.s$Ss,. .,s .s$s. .s. $$b .$d²°^°²S$Ss,. $s. .$S²° $$^$$ $$$ `$$. .oO$Oo. .$' `°²S$ `°²$s, .$' $$ $$$ `$$. .sS$S²°^°²$s. .$' .sss .d$ °²$$' .,s $$ $$$ `$$,sS$S^ ²$. .$' d$ $$ .$$$oo `$. .$S²° $$ `²' .,sS$$$$^ trixnet `$s. .$ .$$²²' .$$' `$. .$' $S²°' `$$. intro file ²$s.$'.$$ oo .$$ ,$ `$.$' `$$ ²S' `$$$' $$$$' `²' the best file net for ansi, demos and H/P/A/V stuff .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. |%% How It All Began %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%| `---------------------------------------------------------------------------' 24th July 1996 The whole network was the 'brainchild' of RiP and FUSiON, however, it didnt last more than a couple of months :(.. I have just taken over as Coordinator and will hopefully be making this network a VERY KEWL network.. I have now set up a complete set of mail and file echos, but the net will be specialising in files in the ansi scene, and the demo scene as well as distributing the latest H/P/A/V!!! There will be new files hatched almost daily, depending on how many new files we get per week. For a list of all the echoes, take a look at the ECHOLIST.TXT file, and you will see the substantial amount of echoes that we have. The mail won't actually be concentrated on, its just there really for if we ever need to mail each other, and maybe sometimes might need to ask for stuff or something like that. I'm also going to gate a selection of Internet Newsgroups and offer anyone in the net who wants it with FULL internet e-mail.. If anyone wants extra newsgroups added, just gimme a shout... Also, I will put your Location/Telephone number on the TRiXNET homepage (http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/9251) unless you dont want me to ... .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. |%% KewL! I wanna join! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%| `---------------------------------------------------------------------------' Ok..so you've read this far, and reckon the net is kewl... you now need to fill out the app form included with this info pack (TRIXAPP.ASC or TRIXAPP.ANS if you're kewl :)) and upload it to MiDNIGHT BBS (+44 (0)1280 700677), and your app will be processed straight away. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. |%% Rules %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%| `---------------------------------------------------------------------------' [General Rules] = TRiXNET should be free of charge to you, and you can't charge people access to it. = TRiXNET nodes can only be given out by Zone Coordinators (ZCs), Region Coordinators (RCs), and Host Coordinators (HCs), but all nodes MUST be approved by the WHQ when the weekly nodelist is generated!!! = You may only use one handle/alias, so if you slag people off, you can't go away and hide. You get what you deserve :). = ANSi is allowed to be used in some of the mail echos... = Swearing is allowed, but excessive swearing at people (calling yourself a f**king twat is ok) will result in a ban from the echo. = The ZCs reserve a right to kick you out if we don't want you in our net. = You must poll for mail at least once a week. = We don't think that we need moderators of echoes, because we think that you are old enough to behave yourself now without someone telling you what to do and how to do it all the time. [All TRiXNET sysops must:] = Restrict users' access to the appropiate mail and file echoes. = Display the TRiXNET ANSi that is included with this package on their BBS login. (NODE.ANS) (Although this may be skipped via a 'quick' login) = Make sure your users follow the rules of TRiXNET. = Make sure TRiXNET isn't abused = Lead by example = Be good little boys and girls = Not be boring gits = ENJOY THE NETWORK! .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. |%% The Last Disclaimer Bit %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%| `---------------------------------------------------------------------------' These rules have been formed and agreed by the founders of TRiXNET (RiP and FuSioN) and also Maelstrom, and must be adhered to. I will ALWAYS have the final say in things, but thats only if things get out of hand. If there are any reasons to change these rules, we have the right to and we will. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. |%% The Kewl TRiXNET askii logo again :) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%| `---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .s$Ss,. .,s .s$s. .s. $$b .$d²°^°²S$Ss,. $s. .$S²° $$^$$ $$$ `$$. .oO$Oo. .$' `°²S$ `°²$s, .$' $$ $$$ `$$. .sS$S²°^°²$s. .$' .sss .d$ °²$$' .,s $$ $$$ `$$,sS$S^ ²$. .$' d$ $$ .$$$oo `$. .$S²° $$ `²' .,sS$$$$^ trixnet `$s. .$ .$$²²' .$$' `$. .$' $S²°' `$$. intro file ²$s.$'.$$ oo .$$ ,$ `$.$' `$$ ²S' `$$$' $$$$' `²' the best file net for ansi, demos and H/P/A/V stuff