- ---------------------------------------->> hi dudez. this is darky' from nitrophusion/flux.. and sysop of datacrawler.. the purpose of this text is to explain why thorin, sysop of equalizer, and i, have both decided to close our boardz. people dont care about bbs's as they used to. its been a fucking kewl time when lotsa scene dudez called boardz, and traded stuff.. this was just great. good bbs's were full of userz, who were pretty much active in their own way, by either uploading or writing messages. bbs's allowed scene people to get in touch and share knowledge, and bbs's were a very efficient way to bring together various artists. it also allowed fast spreading, thanks to courriers, who dedicated their time and money to pump fresh filez as fast as possible.. unfortunately, this is all over. the few boards left cant match with the internet and winshit95 stuff, which both greatly contributed to the slow death of the recognition for bbs's. there is no more true underground scene. today every kid has a computer and playz with it, often even has an inet account, and calls himself a "netsurfer".. :)) i dont want to set up a fucking hierarchy or other similar crap, what i mean is that being a computer freak is no longer exciting as it used to be.. and the problem with that is that there is no more real scene. by looking at demopartiez, i feel real sad, not only because gamerz represent a large part of people being there, but also because all i can see is big powerful intelinsidemicrosoftsponsored machines, with people listening to mp3's, or reinstalling windows.. ;) serious, the scene which used to rock, which was full of ideas, full of strengh and creativity, is slowly dying.. most people who currently join the scene dont have this "cool" spirit. they're mostly youngster who recently got a computer and go to bed early, get good marks at school (i havent said getting good marks was bad but you know what i mean ;)).. its all going too bad.. that's why thorin and i, feel that it is time to stop wasting our time trying to make the bbs scene survive.. we really feel we're fighting for a loosing battle.. what about our boardz? well.. my board, named datacrawler, has been running for a year and a half since september 96.. located in dijon, france.. it received more than 200 different userz during this period of time, supporting more than 50 scene groupz.. thorin's board, equalizer, a bit older, is located in paris, france. its a two node system, also supporting more than 50 crewz as well as lotsa scene userz.. on sunday 14th december, the two boards will close. we both feel sorry for all the groups we used to support, and for the few users who still called.. greetingz to all the sysopz who continue to run their boardz, and to the few ld traderz left (hi radio 24!).. as well as those kewl persons left in the scene. we had great times with you guyz. if you wanna contact us, i will personally be, as before, on IRC, so you can try to catch me there.. thorin can be seen there as well.. bye.. darky'^nph.tds.flx.xgj ..and remember, our boards will stay online until sun14/12/97.. <<--------------------------------------- -