- - -------------------------------------------------------------- - - : : :: :::[boards^of^darkness]::: :: : : - - -------------------------------------------------------------- - - heya dudez, dis is darky' syzup uv datacrawler typin on da keyboard.. first, why do a bbs list as it is so common and spread? well.. if ya've had a look on da lists that alrea- dy exist, ya must have noticed that they alwayz list poli- tically correct bbs's ;) and that underground bbs's refuse to apply. that's why i thought it could be somehow kewl ta make a list of all da kuul french underground boardz.. and maybe da other countries' boards.. dunno.. if i have requ- ests sum day.. ok.. to be added that's really simple.. just fill the form completly 'n send it to me on dtc (+33-(0)3-80780508) with a little messy.. ya will be added for sure if yar board is somehow da underground scene(z) related..i've made dis in- stead of making a list of all the boards i know coz i want da syzups ta be able ta choose being in tha list or not... but anywayz.. why shouln't you want to be in it, huh?? ;)) ok.. hope t'll be a welcomed initiative.. cya.. ..(dky).. - - -------------------------------------------------------------- - - : : :: :::[tha^only^french^underground/art/demoz^bbs^list]::: :: : : - - -------------------------------------------------------------- - -