VirNet Virus Resource Information Net (C) 1991-1994, Mikael Larsson - Virus Help Centre Application for Nodenumber in VirNet VirNet is a non-profit network, and the provides all members of VirNet with all the latest information about the situation with viruses. VirNet also provides the latest versions of the most of the known antivirus programs, such as McAfee's SCAN/CLEAN etc, Fprot, TbScan, VirX etc etc. VirNet also provides the members with all the latest issues from Virus-L the discussion meeting from Usenet, Moderated by Ken R. van Wyk. VirNet is free to all private users, companys and other commercial users must pay a yearly membership to gain access to VirNet and to get a nodenumber. All money received from Memberships goes to cover the expenses of running VirNet, and to get more information. For more information about commercial nodenumbers, please contact the Zone Coordinator. Please fill in the information requested below: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBS-Name ...................... : SysOp Name .................... : Private or Open node .......... : FidoNet Number (if Available).. : Location (City) ............... : Phone number to BBS ........... : System Open (Use GMT please)... : Speed of Modem ................ : Crashmail accepted ............ : Filerequests accepted ......... : Other Flags ................... : Please Specify what Software you are currently using to your BBS --------------------------------- Software (BBS) ................ : SoftWare (Mailer) ............. : Software (Tosser) ............. : Password to use with AreaMgr/Fix, Tick/Raid and as Session Password --------------------------------- Password to use ............... : Enter Home Address to SysOp: --------------------------------- Address line 1 ................ : Address line 2 ................ : Address line 3 ................ : Address line 4 ................ : Country ....................... : Voice Number Daytime .......... : Voice Number evenings ......... : --------------------------------- All members in VirNet agrees to follow all current rules and all new rules posted by ZoneHost, International Coordinator or Region Host. All nodes also agrees to carry the international sysop meeting, the regional sysop meeting and the file-echo named VIR_NODE (distribution of node-diffs). All members also agree on not spreading computer viruses or provide access to users in their BBSes to download viruses from their BBS, they also agree on not being a member of any of the existing virus groups. Date .......................... : Do You agree on the above (Y/N).: