GlobalNet Policy Jan 19, 1995 Version 1.01 c+ PROLOGUE This following document sets all polices that must be observed in GlobalNet Network! All nodes in (GN) will follow the same policy. The official language of (GN) is English. All other langauges may be used as long as they contain a brief summary of the post in English. (GN) will follow the Fidonet standards of communication since this method is well known throughout the world. This Policy applies to all message areas, files and netmail transmitted through the GlobalNet Network. Changes to this policy may be proposed by any member of this network or recommendations to this policy may be made by any member in (GN). Then all members of (GN) will then be able to vote for their proposal and a simple majority vote will win. Only one person per node is registered to vote or give proposals. A simple majority means more than 50 percent of those registered to vote. A registered node is one who is in the current (GN) nodelist. (GN) was developed because many sysops are getting fed up with the disarray of what goes on in other networks. Unlike other networks, where there are a couple of policies for different zones, (GN) will have one global policy that everyone will enjoy. Many people make those other networks suit their needs and not the sysops or the users needs. They would not listen to other people's plight for help. They just stick to their policy and simply do not understand that humans can not be governed by lines of text. Plus, in order for someone to change the policy, it would have to break everyone's back and hence would be impossible. That's why (GN) was started. This network is made up of sysops who understand the need for FREE communication and that this free medium can be someone's way of life in communicating to the rest of the world. Every member of (GN) has a voice and can change things. This network is for you to enjoy and for you not to put up with little kids BS! If a member of this network wants something, then we will all chip in and help that person, including the (CC), (AC) and (DC). This network is made up of friends who enjoy the freedom of communication speech. The official echo area GN.PROPOSAL will be made available to all members for them to suggest or change proposals. Nodes in Zone 51 should also link into GN.NA and nodes in Zone 52 should link into GN.EUROPE. All nodes in Zone 54 should link into GN.ZONE.54. Voting will be mostly allowed in GN.VOTE.51 for zone 51, GN.VOTE.52 for zone 52 and GN.VOTE.54 for zone 54. Other voting will be handled by the (VC) Voting Coordinator. You should be able to locate your (VC) in the nodelist by simply looking at the top of the GlobalNet nodelist. GlobalNet will consist of the following branches of coordinators: (CC) Continental Coordinator is selected by members of (GN) and his/her term of office is one year, unless a change in this policy is made by a majority of nodes. (AC) Area Coordinator is selected by members of (GN) and his/her term of office is one year, unless a change in this policy is made by a majority of nodes. (AEC) Area Echomail Coordinator is selected by members of (GN). An AEC is a person who is the main mail hub for a region. An (AEC) has no other role in (GN). (DC) District Coordinator is selected by members of (GN) and his/her term of office is one year, unless a change in this policy is made by a majority of nodes. (VC) Voting Coordinator is selected by members of (GN) and his/her term of office is one year. Each Zone will have a (VC) who is in charge of handling the votes for that zone. When a vote is called this person is in charge of counting and giving the results and maintaining the whole voting procedure of the zone. A (VC) has no other role in (GN). The idea of echomail is to share many different message area subjects between various registered nodes in GlobalNet (GN). Echomail will be offered by the (CC) or Continental Coordinator and can be considered to be the backbone sites of (GN). Each Zone will have a (CC) who is in charge of making echomail areas available to all (AC) Area Coordinators or (AECs) An (AC) is in charge of his/her region. In each region there will be (DC) District Coordinators. There may be more than one (DC) in a state and this number will depend on the amount of nodes in the district area. It is also possible for the (CC) to be a (DC). <**Echo Conference Policies**> Echo Conferences will have only a few basic rules for members and users to follow. These are the following rules: 1) Real names will be used in ALL Echomail except where otherwise noted. 2) There will be no moderator to bust your chops! 3) Echomail areas will be available to all members of (GN). 4) Any type of illegal messages will NOT be tolerated in GlobalNet. Anyone who violates this rule, will be disconnected from GlobalNet. 5) Foul or abusive language is deemed as inappropriate within non-adult echos, and repeated use of it allowed by a sysop on his/her bbs can be grounds for the BBS being removed from GlobalNet. Flames and other replies to these types of messages will also not be permitted in GlobalNet echos. 6) Messages may be posted in another language than English. However you must at least post a brief summary of what the message says in English. 7) Any member may start up an echo area and make it available to the (CC) providing that they will be the specialist and can maintain a message traffic flow. 8) Excessive posts will not be tolerated. No advertising is allowed in most of (GN) echos, unless otherwise noted. 9) If any member or user cannot adhere to these 9 rules, then they will be dealt with by their (DC), if the (DC) cannot handle it then it will move up the (GN) chain. <**Netmail Routing**> Netmail routing is a very nice feature that GlobalNet offers to sysops. This feature will allow sysops to save money when sending netmail to other GN systems. Thus, you are able to route netmail just like echomail to your uplink. You must be aware of several things when you route netmail and they are #1) Netmail can be read by systems that are transfering your message to it's destination. #2) Depending on where the netmail is destinated for, it can take several days. However, as a GlobalNet sysop, you are asked not to read netmail that is not for you. But of course, this can not be enforced. Routing the same netmail to many GN addresses for commercial use will be very annoying to the systems that have to pay to transfer these commercial mails, so don't do it! Or else you will most likely receive a nasty gram from someone complaining about it. So in this case you should Crash it out or make arrangements with your uplink for him/her to send it out. <**New Regions/Nodes**> The (AC) is responsible for creating new (DC's) in his/her region. Thus, new node applications will be forwarded to the (AC) that the node falls under. It is the (AC's) responsibility to setup that new (DC) as soon as possible. It is the job of the (DC) to link in new nodes as soon as possible to the network! <**Backup AC/DC/AEC**> (AC) and (DC's) are required to notify the following: #1) When you go on vacation and for how long. If you're a DC you must notify your AC. If you're an AC you must notify your CC. If you're an AEC you must notify the AC. #2) Who the Backup AC or DC will be while you are gone. The backup must be able to perform most of your duties until you return. (End Of File)