GReaT FoNTS aND NiCe PRoMPTS Ĵ -=> KiLL HiRoSCHiRaC <=- 1 oF 1 Upload par: THERAPY EZROM20.ZIP 206927 03-09-96 * EZ-ROM 2.00 CD-ROM Door for ANY BBS. * UART, FOSSIL, DIGIBOARD. Use DOOR.SYS * or DORINFOx.DEF. Keeps Own Database, * Enforces Limits, MultiDisk, MultiNode * File Tagging, Text Search, Offline * Requests, ZIP & Text Viewer, Inserts * BBS Ads, Supports Pioneer Disk Changers * Direct Support PCBoard, Wildcat 3.x/4.x * Now includes Internal Protocols! Upload par: THERAPY EZSC101.ZIP 24417 06-28-96 EZSC v1.01 [J&J XXXXX] Oct 95 EZ Select Conference PPE for PcB 15.2x This PPE Replaces PcBoard's Select cmd. Features: * Full Lightbar Support * Stacked Cmds * Full Configurability * On the fly * Long Conference Names Updates * PageUp and PageDown * Non-Crippled for Multiple Screens Upload par: THERAPY F-NEWS20.ZIP 5956 08-17-96 ____.F-NEWS20.PPEv2.o____. / _|__.__/ _| / |_./ |/ || \/ |_. / ._| |/ \/ || \/ ._| \______|\_________/\_________/\_____| [ A VERY NICE LOOCKING SYSTEM NEWS ] [ PPE FOR PCB 15.xX ] Upload par: THERAPY F-TURBO.ZIP 6227 08-17-96 ____.F-TURBO.PPEv1.o____. / _|__.__/ _| / |_./ |/ || \/ |_. / ._| |/ \/ || \/ ._| \______|\_________/\_________/\_____| [ A VERY NICE LOOCKING TURBO LOGIN ] [ PPE FOR PCB 15.xX ] Upload par: THERAPY FAX&MAIL.ZIP 10202 02-02-97 Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ڿ ڿ Ŀ Ŀ ٳ Ĵ Ŀ Ĵ ڴ ÿ This PPE is Disigned to post a messy to SysOp when a Fax is received ... (need of PPEEXECUTOR) POST A MESSY TO SYSOP Contain time&date Work in every BBS with batch file... Upload par: Data Vortex FIXDIZ.ZIP 58240 02-26-97 Coded by Split Second o o v1.20 could have. - Adds your signature - Creates its own DIZ - Edit the DIZ - Add a file comment - Add files to the ZIP - Removes files from the ZIP - NEW! Date and time macros! Upload par: THERAPY FL-BBS.ZIP 28294 07-28-96 Ŀ SCRoLLiN' BoaRDZ [PPE] Coding: BRaiNBReAKeR CooL BBS - Lister CHooSe a BoaRD FRoM THe WiTH a LiGHTBaR ! [F CiAo! Upload par: THERAPY FLUF-BYE.ZIP 5823 08-17-96 ____.FLUF-BYE.PPEv1.o____. / _|__.__/ _| / |_./ |/ || \/ |_. / ._| |/ \/ || \/ ._| \______|\_________/\_________/\_____| [ A VERY NICE LOOCKING LOGOFF PPE ] [ FOR PCB 15.xX ] Upload par: THERAPY FLUF-ST2.ZIP 5804 08-17-96 ____.FLUF-ST2.PPEv2.o____. / _|__.__/ _| / |_./ |/ || \/ |_. / ._| |/ \/ || \/ ._| \______|\_________/\_________/\_____| [ A VERY NICE LOOCKING USER STATS ] [ PPE FOR PCB ] Upload par: THERAPY FLUFDLMR.ZIP 6560 08-17-96 ____.FLUFDLMR.PPEv1.o____. / _|__.__/ _| / |_./ |/ || \/ |_. / ._| |/ \/ || \/ ._| \______|\_________/\_________/\_____| [ A VERY NICE LOOCKING DISCLAMER ] [ PPE FOR PCB ] Upload par: THERAPY FOGA-INT.ZIP 21921 07-28-96 Ŀ mAKe yOu mEt tHIz gREAt gROUp cOz yOu're lOVI tHIz sPORt wHERe aYRT sENNa aND aLAIn pROST wERe tHe mASTERs of tHa fIELd lOOK fASt iNSIDe TeLL me hOw yOu lIKe tHIz gROUp aND if ya hAVe an iDEa cALl my BoaRD dARk tOWn 20.00-07.00 I WiLL Be PLeaSeD To FoLLoW YaR iDeaS Upload par: THERAPY FOOD!PON.ZIP 27243 12-24-96 ߲ ߲ ߲ ܲ ߲ܲ ߲ ۲ ߲۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ۲ ۲ rl!۲ ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ߲߲ܲ Nice Oneliner for Pcboard 15.3 Features: SoftScroll & who wrote what Check it out! -Tnse [XX/XX/XX] Upload par: THERAPY FOOD-NOC.ZIP 43407 12-29-96 ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ANTI-CAPTURE CHAT for PCBOARD 15.22+ User can't take capture while you chat. No more "Look how lame sysop at XXX BBS is.." releases.. :) ^cODEBLASTER^ 06/10/96 1/1ܲ Upload par: THERAPY FOODDOWN.ZIP 27247 11-03-96 _____ ___ .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_ |-----------. | ___/ _, | _, | ___/ | fOOd 1996 | |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs | | do you hate those lame yellow and red | | pcb colors when a user downloads ?? | | here is your rescue then.. | | changes the colors into dark colors! | | coded by : master of magic | `-[15-10-96]------------------------[1/1]-' Upload par: THERAPY FORMAT.ZIP 8985 06-29-96 Ŀ Un Super PPE Pour Faire Croire que LE pc est Formate Le plus Realiste PPS INCLU (C) Mr MasK Upload par: THERAPY FPCB271.ZIP 31290 08-12-96 FPCBNM v2.71 - Compiled 02-11-94, this PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program to replace the (E)nter AND (RE)ply Message commands in your FidoNet netmail conference. Allows simplified user input for both normal FidoNet netmail and into InterNet via FidoNet gateways. New version for Fido- PCB v1.5g changes. FIDOPCB, INTERPCB, and QFRONT compactable. Shareware. Upload par: THERAPY FST_SLW.ZIP 13450 12-24-96 [MR MASK] ۰ TOTAL SLOW/FAST ۰ ۰ LOGIN PPE NICE DESIGN 90% CONFIGURABLE ENJOY!!!!!!!!!! ޲ ޲ ߲ ܲܲ Coded:[Mr masK] Upload par: THERAPY FSW-CHAT.ZIP 21809 06-29-96 _______________________ __ __ __ \__ _______/ _______// | | \_ ::| _____)_____ \::_/ | | /: ::| \__/eR! | \_\_____ /:: [=|_____/\__________/[fSW]\____/==] | Fast Chatter by Scorpian&Subzero| | A nice clean fast PCBoard chat | | replacement. Has options for | | changing font and more! Enjoy! | `-[02/21/96]----------------------' Upload par: THERAPY FSW-CMB2.ZIP 28900 04-26-96 _______________________ __ __ __ \__ _______/ _______// | | \_ ::| _____)_____ \::_/ | | /: ::| \__/eR! | \_\_____ /:: [=|_____/\__________/[fSW]\____/==] | Sys Combo 2.0 by NabiKi tEND0 | | This is a Combination Lock for | | PCB, keep users out of places | | that they don't belong! Enjoy! | | New: Hotkeys | | Shows Current Combo | `-[03/08/96]----------------------' Upload par: THERAPY FSW-EMSG.ZIP 9131 05-02-96 _______________________ __ __ __ \__ _______/ _______// | | \_ ::| _____)_____ \::_/ | | /: ::| \__/eR! | \_\_____ /:: [=|_____/\__________/[fSW]\____/==] | Enter Message By NabiKi tEND0 | | Simple "e" Replacement | | Lightbars - Cool Ascii By | | Luptin | `-[03.13.96]----------------------' Upload par: THERAPY FSW-FAL.ZIP 16717 06-29-96 _______________________ __ __ __ \__ _______/ _______// | | \_ ::| _____)_____ \::_/ | | /: ::| \__/eR! | \_\_____ /:: [=|_____/\__________/[fSW]\____/==] | FAL 1.0 by NabiKi tEND0 | | A great File Area Lister for | | PCBoard has lightbar with rad | | art work. Enjoy! | `-[02/24/95]----------------------' Upload par: THERAPY FSW-LG.ZIP 18031 06-29-96 _______________________ __ __ __ \__ _______/ _______// | | \_ ::| _____)_____ \::_/ | | /: ::| \__/eR! | \_\_____ /:: [=|_____/\__________/[fSW]\____/==] | Animated Logoff By Shadowblade | | Nice Logoff PPE With Animated | | Logoff Statistics, Very Cool, | | Get it Now! | `-[02.29.96]----------------------' Upload par: THERAPY FSW-PDO2.ZIP 16395 05-02-96 Page Da Op 2.0 . . ޲ ۲޲۱ ۲ ۲ ۲޲ ޲ ۲ ۲޲޲ ۲ ݲ ߲ ۲ ܲ ۲޲ܱ ۲ ۲ User Blacklist, Vip List, Mute Page, Abort, Lightbar prompting Tons of features BEST Pager you can get, for PCBoard Systems. Upload par: THERAPY FSW-STAT.ZIP 15157 06-29-96 _______________________ __ __ __ \__ _______/ _______// | | \_ ::| _____)_____ \::_/ | | /: ::| \__/eR! | \_\_____ /:: [=|_____/\__________/[fSW]\____/==] | User Stats by ShadowBlade | | Clean, fast and lightbar user | | stats for PCBoard 15.22+ | `--[02/19/96]---------------------' Upload par: THERAPY FT-FUCK1.ZIP 14245 12-28-96 f l o a t ------ ------- @X0 ݰ b2 ޲ ݲ ݰ ۲ --------------- ----- fuck off v 1.0 8/7 - 9 -------------------------------- lock out your users with style real ami/x or b/w ascii! ------------------------------ Upload par: THERAPY GLD-CYA.ZIP 9255 06-13-96 [LOG-OFF-PROMPT PPE][1/1]Ŀ To USE AS A LOG-OFF REPLACEMENT WiTH LiGHTBARS. YOU CAN RUN ENDLESS PPE's AFTER LOGOFF by PANDUR'95 | . | | 1oo% CoNFiGuRaBel | . FaMouS aNSi STyLe | eNJoy THiS DRSTiC PP -- -- Upload par: THERAPY GLD-FLAG.ZIP 4742 06-09-96 [SYSOP FLAGGER PPE][v1.o]Ŀ NOW YoU CAN FLAG ANY FiLE ON YOUR HARD-DiSK.... by PANDUR'95 | . | | just a usefull| . ans easy to use ppe | -- -- Upload par: THERAPY GLD-NEW2.ZIP 41724 05-31-96 (THE ULTiMATE NEW FiLE SCANNER v1.2)Ϳ pnd ߱۰۲ 1996 ۲ ۰ ۲۰ ߰ ۰ ۰۰۱ ۱ ۰۰ ۰ ۰ ۱۱۲ ۰۲ ۱۱ ۱ ۱ ܲ۲۲۱۲۲۲۲۲۲ ۲۲ ۲۲ scan new files since: lastcall/today/yesterday/-?days/date u can: capture all new files flag all new files supporting ALLFiLES conference stuffing direct or lighbars driven EASY TO UPDATE v1.o -> v1.2 UNZiP WiTH -D OPTiON! ޲ (PANDUR) (14.o5.96) Upload par: THERAPY GLM-RMR1.ZIP 21487 08-28-96 ۲۲ ۰۰۰۰۰۰۰ ܲ ݰ ܲ߰ ۲[Gleam Presents] Rollin' Rumours v1.oo A Nice Rumour Door For PcB 15.22+ Random Rumours Scrolling From Right To Left, 100% Configurable! Done By Virago Upload par: THERAPY GNS-BBSL.ZIP 6826 08-02-96 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ ____ / __/ __/ / __/ __/__/ __/ | \ \ __) | \ __)___ \ \___ \ \___/____/__|_/____/____/__/____/ .. A N E W B E G I N N I N G .. ͯ PRSTS Ŀ GENESiS BBSLister v1.o [PPE] - Awesome BBS Lister for - - PC-Board v15.1 - Coded By: The Anti-Christ Upload par: THERAPY GNS-LOEN.ZIP 28535 02-26-97 ܰ Features: Configurable YES/no litebar Turbo Logon Option Nice Oneliners Last X Callers AutoMessage 100% Configurable - All features can be disabled, big STRINGS.CNF Support for other Logon products, can be skipped with Turbo Logon --[Coded By : Sleeping Dragon- Upload par: THERAPY GNSCHAT.ZIP 10609 08-02-96 GENESiS Chat v1.0 100% Configurable, Line Chat, SplitScreen Chat, Online Menu. Last revision date in archive: 05-30-94. Upload par: THERAPY GNS_KNEL.ZIP 12027 02-26-97 Genesis One-Liners V1.0 PPE for PCB 15.1. Last revision date in archive: 05-30-94. Upload par: THERAPY GNS_ONEL.ZIP 12027 02-26-97 Genesis One-Liners V1.0 PPE for PCB 15.1. Last revision date in archive: 05-30-94. Upload par: THERAPY GNX_P311.ZIP 56053 04-17-96 <[PPLC Compiler v3.11b (02-20-95)]> / _________.__ ____.___..___._ \ P /: __/\___ \| \ || / P C //. _/____| \ \\ \ / C B \ \_/ / \ /\_ \_/ B ! \___.___\__._|\__/ / \ \ ! \ [Generation X] / \ \ -ST / <[02/24/95] /_|__/\__|_\[1/1]> Upload par: THERAPY GOA_REQ.ZIP 33386 04-29-96 .:.Guilt.Of.Anarchists:. . ۲ ܲ ۰ ۰ ۲ ۰ ߲ ޲ ߲ ۲ ۲޲ ۰ ۱ ۰ ۲ ۰ ݲ ۰ ߲ ܱ AwEsOmE pPE/aNZi_AsCii/sHiT OnLiNe ReQuEsTeR pPE ... LiGhTbArS/FaDiNg/WiNdMiLLs... CoDeD By BoDyNuKeR [GoA!] ߲ Upload par: THERAPY GP_LLO06.ZIP 13445 11-12-96 - LITE LOGON 0.6 - A TOTALLY KEWL LOGON FOR PCB 15.2 HAS NUP,COMMENTS,COOL LOOK,OPTION TO MAKE THE SYSTEM TOTAL PRIVATE! DL NOW AND EXPERIENCE A NEW PPE STYLE! Upload par: THERAPY GRAFD231.ZIP 15297 11-12-96 [PPE] GRAF-D v2.31 -- You can use this PPE to auto-detect ANSI and RIP support of the caller and then default the "Do you want graphics" prompt to default to the best selection avaialble. Requires PCBoard v15.2 or later. Upload par: THERAPY GW_OLM11.ZIP 10435 11-12-96 Ŀ GW-OLM 1.1 [PPE] H DP '94 On-Line Message PPE for PCB 15.2 that will send a one line message to another node similar to the Ami/X OLM feature. Upload par: THERAPY G_PERT.ZIP 7996 01-17-97 -----{ X-Pert [PPE] v. 1 }----- A CMD.LST replacement for X)pert Mode Compiled on August 28th, 1993 Upload par: iZnogoud HCHAT10B.ZIP 41153 03-09-96 Heather Chat Door V.1.0 Beta For Pcboard Very Adults Only Chat Door! Upload par: THERAPY HOD-AWR6.ZIP 22879 02-26-97 : : Ŀ 5 (((--PsTs)))Ķ """""""" AuToMaTiC WAReZ REQuEsTeR ................ (v0.6) [ PCB 15.2+ ] ` A GreaT PPE FoR Any KL WAReZ BoArDs, YouR UseRs WiLL LoVe It .-'\oo/`-. Upload par: THERAPY HSTUFF41.ZIP 61338 03-09-96 Utilitaire Pcboard gnrant un fichier de statistiques utilisable en bulletin Upload par: THERAPY IH_M2C15.ZIP 16039 01-17-97 Pre-processor that scans your incoming Internet email for messages to specified conferences on your BBS. Saves you transfer time because it lets you receive messages for Internet mailings lists once instead once for each caller. [PPE] Version 1.5 fixes a MAJOR oops and a minor bug. Upload par: iZnogoud INFLOF1O.ZIP 12031 03-09-96 --. .͸ ߰ ߰ ߰ ߰@X0 @X0 ܲ@X0 վ productions @X0 ij presents you a lightbar driven, @X professional logoff system @X with an asskickin' design. @X ij Ը LOGOFF Version 1.o @X0 --. 23.NOV.1995 . Upload par: THERAPY INFO1_1.ZIP 15776 11-12-96 W replacement 4 PCBoard Upload par: THERAPY INFOV100.ZIP 3987 05-19-96 INFO version 1.00 A Small PPE that will display the callers statistics. 90% of them on just one screen. FREEWARE - No registration! (C)1994 Bill Masuka ۲ Upload par: THERAPY INFOV210.ZIP 7010 05-19-96 UPDATE - UPDATE - UPDATE - UPDATE INFO version 2.10 A Small PPE that will display the callers statistics. 90% of them on just one screen. Plus Some Added utilities in it! FREEWARE (C)1994 Bill Masuka ۲ Upload par: THERAPY IPNET111.ZIP 17221 11-12-96 IPNET.PPE v1.11 - PPL program for PCBoard. Makes it easy and quick for callers to enter netmail messages when using InterEcho and InterPCB. Allows for an Internet gateway to be designated and eliminates the need of long explanations to callers on how to enter netmail. Compiled with PPLC v3.0. See IPNET.HIS for changes/additions. Upload par: THERAPY IX_NEW10.ZIP 19825 06-06-96 .-PC-DiViSioN--------------------. ___|_________________________ @X \____ ______ ______ ______ \ @X | \_____\\ \\ \\ | / // / // / // / @ | /_____//__/__//_____//____^__\ @ -pROUDLy pRESENTs--------------- NEW FiLE SCAN PPE v1.0 FULLY CONFiGURABLE FOR PCB 15.21 AND HiGHER ---------------------------------- 22/10/95 BARBARiAN/iX Upload par: THERAPY IZ_FS111.ZIP 27114 11-12-96 FSCAN.PPE v1.11: User Log-on File scanner! The Best User Log-on File Scanner PPE FScan will allow your users to View or Down- load a List of New Files as they log in to your PCBoard 15.2+ BBS. Includes an ALLFILES List download option. Completely SysOp con- figurable. Multi-Language capable. To many features to list! No Brag Lines for a Pro- fessional and seamless Look. Download Today! I n f i n i t e Z o n e S o f t w a r e Upload par: THERAPY JCON111B.ZIP 18548 11-12-96 Ŀ JCONF-[PPE]-v1.11 Automated Conference Security Menu. Now, SysOps can have complete control over all conferences! Put PPE in place of (J), (JOIN) command and configure infinate conferences with a password and security level which you choose. Will not show users the Conf- -erence title unless they have access! Registration $10 & well worth it! Upload par: THERAPY JFK_NTS1.ZIP 7324 06-06-96 ۲ ۲n ۲ ۱ ۱i ۱ ۰c ۰ ޳' NiGHTSCANNER v1.00 ` ޳ Nice Ami/X-style newfiles- ޳ scanner for PCBoard 15.21+ Upload par: THERAPY JFK_ONEW.ZIP 36985 02-26-97 [JFK ONELiNERS .v.1.3] ۲ ۲n ۲ ۱ ۱i ۱ ۰c ۰ ޳' JFK ONELiNERS .v.1.3 ` ޳ A totally NEW oneliner by the ޳high quality group -JFK- coded ޳and ansi'ed by NiC. This rele- | ase got a bit late so it has | :been on some beta testing boa-: rds for a while. But this pack has got a absolute NEW design so it doesn't look the same... Upload par: THERAPY JFP-TF2.ZIP 12672 06-28-96 ܰ ܱ J ߲߲ܲܲܲܲ u P ۰ ۲ ۲ S 4 H ۱ ߲ ߲ T u ۲ N ޲ ߲ ۲ ް ޲ ߰۱ ߲ ް[PPE] ߲ ް ߲ DaBeSTBuLLSHiT iZouRBuLLSHiT a CeWL LiGHTBaR DRiVeN MeNu FoR PcBoaRD FuLLy CoNFiGuRaBLe.. LEECH AND DREWL! ݰ Upload par: THERAPY JM_AC_11.ZIP 15461 11-12-96 Alias Changer v1.1 -- A program which will allow you to get an alias from a user if it doesn't already exist in their record. If one exists the user doesn't even know it's running. Some of the features of this program are: 1. Customizable prompts 2. Number of trys to ask 3. Logoff user if no alias? 4. Screens 100% configurable And best of all is it's price: FREE! Upload par: THERAPY JM_FM_10.ZIP 27741 11-12-96 File Menu v1.0. This is the best file directory displayer known for PCBoard. It will automatically rebuild itself on the fly! It's fast, quick and if you add or remove directories this is your best choice. Once you create the main menu and tell it what categories you have it's done. No maintenance no changing it ever again, unless you wish to change/add categories or change your main menu. Upload par: THERAPY JM_MF_10.ZIP 17955 11-12-96 Message Footer v1.0 This PCBoard PPE will change the way your users sees the end of message during message reads. It provides a easy to use light bar with SysOp definable colors. Completely maintenance free and best of all it's also FREE! Another quality JM_ PPE product for your online service. Ŀ Upload par: THERAPY JM_PD_12.ZIP 31367 11-12-96 PullDown Menu System v1.2 -- This is a complete PullDown Menu System. Colors, prompts are all definable. This should only be used by users above 9600bps for it's quite graphic intensive. ANSI must be enabled for this PPE to run. This is another quality PPE in the JM_ PPE series of PPE's. Newly improved! @X codes for a background display, numeric keypad support and minor bug fix. Upload par: THERAPY JOKE10.ZIP 21290 07-22-96 PPE DEViSiON Ŀ BD iNFLUNC @X0 Ĵ  JOKE v1.o  LeT YouR uSeRS eNTeR aND ReaD JoKeS. CoDeR : BRAiNBREAKER [1994] aPPLy FoRM iNCLuDeD. Upload par: THERAPY J_CONFX.ZIP 24564 11-12-96 Three PCBoard v15.2 replacement PPE's for the JOIN command. One builds/reads from a text file (ie fast), another builds on the fly based on the users access rights, and the third lets the user pick which approach they want to use. Compiled with PPL v 3.0 (Freeware with complete source). Upload par: THERAPY K-CHAT.ZIP 52061 04-19-96 Ŀ [PPE] Multi Languagh Chatter VeRY CooL SYSoP uSER SPiLT SCReeN CHATTeR HAVe HeBReW SuPPoRT FoR ALL THe LAMeRS ouT THeRe.. CooL eFFeCTS For PCBoard 15.2+ [Black Knight PPE] Upload par: THERAPY KBALARM.ZIP 10708 02-26-97 KBAlarm.PPE 1.1, for PCBoard 15.2+ Page/Alert Sysops when selected users logon to their BBS.! Fully Configurable Upload par: THERAPY KOS!BWAL.ZIP 15986 07-28-96 ______ _ ___| /________ _ ________ _ _ _ _\ | _/__ _ /---- _____/____ _ . /_ \/ /_______ / \\\____| /_________\___ / /// *-+tZ--|______///-/kOS!96\-\\\_____/--. Bitch Wall 1.0 for PcBoard! <---------' Upload par: THERAPY KOS!FR01.ZIP 19156 07-28-96 ______ _ ___| /________ _ ________ _ _ _ _\ | _/__ _ /---- _____/____ _ . /_ \/ /_______ / \\\____| /_________\___ / /// *-+tZ--|______///-/kOS!96\-\\\_____/--. FileReverse v0.1 - /X styled PPE <----' Upload par: THERAPY KRY-BE.ZIP 33533 07-04-96 H E A D H U N T E R S [29-06-95] DOWNLOAD BATCH EDiTOR v1.0 "R" REPLACEMENT EASY TO USE LiGHTBAR INTERFACE 2000 FiLES MAX BATCH SiZE 1 MiN. SETUP [PCB/PPE][01/01] Upload par: THERAPY KRY-SEC.ZIP 18592 07-04-96 H E A D H U N T E R S [17-12-95] SECURiTY DiSPLAYER JUST A LiTTLE GOODiE FOR YOUR LOGiN-PROCESS [PCB/PPE][01/01] Upload par: THERAPY KSRCH100.ZIP 21186 11-12-96  KEYSearch v1.0 Online Database  Browser For KeyBook Shopping Catalogs ----------------------------- Fast, online DBF searches User friendly interface On-the-fly Pricing Written in PPL v.3 Upload par: THERAPY L!BL0996.ZIP 54424 11-03-96 Limburgian BBS-List September 1996 edition by LEECH! (formerly made by wave) Also included: PPE & ANS version for online use! Upload par: THERAPY LASTCAL1.ZIP 49624 02-26-97 ===============-==== PEGASUS LAST CALLER ANALYZER v1.0 Runs in $$LOGOFF.BAT, and creates a colorful blt with last xx callers SysOp May Exclude up to 25 names! List up to 50 callers * SHAREWARE Written by: Chris Michaels of The PEGASUS PROJECT [813]481-5575 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Upload par: THERAPY LIGHTMNU.ZIP 8606 11-12-96 The Lightbar Menu v1.0 You can use this PPE for almost anything that uses a direct command from PCBoard. Example > E for enter a message or R for read a message. There are endless posibilities. It would work great as a submenu to help your new users with the commands. You have to try this out @FIRST@! Upload par: THERAPY LOGOST14.ZIP 50990 06-29-96 =LOGOFF STATISTICS VERSION 1.4=Ŀ [PPE] LogOff Statistics V 1.4 Replaces 'Minutes Used' in LogOff : + LogIntro 2nd demo : | Possible to Put ANSI or PCB file | | in Front of it or leave it | | >>> MAJOR UPDATE & BUGFIX <<< | | RELEASE Date : 25th of Oktober | C0ded By CyberManiac AstrO Distro -- Try ThiZ @USER@ Upload par: THERAPY LOGSB12.ZIP 24275 03-09-96 ˿ ˿ Ϳ ˿ ˿ δ ˿ > LOGOFF STATISTICS V1.2b1 < PPE Name : LOGSTAT.PPE (FREEW FEATURES : Replaces Prompt 192 'Minutes used' in PCBTEXT Shows : Minutes Used Times Called Carrier Baud # Files Upt # Files Downed D/L Bytes Left Prev. User Online Include your OWN Ansi ALL TOTALLY CONFIGURABLE !! C0DER : CyberManiac (Astro Vice Prez. SPREADTHIS @USER@ Upload par: THERAPY LOGSTAT.ZIP 17814 06-29-96 --------===> LOGSTAT V1.1 <===-------- Very handy util to get rid of that dull 'Minutes used' when ya logoff Ya can put a ansi front of it or just leave it like it was and just show stats !!! MAJOR UPDATE !!! RELEASE Date : September 21 C0ded By CyberManiac (ASTRO PRODUCTIONS) V-Prez : +32 059/330710 CyberBoard BBS Prez : +32 059/324094 AsyLum BBS Upload par: THERAPY LOKOT.ZIP 11443 11-12-96 LOCK A USER FROM A SINGEL DOOR AND OR -- SEVREAL DOORS! SYSOP CONFIG. PPE /PCB -- *************** PHANTOM BBS ************ ************* (716)-366-3884 *********** Upload par: THERAPY LS_D_LCO.ZIP 6407 11-12-96 Replace U'r D/L prompt [PPE] Upload par: THERAPY LS_ECOM.ZIP 9169 11-12-96 Replace U'r Comment Prompt [PPE] Upload par: THERAPY LUCKY_31.ZIP 20091 11-12-96 THE LUCKY USER PROFILE SURVEY V3.1 [PPE] This program, by Sysop configurations, shall award extra time and extra down load bytes to the person who is lucky enough to fill out the survey. This is compiled by the new PPLC 3.0. This program is PUBLIC DOMAIN! Its purpose is to better help the Sysop gain a private & honest understanding from the users. Upload par: THERAPY M&M-CH72.ZIP 37293 09-11-96 [ M A G i C M U S h R O O M S ] [ P R O d U C t i O N P R E S E N t ] ۲Ͱ thE UltiMAtE ChAttER fOR PCbOARd WAS bORN !!!! GEt it! VERSiON 2.72 beta fEAtURE: MUltiSCREENS-filE ViEWER-MACROS liSt fUN CMdS fOR SYSOP! ۲İ Upload par: THERAPY M&M-TF1O.ZIP 14306 07-13-96 | |-| ۳ PCbOAR(E)d StUff ۳-ij ۳ ۳ tEXtfAdE V1.O ۳ ۳ SYSOP AddiNG ۳ COMMANd. ۳ ۳ A kWElY ViEW Of ۳ ANS/tXt/PCb ۳ filE. ۳ ۳ COdEd bY: ۳ WONdERbOY ۳ ۳ ۳ | | @ 1996 | Upload par: THERAPY MAFPCB15.ZIP 12837 11-12-94 THE GROWING FORCE OF QUALiTY PCB 15.1+ NewScan PPE v1.03 N and Z replacement with the ability to scan back a number of days (with -days). Major changes: Now prompts for days to scan back, directories and extended (download, capture, flag) options. Upload par: THERAPY MAVO15ZA.ZIP 12774 11-12-96 MAVOTE Version 1.5Zb - Free, Compact, Fast Super Voting PPE! Maximum 20 Questions 10 Answers Each - Perfect for 2-10 node BBSes Contains its own MAUSER Login door for notify users to vote! Ultra-fast, a complete MAJOR upgrade from version 1.3 Converts old MAVOTE and creates new MAVOTE.BIN's. Its Freeware! Not crippleware and not see you later sharewa Upload par: THERAPY MC_AT100.ZIP 9095 11-12-96 Ŀ AllTime Top Uploaders & Downloaders v1.0b Ĵ Author : Mc Freddy Z / Rel : Dec.28.1994 Ĵ Simple & Small PPE. Easy Install. It Will ALWAYS Be Up To Date. Read Docs For Info Upload par: THERAPY MDCSCAN.ZIP 9980 11-12-96 MDCScan v1.2 The BEST New File Scanner for PCBoard 152! Completely Configurable, Nice Ansi , FAST, Easy Installtion, FREE, No Nags Screens, Wait Screens, Just A Great PPE! This will Prompt Your Users During Logon To Look At The List Of New Files Since Last Checked. Upload par: THERAPY MDPCB11.ZIP 17058 08-03-93 Modify PCBTEXT Utilities v1.1. PCBoard Utilities. Two programs - One converts PCBTEXT into an ascii file you can edit with your favourite word processor. The second program converts that ascii file BACK into the PCBTEXT file! This allows very flexible editing and customization very EASILY (finally!). Shareware by Kendall Anderson. Upload par: THERAPY MENU110.ZIP 25594 10-23-96 PCBoard M e n u S e l e c t v1.10 Let your callers choose from a number of different main menus, the one they prefer to use on your system. [PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x] Copyright (c)1996 Equinox Software . (Last revision date in archive: 03-16-96. Upload par: THe RuSSiaN MERGS100.ZIP 179859 04-20-96 MERGESYS v1.00 - BBS file list manager! Eliminate ALL the duplicate file entries on your PCBoard or other BBS, even between file lists, automatically. Select multiple keys, fixed/variable length entries, more! Keeps or replaces entries, merges lists. Works on almost ANY type or size of sorted ASCII text file. MANDATORY with multiple CD's on-line. The Flagship of a suite of file description management utilities designed for the busy sysop. From HAL Software (03-23-95). See CONTEST.DOC for the Great MERGESYS GiveAway! Upload par: The Invaders MFC-NMSC.ZIP 9916 05-07-96 _______ _________________________ \_____ \ / ____________ ._______/ /. \ \/ / \ _____) \ .\h% _// \ / \_ \_ \ \\_ \ \/_______/_____/_____. / .-\___________/ machine fun \_______/--. | | | prompt for new message scan | | | | nice replacement for pcbtext entry | | #296, with lightbar, funky artwork | | and color configurability | | long live the aerosol paint :) | | | | ... coded by hanx ... | | ... for pcb 15.22 ... | `------------------------. 05-05-96 .--' Upload par: THERAPY MFLAG201.ZIP 70605 11-12-96 Multiflagsystem 2.01 for PCBoard 15.x Tag files by cursormovement(LIGHTBAR) * Autodetection for ansi or monochrome * Support for PCBoard ariables * External config and helpfiles * Multilingual support,Download preview * Simple install with setuputility * Many many powerfull features more! * Make your live easy with MFLAGGI! Demoversion and Update for reg. Users Upload par: THERAPY MKDIR.ZIP 10158 11-12-96 MKDIR.PPE is a PPE designed to create DIR files from the files available on the hard drive. THIS WILL NOT IMPORT FILE_ID.DIZ DESCRIPTIONS! READ THE DOC FILE BEFORE USING IT, AS IT WILL DELETE YOUR CURRENT DIR FILES BEFORE CREATING NEW ONES! It is designed for corporations, or people wqho do not wish file descriptions and file maintenance through PCBFiler. Upload par: THERAPY MKPCBTXT.ZIP 24132 07-21-96 !!!!!!!! SSoPS STP !!!!!!!!!! Ŀ ThIs iS a rEPLaCemEnt fOr tHe mkpcbtxt.exe. It'S qUIte eAsY :tO uSe aNd cONtaINs mOrE .oPtIoNs. JuSt tRy iT aNd tElL mE wHaT yOu ThINk oF iT... .CoDeD By IkC B)) :CoSysOp oF LoGiN DisTriBUtioN Upload par: THERAPY MTNT-DS1.ZIP 37286 03-09-96 ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____ ----- |/ -: -----| \ : ------ ._/ | | . . | | . <<<|_____% \___ |--|__| \___ |--|>>> MtNT |___-- |___-- |___-- |___-- -------DiSTRiBuTioN SiTe LiSTeR v1.o------- PPe for PCB 15.2+ & in AMi/X-style! Enhance your dist/site conference... Show the logo of each group before viewing their directry! --[Jan/22/95]------------------[MtL/MtNT]-- Upload par: THERAPY MTNTNFS1.ZIP 39888 06-06-96 .--------[ New File Scan v1.o ]----------. | ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____ | | ----- |/ -: -----| \ : ------ | | ._/ | | . . | | . | <<<|_____% \___ |--|__| \___ |--|>>> | MtNT |___-- |___-- |___-- |___-- | `-----------------------------[disk 1/1]-' * AMI/X Pcb 15.22+ PPE * 'N S U' and 'N U S' still work! * check for upload since: - last call - certain date - X days - today - yesterday * easy installation! --[OCT/21/95]-----------------[MtL/MtNT]-- Upload par: THERAPY MTV_PL22.ZIP 26779 06-09-96 K a e T h E ۲ MoTiVate ݱ ... is InTroDucInG ........ ۲ PRO-LOGIN v2.2 [PPE] ۲ݰ LOGIN MATRIX WITH ANS,RIP ۲ ASC DETECT. INCLUDES ݰ DOOM MATRIX, /X SYSPW HOMEBOOT SYSTEM @USER@ GET THIS POWERFUL PPE TODAY [PPE] 4 PCB 15.2+ release date 26/12/94 Disks [01 / 01] Upload par: THERAPY MYM00000.ZIP 52230 07-21-96 MyStIcAlMeM-bErS .;%$, ,$%;. '$. .$' .;%$, , : $$' $$$ '$$ '$. .$' $$' $$$ $$ '$' $$ '$, ,$' $$ '$' $$ . $$ $$ :$; $$ '' '' $ '' A Program type: $ Fake/ $ !!PPE-WRIT.ZI x $ a trojan !!!! ' F Artist(s): T-ReX . R u Comments: The Troja L destroy your dos : e Windows !!! Z CoOlDiViSiOnOfAxF! Upload par: THERAPY NEC-SCAN.ZIP 4771 06-05-96 .__. ____ _____ | |______/\____/ \ [=====\ \| | _____/ ; |===] ::::::/\ \ | ____/ /(____/::::: ::::_/ \ | \ \ \/ \:::: ::::\___/\ ||\_______/\_ ___/:::: [=/\======\____/===========\__/====/\=] NETWORK OF ELITE CRACKERS [=/\=========[PPE DIVISION]========/\=] A Lightbar Message Newscan, making life easier. No more file names, no more decriptions. A must for all PCB SysOps. [=/\===============================/\=] Upload par: THERAPY NEWUSR10.ZIP 4139 06-25-96 [PPE] PCBNewUsr By DynaSOFT [PPE]Ŀ This wonderful PPE from DynaSOFT enhances PCBoard's "(C) continue logon as new user (R) re-enter your name" prompt. Nicely designed output to help users create create their own accounts on your BBS! Asks them a [Y] / [N] question. Version 1.00 - FREEWARE Upload par: THERAPY NEW_JAIL.ZIP 12284 12-24-96 [MR MASK] ۰ JAIL PPE ۰ ۰ NEW TOTAL REMIX LIGHT BAR PUT LAME IN JAIL ENJOY !!!!!!!!! ޲ ޲ ߲ ܲܲ Coded:[Mr masK] Upload par: THERAPY NXS-FF10.ZIP 6696 08-22-96 <<= FLAG ANY FiLE 1.o (PCB 15.2x) =>> [1/1] _______ ____ - nOXiOUS 1996 - |___ |________| |____ /(_________ \___) ____ | |__/ _______| sK!/ | (__ _|____ _______ \__/ .-/ | \ | _______/_/ \--. | / | \| | \/ \| |< | \ | | >| | \_____| >____| |\___ ___/ | | \____|______/_____|____|\__\_____/_/ | | |_____/ \___/ \___/ | | * THE PERFECT TOOL FOR YOUR CO-OPERATOR | | * COMPiLED WiTH PPLC 3.0 FOR PCB 15.2x | `----------------[REL.DATE:96-04-12]---' Upload par: THERAPY NXS-LX10.ZIP 17912 08-21-96 <<= LAST X-FERS v1.O (PCB 15.2x) =>> [1/1] _______ ____ - nOXiOUS 1996 - |___ |________| |____ /(_________ \___) ____ | |__/ _______| sK!/ | (__ _|____ _______ \__/ .--/ | \ | _______/_/ \--. | / | \| | \/ \ | |< | \ | | >| | \_____| >____| |\___ ___/ | | \____|______/_____|____|\__\_____/_/ | | |_____/ \___/ \___/ | |This PPE can handle up to 100 transfers, | | and are of course 100% configable. | | You can set it up exactly how you want, | | Filename, CPS, Year, Month, Day, Time, | | Protocol abb., and protocol full name. | `-[****** ]-06/10--[]-' Upload par: THERAPY NXS-NM11.ZIP 11889 08-21-96 <<= YOU HAVE NEW MAIL 1.1 (PCB) =>> [1/1] _______ ____ - nOXiOUS 1996 - |___ |________| |____ /(_________ \___) ____ | |__/ _______| sK!/ | (__ _|____ _______ \__/ .--/ | \ | _______/_/ \--. | / | \| | \/ \ | |< | \ | | >| | \_____| >____| |\___ ___/ | | \____|______/_____|____|\__\_____/_/ | | |_____/ \___/ \___/ | | This is a simple PPE that shows a | | picture, and let the user choose if he | | want to read his new mail with a ligh- | | bar. 100% configable of course. | `-[****** ]-06/10--[]-' Upload par: THERAPY NXS-TB10.ZIP 23377 08-21-96 <<= TOP BATCH UL/DL v1.o (PPE) =>> [1/1] _______ ____ - nOXiOUS 1996 - |___ |________| |____ /(_________ \___) ____ | |__/ _______| sK!/ | (__ _|____ _______ \__/ .-/ | \ | _______/_/ \--. | / | \| | \/ \| |< | \ | | >| | \_____| >____| |\___ ___/ | | \____|______/_____|____|\__\_____/_/ | | |_____/ \___/ \___/ | | * THiS PPE JUST KiCK MAJOR ASS, TRY iT! | | * COMPiLED WiTH PPLC 3.0 FOR PCB 15.2x | | * COOL /X LAYOUT! | `----------------[REL.DATE:96-03-30]---' Upload par: THERAPY NXS-UL10.ZIP 11127 08-21-96 <<= USER LiSTER v1.o (PCB 15.2x) =>> [1/1] _______ ____ - nOXiOUS 1996 - |___ |________| |____ /(_________ \___) ____ | |__/ _______| sK!/ | (__ _|____ _______ \__/ .-/ | \ | _______/_/ \--. | / | \| | \/ \| |< | \ | | >| | \_____| >____| |\___ ___/ | | \____|______/_____|____|\__\_____/_/ | | |_____/ \___/ \___/ | | * QUiTE NiCE LAYOUT, DL AND SEE! | | * COMPiLED WiTH PPLC 3.0 FOR PCB 15.2x | `----------------[REL.DATE:96-03-30]---' Upload par: THERAPY OICKLE11.ZIP 65884 01-17-97 "TICKLE FILE" Ver 1.10 - 01/21/95 - (PPL 3.0) "Tickle File" is a program that maintains a personal database which can contain up to 24 filenames with a 15 character description. Users "Tickle" their memory by viewing their database, and flagging file(s) to download from the database. These are files they wanted during a previous session, but were unable to D/L due to not enough time/bytes. Other functions: Add, Edit, Delete, & List Upload par: iZnogoud ORP-MESS.ZIP 15946 11-03-96 _ __/\_____________._________ .oUT rAGE . _ ________ \______ \_____ \ .pIRATES . \ \/ \\ |/ _/ \____/ . : \________/___/ \_____| pRESENTS| |rAGE---------\____/-------------------| | | | [MESSAGE TO ANYBODY] PPE | | | ._____________________Simon The Sorcerer_. Upload par: THERAPY ORP-PCBZ.ZIP 53662 03-09-96 _ __/\_____________._________ .oUT rAGE . _ ________ \______ \_____ \ .pIRATES . \ \/ \\ |/ _/ \____/ . : \________/___/ \_____| pRESENTS| |rAGE---------\____/-------------------| | | | PCB 15.22 WORKING PATCH | | V1.1 | .17/12/95______________________SiLVER BOX. Upload par: THERAPY OTR-JC10.ZIP 20296 07-13-96 A ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ PRESENTS [Great Lightbar join to conference PPE] [Up to 16 conferences. Coded by CYB0RG] [01-05-96] Upload par: THERAPY OVD-SYPW.ZIP 3716 08-17-96 ߳ OVERDOZE iS PROUD TO PRESENT ܳ ANOTHER PPE PRODUCTiON ... THE REAL ANONYMOUS SYSTEMPASSWORD! READ DOC-FiLE FOR DETAiLS! 100% CONFiGURABLE ... V1.0 .. FOR PCBOARD 15.2+ .. RELEASE DATE: 21/04/95 ܳ Upload par: THERAPY P!-VSCAN.ZIP 58354 06-10-96 PAiN! PPE-VSCAN : .:Ŀ:. : ųųPPE SECTi0Nųų : N!ܳ: . ݳ. :: :: ݳ : : :. ߳.: THE FiLE WATCH GUARD F0R PCB0ARD SYS0PS DETECTS P0SSiBLE ViRUS iNFECTi0NS AND CHANGES 0F Y0UR SYSTEM FiLES. [JUN/05/1996] Upload par: THERAPY P-ENT23.ZIP 12923 04-19-96 -- -- - - -- -Ŀ | P-eNTeR.PPe v2.3 - Truly the | : BEST Press Enter PPe you can : : ever dream about! :) : REL: [31/10/94] o WITH 25 DIFFERENT PROMPTS!! o Auto-Adjust for Lower Speed o Support for ASCII/ANSI callers o Make your own prompts very easily o Make as much prompt as you want -- -- - - -- - Lord Deliver '94 Upload par: THERAPY PAIN-JOI.ZIP 33883 03-09-96 ۿ ÿܿ =( PPE SECTi0N )= ߳ ڳij-- 2 LAME 4 YOU --³ ó ] PAiN!-J0iNER v0.21b [ Ŀ THE MOST POWERFUL JOINER EVER > SEEN ON PCBOARD ! < Ĵ ijij Ŀ TOO MANY FEATURES TO LiST HERE READ THE DOX ! YOU'LL LOVE IT!ڴ ij ij MAR/07/'95 ij-- EN=TRANCE II --ij Upload par: THERAPY PASS.ZIP 9200 12-24-96 [MR MASK] ۰ PASS PPE ۰ ۰ COOL PPE PUT A PASSWORd ON EVERY PPE YOU WANT !!!!!! ޲ ޲ ߲ ܲܲ Coded:[Mr masK] Upload par: THERAPY PBN-ENT.ZIP 6298 07-13-96 ,a%&$#a, a$$' ,a#$%a, $$$$""$$,$$$,fX! a$&a%&$#a, `$$$, `$$`$$$,a$$$$a,`$$" "$a $$$$$&#a$' `$$$' `$$a$$ $$ .-$$$-`""---,$$$a, ,a$$$$a----a$. | "$a $"$$$$',$", " | |A [philosophy by numbers] | |R | |T pcb ppe: push enter ppe | |O push enter ppe by pbn. jsut a | |N little ppe i fixed up in a | |E minute or to, nothing fancy. | |__________________________________| Upload par: THERAPY PBN-FA.ZIP 6719 07-13-96 ,a%&$#a, a$$' ,a#$%a, $$$$""$$,$$$,fX! a$&a%&$#a, `$$$, `$$`$$$,a$$$$a,`$$" "$a $$$$$&#a$' `$$$' `$$a$$ $$ .-$$$-`""---,$$$a, ,a$$$$a----a$. | "$a $"$$$$',$", " | |A [philosophy by numbers] | |R | |T pcb ppe: force ansi | |- --------------------- | |O there isn't really mutch to | |N say,'s forcing users | |E terminal to ansi color. | |__________________________________| Upload par: THERAPY PBNEWS20.ZIP 25455 03-09-96 PBNEWS Version 2.0 Ŀ Ŀ : - FAST ! - Great Look ! :: - Include your own : : ANSI Screens ! - Filters the ANSI for the ASCII file ! :: : - Can skip the ANSI for the ASCII file ! :: - No Size Limit ! : (c) 1994 by Steven Debruyn Magic Software Ltd. Upload par: THERAPY PCB-VIOR.ZIP 21658 07-21-96 PCBoard PCBTEXT that will blow you away! over 200 Modification to your PCBTEXT, A total must to a sysop who wants his board look totally different! Upload par: THERAPY PCBBE1!0.ZIP 19319 02-26-97 Ŀ The PCB Bulletin Executive v1.10 Ĵ Automatically Creates/Updates Bulletin menu each time it is run. Displays last date bulletin was changed. If you don't like drawing screens each time you change a BLT, this is the program for you. User is prompted after each screen rather than at the end of display. Released 05-01-94 Upload par: THERAPY PCBCHK10.ZIP 127463 02-26-97 ķ ۲ PCBCheck 1.0 Ľ PCBoard upload checker designed specifically for use with PCBoard 15.0 with a primary goal of easy setup! Features easy-to-use setup program, modern looking/advanced/dynamic output, unique modular archive support (easy to support new archivers without source code modification!) Includes standard basic features, date checking, internal support for GIFs (no 3rd party software req'd), FILE_ID processing, self-extracting support, and much more! Regs: just $15! Upload par: THERAPY PCBCM12.ZIP 160506 03-09-96 PCBConferenceMenu Utility v1.2 03/21/94. Last revision date in archive: 03-30-94. Upload par: THERAPY PCBCOMP.ZIP 4512 10-24-96 Why PCBoard is so kewl ! Upload par: THERAPY PCBCV917.ZIP 26887 03-09-96 Pcboard Color File Viewer Upload par: THERAPY PCBEM103.ZIP 36456 03-09-96 Event Manager Version 1.03 SUPER FAST, SUPER EASY multiple event manager. Synchronous events! Also, now handles Sliding events. Run events only on certain days, and times. Now you can force events, change other lines in PCBOARD.DAT. Now adds three event variables to the event files. Day rollovers handled. Upload par: THERAPY PCBFV35.ZIP 140271 03-01-80 PCBFV 3.5: PCBoard F V Compressed File View. On-line/local reading & extraction of files within ZIP, ARJ, LZH, PAK, and ARC files. Displays GIF dimensions. (F)ind text while (R)eading. Seamless. Sysop configurable. DESQview, fossil & non-standard com support. FVMM utility for use with PCBFiler ALT-V. Upload par: THERAPY PCBH10.ZIP 98496 06-11-96 [ PCBHACK V.1.0 ][ UTILS ]Ŀ -CyRuS[17/09/95] Upload par: THERAPY PCBHLP_C.ZIP 36657 03-09-96 Ecrans d'aide pour Pcboard Upload par: THERAPY PCBMAS13.ZIP 29330 06-23-96 PCBMaster 1.3 - The best PCBoard Allfiles and Newfiles List Generator. Fully configurable, installs in minutes and gives you an awesome looking files list your Users will love! Lightning processing speed thanks to advanced ASM I/O routines and multitasking aware! Reads data directly from dir.lst - no need editing long config files. Fully functional uncrippled. (C) 96 A. Antonini 2:332/611@fido Lots of improvement and work keeps on! Upload par: THERAPY PCBMODEM.ZIP 83457 10-24-96 Last PCBMODEM (14/10/96) from inet. Upload par: THERAPY PCBNET71.ZIP 130352 02-26-97 PCB-Net v7.1 Supports PCBoard 15.0-15.2. Very Fast. This will will update your Users Mail Waiting Flags. You need this if you carry EchoMail or if you're using Old Third Party Software that doesn't support the new file formats! Will update the MSGS.IDX too. Upload par: THERAPY PCBOC110.ZIP 294173 11-12-96 Online Checks Direct! For PCB (v1.10) PCBOCD (as it is called) is a unique program that will allow your users to purchase from a product listing (via the PCBoard Sales Executive) and to pay for the products with their checking or savings accounts. Funds are sent to you via a paper draft within 48 hours. The software was written by GO/4 Softwarem and the service is provided by American Banking Systems. Upload par: THERAPY PCBSEC10.ZIP 13351 11-12-96 PCBSEC v1.0 - Encrypted E-Mail For PCBoard. Compiled with PPLC 3.0 - Freeware PPE for the use of PCBoard SysOps. Upload par: THERAPY PCBTXTFR.ZIP 24311 01-03-97 Ŀ PCBTEXT.FR Released: langage franais pour [28/10/96] pcboard 15.xx CYClONe hAVe^fUn [o1/o1] Ĵ Upload par: THERAPY PCB_PLAY.ZIP 21016 04-15-96 Here it is PCBoard SYSOPS! The 1stReader 2.00 multimedia language for PCBoard. Gives your users an "audio interface" when they call your system using 1stReader 2.00. Other BBS software sysops can find out how they too can create an audio interface. It's EASY! From Sparkware. Upload par: The Invaders PCB_TIME.ZIP 7524 11-12-96 Time.ppe for PCBoard v15.x Conference command prompt with source code Upload par: THERAPY PCC-BL16.ZIP 36390 12-27-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss1996$ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou:$ $ PCBBBLv1.6-BulletinBoardLister PCBBBLisaPPEtohelpinthecreationof masterbulletinboardlists.ThisPPEsorts thelistsbyboardname.Alsohasanoption forflaggingthelists.Willalsocheckto makesurethatthephonenumberdoesn't exsistinthedatabase.Interfaceisseam- less,andeasyforyouruserstofollow.s s$ $CrackedbyPSYCH0.$ $$ `ss[STRiPPED]ssssssssssssssss[30-03-96]ss' Upload par: THERAPY PCC-BL41.ZIP 36048 12-27-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss1996$ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou:$ BBSListrv4.1The*ultimate*BBSListingPPE forPCBoard15.21!Addsnewmodems,improved speed.Userscanaddentryordelete,modify entries.Seewhyit'sthebestofit'skind! ss $CrackedbyPSYCH0.$ $$ `ss[STRiPPED]ssssssssssssssss[12-03-96]ss' Upload par: THERAPY PCC-DM18.ZIP 36602 05-03-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss$ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou:$ DoorMenu1.8PCBv15.2PPE(v3.0)toreplace theDOORcommandmenu.AddPPEs'seamlessly' toyourdoormenu! s s$ $CrackedbyPSYCH0.$ $$ Upload par: THERAPY PCC-DT12.ZIP 23143 12-27-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss1996$ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou:$ DTSearchv1.2Uniquelydifferentwaytoscan yourDOWNLOAD.TXT.Customizeyourowncolors andgreatlyimprovethewayyouvieworscan yourDOWNLOAD.TXTfile!!s s$ $CrackedbyPSYCH0.$ $$ `ss[STRiPPED]ssssssssssssssss[06-04-96]ss' Upload par: THERAPY PCC-EPE3.ZIP 37695 04-29-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss1996$ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou:$ $$ $ ---- Enter PROMPT Enhancer v3.20 ----- $ $ Fantastic animated prompts for PCBoards $ $ Press ENTER to Continue prompt. Totally $ $ configurable with up to nine different $ $ styles and colors. PCB PPE for 15.21+ $ $$ $CrackedbyMcBAiN.$ $$ `ss[PPE]sssssssssssssssssssss[13-04-96]ss' Upload par: THERAPY PCC-FM17.ZIP 35265 05-03-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss$ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou:$ FileMenuv1.7ThebestFCmdReplacementPPE forPCBv15.2!Automatic!Neverdrawanother directorydescriptions!Forthosewithmult- ipleCD-Rom'sthisletsyouhave"sub-menus" foreachCDorfilegroup!!. ss $CrackedbyPSYCH0.$ $$ Upload par: THERAPY PCC-HH37.ZIP 19287 11-12-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss $ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou: $ HowHeard v3.7 New Caller Upgrade PPE for PCB 15.2! Upgrade sec levels and conference regs based on caller's response! Writes to User's notes PSA. Now with OTHER option for a more specific response. Small, fast, convenient!! Now doubled user "choices" from five to ten! s s $CrackedbyPSYCH0. $ $ $ `ss[STRiPPED]ssssssssssssssss[03-03-96]ss' Upload par: THERAPY PCC-HL10.ZIP 30779 05-02-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss1996$ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou:$ $$ $ ݱ $ $ v1.02 ݱ v1.02 $ $ ݱ ݱ $ $  A game based on the popular card  $ $  game Card Sharks.  $ $  A PPE program for PCBoard 15.2x  $ $  Copyright(c)1995 Equinox Software  $ $$ $CrackedbyMcBAiN.$ $$ `ss[PPE]sssssssssssssssssssss[14-04-96]ss' Upload par: THERAPY PCC-MQ36.ZIP 10388 07-23-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss$ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou:$ $$ $MsgQuestv3.6PCB15.2*CRACKED*PPE!$ $ScripttoMessageBaseutility,send$ $questionnairestotheSysOpviamsgs.$ $Amucheasierinstalland*unlimited*$ $questionnaires!$ $$ $CrackedbyPSYCH0.$ $$ `ss[STRiPPED]sssssssssssssss[28-02-96]ss' Upload par: THERAPY PCC-MQ40.ZIP 19057 07-23-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss1996$ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou:$ MsgQuest v4.0 PCB 15.21 Cracked PPE Script to Message Base utility, send questionnaires to the SysOp via msgs. A much easier install and *unlimited* questionnaires! s s$ $CrackedbyMcBAiN.$ $$ `ss[STRiPPED]ssssssssssssssss[08-04-96]ss' Upload par: THERAPY PCC-O104.ZIP 63194 05-03-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss1996$ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou:$ $$ PCBoard Organizer v1.04 for PCB 15.2 ORGANIZE.PPE: This program allow your users to browse the Calendar, or search any Date. They can place notes on the on the Address Book. Also have a small Calculator. The Notes and Birthday's can be seen on the NEWS, if they match . . the current date. $ $$ $CrackedbyMcBAiN.$ $$ `ss[PPE]sssssssssssssssssssss[29-04-96]ss' Upload par: THERAPY PCC-P102.ZIP 48206 05-02-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss1996$ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou:$ $$ $ The Ultimate Page/Chat 1.02 $ $ A complete Paging and Chat Ppe system $ $ for PCBoard 15.2x $ $$ $CrackedbyMcBAiN.$ $$ `ss[PPE]sssssssssssssssssssss[12-04-96]ss' Upload par: THERAPY PCC-TU10.ZIP 15582 05-02-96 $$$$s..s$$s..s$$s. .s$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$'$$$sss$$$sss1996$ $$$$`$s$'`$s$'bringsyou:$ $$ TwitUser v1.0 PCB 15.21 PPE to twit specific users from specific commands. This can block any commands you want from whatever user(s). It can instead log them off when they try to access those commands. We realize most users are worth their weight in gold, but this PPE is geared towards those troublesome callers. $$ $CrackedbyMcBAiN.$ $$ `ss[STRiPPED]ssssssssssssssss[11-04-96]ss' Upload par: THERAPY PCHAT.ZIP 68904 02-26-97 Ŀ [Perfect Chatter] v1.11 ĴPPEĿ The BEST Chat Ever! Check it! For PCB 15.1+ Only. [Iron Man]ͼ Upload par: THERAPY PCWLOGPE.ZIP 35446 08-21-96 [LIGHTBAR LOGON PPE] __ _ __________ ________ _____ ______ __ _ _ __\\_____ ~\_ \_ /_\ _//_ __ > ______/ \_____/ / > < _ __ _// \ %\ \\ __ _ __ _\_____; \__; >\__; \_ __ _ =[PcW]|______/=|_______/=|________/ ; [] P C W A R E Z ' 9 6 [] ; -----[warden96]-----[05/30/96]----- Upload par: THERAPY PCWSCPPE.ZIP 40148 08-21-96 [USER SECURITY PPE] __ _ __________ ________ _____ ______ __ _ _ __\\_____ ~\_ \_ /_\ _//_ __ > ______/ \_____/ / > < _ __ _// \ %\ \\ __ _ __ _\_____; \__; >\__; \_ __ _ =[PcW]|______/=|_______/=|________/ ; [] P C W A R E Z ' 9 6 [] ; -----[warden96]-----[05/30/96]----- Upload par: THERAPY PGD-VREG.ZIP 15691 02-26-97 ax$$$$$xa ax$$$$$ax $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ ax$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$. propaganda proudly presents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ registration generator for promatrix 1.1,provote 1.1, superlogon 2.o by vigilante generator coded by flux/pgd^pr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upload par: THERAPY PHCD.ZIP 14057 11-12-96 PPE THAT TELLS YOU WHAT CD ROM IS IN THE DRIVE!! HANDELS UP 20 CD'S !!!!......... *************** PHANTOM BBS ************ ************* (716)-366-3884 *********** Upload par: THERAPY PHNLN162.ZIP 95252 02-26-97 PHUNLiNERS v1.62 SectorSOFT The ULTIMATE oneliners door! Features: Arrowkey use with menu bars, Works with ALL popular BBS software, MCI Codes and Color Codes, definable colors, DesqView awareness, Automatic Line generation, Multiple level TWIT filtering, High speed modem support and 16550 FIFO buffering, internal ANSI emulator, Online sysop command functions, Menu bar editing functions, supports ANSI, DOORWAY, and generic TTY keyboard emulations, support for all popular drop files, definable "LOGO" ANSI, TriBBS, and Renegade style variables, Complete editing key support, TOTAL configuration. Last revision date in archive: 04-17-94. Upload par: THERAPY PIE!CMT.ZIP 8514 05-21-96 [*] ܲ ܲ [*] ߰ '95 ܲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ uZ! ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ߲ ۱ ߲ ۲ ܲ ܲ ߲߱ܲ [*][ providence '95 ][*] (c)omment to Sysop replacement can handle up to 100 sysops/cosysops coded and designed by GeKKo! [*][95-06-29][*] Upload par: THERAPY PIE-PROT.ZIP 10933 07-22-96 [ PROTOCOL CHANGER PPE ]Ŀ A PPE that lets the user change transfer protocol. Smooth, really cool graphics. Simply a must-use-ppe from Providence! By: Orson/Renegade ܲ PPE ܲ ۲ 96-O6-02 Ŀ ۲ ߲ ۲ݰ ޲۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ۲۲ ۲۲ mz۲۱ ޲۲ ܲ ߲ p R O V I D E N C e 1 9 9 6 Upload par: THERAPY PIE-SDLA.ZIP 45686 02-26-97 [*] ܲ ܲ [*] ߰ '95 ܲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ uZ! ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ߲ ۱ ߲ ۲ ܲ ܲ ߲߱ܲ [*][ providence '95 ][*] sysop download this is a ppe for the sysop!! enable the sysop to call the board and download files from his! [*][PPE][95-11-11][*] Upload par: THERAPY PIE_ONFR.ZIP 23850 02-26-97 [ NFO READER v1.O ]Ŀ This PPE let's the users view a text,nfo or advert file inside zips on the board. A must, so the users can check what they download. Easy use, nice,file-filtering, nice lightbars, fast archive processing. The source is included for you to check! By: ODiN / PROViDENCE ܲ PPE ܲ ۲ 96-O6-29 Ŀ ۲ ߲ ۲ݰ ޲۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ۲۲ ۲۲ mz۲۱ ޲۲ ܲ ߲ p R O V I D E N C e 1 9 9 6 Upload par: THERAPY PMC-SRES.ZIP 26368 02-26-97 _ ____________ __ _____ _ __________ _ / _ / V \ __ // __ _/ /______/ \ / \ \|_____/_ __ \_\\______| \______Y _____ //_/ .--------------------|________/--\_____/---. | ... PMC Presents Smodem Resume .PPE ... | | Both PPLC v3.00 & 3.10 versions included | `------------------------------------------' Upload par: THERAPY PNCPTEK1.ZIP 67652 03-05-97 PCBTEXT Edit Kit v1.0 by Juice/X-Con [xX/01] .__________. [10/09/96] \_ ___ ) Da ToP oF Da LiNe! .___. ===/ _/ /=======================/ /===== .:/ _____/__./(___.____/\.______./ /_____. :/ /__/ . ) . )____ ) _ ) / __ ) /__/ / / / / // __ / /__/ / /___/: .:/ /__/__/__/__/(______\____ /__/_____ /MO =/__/========================\/========\/=== ==== THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF TAGLESS DIZ! ==== Upload par: THERAPY PNCTOPU1.ZIP 26061 12-28-96 TOP UL/DN-LOADERS - PCB15.3 by X-Con [xX/01] .__________. [15/12/96] \_ ___ ) Da ToP oF Da LiNe! .___. ===/ _/ /=======================/ /===== .:/ _____/__./(___.____/\.______./ /_____. :/ /__/ . ) . )____ ) _ ) / __ ) /__/ / / / / // __ / /__/ / /___/: .:/ /__/__/__/__/(______\____ /__/_____ /MO =/__/========================\/========\/=== ==== HABIBS JUST EATING PIZZA ALL DAY! ==== Upload par: THERAPY PNS-C11.ZIP 15797 07-28-96 PNS-C Comment to Sysop V1.1 by ROY ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۱ ۱۱ ߲ PEANUTS PCBoard CODERs'96 UP-TO 9 Sysops,Hotkeys,Lightbars 5 prepared color styles (blue,green,grey,red and cyan) Autoreading the Sysops from USERS Autoswitch to Full-/Lineeditor Auto-Hi ;) in comment Can Exclude of USERS with SYSOPLEVEL Random Colors possible Mainsysop gets orginal PCB-Comment FULL SOURCECODE IS INCLUDED! [01/01] Upload par: THERAPY PNS-QJOI.ZIP 8892 07-28-96 ܲ QJOIN + SOURCE v1.0 15.22+ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ This PPE makes it possible to join up and down confs with just one keypress <,> joiner u know ܲ coded by CyZ N! Upload par: THERAPY PPEEXEC.ZIP 7798 04-13-96 PPE(pps/ppd) EXECUTOR version 1.0 by T.T.A.B pPE LEGiON. P A Hi, Everybody mad from ppez & codin R of it or just PCBOARD fanzinz... A Herez First Small Utility for N Test(run) PPE,PPS,PPD without fuckin O PPE loaders or CMD.LST... A Upload par: THERAPY PPLC.ZIP 99809 07-06-96 NEW PPLC FOR PCB 15.23 Upload par: THERAPY PR-ALFX.ZIP 12829 07-13-96 __________ |___ \ _ \ - Psychic - / __/ / / - Release - /___\___\\ \_ ==========\___|==(Presents)======= Psychic Alias Changer 1.o Change your alias online, or view it! My second fx styled ppe released! -FluX Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6 ====================[25/Feb/96]=== Upload par: THERAPY PR-SKULL.ZIP 25376 06-03-96 ۲ sKuLL ۲ bY BoDyN ޲۲߰߱ VeRy k ޲۲۰߲߲ ߲۲ݰ @X0 ߲ 4 PcB ߲ ܲ kEwL F ޲ AnD ܰ AnZi' ߰ DiS, [PrOzA Upload par: THERAPY PRO-AP15.ZIP 24393 04-22-96 _____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ / / _ \/ _\ \ _ /_ / / _ \/ _\ \/ /__/ __/ / / /_/ /_\ \ /__ /__/ /_ \__\____/___/\_/ \_/____/ .-------------------------------. | TiTLe: oN-LiNe aPP FoRM v1.5 @ | aUTHoR: CHoJiN @ | TyPe: PPe @ | SHoRT DeSCRipTioN: | | THiZ PPe aLLoWz GRouPZ To LeT | | uZeRZ aPPLy oN-LiNe PHo | | BeCoMe a MeMBa. aLL X, Y | | CooRDz aND GFX aRe CoNFiGuR- | | aBLe | ---[PRoZaC-96]@X Upload par: THERAPY PRO-FOF2.ZIP 36636 07-06-96 PROZAC => PISS OFF LAMERS PPE Upload par: THERAPY PRODIZ1A.ZIP 68966 06-01-80 PRODIZ v1.1a. The Bug-Fix BETA release. PRODIZ is a FILE_ID.DIZ manager for PCBoard SysOps and their Users. Supports ZIP and ARJ files. Create FILE_ID.DIZ from PCBFILES.LST. Local uploads for SysOps, CRC tests and Virus scan archives. Requires BRUN45.EXE to run. Upload par: THERAPY PROMPT.ZIP 17941 02-26-97 _ ___________________________________ __ _ .:.\__ __/_________________ \[-147!] ---\_ ___\_ \__\_ | | \_--- - _:__// / / | | //:__ _ _ __/_______/_______/____|___|____/__ __ _ ENTER & MORE PROMPT -/- PPE(S) 4 PCBOARD *NOT ANIMATED* LMSR 1427 PP DiViSiO'96 Upload par: THERAPY PSTORY1B.ZIP 53628 03-09-96 Prostory - The Story Board Door for PcBoard Upload par: THERAPY P_DOOR.ZIP 64533 03-09-96 /Ŀ/Ŀ/Ŀ/Ŀ Copyright (C) 1996 .. / / / / DOOR DISPLAYER.. //// ...........[ PPE ] .. This door displayer allows you to display 45 other PPEs at the same place, so you don't need to worry about that there is no space for you to put PPEs... With all nice drawing and informations. @FIRST@, you need to get this for your board. U/L: POPIT SOFTWARES 714-733-3521 PCB 15.2 Upload par: THERAPY QFMAIL2D.ZIP 15478 08-12-96 Ŀ QF-Mail v2.0d Compiled on 01-11-93 PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] program to replace the (E)nter a Message command in your FidoNet netmail conference. Simplifies user input for normal FidoNet netmail and can search the nodelist file if you do not know the exact FidoNet Address info. Configurable! Can also be used as a Nodelist Browser! Easy to use. Will work ONLY with QFront. Totally re-wrote the message formatting! No more unregistered delay during beta. Upload par: THERAPY RBS-O106.ZIP 18169 11-11-96 .. . . . IJ۲IJIJ۲IJIJIJ o-߲..߲ : ߲. ıııͲıııIJı۲IJı ߱ ߱ ߱ܲ ߱ ߱ ߱ܰ .:[ PPE Division Presents ]:. THE ONELiNER V1.06! A Oneliner like you've never seen before! [Ansi and Code by D-Vibe/REBELS] Upload par: THERAPY REWARD17.ZIP 46686 03-12-92 PCB-REWARD v 1.7 - for PCBoard 14.5x rewards top uploaders with extra time and priviledges. Fully configurable and func- tional. Increases uploads by making it into a contest for users to compete for the top slots! Upload par: THERAPY SCD-BRCK.ZIP 44918 12-24-96 . . . :. .. . %suicidal%productions%96 .. . .: . .: d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b p8!:. xxXx d$ $$$" $v T$b xxXxx xxxx $D d$$$$$$" .d$$$$$$b s $$ xxxx xxxx $v. S$ $$$$$$$$$ $b $$ xxxx xxxxX dS$$$$b T. $$$$$$$P $P $$ xxxx xxxx d$v. .v$$s. vP .d$ xxxx \ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ / all in all it's just.. ..another brick in the wall [scd] BRiCK iN tHa WALL 1.O! [ppe] : the first colorful wall in tha scene, : i it simply.. rulez! :) leech it now !! i I by schizophrenia I XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX 12/08/96 XxxxX [ don't call the following lame boards: ] Upload par: THERAPY SCD-GOTH.ZIP 35455 12-24-96 ܲ ܲ ۲ ߲߲r ۲ a۲ c o߲ޱ : t db a e۲y n ߲d ܲ۲ : ߲ ߲ ph!߲ ..SuiCiDaL/96.. .:[Gothic^Logoff^PPE]:. "i wanna be dead.. a dead cemetery" <04.07.96> ܲ Upload par: THERAPY SCD-WHO.ZIP 36462 12-24-96 ..SUCDAL Productions '96 Presents.. IJij | ܲ۱ ۱ | : ۱ ۲۲ ޲ : ۱ ۲ ۲ rs ܲ ۲ ۱ ۱ ۲ ۱ : ޲ : Ŀ | SUICIDAL WHO 1.OO Online Users | : Realtime update on demand (Fast,Smooth) : Gets [D]etails on an specific node : Shows the file the user is transferring : | 99% customizable! Easy to install!! | ^coded^by^rorshack^ Upload par: THERAPY SD0696.ZIP 16782 06-09-96 STRIPDIZ DU 01/06/96 : JUIN 96 / CyRuS Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ Ŀ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ Ŀ Ŀ ݳ ݳ Ŀ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ Upload par: THERAPY SHC-FORC.ZIP 16576 12-24-96 $Ssa...sS$b .ssa..sS$b. .$$P $$$$$ Ss.. .d$$$" "$$$$ .$$$b d$$$$$ $$$$b :shc: .$$$$ s$$ $$$$$bs t$$$$P "$$$S' d$$$b ""S $$P" $s. ""$' $$$b..sS$b $$$$$ .sSS. " ..sS "?S$Ss d$$$P $$$$$ $$$$$b..S$$$b d$$$$P "$$$P d$$$$ d$$$$$ $$$P" "$b ""S. .$$$$ S$$$P t$$$$P " . $$" "$$$. ""$' .aSa. tR^shc " S sS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ss $ PPE SECTiON $ $ kewl pcboard ansiforcer $ $ with nice ansi from crusadervos $ $ done by DJ KE0Ki $ SbmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdS Upload par: THERAPY SK_TAG08.ZIP 18892 02-26-97 ---------Ŀ DOS SHAMO TAGZ v .8 / jesus 2099 - ----------------------------------- simple tagliner with random 'kadavreski'! eta test it now! =] -------ij $' . , `$ | $s, , $S$SsS$ `$ , ' $$' , $s, s' s, $$SSs$$ssSS$$$ | `$ ,$' $ ' `$$' ,$' .,s$'^S ,$$ .,s$ $ ,s^ .$$ ,sSs$$' $ $s, , | $$' `S$$S $s, ,s$ --------- Upload par: THERAPY SK_WCT20.ZIP 24470 01-06-97 --------Ŀ PPE SHAMO^WALL~CHAT- II -the revenge ----------------------------------- ultimate sysop chat w/ 2 modes : classic split screen mode (w/ LOG & more) awesome FULL SCREEN WALL MODE (w/ 2curs) try it right now and you'll love it for sure!! it's really fun & uncommon --------ij S H M -------- Upload par: La Fouine SOC-GB.ZIP 13435 02-26-97 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ PReSeNTS LOGOFF PPE 1.0 FULLY CONFiGURABLE LOGOFF COMMENT NO FAT "CODED BY" STRiNGS [17/06/96] [BY: LiZARD] Upload par: THERAPY STL-TG10.ZIP 78103 12-24-96 THE GREATEST V1.0 PPE [1\1] ݱ TopUp PPE for PCB 15.2+ | | : -Shows the 1oo best uploaders! : -True STiLE ANSi design! -Internal PPEnotes for users! -Nize configuration options! -Downloadable list! -Timechecked updating! : : | Coded by PfezzyO | ݱ ANSi by Gangstar/PfezzyO Upload par: THERAPY STORM120.ZIP 60356 05-11-95 STmTP V 1.20 A new beta BLT generator for PCB SysOps, download this freeware for your Top Download Bulletin 45 best files download Easy to use and install! Quick Sort Total of Download Colorfull Create your blt A 1995 Brain Killer/Storm Posse Call Storm for next release (331) 53 79 17 20 Upload par: THERAPY SUB110.ZIP 163543 02-01-80 SUB v1.1; PPE for PCBoard v15.0 Subscription command/door. ASCII/ ANSI/RIP, Multilingual, receipt, invoice,message to sysop, tax & handling calculation, & more ... Upload par: THERAPY SVOTE3!0.ZIP 50511 02-26-97 ** Super Vote v3.10 for PCBoard 15.1 ** The BEST Voting Program for PCBoard! Create UNLIMITED Booths or UNLIMITED Number of Options. Any graphics emulation. Includes utility that will notify users of unvoted voting booths Upload par: THERAPY SVOTE310.ZIP 50511 02-26-97 ** Super Vote v3.10 for PCBoard 15.1 ** The BEST Voting Program for PCBoard! Create UNLIMITED Booths or UNLIMITED Number of Options. Any graphics emulation. Includes utility that will notify users of unvoted voting booths Upload par: THERAPY SYSPW.ZIP 5663 08-17-96 CR VOODOO PROUDLY PRESENTS [VDOSYSPW.ziP] year! Keep Unwanted Users Out! VooDoo SystemPassword v1.01 Upload par: THERAPY T!NFS015.ZIP 7563 06-06-96 ___________ _________ ______ |. _ Y. , Y_____7. -- 1995 -- |: 7 |: _ -<: |: - -- - l_____| .| 7 .|| | -PPE CODiN'- | l____ :|_____j| -CRACKiNG- .-\-\-l_____j--l______j-tS!--' -DiViSiON- `-------------------------------------- - - NEW FiLE SCAN v0.15 COMPiLED WiTH PPLC v3.0 [PCB 15.2] Upload par: THERAPY T4FPPD31.ZIP 49709 05-30-96 .-----------[ Tools-4-Fools ]------------. | ____________ _____________|__ _|_____ / / _\ __________/ \__ |_____/______ /__\_ _____/ | / ____________/ /___ \ \ | / | \_________/ \ \ | _______ \ |________\ \ | |---sF!___________\-(presents)-\_______\-| | PPLD 3.10 and PPLDEBUG 1.00 | |----------------------------------------| | now your ppe's aren't save anymore | | even idiots like sysops will be able | | to follow your code step by step | | FIRST SOURCECODE DEBUGGER FOR PCBOARD! | |----------------------------------------| |it's a Chicken-eULE!-Gargamel production| `----------------------------------------' Upload par: THERAPY TCMDE310.ZIP 51506 02-01-80 The Cat's Meow Door Executive v3.1; PCBoard PPE that will automatically create your DOORS menu! Detects & Run's Other PPE's from the SAME Menu! Totally Color Configurable! Display doors by catagory or all at once! Many new features in this release! Upload par: THERAPY TDXL_3.ZIP 35354 08-01-92 Shareware TSR for TheDraw to create PCBoard NSI color screens. View, Load and Save ormat files from within TheDraw(R). Upload par: THERAPY THTMT320.ZIP 70246 07-22-96 Ŀ Matrix NUV v3.20 ͹ v3.01 PPE's Specializing in PCB-Util's This is the Ultimate LIGHTBAR Matrix and NEWUSER Verification & anti Lamer PPE on The Market, These PPE's have been Tested. All PPE's are LightBar Controlled NewUser Voting. So this is it a full pkg of PPE's for PCB 15.1 only. NUV v3.01 Matrix is v3.20 Upload par: THERAPY TK-ALARM.ZIP 32917 09-11-96 __ __________ ______ | |_\___ \_ |---/_/ __)_ - -- --- -----. | _/_| | |_ _ _/ | | | toxic krystal | | | | | | | | | | | ------------- | `-----^-----^--| |--^-----' ppe division! | .--|~~~/----.--| |---._|~~|_ .-----.--. | | __ _/ |__| | |__-' | _/_| _| | |__ | | | | | |___ | | | | | \_ | |rE|| `--|__|__| (____|_____|_____|--|__|_____|| User Alarm V1.0 | . Sounds an alarm when selected users log | : onto your bbs. Good if theres a lamer | | you want to abuse or if somone important | | logs on. coded by: THe BLaCK aSSaSSiN | `-( released 16/o5/96 )--------------------' Upload par: THERAPY TK-APPLY.ZIP 23901 06-23-96 __ __________ ______ | |_\___ \_ |---/_/ __)_ - -- --- -----. | _/_| | |_ _ _/ | | | toxic krystal | | | | | | | | | | | ------------- | `-----^-----^--| |--^-----' ppe division! | .--|~~~/----.--| |---._|~~|_ .-----.--. | | __ _/ |__| | |__-' | _/_| _| | |__ | | | | | |___ | | | | | \_ | |rE|| `--|__|__| (____|_____|_____|--|__|_____|| T.N.U.Q v1.0 | . Toxic.New.User.Questions is a ppe that | : asks the user heaps of questions about | | their setup and many other things this | | can be added into a logon matrix or it | | can simply be added in the new user log | | on script. Coded by: THe BLaCK aSSaSSiN | `-( released 29/o4/96 )--------------------' Upload par: THERAPY TK-LAYMA.ZIP 36111 09-11-96 __ __________ ______ | |_\___ \_ |---/_/ __)_ - -- --- -----. | _/_| | |_ _ _/ | | | toxic krystal | | | | | | | | | | | ------------- | `-----^-----^--| |--^-----' ppe division! | .--|~~~/----.--| |---._|~~|_ .-----.--. | | __ _/ |__| | |__-' | _/_| _| | |__ | | | | | |___ | | | | | \_ | |rE|| `--|__|__| (____|_____|_____|--|__|_____|| Lamer List V1.0 | . This would have to be one of the best | : laymah lists out. With a nice AMi/X look | | to match any board. Users can add lamers | | to the list and scrolls the lamers as | | they get old. Shows main info like their | | name addres and phone numbah. Must add | | on for your THe BLaCK aSSaSSiN | `-( released 16/o5/96 )--------------------' Upload par: THERAPY TK-NEWF1.ZIP 34285 09-11-96 __ __________ ______ | |_\___ \_ |---/_/ __)_ - -- --- -----. | _/_| | |_ _ _/ | | | toxic krystal | | | | | | | | | | | ------------- | `-----^-----^--| |--^-----' ppe division! | .--|~~~/----.--| |---._|~~|_ .-----.--. | | __ _/ |__| | |__-' | _/_| _| | |__ | | | | | |___ | | | | | \_ | |rE|| `--|__|__| (____|_____|_____|--|__|_____|| New File Scan V1.1 | . Scan the BBS for new files 100% bug free | : and configurable. Also edit the prompt | | to match you own BBS. by BLaCK aSSaSSiN | `-( released o2/o5/96 )--------------------' Upload par: THERAPY TK-PGSZ.ZIP 32737 09-11-96 __ __________ ______ | |_\___ \_ |---/_/ __)_ - -- --- -----. | _/_| | |_ _ _/ | | | toxic krystal | | | | | | | | | | | ------------- | `-----^-----^--| |--^-----' ppe division! | .--|~~~/----.--| |---._|~~|_ .-----.--. | | __ _/ |__| | |__-' | _/_| _| | |__ | | | | | |___ | | | | | \_ | |rE|| `--|__|__| (____|_____|_____|--|__|_____|| Page Size V1.0 | . This is a simple PPE that allows the | : user to change their page length setting | | by writing all the numbers down the | | screen and asking whats at the top also | | you can put in the setting as a paramiter| | nice look too. by: THe BLaCK aSSaSSiN | `-( released 18/o5/96 )--------------------' Upload par: THERAPY TK-USRNF.ZIP 36438 09-11-96 __ __________ ______ | |_\___ \_ |---/_/ __)_ - -- --- -----. | _/_| | |_ _ _/ | | | toxic krystal | | | | | | | | | | | ------------- | `-----^-----^--| |--^-----' ppe division! | .--|~~~/----.--| |---._|~~|_ .-----.--. | | __ _/ |__| | |__-' | _/_| _| | |__ | | | | | |___ | | | | | \_ | |rE|| `--|__|__| (____|_____|_____|--|__|_____|| Write User Info | . This is a real nice looking write user | : info program. best ppe to use on the "w" | | command. Coded by: THe BLaCK aSSaSSiN | `-( released o3/o5/96 )--------------------' Upload par: THERAPY TOPFLS13.ZIP 140091 02-26-97 TOP FILES - Version 1.3 - 02/07/93 -------------------------------------- TOP FILES for PCBoard 14.x will create a bulletin containing the top files downloaded during the last X,Y,Z days. Yes, up to three different reports in one single bulletin! Try it.IT'S FREE! -------------------------------------- Upload par: THERAPY TRTRQST1.ZIP 52179 02-26-97 BS (TRT 2oo1) PPE DiViSiON [28 jan 94] Request PPE v1.0000 Let users make file requests, claim for their credz after upload, etc... Lot's of options! Definable CFG! Upload par: THERAPY TRTRQST3.ZIP 35977 02-26-97 [25 mar 95] TRT2oo1 Request PPE v2.0 All possibilities from ver 1.2,PLUS: UNLIMITED requests can be added,FULL LIGHTBAR support,improved design and major bugfixes. (LEECH|DIE!) BS (TRT 2oo1) PPE DiViSiON Upload par: THERAPY TRTZIPPY.ZIP 8344 03-09-96 BS (TRT 2oo1) PPE DiViSiON [26 dec 94] 1 PPE FILE This PPE Is used next to yar usual Z command,to scan ALL!!! your pre- defined dir-files for a certain key word.Includes definable prompts! Upload par: THERAPY TRT_BBS1.ZIP 62249 04-06-95 T [04 jun 95] BBsLiSTeR PPe r /---------\-----\---------\ r T \__. .__/ . |__. .__/ T 2 | \ | | / |TD 2 o | \| ---> / | o o | | |/ | o 1 |_____/__|___|\_____o1 1 :.. BBsLiStER v1.0 ..: :.Not just ANOTHER bbslister, .: :.but one wich is VERY confi- .: :.gurable,and with an EDIT .: :.option...Check it out ! .: :.. ..: Upload par: THERAPY TSTAT17.ZIP 40811 06-01-80 TechnoSTAT v1.7; Supports PCB v14.5a & 15.0. Creates a bulletin that displays your last caller, # of msgs, # of dnlds, # of uplds, and # of calls. Stats can be generated for a single node or for the entire system. Upload par: THERAPY UEDIT.ZIP 84475 10-29-96 ----=== UEDIT v4.0 and v4.22 RELEASE ===---- UEDIT v4.22 is a User Editor for PCBoard 15.22 which allows you to edit the users file very easily. It allows many options like Mark a User for Deletion, Change User Security Level, Change User Experation Date, Change User Conference Flags in a Conference, add a USER, Plus 4 hooks for other PPE installations. The 4.0 version is for PCB 15.21. --===CompuSoft Inc.===-- Upload par: THERAPY URT_REQ2.ZIP 9431 07-21-96 . _ _ _________________________________ . . - - --/ | | _ \ _ / / . . - - --/ | | \ / ___/ MD . :- - --/ | | | \ | \ \ NMD . : - --/__________|___|_____\|____\____994 : : ULTIMATE ASSOCIATION OF RECKLESS TALENT! : RELEASED!! : FILE REQUESTOR PPE V2.oo : : MANY NEW ADD-ONS!! : : -*- FULLY SYSOP CONFIGURABLE -*- : : PROGRAMMED BY: OVERTHROWN RULER [UART] : [022294] Upload par: THERAPY UTCAN13.ZIP 17237 10-28-96 New and Improved! UTCAN13 - UUCP Trashcan adds blocking and tagging ability to pcboards UUCP software. Also does taglines. New version handles newsgroups and is Compatable with PCB 15.1 --> 15.21. Good logging sure to please, freeware!!! Upload par: THERAPY UTE_RUMR.ZIP 6639 08-13-96 P P P P E E '94 UtERO RuMoRZ v1eta ThE BeST RUmORz EvER MaDE! RAnDOm PRomPTS! RANdOM RUmORZ No SePErATE PpE FoR AdDInG A PPE! ITS AwSOmE! bY.TRoJaN Upload par: THERAPY VO_PPE10.ZIP 20588 11-12-94 ͻ ͹ VooDoo : PCB 15.1 PPE to put a voodoo curse on those $#% lamers... [03.03.94]ͼ Upload par: THERAPY VROOMM05.ZIP 11936 01-01-97 Ŀ ĿĿĿ Ŀ Ŀ First Release From $ VROOOMMM A Little Rally like 15 years ago... First Attempt Of DaTa VoRTeX In PPL Just Read The .NFO FILE Upload par: Data Vortex WBMS_112.ZIP 22139 02-17-97 - PPE BULLETIN MENU SYSTEM PPE Easy to install, and a dream to use Organize your bulletins in up to 9 different categories. Same data and graphics included! Version 1.12 [FREEWARE] - PPE's Upload par: THERAPY WCBK_100.ZIP 21258 02-17-97 - PPE Conference Block PPE Create UNBREAKABLE security in a conference on your system. Rotating passwords, and 100% sysop definable screens. Cannot be compromised! Version 1.00 $5.00 [SHAREWARE] - PPE's Upload par: THERAPY WCBV_130.ZIP 46970 02-17-97 - PPE CALLBACK VERIFIER PPE Great features and Ease of Setup makes this the Callback Verifier of of choice. Installs in minutes. Version 1.30 [FREEWARE] - PPE's Upload par: THERAPY WIEP_110.ZIP 32628 02-17-97 - INTERNET E-MAIL PHONEBOOK PPE v1.1 Each user on your BBS can store up to 10 personal E-Mail Addresses, and select from a picklist when entering their internet e-mail! Only $ 5.00 CDN to Register - PPE's Upload par: THERAPY WOB!ENTR.ZIP 13113 08-01-96 ܲܲ ޲ܰ ܰ ߰ ۱ ۰ ۱ MM!۰۰ ۲۱ ۲ ۰۰ ۱ ۱ ۲ ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲ ޱ [1996.WoB.PPe] ܰ ܲܰ [PPe.DiViSioN] [1996] ޲ ߰ܰ .RePLaCeMeNT.FoR.BoRiNG.PCBTXT. .PReSS.eNTeR.GR8T.&.aNiM8TeD. .FReSHeST.PieCe.oF.+381. .WaRe!.!LeeCH THiS!. ޲ .CoDeD.&.DeSiGNeD.By.MM!. ܲܲܲܲ Upload par: THERAPY WSP-MORE.ZIP 8399 07-06-96 Ŀ ͵[ReLeASeD[31/o3/96]%% . %% [PPE] %%% . %%% %%%% %%%% %%%%% %%% %%% WASP %%%% P %%%% CoDeRZ %%%%% %%%%%% %%%%%%% ͵HUSTLeRĿ #͵WASP-MoRe LiGHtBAR PRoMPt PPe# Upload par: THERAPY WUNP_120.ZIP 38607 11-03-96 - The ULTIMATE NEWS PPE Manage your NEWS in the most professional manner! Handles up to 9999 news items, A snap to set up. Fully RIP compliant! 100% BUG FREE Shareware Only $ 5.00 CDN to Register Version 1.20 [UNREGISTERED] - PPE's Upload par: THERAPY WUNP_121.ZIP 28436 02-17-97 - The ULTIMATE NEWS PPE Manage your NEWS in the most professional manner! Handles up to 9999 news items, A snap to set up. Fully RIP compliant! Version 1.21 [UNREGISTERED] - PPE's Upload par: THERAPY WUST_120.ZIP 13614 02-17-97 - PCB USR STATS PAGE PCB Display this screen when your users log on to your system, and present them with detailed statistics on their account on your BBS! Version 2.00 [FREEWARE] - PPE's Upload par: THERAPY X-BLT2.ZIP 13572 07-30-96 X-BLT 1.1 !ͻ > LiGhTBaR BLt MeNU LiKe On MaGe ! < OpTiMuM CoNfIGuRaBiLiTy Full FeATuReD LiGhtBaR *DriVeN* BLt MeNu WiTh KeYBoarD EnTry PoSSiBilItY UsE BLT.LST, No NeeD To ReenTer BLt PaTh & NaMe SeLeCt PaUsE OpTiOn FoR EaCh BLt NoW WiTH DoWnLoaD BuLLeTs OpTiOn PPe FrOm HiCkS SySoP Of MaGe BBs PPLC 3.10 FoR PCB 15.21 ͼ Upload par: THERAPY X-BLT3.ZIP 16952 07-30-96 X-BLT 1.2 !ͻ > LiGHTBaR BuLLeTS MeNu < OpTiMuM CoNfIGuRaBiLiTy Full FeATuReD LiGhtBaR *DriVeN* BLt MeNu WiTh KeYBoarD EnTry PoSSiBilItY UsE BLT.LST, No NeeD To ReenTer BLt PaTh & NaMe SeLeCt PaUsE OpTiOn FoR EaCh BLt WiTH DoWnLoaD BuLLeTs OpTiOn 1 To 20 LiNeS iN TWo CoLuMNS WiTH LiNe JuMP oPTioN PPe FrOm HiCkS SySoP Of MaGe BBs PPLC 3.10 FoR PCB 15.21 ͼ Upload par: THERAPY X-BLT4.ZIP 17208 07-30-96 X-BLT 1.3 !ͻ > LiGHTBaR BuLLeTS MeNu < OpTiMuM CoNfIGuRaBiLiTy Full FeATuReD LiGhtBaR *DriVeN* BLt MeNu WiTh KeYBoarD EnTry PoSSiBilItY UsE BLT.LST, No NeeD To ReenTer BLt PaTh & NaMe SeLeCt PaUsE OpTiOn FoR EaCh BLt WiTH DoWnLoaD BuLLeTs OpTiOn 1 To 20 LiNeS iN TWo CoLuMNS WiTH LiNe JuMP oPTioN BuGFiXeD VeRSioN Of X-BLT 1.2 X PPLC 3.10 FoR PCB 15.21 ͼ Upload par: THERAPY XSTAT141.ZIP 84096 03-09-96 XferStats 1.41 - Complete Stats Door For PCBoard Based Systems. Allows Callers To View As Well As To D/L a List Of All Files They Have Transferred. Also Allows Them To View Their Personal Statistics. SysOp Functions Allow Searching For Any User Or Filename. "File Stats" Gives Date Uploade Times Downloaded, and Last Date Downloaded. If SysOp Sec. Then Uploader is Displayed Also May Be Run in PCBoard SHELL Mode! Completely Seamless When Registered. Recompiled For /M FOSSIL Compatibility. Upload par: THERAPY ZAPROMTS.ZIP 16384 05-25-96 ...... -Zap'rt- Presents... ZaPromts.PPE Yet More Enter Prompt Replacements o9/o1/94 Upload par: THERAPY ZAP_PUB.ZIP 38161 09-01-96 Liste des fichiers de Pub placer dans BoOMLaB pour rduire la taille des zips --- Date : 1er Septembre 96 Upload par: THERAPY ZF0696.ZIP 14378 06-09-96 ZAPFILE 01/06/96 : JUIN 96 / CyRuS Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ Ŀ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ Ŀ Ŀ ݳ ݳ Ŀ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ Upload par: THERAPY ZNG-T12U.ZIP 98653 05-29-97 .sS^s .sS .sS^s .sS^s .sS^s .sS^s .sS^s ' $ $^ $$$ $ $$$ $ $$$ $ $$$ $$$ .sS' .s$ $$$ $ $$$ $ $$$s$ $$$^$ $$$ $$$ $ $$$ $$$ $ $$$ $ $$$ $ Zf$ $ $$$ $ ^$s ^$ ^$s ^$ ^$ ^$s ^$s s.s^^s.s^s.s^s.s^s.s ZIONAGE release date [18/o5/97] NAMET0P 10 Ul/Dl PPE v1.2 CODERSPACEMAN This PPE can create a weekly/ monthly/all-time top of your choice. This is an updated version of the previous one. I hope there aren't any bugs left. UNZIP WITH -D ! C O D I N G D i V i S i 0 N s.s^^s.s^s.s^s.s^s.s Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 5) Groupes Renomms Toute la scne PCBoard est l ! [UtilS/PPE/Coding] Principale: 6) 3001 3001CM11.ZIP 9540 01-17-97 [ Ultra Staff Comment v 1.1 ] The Ultimate Replacement 'C' Command For 3oo1's! Multiple Sysop Menu Light Bar Matrix Menu 100% Configuarable! Contains USC v1 Update! [o1.28.95][Euph0RiC] Upload par: iZnogoud 3001CMNU.ZIP 7891 05-09-96 [3oo1 Ultra Staff Comment v1] Ditch The Shitty Internal "C" Command For 3oo1's! Light Bar Menu Select 100% Configuarable! Let Users Choose Sysop! Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 7) Acid ACD-1LNR.ZIP 186458 03-09-97 ACiDic Presents - ACiDic Oneliners - [OBV2] Ŀ A great fullscreen oneliner for Obv/2 Featuring ansi from Lord Jazz [ Remorse ] ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;;;; ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACD-AG1.ZIP 7920 05-09-96 Acidic Presents - AnsiGallery v1.00 - [OBV/2] Ŀ Fully Functional Ansi Gallery for OBV.2 Add Descriptions/File Names/Artist Name ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;;;; ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACD-AG20.ZIP 55513 03-09-97 Acidic Presents - Art Gallery v2.00 - [PCB] Ŀ Fully Functional Art Gallery for PCBoard Upload, Download, & View ANSi Online [Dark Creation] ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;;;; ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACD-CUI1.ZIP 9765 05-09-96 Acidic Presents - CUIE v1.0 - A [PCB] PPE Ŀ By Far The BEST And MOST Configurable 'W' Command Replacement In The Scene To Date. [Physical Solution] Upload par: THERAPY ACD-LB10.ZIP 11502 05-09-96 Acidic Presents - LastBase v1.0 - [REN] - [1/ Upload file base handler - Return to your previous file base after uploading ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;;;; ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACD-LOG1.ZIP 15603 05-09-96 ACiDic Presents - ACiDic Logon v1.0 - [PCB] ܲ ܲ [1/1] ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;;;; ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACD-LSM1.ZIP 12389 05-09-96 ACiDic Presents - Lightslide Matrix - [OBV] Ŀ A sliding litebar matrix for oblivion/2 A kickass variation of the classic slider [ Shadowhand ] ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;;;; ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACD-MCS1.ZIP 7964 05-09-96 Acidic Presents - MCFS v1.0 - [PCB] - [1/1] Ŀ Multi-Conference File Scan - Allows Users To Scan ALL PCB Conferences For New Files ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;;;; ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACD-NUKE.ZIP 12189 05-09-96 [NUKEiT v1.00 - CHRONiC FATiGUE - [PCB] Ŀ ܲ ܲ [1/1] ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۳ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ߳ ߰ ߰ [ ACiDiC Presents ] Ĵ NUKEiT v1.0 is a program which allows you to delete multiple files quickly, leaving a 0 byte file in the directory. Great for off-line storage, so people do not upload files which have already been sent to you [04.06.95] Ĵ acidic - a division of acid productions Upload par: THERAPY ACD-ONE2.ZIP 19027 05-09-96 ACiDic Presents - oneliners v.2.0 - [PCB] Ŀ The most beautifull oneliners ever built! in Glorious technicolor /w hypno~vision. original oneliner FONT:bEDLAM [ The Chosen one ] ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;;;; ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACD-PORT.ZIP 34500 03-09-97 ACiDiC Presents ACiDiC Board Portal [ALL] Ŀ Version 1.0 A Lightbar Driven Front End for loading multiple BBS softwares. ---- Works with Intermail (required) ---- [ The Chosen One ] ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;;;; ACiDiC is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACD-PPLP.ZIP 40528 05-09-96 ACiDiC Presents - PPLP Version 1.00 - [PCB] Ŀ PCBoard Programming Language Protection Outsmarts PPLD and PPLX [ Social Distortion ] ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;;;; ACiDiC is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACD-PWRD.ZIP 11250 05-09-96 ACiDic Presents - Password PPE v1.00 - [PCB] Ŀ PPE to Ask User for Password. Has a Popup Windows that Toggles On/Off to Show Input [UnderDweller] ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;;;; ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACD-SLD.ZIP 8683 05-09-96 ACiDic Presents - ! Slinky Logon ! -[PCB] Ŀ Slippery when wet man! Sysop configurable ANSI by : Killa Hertz [ Lil Elvis ] ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;;;; ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACD-SM10.ZIP 16027 05-09-96 Acidic Presents - Stat Master v1.00 - [REN Generates 'on the fly' ansi statistic scree No more cheezy ansimation for MCIs ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ߲۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ ߰ ߰ ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;;;;;;; ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upload par: THERAPY ACDGMS.ZIP 14271 05-09-96 [ ACDGMS v1.00 - Defcon 4 ] [PCB] Ŀ ܲ ܲ [1/1] ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۳ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ߳ ߰ ߰ [ ACiDiC Presents ] Ĵ GMS is a graphical message system ppe for PCB v15.2 that allows the sysop to add a graphical, color message header. Board must NOT carry netmail. [01.17.95] Ĵ acidic - a division of acid productions Upload par: THERAPY ACDPGE.ZIP 10952 02-26-97 [ ACDPGE v1.00 - Defcon 4 ] [PCB] Ŀ ܲ ܲ [1/1] ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲ tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ ۳ ۱۱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ߲۱ ۱ ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܰ۲bE!۱ޱܲ߳ ߰ ߰ [ ACiDiC Presents ] Ĵ PGE is a graphical operator page ppe that enhances operator paging. Inlcudes Source [01.17.95] Ĵ acidic - a division of acid productions Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 8) Aegis AGS-CLK1.ZIP 22246 05-13-97 $ $ $ $ $ Ms s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s $s s$$$$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$ $$'`S$ $$ .s$ $$$S $$ $$ `$. ` $$.s' $ $$ .sS$ $$ $$Ss. $$ . `s. $$' .s$ $$ .$$$$ $$ `$$$ $$ $$ $s. $$ .$$$ $$.$$$$$ $$ .s$$$ $$ $$.s$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $ $$$$ - - |: Reverse Clock v1.oo :| - Ĵ |: This tiny PPE will display the :| |: number of seconds left until the :| |: year 2000. Very configurable and :| |: real-time clock display. :| |: :| |: Code By Virago / Aegis Corp,1997 :| Upload par: THERAPY AGS-LEMC.ZIP 17469 12-24-96 $ $ $ $ $ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s $s s$$$$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$ $$'`S$ $$ .s$ $$$S $$ $$ `$. ` $$.s' $ $$ .sS$ $$ $$Ss. $$ . `s. $$' .s$ $$ .$$$$ $$ `$$$ $$ $$ $s. $$ .$$$ $$.$$$$$ $$ .s$$$ $$ $$.s$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $ $$$$ - Ms [: aeGiS' LeMMiNG-MuLTi-SyZoP-CoMMeNT :] Ĵ [: You LiKeD THe aeGiS' LeMMiNG-PaGeR? :] [: WeLL, TRy THiS KeWL "aDD-oN" :] [: SuPPoRT FoR oVeR 100 LeMMiNGS !! :) :] [: aDD SoMe LeMMiNGS To YouR BoaRD To :] [: MaKe iT LooK MoRe LiViNG.. :] [: CoDe By HoLLoWMaN / aeGiS'96 :] Upload par: THERAPY AGS-MP04.ZIP 309608 05-13-97 aEgis MP3 DOS player v0.4 ------------------------- - supports lots of cards (MIDAS) - seeking fonctions - plays MP3,MP2 - 486 and pentium versions - fast, great, useful coded by rOn/aEgis Upload par: THERAPY AGS-MP05.ZIP 271192 05-29-97 aEgis MP3 DOS player v0.5 ------------------------- - supports lots of cards (MIDAS) - seeking fonctions - plays MP3,MP2 - cYrix and pEntium versions - fast, great, useful new!: vumetre, long filenames, wildcards support coded by rOn/aEgis Upload par: THERAPY AGSAM10.ZIP 26052 03-09-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]===========================[PRESENTS] : AGS ANSWeRiNG MaCHiNE : : : :GiVE aN aNSWeRiNG MaCHiNE To aLL uSERS oN : : YoUR BoaRD ! - WHeN SoMeONE WRiTE To : : aNoTHeR iT SHoWS THe USeR'S aNSWeR : : MeSSaGE THeN LeT oPPoRTuNiTY To WRiTE, : : CaNCeL oR CHooSE SuMeONE eLSE : : : : WoRK PeRFeCTLY iN CoNJuNCTiON WiTH aNY : : MuLTI-SYSoP CoMMeNT oR aNY oTHeR : : KBDSTuFFiNG PPe ! : [PPE3.1]====[CoDE:LoNE RuNNeR]=========[1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSAPP20.ZIP 10041 03-09-96 . _ _ ________ .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____. \_ _ \ ______/_______ ___/ ____/ / _/ \ __)___ ____/| \____ \ | | \ | \ \__ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / `---|___/--|___/--|___/kp__/--|___/' ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------. |[ AEGiS CoRP aPPLiCaTioN MaKeR ]| |[ VeRSioN 2.o ]| |[ LeT YoU aPPLY FoR HQ/DiST/ANSi ]| |[ GeNeRaLCoDeR/PPECoDeR ]| |[ We NeeD NeW MeMBeRS! iF YoU ]| |[ WaNNa Be PaRT oF AGS, LeeCH iT ]| `----------------------------------' [ CoDeD BY NuMBeR SiX / AGS'94 ] Upload par: THERAPY AGSASEND.ZIP 100702 05-30-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]--- ---[PRESENTS] /egis auToSeND 2.0b : --- : : LeT uSeRS SeND FiLeS To oTHeR uSeRS : : --- : FuLLy CoNFiGuRaBle : iNTeRNaL uPLoaD CaPaBiLiTy : : SySoP aLL FiLeS aCCeSS : : oPTioNaL auToMaTik MeSSaGe : [PPE3.x][CoDe:HiCkS][1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSBF10.ZIP 33111 03-09-96 . _ _ ________ .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____. \_ _ \ ______/_______ ___/ ____/ / _/ \ __)___ ____/| \____ \ | | \ | \ \__ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / `---|___/--|___/--|___/kp__/--|___/' ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------. |[ HSP ]| |[ CoNVERTERS aND eXaMPLe FiLES ]| |[ iNCLUDeD iN THE PaCKaGE... ]| [ CoDeD BY NuMBeR SiX / AGS'94 ] Upload par: Le Russe AGSHOS10.ZIP 12496 03-09-96 . _ _ ________ .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____. \_ _ \ ______/_______ ___/ ____/ / _/ \ __)___ ____/| \____ \ | | \ | \ \__ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / `---|___/--|___/--|___/kp__/--|___/' ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------. |[ HaLL oF SHaMe PPE v1.o ]| |[ DeSiGNeD FoR No-RaTio BoaRDS ]| |[ WiLL MaKe a ToP oF BeST ]| |[ LeeCHeRS/0 BYTeS uPLoaDeRZ ]| |[ iNSTaLL iT NoW To MaKe YaR ]| |[ LaMe LeeCHeRZ uPLoaDiNG a LoT! ]| `----------------------------------' [ CoDeD BY NuMBeR SiX / AGS'94 ] Upload par: THERAPY AGSHSC17.ZIP 90266 06-21-96 . _ _ ________ .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____. \_ _ \ ______/_______ ___/ ____/ / _/ \ __)___ ____/| \____ \ | | \ | \ \__ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / `---|___/--|___/--|___/kp__/--|___/' ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------. |[ AEGiS CoRP HSC PLaYER v1.7 ]| |[ NoT aNoTHER HSCOBJ BaSED HSC ]| |[ MoDULE PLaYER, BuT THe BeST! ]| |[ FeaTuReS KeWL iNTeRFaCe, TPU ]| |[ FoR CoDERS, HSC CoMPRESSoR ]| |[ FReQUENCY aNaLYSiS aND MoRE! ]| [ CoDeD BY NuMBeR SiX / AGS'95 ] Upload par: Le Russe AGSIDACT.ZIP 35476 04-26-97 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]--- ---[PRESENTS] /egis IDACT V0.1 : --- : : Run an util depending on file type : : --- : Never be annoyed again with a MSDOS file extension (.ext) Fully configurable ID database : Raw Coded in C by your grouik coder : [EXE-C][CoDe:HiCkS][1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSIEMSI.ZIP 34474 03-09-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]--- ---[PRESENTS] --- : IEMSI INTERFACE 1.1 : : --- : : Add IEMSI to *ANY* Logon you may use!! : : **! FULL SOURCE CODE PROVIDED !** : : : : PCB Sysops, this file is for YOU! : [PPE3.1][CoDE:Lone Runner][1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSJN10.ZIP 6406 03-09-96 . _ _ ________ .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____. \_ _ \ ______/_______ ___/ ____/ / _/ \ __)___ ____/| \____ \ | | \ | \ \__ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / `---|___/--|___/--|___/kp__/--|___/' ,-----------[ C O R P ]-------PPE2-. |[ "J" RePLaCeMeNT FoR PCBoaRD ]| |[ --- ]| |[ PRoViDE a FuLL SCReeN CoNF ]| |[ SeLeCTioN ToTaLLY CuSToMiZaBLE ]| `----------------------------------' [ CODE BY LoNE RuNNeR / AGS'94 ] Upload par: THERAPY AGSLC11.ZIP 9135 03-09-96 -- -[ PPE Section ]Ļ ĻĻ ĻĻĻ Ĵ ij Ŀ /Ŀ Ĵ ļļ ļ ʹ -- -Ĺ AEGiS Last Callers v1.1 "Simply the BEST LastCallerz PPE!!" Very Powerful and Configurable Features: Today's and Top # of Calls Cool Display, Very Fast, and more. Two little bugs Fixed -- -Ĺ For PCBoard 15.1 by Number 6 / AEGiS -- -ļ Upload par: THERAPY AGSLC20.ZIP 7834 03-09-96 . _ _ ________ .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____. \_ _ \ ______/_______ ___/ ____/ / _/ \ __)___ ____/| \____ \ | | \ | \ \__ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / `---|___/--|___/--|___/kp__/--|___/' ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------. |[ AEGiS LaSTCaLLeRZ v2.o ]| |[ VeRY KeWL LaSTCaLLs FoR PCB ]| |[ FeaTuRiNG ToDaY STaTS, ToP ]| |[ CaLL/uPLoaDS/DoWNLoaDS, WiLL ]| |[ WoRK WiTH aNY LoGiN eNHaNCeR ]| |[ VeRY CoNFiGuRaBLE aND MoRe ]| `----------------------------------' [ CoDeD BY NuMBeR SiX / AGS'94 ] Upload par: THERAPY AGSLEM10.ZIP 47764 04-16-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]===========================[PRESENTS] : aEGiS cORP Lemming Pager 1.o : :---: : If you liked the Wak Pager then : : you will LOVE the LEMMING PAGER ! : :---: : This PPE contains high violence! : : Not suitable for people under 12 : [PPE3]=============Code by Lone Runner=[1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSLEM11.ZIP 48727 04-16-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]===========================[PRESENTS] : aEGiS cORP Lemming Pager 1.1 *BUGFIX* : :---: : If you liked the Wak Pager then : : you will LOVE the LEMMING PAGER ! : :---: : This PPE contains high violence! : : Not suitable for people under 12 : [PPE3]=============Code by Lone Runner=[1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSLOG10.ZIP 12617 03-09-96 . _ _ ________ ._____/\ /\_____ __ ______/ /\______. \_ __ \ ___ \_______ ___/ _____/ / _/ \ ____/ ___/| \____ \ | | \ | \ |_ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / |___/|___/|___/kp__/|___/ [ C O R P / P P E ] [:. AEGiS LoGiN VeRSioN 1.o .:] [:. THiS iS a RePLaCeMeNT FoR THe .:] [:. BoRiNG PCBoaRD LoGiN. .:] [:. LiGHTBaR DRiVeN aND KeWL LooK .:] [:. CoDe By NuMBeR SiX / aGS'94 .:] Upload par: THERAPY AGSLOG23.ZIP 25332 03-09-96 . _ _ ________ .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____. \_ _ \ ______/_______ ___/ ____/ / _/ \ __)___ ____/| \____ \ | | \ | \ \__ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / `---|___/--|___/--|___/kp__/--|___/' ,-----------[ C O R P ]------[PPE3]. |[ AEGiS LoGiN v2.3o ]| |[ THe uLTiMaTe LoGiN RePLaCeMeNT ]| |[ FoR PCBoaRD 15.2+ ]| |-> !iEMSi SuPPoRT iNCLuDeD! <-| |[ --- ]| |[ ALSo FeaTuReS KeWL GRaFX aND ]| |[ MaNY oPTioNS, LeeCH iT NoW!! ]| |-> iMPRoVeD iEMSi SySTeM <-| |-> NoW HaNDLe CRaCKeD TeRMiNaTE <-| `----------------------------------' [ CoDeD BY NB6 & LR / AGS'95 ] Upload par: THERAPY AGSMC10.ZIP 49405 06-13-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ : AEGiS CoRP MultiChat 1.o : : --- : : Multinode fullscreen chatter PPE, up to : : 10 nodes may talk at a time ! : : Incredible replacement for the PCB : : Group chat. : : --- : : BY LoNE RuNNeR / AGS'95 : Upload par: THERAPY AGSMENU.ZIP 87224 05-12-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]--- ---[PRESENTS] LightBar Main Menu 2.5b : --- : :Full FeaTuReD LiGhTBaR *DRiVeN* MaiN MeNu : : --- : PCBTeXT 396 LiKe PRoMPT & X-PeRT MoDe : 1 To 4 CoLuMN WiTh 1 To 20 LiNeS : : LiNe JuMPiNG SuPPoRT : : oPTioNaL RuMouRS & oNLiNe HeLP SuPPoRT : : CoMMaND LiNe ReTRieVeR : : FuLL SeCuRiTy & CoNFeReNCe SuPPoRt : BLaCkLiSt OpTiOn [PPE3.x][CoDe:HiCkS][1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSMENU2.ZIP 87086 05-12-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]--- ---[PRESENTS] LightBar Main Menu 2.5b : --- : :Full FeaTuReD LiGhTBaR *DRiVeN* MaiN MeNu : : --- : PCBTeXT 396 LiKe PRoMPT & X-PeRT MoDe : 1 To 4 CoLuMN WiTh 1 To 20 LiNeS : : LiNe JuMPiNG SuPPoRT : : oPTioNaL RuMouRS & oNLiNe HeLP SuPPoRT : : CoMMaND LiNe ReTRieVeR : : FuLL SeCuRiTy & CoNFeReNCe SuPPoRt : BLaCkLiSt OpTiOn NoW WoRk ! [PPE3.x][CoDe:HiCkS][1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSMENU3.ZIP 92000 05-12-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]--- ---[PRESENTS] LightBar Main Menu 2.6 : --- : :FuLL FeaTuReD LiGhTBaR *DRiVeN* MaiN MeNu : : --- : PCBTeXT 396 LiKe PRoMPT & X-PeRT MoDe : oPTioNaL RuMouRS & oNLiNe HeLP SuPPoRT : : CoMMaND LiNe ReTRieVeR & BLaCkLiSt MoDe : FuLL SeCuRiTy & CoNFeReNCe SuPPoRt [PPE3.x][CoDe:HiCkS][1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSNIB10.ZIP 45216 03-09-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]===========================[PRESENTS] : --- : : AEGiS CoRP NiBBLES 1.OO : : --- : : The famous game entirely rewriten in PPS : : only for YOUR ENJOYMENT ! :) Users can : : play alone or AGAINST THE SYSOP! Features: : score bulletins, internal sysop pager : : with silent periods, and LOT OF FUN!! : > DEFINITLY ONE OF THE BEST PPE GAME EVER! < : By Lone Runner / AGS'95 : [PPE3]=================================[1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSNMAI0.ZIP 2764 03-09-96 -- -[ PPE Section ]Ļ ĻĻ ĻĻĻ Ĵ ij Ŀ /Ŀ Ĵ ļļ ļ ʹ -- -Ĺ [AGSNMAIL.PPE] Version 1.0 is made to replace the "Waiting mail" prompt with a fancy one. Install now! For PCBoard 15.1 by Number 6 / AEGIS -- -ļ Upload par: THERAPY AGSOFF11.ZIP 11350 03-09-96 _ __________ _ __________ _____ \ /____ ______\ / _ _\___ \___\_____/ ___/_\______\ ___/___ :. _/ \ __/__ \ \/ \______ \ __ \_ \_ \_ \_ kL \_ \/ \_ __ __/ /______/________/_______/________/ ,---/_____/-cORP!---------------------------. | | | AEGiS Logoph Matrixx 1.1 PPE | | Leech it. Try it. Say "Oh it's cooler". | | Code by Number Six | | | `=[PPE3.10]===========================[1/1]=' Upload par: THERAPY AGSOMUK.ZIP 5230 06-24-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ : oNE MoRE uSeR KiCKeR ! : [PPE3.01]====[CoDE:LoNE RuNNeR]========[1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSONE.ZIP 4112 03-09-96 -- -[ PPE Section ]Ļ ĻĻ ĻĻĻ Ĵ ij Ŀ /Ŀ Ĵ ļļ ļ ʹ -- -Ĺ Never saw an animated oneliner ? Well thiz is the best, and the only oneliner that will turn your bbs into a really col board ! Lr. -- -ļ Upload par: THERAPY AGSPAGE.ZIP 20084 02-26-97 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ : aEGiS^cORP^vAST-pAGER^V1.0 : : --- : : fOR^pCB^15.21 : : --- : : wITH^a^lOT^oF^gRFX : : fULL^cONFIGURABLE : : --- : : % uu / AGS'95% : Upload par: THERAPY AGSPC1B1.ZIP 194550 02-26-97 kL! Lone Runner's PPC 1.OO Beta 1 ! --- PowerPPL COMPILER Much more powerfull than PPLC ! --- Makes/uses libs! Smaller & Faster code! Makes SYM debug files with a real source! Upload par: THERAPY AGSPGP01.ZIP 33757 03-09-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]===========================[PRESENTS] : AEGiS CoRP PGP Server o.1 : : --- : : Let your users upload and download : : PGP public keys to a public PUBRING.PGP : : --- : : Browse & tag keys for download, see new : : keys since last call, search for entry, : : nice looking, lightbar driven menus, : : easy configurable. you NEED this! : : --- : : BY LoNE RuNNeR / AGS'95 : [PPE3]=================================[1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSPP221.ZIP 288644 02-26-97 kL! '96 Lone Runner's PowerPPL 2.21 !!! FIX a NASTY bug of PowerPPL 2.2O !!! --- PCBoard Programming Language IDE --- COMPILE & RUN a PPE WITHOUT LEAVING editor, full HLP for ANY PPL3 word by CTRL-F1,color in syntax! Special Offer for PPE Groups! Upload par: THERAPY AGSPPS10.ZIP 18582 03-09-96 _ __________ _ __________ _____ \ /____ ______\ / _ _\___ \___\_____/ ___/_\______\ ___/___ :. _/ \ __/__ \ \/ \______ \ __ \_ \_ \_ \_ kL \_ \/ \_ __ __/ /______/________/_______/________/ ,---/_____/-cORP!---------------------------. | | | AEGiS PPE Scanner 1.O | | Scan your PPEs against backdoors and | | others annoying things. PPLX required!! | | | `=[EXE]===============================[1/1]=' Upload par: THERAPY AGSPPX13.ZIP 62012 03-09-96 kL! Lone Runner's PPLX 1.3O --- PPE DECOMPILER For PPE 1.0 to 3.10 --- U_* bug-fixed ! Upload par: THERAPY AGSPPX17.ZIP 76119 02-26-97 kL! Lone Runner's PPLX 1.7O --- PPE DECOMPILER For PPE 1.O to 3.2O --- Captain Hooks PPE Protector now stripped + 2 small bugs fixed. Upload par: THERAPY AGSPPX20.ZIP 81493 07-18-96 kL! Lone Runner's PPLX 2.OO ! --- PPE DECOMPILER For PPE 1.O to 3.3O --- Rebuilds For/Next, While/Endwhile, If/Then! This version KICKS CDC'S ASS !! Upload par: THERAPY AGSPST11.ZIP 13465 03-09-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]--- ---[PRESENTS] AEGIS AUTOMATIC POST v1.1 (small bug fixed) : Post in any conference: : : New files : Bulletins : Any file : : Can Strip ATX codes : Split long files Fully configurable by Scripts Post daily, monthly, etc... Easy to use! [PPE3.1][CoDE:Gandalf][1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSQWK10.ZIP 2437 03-09-96 -- -[ PPE Section ]Ļ ĻĻ ĻĻĻ Ĵ ij Ŀ /Ŀ Ĵ ļļ ļ ʹ -- -Ĺ [AGSQWK.PPE] Version 1.0 The ULTIMATE PPE to replace the QWK PCBoard command. LightBar Menu Driven. Allow SELECTion and more... -- -Ĺ For PCBoard 15.1 by Number 6 / AEGiS -- -ļ Upload par: THERAPY AGSRD11.ZIP 9212 03-09-96 -- -[ PPE Section ]Ļ ĻĻ ĻĻĻ Ĵ ij Ŀ /Ŀ Ĵ ļļ ļ ʹ -- -Ĺ [AGSREAD.PPE] Version 1.1 A Great PPE to Replace the Read PCB Command. Lightbar Menu Driven and Much much more... Try it Now! -- -Ĺ For PCBoard 15.1 by Number 6 / AEGiS -- -ļ Upload par: THERAPY AGSRELOG.ZIP 8616 06-23-96 . _ _ ________ .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____. \_ _ \ ______/_______ ___/ ____/ / _/ \ __)___ ____/| \____ \ | | \ | \ \__ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / `---|___/--|___/--|___/kp__/--|___/' ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------. |[ ]| |[ THiS iS a TeXTFiLe eXPLaiNiNG ]| |[ HoW To MaKe aN oPTioN FoR YouR ]| |[ uSeRS To Re-LoGiN WiTH a ]| |[ NeW aCCouNT ! ]| |[ ]| |[ FoR PCB SySoPS ! ]| |[ ]| [ TXT BY LoNe RuNNeR / AGS'94 ] Upload par: Le Russe AGSRUM10.ZIP 16299 03-09-96 . _ _ ________ .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____. \_ _ \ ______/_______ ___/ ____/ / _/ \ __)___ ____/| \____ \ | | \ | \ \__ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / `---|___/--|___/--|___/kp__/--|___/' ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------. |[ eaCH<- LeVeL : : --- : : CoDe BY CaRCaSS : [PPE3]=================================[1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSUE10.ZIP 25133 03-09-96 _ __________ _ __________ _____ \ /____ ______\ / _ _\___ \___\_____/ ___/_\______\ ___/___ :. _/ \ __/__ \ \/ \______ \ __ \_ \_ \_ \_ kL \_ \/ \_ __ __/ /______/________/_______/________/ ,---/_____/-cORP!---------------------------. | | | AEGiS User Editor V1.O | | The best user editor for PCBoard 15.21+ | | Code by Number Six | | | `=[PPE3.10]===========================[1/1]=' Upload par: THERAPY AGSUOL20.ZIP 21743 03-09-96 . _ _ ________ .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____. \_ _ \ ______/_______ ___/ ____/ / _/ \ __)___ ____/| \____ \ | | \ | \ \__ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / `---|___/--|___/--|___/kp__/--|___/' ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------. |[ AEGiS uNReaL oNeLiNeR v2.o ]| |[ THa BeST oNeLiNeR FoR PCB 15.2 ]| |[ FeaTuReS: FaDiNG LiNeS, CooL ]| |[ iNPuT, LiGHTBaR, LoGiNG, aND ]| |[ MuCH MoRe! LeeCH iT NoW! ]| `----------------------------------' [ CODED BY NUMBER SIX / AGS'95 ] Upload par: THERAPY AGSWAK!!.ZIP 71165 02-26-97 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ : AEGiS CoRP WAK!! Pager : : --- : : PPE Pager for PCB, UNIQUE !! : : You wont believe your eyes !!! : : --- : : Multiple paging periods, emergency page, : : custom password, can plays 43 tunes to : : page, randomly or choosen : : --- : : BY LoNE RuNNeR / AGS'95 : Upload par: THERAPY AGSWAL10.ZIP 15182 03-09-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ /_____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kP\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [==========================================] THE AEGiS WALL A new kind of oneliner. Move in it using the arrow keys, write where you want, delete previous lines... Yoww it's COOL! :) [PPE3]=================================[1/1] Upload par: THERAPY AGSWHO25.ZIP 24499 02-26-97 . _ _ ________ ._____/\ /\_____ __ ______/ /\______. \_ __ \ ___ \_______ ___/ _____/ / _/ \ ____/ ___/| \____ \ | | \ | \ |_ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / |___/|___/|___/kp__/|___/ [ C O R P ] [:. AGSWHo VeRSioN 2.o5 .:] [:. THe ULTiMaTe WHo CoMMaND .:] [:. RePLaCeMeNT PPE FoR PCB 15.2 .:] [:. GLoBaL OR DeTaiLeD DiSPLaY .:] [:. UP To 23 NoDeZ, NiCe LooKiN' .:] [:. ReaL TiMe MoNiToR, ToTaLLy .:] [:. CoNFiGuRaBLe, AND MuCH MoRe. .:] [:. aDDeD PRoMPTs CoNFiGuRaTioN .:] [:. CoDeD By NuMBeR SiX / AGS'94 .:] Upload par: THERAPY AGS_CM10.ZIP 14519 06-19-96 $ $ $ $ $ Ms s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s $s s$$$$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$ $$'`S$ $$ .s$ $$$S $$ $$ `$. ` $$.s' $ $$ .sS$ $$ $$Ss. $$ . `s. $$' .s$ $$ .$$$$ $$ `$$$ $$ $$ $s. $$ .$$$ $$.$$$$$ $$ .s$$$ $$ $$.s$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $ $$$$ - - |: aeGiS' MuLTi-SySoP CoMMeNT V1.0 :| - Ĵ |: BoReD WiTH uSuaL CoMMeNT PPeS ?? :| |: WeLL..TRy THiS oNe : :| |: NeW LiGHTBaR "aNiMaTeD STyLe" :| |: FuLLy CoNFiGuRaBLe :| |: uP To 40 (Co)SyS-DooDz :| |: ReaD .DOC & .CFG FoR MoRe! :| |: Code By Hollowman / Aegis,1996 :| Upload par: THERAPY AGS_LC12.ZIP 31088 06-19-96 $ $ $ $ $ Ms s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s $s s$$$$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$ $$'`S$ $$ .s$ $$$S $$ $$ `$. ` $$.s' $ $$ .sS$ $$ $$Ss. $$ . `s. $$' .s$ $$ .$$$$ $$ `$$$ $$ $$ $s. $$ .$$$ $$.$$$$$ $$ .s$$$ $$ $$.s$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $ $$$$ - - |: aeGiS' SiLLy LasTCaLLeR V1.2 :| |: * aLL BuGS FiXeD * :| - Ĵ |: ThE FiRst LasTCaLLeR PPe :| |: iNCluDinG aN aNiMaTeD SeC. GraPh.:| |: & User StaTs .. !! :| |: KewL oTheR FeaTurEs aND aLSo :| |: ColouR ConFigUraBle. :| |: ReaD .DOC & .CFG FoR MoRe! :| |: Code By Hollowman / Aegis,1996 :| Upload par: THERAPY AGS_PE10.ZIP 12128 04-28-96 $ $ $ $ $ Ms s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s $s s$$$$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$ $$'`S$ $$ .s$ $$$S $$ $$ `$. ` $$.s' $ $$ .sS$ $$ $$Ss. $$ . `s. $$' .s$ $$ .$$$$ $$ `$$$ $$ $$ $s. $$ .$$$ $$.$$$$$ $$ .s$$$ $$ $$.s$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $ $$$$ - - |: aeGiS'NeW "PreSs eNtEr" PPe V1.0 :| - Ĵ |: RePLaCeMenT FoR PCBTEXT Prompt :| |: n418 :| |: 4 KewL RanDoM eFFecTs. :| |: 7 RanDOm FadInG CoLourS. :| |: CoNFiGuRabLe ProMpT & MoRe ! :| |: Code By Hollowman / Aegis,1996 :| Upload par: THERAPY AGS_SL10.ZIP 28028 04-28-96 $ $ $ $ $ Ms s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s $s s$$$$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$ $$'`S$ $$ .s$ $$$S $$ $$ `$. ` $$.s' $ $$ .sS$ $$ $$Ss. $$ . `s. $$' .s$ $$ .$$$$ $$ `$$$ $$ $$ $s. $$ .$$$ $$.$$$$$ $$ .s$$$ $$ $$.s$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $ $$$$ - - |: aeGiS' SiLLy LasTCaLLeR V1.0 :| - Ĵ |: ThE FiRst LasTCaLLeR PPe :| |: iNCluDinG aN aNiMaTeD SeC. GraPh.:| |: & User StaTs .. !! :| |: KewL oTheR FeaTurEs aND aLSo :| |: ColouR ConFigUraBle. :| |: ReaD .DOC & .CFG FoR MoRe! :| |: Code By Hollowman / Aegis,1996 :| Upload par: THERAPY AGS_WUI2.ZIP 25795 04-13-96 $ $ $ $ $ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s $s s$$$$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$ $$'`S$ $$ .s$ $$$S $$ $$ `$. ` $$.s' $ $$ .sS$ $$ $$Ss. $$ . `s. $$' .s$ $$ .$$$$ $$ `$$$ $$ $$ $s. $$ .$$$ $$.$$$$$ $$ .s$$$ $$ $$.s$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $ $$$$ - Ms |: Write User Info. PPE *ReV.2* : Ĵ |: HeRe's aNotheR aEgiS ProDucTioN :| |: Try iT & NeVer ChaNge iT! :) :| |: FuLLy LigHtBaRed :| |: CoNFiGuRaBLe :| |: KoOl eFFeCts :| |: NoW WiTh PreDeFInEd PCb/CFg! :| |: READ THE .DOC! :| |: Code By Hollowman / Aegis,1996 :| Upload par: THERAPY AGS_WUI3.ZIP 25892 04-13-96 $ $ $ $ $ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s $s s$$$$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$ $$'`S$ $$ .s$ $$$S $$ $$ `$. ` $$.s' $ $$ .sS$ $$ $$Ss. $$ . `s. $$' .s$ $$ .$$$$ $$ `$$$ $$ $$ $s. $$ .$$$ $$.$$$$$ $$ .s$$$ $$ $$.s$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $ $$$$ - Ms |: Write User Info. PPE *ReV.3* : Ĵ |: HeRe's aNotheR aEgiS ProDucTioN :| |: Try iT & NeVer ChaNge iT! :) :| |: FuLLy LigHtBaRed :| |: CoNFiGuRaBLe :| |: KoOl eFFeCts :| |: NoW WiTh PreDeFInEd PCb/CFg! :| |: BacKGrOunD CoLouR DeFiNabLe! :| |: Code By Hollowman / Aegis,1996 :| Upload par: THERAPY AGS_WUI4.ZIP 21269 06-19-96 $ $ $ $ $ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s s$$$$ $s $s s$$$$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$'`S$ $$ $$'`S$ $$ .s$ $$$S $$ $$ `$. ` $$.s' $ $$ .sS$ $$ $$Ss. $$ . `s. $$' .s$ $$ .$$$$ $$ `$$$ $$ $$ $s. $$ .$$$ $$.$$$$$ $$ .s$$$ $$ $$.s$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $ $$$$ - Ms |:Write User Info. PPE FiNaL VerSioN: Ĵ |: HeRe's aNotheR aEgiS ProDucTioN :| |: Try iT & NeVer ChaNge iT! :) :| |: FuLLy LigHtBaRed :| |: CoNFiGuRaBLe :| |: KoOl eFFeCts :| |: NoW WiTh PreDeFInEd PCb/CFg! :| |: BacKGrOunD CoLouR DeFiNabLe! :| |: ReaD .DoC & .CFG FoR MoRe! :| |: Code By Hollowman / Aegis,1996 :| Upload par: THERAPY BRE_AGS.ZIP 12152 07-22-96 . _ _ ________ ._____/\ /\_____ __ ______/ /\______. \_ __ \ ___ \_______ ___/ _____/ / _/ \ ____/ ___/| \____ \ | | \ | \ |_ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / |___/|___/|___/kp__/|___/ [ C O R P ] [:. BRE 0.955 CRaCK v2.0 .:] [:. NoW HaS BaNK ! .:] [:. & .:] [:. Gooie KaBLooie ! .:] [:. & ALL ReGiSTeReD OPTioNS ! .:] [:.CRaCKeD By Day of July/AGS'94 .:] Upload par: THERAPY FDTM105A.ZIP 145772 10-17-96 _________ _________________/\ __________ \ \ / / / \_/ / \ _____ \/ \___ / ____ /____/ \____ / _\/ _/ \ _)__\/ \ \/ \______ \/ \ __ \_\ \_ \_ \_ \_ / \_ kL\____/_____/______/_______/______/_______/ [CORP!]--- ---[PRESENTS] /egis FDTM V1.0.5a : --- : : File Downloads Top Maker For PCB 15.X : : --- : Selectable Range of Date : Two Bullets Format : : Not So Slow, 3 32bits versions : : Fully Configurable : [EXE-C][CoDe:HiCkS][1/1] Upload par: THERAPY PP222UPD.ZIP 149575 11-22-96 Here is an update of PowerPPL (2.22) That make it compatible with PPC (PPC 1b3a4 and above). Note that you may need files from version 2.21 since 2.22 is only an update of the main PP.EXE file.)) Upload par: Scotty PPC1B3AA.ZIP 203899 12-18-96 kL! Lone Runner's PPL *COMPILER* 1.OO Beta 3! Makes v2.0 v3.01 v3.10 v3.20 & v3.30 PPEs Makes/Links .LIB -- Smaller & Faster code Makes .SYM debug files with a real source Autodeclare variables option. Brackets [] direct character addressing + Many FREE usefull libraries with source ! + Many examples for beginners & advanced Upload par: Scotty QTOP_11.ZIP 17838 03-09-96 . _ _ ________ .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____. \_ _ \ ______/_______ ___/ ____/ / _/ \ __)___ ____/| \____ \ | | \ | \ \__ \ \ | \ |___| /_ /_ / /_ / `---|___/--|___/--|___/kp__/--|___/' ,-----------[ C O R P ]----[CoDiNG]. |[ AEGiS QuiCKToP v1.10 ]| |[ - THe FaSTeST ToP CaLLeR - ]| |[ - ToP uPLoaDeR / DoWNLoaDeRS - ]| |[ - BuLLeTiN GeNeRaToR - ]| |[ FoR PCBoaRD 15.x ]| `----------------------------[eXe]-' CoDe eReM / aeGiS CoRP Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 9) Agony (AGY)BU1.ZIP 11203 02-17-97 ___ ___ :___: :___ ___ /' `\ /' `\_/' `\_/' `\/' ___ / | \ |___/ / . \ `\_ / . \_ |_ `\_ `\_ \_ / \____ / / / /_ / ,-BBS-____/\______/_______/______/-/___/--. | | | (AGY)BATCH_UTIL for PCB.BAT or NODE.BAT | | check if SMARTDRV, SHARE or RAMDRIVE | | is loaded in your fucking memory | | | | ** ASM source included ** | | | `-(o2-o2-1997)----------------------(o1/o1)-' Upload par: Hermol (AGY)ST1.ZIP 16078 03-05-97 ___ ___ :___: :___ ___ /' `\ /' `\_/' `\_/' `\/' ___ / | \ |___/ / . \ `\_ / . \_ |_ `\_ `\_ \_ / \____ / / / /_ / ,-BBS-____/\______/_______/______/-/___/--. | | | SMODEM LOG TRANSLATOR v1.o by HERMOL! | | fully configurable - 1OO% in PPLC | | not external EXE or BINARY FILE | | UNZIP WITH -D SWITCH | | | | * PPLC 3.1O to 3.3O versions included * | | | `-(12-17-1996)----------------------(o1/o1)-' Upload par: THERAPY AGONYNFO.ZIP 30504 06-10-96 | Info files about a new BBS | | in the FRENCH [+33] scene! | | + GUEST 30k INTRO (VGA/SB/GUS) | : _____ ___________ __:___ ____ : [=====/ _ \/ ___/ _ \/ _ \ \/ /====] ::::/ ; \ \___. |h \ | \ /::::: :::/ \ \ | | \ | \ \::::: :::\ |____/\_____;_____/_|___/ \:::: [====\___;===================|====\___/====] `-[3/96]---------------------[o1/o1]-' Upload par: Hermol AGYCLS10.ZIP 6422 06-10-96 ___ ___ :___: :___ ___ /' `\ /' `\_/' `\_/' `\/'h!___ / | \ |___/ / . \ `\_ / . \_ |_ `\_ `\_ \_ / \____ / / / /_ / =BBS=____/\______/_______/______/=/___/=== pCbOARd pPE - rANdOm cLS v1.o kEWl ID rEALIsEd bY HeRMoL! =[o6-o6-1996]=======================[o1/o1]= Upload par: Hermol AGYPNG10.ZIP 9132 06-10-96 ___ ___ :___: :___ ___ /' `\ /' `\_/' `\_/' `\/'h!___ / | \ |___/ / . \ `\_ / . \_ |_ `\_ `\_ \_ / \____ / / / /_ / =BBS=____/\______/_______/______/=/___/=== pCbOARd pPE - pONG! v1.o kEWl ID rEALIsEd bY HeRMoL! =[o6-o9-1996]=======================[o1/o1]= Upload par: Hermol ASM96INV.ZIP 109606 06-10-96 .___. /\__._____. /\__./\___.____| | .---\___ \ _|_/ . \ . \__ \ |---. | / . \ \ | | \ | / /_ | B | | / | \ \ | \ | \____ | B | | \______/____|______/____/hM| S | | | ! | | Presentz a new realise |___: | 1OOk intro about a new party | ** ASSEMBLI IV ** : | SPONSORISED by | | MICRO$OFT - INTEL - PLAYMOBILE | AUCHAN - INTER MARCHE - MONOPRIX | SUPER MARCHE U - CASINO - BN | : FIDO - TETRA PAK - TAMPAX | . ARTE - RADIO VATIQUANT - VOICI | | VSD - TELE STAR - OK!PODIUME | | LES FROMAGES MEULE D'OR - DARTY! | `-[21/o4/96]--------------------[o1/o1]-' Upload par: Hermol Principale: 10) Alf ALF-CHAT.ZIP 33019 04-07-96 THE NEWEST VERSION OF HOTCHAT FOR PCB! ______ _________________ <======\ \===/. /|. /====> .../ /\ \ // / || ____/tJ!. ...// __ \ /__|_ __/.... ._/ || \_ / |.... .\ /__||_____/______/____|.... <====\/===[ /NTi LAMERz 94']==========> <=====[ The Captain Builds The ]=====> <==[ Definitive CHAT Module For PCB ]==> <------------[REGISTERED!]-------------> <========================[ 1 OF 1 ]====> Upload par: Hanibal ALF-LOGN.ZIP 4115 03-09-96 NEATO LOGiN PPE v1.O - PHYSiCAL SOLUTiON ______ _________________ <======\ \===/. /|. /====> .../ /\ \ // / || ____/!tJ!. ...// __ \ /__|_ __/.... ._/ || \_ / |.... .\ /__||_____/______/____|.... <====\/===[ /NTi LAMERz 94']==========> <======================================> By far the nicest looking logon PPE the world has ever seen. Everything is configurable, and there's even a nice ansi that comes with it. Great addition to any board. - PHiZZY - <======================================> Upload par: THERAPY ALF-NSV1.ZIP 2777 03-09-96 [---------------ALF PPE TEAM!--------------] This PPE Lets The User Check Out What Files Have Been Uploaded To The BBS Since He Last Checked. May Be Placed With Logon Procedure [---------------ALF PPE TEAM!--------------] Upload par: THERAPY ALF-ONE.ZIP 4193 03-09-96 ______ _________________ <=====\ \===/. /|. /===> .../ /\ \ // / || ____/!tJ!. ...// __ \ /__|_ __/.... ._/ || \_ / |.... .\ /__||_____/______/____|.... <===\/===[ /NTi LAMERz 94']=========> -/ -Oneliners- \- -/ Not only Oneliners but also \- -/ A Built in last 10 callers \- Upload par: THERAPY ALF-SEND.ZIP 43881 02-26-97 <===\/===[ /NTi LAMERz 94']=========> -/ - File Send 1.o PPE - \- -/ This PPE Is GreaT!! Because \- -/ The Sysop Can Send a User Any\- -/File When U load up the ppe By\- -/ A Shift F Key It will prompt \- -/ The User or Sysop To enter \- -/Path And File. U Can Even Send\- -/File(s) To A User in A matrix \- -/ CoDeD By: Psycho Dad \- <=======================[ 1 OF 1 ]===> Upload par: THERAPY ALF-UP30.ZIP 18103 05-17-96 UPLOAD SELECT v3.0 - PPE for PCB! <======================================> Allow users to select batch or single uploads through PCB. New version will allow private uploads. PPE will enter a file name and description. Coder PS Bug fix from 2.0 -> 3.0! Added "P"... ______ _________________ <======\ \===/. /|. /====> .../ /\ \ // / || ____/!tJ!. ...// __ \ /__|_ __/.... ._/ || \_ / |.... .\ /__||_____/______/____|.... <====\/===[ /NTi LAMERz 94']==========> <======================================> Upload par: Hanibal ALF-WRIT.ZIP 4865 07-06-96 ____/\ _________________ <======\ \===/. /|. /====> .../ /\ \ // / || ____/tJ!. ...// __ \ /__|_ __/.... ._/ ||: \_ / |.... .\ /__||_____/______/____|.... <====\/===[ /NTi LAMERz 94']==========> <==[ Lightbar (E)nter Message PPE ]==> <========================[ 1 OF 1 ]====> Upload par: THERAPY ALF1LINE.ZIP 126290 02-26-97 ONLiNER V1.OO PPE ______ _________________ <======\ \===/. /|. /====> .../ /\ \ // / || ____/tJ!. ...// __ \ /__|_ __/.... ._/ || \_ / |.... .\ /__||_____/______/____|.... <====\/===[ /NTi LAMERz 94']==========> <=====[ (C) CAToNiCA / ALF! ]=====> <=====[ THE VERY BEST ONELINERS! ]=====> <========================[ 1 OF 1 ]====> Upload par: THERAPY ALF_DOS1.ZIP 10848 05-17-96 DOSS Logon v1.0 Fully configurable! Allows Quick Logon Of Apps The Coolest Dos Logon EVER! Last revision date in archive: 06-19-94. Upload par: Hanibal ALF_RUMR.ZIP 7879 05-17-96 ______ _________________ <=====\ \===/. /|. /===> .../ /\ \ // / || ____/!tJ!. ...// __ \ /__|_ __/.... ._/ || \_ / |.... .\ /__||_____/______/____|.... <===\/===[ /NTi LAMERz 94']=========> -/ ========================== \- -/ SCROLiN RUMORZ v1.0! \- -/ ========================== \- -/ The Most Cool Rumors Around \- -/ Scroll Your Users Rumors on \- -/ The Board Above The Command \- -/ Prompt. Display Your Own \- -/ Lines, Do AnyThing You Want \- -/ With It! Source Avaliable \- -/ For FREE! Download This NOW \- -/ Coded By Jim Jones of [Alf] \- <=======================[ 1 OF 1 ]===> Upload par: Hanibal Principale: 11) Anxiety ANX-ANSI.ZIP 44064 04-26-96 $$$$$ $$$$$xxa axxxa $$xa ax$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$a $$$$$ $$$$$aj! $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $xxxxa $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$x$$$$$ $$$$$ .$$$$$ $$$$l$l$$$$ ' ANXIETY ANSI DETECT [PCB] Do You WaNT aNSi RePLaCeMeNT WiTH aNiMaTeD SCReeNS! BY: E^DeLuSioN - LooK aND SeND uS SuGGeSTioNS [RATE: 4.5][CODER: ED][DATE:03/15/96] .:[^uRBaN^VoiD^aNX^WHQ^]:. .:[^CYBeRCRiME^iNTeN'L^]:. Upload par: THERAPY ANX-BBS.ZIP 47528 04-26-96 $$$$$ $$$$$xxa axxxa $$xa ax$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$a $$$$$ $$$$$aj! $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $xxxxa $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$x$$$$$ $$$$$ .$$$$$ $$$$l$l$$$$ ' ANXIETY BBSLIST [ PCB ] a LiGHTBaR BBS LiST FoR PCB [THe BeST] BY: eNDLeSS^DeLuSioN GeT NoW, GiVe a LooK aND SeND uS SuGGeSTioNS [RATE: 4.5][CODER: ED][DATE:03/15/96] .:[^uRBaN^VoiD^aNX^WHQ^]:. .:[^CYBeRCRiME^iNTeN'L^]:. Upload par: THERAPY ANX-BEEP.ZIP 45928 04-26-96 $$$$$ $$$$$xxa axxxa $$xa ax$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$a $$$$$ $$$$$aj! $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $xxxxa $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$x$$$$$ $$$$$ .$$$$$ $$$$l$l$$$$ ' ANXIETY BBEEP BYE [PCB] a Blue Beep Bye Simulator Screen HaVe FuN WiTH THiS aND DoN'T RiP! BY: E^DeLuSioN - LooK aND SeND uS SuGGeSTioNS [RATE: 4.5][CODER: ED][DATE:03/15/96] .:[^uRBaN^VoiD^aNX^WHQ^]:. .:[^CYBeRCRiME^iNTeN'L^]:. Upload par: THERAPY ANX-LAME.ZIP 47427 04-26-96 $$$$$ $$$$$xxa axxxa $$xa ax$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$a $$$$$ $$$$$aj! $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $xxxxa $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$x$$$$$ $$$$$ .$$$$$ $$$$l$l$$$$ ' ANXIETY LAMMER LIST [ PCB ] a LiGHTBaR LaMeR LiST FoR PCB BY: eNDLeSS^DeLuSioN GeT NoW, GiVe a LooK aND SeND uS SuGGeSTioNS [RATE: 4.5][CODER: ED][DATE:03/15/96] .:[^uRBaN^VoiD^aNX^WHQ^]:. .:[^CYBeRCRiME^iNTeN'L^]:. Upload par: THERAPY ANX-PCR.ZIP 46667 04-26-96 $$$$$ $$$$$xxa axxxa $$xa ax$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$a $$$$$ $$$$$aj! $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $xxxxa $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$x$$$$$ $$$$$ .$$$$$ $$$$l$l$$$$ ' ANXIETY POST CALL RATIO [PCB] a PoST CaLL RaTio PPe FoR aNTi LeeCHeRZ BoaRD! BY: E^DeLuSioN - LooK aND SeND uS SuGGeSTioNS [RATE: 4.5][CODER: ED][DATE:03/15/96] .:[^uRBaN^VoiD^aNX^WHQ^]:. .:[^CYBeRCRiME^iNTeN'L^]:. Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 12) Axial AXF-0297.ZIP 186000 03-29-97 -[AXF]--[AXiAL.FORCE]--[AXF]- ..._____..___.___..__...._____..___.... | ::/ \/ | \/ \::/ \/ \zR: | : :/ - \ : / \/ - \ \:: : / . \ : \ . \ _/_: \ : / : \ / : / \ :\___|___/___|___/____/\___|___/______/ ::::.F.:::::.O.:::.R.:::::.C.::::.E.::: . February Art Pack . -[AXF]-------------[AXF]- Upload par: THERAPY AXF-FOOT.ZIP 35313 05-27-96 _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ Zf/ ___ \ \_/ /____/ ___ \/ |___tpy ::/ /___\ \ < \ /___\ \ | \:: _/ | \_ \ \_ | \_ : \_ \_____| /__/\ >_: /_| /__. / __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_ _- - --\_ _ FooTeR PPe __/- - --_ / aXIAl \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/ fORCe \ | TiTle : Footer V2.0 | ArTisT : Dark Angel | This replaces your old and boring read | prompt..With full Configurable Descriptions | & Colors ... ____________-- \___________________________-_-\ 30-01-96 /_/ -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- - Upload par: THERAPY AXF-GAME.ZIP 23576 05-27-96 _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ Zf/ ___ \ \_/ /____/ ___ \/ |___tpy ::/ /___\ \ < \ /___\ \ | \:: _/ | \_ \ \_ | \_ : \_ \_____| /__/\ >_: /_| /__. / __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_ _- - --\_ _ F O R C E __/- - --_ / aXIAl \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/ fORCe \ | TiTle : Games-LightbaR PPe V2.0 | ArTisT : Baxter | | Use this on your boards sysops ... | It rulez'll see ____________-- \___________________________-_-\ 02-03-96 /_/ -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- - Upload par: THERAPY AXF-GRCS.ZIP 66149 02-26-97 _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ Zf/ ___ \ \_/ /____/ ___ \/ |___tpy ::/ /___\ \ < \ /___\ \ | \:: _/ | \_ \ \_ | \_ : \_ \_____| /__/\ >_: /_| /__. / __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_ _- - --\_ _ F O R C E __/- - --_ / aXIAl \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/ fORCe \ | TiTle : Comment To Sysop | ArTisT : Grilo | | Leave a comment To SysoP, with LightbaR, | Handles in SysoPs, Capacity for 3 SyS, | and ya could Leave a msg for the user ! | ____________-- \___________________________-_-\ 14-04-96 /_/ -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- - Upload par: THERAPY AXF-GRHA.ZIP 22151 06-17-96 _______ _____ ____ ____ _______ ____ / ____ \ |/ /____< ____ \ <---< < \--/ > .' < \ \--/ > \ >f :>___|___/___/|_____\______>__|___<_______/Z: _ _ F _ _ __ O ___ __ R _ __ _ C __ __ E _ _ . - -- - -- - -- --- ------ ----- -------\ : TitlE : HandlE ChangeR PPe | | ArtisT : GrilO | | | | This is an Util ppe where the User can | | Change his handle ..Full animated ! : \__________________ _______ ____ ___ _ _ __ ' -logo by telepathy '95- - -- [10/06/96] - -- Upload par: THERAPY AXF-GRLE.ZIP 63461 05-27-96 _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ Zf/ ___ \ \_/ /____/ ___ \/ |___tpy ::/ /___\ \ < \ /___\ \ | \:: _/ | \_ \ \_ | \_ : \_ \_____| /__/\ >_: /_| /__. / __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_ _- - --\_ _ F O R C E __/- - --_ / aXIAl \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/ fORCe \ | TiTle : Level PPe | ArTisT : Grilo | | Thiz is a cool and AnimateD PPe that | shows the user's security ... | ____________-- \___________________________-_-\ 14-04-96 /_/ -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- - Upload par: THERAPY AXF-GRPE.ZIP 81149 05-27-96 _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ Zf/ ___ \ \_/ /____/ ___ \/ |___tpy ::/ /___\ \ < \ /___\ \ | \:: _/ | \_ \ \_ | \_ : \_ \_____| /__/\ >_: /_| /__. / __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_ _- - --\_ _ F O R C E __/- - --_ / aXIAl \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/ fORCe \ | TiTle : Press Enter PPe's | ArTisT : Grilo | | These are a few Cool Press Enter ppe's | ofcourse with animation ! | ____________-- \___________________________-_-\ 14-04-96 /_/ -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- - Upload par: THERAPY AXF-GRRC.ZIP 16207 05-27-96 _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ Zf/ ___ \ \_/ /____/ ___ \/ |___tpy ::/ /___\ \ < \ /___\ \ | \:: _/ | \_ \ \_ | \_ : \_ \_____| /__/\ >_: /_| /__. / __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_ _- - --\_ _ F O R C E __/- - --_ / aXIAl \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/ fORCe \ | TiTle : RevoluTion Chat | ArTisT : Grilo | | CooL and Animated Chatter For Pcb 15.2x | ____________-- \___________________________-_-\ 07-05-96 /_/ -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- - Upload par: THERAPY AXF-GRZS.ZIP 57723 05-27-96 _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ Zf/ ___ \ \_/ /____/ ___ \/ |___tpy ::/ /___\ \ < \ /___\ \ | \:: _/ | \_ \ \_ | \_ : \_ \_____| /__/\ >_: /_| /__. / __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_ _- - --\_ _ F O R C E __/- - --_ / aXIAl \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/ fORCe \ | TiTle : Zippy Scan V1.2 | ArTisT : Grilo | | Changes the olD Z command by a new one, | lightbared ! ... | ____________-- \___________________________-_-\ 14-04-96 /_/ -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- - Upload par: THERAPY AXF-NFS.ZIP 29726 11-03-96 _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ Zf/ ___ \ \_/ /____/ ___ \/ |___tpy ::/ /___\ \ < \ /___\ \ | \:: _/ | \_ \ \_ | \_ : \_ \_____| /__/\ >_: /_| /__. / __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_ _- - --\_ _ NeW FiLE ScaN PPe __/- - --_ / aXIAl \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/ fORCe \ | TiTle : New File Scan PPe V2.0 | ArTisT : The Allmighty | | Completely light bar driven | and 99.9% configurable ____________-- \___________________________-_-\ 31-01-96 /_/ -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- - Upload par: THERAPY AXF-WWBI.ZIP 11083 05-27-96 _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ Zf/ ___ \ \_/ /____/ ___ \/ |___tpy ::/ /___\ \ < \ /___\ \ | \:: _/ | \_ \ \_ | \_ : \_ \_____| /__/\ >_: /_| /__. / __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_ _- - --\_ _ F 0 R C E __/- - --_ / aXIAl \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/ fORCe \ | NaMe : BiLL-CouNTeR PPe V1.0 | CoDeR : WaXWeaZLe | | SySoPS! LeeCH THiZ! uSeRS CaN | CaLCuLaTe THeiR BiLL WiTH THiZ | PPe ____________-- \___________________________-_-\ 08-05-96 /_/ -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- - Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 13) Brutal BPC-2P.ZIP 7395 05-03-96 Second Passcode v.1.0 [ PPE ] It locks any users/sysops account on second pass for more security ... ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-AF.ZIP 11591 05-03-96 ANSi Force v.2.0 [ PPE ] Ansi force will detect User's ANSi support, connection speed .. U can set system password, low speed password, set up an hours for logon to low speed users & it's all - ANSI FORCE!! ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-AL.ZIP 11266 05-03-96 Alternative Logon system v.2.0 [ PPE ] The best PPE loader with many features Configurable by user! & etc ... ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-APP.ZIP 15603 05-03-96 USER'S APPLICATION [ PPE ]ͻ This is application, registration form which can be used in new user logon, group appl. & etc ... Nice interface + light bar selection mthds. [04/13/95] ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-AT10.ZIP 23973 06-06-96 brutal.ppe/pro.coders.1996.products ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ if! ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲޲۲ ܲ ۲ ߲߰ ۲ [PPE]İ ߲ ~XX/05/96~ ~top 10 cps bull maker ı alltime fastest transfers v.1.0 100% exe - for fast processing! creates bulletins fast and easy ߱ Upload par: THERAPY BPC-AU.ZIP 11612 05-03-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PPE]- =AFFILIATED USER= -[PPE]- - ----- -ij This small proggie will automatically increase user's axx level if he's affiliated with any group or simply invited dude ... - ----- -ij [06/20/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-CCS.ZIP 15458 05-03-96 CRUEL CODED STUFF [ PPE ]ͻ This pack is only for an PPE coders .. It includes 15 cool procedures of animated displaying stings ... Instead of coding UR's one, use this! Source & example included ... A must for DL! [05/11/95] =TMD=/=MHT= ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ Upload par: THERAPY BPC-CMD.ZIP 19959 02-26-97 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ܰ߱ ߲ܲ ۲ ۲ WS ޱ۲ ޱ۲ ܲݰ ܲݰ ۲۰ ۱ ۱ ۱ ߲۰۲ ߰ ۰ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۲ ۰ ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲ ߰߱߱ ߱ ߰ ߱ ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PPE]- =CMD.LST VIEWER/LOADER= -[PPE]- - ----- -ij It's for sysops who have damn memory & always forget keys in the MAIN MENU Now ya can view CMD.LST + using light bar run any PPE from it! - ----- -ij [06/10/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-DE10.ZIP 21926 03-09-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PRO]- =DOORS ENGINE v.1.0= -[PRO]- - ----- -ij Easy way for creating BBS doors Supports VT100 and ANSI terminals TP 7.0 sources included - ----- -ij [09/05/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-ENT3.ZIP 27354 05-03-96 Random 'Press ENTER' [ PPE ]ͻ So this's 'Press ENTER' replacement which got 'bout 20 animated ~presses~ which will be shown randomly. [04/13/95] ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-FAS.ZIP 15466 05-03-96 File Areas Selector [ PPE ]ͻ Now you can select your file areas using light bar + you can lock any area on passcode ... [04/10/95] ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-FAS2.ZIP 24431 05-03-96 FILE AREAS SEL. v.2 [ PPE ]ͻ Now you can select your file areas using light bar + you can lock any area on passcode ... Fixed some bugs + added some cool options ... [04/23/95] =TMD= ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-FAT.ZIP 26597 05-03-96 brutal.ppe/pro.coders.1996.products ~01/26/96~ ~Fatinfo v2.1~ ı Is designed to quickly estimate file fragmentation table.. It dispays info about the file system state including the number of files & directories &.. ߱ Comes from Technodrome [o95 zone] +7-o95-339.?? Upload par: THERAPY BPC-FD.ZIP 13905 04-22-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PRO]- =FASTDISK v.1.0= -[PRO]- - ----- -ij Makes floppies work faster. 94 bytes fulez! =) - ----- -ij [07/06/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-FL.ZIP 20223 05-03-96 File Lister v.1.0 [ PPE ] The best & only one replacement for PCBOARD's standard file lister ... Now everything is done with light bar .. U can also select file areas, lock them on password & much more ... ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-GO1.ZIP 11428 05-04-96 ANSi Only Switcher [ PPE ]ͻ This PPE automatically swithes ANSI mode for all users. Also it shows your preferances. Fully configurable. [04/13/95] ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-GTL2.ZIP 12004 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PCE]- =GUEST LEFT TIME v.2.1= -[PCE]- - ----- -ij If ya have GUEST account on your sys, then use this proggie! It will zero that axx after a user hangups! - ----- -ij [05/14/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-KICK.ZIP 8979 05-04-96 User kick-ass! [ PPE ]ͻ If you are sick & tired of the user, now you can hangup him, by pretending that your modem has no MNP/V4.. He'll have [%$^%@!#$^] charecters on his screen. You can add you desired stuff to be displayed! Looks as real =) [04/11/95] ļ =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-LAF2.ZIP 9041 05-04-96 Locate A Filename v.2.0 [ PPE ] It will locate a file in conference using light-bars. Very nice! Coded by .\\ad |atter. 1995 ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-LBP1.ZIP 11860 05-04-96 Low Baud Password v1.0 [ PPE ]Ļ This will ask all users who has been connected to ur board with lower baud rate than allowed to enter system password. It will lock out everyone who doesn't know it... [04/14/95] ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-LC.ZIP 13096 05-04-96 Last Callers v1.0 [ PPE ]ͻ Another fine Last Callers for your board ... It show up to 13 last system callers. Pretty & nice ... GRAB IT! [04/09/95] ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-LCH2.ZIP 25223 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PCB 15.22] LEECH v.2.0 bug fixed- - ----- -ij The best sysop download PPE. It lets you to walk through your disk using light bar & flag/unflag files for dl. Password protection, security check, fast code, command line & .. - ----- -ij [12/06/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-LOCK.ZIP 14030 05-04-96 DAMN LOCKOUT! [ PPE ]ͻ After a user've been locked outta the system he recieves an lockout msg & usually PCB hangups him. Now he can enter message to the sysop! Light bar selection mthds + much more! GRAB IT! [04/14/95] ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-LOT2.ZIP 13809 04-19-96 On-line Time Lottery [ PPE ]ͻ Yah, try new _animated_ on-line time lottery, which'll blow ur head up! [04/13/95] ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-LXFR.ZIP 16679 05-04-96 LAST X-FERZ [ PPE ]ͻ Well, it'll show yar users last 8 file[s] transfer[s] ... Nice & pretty. [04/23/95] =TMD= ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-MENU.ZIP 10013 05-04-96 Menu v.1.0 [ PPE ] WOW! Here's a chance to replace UR old menu with simultaneously working with light bar & command line menu! You can configure it's like you want ... ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-MEP.ZIP 22473 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PPE]- =MESSAGE EDITOR PRO= -[PPE]- - ----- -ij Fast, full screen editor! Cool features easy to install! Light bar supported! Animated! Define your own input! Can be used anywhere in PCB .. Leech! - ----- -ij [09/14/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-MV.ZIP 6693 05-04-96 Move v.1.0 [ PPE ] Now U can replace all PCB string like [YES/NO] [MORE/STOP/NONSTOP] ... Fully 100% configurable .. DL & njoy life =) ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-NFS2.ZIP 9788 05-04-96 New Files Scan v.2.0 [ PPE ] It will search new files in conference using light-bars. Very nice! Coded by .\\ad |atter. 1995 ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-ONL.ZIP 16153 05-04-96 Cruel On-liners [ PPE ]ͻ Replace that old sick & tired your onliners with a new one! Easy to use, light bar selection methods ... [04/09/95] ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-PPR.ZIP 12874 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PPE]- =PPE RANDOMIZER= -[PPE]- - ----- -ij Some sysops use more than 1 chat or page or ... Instead of hooking these proggies on function keys, use PPE.R. It supports up to 999 PPE's ... - ----- -ij [05/14/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-QCHT.ZIP 18632 05-04-96 QUICK CHAT v1.0 [ PPE ]ͻ Awesome small chatter. Nice interface, fully configurable. Featuring slide showing display/effects/color/redraw/ sysop's name alter./greeting msg/..... [04/22/95] =TMD= ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-REG3.ZIP 12926 05-04-96 User Registration [ PPE ]ͻ Thiz one is especially for sysops, who wants to know everything about theirs users. U can increase axx after registration and ask ur own questions. [04/13/95] ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-RI1.ZIP 18356 05-04-96 Request It ! [ PPE ]ͻ Yep... This PPE helps ur user in finding soft/games/etc. Try it! As usual it'll blow ur head up! =) [04/13/95] ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-RULE.ZIP 17674 02-26-97 Rules-disclaimer [ PPE ]ͻ This proggie gives you a chance to piss off user who aren't agreed with you board rules. Feautures randomizing showing procedure, light bar selection methods ... [04/11/95] ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-S55.ZIP 16766 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[DOS UTIL] SleepHDD v.5.5- - ----- -ij HDD saver for IDE hard drives.. Doesn't occupy any memory! Supports up to two hard drives! Nice text interface! Lots of advanced features! - ----- -ij [11/27/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-SD.ZIP 30286 05-04-96 SYSOP DOWNLOAD v.2.0 [ PPE ] Now you can scan ur HDD with the NC style interface PPE & flag file[s] for download. Also possible to set up an passcode before running this prog. [Sys.Req: PCBOARD +15.2 / +386] ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-SD3.ZIP 46710 02-26-97 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ܰ߱ ߲ܲ ۲ ۲ WS ޱ۲ ޱ۲ ܲݰ ܲݰ ۲۰ ۱ ۱ ۱ ߲۰۲ ߰ ۰ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۲ ۰ ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲ ߰߱߱ ߱ ߰ ߱ ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PPE]- =SYSOP DOWNLOAD v.3= -[PPE]- - ----- -ij Awesome proggie like NORTON that lets sysop using light-bar, scan all his dirs & flag files for future leech! - ----- -ij [05/29/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-SET.ZIP 8098 05-04-96 SET-SECURITY v.1.0 [ PPE ] Well, it's for your lovely cosysop ... Now he/she can set any security level! & then return it back w/o any problems ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-SHD4.ZIP 10266 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PRO]- =SLEEP HDD v.4.2= -[PRO]- - ----- -ij HDD saver for IDE-compatible drives. Supports two hard drives Nice text interface ... Lots of advanced features - ----- -ij [06/12/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-SKIT.ZIP 40570 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PCB 15.22] SECURITY TOOLKIT v.1.0 - - ----- -ij The best protection system for your PCBOARD ever made. Protects from all available hacking methods! Fast code, nice interface.. makes all chances to hack your board almost 0%! - ----- -ij [11/21/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-SUL.ZIP 23123 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PCB 15.21] SIMPLE USER LIST v.1.0- - ----- -ij Nice user lister PPE. Allows you to view users forward and backward. Cool art work, fast code.. - ----- -ij [11/28/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-TCAL.ZIP 23552 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PCB 15.22] Tcallers - ----- -ij Last callers PPE for TLOG. Fast code, nice effects.. Sources and TLOG are included. TECHNODROME series! - ----- -ij [12/07/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-TLIN.ZIP 26764 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PCB 15.22] Tliners - ----- -ij Full screen oneliners.. Now you can write anywhere you want.. Fast code, nice effects light bar. For use under TLOG.. Sources and TLOG are included. TECHNODROME series! - ----- -ij [12/08/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-TLOG.ZIP 18388 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PCB 15.22] Tlog - ----- -ij Turbo Login PPE. Nicely designed and with funny effects.. Lets your user choose if he wants fast or normal login.. TECHNODROME series! - ----- -ij [12/05/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-TS.ZIP 15553 03-11-97 ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PRO]- =FINDTEXT v.1.1= -[PRO]- - ----- -ij Nice utilitie for crackers. It'll search for given string in any file & report about all the founded strings in a special file ... Very useful! - ----- -ij [06/14/95]; Upload par: Hermol BPC-TST.ZIP 23479 02-26-97 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ܰ߱ ߲ܲ ۲ ۲ WS ޱ۲ ޱ۲ ܲݰ ܲݰ ۲۰ ۱ ۱ ۱ ߲۰۲ ߰ ۰ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۲ ۰ ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲ ߰߱߱ ߱ ߰ ߱ ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PCB 15.22] Tstatistics - ----- -ij Ppe that shows user's status.. Nice design, effects and animation.. Fully configurable. TECHNODROME series! - ----- -ij [12/13/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-UAH.ZIP 14610 05-04-96 USER'S ANTI-HACK [ PPE ]ͻ Well, now ya can protect yar system from axx hacks ... Some assholes use backdoors ... This proggie will find such dudes, lockout & notify ya about it! Small but awesome! 50 Years since the day of the GREAT Victory!! [NO DAMN HITLER!] We won! Greets to all of ya! [05/07/95] =SD= ļ .. [BPC] IS WHAT YOU COULD ONLY WISH! .. Upload par: THERAPY BPC-UB10.ZIP 39785 05-03-96 brutal.ppe/pro.coders.1996.products ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ if! ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲޲۲ ܲ ۲ ߲߰ ۲ [PPE]İ ߲ ~18/03/96~ ~Ugha-Ugha Bulletins~ ı Lightbar-driven with great layout Full source included, no need 4 pplc Run ppes, ansis or whatever you like ߱ Upload par: THERAPY BPC-UI2.ZIP 13831 03-09-96 USER iNFORMATiON [ PE ]ͻ So, guys, this PPE will shw user's information. it's nicely lght-bared, so try it. [0415/95] ļ ܰ ܰ۲ ް ߲ ޱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THNK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY BPC-UJ11.ZIP 58585 05-03-96 brutal.ppe/pro.coders.1996.products ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ if! ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲޲۲ ܲ ۲ ߲߰ ۲ [PPE]İ ߲ ~26/03/96~ ~Ugha-Ugha Conf-Join~ ı Lightbar-driven with great layout Full source included, no need 4 pplc Version 1.10 - Some Bug-fixes ... ߱ Upload par: THERAPY BPC-UJ1W.ZIP 43567 05-03-96 brutal.ppe/pro.coders.1996.products ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ if! ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲޲۲ ܲ ۲ ߲߰ ۲ [PPE]İ ߲ ~18/03/96~ ~Ugha-Ugha Conf-Join~ ı Lightbar-driven with great layout Full source included, no need 4 pplc Full token support! ߱ Upload par: THERAPY BPC-USSM.ZIP 25049 04-14-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PPE]- =UPLOAD S.S MODIFIER= -[PPE]- - ----- -ij The best ULBY!! You don't need to use ZIPZAP/BOOMLAB/ZIPLAB .. It'll change the original PCBOARD's string!! Ftrs: Changes UPLOADER'S handle Shows other users ... & ... Never been such a PPE! -GET IT NOW!- - ----- -ij [05/21/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-UT.ZIP 25839 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PPE]- =UNLIMITED TIME!= -[PPE]- - ----- -ij Small proggie that'll make unlimited time for desired users ... Easy to install & to use =) - ----- -ij [06/25/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-VMM.ZIP 22699 05-04-96 -[BPC] Productions 1995!- ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders - - ----- -ij -[PRO]- =DOS/4GW VIRTUAL M.M.= -[PRO]- - ----- -ij Allows playing DOS/4GW games which requires 4 or 8Mb RAM with only 2Mb installed! This one isn't fake like damn ALPHA's! - ----- -ij [06/25/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC-ZTS2.ZIP 9050 05-04-96 Zippy Text Scan v.2.0 [ PPE ] This is another "Z" command replacement using light-bars. Very nice! Coded by .\\ad |atter. 1995 ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE= Upload par: THERAPY BPC_FR.ZIP 42488 05-04-96 Ŀ -[PPE]- =FAKE REMOVER= -[PPE]- - ----- -ij This proggie will help user who has to kill it and cut the DIZ out from the [dir] file! [05/24/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC_FWHO.ZIP 12562 05-04-96 Ŀ -[PPE]- =FAKE WHO v.1.0= -[PPE]- - ----- -ij Ehm, this proggie will show user who is currently online, but the second node user will be fake ... It's fully configurable. Up to 999 fake names! [06/08/95]; Upload par: THERAPY BPC_MS6.ZIP 112088 05-03-96 brutal.ppe/pro.coders.1996.products ܲ ܲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ if! ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲޲۲ ܲ ۲ ߲߰ ۲ [PRO]İ ߲ ~02/03/96~ ~Sprites Editor v6.0~ ı Nice Windows-like user interface. Supports Mode13h, ModeX, VESA SVGA. Imports images from PCX, BMP. Enlargement, scrolling, undo. Block operations, clipboard.. ߱ Upload par: THERAPY BPC_SLOW.ZIP 11791 05-04-96 Slow Display [ PPE ]ͻ With this proggie you can replace any PCB string with a desired slide showing one! Fully configurable ... Small, but nicely coded ... [04/22/95] =TMD= ļ ܰ ܰ ۲ ް ߲ ۲ ޱ ۱ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۱߰ ۱ ް ޱ ߰ Mz ܲ ߲ ߰ ߰ B R U T A L P P E C O D E R S =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 14) Cathedral CATHCMNT.ZIP 4285 05-05-96 ͸ (C) CaTHeDRaL ij PCB15.X PPE Fully Configurable ; Upload par: THERAPY CATHFC.ZIP 8336 05-05-96 ͸  FiLe aReA CoNTRoLeR  (C) CaTHeDRaL ij PCB15.X PPE Fully Configurable ; Upload par: THERAPY CATHSTAT.ZIP 10178 02-26-97 ͸  USeR STaTs V1.2  (C) CaTHeDRaL ij PCB15.2 PPE LightBars / Conf. ; Upload par: THERAPY CFILE20.ZIP 8252 05-05-96 ͸  FiLe CoNTrOLLeR 2.0  (C) CaTHeDRaL ij FeaTuReS LightBars @ Topic related sub- divisions Easy to setup ij CoDeD In PPLC3.0 For uSe WiTH PCB15.2 [31/10/94]; Upload par: THERAPY CJOIN12.ZIP 6648 05-05-96 ͸  CoNFeReNCe JOiN 1.2  (C) CaTHeDRaL ij FeaTuReS LightBars @ Short description Private Conferences Short Keys ij CoDeD In PPLC3.0 For uSe WiTH PCB15.2 [31/10/94]; Upload par: THERAPY CLAST13.ZIP 12205 05-05-96 ͸  LAST CALLRS  VRSiON 1.3 ij (C) CATHDRAL '95 ij Multi Node Fix ij CoDeD In PPLC3.0 For uSe WiTH PCB15.2 [18/02/95]; Upload par: THERAPY CLASTC10.ZIP 12454 05-05-96 ͸  LAST CALLRS  VRSiON 1.0 ij (C) CATHDRAL '95 ij CoDeD In PPLC3.0 For uSe WiTH PCB15.2 [12/02/95]; Upload par: THERAPY CMTRX20.ZIP 49103 03-09-96 ͸  DOS-LOGON MATRiX  VRSiON 2.0 ij (C) CATHDRAL '94 ij FeaTuReS Full login replacement many commands All confi- gurable... ij CoDeD In PPLC3.0 For uSe WiTH PCB15.2 [28/12/94]; Upload par: THERAPY CREWRD10.ZIP 28998 02-26-97 ͸  WEEKLY REWARD  VRSiON 1.0 ij (C) CATHDRAL '95 ij Weekly top uploader will receive 10% of HiS pumped bytes ij CoDeD In PPLC3.0 For uSe WiTH PCB15.2 [18/02/95]; Upload par: THERAPY CSCRM10.ZIP 11173 05-05-96 ͸  RANDOM BBS-ADDS  VRSiON 1.0 ij (C) CATHDRAL '95 ij Makes RANDOM BBS ADDS.. Great to use with BOOMLAB.. ij CoDeD In PPLC3.0 For uSe WiTH PCB15.2 [05/03/95]; Upload par: THERAPY CUPL10.ZIP 16284 05-05-96 ͸  TOP UPLOADERS  VRSiON 1.0 ij (C) CATHDRAL '95 ij CoDeD In PPLC3.0 For uSe WiTH PCB15.2 [15/02/95]; Upload par: THERAPY CZIPPY20.ZIP 7188 03-09-96 ͸  ZiPPY SCAN UTiL  VRSiON 2.0 ij (C) CATHDRAL '95 ij Some major bugs were corrected, now works when entering com- mands on 1 command line. ij CoDeD In PPLC3.0 For uSe WiTH PCB15.2 [12/01/95]; Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 15) Cobra CBR-GFX1.ZIP 9194 07-21-96 [PPE]-[DiViSiON] [19/o7/95] [ThA]-[Gx]-[SWtChR]-[V1.1] [WiThOUT ASKiN' ANSi Y/N] [SEE ThA CARRiER/ANSi/DATE/] [TiME/LASTCALLER/...] [CODED]-[BY]-[BODYCOUNT] [COBRA'95] Upload par: THERAPY CBR-GFX2.ZIP 9603 07-21-96 [PPE]-[DiViSiON] [19/o7/95] [ThA]-[Gx]-[SWtChR]-[V1.2] [WiThOUT ASKiN' ANSi Y/N] [SEE ThA CARRiER/ANSi/DATE/] [TiME/LASTCALLER/...] [NEW ANSi'Z!!] [CODED]-[BY]-[BODYCOUNT] [COBRA'95] Upload par: THERAPY CBR-HRD1.ZIP 252926 02-26-97 -- - <26/o5/95> - - -<8> Upload par: THERAPY CBR-WRD2.ZIP 116301 07-21-96 -- [WiN]-[DiViSiON] [25/o7/95] [WORDiE v2.0] [A WORDPROCESSOR FOR WiNDOWS] [WiTh QEWL FUNCTiONS] [CODED]-[BY]-[BODYCOUNT] [COBRA'95] Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 16) Coders Task Force COD-CLIT.ZIP 28005 07-24-96 --[C-LITE V1.1 - DS]---------[COD96]-- one! This little program Ups and Lowers every Character at will A MUST for every Doc-Writer! ---[The Triloxy Coding Subdivision]--- --------------------- - ---------- ۲ ܱܲ ܲ۲ cd!߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ------- -- -- --- ------- ۲ -------- --۲ -- -------- ߲ ۲߲ ۲ ߲ ---------- Coders On Dope! ----------- Upload par: THERAPY COD-W.ZIP 29862 07-24-96 --[W-REPLACEMENT - TD]-------[COD96]-- This PPe Replaces the PCBoard Internal W Command. Easy Config, Small Stats Screen, All Lightbars Configurable ! ADDRESS TPA SUPPORT ! + Small Stats ---[The Triloxy Coding Subdivision]--- --------------------- - ---------- ۲ ܱܲ ܲ۲ cd!߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ------- -- -- --- ------- ۲ -------- --۲ -- -------- ߲ ۲߲ ۲ ߲ ---------- Coders On Dope! ----------- Upload par: THERAPY COD-WPCB.ZIP 18054 07-24-96 --[WRITEPCB V1.0 - TD]-------[COD96]-- TP 7.0 UNIT, JUST PASS ANY STRING TO THE TPU, AND IT WILL PRINT THE CORRECT COLOR ON SCREEN. 2 DIFFERENT PROCEDURES: WritePcb WritelnPcb --------------------- - ---------- ۲ ܱܲ ܲ۲ cd!߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ------- -- -- --- ------- ۲ -------- --۲ -- -------- ߲ ۲߲ ۲ ߲ --------- Coders On Dope! ---------- --[the triloxy coding sub-division]-- Upload par: THERAPY CTFMRPLC.ZIP 9473 03-09-96 this is a really kewl ppe that can be ran out'a everywhere as a matrix xtra or at main menu works with autosig. and a kewl ans is included . ------------------- - - 13TiTaN on any major board . Upload par: THERAPY CTFWREP.ZIP 7227 03-09-96 [ZR] -=>CoDeRS TaSk FoRCe<=- PReSeNTS SCRoLLiNG uSeR DaTa Ver. 0.1 by far!! the best ever [W]!! replacment its easy and nice to install FORUM-HACK LOOK -=> anOthEr 13TiTaN PROD. PCB 15.2+ ONLY!!!! Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 17) Damnation DMN_CB13.ZIP 13997 03-09-96 DAMNATiON PRESENTS Ŀ C00L BOARDZ 1.30 PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.1 C00L BOARDZ iS A BBSLiSTER FOR PCB FEATURiNG : DOWNLOADABLE LiST CHANGEABLE LAY-OUT APPL. FORM FOR DMN RELEASED : 09-04-1994 FREEWARE FOR @USER@ Upload par: THERAPY DMN_COOL.ZIP 6328 07-15-96 Ŀ CooL BoaRDZ v1.00 << DaMNaTioN >> PPE FoR PCB 15.1 MaDe By TeMPeST Ŀ PPE THaT aLLoWS SySoP To GiVe oTHeR SySoPS THe CHaNCe To LeaVe SoMe NFo aBouT THeiR BBS To THe uSeRS ..... SHoRT : a BBSLiSTeR FoR PCB 15.1 DaMNaTioN MeaNS ....... FReeWaRe ReLeaSeD oN 25-02-1994 aT 4:00 aM Upload par: THERAPY DMN_FN12.ZIP 12202 03-09-96 DAMNATiON PRESENTS Ŀ FLAME NEXT CALLER v1.2 PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.1 FEATURiNG : SOURCE iNCLUDED !! CHANGEABLE LAY-OUT APPL. FORM FOR DMN RELEASED : 09-04-1994 FREEWARE FOR @USER@ ۲ DEMOS/GUS/GFX/MUSICS/GAMES/CODING ۱ Upload par: THERAPY DMN_LT1.ZIP 5421 03-09-96 DAMNATiON PRESENTS Ŀ LOCAL TiME 1.0 PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.1 SHOWS BBS SYSTEM DATE iN BiG FIGURES TO CALLER RELEASED : 04-05-1994 FREEWARE FOR @USER@ ۲ DEMOS/GUS/GFX/MUSICS/GAMES/CODING ۱ ͸ ; Upload par: THERAPY DMN_RQ11.ZIP 11945 03-09-96 DAMNATiON PRESENTS Ŀ REQUEST iT 1.1 PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.1 A REQUEST DOOR FOR PCB FEATURiNG : CHANGEABLE LAY-OUT APPL. FORM FOR DMN RELEASED : 10-04-1994 FREEWARE FOR @USER@ Upload par: THERAPY DMN_WB10.ZIP 7701 07-15-96 DAMNATiON PRESENTS Ŀ WHO'S BEST 1.0 PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.1 TOP # GENERATOR FEATURiNG : VERY FLEXiBLE APPL. FORM FOR DMN SOURCE iNCLUDED !! RELEASED : 15-04-1994 FREEWARE FOR @USER@ Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 18) Drink Or Die DOD-8PRT.ZIP 6099 03-09-96 Drink Or Die ________ _______ ________ (______ \/ \(______ \ / \ \/ \ / | \ \/ | \ /Jm | \ | \ \ \___ /__ | /__ / \________/\______/\_______/ -/>----------------------<\- - EIGHT ANIMATED PROMTS - - FOR "HIT ENTER.." PPE - -/>----------------------<\- -/> doD PPE DIVISION <\- Upload par: THERAPY DOD-DL10.ZIP 20067 03-09-96 ܲ ܲ ܱ ߲۲ܱ Ŀ pdx . ߲۲ܰ ܱ ۲ܰ .: ۰ ۲ ߲ް ۲ ۱ ݰ ۲ޱ Ŀ : ߲ ۲ ޲۲ ۲ ޲ .: ۲۲ ܲ ۲۲ ܲ ۲۲ ܲ ߰۲۲ Ŀ : ۱߰ DoD ۲߰ : :. PPEDivision .: Ĵ DEADLOGiNv1.o - Very nice pack which contains a LOGIN, ONELINERand LASTCAL- LERSppe. Simple installation and pretty gfx interface make this pack awesome! -DR Upload par: THERAPY DOD-MR10.ZIP 8689 03-09-96 ܲ ܲ ܱ ߲۲ܱ Ŀ pdx . ߲۲ܰ ܱ ۲ܰ .: ۰ ۲ ߲ް ۲ ۱ ݰ ۲ޱ Ŀ : ߲ ۲ ޲۲ ۲ ޲ .: ۲۲ ܲ ۲۲ ܲ ۲۲ ܲ ߰۲۲ Ŀ : ۱߰ DoD ۲߰ : :. PPEDivision .: Ĵ MAILREADER v1.0 - Simple mail reader w/ nice ansi support..Much better than a original PCBoard one. -DR Upload par: THERAPY DOD-NS11.ZIP 10767 06-06-96 Drink Or Die ________ _______ ________ (______ \/ \(______ \ / \ \/ \ / | \ \/ | \ /Jm | \ | \ \ \___ /__ | /__ / \________/\______/\_______/ -/>----------------------<\- - NEW FILES SCAN 1.1 [PPE] - - SCAN ALL CONFERENCES!! - -/>----------------------<\- Upload par: THERAPY DOD-SLAN.ZIP 12200 03-09-96 ܲ ܲ ܱ ߲۲ܱ Ŀ pdx . ߲۲ܰ ܱ ۲ܰ .: ۰ ۲ ߲ް ۲ ۱ ݰ ۲ޱ Ŀ : ߲ ۲ ޲۲ ۲ ޲ .: ۲۲ ܲ ۲۲ ܲ ۲۲ ܲ ߰۲۲ Ŀ : ۱߰ DoD ۲߰ : :. PPEDivision .: Ĵ STATLAND v1.o - Configurable statistics door with a nice File/Messages/Personal information. Very easy to install into a PCBoard and PC/x. -DR Upload par: THERAPY DOD-US10.ZIP 8969 03-09-96 ܲ ܲ ܱ ߲۲ܱ Ŀ pdx . ߲۲ܰ ܱ ۲ܰ .: ۰ ۲ ߲ް ۲ ۱ ݰ ۲ޱ Ŀ : ߲ ۲ ޲۲ ۲ ޲ .: ۲۲ ܲ ۲۲ ܲ ۲۲ ܲ ߰۲۲ Ŀ : ۱߰ DoD ۲߰ : :. PPEDivision .: Ĵ UPLOADSYSTEMv1.0 - Very nice 100% con- figurable PPE to replace old and shitty [U] function in PCBprompt. Many useful options included..PPLC3.01.. - LU Upload par: THERAPY DOD-WCOM.ZIP 7858 03-09-96 ܲ ܲ ܱ ߲۲ܱ Ŀ pdx . ߲۲ܰ ܱ ۲ܰ .: ۰ ۲ ߲ް ۲ ۱ ݰ ۲ޱ Ŀ : ߲ ۲ ޲۲ ۲ ޲ .: ۲۲ ܲ ۲۲ ܲ ۲۲ ܲ ߰۲۲ Ŀ : ۱߰ DoD ۲߰ : :. PPEDivision .: Ĵ WRONGCOMMAND - simple program that will help you to edit users time coz of the wrong command typing. -MS Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 19) Dynamic Crew DC-AL20.ZIP 27288 09-16-96 a$ $$ fX! ,a#$&a$$ ,a#$&a $$""$$ $$""' dc $$, ,$$ $$, ,$ presents === "$$$$$ "$$$$ ========= Alias Changer 2.o - 100% configurable! - *no* lightbars! - first PPE in BLB series! - great GFX by FluX/dc+pr! *BUGFIXED VERSION!* SleepWalker.dc =[o8.o8.96]===[PPE]===[01/01]= Upload par: THERAPY DC-AP#2.ZIP 22524 09-16-96 a$ $$ fX! ,a#$&a$$ ,a#$&a $$""$$ $$""' dc $$, ,$$ $$, ,$ presents === "$$$$$ "$$$$ ========= Art Pack #2 August Flux presents yet another Art Pack of Dynamic Crew =[31.08.96]===========[01/01]= Upload par: THERAPY DC-BYE1.ZIP 24954 09-16-96 --------- $$$$$$$$ ------------------ sf(tpy) $$$$$$$$ ,dS$$$$$~$$$$$Sb, ,$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ ,dS$$$$$~$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ "^~~^" $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$" $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$d$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$b$$$$$$$$ "^~~^"$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$"^~~^" _________"^~~~^" "^~~~^"__________ ______.dynamic.crew.ninety.six._______ -------------------------------------- Extremely Awesome Logoff *First eta* This is a awesome logoff matrix for pcb which contains internal message to sysop, logoff, back to board... NO KBDSTUFF!!! Configurable and Customisable... Nice ansi's by rC.Bdp.tly Upload par: THERAPY DC-LANL2.ZIP 39921 09-16-96 a$ $$ fX! ,a#$&a$$ ,a#$&a $$""$$ $$""' dc $$, ,$$ $$, ,$ presents === "$$$$$ "$$$$ ========= Dynamic LANtastic logon 2.o5 - complete logon procedure - user maintenance - very configurable - for 4DOS & LANtastic **BUGFIX!!** SleepWalker.dc =[26.o8.96]===[BTM]===[o1/o1]= Upload par: THERAPY DC-LGOFF.ZIP 5856 09-16-96 "\> dYNAMIC cREW <\" Realeased 5 days before tg96 the Logoff ppe by Rexazy/DC,TLY hehehe.. Nice Gfx...easy installing what more can you expect... D Y N A M I C C R E W 1 9 9 6 ! Upload par: THERAPY DC-PAGE3.ZIP 15287 09-16-96 ,$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ ,dS$$$$$~$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ "^~~^" $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$" $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$d$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$b$$$$$$$$ "^~~^"$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$"^~~^" _________"^~~~^" "^~~~^"__________ ______.dynamic.crew.ninety.six._______ -------------------------------------- Rexazy's ultimate PCBoard Pager! New Betafixed and updated version of the Hallucinogen pager releases in april includes : Nice ansi's by cd/iCE , configurable , customizable , emergency page , pwd- support , security level page , lockout functions , WITH SCROLLER! Upload par: THERAPY DC-READ3.ZIP 12178 07-14-96 _____.dynamic.crew.ninety.six._______ Rexazy's RAW messy reader for PCBOARD!! This is a new bugfixed & recoded version of the old Rexazy pro-reader... LEECH THIS Containes : fadings , 2 Read Modes , Nice ansi's by cd/iCE , configurable , customizable... The best pcboard reader ever created!!! Special offer for @USER@ today [PPE] [MAY-96] [REXAZY.TLY.DC.fUEL] Upload par: THERAPY DC-TAG10.ZIP 55940 09-16-96 a$ $$ fX! ,a#$&a$$ ,a#$&a $$""$$ $$""' dc $$, ,$$ $$, ,$ presents === "$$$$$ "$$$$ ========= Dynamic Taglines 1.o Inserts a random tagline into messages! Great for sysops! Source included. LEECH NOW!! SleepWalker.dc =[3o.o8.96]===[PPE]===[o1/o1]= Upload par: THERAPY DC-TP11.ZIP 24651 09-16-96 a$ $$ fX! ,a#$&a$$ ,a#$&a $$""$$ $$""' dc $$, ,$$ $$, ,$ presents === "$$$$$ "$$$$ ========= Dynamic Protocol Changer 1.1 - 1oo% configurable! - autodetects your protocols! - *no* lightbars! - great GFX by FluX/dc+pr! - Small bug fixed from 1.o - LEECH NOW! SleepWalker.dc =[28.o8.96]===[PPE]===[o1/o1]= Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 20) Elements ELT-CT11.ZIP 17797 09-22-96 [ LOST CARRIER 1.1 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ϳ Creates a LOST CARRIER toplist in PCB format. Quick, good looking and easy to install. by RiOT ________ ____ __________ \_ ____\\_ \\____ _ \ [======/ _/_____\ \____\ \__/=======] .:::::/ \/ // / // \:::::::::. .:::::\ _// / // \19/09/95. .::::::\ ___/::\ ___/:\ __/::::::::. [=======\_/======\_/=====\_/==========] Upload par: THERAPY ELT-JO10.ZIP 17307 04-02-96 [ RiOT JOIN 1.0 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ϳ Replaces the J command with a better looking, 100% configurable lightbar system. Also has security based confs Easy and fast! by RiOT ________ ____ __________ \_ ____\\_ \\____ _ \ [======/ _/_____\ \____\ \__/=======] .:::::/ \/ // / // \:::::::::. .:::::\ _// / // \19/09/95. .::::::\ ___/::\ ___/:\ __/::::::::. [=======\_/======\_/=====\_/==========] Upload par: THERAPY ELT-LOCA.ZIP 31828 09-22-96 [ LOCATE 1.0 PPE BY MR.JETS ]Ϳ Fully lightbared L replacement. Ability to scan ALL confeneces or just a single directory. ________ ____ __________ \_ ____\\_ \\____ _ \ [======/ _/_____\ \____\ \__/=======] .:::::/ \/ // / // \:::::::::. .:::::\ _// / // \31/12/95. .::::::\ ___/::\ ___/:\ __/::::::::. [=======\_/======\_/=====\_/==========] Upload par: THERAPY ELT-NU10.ZIP 6110 09-22-96 [ NEWUSER PROMPT REPLACEMENT 1.0 PPE ] ________ ____ __________ [o1/o1] \_ ____\\_ \\____ _ \ [======/ _/_____\ \____\ \__/=======] .:::::/ \/ // / // \:::::::::. .:::::\ _// / // \08/28/95. .::::::\ ___/::\ ___/:\ __/::::::::. [=======\_/======\_/=====\_/==========] Upload par: THERAPY ELT-QU12.ZIP 8317 09-22-96 [ NEWUSER QUESTIONAIRE 1.2 PPE ] ________ ____ __________ [o1/o1] \_ ____\\_ \\____ _ \ [======/ _/_____\ \____\ \__/=======] .:::::/ \/ // / // \:::::::::. .:::::\ _// / // \07/18/95. .::::::\ ___/::\ ___/:\ __/::::::::. [=======\_/======\_/=====\_/==========] Upload par: THERAPY ELT-RQ10.ZIP 14274 09-22-96 [ REQUEST WALL 1.0 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ϳ Interface: Hotkeys Un/Limited requests Quite configurable Easy to use and install :RIOT ________ ____ __________ \_ ____\\_ \\____ _ \ [======/ _/_____\ \____\ \__/=======] .:::::/ \/ // / // \:::::::::. .:::::\ _// / // \26/10/95. .::::::\ ___/::\ ___/:\ __/::::::::. [=======\_/======\_/=====\_/==========] Upload par: THERAPY ELT-RWHO.ZIP 27595 09-22-96 [ REALTIME WHO 1.0 by Mike Mc ]Ŀ Nice Who replacement which displays in realtime what the users on the nodes do. Nice GFX and configuarble. ________ ____ __________ \_ ____\\_ \\____ _ \ PPE [======/ _/_____\ \____\ \__/=======] .:::::/ \/ // / // \:::::::::. .:::::\ _// / // \31/12/95. .::::::\ ___/::\ ___/:\ __/::::::::. [=======\_/======\_/=====\_/==========] Upload par: THERAPY ELT-SD10.ZIP 5461 09-22-96 [ SECURITY FILE DISPLAYER 1.0 PPE ] ________ ____ __________ [o1/o1] \_ ____\\_ \\____ _ \ [======/ _/_____\ \____\ \__/=======] .:::::/ \/ // / // \:::::::::. .:::::\ _// / // \08/28/95. .::::::\ ___/::\ ___/:\ __/::::::::. [=======\_/======\_/=====\_/==========] Upload par: THERAPY ELT-SS10.ZIP 16734 09-22-96 [ STATS 1.0 PPE BY MR.JETS ]Ŀ Standard "V" replacement, with faded lightbars and nice interface. ________ ____ __________ \_ ____\\_ \\____ _ \ [======/ _/_____\ \____\ \__/=======] .:::::/ \/ // / // \:::::::::. .:::::\ _// / // \07/10/95. .::::::\ ___/::\ ___/:\ __/::::::::. [=======\_/======\_/=====\_/==========] [-SU-] Upload par: THERAPY ELT-ST10.ZIP 18110 08-17-96 [ SENT 1.0 PPE BY MR.JETS/ELT ]Ŀ Upload string modifier for PCB15.21+ Works "stand-alone" or with ZIPZAP or BOOMLAB. Real time macro decoding faded lightbars and nice interface. ________ ____ __________ \_ ____\\_ \\____ _ \ [======/ _/_____\ \____\ \__/=======] .:::::/ \/ // / // \:::::::::. .:::::\ _// / // \05/10/95. .::::::\ ___/::\ ___/:\ __/::::::::. [=======\_/======\_/=====\_/==========] Upload par: THERAPY ELT-TS11.ZIP 29197 09-22-96 [ TODAY'S UPLOADS by MR.JETS ]Ŀ Nice and Exe-driven PPE that p displays the dayly uploads. 3 O v1.1: Bugfixed and added info. 2 i ________ ____ __________ 1 N \_ ____\\_ \\____ _ \ v1.1 1 T [======/ _/_____\ \____\ \__/=======] 4 b .:::::/ \/ // / // \:::::::::. 3 R .:::::\ _// / // \18/12/95. 6 e .::::::\ ___/::\ ___/:\ __/::::::::. 9 A [=======\_/======\_/=====\_/==========] 2 Upload par: THERAPY ELT-TU11.ZIP 12332 09-22-96 [ TURBO UPLOADER 1.1 PPE ]Ŀ Nice "U" replacement with faded lightbars. Now with sepparate rule displays for each conference! ________ ____ __________ MR.JETS \_ ____\\_ \\____ _ \ [======/ _/_____\ \____\ \__/=======] .:::::/ \/ // / // \:::::::::. .:::::\ _// / // \15/12/95. .::::::\ ___/::\ ___/:\ __/::::::::. [=======\_/======\_/=====\_/==========] Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 21) Gandalf GAN-AR03.ZIP 15277 03-09-96 *************************** --GaNDaLF GRouP PReSeNTs--- -------- AREA.PPE --------- *************************** VeRSioN 0.3 By RaLF KeFFeRPueTZ FoR PCBoaRD 15.2x. GReaT FiLe-aRea PPe. "F" CoMMaND RePLaCeMeNT. SCRoLLiNG LiGHTBaRS. MuLTiPLe PaGeS. DoWNLoaD CoNTeNT LiSTiNG oF aRea. oPTioNaL PaSSWoRD SeCuRE. MuLTiLaNGuaGE SuPPoRT PPLC 3.10 *************************** FuLLY CoNFiGuRaBLe *************************** Upload par: THERAPY GAN-FB07.ZIP 52782 03-09-96 Ŀ GaNDaLFPPeDeViSiONPReSeNTS FILEBOX.PPE VeRSioN 0.7 THe FiRST GReaT FiLeBoX FoR PCBoaRD 15.2x LeT uSeRS SeND FiLeS To oTHeR uSeRS 101% CoNFiGuRaBLe ReLeaSeDDaTe:06-JuLY-1995 CoDeDBY:DaViD SMiTH Upload par: THERAPY GAN-NF07.ZIP 7530 06-06-96 *************************** ------NEWFILES.PPE -------- *************************** VeRSioN 0.7 By RaLF KeFFeRPueTZ FoR PCBoaRD. SiMPLy MaKeS A NeW-FiLeS SCaN iN YouR LoGiN-PRoCeDuRe. SCaNs aLL CoNFS. FuLLY CoNFiGuRaBLe, MuLTiLaNGuaGE SuPPoRT, CuRSoR-KeYS, BuG-FiXeD! *************************** CoLoRiZeD aND CoNFiRMaTioN *************************** - Freak Town PCB Support - Upload par: THERAPY S!P_AGS.ZIP 30839 03-09-96 rk S!P SCENiAL II - THE iNJECTiON! VOTING DOOR! [PPE] for PCBOARD 15.2 Made by Gandalf / AGS'95 A Surprise! Productions and Aegis Cooperation Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 22) Generation-X GNX!C14R.ZIP 30914 02-26-97 .---[CallUp v1.4 For PCB 15.2+ *CRACKED*]---. | Callback Verification PPE For PCBoard | | 15.2x. Supports Local Only Or Local And | | Long Distance Call Back! | | ______.____ ____.______ | | __________\________\/________/__________ | | / __) _) ) _) _ ) ) _)_) \ )| |( (_ _) _) | ( _) ( ^ ( | | | | | )| ( | | \___)___)_|__)__)_|__)_|__)|_| |_|\_/_|__)| | __/___.____/\____.___\__ | `-[Rel:Strider]--|[o5.26.95]|--[Disk o1/o1]-' Upload par: THERAPY GNX!DL10.ZIP 8374 07-06-96 .----[ Ami/X Download PPE - Version 1.0]----. | A cool new download PPE for ya Ami/x and | | non Ami/x lovers alike! | | ._____.______ .__. /\.__ - Ticker | |-/ ___/ ___/ \| | ___/ | \------------| |/ /_.\ ._>_ \ |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X| |\ | \ | \ \ | / _ \ 1995 | |-\___ /___ /_|\__|----\__| /------------| `-----\/evl-\/---[o6.1o.95]--\/-----[o1/o1]-' Upload par: THERAPY GNX!NF10.ZIP 13764 07-06-96 .-----[Newform/AcroTest v1.0 by Drake]------. | Fucking Sweet New User PPE For PCB 15.21+ | | Will Record User Info In A Full Screen | | Infoform, Clean And Seemless, And | | Tests New Users w/Random Acronyms And | | A Point System! Check It Out!! | | ._____.______ .__. /\.__ - Drake | |-/ ___/ ___/ \| | ___/ | \------------| |/ /_.\ ._>_ \ |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X| |\ | \ | \ \ | / _ \ 1995 | |-\___ /___ /_|\__|----\__| /------------| `-----\/evl-\/---[o6.30.95]--\/-----[o1/o1]-' Upload par: THERAPY GNX!PAME.ZIP 10225 07-06-96 .----[ PAGE ME v1.o PPE by LiMPY [GNX] ]----. | A Page Sysop PPE. This one looks clean | |and proffesional. Loud Page Bell. Includes | | all the features a good pager should have | | plus more. | | ._____.______ .__. /\.__ - LiMPY | |-/ ___/ ___/ \| | ___/ | \------------| |/ /_.\ ._>_ \ |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X| |\ | \ | \ \ | / _ \ 1995 | |-\___ /___ /_|\__|----\__| /------------| `-----\/evl-\/---[o6.29.95]--\/-----[o1/o1]-' Upload par: THERAPY GNX!RM10.ZIP 11703 07-06-96 .-----[Read Message v1.0 For PCB 15.2+]-----. | Lightbar Read Message PPE for PCBoard | | 15.2x. Definable Commands and Prompts | | Make This 100% Configurable! | | ______.____ ____.______ | | __________\________\/________/__________ | | / __) _) ) _) _ ) ) _)_) \ )| |( (_ _) _) | ( _) ( ^ ( | | | | | )| ( | | \___)___)_|__)__)_|__)_|__)|_| |_|\_/_|__)| | __/___.____/\____.___\__ | `-[Rel:Drake]----|[o5.29.95]|--[Disk o1/o1]-' Upload par: THERAPY GNX!STZ1.ZIP 10245 07-06-96 .------[ STATZ v1.oo [PPE] by LiMPY ]-------. | Stats PPE that includes many options. | | Cool ANSis. Easy to run. PCB 15.1+ | | ._____.______ .__. /\.__ - LiMPY | |-/ ___/ ___/ \| | ___/ | \------------| |/ /_.\ ._>_ \ |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X| |\ | \ | \ \ | / _ \ 1995 | |-\___ /___ /_|\__|----\__| /------------| `-----\/evl-\/---[o5.23.95]--\/-----[o1/o1]-' Upload par: THERAPY GNX!YIIS.ZIP 8621 07-06-96 .-[ INFORMATION SAVED v1.oo [PPE]ment PPE ]-. | Replaces the boring "Your information is | | saved" text in record #123. An original | | PPE...looks great too.... | | ._____.______ .__. /\.__ - LiMPY | |-/ ___/ ___/ \| | ___/ | \------------| |/ /_.\ ._>_ \ |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X| |\ | \ | \ \ | / _ \ 1995 | |-\___ /___ /_|\__|----\__| /------------| `-----\/evl-\/---[o7.14.95]--\/-----[o1/o1]-' Upload par: THERAPY GNX-ENT2.ZIP 7411 07-06-96 <=[Enter Message v2.0 Coded By Syntaxerror]=> _____________ ______ ____ / _____/\ \ | \ \ / / | | ____| \| | \/ / | | |_ | \ |\ \ / \ \__| | |\ | > < \________/____| \__|/ \ \ -ST <==[Generation X PPE]=====/ /\ \========> <==[Released 09-10-94]===/___/ \___|=[1/1]=> Upload par: THERAPY GNX-KEY.ZIP 10443 07-06-96 MaSTaKEY aMi/X PRoMPT Coded By DR DR Generation X PPE 1/1 Upload par: THERAPY GNX-NW20.ZIP 25135 02-26-97 <[New Warez v2.0 Coded By DR DR]> / _________.__ ____.___..___._ \ P /: __/\___ \| \ || / P P //. _/____| \ \\ \ / P E \ \_/ / \ /\_ \_/ PCB15.2 E ! \___.___\__._|\__/ / \ \ ! \ [Generation X] / \ \ -ST / <[11/13/94] /_|__/\__|_\[1/1]> Upload par: THERAPY GNXXCW15.ZIP 18880 07-06-96 .--[ Write Settings v1.50 Coded By X-Con ]--. | Write settings PPE with multimain-system, | | like the one obv2 uses. Easier configfile | | for your convenience. Gfx by Sbinder of | | acid productions and nocturnal holocaust. | | *** NOW FULLY FUNCTIONAL! LEECH THIS! *** | | ._____.______ .__. /\.__ - X-Con | |-/ ___/ ___/ \| | ___/ | \------------| |/ /_.\ ._>_ \ |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X| |\ | \ | \ \ | / _ \ 1996 | |-\___ /___ /_|\__|----\__| /------------| `-----\/evl-\/---[03.27.96]--\/-----[o1/o1]-' Upload par: THERAPY GNXXCWS1.ZIP 16194 07-06-96 .--[ Write Settings v1.00 Coded By X-Con ]--. | This is A PPLC 3.11 ANSI Styled PPE | | Layout Designed By sb.acid. | | Use Other Layouts, 100% Configurable..... | | ._____.______ .__. /\.__ - X-Con | |-/ ___/ ___/ \| | ___/ | \------------| |/ /_.\ ._>_ \ |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X| |\ | \ | \ \ | / _ \ 1996 | |-\___ /___ /_|\__|----\__| /------------| `-----\/evl-\/---[02.20.96]--\/-----[o1/o1]-' Upload par: THERAPY GNXZMRF1.ZIP 27959 02-26-97 .------[ Ami-X User Refer v1.0 [PPE] ]------. | An ass-kicking Ami-X User Refer PPE. | | hearing a sound after the user finishes | | using this kewl ppe. | | ._____.______ .__. /\.__ -Zima Man | |-/ ___/ ___/ \| | ___/ | \------------| |/ /_.\ ._>_ \ |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X| |\ | \ | \ \ | / _ \ 1995 | |-\___ /___ /_|\__|----\__| /------------| `-----\/evl-\/---[11.o3.95]--\/-----[o1/o1]-' Upload par: THERAPY GNX_QUL3.ZIP 11366 11-12-96 Quick Uploader v3.0 Upload par: THERAPY GNX_SUP.ZIP 9421 11-12-96 SuperView(c) Grabba! Upload par: THERAPY GNX_ZA17.ZIP 11851 11-12-96 ZipAdd v1.7 Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 23) Intoxicate INX!000A.ZIP 28046 02-26-97 ܰ i n ۰ X ۰ ! .-intOXiCATE proudly pREsENTS-. -/\[ nEW - uSER - pASSwORD ]/\- - nice grafik - lightbar using - can ask 4 nup and sysop-name - own chat ...2 nice (: [25-09-95] -./\[ intoXicATE - jusT niCE! ]/\.- Upload par: THERAPY INX!001A.ZIP 31148 05-27-96 ܰ i n ۰ X ۰ ! .-intOXiCATE proudly pREsENTS-. -/\[ nEW - uSER - AppliCAtiON ]/\- - very niCE grAFiX foR u boARD - eaSy 2 inSTAll and 2 uSE! - lighTbARS - leECh it anD chECK it ouT... [25-09-95] -./\[ intoXicATE - jusT niCE! ]/\.- Upload par: THERAPY INX!001B.ZIP 42259 02-26-97 ܰ i n ۰ X ۰ ! .-intOXiCATE proudly pREsENTS-. -/\[nEW-uSER-AppliCAtiON v1.1]/\- - very niCE grAFiX foR u boARD - eaSy 2 inSTAll and 2 uSE! - lighTbARS - liNE bUG fiXED - leECh it anD chECK it ouT... [29-09-95] Upload par: THERAPY INX!002A.ZIP 24515 05-27-96 ܰ i n ۰ X ۰ ! .-intOXiCATE proudly pREsENTS-. -/\[ lama kill ]/\- - add lamers 2 a list - nice grafix and easy 2 use - lighTbARS - leECh it anD chECK it ouT... [25-10-95] -./\[ intoXicATE - jusT niCE! ]/\.- Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 24) Katharsis KTS!116.ZIP 16572 02-26-97 . _________ ____________ . ___\ _/____\___ __ :_|___\ /_ ___/___ \_|<----------. /_______ \_ ______/_ \_ presents: | =l \_____|____/=/__ =========== :.`------' `----' :::. Nice Time Adjuster by Event (#116) :::::. Elites PcBoard 15.21/+ AddOn o1/o1::... .. . _ _ ___ ___ck! Upload par: THERAPY KTS!662.ZIP 10436 05-03-96 . _________ ____________ . ___\ _/____\___ __ :_|___\ /_ ___/___ \_|<----------. /_______ \_ ______/_ \_ presents: | =l \_____|____/=/__ =========== :.`------' `----' :::. Read All Mail (#662) replacement! :::::. Elites PcBoard 15.21/+ AddOn o1/o1::... .. . _ _ ___ ___ck! Upload par: THERAPY KTS!A&$.ZIP 16710 02-26-97 . _________ ____________ . ___\ _/____\___ __ :_|___\ /_ ___/___ \_|<----------. /_______ \_ ______/_ \_ presents: | =l \_____|____/=/__ =========== :.`------' `----' :::. A, $ commands for PcBoard 15.22/+ :::::. Ami-X /X styled Boards Add-On o1/o1::... .. . _ _ ___ ___ck! Upload par: THERAPY KTS!CBCK.ZIP 18219 02-26-97 . _________ ____________ . ___\ _/____\___ __ :_|___\ /_ ___/___ \_|<----------. /_______ \_ ______/_ \_ presents: | =l \_____|____/=/__ =========== :.`------' `----' :::. CallBacker for PcBoard 15.21/+ :::::. For All Free Lines Boards! AddOn o1/o1::... .. . _ _ ___ ___ck! Upload par: THERAPY KTS!DI20.ZIP 18277 02-26-97 . _________ ____________ . ___\ _/____\___ __ :_|___\ /_ ___/___ \_|<----------. /_______ \_ ______/_ \_ presents: | =l \_____|____/=/__ =========== :.`------' `----' :::. board distros 2.00 - [release 1] :::::. PcBoard 15.21/+ Util by tOCONt o1/o1::... .. . _ _ ___ ___ck! Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 25) Lci LCI-AP11.ZIP 24951 07-06-96 CYB ENHANCED APPLY V1.1 1OO% CONFiGURABLE, ALLOWS FiLE ATTACH AND FREEFORM LETTER, NiCE FADiNG EFFECTS AND MORE ! CYBERPUNK 12/O3/96 Upload par: THERAPY LCI-CH10.ZIP 41867 07-06-96 CYB LCi CHAT V1.O FREE CONFiGURABLE FADiNG, ELiTE ENCRYPTiON, RETURN TO PREViOUS LiNE,CAPTURE FiLE,WORD WRAPPiNG, MACROS, DiSPLAYS SYSTEM TiME AND CHAT TiME,FREE DEFiNABLE HOTKEYS CYBERPUNK 11/O1/96 Upload par: THERAPY LCI-MC10.ZIP 25636 07-06-96 CYB MULTi CONFERENCE UTiLS V1.OO iNCLUDES NEW FiLE SCAN, LOCATE AND ZiPPY. 1OO% CONFiGURABLE, "REAL" MULTi CONF STOP ! DREW [PWA]'S EFLAG RECOMMENDED CYBERPUNK 17/O3/96 Upload par: THERAPY LCI-MW10.ZIP 28241 07-06-96 CYB MAGiC WORD V1.O AN AWESOME NEW SYSTEMPASSWORD !! MANY GREAT FEATURES, iNTEGRATED SETUP - YOU HAVE TO SEE iT ! CYBERPUNK 23/11/95 Upload par: THERAPY LCI-PA10.ZIP 13280 07-06-96 CYB PCB PATCH V1.O REMOVES THE CONNECT STRiNG AND FORCES PCB TO DiSPLAY PROMPT #45O (ERROR CORRECTiNG MODEM DETECTED). GREAT FOR A PERFECT SPW iNSTALLATiON ! CYBERPUNK 15/O3/96 Upload par: THERAPY LCIED112.ZIP 27346 07-06-96 CYB LCi USEREDiTOR V1.12 ALLOWS YOU TO ADD NEW USER AND TO SELECT CONFERENCES! OF COURSE OTHER THiNGS CAN BE CHANGED, TOO CYBERPUNK 31/12/95 Upload par: THERAPY LCIED114.ZIP 33011 07-06-96 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ roy LCi USEREDiTOR V1.14 THE BEST PCB USER EDiTOR. NEW iN THiS VERSiON: ViEW MODE, HiDE USER PWDS. DON'T MiSS THiS ONE ! CYBERPUNK 11/O5/96 Upload par: THERAPY LCIEDM10.ZIP 8431 07-06-96 CYB ENHANCED DOOR MENU V1.O DiSPLAY A TEXT FiLE, RUN A PPE OR OPEN A DOOR, EiTHER WiTH THE PCB OPEN COMMAND OR WiTH A PPE iNTERNAL ROUTiNE. A DORiNFO1.DEF FiLE WiLL BE CREATED OPTiONALLY. CYBERPUNK 23/11/95 Upload par: THERAPY LCIKEY10.ZIP 14452 07-06-96 CYB PCBKEY V1.O BEST MAiNMENU PROMPT REPLACEMENT FULL COMMANDLiNE EDiTiNG, LAST CMD HiSTORY,FADiNG CHARS,COMMAND LOG, SUPPORTS BROADCAST MSGS ! CYBERPUNK 24/O3/96 Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 26) Lucid LCD-ENTR.ZIP 22992 05-21-96 ܲ ܲ ޲ ܲ ߲ ܲ Proudly Presents: Two nice spinning prompts here's two randoming enter prompts for pcb 15.2+. coded by someone of lucid. Upload par: THERAPY LCD-LC20.ZIP 16909 05-21-96 ߲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ޲ ޲ ܲ ߲ ܲ ܲ Lucid [PPE] Divison Proudly Presents [ LAST CALLER 2.O ] This is the c00lesst around. displays the 14 previous callers, nice design and c00l color functions. Upload par: THERAPY LCD-NUP.ZIP 9760 05-21-96 MAGiC NUP new user password (nup) this one is good looking! fully configurable and many functions. this is for pcb 15.2 ޲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲޲ ݲ۲ ݲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ Upload par: THERAPY LCD-RGD1.ZIP 10544 05-21-96 ߲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ޲ ޲ ܲ ߲ ܲ ܲ Lucid [PPE] Divison Proudly Presents [ DISCLAiMER 1.O ] huh, heres a cool disclaimer for your login. randoming arts :). faqing nice designed. Upload par: THERAPY LCD-RGL1.ZIP 17595 02-26-97 ߲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ޲ ޲ ܲ ߲ ܲ ܲ Lucid [PPE] Divison Proudly Presents [ LOGiN 1.O ] Just another [ppe] from lucid productions. This is the c00lesst login thing around!. nothing beats this. Upload par: THERAPY LCD_ON10.ZIP 9825 11-12-96 ONEliner 1.O Here's a nice oneliner, cool input functions and nice layout, everything is just cool. use it!. Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 27) Mafia BCAL100B.ZIP 28541 06-03-96 FoRCe oF QuALiTiY PCB 15.1+ File Area Lister PPE v1.00b Lightbar driven File area lister that supports multiple pages, lightbar area selection etc.. BLACKCAT Upload par: THERAPY BCBK121.ZIP 17553 06-03-96 FoRCe oF QuALiTiY [FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ TimeBank PPE v1.21 Lightbar menu driven time bank, uses TPAs. Security definable maximum deposit time and maximum daily deposit/withdraw time. BLACKCAT Upload par: THERAPY BCCOM100.ZIP 8053 06-03-96 FoRCe oF QuALiTiY [FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ Command PPE v1.1 Spinning/moving command prompt replacement. Allows you to add own 'command prompt' designs. BLACKCAT Upload par: THERAPY BCEN21.ZIP 22489 06-03-96 FoRCe oF QuALiTiY PCB 15.1+ Enter PPE v2.1 Press Enter replacement that allows YOU to add your own moving Enter prompts. Now has User selectable prompts, non moving prompts can also be used. 19 prompts included. BlackCat Upload par: THERAPY BCFAL11B.ZIP 38286 06-03-96 FoRCe oF QuALiTiY PCB 15.1+ File Area Lister PPE v1.1b Lightbar driven File area lister that supports multiple pages, lightbar area selection etc.. BLACKCAT Upload par: THERAPY BCHDR10.ZIP 43867 06-03-96 FoRCe oF QuALiTiY Directory headers v1.0b Creates directory headers for your dir files. Fully configurably with replacement codes. Also includes a utility that writes the headers into your dir files. BlackCat Upload par: THERAPY BCMX110.ZIP 108448 06-03-96 THE GROWING FORCE OF QUALiTY ...::: PRESENTS :::... [FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ Matrix PPE v1.10 Configurable, lightbar or dos mode, full logging features, external feedback/nuv/ infoform/page/sysop PPEs, multinode aware and more. CHANGES: Major NUV changes, external command configuration, bugfixes, full ansi configuration for all prompts. Upload par: THERAPY BCMX120.ZIP 125106 06-03-96 FoRCe oF QuALiTiY PCB 15.1+ Matrix PPE v1.20 Configurable, lightbar or dos mode, full logging features, external feedback/nuv/ infoform/page/sysop PPEs, multinode aware and more. Lots of changes in this version, read the history file... BlackCat Upload par: THERAPY BCNS103.ZIP 8476 06-03-96 [FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ NewScan PPE v1.03 N and Z replacement with the ability to scan back a number of days (with -days). Major changes: Now prompts for days to scan back, directories and extended (download, capture, flag) options. BLACKCAT Upload par: THERAPY BCNUK071.ZIP 102282 06-03-96 FoRCe oF QuALiTiY PCB 15.2+ Nuker PPE v0.71b Yes, it's me again with another lightbar driven full featured fast nuker/awarder/ commenter etc. If you're tired of waiting minutes when nuking/awarding files grab this! First PUBLIC beta. BlackCat Upload par: THERAPY BCNUK075.ZIP 155074 02-26-97 FoRCe oF QuALiTiY PCB 15.2+ Nuker PPE v0.75b Yes, it's me again with another lightbar driven full featured fast nuker/awarder/ commenter etc. If you're tired of waiting minutes when nuking/awarding files grab this! Second PUBLIC beta. BlackCat Upload par: THERAPY BCREQ100.ZIP 11707 06-03-96 FoRCe oF QuALiTiY PCB 15.1+ Request PPE v1.00 Nice little request door. Allows your users to request offline files by inserting a little description, the filename and media number (tape or whatever). Users can delete their own requests. BLACKCAT Upload par: THERAPY BCTOP120.ZIP 15642 06-03-96 FoRCe oF QuALiTiY PCB 15.1+ Top PPE v1.20 Creates top uploaders (files/bytes), top downloaders (files/bytes) and top callers bulletins. Extremely configurable through replacement codes. No user limit. This version adds totals to the footers. BlackCat Upload par: THERAPY BCXT112.ZIP 67294 06-03-96 FoRCe oF QuALiTiY PCB 15.0 Top X days v1.12 Generates your boards top X last days uploaders/downloaders (bytes and files). Default setup creates weekly bulletins. Fully configurable now through replacement codes. BlackCat Upload par: THERAPY BC_EN10.ZIP 6125 06-03-96 PCB 15.1+ Press Enter replacement 1.0b Coded by blackcat. Lets you add your own moving "Press Enter" prompts Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 28) Magic MA-#001.ZIP 18551 02-17-97 ܲ ۲ ߲ ARTS Info Section presents All news about Magic Arts Including da new numba of da WHQ ... [#001] [24.o3.1996] %FiREBALL% PasseddaDiamondBBS +49-2234-965978 Upload par: SpoOkiE FroM ThE InvaDerS MA-ACR10.ZIP 13791 02-17-97 presentsͻ LIST OF FREQUENTLY ASKED GROUP ACRONYMS OFTEN NEEDED 4 APPLYIN' ON ELITE BOARDS F! 96 !S ͼ Upload par: SpoOkiE FroM ThE InvaDerS MA-APPLY.ZIP 31714 02-18-97 LEECH IT NOW ܱ ߱ ڱ ıܱıııĿ presents Magic Arts ApplicationĴ Are you a good Coder or ANSI Artist and do you wanna join a new kewl Remote Access Group called Magic Arts ???? YES ? Then leech thiz little File for more Upload par: SpoOkiE FroM ThE InvaDerS MA-FA10.ZIP 51976 02-17-97 ܲ ۲ ߲ ARTS '96 ooO FoRCe ANSi PPe v1.o Ooo THiS LiTTLe PPe WaS DoNe 4 BoaRDs THaT WaNNa FoRCe ANSi EMuLaTiON aT Da LoGiN %22.o7.96% %FiReBaLL% PaSSeDDaDiaMoNDBBS 492234965978 Upload par: SpoOkiE FroM ThE InvaDerS MA-FTL!.ZIP 24572 02-17-97 ܲ ۲ ߲ ARTS PESETS $ME ANTSTC EW SZ OR D TAL!LOGN %12.o5.1996% %Wulfen% PasseddaDiamondBBS +49-2234-965978 Upload par: SpoOkiE FroM ThE InvaDerS MA-HMTI.ZIP 219021 02-17-97 ܲ ۲ ߲ ARTS hV m TM MT XM MP$ $DD$,M$KK $TL XPMTL $TH $D %26o41996% %SodanBDS% PasseddaDiamondBBS +49-2234-965978 Upload par: THERAPY MA-ICEL.ZIP 34794 02-18-97 ܱ ߱ ڱ ıܱıııĿ presents Ice Language Ĵ Directly from da North Pole into ya kewl BBS ... The most Icy Language file for Ra 2.0x you've ever seen. RELEASED 21/o2/1996 by Fireball ߱ ıܱıı Upload par: SpoOkiE FroM ThE InvaDerS MA-JHOUS.ZIP 79807 02-17-97 ܲ ۲ ߲ ARTS GL H$ MT XM MP$ SodanBDS $TL Jungle H.House %o4-11-1996% % SodanBDS % PasseddaDiamondBBS +49-2234-965978 Upload par: THERAPY MA-NEW10.ZIP 19833 02-17-97 [ NWFiLCHCK PP 1.O ] LSTCLL/TODY/DYS BCK LiGHTBR OR COMMNDLIN FLG NW FiLS / NONSTOP %O3.1O.96% %fiRBLL% 96 Upload par: THERAPY MA-PAG10.ZIP 44909 02-17-97 ۲ ۲ b o۲ ޲ h ۲ MGiC RTS'96 PAGER PP 1.o 1O1% CONFIGURABLE / LEAVE MESSAGE EMERGENCY PW / READ DOC 4 MORE [o6.11.96].o.[FiREBALL] Upload par: THERAPY MA-TYPE.ZIP 43670 02-17-97 ۲ ۲ b o۲ ޲ h ۲ MAGiC ARTS TYPE ONLiNE GAME PLAY WiTH THE SYSOP OR ALONE USER CAN ADD WORDS/KEWL D-SiGN UNZiP WiTH -D SWiTCH [o7.o2.97% PPE % -MOCK- ] Upload par: SpoOkiE FroM ThE InvaDerS MA-UPL10.ZIP 12547 02-17-97 [ UPLOD PP 1.O ] UPLOD RPLCMNT 4 PCB LiGHTBRS,COOL D-SiGN %14.1o.96% %SODN% 96 Upload par: THERAPY MA-UPL20.ZIP 16188 02-17-97 ۲ ۲ b o۲ ޲ h ۲ MGiC RTS'96 UPLOD PP 2.o U Replacement 4 PCB lightbars / full animated / funky [25.11.96% %JOHN'DE boh] Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 29) Moz[ic]art MOZ-ANUM.ZIP 4112 03-09-96 ߲߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۱ ۲ MOZ ۲ ۲۲ ART PPE ܲܲܲ PPE moz[IC]art proudly presents: ܲ Automatic New User Message PPE Coded by VENiOR Release date 06/06/95 [Redefining ART!] (c) 1995 - no modification allowed Upload par: THERAPY MOZ-BULL.ZIP 20279 06-27-96 <-------> M ۲۲ o ۲ ۲ Z <- ۲ --> X x۲ xx x ۲ݰ ۲ݰ x ޲ ۲ݰ X X ۲ ۲۰ x ۲ ۲X x x x ۲ ۲ ۲ݰ ۲ X <-- ߲ ۲ ->ray moz[IC]art presents 1996 ------- simple lightbardriven bulletin-ppe by Major Tom of moz[IC]art ------- <-[moz-bull]-----[01.06.1996]-> Upload par: THERAPY MOZ-DRT.ZIP 18108 09-07-96 <-------> M ۲۲ o ۲ ۲ Z <- ۲ --> X x۲ xx x ۲ݰ ۲ݰ x ޲ ۲ݰ X X ۲ ۲۰ x ۲ ۲X x x x ۲ ۲ ۲ݰ ۲ X <-- ߲ ۲ ->ray moz[IC]art presents 1996 ------- - dizart v1.o - a great file_id advertisement tool coded by deimos ------- <-[moz-drt]------[08.02.1996]-> Upload par: THERAPY MOZ-DYUP.ZIP 27075 03-09-96 <-------> M ۲۲ o ۲ ۲ Z <- ۲ --> X x۲ xx x ۲ݰ ۲ݰ x ޲ ۲ݰ X X ۲ ۲۰ x ۲ ۲X x x x ۲ ۲ ۲ݰ ۲ X <-- ߲ ۲ ->ray moz[IC]art presents 1996 ------- dayup - 100 % /X Clone for PCBoard! a tool coded by Major Tom! ------- <-[moz-dyup]-----[23.01.1996]-> Upload par: THERAPY MOZ-EAT1.ZIP 43994 05-02-96 <-------> M ۲۲ o ۲ ۲ Z <- ۲ --> X x۲ xx x ۲ݰ ۲ݰ x ޲ ۲ݰ X X ۲ ۲۰ x ۲ ۲X x x x ۲ ۲ ۲ݰ ۲ X <-- ߲ ۲ ->ray moz[IC]art presents 1996 ------- - TEXT EATER 1.o - Another *GREAT!* BBS-Add System Very Configurable! Code by Deimos ------- <-[moz-eat1]-----[23.04.1996]-> Upload par: THERAPY MOZ-EM11.ZIP 21233 03-09-96 ߲߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۰ ۲ ۲ ۱ ۲ MOZ ۲ ۲۲ ART PPE ܲܲܲ PPE moz[IC]art proudly presents: ܲ Enter Message PPE v1.10 "E" replacement coded by DR.BLACK! Release date 06/06/95 (c) 1995 - no modification allowed Upload par: THERAPY MOZ-PROT.ZIP 22070 09-07-96 <-------> M ۲۲ o ۲ ۲ Z <- ۲ --> X x۲ xx x ۲ݰ ۲ݰ x ޲ ۲ݰ X X ۲ ۲۰ x ۲ ۲X x x x ۲ ۲ ۲ݰ ۲ X <-- ߲ ۲ ->ray moz[IC]art presents 1996 ------- the moz[IC]art protocol-switch lightbar ppe, fully configable, 100% token support, reads pcbprot.dat, add descs to your protocols / X-con ------- <-[moz-prot]-----[01.06.1996]-> Upload par: THERAPY MOZ-RM10.ZIP 25836 09-07-96 <-------> M ۲۲ o ۲ ۲ Z <- ۲ --> X x۲ xx x ۲ݰ ۲ݰ x ޲ ۲ݰ X X ۲ ۲۰ x ۲ ۲X x x x ۲ ۲ ۲ݰ ۲ X <-- ߲ ۲ ->ray moz[IC]art presents 1996 ------- random machine v1.o by Major Tom! a fast random-bbs-addy-making PPE ------- Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 30) Paranoia #T-UP-DL.ZIP 11150 05-27-96 TOP DOWLOAD & UPLOAD OF ALL THE BBS DON'T SPREAD IT !!!!!!! (JOKE) ij NOT AN OTHER TOP TASTE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! ij Upload par: THERAPY PNA-BY10.ZIP 13400 09-28-96 ._____.____._____._____._____._____.__._____. ' ' ' ' ' ' __|' _/| _/' __ ______| |____|__|_____________ -- Toydealer^Paranoia - | Paranoia Good-Bye 1.OO ------- This little tool replaces the #166 entry and display a random GFX to the user... You can use this for random bbs ad's, random ansi art, random lyrics, etc... Just d/l this little PPE and check it out! -------- | Toydealer/Paranoia ............. 12.O8.96 PCB 15.22 -- UNZiP WiTH -D OPTiON Upload par: THERAPY PNA-DC20.ZIP 39926 09-28-96 ._____.____._____._____._____._____.__._____. ' ' ' ' ' ' __|' _/| _/' __ ______| |____|__|_____________ -- Toydealer^Paranoia - | Download User Check - Ver 2.OO DOS & OS/2 -------- ! HACK FREE VERSiON + PNACHECK.EXE iNCL ! -------- | Toydealer/Paranoia ............. O8.O2.96 ------ UNZiP WiTH -D OPTiON Upload par: THERAPY PNA-F100.ZIP 19344 09-28-96 ._____.____._____._____._____._____.__._____. ' ' ' ' ' ' __|' _/| _/' __ ______| |____|__|_____________ -- - | FiLEAREA 1.OO (sounds like phuture) -------- This PPE replaces the boring "F" command. - no external files / tools needed - works 1oo% with each PCB-System - extremly fast -------- | TOYDEALER [PARANOiA] ............15.O6.96 ----------- Upload par: THERAPY PNA-MA11.ZIP 12076 05-27-96 . : . | : | | Is Proud To Present You : :[ NEW MAIL PROMPT 1.1 ]: PCBOARD 15.2+ : MULTiLANGUAGE | | LiGHTBAR SYSTEM : FLEXiBLE ANSi-GFX / -CFG iNSTALL PROGRAMM iNCL. : Toydealer^PNA | .:[d0P StYL PPs i 1995]:. - -- Upload par: THERAPY PNA-S101.ZIP 9951 03-09-96 ._____.____._____._____._____._____.__._____. ' ' ' ' ' ' __|' _/| _/' __ ______| |____|__|_____________ -- Toydealer^Paranoia - | Security Info - Version 1.O1 -------- Informs a user about his security with a percent bar and an info text... -------- | Toydealer/Paranoia ............. 18.O9.95 ------ UNZiP WiTH -D OPTiON Upload par: THERAPY PNA-TM10.ZIP 20991 09-28-96 ._____.____._____._____._____._____.__._____. ' ' ' ' ' ' __|' _/| _/' __ ______| |____|__|_____________ -- PARANOiA TiME 1.OO - | GiVE USERS A iNDiViDUAL ONLiNE TiME -------- With this PPE you can give every user you like his own online time without playing around with your PWRD file. -------- | Scythe/Paranoia ................ 17.12.95 ----------- Upload par: THERAPY PNABK210.ZIP 138598 02-26-97 ._____.____._____._____._____._____.__._____. ' ' ' ' ' ' __|' _/| _/' __ ______| |____|__|_____________ -- PCB BYTEKiLLER 2.1O - | COMPLETE NUKiNG SYSTEM WiTH WEEKTOP -------- Supports: Offline Nuking, Weektops, Dupe Checker, Credits Back for DL Nuked Files, No Sharing Violations, Full Configurable, Batch Nuking and tons of more features. -------- | SCYTHE [PARANOiA] .............. O3.O2.96 ----------- Upload par: THERAPY PNAEL200.ZIP 31582 05-27-96 ._____.____._____._____._____._____.__._____. ' ' ' ' ' ' __|' _/| _/' __ ______| |____|__|_____________ -- PCB ENHANCED LEECH 2.OO - | FULL SCREEN BATCH EDiTiNG REPLACEMENT -------- This PPE replaces PCB's lame Remove File and Add File options. This includes a rewritten and full configurable version of Raiden's widely used Paranoia Leech. -------- | SCYTHE [PARANOiA] ...............22.O3.96 ----------- Upload par: THERAPY PNAEMS10.ZIP 25219 05-27-96 ._____.____._____._____._____._____.__._____. ' ' ' ' ' ' __|' _/| _/' __ ______| |____|__|_____________ -- Paranoia Enter Message PPE - | [ VERSiON 1.OO ] -------- best looking enter message ppe available. 99.9% configurable . all pcb message secs are included (group pw, sender pw, etc..) | user-macro message blocker and more ..... ! PPLC 3.OO and 3.1O versions included !! -------- | Raiden/Paranoia ................ 12.O9.95 ----------- Upload par: THERAPY PNALG162.ZIP 33841 03-09-96 ._____.____._____._____._____._____.__._____. ' ' ' ' ' ' __|' _/| _/' __ ______| |____|__|_____________ -- Paranoia Login System - | VERSiON 1.62 - COSMiC's DEATH .THE MOST PROFESSiONAL LOGiN SYSTEM EVER. -------- NO matrix system - 99% configurable - nup syspw - random welcome screens - litebars user blacklister - new user questionnaire 1OO% custom startup sequence - fast login | now with new user PROTOCOL REPLACEMENT .. -------- | Raiden/Paranoia ................ 25.O7.95 ----------- Upload par: THERAPY PNALG25C.ZIP 52202 03-09-96 ._____.____._____._____._____._____.__._____. ' ' ' ' ' ' __|' _/| _/' __ ______| |____|__|_____________ -- presents - | PROFESSiONAL LOGiN - Version 2.5O The last one for PCB 15.21 -------- New features: Ugly stacking of handle/pw removed Security level dependent login scripts Private board check Posting of new user forms Some nasty bugfixes + much more -------- | Raiden/Paranoia ................ O4.O2.96 ----------- Upload par: THERAPY PNALOG10.ZIP 29713 02-26-97 ۰ ۰ ۱۰ ۱ ۲ ۱ ۰۲۰ ߱ ߰ ߲߲߱ [ PARANOiA.PPE ] BOASTLY PRESENTZ -/- PARANOiA LOGiN V1.OO -/- [RAiDEN] Main Features ... 99.9% Configurable =) Multiple Welcome Screens NUP / System PW Kewl New User Questionnaire Fast Login Feature Hi-Quality GFX + MUCH MORE ... Upload par: THERAPY PNALX101.ZIP 18800 09-28-96 ._____.____._____._____._____._____.__._____. ' ' ' ' ' ' __|' _/| _/' __ ______| |____|__|_____________ -- presents - | LAST TRANSFERS STATiSTiC Version 1.O1 -------- fastest lastxfer ppe around 'coz it makes use of an external list processor. -------- | raiden@pna/phat ................ 21.O9.96 ----------- Upload par: THERAPY PNAMS100.ZIP 31494 05-27-96 ._____.____._____._____._____._____.__._____. ' ' ' ' ' ' __|' _/| _/' __ ______| |____|__|_____________ -- PCB MiND SCAN 1.OO - | COMPLETE CONFERNCE SCAN REPLACEMENT -------- This PPE replaces the lame standard PCB confernece scanning with a one all other BBS systems have. -------- | SCYTHE [PARANOiA] .............. 21.O2.96 ----------- Upload par: THERAPY PNAZL10.ZIP 9061 03-09-96 . : | . : ZiPPY SEARCH/LOCATE FiLE | for PCB 15.2x | : JOiNiNG "ALL" CONFERENCE BEFORE SEARCHiNG : DiRECTLY FLAG FOUND FiLES | NON-STOP LiSTiNG COMBiNED NEWFiLES SCAN | NiCE LiTEBAR SYSTEM TO : TOGGLE OPTiONS | KiCKiN' ANSi D-SiGN [ Raiden ][ 11.O6.95 ] Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 31) Phun NG_PHUN.ZIP 9568 05-04-96 PHoneyUndergroundNation WorldReleases [PPE] News Generator 1.OO [PPE] KEWL NEWS GENERATOR Code by Rex Upload par: THERAPY NUKE_PHU.ZIP 47137 05-04-96 __________ ___ ___ ___ \______ \_| | ___| |______ | | | |/ / | |/ | | _ \| | | |\__/ _ | /| | | | | | | |___| | \| |___| | | |___|[PHUN]|___|\_______|KP'\______| <==============[PReSeNTS]===============> [PPE] NUKE'EM ThA 1.OO [PPE] <> CeWl NukEr WiTh All FEaTuReS <> Code: ReX NeBuLaR <==[PHUN]========================[1/1]==> BETA VERSION Upload par: THERAPY PC_PHUN.ZIP 45586 05-04-96 __________ ___ ___ ___ \______ \_| | ___| |______ | | | |/ / | |/ | | _ \| | | |\__/ _ | /| | | | | | | |___| | \| |___| | | |___|[PHUN]|___|\_______|KP'\______| <==============[PReSeNTS]===============> [PPE] PhunChat PPE v1.OO [PPE] THE ULTIMATE CHATTER! Code: ReX NeBuLaR Ansi: CaVe KinG <==[PHUN]========================[1/1]==> Upload par: THERAPY PE_PHUN.ZIP 17889 05-04-96 __________ ___ ___ ___ \______ \_| | ___| |______ | | | |/ / | |/ | | _ \| | | |\__/ _ | /| | | | | | | |___| | \| |___| | | |___|[PHUN]|___|\_______|KP'\______| <==============[PReSeNTS]===============> [PPE] PhunEdit PPE v1.OO [PPE] A GREAT USER EDITOR Code: ReX NeBuLaR Ansi: CaVe KinG <==[PHUN]========================[1/1]==> Upload par: THERAPY PHUN!RT1.ZIP 9599 05-04-96 PHoneyUndergroundNation WorldReleases [PPE] RUMour Thing 1.OO [PPE] A C00L RUMOUR DOOR! Code by Rex Upload par: THERAPY PHUN-MEB.ZIP 12029 02-26-97 R H E O P L U O E S I A E N S [PPE] LOGIN MESSAGE SCARER V.1.0 [PHUN] - T E Ŀ A B D Broadcasts a message to all nodes : D R - > at the login * 90% configurable < O E B > + SPECIAL SETUP FOR THE SYSOP ! < N A Y I K [Code: BLue Adonis] S Upload par: THERAPY PHUN-TC1.ZIP 5028 05-04-96 R H E O L U E S A E S [PPE] THIS-CALL-STATISTICS V.1.0 [PHUN] - E Ŀ A D A cool PPe to install in the logoff D - to show the user what he did during O B his call (# of Pages/Chats/Errors). N Y I [Code: BLue Adonis] S Publicity in the FILE_ID sucks!Ŀ STOP IT NOW, LAMERS ! [*BA* *H.Ad*] Upload par: THERAPY PHUNREG.ZIP 5035 05-04-96 PHoneyUndergroundNation WorldReleases [PPE] [PPE] RegiSTratioN FlasH 1.0 Code by BLuE ADoNiS Upload par: THERAPY PHUNSTS1.ZIP 5420 05-04-96 [PPE] [PPE] RoYaL STaT'aZ 1.0 'V' Command Replacement for PCB15+ Code by BLuE ADoNiS Upload par: THERAPY PHUNWARP.ZIP 6947 03-09-96 :(~~~~~~~~\~~):(~~~)~~~~)~~~~)~~~~)(~~~~): ::\ /~~\ | |:| /:\ /:\ /:\ |::\ /:: :| \__/ | \_/ |:| |:| |:| \_| | :| _____/ |:| |:| |:| _ |: :| |:::| /~\ |:| |:| |:| |:\ |: ::/ \:::/ |:| \:/ \_/ \:/ \::| \:: :(_____):(___):(___)_________)____)(____): -/- PRESENTS -\- CK PHUN LightWarP Auto Logff PPE for PCB15.1 Coded By BLUE ADONIS - PHUN PPE Division Release Date 4/13/94 Upload par: THERAPY PHUN_ALT.ZIP 4857 03-09-96 :(~~~~~~~~\~~):(~~~)~~~~)~~~~)~~~~)(~~~~): ::\ /~~\ | |:| /:\ /:\ /:\ |::\ /:: :| \__/ | \_/ |:| |:| |:| \_| | :| _____/ |:| |:| |:| _ |: :| |:::| /~\ |:| |:| |:| |:\ |: ::/ \:::/ |:| \:/ \_/ \:/ \::| \:: :(_____):(___):(___)_________)____)(____): -/- PRESENTS -\- CK PHUN Anti Lamer Test PPE for PCB15.1 Coded By BLUE ADONIS - PHUN PPE Division Release Date 4/26/94 Upload par: THERAPY PHUN_CCS.ZIP 9606 05-04-96 PHoneyUndergroundNation WorldReleases [PPE] Calling Card Supplier 1.OO [PPE] C.C. SUPPLIER PPE Code by Rex Upload par: THERAPY PHUN_HH1.ZIP 4868 05-04-96 PHoneyUndergroundNation WorldReleases [PPE] [PPE] PHuN PReSeNTs THe HaPPy HoUR PPE 1.0! LeT YouR UsErS SLoBBeR! Code by Ne0N Upload par: THERAPY PHUN_LV2.ZIP 6813 05-04-96 PHoneyUndergroundNation WorldReleases [PPE] [PPE] Last Visitors 1.3 Minor Bug Fix for the Previous Version Code by NeoN Upload par: THERAPY PHUN_MEB.ZIP 11001 02-26-97 R H E O L U P E S o A E I S [PPE] LOGIN MESSAGE SCARER V.1.0 [PHUN] - N E Ŀ A t D Broadcasts a message to all nodes : D b - > at the login * 90% configurable < O R B > + SPECIAL SETUP FOR THE SYSOP ! < N E Y I a [Code: BLue Adonis] S Upload par: THERAPY PHUN_MF2.ZIP 3926 05-04-96 PHoneyUndergroundNation WorldReleases [PPE] [PPE] MaiL FLaSHeR 2.0 iMPRoVeD GfX aND SPeeD! Code by BLue ADoNiS Upload par: THERAPY PHUN_MZ2.ZIP 5630 05-04-96 PHoneyUndergroundNation WorldReleases [PPE] [PPE] Multi ZyZop Comment 2.0 LiGHTBAR VERSiON! Code by PHloam Upload par: THERAPY PHUN_OR.ZIP 5358 05-04-96 R H E O L U E S A E S [PPE] OFFLINE FILE REQUEST V. 1.0 [PPE] - E Ŀ A D PCBText Line Replacement for Sysops D - who have files in backup or on CD ! O B Let The Users Request Offline Files N Y I [Code: BLue Adonis] S Upload par: THERAPY VSLINER.ZIP 11790 05-27-96 PHoneyUndergroundNation WorldReleases [PPE] Very Strange Lines 1.OO [PPE] A STRANGE ONELINER! Code by Rex Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 32) Pirates With Attitude AR-PWAYN.ZIP 13178 05-02-96 Yes/No Bar Kit v1.0 By AReS [PWA] Ŀ Configure all the yes/no questions on your board and make them Lightbars! Small, Simple and easy to install. Hotkey support & configurable colors! Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ If you gonna do it with an ATTITUDE! Upload par: THERAPY ART1BPWA.ZIP 12249 05-02-96 Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ ART GALLERY 1.0 [CALCULUS/Dark Creation] PCBOARD PPE ANSi Art viewer Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY AWAPG20.ZIP 40656 03-09-96 Prompts Galore! v2.0 by Drew [PWA] Ŀ Replace 43(!) of those boring PCBoard text prompts with these slick looking lightbar prompts! This is a must have for the complete lightbar maniac. V2.0 has been completely rewritten in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY CB129PWA.ZIP 9963 05-02-96 Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ CHAT BOX 1.29 [by Calculus Productions] PCBOARD 15.1 - Sysop Chat Enhancement Upload par: THERAPY CBKG-PWA.ZIP 5074 05-02-96 Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ YCS's CHAT BOX 2.6 Registration Key Maker Works for ALL versions of YCS's Chat Box Upload par: THERAPY CH141PWA.ZIP 39692 07-30-96 Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ CONHOT 1.41 [REGISTERED] This is Paul Giraud's superb PCBOARD HOTFILES Bulletin generator utility. Be sure to read the PWA.NFO file for instructions on how to run the crack. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY CIAFONLR.ZIP 61762 05-02-96 Fucking OneLiners! V1.0 [By Buran - CiAP] PCBOARD 15.1 PPE Consisting of Oneliners Random Stat Screens, Display Last Caller Courtesy of PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY CIAFSU4B.ZIP 13277 05-02-96 CiAFSUE 4.0b [by DEFCON 4, CiA PPLE]Ŀ PCBOARD 15.1 PPE that provides a full screen user editor with easy light bar and user listing procedures. Courtesy of PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA Upload par: THERAPY CONADPWA.ZIP 50747 07-30-96 Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ CONADD 1.00 [REGISTERED] This is Paul Giraud's crappy PCBOARD local upload utility. Be sure to read the PWA.NFO file for instructions on how to run the crack. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY EDITHAR.ZIP 6968 05-02-96 EDITOR.PPE v1.1 [ By Nemesis ]Ŀ PCBOARD 15.1 PPE - Allows Sysops To Change the Nastry Cyan/Yellow Full Scrn Message Header - New Version/Bug Fix PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY FSMHPWA.ZIP 12087 02-26-97 EDITOR.PPE v1.0 [ By Nemesis ]Ŀ PCBOARD 15.1 PPE That provides the users a different color than the default for FULL SCREEN MESSAGE Editor header. PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY LBV12PWA.ZIP 11030 05-02-96 LiGHTBAR KiT v1.2 by CALCULUS Productions PCBOARD 15.1 Lightbar PPE Upload par: THERAPY PWA-FR10.ZIP 49726 05-02-96 PWA-FR Files-Reverse v1.0 by Mass Murderer View the Newest Files Uploaded First! Features : Multiple Conferences, Hotkeys File Numbering, Seperators, and more! Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWA-LOG1.ZIP 12410 11-11-96 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN smashes again with ... -[ LOGON PPE V0.1 by DRIZZT/PWA ]- -[SEND MSG TO ALL USERS AT LOGIN]- -[ FIX & MORE OPTIONS !!! ]- Upload par: THERAPY PWA-NSP1.ZIP 8095 05-02-96 PWA New-Scan Pro-PC v1.0 Ŀ Ami/X styled new file scan PPE for PCB! Scan options features todays, yesterday, weekly, and even user adjustable in real Mass Murderer. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWA-PW10.ZIP 17407 02-26-97 Password Snooper v1.0 [ by Copyright ]Ŀ View what the user is typing for their otherwise dot-echoed password. 100% configurable from colors to strings. pwa PIRATES WITH ATTITUDES pwa Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWA-R1B3.ZIP 17367 02-26-97 PWA Rumors v1.b3 by Soul Rebel [PWA] Ŀ Yet another PCBoard PPE for those ever popular rumors/oneliners. This one has on the fly PCBoard color code interpre- tation. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAA1L10.ZIP 6366 05-02-96 [ AMI-X ONELINERS v1.00 by Timecop ]Ŀ A great looking, AMI-X styled One-liners PPE. Features a filter to remove those trouble causing PCB @-macros, as well as on-the-fly @-color code interpretation. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAAC125.ZIP 9452 05-02-96 AMI-X Digiclock v1.25 by Timecop Ŀ Show the system time with a totally cool AMI-X look! Hours, minutes, and seconds are shown in large, ascii-drawn digits which gets updated every second. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAAC200.ZIP 15254 05-02-96 AMI-X Digiclock v2.00 by Timecop [PWA] Ŀ Show the system time with a totally cool AMI-X look! Hours, minutes, and seconds are shown in large, ascii-drawn digits which gets updated every second. V2.00 includes source! Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAACH30.ZIP 14004 02-26-97 AMI-X Chat PPE v3.00 by Timecop /\ PWA Ŀ A small, quick, and simple AMI/X styled SysOp Chat replacement PPE. Very clean with no nonsense. Updated version now includes source code! :) Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAADA10.ZIP 7445 05-02-96 [ AMI-X Download Activities v1.0 ]Ŀ A nice, small & simple PPE that displays downloading information from your node activity. Written by Timecop. Another awesome PWA release! Source included. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAAFSUE.ZIP 9250 05-02-96 AMI-X Full Screen User Editor PPE Ŀ This is a great looking AMI-X styled PPE to install in your CMD.LST. Written by Cyber Demon. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAALT10.ZIP 6220 05-02-96 AMI-X Last Transfers v1.00 by Timecop Ŀ Another PCBoard PPE with an AMI-X style, this one creates a bulletin displaying the last X number of files uploaded and downloaded by your users. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAAM11R.ZIP 5680 05-02-96 PWA AutoMessage v1.1 By AReS [PWA] Ŀ The best AutoMessage PPE around. Highly configurable. Clone of AutoMessage+ for Renegade. Shows 3 AutoMessages at one time. No Reg, No Bugs, NEW Features Upload par: THERAPY PWAAMXCH.ZIP 10724 05-02-96 AMI-X Chat PPE by Timecop Ŀ A small, quick, and simple AMI/X styled SysOp Chat replacement PPE. Very clean with no nonsense. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAATB10.ZIP 10708 05-02-96 AMI-X Alltime Top DL/UL v1.00 by Timecop [AMI-UPLD.PPE & AMI-DNLD.PPE] : Generate bulletins with a great AMI-X look of top uploaders and downloaders by bytes. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAAW135.ZIP 11006 05-02-96 AMI-X Weektop v1.35 by Timecop Ŀ Generates a bulletin featuring all your top uploaders during a week (x out of 7 days) in an AMI-X style. Features user exclusions and top uploader awarding. A PCBoard 15.1+ PPE. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAAXCHW.ZIP 6659 05-02-96 AMI-X Chat PPE bugfix ver. 2 by Timecop A small, quick, and simple AMI/X styled SysOp Chat replacement PPE. Very clean with no nonsense. Minor bugfix version. Wordwrap added in this version. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAAXUVU.ZIP 5160 05-02-96 AMI-X User Verification Utility Ŀ A small and quick PPE that allows you to view information about any other user, all done in an AMI-X style. Written by Cyber Demon. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWABAL14.ZIP 65121 05-27-96 [ File Area Lister v1.4 by BlackCat -PWA-] A Lightbar driven File area lister that supports multiple pages, lightbar area selection, area groups and much more... A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE from the best - PWA! Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWABQT10.ZIP 15464 10-06-96 [ Quoter PPE v1.0 by BlackCat /\ PWA ]Ŀ PCBoard message quoter which uses pplc 3.0 for easier and seamless integration. A nice addition for sysops using Nets to brighten up your quotes. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWABXL10.ZIP 21946 05-27-96 [ Extended DIR Lister PPE v1.0 - PWA ]Ŀ Lightbar driven DIR file lister. Lists DIR files forwards & backwards, retains all normal PCB file directory functions, multi-file tagging, variable description lengths, fast and much more!! Seeing is believing! PPE coded by: BlackCat Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWACSCAN.ZIP 6347 07-24-96 PWA CatScan v1.0 [ By Catasaan ]Ŀ This is a replacement the normal dull scanning message prompt with a graphical colored box. Simple and Useful PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAEBL10.ZIP 17240 07-30-96 [ Enhanced Bltn Lister v1.0 by Drew .PWA.] Replace your "B" command with this seam- less add-on to your existing bulletins. A lightbar and hotkey PCBoard 15.2+ PPE from the best ... PWA! Source included. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAEBS10.ZIP 18496 06-10-96 [ Enhanced Batch Save v1.0 by Drew -PWA- ] Allows user's who drop/lose carrier to automatically reflag their batch list! No silly nag screens and also let's them list the batch before restoring/deleting. A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAECJ16.ZIP 18526 04-17-96 Enh. Conf Join v1.6 - Drew/Nemesis [PWA]Ŀ A conference join PPE that shows only the conferences a user has access to while ignoring "blank" conferences as well as unaccessible ones. Now with *LIGHTBAR* support. Source is still included. For PCB 15.2+ only. Minor bugfix version. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAEF20.ZIP 33099 03-09-96 Enhanced Flag v2.0 by Drew [PWA] Ŀ Get rid of that ancient FLAG.PPE! Use those up and down arrows to flag your files -- OBV/2 & V/2 style. EFLAG v2.0 has been totally rewritten from scratch in PPL 3.0 for PCB 15.2 only. Has more lightbars, features, flexibility, and even more configurability. Check it out! pwa PIRATES WITH ATTITUDES pwa Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAEF22.ZIP 33059 03-09-96 [ Enhanced Flag v2.2 by Drew /\ PWA ]Ŀ Get rid of that ancient FLAG.PPE! Use those up and down arrows to flag your files -- OBV/2 and V/2 style. EFLAG.PPE is totally lightbar and hotkey driven. New version! New features! Bug fix! :) Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAEQU10.ZIP 32356 05-29-96 Enhanced Quick Uploader v1.0 by Drew Ŀ Do your blind uploads the CORRECT way: no more choking if you already have files flagged for download. Features lightbars, private message to the sysop, and source code. Another PPE written in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2 only, courtesy of PWA. pwa PIRATES WITH ATTITUDES pwa Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAFV25R.ZIP 42157 02-26-97 PWA File Viewer v2.5 [ By Defcon 4 ]Ŀ Zip File Viewer that improves the good old PCBFV with unheard of configurabilty. Many Changes and fixes from 2.2. Also supports Viglante's new flag PPE. Read history file for complete list of changes PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWANFS10.ZIP 26770 05-31-96 PWA DEF New File Scan v1.0 by Drew Ŀ Finally, a user configurable new file scanner! Users are able to select which file areas they want to scan and keep the configuration! All regular PCBoard commands are still preserved. Awesome lightbar driven file area config, Multi-conference aware, hot-keys, and totally easy to use config program. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWANK082.ZIP 180584 03-09-96 Nuker PPE v0.82 by BlackCat /\ PWA Ŀ A full featured, lightbar driven, *FAST* file nuker for PCB 15.2+. Allows you to Nuke/Award/Comment/Free files. If you're tired of waiting minutes when nuking, grab this! Refer to PWA.NFO and UPGRADE for important upgrading information. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAPG21.ZIP 41709 03-09-96 Prompts Galore! v2.1 by Drew [PWA] Ŀ Replace 44(!) of those boring PCBoard text prompts with these slick looking lightbar prompts! This is a must have for the complete lightbar maniac. V2.0 has been completely rewritten in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2. Minor update to 2.0. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAPMT13.ZIP 14098 07-22-96 Prompts V1.3 [ By CorruptioN ]Ŀ PCBOARD 15.1 PPE That provides the users to choose from a menu of prompts or make new ones. Unlimited with Lightbar menu. Now included with 2 source codes for the ulimate in configurability. PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY PWAVGCRK.ZIP 7067 07-24-96 [ VIGCRACK.PPE by Timecop ** PWA ]Ŀ Generates registration numbers for a few of Vigilante's PPE's. This PPE provides valid numbers for slogon, schat, provote and promatrix. PPE source is included. Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY VIG-AC10.ZIP 11456 06-25-96 Application Center v1.0 for PCBoard Ŀ Have people fill out applications for thing else you can think of using this 100% configurable Light-Bar PPE. Coded by: Vigilante for PWA Ŀ ߱ PPE ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ViG ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY VIG-PV11.ZIP 45719 04-19-96 ProVote v1.1 PPE for PCBoard v15.1 Ŀ NEW UPDATE to the most popular New User Voting PPE! Many, many new features and even fixed a bug or two ;) Free Reg! Coded by: Vigilante Released: 05/26/94 Ŀ ߱ ߱ ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ ߱ ߲߱ ߱ Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 33) Primus PS-BBS13.ZIP 55783 03-09-96 BBS LiST V1.3 ___ [01/01] _____/\____/\<___>/\_ __ _ _/\ /\____: \____ \___ \ \_ \ \/ | \/ ____/: :/ / / / / \ /\ : \ \ \:: / |__/ / < / /__/ \. \_\ \: \___/ \___\ \__\__/ \____/______/ /: :::::::::: \___________________\_____/bc ::::::::::::::: = prImus = ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: = PPE DiViSiON = :::::::::: is proud to present you Ŀ BBS LiST V1.3 CODED BY ZARKOF Ĵ Public & Warez boards,detailed list, scrolling bars menus, sec. level for warez, user note option, Edit & kill option, on-line help, EDIT BUG-FIXED NEW EDIT SCREEN! =[22/07/95]= Upload par: THERAPY PS-COM10.ZIP 11448 03-09-96 COMMENT V1.0 [01/01] _____/\____/\<___>/\_ __ _ _/\ /\____: \____ \___ \ \_ \ \/ | \/ ____/: :/ / / / / \ /\ : \ \ \:: / |__/ / < / /__/ \. \_\ \: \___/ \___\ \__\__/ \____/______/ /: :::::::::: \___________________\_____/bc ::::::::::::::: = prImus = ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: = PPE DiViSiON = :::::::::: is proud to present you Ŀ COMMENT V1.0 BY DEATHMASTER Ĵ Fully configurable, lightbar menu, Special note feature, ... =[24/05/95]= Upload par: THERAPY PS-NEW12.ZIP 11874 07-16-96 ________ _____ _____ _____ ___ __ _______ ( ___ ( ___ ( ____/ \ | \ ___ prImus <=======|___/===============> / \ NEW FILES SCAN V1.2 by ZF / \ | New features of this new files scan are | | bugfix, new ansi, no more ugly green line | | and like before.. fully configurable | ( dISk 01/01 - - -- - --- - -- 04/04/96 ) Upload par: THERAPY PS-X&M10.ZIP 12521 03-09-96 X&M COMMANDS V1.0 [01/01] _____/\____/\<___>/\_ __ _ _/\ /\____: \____ \___ \ \_ \ \/ | \/ ____/: :/ / / / / \ /\ : \ \ \:: / |__/ / < / /__/ \. \_\ \: \___/ \___\ \__\__/ \____/______/ /: :::::::::: \___________________\_____/bc ::::::::::::::: = prImus = ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: = PPE DiViSiON = :::::::::: is proud to present you Ŀ X&M COMMANDS V1.0 BY DEATHMASTER Ĵ Fully configurable, lightbar menu, and special no gfx menu!! =[30/04/95]= Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 34) Rhyme RH_ANSI1.ZIP 6542 04-15-96 R H Y M E ʹ PRESENTS ANSI Login v1.0 [PPE] "Do you want ANSI?" replacement for PCB 15.1 . Fully sysop configurable !!! C0DED by Leppard / RHYME '94 ļ Upload par: THERAPY RH_CONF1.ZIP 15137 04-15-96 ( Rhyme Productions '94 ) [07/06/94] - The Protected Conference v1.0 - Upload par: THERAPY RH_DISC1.ZIP 7328 04-15-96 ( Rhyme Productions '94 ) [09/06/94] - The Legal Disclaimer v1.0 - Upload par: THERAPY RH_ENTR1.ZIP 9558 04-15-96 ( Rhyme Productions '94 ) [27/05/94] - Enter Prompt Replacement v1.0 - Upload par: THERAPY RH_ENTR2.ZIP 24536 05-25-96 = Enter Prompt Replacement v2.0 = | Create own prompts. Up to 999 different prompts.| 30 Build-in prompts. | Random Display Possible PCB 15.1 [PPE] by Leppard [01/08/94] | Internal Prompts Made By Hacker Upload par: THERAPY RH_FILE1.ZIP 36453 05-02-96 = Filer Lightbar Menu v1.0 = | . Totally Configurable Menu View Files, Zippy Scan,... All With Lightbar Look | Handy As Never Seen Before | PCB 15.2 & 15.1 [PPE] by Leppard | Compiled With PPLC 2.0/3.0 [21/10/94] Upload par: THERAPY RH_NEW1.ZIP 24805 06-06-96 = NeW FiLe SCaN PPE v 1.0 = | Totaly Configurable Lightbar Look | Easy To Use And To Setup | Let Choose Between UL/ALL PCB 15.2 & 15.1 [PPE] by Leppard | Compiled With PPLC 2.0/3.0 [16/09/94] Upload par: THERAPY RH_PAGE1.ZIP 28515 06-18-96 = Page Sysop Replacement v 1.0 = | . Totally Configurable Pasword Paging Feature Internal Comment To Sysop | Handy As Never Seen Before | PCB 15.2 [PPE] by Leppard | Compiled With PPLC 3.0 [10/12/94] Upload par: Hanibal RH_ULBY1.ZIP 9844 04-15-96 ( Rhyme Productions '94 ) [17/06/94] - The Perfect ULBY Replacement v1.0 - Upload par: THERAPY RH_WHO1.ZIP 9240 04-15-96 ( Rhyme Productions '94 ) [23/06/94] - The WhooZ Online Replacement v1.0 - Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 35) Scum SCUM-CP1.ZIP 11622 06-24-96 [ SCuM Cosmetics Collection #1 ] -/-----.-----. - --. .-.-Ŀ -\ \__| .__) --.--| \/ |- -/\\ \ |/--. | | |- -\_____________|________|___|NS- . --- SCuM '94 PPE Division - . : Three useful PPE for PCB v 15.1! : [ A graphic detection replacement, ] [ a searching for user animation and] [ a not found graphics for new users] [ : by Charlie X : ] -- Upload par: THERAPY SCUM-KON.ZIP 32845 06-24-96 SCuMKON PPE v1.1 [o1/o1] __ ____/\__ _/\____/\____/\_________ __ __ _ ___ ____/ ___/ / / \___ _ __ _ :CtM!/\_ \/ / / / / / / /:SCuM'95!| +---/ / / /__/ / / / / /----------+ |::/___ /\__ /\__ /__/ / /:PReSeNTS!:| <-----\_/---\_/---\_/---\_/\_/------------> Upload par: THERAPY SCUM-LN3.ZIP 12402 06-24-96 ScumLiners v3.0! Full Featured Oneliner For PCB BuxFixe From 2.0! Adds Bitchin' Color Support, Who, Who Logged To Callers Log, Auto-Advertisements, Minimum Security, and Blacklister! Upload par: THERAPY SCUM-TL0.ZIP 15354 06-24-96 [ Turbo Logon v1.0 - Charlie X - SCuM ] -/-----.-----. - --. .-.-Ŀ -\ \__| .__) --.--| \/ |- -/\\ \ |/--. | | |- -\_____________|________|___|NS- . --- SCuM '94 PPE Division - . : An easy-to-use and simple setup : [ Turbo Logon PPE! Totally config- ] [ urable in color and what PPEs and ] | text files to run/show! SCuM '94 | -- Upload par: THERAPY SCUM-WU0.ZIP 15150 06-24-96 [Lightbar Personal Menu System v.99 ] : Lightbar Controlled Personal Menu : [ -Configurable -Utilizes Lightbars] [ PCBoard v15.1+[PPE] by: Cyberpunk ] Upload par: THERAPY SCUM-WUI.ZIP 9468 09-06-96 [ Write-User-Info Release! ] -/-----.-----. - --. .-.-Ŀ -\ \__| .__) --.--| \/ |- -/\\ \ |/--. | | |- -\_____________|________|___|NS- . --- SCuM '94 PPE Division - . : A great Write-User-Info for PCB : [ v15.1 and above systems, with ] [ a Lightbar - some configurable ] [ options - Ready-To-Run... ] [ : by Jolly Roger : ] -- Upload par: THERAPY SCUMCH10.ZIP 25427 07-28-96 [ SCuM-Chat v1.0 By: Charlie X ] -/-----.-----. - --. .-.-Ŀ -\ \__| .__) --.--| \/ |- -/\\ \ |/--. | | |- -\_____________|________|___|NS- . --- SCuM '94 PPE Division - . : The revolution in Chat PPE's : [ is now here! Provides a superb ] [ interface that completely blows ] [ the built in one out of the water!] [ : Charlie X : ] -- Upload par: THERAPY SCUMCT3B.ZIP 16790 06-24-96 CRiM-TOP v.3 for PCB 15.x Alltime Top Uploaders/Downloaders PPE - 101% configurable by header files Multiple language support, quick displays, 100% backdoor free! Upload par: THERAPY SCUMEM15.ZIP 14313 06-24-96 [ Message Reader/Poster v1.5 - HeRo ] -/-----.-----. - --. .-.-Ŀ -\ \__| .__) --.--| \/ |- -/\\ \ |/--. | | |- -\_____________|________|___|NS- .. - SCuM '94 PPE Division .. : Fully configurable Email PPE for : [ PCBoard 15.i and up. Gives the ] [ user a full menu/hotkey interface] [ that is MUCH easier to use than ] |[ PCB's standard configuration! ]| Upload par: THERAPY SCUMLC15.ZIP 15189 06-24-96 [ Light Comment v1.5 by Cloudsend ] -/-----.-----. - --. .-.-Ŀ -\ \__| .__) --.--| \/ |- -/\\ \ |/--. | | |- -\_____________|________|___|NS- . --- SCuM '94 PPE Division - . : Add a totally configurable : [ Sysop Comment PPE for PCBoard ] [ 15.1. Initial release featuring ] [ fully configurable lightbars ] | and ANSI screens. | -- Upload par: THERAPY SCUMLINE.ZIP 12659 06-24-96 [ SCuM-Lines v1.0 Release! ] -/-----.-----. - --. .-.-Ŀ -\ \__| .__) --.--| \/ |- -/\\ \ |/--. | | |- -\_____________|________|___|NS- . --- SCuM '94 PPE Division - . : Full-Featured OneLiner for PCB! : [ Fully-SysOp-Configurable PPE that ] [ adds good looks and fast code to a] [ excellant utility. No reg required] [ : by Ry0 : ] -- Upload par: THERAPY SCUMLOCK.ZIP 13754 06-24-96 [ Lock Out PPE v1.0 (YOMAMA|Caffine) ] -/-----.-----. - --. .-.-Ŀ -\ \__| .__) --.--| \/ |- -/\\ \ |/--. | | |- -\_____________|________|___|NS- . . --- SCuM '94 -- . . : : [ This is a little PPE that PCB 15.1] [ sysops might find handy.. It shows] [ an ansi, leaves a message to the ] [ sysop, and hangs up on a user that] |[ has been locked out (Sec. 0)..... ]| Upload par: THERAPY SCUMPCBP.ZIP 9066 09-06-96 PCBWIN95.EXE - PCB15.21 under Win'95 [1/1] Upload par: THERAPY SCUMQT10.ZIP 7702 10-06-96 [ Message Quoter PPE v1.0 ] -/-----.-----. - --. .-.-Ŀ -\ \__| .__) --.--| \/ |- -/\\ \ |/--. | | |- -\_____________|________|___|NS- . --- SCuM '94 PPE Division - . : Msg Quoter PPE replaces your : [ internal PCB editor's quoting ] [ system with a configurable setup ] [ so your messages don't look like ] [ crap. By NotB [SCuM/DeP/TeRR] ] -- Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 36) Shamo LOGOFF.ZIP 13094 04-19-96 ----------- [PPE]------[SHAMO^LOGOFF]-<1.1o>----[JESUS] very zimple {G} kommand replazement almost not konfigurable not really good grafix no mezzage to next uzer BUT i have a lot of ideaz for the next one and it iz my firzt ppe .. ----------- ----------- K R P ----------- Upload par: THERAPY SK_AFO10.ZIP 13182 03-09-96 PPE<-------- [SHAMO^ANSI~FORCER]-<1.o> uze it to forze anzi at login ... it haz nothing more than otherz but i like it =]~ zource inkluded jESUS~2099<-------- $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $ ^ $$$ $$$ ^ ,s$ $ ,s$$$s. ^ $$$ ,s$$$s. $$$ ,s$ $$$^$$$ ,s$$$s. ^ $$$^$ $$$.$$$ $$$.$$$ $$$^$$$ ,s$$$s. `$$$s. $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$^$$$ $s.s$$$ $$$^$$$ $$$^$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$.$$$ `$$$' $$$ $' $$$ $$$ $' $$$ `$$$' ,., ss, $$$ $$$ $ $' ,., $$$ $$$ sSs $., $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ J2 Upload par: THERAPY SK_WCT10.ZIP 12840 06-21-96 PPE<-------->31 Yoooosh! It's a sysop chat composed by two "WALLS"!! (arrow keys, etc...) can also be used as a conventional chat as always, source is included! JESUS~2099<------>CWL10 $$$ $ ^ $$$ $$$ ^ ,s$ $ ,s$$$s. . $ . $$$ ,s$$$s. $$$ ,s$ $$$^$$$ $$s,s$$ ^ $$$^$ $$$,$$$ $$$,$$$ $$$^$$$ ,s$$$s. `$$$s. $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$^$$$ $s,s$$$ $$$^$$$ $$$^$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$,$$$ `$$$' $$$ $' $$$ $$$ $' $$$ `$$$' ,., ,s, $$$ $$$ $ $' ,., $$$ $$$ sSs $s, $$$ --------- --------- Upload par: Le Russe Principale: 37) Tbm TBMCOM10.ZIP 15118 12-28-96 ,.sS$$$$$$Ss sS$$$s. ..sS$ss$Ss.. , `$SS$' S'`S $S$$S$ `$$' $$SSs' $$' `$S TeaM ,$$ ,$'`S ,$$ $$, sS$$Ss S$$$s' ,$$$, ,$$$, .-Sssssssss$ PRESENTS $sssssssssS. <-[TBM MULTI SYSOPS COMMENT V 1.0]-> --->ANIMATION AND LIGHTBARS !!<-- . ->VERY CONFIGURABLE !!<- --->NICE ANSI !!<--- Code : TheMoutch . ANSI : BuBsy TbM/1996 ` - -- -- - -- - -- -- - --' Upload par: THERAPY TBMLOG10.ZIP 16820 12-28-96 ,.sS$$$$$$Ss sS$$$s. ..sS$ss$Ss.. , `$SS$' S'`S $S$$S$ `$$' $$SSs' $$' `$S TeaM ,$$ ,$'`S ,$$ $$, sS$$Ss S$$$s' ,$$$, ,$$$, .-Sssssssss$ PRESENTS $sssssssssS. <------[TBM MULTI LOGON V 1.0]-----> -->SLOW FAST OR CUSTOM LOGON !!<- . ->VERY CONFIGURABLE !!<- --->ANIMATED !!<--- Code : TheMoutch . ANSI : BuBsy TbM/1996 ` - -- -- - -- - -- -- - --' Upload par: THERAPY TBMNON10.ZIP 37214 01-02-97 .. .' $Ss,.sS.,sS$s $Ss,.s$s,s$ `. `. $$$$$$ $$$$S.,S `$$$$$$`'$ .' ) $8$$$$ $$8$$$S, $8$$$$ $ ( .' $$$$8$ $$$$$$ $ $$$8$$ $ `. `. $$$$$S $$$$8$ : $$$$$$ $ .' ) $~ $~$s ~$ : ( .' dA!`. : ----: TBM NONOX PAGER V 1.0 :---- : .... REPORTER !! .... : VERY FUNNY ANIMATION : : MUSIC AND SILENT PERIODS! : : RUMOURS ABOUT NONOX DISPLAYED : .---: THE BEST PAGER EVER DOnE! :---. : Code : TheMoutch : : ANSI : BuBsy TbM/1996 : `-------------------------------------' Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 38) Thunder Force TF-AF2.ZIP 28059 06-15-97 : ::::: ,sS' ::::: .sSs :::: :::::: ,$$' ::::: sS$' :::::: ::::: ,$$' :::: .S$' ::::: ::: :::: ,$$Ss. ::: s$$ ::: .: :: ::: ,$$':. : `$$, .s$$' :: :: ,$$' :: :: `$$s$$' :::: : ,$$' :::::::::: `$$ ::::::: : $$$. : thundeR : `$$. :::::: : $$Ss. :: forcE : `$$. ::::: ::: `:. ::::::::: `$S, :: : :: nEXt Gen anSi foRcer ::Cool ansi forcer with anims ::450% cuztomizable !! ::NEW: ODay wArEz LiSt in! ::::::::::::::::::::: :: : Upload par: THERAPY TF-ENT.ZIP 28318 03-30-97 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ThUDrF0Rc r0uDLy rSs : -=[ Stupid entah! ]=- Stupid entah prompt for PCboard Upload par: THERAPY TF-MSCA2.ZIP 24218 03-30-97 : ::::::: . :::::::: dky::::::: : : ::::: ,sS' ::::: .sSs :::: :::::: ,$$' ::::: sS$' :::::: ::::: ,$$' :::: .S$' ::::: ::: :::: ,$$Ss. ::: s$$ ::: .: :: ::: ,$$':. : `$$, .s$$' :: :: ,$$' :: :: `$$s$$' :::: : ,$$' :::::::::: `$$ ::::::: : $$$. : thundeR : `$$. :::::: : $$Ss. :: forcE : `$$. ::::: ::: `:. ::::::::: `$S, :: : : ::::::::: :::::::::: ::: : ::::: : presents a ppe.. :: MailScanner PPE v1.2 ::The nasty bug in the last version ::is nuked now! download this file ::instead of TF-MSCAN.ZIP ::::::::::::::::::::: :: : Upload par: THERAPY TF-NUQ3.ZIP 22429 06-15-97 ۰ ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۱ ۰ ThUDrF0Rc r0uDLy rSs : -=[ New User questionnaire ]=- Contains a simple new user quest. Fire Style * In french & english Contact the author for others perzonnalized questionnaires.... Upload par: THERAPY TF-SPWAF.ZIP 20957 03-26-97 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ThUDrF0Rc r0uDLy rSs : -=[ SyStem PaSsW & AnsI foRcE]=- AnSi FoRcEr & SyStEm pAssWoRd fOr pCbOaRd 15.3 - FuLlY ConFiguRabLe Upload par: THERAPY TF-UPL09.ZIP 18112 04-06-97 : ::::: ,sS' ::::: .sSs :::: :::::: ,$$' ::::: sS$' :::::: ::::: ,$$' :::: .S$' ::::: ::: :::: ,$$Ss. ::: s$$ ::: .: :: ::: ,$$':. : `$$, .s$$' :: :: ,$$' :: :: `$$s$$' :::: : ,$$' :::::::::: `$$ ::::::: : $$$. : thundeR : `$$. :::::: : $$Ss. :: forcE : `$$. ::::: ::: `:. ::::::::: `$S, :: : : ::::::::: :::::::::: ::: : : : : : : ::::: : presents a ppe.. :: Upload PPE v0.9 :: ::Simple upload ppe 4 pcb15.3 :: ::::::::::::::::::::: :: : Upload par: Severe Trauma TFMORE.ZIP 14450 06-15-97 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ThUDrF0Rc r0uDLy rSs : -=[ Stupid more ppe ]=- Lightbarized "more yes/no " ppe pCbOaRd 15.3 only Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 39) Tiny Toons CERISE.ZIP 6384 05-14-96 T i n y Gizmo's entry to the Wired'95 Ansi Compo Cerise Upload par: THERAPY ELFMAIDE.ZIP 4502 05-14-96 T i n y Bisounours' entry to Wired'95 Ansi Compo Elfmaiden Upload par: THERAPY S96REP.ZIP 1500648 06-23-96 Acid Dream & Tiny Toons Present... SATURNE'96 THE REPORT 53 hi-color pictures... Supreme inedit interwiews Vesa 640*480, 65k colors GUS, SB & more.. & more.. Upload par: Piccolo TINY0196.ZIP 28323 05-14-96 T i n y Tiny Toons present their first Ansi Pack ALL DEMOS BOARD SYSOPS, be sure to read the SYSOP.NFO file included in order to appear in the first Scene Boards issue. 01/01/96 Upload par: THERAPY TNT!DUNE.ZIP 6822 05-14-96 ܲ۲ ߱ tiny toons ܲ۲߲۲ ܱ ܲ۲ ޲ present ۱۲ ۲۲ a ݲ߲ܰ۲ 1996 bytes ۲߲ addy ()߲ܲ۲ܰ۲ ܰ ܲ۱޲ ۱ for their ۲۲۲ world h.q ۲۱߲ܲ ۲۰۲߲ ܲ d u n e .all mad about tiny toons!.... Upload par: THERAPY TNT!FILE.ZIP 21708 05-01-96 T i n y Tiny Filer 1.00 by Gizmo & Bisounours The Ultimate Filer for PCBoard! Cool Lightbar Interface and Design Supports MultiLevels SubAreas Fully Configurable Upload par: THERAPY TNT_ASCI.ZIP 8249 05-14-96 ܲ۲ ߱ "ascii will never ܲ۲߲۲ die!" ܱ ܲ۲ 10th ޲ out of 69 ۱۲ ۲۲ at the saturne ݲ߲ܰ۲ graphics ۲߲ compo ()߲ܲ۲ܰ۲ ܰ ܲ۱޲ ۱ drawn by ۲۲۲ bisounours ۲۱߲ܲ of tiny toons ۲۰۲߲ ܲ saturne'96 saturne'96 saturne'96 Upload par: THERAPY TNT_OURS.ZIP 6118 05-14-96 .. ,s%%. d b , S~s%%s `s,s' ,s%s. .sS' . `$ $%%%$ $%$ $%%%$`$. s$ $ ` $%%$ $%%%$ $%%$ `$ $ $ $%$ $%%$ $%$ $ s.`~.,$ $$ $%$ $$ $ $%%s $ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $ ,$"^' $$ $"^~ $ $"^~.,$ s. ',s $s.`S .sS$s s..,ss s,. () $ss%$ $$`s $%%$ $ $%%$ $ $%%$s. $ $%%s $$ $ $%$ $ $%$ $ $%%$ `$ $ $%$ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $ `%$. ` $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $ s.`. $$ $,$.s$ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$ ~ s$S~ ~$ $ $$ ,' $^ .. saturne 96 .. SsS~ bisounours'entry to the ascii surprise compo (theme: toys) Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 40) Trash TSH-APPG.ZIP 24224 05-04-96 ݰ [TSH-APPG.PPE] Application 1.o A kewl application generator for Trash, meant to use on all our distsites/headquarters! (tR) bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-ASY.ZIP 30666 05-04-96 ݰ [BBS-ADD] BBs-iNTRo FOr .oOO.aSYLUm.OOo. TRASh WHq [sK!] bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-JC10.ZIP 17117 05-04-96 ݰ [PCBOARD] Confz Joiner v1.oo Lightbar controlled conference joiner with some neat grafix! Source code enclosed! [tM!] bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-JC20.ZIP 33986 03-09-96 ݰ [PCBOARD] Confz Joiner v2.oo Lightbar controlled conference joiner loaded with features! Source code enclosed! [tM!] bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-LD10.ZIP 15841 05-04-96 ݰ [PCBOARD] Last Dudez v1.oo Displays the 1o last dudez who were on yar board. Kewl GFX! Source code enclosed! [tM!] bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-LGF1.ZIP 38362 11-03-96 ݰ [LOGOFF.PPE] Animated logoff ppe with comment to next caller code : Filis / tRASH (SK) bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-LL10.ZIP 17740 05-04-96 ݰ [PCBOARD] Litebar Logon v1.oo Litebar controlled logon PPE! This one really kickz azz! Source code enclosed! [tM!] bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-MF10.ZIP 14836 05-04-96 ݰ [PCBOARD] Message Footer v1.oo Some litebar controlled message-footer... [tM!] .oO. Source Enclosed .Oo. bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-MF20.ZIP 34737 05-04-96 ݰ [PCBOARD] Message Footer v2.oo Litebar controlled msg-footer. Now its configurable! [tM!] .oO. Source Enclosed .Oo. bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-PAG2.ZIP 37960 05-04-96 ,s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s, $$$$$$$$$$S$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ ,s$$$$$$ $$$ S$$$ $$$ $$$^$$$$ $$$ $$$^$$s, $$$ $$$ $$$ `$$$$s,$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$s`$$$$$$ $$$$$$s $$$ $$$,$$$ $$$$$sssssss$sssssss$$ssss$ssss$$$ $$$(sike)$$$ $$$ tRASH pRODUCTIONZ $$$ $$$ pREZENTZ $$$ $$$-------------------------$$$ $$$ PPE sysop pager PCB $$$ $$$ code by dARKZEID tRASH $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ [04/04/96]$$$ `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' Upload par: THERAPY TSH-PAGE.ZIP 6170 05-04-96 ݰ [TSH-PAGE.PPE] Kewl Pager v1.o Operator page replacement who shows a rotating bar in stead of sum boring dots! (tR) bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-PG1A.ZIP 6318 05-04-96 ݰ [TSH-PAGE.PPE] Kewl Pager v1.o Operator page replacement who shows a rotating bar in stead of sum boring dots! (tR) *BUGFiXED VERSION!* bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-SHIT.ZIP 9018 05-04-96 ݰ [TSH-SHIT.PPE] ShitChat v1.oo A kewl splitscreen chatter with wordwrap. It looks really cool with TSH-PAGE.PPE! (tR) bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-SYSH.ZIP 4917 05-04-96 ݰ [TSH-SYSH.PPE] Sysop Home? v1.oo Shows an ANSi depending on the state of Page Bell! (tR) bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-TOP2.ZIP 11486 05-04-96 ݰ [TSH-TOP2.PPE] Kewl TOP Uppers From The New TRASH French Section We Hope You'll like it Designer :Extremist Coder :FLyGuy /////Exclude List Included\\\\\\ bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-TOUP.ZIP 23979 03-09-96 p + O ݳ 3 i ۳ 2 N ۳ t ݰ ݳ 1 b 1 R E 4 a [PCBOARD] Today's Uploads Vo.11 3 K Displays the today's uploaded ۳ 6 files. No more delay! Faster ۳ 9 B operation! With day to day ۳ 2 b update ! [tM!] ۳ 5 s bSaRT ߳ Upload par: THERAPY TSH-UL10.ZIP 26281 02-26-97 ݰ [PCBOARD] Litebar Uller v1.oo Lightbar upload PPE with lotsa features! Source code enclosed! [tM!] bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY TSH-ULAS.ZIP 66158 05-04-96 ݰ [ppe] ascii-styled-auto-uploader [code] darkzeid / tRASH! (09.04.96) (Sike) bSaRT Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 41) Triloxy /Cod COD-FF10.ZIP 66579 03-09-96 --[PSYCH0 File Flagger v1.0]-[COD96]-- A simple, useful, userfriendly PPE to flag any file on your disks that are / are not in your DLPATH.LST. Also includes: Predefinable Paths & Files, Token support. Coded by PSYCH0 --[the triloxy coding sub-division]-- --------------------- - ---------- ۲ ܱܲ ܲ۲ cd!߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ------- -- -- --- ------- ۲ -------- --۲ -- -------- ߲ ۲߲ ۲ ߲ --------- Coders On Dope! ---------- Upload par: THERAPY COD-GP13.ZIP 18830 12-24-96 --[Group V1.3]---------------[COD96]-- Group V1.3 Finds a good group or Board name.This Little Proggie picks Random Group Names and forms the Acronym. Coded By Disk Slider --[the triloxy coding sub-division]-- --------------------- - ---------- ۲ ܱܲ ܲ۲ cd!߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ------- -- -- --- ------- ۲ -------- --۲ -- -------- ߲ ۲߲ ۲ ߲ --------- Coders On Dope! ---------- Upload par: THERAPY COD-LC21.ZIP 94395 03-09-96 --[PSYCH0 LastCallers v2.1]--[COD96]-- Simply the best lastcallers around. You choose which options, the ppe does the rest. Easy install, Nice GFX, Fast, Very configurable, 13 options. What more do you want? Coded by PSYCH0 --[the triloxy coding sub-division]-- --------------------- - ---------- ۲ ܱܲ ܲ۲ cd!߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ------- -- -- --- ------- ۲ -------- --۲ -- -------- ߲ ۲߲ ۲ ߲ --------- Coders On Dope! ---------- Upload par: THERAPY COD-LD11.ZIP 69230 03-09-96 --[PSYCH0 PPE Loader v1.1]---[COD96]-- A simple, useful, userfriendly PPE loader. Features: token support, re- members last PPEz run, Predefineable Paths & Files. Coded by PSYCH0 --[the triloxy coding sub-division]-- --------------------- - ---------- ۲ ܱܲ ܲ۲ cd!߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ------- -- -- --- ------- ۲ -------- --۲ -- -------- ߲ ۲߲ ۲ ߲ --------- Coders On Dope! ---------- Upload par: THERAPY COD-LD12.ZIP 72931 03-09-96 --[PSYCH0 PPE Loader v1.2]---[COD96]-- A simple, useful, userfriendly PPE loader. Features: token support, re- members last PPEz run, Predefineable Paths & Files. Use as a function key/ command. Faster Code. Coded by PSYCH0 --[the triloxy coding sub-division]-- --------------------- - ---------- ۲ ܱܲ ܲ۲ cd!߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ------- -- -- --- ------- ۲ -------- --۲ -- -------- ߲ ۲߲ ۲ ߲ --------- Coders On Dope! ---------- Upload par: THERAPY COD-RU1P.ZIP 47442 07-12-96 *PRE-RELEASE* On the fly color interpretation. VERY easy config and installation.Includes: Exclude by level/name, word trashcan, log file, example data file, Never shows the same rumour twice. by PSYCH0 --[the triloxy coding sub-division]-- --------------------- - ---------- ۲ ܱܲ ܲ۲ cd!߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ------- -- -- --- ------- ۲ -------- --۲ -- -------- ߲ ۲߲ ۲ ߲ --------- Coders On Dope! ---------- Upload par: THERAPY COD-XP10.ZIP 68723 03-09-96 --[X-Pager v1.O - SF]--------[COD96]-- The coolest pager around! Many options and REMOTE config! Very cool layout. With PAGE-O-METER and fadings! -SF --[the triloxy coding sub-division]-- --------------------- - ---------- ۲ ܱܲ ܲ۲ cd!߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ------- -- -- --- ------- ۲ -------- --۲ -- -------- ߲ ۲߲ ۲ ߲ --------- Coders On Dope! ---------- Upload par: THERAPY COD-XR10.ZIP 67027 03-09-96 --[X-Resume v1.O - SF]-------[COD96]-- P Reflag files when your users loose + o carrier. Easy config, cool layout. 3 i With lightbars! Check it out! -SF 2 n --[the triloxy coding sub-division]-- t --------------------- - ---------- 1 b ۲ ܱܲ 1 r ܲ۲ E cd!߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ 4 a ------- -- -- --- ------- 3 K ۲ 6 -------- --۲ -- -------- 9 B ߲ ۲߲ 2 b ۲ ߲ 5 S --------- Coders On Dope! ---------- Upload par: THERAPY TLY-1INE.ZIP 53183 08-02-96 :::------------ ---.---::: :::\___ ___/| |__.___ -::: :::::| | | L \ | |::::: :::::\____/ \_______/ \___/dc:: ::::::::::pPE diViSiON::::::::::: %==\/====pReZeNtS=====\/==% | 1LiNeR WiTH NUKER, | | Rewards,DEFINABLE forbidden | | Strings,Nice CFG,Clear Layout,| | User Utilities...and more | | Nice Functions to play with. | Upload par: THERAPY TLY-APP1.ZIP 33176 02-26-97 TRILOXY APPLICATION PPE v1.0 Coded By Speed Freak ߲ ߲ ߲ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ޲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ߲߱۲ ۲ܲ ۲ ޲۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ Cd ܲ ܲ ܲ ߲ Upload par: THERAPY TLY-BAD2.ZIP 63209 04-17-96 BBS-ADD ADDER V2.0 CODED BY SPEED FREAK FEATURES : CONFIGURABLE BOARDNAME FILE TO ADD,STYLE: COOL ASCII,STANDARD - TRILOXY 1995 - ߲ ߲ ߲ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ޲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ߲߱۲ ۲ܲ ۲ ޲۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ Cd ܲ ܲ ܲ ߲ ...Zer0 Gravity on Sacred Grounds... Upload par: THERAPY TLY-BRDM.ZIP 63590 03-09-96 :::------------ ---.---::: :::\___ ___/| |__.___ -::: :::::| | | L \ | |::::: :::::\____/ \_______/ \___/dc:: ::::::::::pPE diViSiON::::::::::: %==\/====pReZeNtS=====\/==% | THiz PPe Is SImPlY A ToTALly | | CoNFiGuRAbLe MeNu. A PErFeCT | | RepLACeMEnT fOR AlL PuLlDOwN | | MeNuz aZ ThEy ArE ToO SloW. | | PuT IT InsTEaD oF ThE BaD | | BRDM FiLe...Arrow & Multilang | | Support. | | Coded by: iKC/tLy FraNce | `....{tRiLoXy'95}.....' Upload par: THERAPY TLY-FRC1.ZIP 10876 01-17-97 ,;;------------ ---.---;;, ;::\___ ___/| |__.___ -::; ;::::| | | L \ | |::::; ;::::\____/ \_______/ \___/dc:; ;:::::::::pPE diViSiON::::::::::; %==\/====pReZeNtS=====\/==% | a Nice AMi/X aNSI Forcer | | With configurable txt Strings | | Never Seen B4. Real Release ! | `....{tRiLoXy'95}.....' Upload par: iZnogoud TLY-USER.ZIP 47391 06-26-96 :::------------ ---.---::: ::::::::::pPE diViSiON::::::::::: %==\/====pReZeNtS=====\/==% | Userlister PPE | | -Extended list with country | | names/group/calls/ratio/... | | -Short list name/group/... | | -Browser/searcher/board stats | | -Exclude users | | -Country code forcer ppe | | included | | -Lotsa configurable things | | -Last Revision: 17/09/1995 | |=== Coded by : TuRBo-D /tlY ===| Upload par: Yann Boutin TLY-W.ZIP 30391 06-26-96 :::------------ ---.---::: ::::::::::pPE diViSiON::::::::::: %==\/====pReZeNtS=====\/==% | W-Command Replacement | | -Address PSA support | | -Lightbars/hotkeys | | -Cfg-able colors/level | | -Last Revision: 17/09/1995 | |=== Coded by : TuRBo-D /tlY ===| Upload par: Yann Boutin TLY-Z&L1.ZIP 56189 03-09-96 :::------------ ---.---::: :::\___ ___/| |__.___ -::: :::::| | | L \ | |::::: :::::\____/ \_______/ \___/dc:: ::::::::::pPE diViSiON::::::::::: %==\/====pReZeNtS=====\/==% | TLY Z & L Command Replacement | | Definable Header,Prompt,Conf# | | LaST rEvISiOn: 20/08/95 | |=== CoDEd by : TuRBo-D /tlY ===| `....{tRiLoXy'95}.....' Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 42) Xs XS-LOGF2.ZIP 27485 05-05-96 ۱ ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۱ ۲۲ ۱۱ ۲ ۱ ۲۲ X-Ess LoGOFF Matix V2.0 ... - With Messages Support - Integrated SySop Page - Very Kewl Look! - LightBar Driven - Little Bug removed - Very Awsome Docz... CoDeD By Iron Maiden X-ESS PRODUCTiONS -- Upload par: THERAPY XS-ML11.ZIP 64783 03-09-96 . . /\_: ___________________________:. \ |_| __ ___/ ____ ______| / \ __ |___| |___ . | _ \ \-- \-- \_ . ..:___| | /____ \___ /___ / : |__/ \/` |__/` |__/ . .. | PCBOARD 15.2 PPE <> NEW MAiL MAN <> | | GREAT ANiMATED PROMPT APPEARS ON THE | | SCREEN WHEN A USeR HAS NEW MAiL TO | | READ A MUST FOR UNDERGROUND SYSOP'S | | VERSION 1.1 AGAIN..HUHU! | ".___________________________________." <.X-ESS PPE DiViSiON '95.> Upload par: THERAPY XSLOGOF2.ZIP 26548 05-05-96 . . /\_: ___________________________:. \ |_| __ ___/ ____ ______| / \ __ |___| |___ . | _ \ \-- \-- \_ . ..:___| | /____ \___ /___ / : |__/ \/` |__/` |__/ .--. | PCB 15.2 < ENHANCED LOGOFF > | | MESSAGE SUPPORT - iNTEGRATED SYSOP | | PAGiNG - NEXT CALLER MESSAGE - FULL | | LiGHTBAR DRIVEN ENH. LOGOFF V1.9 | ".___________________________________." <.X-ESS PPE DiViSiON '95.> Upload par: THERAPY XS_1LINE.ZIP 82500 02-26-97 . . /\_: ___________________________:. \ |_| __ ___/ ____ ______| / \ __ |___| |___ . | _ \ \-- \-- \_ . ..:___| | /____ \___ /___ / : |__/ \/` |__/` |__/ .--. | PPE FOR PCB 15.2 | | WRiTTEN iN PPLC 3.01, THE ONLY ONE | | LiNERS FOR PCB! ADDED A FILE NAMED | | BAD.LST FOR EXCLUDE SOME SHITTY MACROS| | FULLY CONFIGURABLE! CODE BY LOST!SOUL | ".___________________________________." <.X-ESS PPE DiViSiON '95.> Upload par: THERAPY XS_BULLS.ZIP 7352 03-09-96 . . /\_: ___________________________:. \ |_| __ ___/ ____ ______| / \ __ |___| |___ . | _ \ \-- \-- \_ . ..:___| | /____ \___ /___ / : |__/ \/` |__/` |__/ .--. | PCB 15.2 PPE < BULLETiN V.02 > | | B. COMMAND PPE - ALL iS CONFiGURABLE | | NiCE ANSi DY DR. ViBE - DiSPLAY THiE | | 13 BULLETiNS TO YER USERS - LEECH iT | ".___________________________________." <.X-ESS PPE DiViSiON '95.> Upload par: THERAPY XS_DWNL1.ZIP 68952 03-09-96 . . /\_: ___________________________:. \ |_| __ ___/ ____ ______| / \ __ |___| |___ . | _ \ \-- \-- \_ . ..:___| | /____ \___ /___ / : |__/ \/` |__/` |__/ .--. | PCB 15.2 | | FULL DiSPLAY ON YOUR LEECHER STATS ! | | LiGHtBAR MENU DRiVEN, BATCH ZiZE, D'L | | STATS, BATCH LENGHT, PROtOCOL CHANGE | | LOGOFF AFTER, EDiT, LiSt, CURR. SPEED | | CODE BY MiKEE MOUSE - ANSi BY DR.ViBE | ".___________________________________." <.X-ESS PPE DiViSiON '95.> Upload par: THERAPY XS_MORE.ZIP 4904 05-05-96 . . /\_: ___________________________:. \ |_| __ ___/ ____ ______| / \ __ |___| |___ . | _ \ \-- \-- \_ . ..:___| | /____ \___ /___ / : |__/ \/` |__/` |__/ . .. | PCB 15.2 | | FULLY CONFiGURABLE MORE PPE - FOR | | CUSTOMiZiNG YER BOARD YOU NEED THiS | | SPECiAL FOR 50 LiNES LONG USERS.... | ".___________________________________." <.X-ESS PPE DiViSiON '95.> Upload par: THERAPY XS_PROT1.ZIP 66872 05-05-96 . . /\_: ___________________________:. \ |_| __ ___/ ____ ______| / \ __ |___| |___ . | _ \ \-- \-- \_ . ..:___| | /____ \___ /___ / : |__/ \/` |__/` |__/ .--. | PPE FOR PCB 15.2 | | PROtOCOL CHANGiNG iS NOW A PLEASURE=) | | LiGHtBAR MENU DRiVEN, ALL ANSi'S AND | | COLORS CONFiGURABLE MORE THAN HUNDRED | | PROTOCOLS AVAiLABLE, BAHH A MUST !... | | CODE BY MiKEE MOUSE - ANSi BY DR.ViBE | ".___________________________________." <.X-ESS PPE DiViSiON '95.> Upload par: THERAPY XS_RAND1.ZIP 64751 05-05-96 ܰ ܱ ߲ ܱ ܲ ܲ ߲ ߰ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܰ ܲ ܱ ܲ ܲ PPE= PCB 15.2+ RANDOM YOUR SCREENS WiTH SOME FUNNY COMMENTS AND ANiM'S CODES BY MiKEE MOUSE [X!ESS '95] ܲ ܱܰ WS ߲ ܰ ߲ ߲ ...X-ESS Productions 1995!... ߲ Upload par: THERAPY XS_UPLD1.ZIP 71710 03-09-96 . . /\_: ___________________________:. \ |_| __ ___/ ____ ______| / \ __ |___| |___ . | _ \ \-- \-- \_ . ..:___| | /____ \___ /___ / : |__/ \/` |__/` |__/ .--. | PPE FOR PCB 15.2 | | BATCH/SElECT, lOGOFF AFTER, CHOOSE | | tHE PROTOCOL,FilES STATS, UPPER STATS | | lEECHER STATS, SHOW THE CONFERENCE!! | | liGHTBAR, FUllY CFGABLE, COlORS ETC.. | | CODE BY MiKEE MOUSE - ANSi BY DR.ViBE | ".___________________________________." <.X-ESS PPE DiViSiON '95.> Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 43) Hard C㟂ee Hd Sysm Mlᡛh Principale: 44) #iMaGeS SuR DiSQue TouTeS LeS iMaGeS De L'aNNe eN CouRS ! Principale: 45) Divers, inclassable ... !!YELBJ.JPG 31584 10-30-96 JPEG v1.2 [469x333x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !16BIGT.JPG 29302 06-13-97 Gros nichons ! :) JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY !16SCRWD.JPG 44493 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [638x445x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !17SUCK.JPG 34572 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY !19CHARM.JPG 42018 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY !6YD4LZ.JPG 35157 10-27-96 2 lesbiennes ! JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY !6YD5.JPG 60198 10-27-96 In your face ! JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY !6YD67.JPG 41616 10-27-96 Ejaculation in da mouth :) JPEG v1.1 [633x441x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YDEYE.JPG 54998 10-27-96 Des beaux yeux, une pipe, hmm :) JPEG v1.1 [634x412x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YGBOTL.JPG 12735 10-27-96 Une bouteille, une ! :) JPEG v1.1 [292x237x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YGCOB2.JPG 40290 10-27-96 Vive le mas ! Quel mastre ! JPEG v1.1 [800x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YGNANA.JPG 24389 10-27-96 Et une banane in da foufoune ! JPEG v1.1 [453x384x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YL4.JPG 51441 10-27-96 Deux lesbos top bonnes ! JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY !6YLBURR.JPG 38475 10-27-96 A bottle in da foufe :) JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YLODDD.JPG 68462 10-27-96 Plastique... JPEG v1.1 [616x925x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YP1.JPG 23631 10-27-96 Touches-toi, Guntag, suces Raymond ;) JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY !6YPEE~1.JPG 47323 10-27-96 Et on fait pipi beurk :) JPEG v1.1 [494x479x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YR12.JPG 10743 10-27-96 La femme de mes rves :) JPEG v1.1 [275x408x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YR17.JPG 17053 10-27-96 Erotico Porno Commercial :) JPEG v1.1 [274x398x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YR180.JPG 52751 10-27-96 Toute Jeune ! JPEG v1.1 [407x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YR1989.JPG 35637 10-27-96 A bottle in da foufe ! JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YR2.JPG 41774 10-27-96 Toute Jeune ! JPEG v1.1 [252x363x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YR3.JPG 46982 10-27-96 Suces ma fille, suces ;) JPEG v1.1 [302x360x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YR7.JPG 15559 10-27-96 Erotico Porno Commercial JPEG v1.1 [350x511x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YR9.JPG 25577 10-27-96 Pub pour le-vis' :) (jeu de mots ;) JPEG v1.1 [300x666x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YRFUR.JPG 28647 10-27-96 Petit cul 'bombu' JPEG v1.1 [455x599x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !6YRVODK.JPG 49689 10-27-96 Vodka in da fouf ! JPEG v1.1 [799x441x16m] Upload par: THERAPY !BIGGULP.JPG 33024 10-30-96 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY !DEBSUKS.JPG 46085 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY !YDMARKR.JPG 101810 10-27-96 Une dame qui suce son stylo... JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY $-PBGS06.JPG 92144 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY 015SM.JPG 25350 02-03-97 Image Erotique JPEG v1.1 [270x420x16m] Upload par: James 023.JPG 24365 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [440x245x16m] Upload par: THERAPY 042828.JPG 44481 10-30-96 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 05.JPG 16002 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 0545_45A.JPG 71484 12-25-96 JPEG v1.1 [520x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY 101Y.JPG 15225 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [278x403x16m] Upload par: THERAPY 115.JPG 116632 10-30-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 129.JPG 16789 10-30-96 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 130.JPG 44488 10-30-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 16G.JPG 28778 10-30-96 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 18-BIG.JPG 44097 10-16-96 UN POSTER A METTRE AU DESSUS DE SON LIT...!! JPEG v1.1 [288x428x16m] Upload par: Patrice Wone 18FUCKME.JPG 17691 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [217x479x16m] Upload par: THERAPY 18HOSE.JPG 35397 02-04-97 Fille nue qui se douche JPEG v1.1 [358x490x16m] Upload par: James 1A.JPG 9688 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [320x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY 1C.JPG 19399 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY 1F.JPG 17672 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [459x286x16m] Upload par: THERAPY 2BUTTS2.JPG 15622 02-05-97 Image de cul JPEG v1.1 [475x176x16m] Upload par: James 3COLLEGE.JPG 40836 10-16-96 les plus belles JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Patrice Wone 4.JPG 57771 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 452.JPG 50940 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 5.JPG 60932 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 6.JPG 58447 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 61.JPG 58789 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 611.JPG 46700 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 69014.JPG 52976 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 69015.JPG 67905 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 69016.JPG 54835 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 69018.JPG 52163 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 69019.JPG 44089 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 69022.JPG 54474 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 69_P11.JPG 51622 02-18-97 du cul JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: Belgarion 69_P14.JPG 67841 02-18-97 69 69 JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: Belgarion 69_P4.JPG 66571 02-18-97 du cul JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: Belgarion 7T267A08.JPG 70354 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 8313.JPG 62998 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 9.JPG 71518 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 9024562.JPG 92789 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 959COVER.JPG 20825 10-30-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY A-007-14.JPG 34777 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [605x596x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A-007-17.JPG 52446 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [789x585x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A-007-21.JPG 32310 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [495x587x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A.JPG 45787 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY A20.JPG 96732 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY ACUM11.JPG 42040 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [443x577x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AIKO-40.JPG 99150 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [508x740x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AIKO-44.JPG 89169 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [504x740x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AIKO-70.JPG 89389 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [509x740x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ALIEN1.JPG 73711 01-16-97 Photo de cul avec un extraterrestre !! JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: James ALIEN2.JPG 60541 01-16-97 Photo de cul avec un extraterrestre !! JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: James AMC3.JPG 27488 02-03-97 Image Erotique JPEG v1.1 [287x464x16m] Upload par: James AN1022.JPG 72827 05-03-97 Photo de cul made in inet ! JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY ANDI20.JPG 50963 05-03-97 Photo de cul made in inet ! JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY ANDI23.JPG 72773 05-03-97 Photo de cul made in inet ! JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY ANG11.JPG 20114 10-27-96 Jolie photo en N/B JPEG v1.1 [327x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ANGEL2.JPG 116027 05-03-97 Photo de cul made in inet ! JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY ANNACUM.JPG 33899 10-27-96 Jolis yeux + Fellation = Explosion ! JPEG v1.1 [316x400x16m] Upload par: THERAPY APIC.JPG 72665 10-27-96 Deux lesbiennes topless ! JPEG v1.1 [640x420x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BABE12.JPG 157935 10-01-96 Une fille du nord top Bonne! JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Benjamin Dauvergne BAN2.GIF 147191 10-27-96 Deux lesbos 'sur la paille' GIF v.87a [640x480x256] Upload par: THERAPY BANANN~1.JPG 9947 12-25-96 JPEG v1.1 [452x288x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BARBIE.JPG 10803 12-25-96 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0002.JPG 24675 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0003.JPG 23084 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0004.JPG 39850 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0005.JPG 24748 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0006.JPG 29228 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0007.JPG 24788 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0009.JPG 23181 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0010.JPG 24424 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0011.JPG 21090 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0012.JPG 25417 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0013.JPG 33184 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0014.JPG 37099 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0017.JPG 29755 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0018.JPG 30491 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0019.JPG 28521 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BBG0089.JPG 36000 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BEACH02.JPG 62853 06-03-97 JPEG v1.0 [748x482x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BJSPG02.JPG 32136 06-22-97 JPEG v1.1 [435x423x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BJSPG04.JPG 39121 06-22-97 JPEG v1.1 [637x443x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BJSPG06.JPG 51236 06-22-97 JPEG v1.1 [490x706x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BJSPG07.JPG 46029 06-22-97 JPEG v1.1 [734x484x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BJSPG09.JPG 33572 06-22-97 JPEG v1.1 [596x371x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0001.JPG 28486 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0002.JPG 26315 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0003.JPG 25949 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0004.JPG 29839 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0005.JPG 25983 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0006.JPG 27071 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0007.JPG 25616 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0008.JPG 24692 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0009.JPG 25969 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0010.JPG 26794 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0011.JPG 25459 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0012.JPG 29973 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0013.JPG 24674 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0014.JPG 28160 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0015.JPG 24890 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0016.JPG 26634 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0017.JPG 35425 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0018.JPG 30013 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0019.JPG 29048 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0020.JPG 28873 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0021.JPG 29029 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0022.JPG 23398 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0023.JPG 24979 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0024.JPG 26867 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0025.JPG 24799 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0026.JPG 19514 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0027.JPG 24672 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0028.JPG 23667 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0029.JPG 24446 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0030.JPG 22433 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0031.JPG 23123 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOG0032.JPG 28045 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BONDAG~1.JPG 26130 12-25-96 JPEG v1.1 [279x357x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BUDS02.JPG 134921 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [747x1128x16m] Upload par: THERAPY C-001.JPG 92875 10-30-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY CA-08.JPG 72878 11-04-96 JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CELST001.JPG 108448 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [1030x691x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CELST003.JPG 90091 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [684x1037x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CHERYL07.JPG 61192 12-07-96 JPEG v1.1 [526x761x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CHERYL08.JPG 73446 12-07-96 JPEG v1.1 [562x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CHERYL09.JPG 88911 12-07-96 JPEG v1.1 [582x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CHIEF11.JPG 57084 11-04-96 JPEG v1.1 [818x546x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUDEGS06.JPG 31662 04-30-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY CUDEGS07.JPG 31670 04-30-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0002.JPG 32317 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0003.JPG 30197 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0004.JPG 32274 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0005.JPG 23924 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0006.JPG 28246 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0007.JPG 25756 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0008.JPG 24036 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0009.JPG 25016 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0010.JPG 24405 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0011.JPG 25209 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0012.JPG 25773 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0013.JPG 22380 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0014.JPG 25293 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0015.JPG 21270 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0016.JPG 25197 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0017.JPG 25289 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0018.JPG 25925 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0019.JPG 26196 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0020.JPG 24325 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0080.JPG 23991 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0081.JPG 19847 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0082.JPG 26479 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0083.JPG 28025 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0084.JPG 28386 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0085.JPG 27941 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0086.JPG 23840 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0088.JPG 23907 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0089.JPG 21092 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [512x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0090.JPG 24084 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUM0091.JPG 24898 06-22-97 JPEG v2.1 [768x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUMINME5.JPG 73061 11-04-96 JPEG v1.1 [596x404x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CUTEGS05.JPG 24938 12-07-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY CUTEGS08.JPG 27122 12-07-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY CYNTHIA2.JPG 63713 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [80x74x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CYNTHIA3.JPG 43939 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [80x55x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CYNTHIA7.JPG 64625 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [80x48x16m] Upload par: THERAPY D.JPG 27144 04-30-97 JPEG v1.1 [360x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DAWN09.JPG 19108 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [264x371x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DEBRA27.JPG 60907 11-15-96 JPEG v1.1 [637x424x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DEBRA31.JPG 70681 11-15-96 JPEG v1.1 [637x424x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DR_BIL~1.JPG 76873 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY FALCHI02.JPG 43677 06-13-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY FALCHI03.JPG 44886 06-13-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY FALCHI04.JPG 58969 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [200x349x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FALCHI07.JPG 36961 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [300x497x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FALCHI08.JPG 32707 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [329x560x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FALCHI13.JPG 26612 06-13-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY FALCHI14.JPG 38836 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [250x609x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FING029.JPG 107343 12-07-96 JPEG v1.1 [998x556x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FIONA10.JPG 76514 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [80x50x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FIONA11.JPG 82646 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [80x50x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FIONA16.JPG 50370 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [56x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FIONA19.JPG 56035 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [57x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FIONA3.JPG 57612 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [55x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FIONA4.JPG 41598 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [56x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FIONA5.JPG 35278 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [56x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FIONA9.JPG 49876 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [56x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FOS-003.JPG 12866 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [394x400x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FOS-014.JPG 142550 06-13-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY FOS-016.JPG 80629 06-13-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY FOS-018.JPG 10778 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [275x400x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FOS-019.JPG 52912 06-13-97 JPEG v1.0 [342x446x16m] Upload par: THERAPY GANG_03.JPG 154592 12-25-96 JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY GINGER01.JPG 19752 10-27-96 Elle m'a l'air cochonne ;) JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY GINGER02.JPG 18946 10-27-96 Elle m'a l'air cochonne ;) JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY GINGER03.JPG 16990 10-27-96 Elle m'a l'air cochonne ;) JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY HR-052-B.JPG 61071 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [640x452x16m] Upload par: THERAPY HR-052-C.JPG 55080 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [437x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY HR-052-D.JPG 44782 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [403x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY HR-052-H.JPG 62857 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY HR-052-L.JPG 63167 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [622x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY HR-052-V.JPG 53194 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [572x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY IMAGE42.JPG 51468 11-15-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY JADE23.JPG 65751 11-15-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY JANNA1.JPG 74771 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY JANNA2.JPG 83385 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY JANNA5.JPG 78856 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY JAQUI01.JPG 90317 11-15-96 IMaGe De FeSSe ! :) JPEG v1.1 [1007x625x16m] Upload par: THERAPY JAQUI02.JPG 93457 11-15-96 IMaGe De FeSSe ! :) JPEG v1.1 [645x989x16m] Upload par: THERAPY JAQUI03.JPG 77161 11-15-96 JPEG v1.1 [1009x625x16m] Upload par: THERAPY JAQUI04.JPG 66312 11-15-96 IMaGe De FeSSe ! :) JPEG v1.1 [642x989x16m] Upload par: THERAPY JENNY31.JPG 49631 12-25-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY JULIE07.JPG 150903 11-15-96 JPEG v1.1 [637x424x16m] Upload par: THERAPY JULIE13.JPG 84750 11-15-96 JPEG v1.1 [317x476x16m] Upload par: THERAPY JULIE17.JPG 154482 11-15-96 JPEG v1.1 [637x424x16m] Upload par: THERAPY JULIE43.JPG 99292 11-15-96 JPEG v1.1 [317x476x16m] Upload par: THERAPY JULIE60.JPG 152107 11-15-96 JPEG v1.1 [637x424x16m] Upload par: THERAPY K&D_042.JPG 107203 10-27-96 Deux stoges ! A downloader tellement elles sont moches et se croient belles :)) JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY K3_4_042.JPG 58171 12-07-96 JPEG v1.1 [737x440x16m] Upload par: THERAPY K3_4_086.JPG 56939 12-07-96 JPEG v1.1 [486x735x16m] Upload par: THERAPY K3_4_092.JPG 74169 10-27-96 Grosse allumeuse ! JPEG v1.1 [761x502x16m] Upload par: THERAPY KAR22.JPG 280166 10-27-96 Sance de bronzage... JPEG v1.1 [766x499x16m] Upload par: THERAPY KATIE06.JPG 83263 12-01-96 Image de Charme ! JPEG v1.1 [1024x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY KATIE13.JPG 106460 12-01-96 Image de Charme ! JPEG v1.1 [1024x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY KISHA01.JPG 21362 12-07-96 JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY L00.JPG 62497 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [320x240x16m] Upload par: THERAPY L02.JPG 10483 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [320x240x16m] Upload par: THERAPY L03.JPG 7855 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [320x240x16m] Upload par: THERAPY L04.JPG 8686 06-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [320x240x16m] Upload par: THERAPY LEZ0160.JPG 20875 10-27-96 3 lesbiennes, top bandantes ! JPEG v1.1 [270x472x16m] Upload par: THERAPY LIK'ER.JPG 94566 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [592x871x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MADON02.JPG 32533 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MELISA01.JPG 43983 11-11-96 JPEG v1.1 [387x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MELISA08.JPG 72196 11-11-96 JPEG v1.1 [800x599x16m] Upload par: THERAPY NANCEE.JPG 24343 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [301x461x16m] Upload par: THERAPY NANCEE3.JPG 60086 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [590x812x16m] Upload par: THERAPY NANCEE5.JPG 24804 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [492x348x16m] Upload par: THERAPY NCST.JPG 141423 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY NIKKI06.JPG 56691 11-15-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY NYM2.JPG 78556 11-04-96 JPEG v1.1 [370x251x16m] Upload par: THERAPY OOVA.JPG 47065 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [52x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY OOVA2.JPG 46369 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [54x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY P.JPG 22276 04-30-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY PCHOT220.GIF 129804 08-28-96 Image de Q ! GIF v.87a [634x456x256] Upload par: Michel Puech PCHOT237.GIF 191672 12-30-96 Pipes en folie ! GIF v.87a [504x463x256] Upload par: MiCHeL PueCH PCLIT.JPG 21257 10-27-96 Trutttttt ! Touches-toi ! :) JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY PP1-095.JPG 57731 10-27-96 3 lesbiennes qui sucent des vibros. JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY PSPREAD.JPG 20459 10-27-96 Foufe velue :) JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY PTYCLM~1.JPG 11772 10-27-96 Gros seins ! JPEG v1.1 [305x383x16m] Upload par: THERAPY REN10.JPG 94700 12-30-96 Erotic JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: MiCHeL PueCH SELENA4.JPG 26429 06-13-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY SELENA5.JPG 19523 06-13-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY SELENA6.JPG 20941 06-13-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY SELENA7.JPG 31465 06-13-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY SHANN003.JPG 86783 11-15-96 JPEG v1.1 [678x1080x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SHANN007.JPG 81009 11-15-96 JPEG v1.1 [1080x678x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SKIRT04.JPG 32052 10-27-96 Tous sous les jupons :) JPEG v1.1 [439x746x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SKIRT05.JPG 31029 10-27-96 Tous sous les jupons ! JPEG v1.1 [406x734x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SLIDEIN1.JPG 7840 10-27-96 Pntration... JPEG v1.1 [249x200x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SMBR-074.JPG 27298 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [297x492x16m] Upload par: THERAPY STEVIE2.JPG 58911 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [55x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY T&D1.JPG 27751 12-07-96 JPEG v1.1 [440x331x16m] Upload par: THERAPY TEEN12.JPG 18292 12-07-96 JPEG v1.1 [290x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY TOMKU402.JPG 127127 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [64x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY TOMO12.JPG 163668 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [628x881x16m] Upload par: THERAPY TONI17.JPG 56921 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [62x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY TOY15LL.JPG 22848 10-27-96 3 lesbiennes qui s'clatent. JPEG v1.1 [275x464x16m] Upload par: THERAPY VERYNI~1.JPG 41029 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [449x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY WGOLDIE.ZIP 32306 12-24-96 Un danseuse Nue en Anim en Fentre Win 3.X Upload par: THERAPY XFILES.JPG 28396 02-20-97 Scully qui sue un chibron ! JPEG v1.1 [383x462x16m] Upload par: Animist XMELIN~1.JPG 43411 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [459x554x16m] Upload par: THERAPY XSHELL10.JPG 81473 11-04-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY XSHELL11.JPG 91682 11-04-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY XXX1.JPG 48916 05-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [552x752x16m] Upload par: THERAPY XXX145.JPG 77569 05-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [1024x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY XXX177.JPG 19097 05-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [347x476x16m] Upload par: THERAPY XXX240.JPG 38938 05-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [739x512x16m] Upload par: THERAPY XXX241.JPG 48929 05-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY XXX243.JPG 132299 05-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [1024x768x16m] Upload par: THERAPY XXX245.JPG 19337 05-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [333x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY XXX251.JPG 74065 05-13-97 JPEG v1.1 [800x534x16m] Upload par: THERAPY XXX253.JPG 59903 05-13-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY XXX45.JPG 37495 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [448x303x16m] Upload par: THERAPY XXX47.JPG 37173 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [406x371x16m] Upload par: THERAPY Y40.JPG 17882 12-30-96 Foufoune grande ouverte ! JPEG v1.1 [313x414x16m] Upload par: MiCHeL PueCH YO.ZIP 1033434 04-20-97 36 photos de cul avec des Teens, des touzes et pleins d'ejas... Avis aux amateurs. Recupere sur le net. Upload par: Cool Coyotte YO2.ZIP 2548775 04-20-97 Pack de 30 images de cul au format JPG de provenance internet (1 peu de tout) Upload par: THERAPY YUMI01.JPG 154284 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [62x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY YUMI07.JPG 126690 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [588x766x16m] Upload par: THERAPY YURMIS~1.JPG 24966 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [51x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY YUUKO01.JPG 22175 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [400x516x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ZOOMIN01.JPG 126938 10-28-96 Ejaculation. JPEG v1.1 [415x405x16m] Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 46) Amateurs !!AOL.JPG 9720 11-17-96 Image X JPEG v1.1 [300x409x16m] Upload par: PiCCoLo 006_5.JPG 59063 10-27-96 Doubl pntration... ACTiVE ! :) JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A002.JPG 34782 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A009.JPG 52853 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [530x767x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A013.JPG 37953 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [295x473x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A018.JPG 30575 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [295x227x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A024.JPG 70161 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [302x478x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A029.JPG 24239 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY A037.JPG 33269 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [319x234x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A048.JPG 72225 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY A060.JPG 44158 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [497x325x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A068.JPG 29461 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A073.JPG 80051 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [465x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A075.JPG 45325 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [80x60x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A076.JPG 46690 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [290x223x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A077.JPG 74031 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [520x364x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A078.JPG 45185 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [438x312x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A080.JPG 21780 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [288x229x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A083.JPG 70057 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [337x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A087.JPG 38864 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [341x599x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A090.JPG 30095 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY A092.JPG 24093 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [500x423x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A093.JPG 14795 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [456x359x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A095.JPG 17343 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [400x303x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A096.JPG 22881 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [250x302x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A097.JPG 28102 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [398x418x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A098.JPG 32252 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [250x382x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AGGIEC07.JPG 111929 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [58x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ALICE.JPG 15268 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [53x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ALICE2.JPG 32379 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [80x54x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ALICIA1.JPG 43819 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [469x614x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ALISH014.JPG 92408 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [80x59x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ALLDAY2.JPG 15265 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [351x234x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AM1.JPG 29613 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [324x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AM1032.JPG 30451 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [318x384x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AM2.JPG 18725 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [279x421x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AM208.JPG 15956 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [505x337x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AM209.JPG 20460 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [452x735x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AM213.JPG 13580 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [50x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AM215.JPG 19542 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [79x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AM217.JPG 76386 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [80x72x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AM218.JPG 62867 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [80x60x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AM223.JPG 24444 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [70x80x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BLOW3.JPG 48458 02-13-97 Blow Job !!! JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: Belgarion CATHY.JPG 65435 05-20-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY CAWM194.GIF 47468 10-27-96 Une srie d'une folle qui veut se faire prendre via Internet ! Son adresse email est incluse dans la photo pour les amateurs. GIF v.87a [640x480x256] Upload par: THERAPY CAWM196.GIF 50591 10-27-96 Une srie d'une folle qui veut se faire prendre via Internet ! Son adresse email est incluse dans la photo pour les amateurs. GIF v.87a [640x480x256] Upload par: THERAPY CAWM207.GIF 50309 10-27-96 Une srie d'une folle qui veut se faire prendre via Internet ! Son adresse email est incluse dans la photo pour les amateurs. GIF v.87a [640x480x256] Upload par: THERAPY CAWM215.GIF 46509 10-27-96 Une srie d'une folle qui veut se faire prendre via Internet ! Son adresse email est incluse dans la photo pour les amateurs. GIF v.87a [640x480x256] Upload par: THERAPY CAWM216.GIF 46495 10-27-96 Une srie d'une folle qui veut se faire prendre via Internet ! Son adresse email est incluse dans la photo pour les amateurs. GIF v.87a [640x480x256] Upload par: THERAPY EU1.JPG 21644 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [337x475x16m] Upload par: THERAPY JENN86~1.JPG 29007 10-27-96 Amateur... JPEG v1.0 [480x640x16m] Upload par: THERAPY PARK1.JPG 76145 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [480x738x16m] Upload par: THERAPY PARK2.JPG 73876 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [480x679x16m] Upload par: THERAPY PARK29.JPG 63395 05-20-97 JPEG v1.1 [480x722x16m] Upload par: THERAPY PNUDE4.JPG 19529 10-27-96 Amatrice qui se touche sur son lit JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY TOBI001.JPG 17757 10-30-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY TOBI016.JPG 17644 10-30-96 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 47) Anal 2-IN-ASS.JPG 32730 04-29-97 putain la yen a 2 dans le cul et moi je la met ou??? hey mais elle peut encore su... bon amateur d'anal a vos mains.... JPEG v1.1 [598x401x16m] Upload par: Nox-D Principale: 48) Chinoises Principale: 49) Gros Plans PLGIRL40.JPG 23564 12-01-96 Gros Plan ! JPEG v1.1 [607x429x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SM10_054.JPG 77867 10-27-96 Pntration en gros plan ! JPEG v1.1 [800x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 50) Fist-Fucking !6YLPOLE.JPG 50121 10-27-96 Indit ! Jamais vu aussi gros ! Ca c'est du Fist les gars :) JPEG v1.1 [900x426x16m] Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 51) Transexuels Principale: 52) Animations DL/GL Principale: 53) Adolescentes 2TEEN2.JPG 30759 10-30-96 Adolescente ! JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 9TEEN-12.JPG 54822 11-04-96 JPEG v1.1 [781x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY 9TEEN-14.JPG 61973 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 9TEEN-15.JPG 65490 11-04-96 JPEG v1.1 [765x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY 9TEEN-17.JPG 76233 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 9TEEN-18.JPG 91162 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 9TEEN-20.JPG 84694 04-30-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY 9TEEN-22.JPG 68432 11-04-96 JPEG v1.1 [798x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BOAT.JPG 52609 12-07-96 Un trio de folie ! :) JPEG v1.1 [538x552x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BTEEN-23.JPG 37783 11-04-96 JPEG v1.1 [798x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CILL014.JPG 37759 10-27-96 Une mineure, poil ;) JPEG v1.0 [347x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CILL017.JPG 111538 10-27-96 Une mineure, poil ! JPEG v1.0 [799x541x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CILL018.JPG 71489 10-27-96 Une mineure, poil ! JPEG v1.0 [515x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CILL064.JPG 37280 10-30-96 JPEG v1.1 [366x599x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MADON07.JPG 49047 05-12-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MADON09.JPG 31402 05-12-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MADON10.JPG 21904 05-12-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MELANIE1.JPG 38977 05-12-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MELANIE2.JPG 39135 05-12-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MELANIE3.JPG 33821 05-12-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MELANIE5.JPG 34571 05-12-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MELANIE6.JPG 37888 05-12-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MELISS~2.JPG 127446 05-12-97 JPEG v1.1 [747x1128x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MELISS~3.JPG 104137 05-12-97 JPEG v1.1 [737x1094x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MELISS~4.JPG 102238 05-12-97 JPEG v1.1 [760x1177x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MELISS~5.JPG 105574 05-12-97 JPEG v1.1 [1277x837x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MELISS~6.JPG 102035 05-12-97 JPEG v1.1 [733x1132x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MELISS~7.JPG 84956 05-12-97 JPEG v1.1 [738x1041x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MELISS~8.JPG 108901 05-12-97 JPEG v1.1 [1271x827x16m] Upload par: THERAPY NM-ES10B.JPG 102435 12-01-96 Une ado qui sue ! JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY NM-ES10H.JPG 104372 12-01-96 La mme ado qui se fait prendre ! JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY POPPY02.JPG 89552 12-01-96 Une ado Top Bonne ! JPEG v1.0 [492x947x16m] Upload par: THERAPY S_TEEN90.JPG 65865 11-15-96 JPEG v1.1 [781x562x16m] Upload par: THERAPY YOUNGFUK.JPG 22304 12-01-96 Une jeune fille pleine de bon sens :) JPEG v1.1 [189x400x16m] Upload par: THERAPY Principale: 54) Mangas .sS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ss. $$$$$$.`$$$$$$$$$$$~ $$$$$gS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$`$$$$$$$$$'$$$$$$.,$$$$$$$$$$'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$gSs$$$$SgS$$$$ $$ `$$$$$$$' $$$$$$$$$$$$`$$$S' S$$ ~$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ `$$$$$' $~.ssss.~$ `$$$$ $$$$sSs.`$$$$~.ssss.~$ ~$$ $$ `$$$' $ $$$$$$ $ `$$$ $$S^~^ `$$$ $$$$$$ $. $$$$$ $ $$ $.`$'.$ $ ~^$$ $ `$$ $' .sS$$$$$$$ ~^$$ $$. ~^S$$$ $$ $$. .$$ $ $$$$$$ $ $.`$ $ $$$$S~ ~$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$Ss. `$ $$ $$'.`$$ $ $$$$$$ $ $$.` $ $$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $`$$$$$$$ $ $$ $$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ .$ $$$. $. `$$$$$' .$ $$$$$$ .$. $$$$$ .$ $$. $$$$$$$ $. $$$$$$$$ ,$$$$. $$s. ~^~ ,$$. $$$$$$$$$$. ~~ .$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$',$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$sHb$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ~$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$sS$$$$sS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$sS$$$$$$$$$$$$$.,$$$$$$$$$$$ S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$sS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S 07.JPG 191759 03-30-97 pin-up manga, soft JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: ICE BREAKER 1567.GIF 18079 01-28-97 Image Mangas GIF v.87a [640x350x16] Upload par: James 1569.GIF 12570 01-28-97 Image Mangas GIF v.87a [640x400x16] Upload par: James 1571.GIF 15620 01-28-97 Image Mangas GIF v.87a [640x350x16] Upload par: James 432.JPG 127577 03-30-97 Pin-up Manga, soft JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: ICE BREAKER 433.JPG 195041 03-30-97 Pin-up Manga, Soft JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: ICE BREAKER 439.JPG 206303 03-30-97 Pin-Up Manga JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: ICE BREAKER 440.JPG 221675 03-30-97 Pin -up manga JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: ICE BREAKER 442.JPG 220389 03-30-97 Pin-UP manga JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: ICE BREAKER 493.JPG 225457 03-30-97 Pin-up manga JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: ICE BREAKER AJ-CAMM1.GIF 23917 10-18-96 Doujinshi: Manga detourne Voila Cammy(Street Fighter II) dans une drole de position GIF v.87a [800x600x256] Upload par: Feanor AJ-CAMM2.GIF 53885 10-18-96 Encore Cammy GIF v.89a [800x600x256] Upload par: Feanor AJ-CHUN1.GIF 23059 11-15-96 Chunli dans une drole de position :)) GIF v.87a [800x600x256] Upload par: Feanor, The Fire Mind AJ-CHUN2.GIF 66724 11-15-96 Chunli encore dans une position interessante:)) GIF v.87a [800x600x256] Upload par: Feanor, The Fire Mind AJ-CHUN3.GIF 173616 11-16-96 encore chunli! GIF v.89a [800x600x256] Upload par: Feanor AJ-MAIS1.GIF 22264 11-16-96 Voila apres Chun li et Cammy, d'autres Doujinshi (manga detourne) mais venant de mangas que je ne connais pas mais c'est toujours du Q! GIF v.87a [800x600x256] Upload par: Feanor AJ-MAIS2.GIF 88877 11-16-96 Voila apres Chun li et Cammy, d'autres Doujinshi (manga detourne) mais venant de mangas que je ne connais pas mais c'est toujours du Q! GIF v.89a [800x600x256] Upload par: Feanor AJ-MINA1.GIF 98554 11-16-96 Voila apres Chun li et Cammy, d'autres Doujinshi (manga detourne) mais venant de mangas que je ne connais pas mais c'est toujours du Q! GIF v.89a [800x1024x256] Upload par: Feanor AJ-NAKO1.GIF 161447 11-16-96 Voila apres Chun li et Cammy, d'autres Doujinshi (manga detourne) mais venant de mangas que je ne connais pas mais c'est toujours du Q! GIF v.89a [800x600x256] Upload par: Feanor AYA3_04.ZIP 34657 01-31-97 Image Mangas Upload par: James AYA3_07.ZIP 30227 02-07-97 Image Mangas Upload par: James AYA3_08.ZIP 45105 02-07-97 iMaGe MaNGaS Upload par: James AYA3_09.ZIP 32080 02-07-97 iMaGe MaNGaS Upload par: James AYA3_10.ZIP 34679 02-07-97 iMaGe MaNGaS Upload par: James DEJA1TMP.GIF 37327 01-16-97 [640x480x256] image manga GIF v.87a [640x480x256] Upload par: James FF00.GIF 21760 01-16-97 image manga GIF v.87a [640x400x16] Upload par: James FF08.GIF 19478 01-16-97 image manga GIF v.87a [640x400x16] Upload par: James HOSI2_05.GIF 45199 01-12-97 image mangas GIF v.87a [640x400x16] Upload par: James HOSI2_07.GIF 33398 01-12-97 image mangas GIF v.87a [640x400x16] Upload par: James HOSI2_3C.GIF 62824 01-12-97 image mangas GIF v.87a [640x800x16] Upload par: James MANGAS.ZIP 467891 01-06-97 13 images de mangas ! Et y'en aura d'autres... Upload par: James SAILORM.GIF 39282 01-12-97 [638x510x256] Image Mangas de Sailor Moon GIF v.87a [638x510x256] Upload par: James SIN04.GIF 20888 01-16-97 image manga GIF v.87a [640x400x16] Upload par: James SNAP_011.ZIP 53593 12-05-96 Une tres belle image manga, disons soft mais zolie quand meme :) Upload par: Lucifer SNAP_012.ZIP 40510 12-05-96 encore, ben vi, une image manga zoli, zoli , toujours aussi soft mais on adore ca ;) Upload par: Lucifer Principale: 55) Stars! 17SEPT96.JPG 46700 05-23-97 Portrait de Milla Jovovich (5me lment) JPEG v1.1 [284x549x16m] Upload par: THERAPY A-LYNN33.JPG 26697 06-03-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY ADBN.JPG 22212 10-11-96 Drew Barrymore JPEG v2.1 [251x550x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ADJANI.JPG 84912 10-07-96 Isabelle ADJANI nue JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Patrice Wone AL-004.JPG 29319 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [320x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ALI421.JPG 44992 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [578x396x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AMCDOW~1.JPG 12100 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [250x296x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AMGPBL01.JPG 95766 10-11-96 Gianna Amore JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho AMGPBL04.JPG 132333 10-11-96 Gianna Amore JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho AMGPGS01.JPG 102024 10-11-96 Gianna Amore JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho AMGPGS02.JPG 105749 10-11-96 Gianna Amore JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho AMYL28.JPG 19030 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [320x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AMYL2A.JPG 26345 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [320x479x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AMYL2C.JPG 21670 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [319x479x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AMYL2E.JPG 47301 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [640x435x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AMYL2R.JPG 25047 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [319x479x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AMYLYNN1.JPG 28636 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [320x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY AMYLYN~5.JPG 30899 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ASH01.JPG 54314 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [318x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ASH02.JPG 37940 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [317x478x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ASH03.JPG 77072 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [640x426x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ASH06.JPG 66789 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [640x430x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ASH08.JPG 56879 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [320x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ASH09.JPG 61221 06-03-97 JPEG v1.1 [319x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BAMBI019.JPG 18641 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [400x232x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BARELY.JPG 21169 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [218x349x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BERNADT1.JPG 59207 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY BLONDE02.JPG 44799 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [300x409x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BUNKY03.JPG 55562 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY BYORK13.JPG 24275 10-11-96 Alisson Armittage (Britany York) [Agence Acapulco] JPEG v1.1 [233x530x16m] Upload par: Malbicho BYORK22.JPG 24247 10-11-96 Alisson Armittage (Britany York) [Agence Acapulco] JPEG v1.1 [233x530x16m] Upload par: Malbicho BYORK25.JPG 35015 10-11-96 Alisson Armittage (Britany York) [Agence Acapulco] JPEG v1.1 [233x530x16m] Upload par: Malbicho BYORK28.JPG 36679 10-11-96 Alisson Armittage (Britany York) [Agence Acapulco] JPEG v1.1 [395x600x16m] Upload par: Malbicho BYORK29.JPG 69609 10-11-96 Alisson Armittage (Britany York) [Agence Acapulco] JPEG v1.1 [632x708x16m] Upload par: Malbicho CABOUQUE.JPG 79476 10-07-96 carole BOUQUET topless JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Patrice Wone CAMDIAZ.JPG 29489 03-31-97 Cameron Diaz JPEG v1.1 [400x591x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CAMERON4.JPG 54780 10-11-96 Cameron Diaz (The Mask) JPEG v1.1 [563x750x16m] Upload par: Malbicho CAMERON5.JPG 66856 10-11-96 Cameron Diaz (The Mask) JPEG v1.1 [632x877x16m] Upload par: Malbicho CASH2.JPG 95182 02-28-97 Cash la hardeuse ! JPEG v1.1 [499x748x16m] Upload par: James CASH8.JPG 67440 03-03-97 Image HARD de Tabatha Cash JPEG v1.1 [502x742x16m] Upload par: James CASH9.JPG 69357 03-03-97 Image HARD de Tabatha Cash JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: James CC-INT02.JPG 24594 10-11-96 Cindy Crawford JPEG v1.1 [286x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CC-INT03.JPG 37371 10-11-96 Cindy Crawford JPEG v1.1 [475x597x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CXBERKL2.JPG 21105 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [359x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY CXWHIRRY.JPG 29573 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [640x479x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DASHDAI.JPG 98720 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [800x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DEMOUY.JPG 15764 10-11-96 Vanessa Demouy (3 photos identiques sur 3 couleurs) JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY DMOORE01.JPG 36794 03-31-97 Demi Moore JPEG v1.1 [439x535x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DMOORE02.JPG 28304 03-31-97 Demi Moore JPEG v1.1 [347x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DMOORE10.JPG 68618 03-31-97 Demi Moore JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY DMOORE12.JPG 81838 03-31-97 Demi Moore JPEG v1.1 [730x707x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DMOORE21.JPG 12885 03-31-97 Demi Moore JPEG v1.1 [288x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DMOORE22.JPG 19788 03-31-97 Demi Moore JPEG v1.1 [218x552x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DMOORE23.JPG 42975 03-31-97 Demi Moore JPEG v1.1 [800x406x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DMOORE24.JPG 13819 03-31-97 Demi Moore JPEG v1.1 [218x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DMOORE25.JPG 31304 03-31-97 Demi Moore JPEG v1.1 [595x438x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DMOORE27.JPG 133843 03-31-97 Demi Moore JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY DMOORE31.JPG 16258 03-31-97 Demi Moore JPEG v1.1 [171x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DMOOREPG.JPG 35350 03-31-97 Demi Moore JPEG v1.1 [289x579x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DPG_873.JPG 50082 10-11-96 Alisson Armittage (Britany York) [Agence Acapulco] JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY DPG_882.JPG 87951 10-11-96 Alisson Armittage (Britany York) [Agence Acapulco] JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ELECTR01.JPG 75084 03-31-97 Carmen Electra ! JPEG v1.1 [410x675x16m] Upload par: THERAPY ELECTR08.JPG 59777 03-31-97 Carmen Electra ! JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY ELLE206.JPG 130983 10-11-96 Elle MacPherson JPEG v1.1 [394x760x16m] Upload par: THERAPY EM_02.JPG 122424 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY EP8.JPG 14700 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY FALCON08.JPG 22577 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [500x310x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FARRAH.JPG 28412 10-11-96 Farah Fahsett JPEG v1.1 [428x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY FLWORK.JPG 107428 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY FT.JPG 133423 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY HALLIW02.JPG 157174 03-31-97 Spice Girls ! JPEG v1.1 [750x405x16m] Upload par: THERAPY HALLIW07.JPG 98066 03-31-97 Spice Girls ! JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY HSW00020.JPG 128880 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY HSW00022.JPG 110864 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY KENN001@.JPG 122554 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY KIM-001.JPG 28462 10-11-96 Kim Basinger JPEG v1.1 [312x465x16m] Upload par: THERAPY KIM-004.JPG 42387 10-11-96 Kim Basinger JPEG v1.1 [351x491x16m] Upload par: THERAPY KIMAG032.JPG 65003 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [650x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY KIMAG033.JPG 55596 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [401x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY KIMAG034.JPG 63257 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [408x600x16m] Upload par: THERAPY LLTOC38.JPG 6924 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [185x280x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MADON03.JPG 69343 03-31-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MADON08.JPG 58569 03-31-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MARIAH2.JPG 19935 03-31-97 Maria Cahrey JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MARIAH3.JPG 54863 03-31-97 Maria Cahrey JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MARIAH4.JPG 21285 03-31-97 Maria Cahrey JPEG v1.1 [256x403x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MARIAH5.JPG 19980 03-31-97 Maria Cahrey JPEG v1.1 [380x435x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MAST14.JPG 12637 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [282x268x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MCARIE.JPG 30375 03-31-97 Maria Cahrey JPEG v1.1 [228x514x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MELANIE3.JPG 33821 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MELANIE4.JPG 32962 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MELISS~2.JPG 127446 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [747x1128x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MELISS~4.JPG 102238 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [760x1177x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MELISS~6.JPG 102035 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [733x1132x16m] Upload par: THERAPY MS-FM014.JPG 55177 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY MS-FM018.JPG 22641 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY M_GRIFFI.JPG 36283 10-11-96 Melanie Griffin JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY NERIAH00.JPG 185249 10-11-96 Neriah Davis JPEG v1.1 [604x785x16m] Upload par: THERAPY NERIAH09.JPG 137823 10-11-96 Neriah Davis JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY NERIAH17.JPG 18617 10-11-96 Neriah Davis JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY NERIAH32.JPG 115665 10-11-96 Neriah Davis JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY NERIAH44.JPG 181744 10-11-96 Neriah Davis JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY NEWLOOK1.JPG 60390 10-11-96 Tiffany Amber Tiessen (issue de NeWLoOk) JPEG v1.1 [541x722x16m] Upload par: THERAPY PBBAMG01.JPG 177795 10-11-96 Gianna Amore JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY PPRAMG02.JPG 170995 10-11-96 Gianna Amore JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY PPRAMG06.JPG 181763 10-11-96 Gianna Amore JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY R75UD.JPG 112486 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY RED3.JPG 47884 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [588x297x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SABATINI.JPG 102270 01-08-97 Un joli photo de la Tennis-Woman bien connu. JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Feanor, The Fire Mind SB_BRA.JPG 82314 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [576x772x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SCULLY.ZIP 223733 02-12-97 Quelques Images de Scully Softs. Maintenant vous saurez pourquoi vous aimez X-Files... Download les @FIRST@ Upload par: SCoTT RuSSeL SLUT2.JPG 70503 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [380x473x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SM0010.JPG 118064 10-07-96 Sophie MARCEAU JPEG v1.1 [713x966x16m] Upload par: Patrice Wone SOMER2.JPG 9752 10-11-96 Donna Summer (Notre belle famille M6) JPEG v1.1 [147x300x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SPICE1.JPG 33606 03-03-97 Photo des Spice Girls ! JPEG v1.2 [211x423x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SPICE2.JPG 46840 03-03-97 Photo des Spice Girls ! JPEG v1.2 [211x423x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SPICE3.JPG 39366 03-03-97 Photo des Spice Girls ! JPEG v1.2 [685x262x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SPICE5.JPG 45876 03-03-97 Photo des Spice Girls ! JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY SPICE6.JPG 23663 03-03-97 Photo des Spice Girls ! JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY SPICE7.JPG 43780 03-03-97 Photo des Spice Girls ! JPEG v1.1 [429x605x16m] Upload par: THERAPY SWEET.JPG 204363 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY TABAT1.JPG 54741 01-07-97 tabatha cash images JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: SCoTT RuSSeL TABAT2.JPG 61776 01-07-97 tabatha cash images JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: SCoTT RuSSeL TABHARD.JPG 29148 10-11-96 Tabatha Cash JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY TEE052.JPG 29333 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [368x276x16m] Upload par: THERAPY TEEN.JPG 29403 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [692x176x16m] Upload par: THERAPY TEEN010.JPG 30025 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [398x633x16m] Upload par: THERAPY TEEN2023.JPG 95487 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY THATCH~1.JPG 13515 03-31-97 Terry Hatcher JPEG v1.1 [223x478x16m] Upload par: THERAPY THATCH~2.JPG 37077 03-31-97 Terry Hatcher JPEG v1.1 [614x415x16m] Upload par: THERAPY THATCH~3.JPG 13853 03-31-97 Terry Hatcher JPEG v1.1 [245x288x16m] Upload par: THERAPY THATCH~4.JPG 27383 03-31-97 Terry Hatcher JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY THATCH~5.JPG 23986 03-31-97 Terry Hatcher JPEG v1.1 [293x443x16m] Upload par: THERAPY THATCH~6.JPG 45936 03-31-97 Terry Hatcher JPEG v1.1 [630x474x16m] Upload par: THERAPY THATCH~7.JPG 53212 03-31-97 Terry Hatcher JPEG v1.1 [645x400x16m] Upload par: THERAPY TO68.JPG 8543 03-31-97 JPEG v1.1 [185x280x16m] Upload par: THERAPY VRGN1-01.JPG 29129 03-31-97 JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY WHITE12.JPG 49313 03-21-97 Image de cul : Zara White et son mari ! JPEG v1.1 [517x768x16m] Upload par: JaMeS WHITE9.JPG 45698 03-21-97 Image de cul : Zara White et son mari ! JPEG v1.1 [540x725x16m] Upload par: JaMeS WITT.JPG 76548 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY YORK2.JPG 160646 10-11-96 Alisson Armittage (Britany York) [Agence Acapulco] JPEG v1.1 [1024x722x16m] Upload par: THERAPY YOU6.JPG 31516 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY YUNG19.JPG 28013 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY ZN27-10.JPG 54598 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY ZN27-18.JPG 57528 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY ZN27-39.JPG 56229 03-31-97 JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY ZWITHES1.JPG 38834 10-02-96 Une photo de Zara Whites! JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: Benjamin Dauvergne Principale: 56) #Cd STuFF '96 TouTeS LeS iMaGeS De L'aNNe '96 SuR Cd ! Principale: 57) Divers, inclassable ... !2GRLKIS.JPG 37332 08-08-96 2 Lesbiennes se mangent le minou JPEG v1.1 [369x480x16m] Upload par: THERAPY 095.GIF 108990 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy 1.JPG 21988 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho 10.JPG 68491 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.1 [532x768x16m] Upload par: Malbicho 109.JPG 37112 08-21-96 Image de Q! JPEG v1.1 [640x480x16m] Upload par: Nicolas Chan 1NIGHT03.GIF 342990 01-02-96 [1024x768x256] Upload par: Therapy 1NIGHT04.GIF 377033 01-02-96 [1024x768x256] Upload par: Therapy 2-CUMS.GIF 158176 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy 2LESB.GIF 112972 08-30-96 plaisirs entre 2 brunes GIF v.87a [490x400x256] Upload par: Malbicho 2REDS1.GIF 202168 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy 30.JPG 35328 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho 37.JPG 10377 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.0 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho 3SUM_05.GIF 67972 01-02-96 [281x325x256] Upload par: Therapy 4.JPG 35314 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho 45L.JPG 17143 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.1 [288x444x16m] Upload par: Malbicho 4MELONS.GIF 131072 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy 4Z.JPG 25389 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho 52.JPG 38171 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.1 [478x480x16m] Upload par: Malbicho 52L.JPG 16638 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.1 [288x446x16m] Upload par: Malbicho 59L.JPG 11660 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.1 [288x461x16m] Upload par: Malbicho 5Y.JPG 23603 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho 5Z.JPG 31287 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho 6.JPG 30278 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho 6T9H-O.GIF 157273 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy 92.GIF 116176 01-02-96 [608x456x256] Upload par: Therapy 95.JPG 36467 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho 95B.JPG 36129 07-23-96 Belles issues du Net JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho ADPIC.GIF 255176 01-02-96 [734x539x256] Upload par: Therapy AERO510.GIF 411273 01-02-96 [1024x768x256] Upload par: Therapy AGORAL12.GIF 111320 01-02-96 [640x400x256] Upload par: Therapy AIRBRN06.GIF 164059 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy AMBER004.GIF 70377 02-05-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy AN1.GIF 135806 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy AN2.GIF 130584 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy AN3.GIF 120634 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy AN4.GIF 116272 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy ANNMAR02.JPG 48551 07-23-96 Une jolie minette (rotique) JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho ANNMAR03.JPG 66877 07-23-96 Une jolie minette (rotique) JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho ANNMAR08.JPG 61617 07-23-96 Une jolie minette (rotique) JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho ARCHIT.GIF 163715 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy ARMY1.GIF 119517 01-02-96 [640x400x256] Upload par: Therapy AS075108.GIF 391917 01-02-96 [1024x768x256] Upload par: Therapy ASIA3WAY.GIF 126676 01-02-96 [638x391x256] Upload par: Therapy ASIABJ.GIF 174982 01-02-96 [497x655x256] Upload par: Therapy ASSF0067.GIF 239905 01-02-96 [949x478x256] Upload par: Therapy ASSFUK8.GIF 174394 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy ATTIC6.GIF 133851 01-02-96 [461x454x256] Upload par: Therapy ATTIC7.GIF 111833 01-02-96 [415x442x256] Upload par: Therapy ATTIC8.GIF 153300 01-02-96 [614x430x256] Upload par: Therapy ATTN.JPG 65555 07-11-96 Une petite image de cul (une pub) JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Gauthier Segay A_PAIR.GIF 114457 02-05-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy B228.GIF 169101 01-02-96 [621x445x256] Upload par: Therapy BETH2.GIF 134380 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy BIG.GIF 161966 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy BITCH-01.JPG 69378 07-29-96 une image d une femme qui taille un ppp... JPEG v1.1 [363x471x16m] Upload par: Gauthier Segay BLCKWHI2.GIF 117438 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy BLCKWHI3.GIF 131242 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy BLKP1A.JPG 70752 07-23-96 Une belle brune ... JPEG v1.1 [503x678x16m] Upload par: Malbicho BLKP1B.JPG 68035 07-23-96 Une belle brune ... JPEG v1.1 [470x663x16m] Upload par: Malbicho BLKP1C.JPG 71167 07-23-96 Une belle brune ... JPEG v1.1 [479x724x16m] Upload par: Malbicho BLKSTUD5.GIF 118143 01-02-96 [399x396x256] Upload par: Therapy BLK_ASS5.GIF 103210 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy BLOCLB.GIF 139986 01-02-96 [466x480x256] Upload par: Therapy BLONBEA.JPG 86617 08-08-96 Une superbe blonde a poil dans une piscine JPEG v1.1 [319x466x16m] Upload par: THERAPY BORDER6.GIF 112673 01-02-96 [378x473x256] Upload par: Therapy BRIANNA2.JPG 80381 08-08-96 Une superbe blonde vous prsente ses atouts ! JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: THERAPY BSXXX021.GIF 90734 01-02-96 [394x423x256] Upload par: Therapy BTND1.GIF 62717 01-02-96 [373x291x256] Upload par: Therapy BTND2.GIF 59542 01-02-96 [364x286x256] Upload par: Therapy BUNG1.GIF 201416 01-02-96 [616x381x256] Upload par: Therapy BUNG2.GIF 208361 01-02-96 [610x406x256] Upload par: Therapy BUNG3.GIF 156422 01-02-96 [431x480x256] Upload par: Therapy BUTTFUCK.GIF 99136 01-02-96 [467x421x256] Upload par: Therapy C10601.GIF 67438 03-25-96 fichier xxx [640x480x256] Upload par: Bruno Boulatoff CARLA_1.GIF 157357 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy CARLA_3.GIF 141628 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy CARLA_5.GIF 170135 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy CASS3.GIF 180862 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy CCXXIDX1.GIF 115407 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy CCXXIDX2.GIF 114797 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy CCXXIDX3.GIF 126992 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy CHE-1.GIF 148222 01-02-96 [451x473x256] Upload par: Therapy CHE-2.GIF 151039 01-02-96 [452x478x256] Upload par: Therapy CHE-8.GIF 149696 01-02-96 [451x480x256] Upload par: Therapy CHEERS!.GIF 63531 01-02-96 [420x672x32] Upload par: Therapy CLARA11.GIF 153073 01-02-96 [422x480x256] Upload par: Therapy CLOSUP01.GIF 157600 01-02-96 [758x498x256] Upload par: Therapy CLOSUP02.GIF 81866 01-02-96 [341x404x256] Upload par: Therapy CLOSUP03.GIF 102065 01-02-96 [542x331x256] Upload par: Therapy CLOSUP04.GIF 203208 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy CLOSUP05.GIF 95344 01-02-96 [300x529x256] Upload par: Therapy CLOSUP06.GIF 157092 01-02-96 [1024x768x256] Upload par: Therapy COCKTST3.GIF 96504 01-02-96 [338x475x256] Upload par: Therapy COUSIN5.GIF 174259 01-02-96 [552x397x256] Upload par: Therapy COUSIN6.GIF 151036 01-02-96 [439x478x256] Upload par: Therapy CROWDED.GIF 122036 01-02-96 [371x469x256] Upload par: Therapy CRYSTAL3.GIF 173401 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy CUDI0009.GIF 177097 01-02-96 [634x472x256] Upload par: Therapy CUFIN000.GIF 178723 01-02-96 [634x478x256] Upload par: Therapy CUFIS002.GIF 355308 01-02-96 [944x709x256] Upload par: Therapy CUM13.GIF 118584 01-02-96 [375x600x256] Upload par: Therapy CUM14.GIF 103274 01-02-96 [384x466x256] Upload par: Therapy CUM15.GIF 126166 01-02-96 [401x600x256] Upload par: Therapy CUMASS.GIF 120019 01-02-96 [426x421x256] Upload par: Therapy CUMM0102.GIF 130997 01-02-96 [955x238x256] Upload par: Therapy CUMM0103.GIF 503552 01-02-96 [952x949x256] Upload par: Therapy CUMMSHOT.GIF 104490 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy CX115.GIF 111301 01-02-96 [339x467x256] Upload par: Therapy DARRIAN2.GIF 101455 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy DARRIAN3.GIF 80770 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy DARRIAN4.GIF 89817 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy DAVIDS3.GIF 116743 01-02-96 [400x466x256] Upload par: Therapy DAVIDS5.GIF 109554 01-02-96 [401x478x256] Upload par: Therapy DOG1024.GIF 106882 01-02-96 [478x479x256] Upload par: Therapy DOLE.JPG 54170 07-23-96 Trs trs mignonne JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho DOLE2.JPG 27787 07-23-96 Trs trs mignonne JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho EB049.GIF 170723 01-02-96 [640x452x256] Upload par: Therapy EB114.GIF 177784 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy EB142.GIF 83263 01-02-96 [376x401x256] Upload par: Therapy ELECTRE3.ZIP 45157 04-20-96 Une photo hard comme une autre ;) Upload par: THERAPY ELLY.GIF 90826 01-02-96 [512x310x256] Upload par: Therapy EROS-N&C.GIF 83889 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy FEMBLISS.GIF 107094 01-02-96 [512x482x256] Upload par: Therapy GALLERY.JPG 64207 03-06-96 photo recupere sur le site playboy Upload par: Huguy GAPPING.GIF 150511 01-02-96 [575x486x256] Upload par: Therapy GODOWN.GIF 180069 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy GREDA9.GIF 128400 01-02-96 [359x456x256] Upload par: Therapy GRO015.GIF 100148 01-02-96 [524x395x256] Upload par: Therapy HA04106.GIF 44205 01-02-96 [214x330x256] Upload par: Therapy HOT-1.GIF 173571 01-02-96 [439x530x256] Upload par: Therapy HOT-10.GIF 179776 01-02-96 [582x517x256] Upload par: Therapy HOT-2.GIF 172915 01-02-96 [435x528x256] Upload par: Therapy HOT-3.GIF 168924 01-02-96 [640x528x256] Upload par: Therapy HOT-4.GIF 157125 01-02-96 [441x447x256] Upload par: Therapy HOT5.GIF 168896 01-02-96 [433x524x256] Upload par: Therapy HOT6.GIF 148608 01-02-96 [403x519x256] Upload par: Therapy HUGECLIT.GIF 145845 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy HUGECUM4.GIF 118230 01-02-96 [349x471x256] Upload par: Therapy ISLND-09.GIF 143971 01-02-96 [505x459x256] Upload par: Therapy ISLND-10.GIF 138631 01-02-96 [445x461x256] Upload par: Therapy ITA001.GIF 147358 01-02-96 [600x500x256] Upload par: Therapy ITA007.GIF 153108 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy ITA010.GIF 110856 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy ITA011.GIF 174078 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy J1.GIF 147349 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy JANDB2.GIF 69925 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy JANINE2.GIF 113955 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy JENNIE.JPG 48409 08-30-96 JENNIE LA COPINE DE SOKAN! ENJOY! TOP BONNE!! :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JPEG v1.1 [0x0x0] Upload par: Sokan JPX0110X.GIF 149461 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy JUVI006M.GIF 334540 01-02-96 [749x935x256] Upload par: Therapy JUVI006N.GIF 372226 01-02-96 [758x924x256] Upload par: Therapy JUVI007Q.GIF 183059 01-02-96 [640x457x256] Upload par: Therapy K2689.GIF 130424 01-02-96 [535x360x256] Upload par: Therapy KA-LIPS4.GIF 71236 01-02-96 [384x380x256] Upload par: Therapy KA-TT03.GIF 129232 01-02-96 [586x329x256] Upload par: Therapy KASC001.GIF 93851 01-02-96 [331x562x256] Upload par: Therapy KEYF2358.GIF 142430 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy KG-396.GIF 186607 01-02-96 [800x600x256] Upload par: Therapy KHORI05A.GIF 151238 01-02-96 [621x423x256] Upload par: Therapy KIMK1.GIF 137829 01-02-96 [480x347x256] Upload par: Therapy KIMK3.GIF 117908 01-02-96 [325x478x256] Upload par: Therapy KITCHN-8.GIF 116037 01-02-96 [396x458x256] Upload par: Therapy KITCHN-9.GIF 109307 01-02-96 [351x461x256] Upload par: Therapy KNEES.GIF 152815 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy KONA1.JPG 74734 07-23-96 Le Bon dieu sans confession JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho KONA3.JPG 80077 07-23-96 Le Bon dieu sans confession JPEG v1.2 [0x0x0] Upload par: Malbicho LATEX-06.GIF 79692 01-02-96 [340x480x256] Upload par: Therapy LATEX-08.GIF 86153 01-02-96 [342x480x256] Upload par: Therapy LEGAL-07.GIF 117870 01-02-96 [365x453x256] Upload par: Therapy LESBX-05.GIF 139264 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload par: Therapy LETHA1.GIF 141986 01-02-96 [330x480x256] Upload par: Therapy LETHA2.GIF 136741 01-02-96 [324x478x256] Upload par: Therapy LETHA3.GIF 127248 01-02-96 [317x482x256] Upload par: Therapy LEXIE-09.JPG 72366 08-08-96 Erotisme JPEG v1.0 [800x430x16m] Upload par: Force Rouge LISA1.GIF 198069 01-02-96 [534x790x256] Upload par: Therapy LNA951.GIF 86274 01-02-96 [320x480x256] Upload par: Therapy LNA954.GIF 87569 01-02-96 [320x480x256] Upload par: Therapy LNA955.GIF 82581 01-02-96 [320x480x256] Upload par: Therapy LNA956.GIF 91546 01-02-96 [320x480x256] Upload par: Therapy LNA959.GIF 90007 01-02-96 [320x480x256] Upload par: Therapy LNA95B.GIF 87041 01-02-96 [320x480x256] Upload par: Therapy LNA95H.GIF 118674 01-02-96 [480x480x256] Upload par: Therapy LOADS-06.GIF 133430 01-02-96 [466x461x256] Upload par: Therapy LOADS-07.GIF 154694 01-02-96 [456x460x256] Upload par: Therapy LOADS-10.GIF 140029 01-02-96 [458x459x256] Upload par: Therapy LORDS_28.GIF 113074 01-02-96 [640x480x256] Upload pa